
China continues to hide, obfuscate Covid-19 data from world: Pompeo


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals [electronic resource] : from basic research to clinical practice / edited by Andrea C. Gore

Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, c2007


Drug and biological development [electronic resource] : from molecule to product and beyond / editor, Ronald P. Evens

New York ; London : Springer, 2007


Biochar-augmented biofilters to improve pollutant removal from stormwater – can they improve receiving water quality?

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00027B, Critical Review
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Alexandria B. Boehm, Colin D. Bell, Nicole J. M. Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gallo, Christopher P. Higgins, Terri S. Hogue, Richard G. Luthy, Andrea C. Portmann, Bridget A. Ulrich, Jordyn M. Wolfand
Stormwater biofilters are being implemented widely in urban environments to provide green space, alleviate flooding, and improve stormwater quality.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Enhanced removal of organic pollutants from super heavy oil wastewater using specially modified lignite activated coke

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00033G, Paper
Kun Tong, Guodong Ji, Fan Nie, Mingdong Zhang, Wen Ren, Shuixiang Xie
Lignite activated coke (LAC) has been modified in situ by adsorbing the biodegradation effluent of super heavy oil wastewater (SHOW) to extract organic pollutants from raw SHOW before biodegradation is investigated.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Effect of antimicrobial washout from anaerobic digesters on microbial community composition

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00094A, Paper
Anthony D. Kappell, Daniel E. Carey, Daniel H. Zitomer, Patrick J. McNamara
Differences in abundance of genera key to methanogenesis and anaerobic digestion persist after antimicrobial washout.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Graphene stimulating nucleation-and-growth rate of NaCl crystals from hypersaline solution via membrane crystallization

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C9EW01124B, Paper
Annarosa Gugliuzza, Maria Luisa Perrotta, Francesca Macedonio, Elena Tocci, Lidietta Giorno, Enrico Drioli
Membrane crystallization (MCr) is regarded as a powerful tool for promoting the formation of crystals of salt from hypersaline solutions such as seawater brine. In this kind of process, a...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Adsorption performance and mechanism of antibiotics from aqueous solution on porous boron-nitride-carbon nanosheets

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00117A, Paper
Gang Wang, Yunqi Zhang, Shiyong Wang, Yuwei Wang, Haoran Song, Sihao Lv, Changping Li
Antibiotics are a class of emerging contaminants with a potential threat to human and animal health. Chloramphenicol (CAP) and Roxithromycin (ROX) which are extensively used have been attracted attention recently....
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Molecular Mechanisms and Potential Applications for the Intrinsic Chemiluminescence Production from the Degradation of Haloaromatic Pollutants during Environmentally-Friendly Advanced Oxidation Processes

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00325E, Perspective
Li Mao, Hui-Ying Gao, Bo Shao, Chun-Hua Huang, Ben-Zhan Zhu
The ubiquitous distribution of halogenated aromatic compounds (XAr) coupled with their carcinogenicity has raised public concerns on their potential risks to both human health and our ecosystem. Recently, advanced oxidation...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Emerging investigator series: formation of brominated haloacetamides from trihalomethanes during zero-valent iron reduction and subsequent booster chlorination in drinking water distribution

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, 6,1244-1255
DOI: 10.1039/C9EW00977A, Paper
Pengzhou Luo, FeiFei Wang, Stuart W. Krasner, Chao Fang, Shenghua Chen, Wenhai Chu
This study investigated the transformation of a THM mixture and the change of toxicity risk in drinking water distribution systems for the first time.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The effects of water chemistry on the detachment and dissolution of differently stabilized silver nanoparticles from ceramic membranes

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, 6,1347-1356
DOI: 10.1039/C9EW01141B, Paper
Anne M. Mikelonis, Lewis Stetson Rowles, Desmond F. Lawler
A multilevel statistical model was developed to demonstrate stabilizing agent impact on detachment of silver nanoparticles from ceramic water treatment membranes.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Investigation of metaldehyde removal by powdered activated carbon from different water samples

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, 6,1432-1444
DOI: 10.1039/C9EW00962K, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Zhuojun Li, Juntao Li, Zhengxiao Guo, Luiza C. Campos
Applying PAC to the water sample collected after static flocculation (position 2) gave the best result regarding the removal of metaldehyde.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Stable immobilized amine sorbents for heavy metal and REE removal from industrial wastewaters

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, 6,1286-1299
DOI: 10.1039/C9EW00915A, Paper
Walter Christopher Wilfong, Brian W. Kail, Qiuming Wang, Fan Shi, Greg Shipley, Thomas J. Tarka, McMahan L. Gray
Stable and immobilized amine sorbents can simultaneously remove/recover cationic and oxyanionic toxic metals plus valuable rare earth elements from industrial and mining effluents prior to discharging into environmental water systems.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Emerging investigator series: phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater by adsorption on steelmaking slag preceding forward osmosis: an integrated process

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00187B, Paper
Biplob Kumar Pramanik, Md. Aminul Islam, Muhammad Bilal Asif, Rajeev Roychand, Sagor Kumar Pramanik, Kalpit Shah, Muhammed Bhuiyan, Faisal Hai
Phosphorus is a critical non-renewable mineral essential for sustainable crop production.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Author Salon: Ronald C. White

The John W. Kluge Center invites you to a Kluge Center Author Salon with Ronald C. White

Free tickets are available here.

Please join the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress for a talk on the leadership lessons we can take from former presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 30, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Library of Congress’s Thomas Jefferson Building.

A reception will follow the discussion.

Ronald C. White is the author of numerous books, including a biography of Grant and three books on Lincoln: A. Lincoln: A Biography (2009), Lincoln’s Greatest Speech: The Second Inaugural (2002), and The Eloquent President: A Portrait of Lincoln Through His Words (2005). Assistant Deputy Librarian Colleen Shogan will interview White on leadership as well as the challenges American communities face regarding monuments to historic figures.

Tickets are recommended, but not required, and are free.

Register for a ticket here.

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Request ADA accommodations five days in advance at (202) 707-6362 or

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: An invitation to Dynamics of Presidential Primaries

The John W. Kluge Center invites you to an event looking at the dynamics of presidential primaries.

The event will take place on Thursday, November 7, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building. Free tickets are available here.

Kluge Center Director John Haskell will moderate a discussion on the dynamics of presidential primaries, timed just months before primary season begins. Julia Azari, former Kluge Center Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Marquette University political science professor, and Amy Walter, national editor of the Cook Political Report, will be panelists.

They will discuss the role of debates and endorsements in primaries, as well as the question of electability and the major changes affecting political parties and primary processes.

A reception will follow the program.

Tickets are recommended, but not required, and are free.

Register for a ticket here.

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Request ADA accommodations five days in advance at (202) 707-6362 or

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Karen Armstrong on the Lost Art of Scripture

Please join us for a National Book Festival Presents event with Karen Armstrong

The event will take place on Wednesday, November 6, in the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building. Free tickets are available here.

At a time of intolerance and mutual incomprehension, renowned scholar and TED Prize-winner Karen Armstrong's latest book The Lost Art of Scripture shines fresh light on the world's major religions to help us build bridges between faiths and rediscover a creative and spiritual engagement with holy texts.

Karen Armstrong is the author of numerous books on religious affairs, including The Case for God, A History of God, The Battle for God, Holy War, Islam, Buddha, and The Great Transformation, as well as a memoir, The Spiral Staircase. Her work has been translated into forty-five languages. In 2008, she was awarded the TED Prize and began working with TED on the Charter for Compassion, created online by the general public, and crafted by leading thinkers in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The charter was launched globally in the fall of 2009. She is currently an ambassador for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.

The event is free and open to the public; however, tickets are required for entry. Seating is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. A ticket does not guarantee entry into the event.

Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of house management. We recommend arriving when doors open.

Tickets are recommended, but not required, and are free.

Register for a ticket here.

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Request ADA accommodations five days in advance at (202) 707-6362 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: You are invited to an Author Salon with Danielle Allen

The John W. Kluge Center invites you to an Author Salon with Danielle Allen

Get your free tickets here.

Please join us for an event in which Danielle Allen will discuss the meaning of the text of the Declaration of Independence. She is the author of Our Declaration (2015), which makes the case that the Declaration of Independence was intended to ensure equality as much as it was intended to secure freedom.

The event will be held at noon on November 12, in Room LJ-119 of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building.

Allen is the Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University as well as the author of several books, including Education and Equality (2016) and Cuz: The Life and Times of Michael A. (2017).

Tickets are recommended, but not required, and are free.

Register for a ticket here.

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Request ADA accommodations five days in advance at (202) 707-6362 or

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or



News from the John W. Kluge Center: Happening This Week: 100 Years of Women Voting

Get your free tickets here.

This Thursday, November 21, at 4pm in the Thomas Jefferson Building’s Coolidge Auditorium, the John W. Kluge Center will hold a discussion of the 100 years of women voting since the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Assistant Deputy Librarian Colleen Shogan will lead a panel featuring two leading scholars on women and voting: Christina Wolbrecht of the University of Notre Dame, and Jane Junn of the University of Southern California. Wolbrecht is the co-author of the forthcoming book A Century of Votes for Women: American Elections Since Suffrage.

This event will highlight the recently opened LOC exhibit, “Shall Not Be Denied: Women Fight for the Vote,” which will be open for viewing after the event.

The event is free, but due to expected demand, tickets are recommended. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Register for a ticket here.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: You are invited: The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Future of Democracy

Thursday, December 5, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building, the John W. Kluge Center will hold a discussion marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Get your free tickets here.

Hope M. Harrison and Constanze Stelzenmüller will take part in a discussion moderated by Kluge Center Director John Haskell.

Harrison is an expert on the Berlin Wall, the Cold War, and contemporary Germany, and is Associate Professor of History and International Affairs in the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. She is the author of the new book, After the Berlin Wall: Memory and the Making of the New Germany, 1989 to the Present (2019).

Stelzenmüller is an expert on German, European, and transatlantic foreign and security policy and strategy. She is the inaugural Robert Bosch senior fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution and the Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations at the Kluge Center.

The event is free, but due to expected demand, tickets are recommended. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed. Register for a ticket here.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Don’t miss out: 30 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Get your free tickets here.

This week, on Thursday, December 5, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building, the John W. Kluge Center will hold a discussion marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Hope M. Harrison and Constanze Stelzenmüller will take part in a discussion moderated by Kluge Center Director John Haskell on the history of the wall itself, why it fell, and how German reunification impacts today’s politics and the future of democracy.

The event is free, but due to expected demand, tickets are recommended. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Register for a ticket here.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or



News from the John W. Kluge Center: You are invited to Whistleblowing in Historical Context

Whistleblowing in Historical Context: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Get your free tickets here.

On Tuesday, January 14, at 4pm, in room LJ-119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building, the John W. Kluge Center will hold a discussion on whistleblowing, featuring perspectives from the realms of medical research, national security, and congressional committees.

The panel will feature Carl Elliott, professor in the Center for Bioethics at the University of Minnesota and current Cary and Ann Maguire Chair in Ethics and American History, Allison Stanger, professor of International Politics and Economics at Middlebury College, and Emilia DiSanto, former Deputy Inspector General to the U.S. Department of State and Chief Investigative Counsel and Special Counsel to the Senate Committee on Finance. Kluge Center Director John Haskell will moderate.

A reception will follow the discussion.

The event is free, but tickets are recommended. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Register for a ticket here.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: You Are Invited to a Author Salon with Susan Schneider on Artificial Intelligence

Join Us for a Kluge Center Author Salon with Susan Schneider on Artificial Intelligence

Get your free tickets here.

On Thursday January 30, at 4pm in the Montpelier Room of the Madison Building, the John W. Kluge Center will hold a discussion with Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology, Exploration, and Scientific Innovation Susan Schneider.

Schneider will discuss her new book, Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind, which is an exploration of what artificial intelligence can, and cannot, achieve.

Humans may not be Earth’s most intelligent beings for much longer: the world champions of chess, Go, and Jeopardy! are now all AIs. Given the rapid pace of progress in AI, many predict that it could advance to human-level intelligence within the next several decades. From there, it could quickly outpace human intelligence. What do these developments mean for the future of the mind?

In Artificial You, Susan Schneider says that it is inevitable that AI will take intelligence in new directions, but urges that it is up to us to carve out a sensible path forward. As AI technology turns inward, reshaping the brain, as well as outward, potentially creating machine minds, it is crucial to beware. Homo sapiens, as mind designers, will be playing with “tools” they do not understand how to use: the self, the mind, and consciousness. Schneider argues that an insufficient grasp of the nature of these entities could undermine the use of AI and brain enhancement technology, bringing about the demise or suffering of conscious beings. To flourish, we must grasp the philosophical issues lying beneath the algorithms.

Schneider will discuss these topics and more, with a reception to follow.

The event is free, but tickets are recommended. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Register for a ticket here.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: An Invitation from the Library of Congress

Join Us for a Kluge Center Author Salon with Ivan Krastev on The Light That Failed: Why the West Is Losing the Fight for Democracy.

Get your free tickets here.

On Wednesday, February 19, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building, former Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations Ivan Krastev will speak about his new book on Europe’s past, present, and future.

In this insightful work of political history (shortlisted for the prestigious Lionel Gelber Prize), Krastev and co-author Stephen Holmes argue that the supposed end of Communism turned out to be only the beginning of the age of the autocrat. Reckoning with the history of the last thirty years, they show that the most powerful force behind the wave of populist xenophobia that began in Eastern Europe stems from resentment at the post-1989 imperative to become Westernized.

A reception will follow the discussion.

Get your free tickets here.

The event is free, but tickets are recommended. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: TOMORROW - Ivan Krastev on Europe's Illiberal Turn

It's not too late to sign up for our author salon with Ivan Krastev on The Light That Failed: Why the West Is Losing the Fight for Democracy.

Get your free tickets here.

It’s happening TOMORROW, February 19, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building.

Join former Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations Ivan Krastev as he is interviewed on his new book about Europe’s, and the world’s, turn towards illiberalism.

A reception will follow the discussion.

Get your free tickets here.

The event is free, but registration is recommended. Entry is not guaranteed.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Fergus Bordewich on Congress at War, Register Today

Join the John W. Kluge Center for an Author Salon with Fergus M. Bordewich on Congress at War: How Republican Reformers Fought the Civil War, Defied Lincoln, Ended Slavery, and Remade America.

Get your free tickets here.

On March 10, 2020, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Fergus M. Bordewich will be interviewed by Becky Brasington Clark, director of the Library of Congress Publishing Office about the role of Congress during the Civil War.

A reception will follow the discussion.

Get your free tickets here.

The event is free, but tickets are recommended. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Happening TOMORROW: Fergus Bordewich on Congress at War

Tomorrow, join the John W. Kluge Center for an Author Salon with Fergus M. Bordewich on Congress at War: How Republican Reformers Fought the Civil War, Defied Lincoln, Ended Slavery, and Remade America.

Get your free tickets here.

On Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at 4pm in room LJ-119 of the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Fergus M. Bordewich will be interviewed by Becky Brasington Clark, director of the Library of Congress Publishing Office about the role of Congress during the Civil War.

A reception will follow the discussion.

Get your free tickets here.

The event is free, but tickets are recommended. Visit the event ticketing site for more information and to secure your ticket. Entry is not guaranteed.

Questions? Please contact (202) 707-9219 or


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Applications Now Open for New Fellowship in Congressional Policymaking

Applications are now open for the Library of Congress Fellowship in Congressional Policymaking.

Negotiation is vital to public policymaking in the U.S. Congress. In fact, legislative productivity is dependent on effective legislative negotiations, given the complexities of our system of separated branches with a bicameral legislature.

 In an effort to support scholarship in this area, the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress invites qualified scholars to apply for a post-doctoral fellowship in the field of congressional policymaking, with a special focus on legislative negotiations.

Apply here. And check the fellowship requirements and eligibility information here.

The application deadline is currently set for June 15, but we will be revisiting this deadline as the COVID-19 situation develops. Please respond to this email if you are currently applying or interested in applying for this fellowship and are having trouble meeting the deadline. Kluge staff will be in touch with you.

The fellowship program is made possible by generous support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.


News from the John W. Kluge Center: In the Know - A Newsletter of the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress

In the Know

A Newsletter of the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress

We at the Kluge Center extend our heartfelt support for all affected by this outbreak and recognize the need for connection in these difficult times. In that spirit, we introduce this newsletter to our supporters and friends who may be missing the intellectual stimulation of our panel discussions and author salons. Below please find helpful links to resources for viewing past discussions, blog posts, and updates for current fellowship applications. We will also use this newsletter to announce upcoming events. If you know others who may also be interested in our activities, please forward this email their way. As always, the Kluge Center remains committed to bringing the best in publicly engaged conversations your way. Be well, and let’s keep the conversation going.

JH, Director


Insights: The Kluge Center’s Blog

It’s a great time to check out the Kluge Center’s blog. We’ve recently published a Women’s History Month look at scholars in residence, an interview with a scholar of the history of energy security and energy policy in the US, and one post in which several scholars shared their most interesting recent finds at the Library.


Fellowship Applications:

We are still processing fellowship applications, and will be assessing whether deadline extensions are appropriate. Please respond to this email if you are currently applying or interested in applying for a fellowship and are having trouble meeting the deadline. Kluge staff will be in touch with you.

Currently open applications:

Kluge Staff Fellowship
Updated Deadline: May 1

Philip Lee Phillips Society Fellowship
Current Deadline: April 15

David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality
Current Deadline: May 1

Library of Congress Fellowship in Congressional Policymaking
Current Deadline: June 15


Public events are currently postponed. Watch this space for updates as we continue monitoring the situation and decide when it is appropriate to begin scheduling in-person public events. In the meantime, dozens of videos of our past events are available on the Library of Congress Youtube.

Social Media:

Be sure to follow our Twitter account to get all the latest on our blog posts, open applications, and any future events.

We Want to Hear From You:

Do you have thoughts on what would make an interesting blog post? What about an idea for event programming when public events are back up and running? Please reply to this email or contact Andrew Breiner at


News from the John W. Kluge Center: Applications Open April 15 for Kluge Fellowships

Applications open next Wednesday, April 15 for Kluge Fellowships at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.

Twelve Kluge Fellowships are awarded each year through a competitive selection process. Kluge Fellowships are offered for a period of four to eleven months.

Since the inception of the Kluge Center, dozens of Kluge Fellows have gone on to distinguished academic careers; many have made lasting contributions as public intellectuals. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research is particularly welcome in the Kluge Fellowship program. The fellowship is open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences with special consideration given to those whose projects demonstrate relevance to contemporary challenges.

You will be able to apply here. And in the meantime check the fellowship requirements and eligibility information here.

The application deadline is currently set for July 15, but we will be revisiting this deadline as the COVID-19 situation develops. Please email if you are currently applying or interested in applying for this fellowship and are having trouble meeting the deadline. Kluge staff will be in touch with you.


News from the John W. Kluge Center:Applications are now open for Kluge Fellowships at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress

Applications are now open for Kluge Fellowships at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.

Twelve Kluge Fellowships are awarded each year through a competitive selection process. Kluge Fellowships are offered for a period of four to eleven months.

Since the inception of the Kluge Center, dozens of Kluge Fellows have gone on to distinguished academic careers; many have made lasting contributions as public intellectuals. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research is particularly welcome in the Kluge Fellowship program. The fellowship is open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences with special consideration given to those whose projects demonstrate relevance to contemporary challenges.

Apply here. And check the fellowship requirements and eligibility information here.

The application deadline is currently set for July 15. Please email if you are applying for this fellowship and having trouble meeting the deadline due to the crisis surrounding the covid-19 epidemic. Kluge staff will be in touch with you.


News from the John W. Kluge Center: In the Know, The Newsletter of the John W. Kluge Center

In the Know #2: The Newsletter of the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress

We at the Kluge Center continue to extend our heartfelt support for all affected by this outbreak. This newsletter is for supporters and friends who may be missing the intellectual stimulation of our panel discussions and author salons. Below please find helpful links to resources for viewing past discussions, blog posts, updates for current fellowship applications, and information on virtual events. If you know others who may also be interested in our activities, please forward this email their way. As always, the Kluge Center remains committed to bringing the best in publicly engaged conversations your way. Be well, and let’s keep the conversation going.

John Haskell, Director of the Kluge Center



We’re pleased to announce our first virtual event, a Conversation on the Future of Democracy with Yuval Levin. It will go live on the Library of Congress Engage! page on May 13 at 2pm. Levin, a distinguished scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies, will be interviewed by Kluge Center Director John Haskell.

They will be discussing Levin's new book, A Time to Build, which is a fascinating look at the importance of formative institutions in society, their deterioration in recent decades, and practical steps to begin addressing the problem. Get your free tickets here, and check this link on or after May 13, 2pm to watch the event.

We have more virtual events in store, so keep watching this space.


Research Guides:

Research guides are a great way to get to know Kluge Center Chairs, and their current and past holders. Check out our guide to the Chair in American Law and Governance, most recently Andrea Campbell. You can learn about Campbell’s work on the US welfare state, then go back and learn about past chair William Julius Wilson. Then take a look at our guide to the NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology, Exploration, and Scientific Innovation, and learn about current chair Susan Schneider’s work on artificial intelligence.


Kluge Kudos and Media Mentions

Bruce Jentleson Receives Duke Alumni Teaching Award

William and Mary's Michelle Lelièvre Named ACLS Burkhardt Fellow

University of Michigan's Gabriel Mendlow Named ACLS Burkhardt Fellow

David Ignatius reviews Thomas Rid's new book, Active Measures:  The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare in The Washington Post. Rid will join the Kluge Center as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the fall. 

Constanze Stelzenmüller writing on COVID 19 impact on governing in Germany for Lawfare and on how women leaders around the world govern during the pandemic in The Washington Post:


Insights: The Kluge Center’s Blog

There’s more than ever to read on the Kluge Center’s blog. You can read about how Kluge Center China experts view the relationship between the US, China, and the European Union, and how data and surveillance fits into the US-China relationship as well. Make sure to take a moment to pause for art with 2018 Kluge Prize recipient Drew Gilpin Faust. And with Earth Day recently gone by, look back to a great event we held last year on the famous Earthrise photograph and its connection to the environmental movement. Read about the first woman filmmaker at the turn of the century. Finally, you can look to the Kluge Center’s future with the announcement of our new cohort of Kluge Fellows.


Fellowship Applications:

We are still processing fellowship applications, and will be assessing whether deadline extensions are appropriate. Please respond to this email if you are currently applying or interested in applying for a fellowship and are having trouble meeting the deadline. Kluge staff will be in touch with you.

Currently open applications:

Philip Lee Phillips Society Fellowship

Updated Deadline: May 15

David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality

Updated Deadline: June 1

Library of Congress Fellowship in Congressional Policymaking

Current Deadline: June 15


Social Media:

Be sure to follow our Twitter account to get all the latest on our blog posts, open applications, and any future events.


We Want to Hear From You:

Do you have thoughts on what would make an interesting blog post? What about an idea for event programming when public events are back up and running? Please reply to this email or contact Andrew Breiner at


News from the John W. Kluge Center:Join us for a Conversation on the Future of Democracy with Yuval Levin

On May 13, join the John W. Kluge Center for the first in our Conversations on the Future of Democracy series featuring Yuval Levin, who will be discussing his new book, A Time to Build, a look at the critical importance of formative institutions in society, their deterioration in recent decades, and practical steps to begin addressing the problem.

Find the event on May 13 at the Library’s showcase for everything you can access while the doors are closed: Library of Congress: Engage!

And sign up for a free ticket to get a reminder when the event happens.

Yuval Levin is a distinguished scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies. Levin is also the editor-in-chief of National Affairs.

Also, we’ve got a packed schedule of virtual events lined up, so stay tuned for more.


Ram Janambhoomi Teertha Kshetra put under section 80G; donations to trust exempted from income tax

The Shri Ram Janambhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has been created for the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya. The 15-member trust was constituted by the Modi government, after the Supreme Court's verdict on November 9 settled the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case.


Particles, fields, quanta: from quantum mechanics to the standard model of particle physics / Gerhard Ecker

Online Resource


Optical thin films and coatings: from materials to applications / edited by Angela Piegari and François Flory

Online Resource


Excursions in ill-condensed quantum matter: from amorphous topological insulators to fractional spins / Adhip Agarwala

Online Resource


From classical to quantum fields / Laurent Baulieu, John Iliopoulos, Roland Sénéor

Hayden Library - QC174.45.B345 2017


Astronomical Polarisation from the Infrared to Gamma Rays Roberto Mignani, Andrew Shearer, Agnieszka Słowikowska, Silvia Zane, editors

Online Resource


Gravitation: From Newton to Einstein / Pierre Fleury

Online Resource


Integrability: from statistical systems to gauge theory / edited by Patrick Dorey [and five others]

Dewey Library - QC794.6.S85 E26 2019


Gravitational wave astrophysics: early results from gravitational wave searches and electromagnetic counterparts: proceedings of the 338th symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Baton Rouge, United States, October 16-19, 2017 / edited b

Hayden Library - QC179.I684 2019


Quantum information meets quantum matter: from quantum entanglement to topological phases of many-body systems / Bei Zeng, Xie Chen, Duan-Lu Zhou, Xiao-Gang Wen

Barker Library - QC173.454.Z46 2019


From random walks to random matrices: selected topics in modern theoretical physics / Jean Zinn-Justin

Hayden Library - QC174.12.Z56 2019


Topological quantum field theories from subfactors / Vijay Kodiyalam and V.S. Sunder

Online Resource


Classical and Quantum Dynamics: From Classical Paths to Path Integrals / Walter Dittrich, Martin Reuter

Online Resource


Gravity's century: from Einstein's eclipse to images of black holes / Ron Cowen

Hayden Library - QC173.6.C36 2019


Quantum field theory: from basics to modern topics / François Gelis (CEA, Saclay)

Hayden Library - QC174.45.G45 2019


Delhi govt announces summer vacation in its schools from May 11 to June 30

The government has also clarified that students will not be called to schools for any vacation-related activity in view of the COVID-19 situation.


New academic session in standalone B-schools to begin from July, no hike in fees permissible: AICTE

"All standalone institutions offering Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) courses will have to follow the new academic calendar.