
The Resurrection-Essence of Gospel


Thankful for the Resurrection

When blessings are temporary, sadness follows thankfulness. But does God want our blessings to be so short-lived?


The Gospel - Resurrection

1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 So what is at the heart of the Gospel? Did the Resurrection happen?


The Effects of the Resurrection: It's Personal

See what happens when we are within the Apostolic Tradition! Aeneas raised from his bed, Tabitha from her death bed, the Paralysed man of 38 years raised to his feet. Christ is risen!


The Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection

Make the Resurrection your own. The Apostle Thomas wanted to put his hand into Christ - you must put Him on.


Dust, Water, Five Husbands, the current man and a Virus


Surrounded by a great cloud of Witnesses


When Murray was crowned the boy king of Queens

Twenty years since he became the US Open boys' champion, Andy Murray is giving New York a miss and beginning retired life with a holiday in Spain.


Injured Curry & Feyi-Waboso replaced in England squad

England replace injured duo Tom Curry and Immanuel Feyi-Waboso in their 36-player squad preparing to face South Africa in the Autumn Nations Series on Saturday.


'I couldn't feel my arms and legs' - Murray on pro-am nerves

Andy Murray endured a bout of nerves when he played in the BMW PGA Championship pro-am with fellow Scot Bob MacIntyre on Wednesday.


Rob Burrow: Living with MND

A look at the life of rugby player Rob Burrow as he and his family deal with his MND.


Murray 'couldn't have dreamed' of try on Wales debut

Wales wing Blair Murray says he could not have dreamed of scoring a try on debut against Fiji on Sunday.


Spin bowler Virdi leaves Surrey

Off-spinner Amar Virdi leaves Surrey after 15 years at the club.


Secret Surrey

The man in charge of the spit roast reveals how Gladiator celebrated after the battle.


How curry is bringing people together in Luton

The Sikh temple on Cardigan Street welcomes anyone from any background.


Thurrock plans to sue other councils over finances

The council claims it was given bad advice over solar investments that left it with a £1.5bn debt.


Strasbourg et la récurrence complotiste des Réseaux Sociaux.

Comme on devait s’y attendre, l’attentat de Strasbourg n’a pas manqué, s’il en était encore besoin, de charrier son lot de rumeurs complotistes. Un regard rapide sur les réseaux sociaux de toute nature suffit à se rendre compte de ce triste phénomène....


Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude - Yahoo Actualités

  1. Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude  Yahoo Actualités
  2. 3 bonnes raisons de choisir un Airfryer en 2024  La Provence
  3. Nos 30 recettes rapides et faciles au Airfryer, du plat de résistance au dessert  Le Figaro
  4. Les air fryers sont-ils dangereux pour la santé ? Une étude lance l'alerte  Allo Docteurs
  5. Airfryer : attention aux acrylamides potentiellement cancérigènes  Pourquoi Docteur ?


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: culpabilité pour l'homme photographié dans le bureau de Nancy Pelosi

(Belga) Un Américain, qui avait été immortalisé les pieds sur une table dans le bureau de la cheffe démocrate Nancy Pelosi lors de l'assaut sur le Capitole, a été reconnu coupable lundi de plusieurs délits.

Après une courte délibération, les jurés ont déclaré Richard Barnett, 62 ans, coupable, entre autres, d'entrave à une procédure officielle, vol et intrusion dans un bâtiment officiel avec une arme dangereuse (un bâton de marche capable d'envoyer des décharges électriques). Le 6 janvier 2021, il avait envahi, comme des centaines de partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump, le siège du Congrès au moment où les élus certifiaient la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden à la présidentielle. Il avait été photographié par l'AFP dans le bureau de la cheffe de la chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, les pieds sur un meuble. Le cliché avait fait le tour du monde et permis à la police de l'interpeller rapidement. Selon le dossier d'accusation, ce partisan de la mouvance complotiste Qanon avait laissé un message insultant à la démocrate et volé une enveloppe qu'elle avait signée. Pendant son procès, il s'était montré défiant, assurant avoir été "poussé à l'intérieur" du Capitole par la foule. Sa peine sera prononcée en mai. En attendant, il reste assigné à résidence avec un bracelet électronique. En deux ans d'enquête, plus de 950 participants à cette attaque ont été arrêtés, et près de 200 condamnés à des peines de prison. (Belga)


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: des membres de la milice Oath Keepers reconnus coupables de "sédition"

(Belga) Quatre membres de la milice d'extrême droite "Oath Keepers" ont été reconnus coupables lundi de sédition pour leur rôle dans l'assaut du Capitole, à l'issue du second procès organisé sur ce chef d'accusation extrêmement rare.

Depuis l'attaque du 6 janvier 2021, plus de 950 partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump ont été arrêtés et inculpés pour avoir semé le chaos dans le siège de la démocratie américaine. Parmi eux, seuls 14 militants de groupuscules d'extrême droite - neuf membres des "Oath Keepers" et cinq "Proud Boys" - ont été accusés de "sédition", un chef passible de 20 ans de prison qui implique d'avoir planifié l'usage de la force pour s'opposer au gouvernement. Faute de place suffisante dans le tribunal fédéral de Washington, la justice a organisé le procès des Oath Keepers, accusés de s'être entraînés et armés pour l'occasion, en deux temps. Un premier procès s'est conclu fin novembre par un verdict mitigé: le fondateur de cette milice, Stewart Rhodes, et un responsable local ont été déclarés coupables de sédition, mais leurs trois co-accusés ont été acquittés sur ce chef. Lundi, à l'issue du second procès, les jurés ont jugé coupables les quatre derniers Oath Keepers, des hommes âgés de 38 à 64 ans décrits comme de dangereux "traîtres" par l'accusation, mais comme des "fanfarons" par leurs avocats. Le procès des Proud Boys, dont leur leader Enrique Tarrio, s'est ouvert en décembre et était toujours en cours lundi, dans le même tribunal. (Belga)


BEFA: bald eagle firefly algorithm enabled deep recurrent neural network-based food quality prediction using dairy products

Food quality is defined as a collection of properties that differentiate each unit and influences acceptability degree of food by users or consumers. Owing to the nature of food, food quality prediction is highly significant after specific periods of storage or before use by consumers. However, the accuracy is the major problem in the existing methods. Hence, this paper presents a BEFA_DRNN approach for accurate food quality prediction using dairy products. Firstly, input data is fed to data normalisation phase, which is performed by min-max normalisation. Thereafter, normalised data is given to feature fusion phase that is conducted employing DNN with Canberra distance. Then, fused data is subjected to data augmentation stage, which is carried out utilising oversampling technique. Finally, food quality prediction is done wherein milk is graded employing DRNN. The training of DRNN is executed by proposed BEFA that is a combination of BES and FA. Additionally, BEFA_DRNN obtained maximum accuracy, TPR and TNR values of 93.6%, 92.5% and 90.7%.


Research on low voltage current transformer power measurement technology in the context of cloud computing

As IOT develops drastically these years, the application of cloud computing in many fields has become possible. In this paper, we take low-voltage current transformers in power systems as the research object and propose a TCN-BI-GRU power measurement method that incorporates the signal characteristics based on the transformer input and output. Firstly, the basic signal enhancement extraction of input and output is completed by using EMD and correlation coefficients. Secondly, multi-dimensional feature extraction is completed to improve the data performance according to the established TCN network. Finally, the power prediction is completed by using BI-GRU, and the results show that the RMSE of this framework is 5.69 significantly lower than other methods. In the laboratory test, the device after being subjected to strong disturbance, its correlation coefficient feature has a large impact, leading to a large deviation in the prediction, which provides a new idea for future intelligent prediction.


Survival Mode: The Stresses and Strains of Computing Curricula Review


E-portfolio Assessment System for an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum


Concurrent Software Engineering Project


Designing a Network and Systems Computing Curriculum: The Stakeholders and the Issues


Incorporating Knowledge of Legal and Ethical Aspects into Computing Curricula of South African Universities


The Wheels on the Bot go Round and Round: Robotics Curriculum in Pre-Kindergarten


Digital Forensics Curriculum in Security Education


Implementing a Robotics Curriculum in an Early Childhood Montessori Classroom


Penetration Testing Curriculum Development in Practice

As both the frequency and the severity of network breaches have increased in recent years, it is essential that cybersecurity is incorporated into the core of business operations. Evidence from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012) indicates that there is, and will continue to be, a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals nationwide throughout the next decade. To fill this job shortage we need a workforce with strong hands-on experience in the latest technologies and software tools to catch up with the rapid evolution of network technologies. It is vital that the IT professionals possess up-to-date technical skills and think and act one step ahead of the cyber criminals who are constantly probing and exploring system vulnerabilities. There is no perfect security mechanism that can defeat all the cyber-attacks; the traditional defensive security mechanism will eventually fail to the pervasive zero-day attacks. However, there are steps to follow to reduce an organization’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks and to mitigate damages. Active security tests of the network from a cyber-criminal’s perspective can identify system vulnerabilities that may lead to future breaches. “If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. But if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of hundred battles” (Sun, 2013). Penetration testing is a discipline within cybersecurity that focuses on identifying and exploiting the vulnerabilities of a network, eventually obtaining access to the critical business information. The pentesters, the security professionals who perform penetration testing, or ethical hackers, break the triad of information security - Confidentiality, Integrity, and Accountability (CIA) - as if they were a cyber-criminal. The purpose of ethical hacking or penetration testing is to know what the “enemy” can do and then generate a report for the management team to aid in strengthening the system, never to cause any real damages. This paper introduces the development of a penetration testing curriculum as a core class in an undergraduate cybersecurity track in Information Technology. The teaching modules are developed based on the professional penetration testing life cycle. The concepts taught in the class are enforced by hands-on lab exercises. This paper also shares the resources that are available to institutions looking for teaching materials and grant opportunities to support efforts when creating a similar curriculum in cybersecurity.


Enhancing Privacy Education with a Technical Emphasis in IT Curriculum

The paper describes the development of four learning modules that focus on technical details of how a person’s privacy might be compromised in real-world scenarios. The paper shows how students benefited from the addition of hands-on learning experiences of privacy and data protection to the existing information technology courses. These learning modules raised students’ awareness of potential breaches of privacy as a user as well as a developer. The demonstration of a privacy breach in action helped students to design, configure, and implement technical solutions to prevent privacy violations. The assessment results demonstrate the strength of the technical approach.


Innovative Pedagogical Strategies of Streaming, Just-in-Time Teaching, and Scaffolding: A Case Study of Using Videos to Add Business Analytics Instruction Across a Curriculum

Aim/Purpose: Business analytics is a cross-functional field that is important to implement for a college and has emerged as a critically important core component of the business curriculum. It is a difficult task due to scheduling concerns and limits to faculty and student resources. This paper describes the process of creating a central video repository to serve as a platform for just in time teaching and the impact on student learning outcomes. Background: Industry demand for employees with analytical knowledge, skills, and abilities requires additional analytical content throughout the college of business curriculum. This demand needs other content to be added to ensure that students have the prerequisite skills to complete assignments. Two pedagogical approaches to address this issue are Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) and scaffolding, grounded in the Vygoskian concept of “Zone of Proximal Development. Methodology: This paper presents a case study that applies scaffolding and JiTT teaching to create a video repository to add business analytics instruction to a curriculum. The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) and Major Field Test (MFT) scores were analyzed to assess learning outcomes. Student and faculty comments were considered to inform the results of the review. Contribution: This paper demonstrates a practical application of scaffolding and JiTT theory by outlining the process of using a video library to provide valuable instructional resources that support meaningful learning, promote student academic achievement, and improve program flexibility. Findings: A centrally created library is a simple and inexpensive way to provide business analytics course content, augmenting standard content delivery. Assessment of learning scores showed an improvement, and a summary of lessons learned is provided to guide implications. Recommendations for Practitioners: Pedagogical implications of this research include the observation that producing a central library of instructor created videos and assignments can help address knowledge and skills gaps, augment the learning of business analytics content, and provide a valuable educational resource throughout the college of business curriculum. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper examines the use of scaffolding and JiTT theories. Additional examination of these theories may improve the understanding and limits of these concepts as higher education evolves due to the combination of market forces changing the execution of course delivery. Impact on Society: Universities are tasked with providing new and increasing skills to students while controlling the costs. A centrally created library of instructional videos provides a means of delivering meaningful content while controlling costs. Future Research: Future research may examine student success, including the immediate impact of videos and longitudinally using video repositories throughout the curriculum. Studies examining the approach across multiple institutions may help to evaluate the success of video repositories. Faculty acceptance of centrally created video libraries and assignments should be considered for the value of faculty recruiting and use in the classroom. The economic impact on both the university and students should be evaluated.


'CSR, sustainability and firm performance linkage' current status and future dimensions - a bibliometric review analysis

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are gaining worldwide recognition. The question of whether CSR and sustainability programs benefit an organisation's financial success is still being debated. This study aims to verify this phenomenon by examining the current literature pattern on this relationship using bibliometric and systematic review analysis. It further provides a taxonomy for understanding this association. VOSviewer is used to obtain comprehensive dataset mapping and clustering in the field. The manuscript offers promising insights regarding academia by assessing the pattern of publication trends, the most influential author in the area, and analysing the methodological and theoretical underpinnings of CSR, sustainability and firm performance linkage. The outcome of this study provides exploratory insights into research gaps and avenues for future research.


Synoptic crow search with recurrent transformer network for DDoS attack detection in IoT-based smart homes

Smart home devices are vulnerable to various attacks, including distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Current detection techniques face challenges due to nonlinear thought, unusual system traffic, and the fluctuating data flow caused by human activities and device interactions. Identifying the baseline for 'normal' traffic and suspicious activities like DDoS attacks from encrypted data is also challenging due to the encrypted protective layer. This work introduces a concept called synoptic crow search with recurrent transformer network-based DDoS attack detection, which uses the synoptic weighted crow search algorithm to capture varying traffic patterns and prioritise critical information handling. An adaptive recurrent transformer neural network is introduced to effectively regulate DDoS attacks within encrypted data, counting the historical context of the data flow. The proposed model shows effective performance in terms of low false alarm rate, higher detection rate, and accuracy.


A method for evaluating the quality of college curriculum teaching reform based on data mining

In order to improve the evaluation effect of current university teaching reform, a new method for evaluating the quality of university course teaching reform is proposed based on data mining algorithms. Firstly, the optimal data clustering criterion was used to select evaluation indicators and a quality evaluation system for university curriculum teaching reform was established. Next, a reform quality evaluation model is constructed using BP neural network, and the training process is improved through genetic algorithm to obtain the model weight and threshold of the optimal solution. Finally, the calculated parameters are substituted into the model to achieve accurate evaluation of the quality of university curriculum teaching reform. Selecting evaluation accuracy and evaluation efficiency as evaluation indicators, the practicality of the proposed method was verified through experiments. The experimental results showed that the proposed method can mine teaching reform data and evaluate the quality of teaching reform. Its evaluation accuracy is higher than 96.3%, and the evaluation time is less than 10ms, which is much better than the comparison method, fully demonstrating the practicality of the method.


A Computer Hardware/Software/Services Planning and Selection Course for the CIS/IT Curriculum


Integrating E-Learning Content into Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Curriculum


Concept Mapping as a Tool for Curriculum Quality


Defining the IT Curriculum: The Results of the Past 3 Years


Understanding Information Technology:   What do Graduates from Business-oriented IS Curricula Need to Know?


Journey to the Center of the Core: Computers and the Internet in the Core Curriculum  


A Second Opinion on the Current State of Affairs in Computer Science Education: An Australian Perspective


An Information Assurance and Security Curriculum Implementation


Virtual Medical Campus (VMC) Graz: Innovative Curriculum meets Innovative Learning Objects Technology


Using an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum and an E-Learning Platform to Facilitate Student Learning


Analyzing the Affect of Culture on Curricular Content: A Research Conception


Curriculum Change and the Evolution of Postgraduate e-Business Subjects


Training Information Brokers: A Curriculum Model