
Exclusive: Sonair takes a cue from dolphins to build autonomous 3D vision without lidar

Ultrasound is perhaps best known as the technology that enables noninvasive body scans and underwater communication and can help us park our cars. A young startup called Sonair out of Norway wants to employ it for something else: 3D computer vision used in autonomous hardware applications.  Sonair’s founder and CEO Knut Sandven believes the company’s […]

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An Exclusive Look at Merck’s Efforts to Help Make Rival J&J’s Covid Vaccine

After Merck’s Covid-19 vaccine candidates failed, the drugmaker partnered with rival Johnson & Johnson. WSJ reporter Jared Hopkins takes us behind the scenes, as the first Merck-made shots are released for distribution. Photo: Hannah Yoon/WSJ


Exclusive: Rupali's Lawyer Breaks Down The Rs 50 Crore Compensation Demand

Rupali Ganguly recently issued a defamation notice to her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, demanding a compensation of Rs 50 crore


Truecaller Gets Automatic Spam Call Blocking Feature on iPhone: Exclusive to Premium Subscribers

Truecaller has recently announced an update for iPhone users that brings an Auto-block spam feature, a significant addition that has been available to Android users for some time. This feature, exclusive to Truecaller Premium subscribers, automatically declines calls identified as spam,


OPPO Find X8 Series and ColorOS 15 to Launch in India This Month with Exclusive Pre-Order Perks

OPPO is gearing up for the global release of its Find X8 series and the latest ColorOS 15 update on November 21, 2024, in Bali. Here's a closer look at what's coming. A Sleek Design Without the Bulk OPPO has clearly put


Garena Free Fire Max Redeem Codes for November 6, 2024: Unlock Exclusive In-Game Rewards

Redeem Codes for Garena Free Fire Max on November 6, 2024: Gain an advantage over your opponents or enhance your character's appearance with these codes, offering in-game items for free. Acquire weapons, skins, diamonds, and more through these codes. Garena Free


EXCLUSIVE: காலங்களில் அவள் வசந்தம் படத்தின் வரவேற்பு பிரமிப்பா இருக்கு.. படக்குழுவினர் உற்சாகம் !

சென்னை: அறம் எண்டர்டெய்ன்மென்ட் தயாரிப்பில் ராகவ் மிர்தத் இயக்கத்தில் நடிகை அஞ்சலி நாயர், அறிமுக நடிகர் கௌசிக் ராம், நடிகை ஹிரோஷினி நடிப்பில் உருவாகியுள்ள படம் காலங்களில் அவள் வசந்தம். இத்திரைப்படம் தியேட்டரில் வெளியாகி ரசிகர்களிடையே நல்ல வரவேற்பை பெற்றுள்ளது. இந்நிலையில் படக்குழுவினர் பிலீம்பீட் சேனலுக்கு அளித்த சிறப்பு பேட்டியை இங்கு காணலாம் கீர்த்தி சுரேஷா? சமந்தாவா? ’அறம் 2’வில் யார் ஹீரோயின்.. இயக்குநர் கோபி நயினார் விளக்கம்!  


Exclusive Interview- बचपन से सलमान खान से मोहब्बत थी- उनके लिए 15 गाने कर चुका हूं- विशाल मिश्रा

रेस 3, नोटबुक और कबीर सिंह जैसी फिल्मों में कंपोजिंग और सिंगिंग से छा जाने वाले विशाल मिश्रा ने हाल ही में एक गाना रिलीज किया है जिसका टाइटल 'तकदा रवां' हैं। बता दें कि इस गाने ने रिलीज होते ही


Exclusive Interview: ट्रेन खाली हो गई, मैंने पूछा बॉम्बे स्टेशन आया क्यों नहीं- मानव कौल

मानव कौल ऐसे कलाकार हैं जो कि चंद मिनट की बातचीत में सामने वाले व्यक्ति के जेहन में खास जगह बना लेते हैं। काबिल लेखक और उम्दा कलाकार होने की झलक मानव की बातचीत में झलकती है। फिर चाहे मुलाकात कुछ


Exclusive Interview 'गली बॉय' रैपर नैजी: आज का यूथ गुलजार- जावेद को नहीं सुनेगा

2019 में रिलीज 'गली बॅाय' ऑस्कर में पैठ बना चुकी है। रणवीर सिंह की इस फिल्म को बेस्ट इंटरनेशनल फीचर फिल्म की कैटगरी में ऑस्कर के लिए भेजा गया। इस खबर के सामने आने के एक दिन पहले हमारी मुलाकात 'गली बॅाय'


Exclusive Interview- पापा की बायोपिक 'मुगल' देखने के बाद कई लोगों की लाइफ बदल जाएगी- तुलसी कुमार

साकी साकी, शहर की लड़की, एन्नी सोनी और कबीर सिंह के तेरी राहें जैसे धमाकेदार गानों से इस समय चार्टबस्टर की लिस्ट पर छाई हुईं तुलसी कुमार ने धमाका किया हुआ है। गुलशन कुमार की बेटी होने के बाद भी उन्होने


Exclusive Interview- नेहा कक्कड़ स्टार होकर भी सरल स्वभाव की हैं, तभी वो No.1 हैं- सिंगर सुखी

पंजाबी सिंगर सुखी अपने गानों से पंजाब समेत पूरे देश को नचा चुके हैं और उन्होने बादशाह के साथ भी एक गाना करके धमाका कर दिया था। सुसाइड और जगुआर जैसे गानों से छा जाने वाले सुखी जो खुद को म्यूजिक


Exclusive Interview: रेस की घोड़ी नहीं हूं, पारस की तरह फेक प्यार नहीं कर सकती- दलजीत कौर

बिग बॅास 13 की फिनाले की रेस से बाहर होने वाली पहली सहस्य बनीं दलजीत कौर। घर से बाहर निकलते हुए सलमान खान ने भी उनकी तारीफ की और कहा कि पूरे गेम को उन्होंने शालीनता से खेला है। लेकिन कहीं


Exclusive Interview: लोगों को पहले मेरी असलियत पता चली, अब टैलेंट दिखेगा- दिव्या अग्रवाल

रियलिटी शो 'स्प्लिट्सविला' से चर्चा में आ चुकीं दिव्या अग्रवाल का नाम फिर से बिग बॅास से जुड़ने जा रहा  है। बिग बॅास 11 के दौरान प्रियांक शर्मा से रिलेशनशिप के कारण उनका नाम लाइमलाइट में रहा। इस बार वह बिग


Exclusive Interview: आयुष्मान खुराना सब कर रहे हैं और मुझसे पूछा जाता था क्यों -सोफी चौधरी

हिंदी सिनेमा में 90 का दौर ऐसा था, जहां पर टीवी पर फिल्मों से अधिक प्राइवेट एल्बम के सांग और वीडियो पसंद किए गए। इसी दौरान सौफी चौधरी ने 'एक परदेसी मेरा दिल ले गया' के रीमिक्स वर्जन से दस्तक दी।


Exclusive Interview- बिग बॉस के लिए कुछ प्लान नहीं किया- प्लान करता तो पहले दूध ना बेचता- खेसारी लाल

"नून रोटी खाएंगे, जिंदगी संग ही बिताएंगे... ठीक है।" इस लाइन को पढ़कर आपको कुछ तो याद आया ही होगा। जी हां इस भोजपूरी गाने को खेसारी लाल यादव ने गाया है जो कि काफी जल्दी बिग बॉस 13 के घर


EXCLUSIVE Interview: वेब कंटेंट पर सेंसरशिप नहीं है, लेकिन रिमोट आपके हाथ में है- रोनित रॉय

टेलीविजन के अमिताभ बच्चन कहे जाने वाले अभिनेता रोनित रॉय अपने दमदार अभिनय कौशल के दम पर सालों से दर्शकों के चहेते रहे हैं। टीवी, फिल्मों और वेब सीरिज में जौहर दिखा चुके रोनित रॉय अपनी हालिया रिलीज क्राइम-ड्रामा फिल्म Line Of


Exclusive Interview हम कलाकार हैं कोई फैक्ट्री नहीं, अच्छे काम के लिए वक्त लगेगा- नकुल मेहता

इश्कबाज के शिवाय के तौर पर नकुल मेहता ने संजीदा भूमिका निभाई। फैंस दोबारा से शिवाय यानी कि नकुल मेहता की वापसी का इंतजार कर रहे हैं। ऐसे में नकुल दोबारा से लौट आए हैं एक दिलचस्प रोमांटिक कहानी के साथ। वेब सीरीज


Exclusive Interview : फिल्में करने से ज्यादा जरूरी यादगार परफॉर्मेंस देना है- आयुष मेहरा

कलाकारों का स्वागत इन दिनों एंटरटेनमेंट इंडस्ट्री में खुले हाथों से हो रहा है। डिजिटल दुनिया को इसका सबसे बड़ा श्रेय जाता है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि जब वेब अपने लिए दर्शकों के बीच जगह बना रहा था तो


Exclusive Interview: मेरा कोई गॉडफादर नहीं, TV से लेकर वेब सीरीज तक अपने दम पर- अर्जुन बिजलानी

स्ट्रीमिंग ऐप जी5 पर 20 मार्च को 'स्टेट ऑफ सीज: 26/11'वेब सीरीज रिलीज हो चुकी है। इस वेब सीरीज के ट्रेलर की धूम किसी से छिपी नहीं है। मुंबई हमले के दौरान NSG के स्पेशल ऑपरेशन 'ब्लैक टॉरनैडो' पर बनी इस


Exclusive: 'महिलाओं को इंसान ही रहने दें, देवी ना बनाएं'- 'फॉर मोर शॉट्स प्लीज' फेम मानवी गागरू

फिल्मों से लेकर वेब सीरीज का सफर तय करने वाली मानवी गागरू ने फिल्मीबीट हिंदी से खास बातचीत की है। अपकमिंग वेब सीरीज 'फॉर मोर शॉट्स प्लीज' सीजन 2 के चलते मानवी गागरू ने टेलिफोनिक इंटरव्यू में अपने रोल से लेकर


India Cracks Down on Major Smartphone Makers for Exclusive Deals with Amazon & Flipkart

Recent investigations by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) have revealed significant antitrust violations involving major smartphone manufacturers, including Samsung and Xiaomi. According to detailed reports obtained by Reuters, these companies, along with others, have been implicated in anti-competitive practices that


Exclusive Interview: Astrologer Pankaj Khanna Explores the Impact of Astrology, Gemstones, and Vastu on Well-being

Mr. Khanna emphasized the integral role of astrology in guiding individuals toward a more balanced and prosperous life.


Exclusive: This Bengaluru-Based Green Initiative Is Turning Christmas Decorations Into Plants

Maybe Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year across the globe, but it is high time that we accept, it is a wasteful one as well. We all know how festive seasons are full of traditions and


Exclusive: Celebrate Green Diwali This Year! Let’s Burst Flowers, Not Pollution

As Diwali, the festival of lights is round the corner, everyone from adults to children are pretty excited to light diyas and burst firecrackers. After all that's what Diwali celebrations are all about having a jolly good time with family and


Mitochondrial membrane potential-independent near-infrared fluorescent probes for viscosity-exclusive imaging

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01785D, Paper
Xiu Pan, Yu Zhao, Jia-Li Wang, Shun Feng, Xiao-Qi Yu, Ming-Yu Wu
A novel mitochondrial targeting mitochondrial membrane potential-independent near-infrared fluorescent probe, ACR-DMA, was developed which can be firmly immobilized in mitochondria for tracking of mitochondrial viscosity changes in vitro and in vivo.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Exclusive! Mithun Chakraborty Speaks!

'If Mithun Chakraborty can do it, so can anyone else. It is okay for the common man like me to have dreams. They do come true.'


Not exclusively the activity, but the sweet spot: a dehydrogenase point mutation synergistically boosts activity, substrate tolerance, thermal stability and yield

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2024, 22,3009-3018
DOI: 10.1039/D4OB00211C, Paper
Yu-Ke Cen, Lin Zhang, Yue Jiang, Xiang-Fu Meng, Yuan Li, Chao Xiang, Ya-Ping Xue, Yu-Guo Zheng
A single-point mutation of 7α-HSDH achieved the highest activity and synergistically improved substrate tolerance, thermal stability, cofactor affinity, and conversion rate.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


EXCLUSIVE! Honey Irani: My Son Farhan Akhtar

'He was an extremely naughty child, always in trouble and creating trouble.''He wanted to fly a kite at night, and sometimes, bunk school.''When I insisted on sending him, we could get a call from school that he had fainted.'


EXCLUSIVE! The Payal Kapadia Interview

'Hope is about being more accepting of each other, the kind of solidarity and friendship that even our families may not be able to give.'


Novartis, Dr. Reddy’s in exclusive sales pact for select products

400 Novartis employees to lose jobs due to resulting role redundancies 


Boney M, Akon and an exclusive Japan arena — Here’s why you should head to Shillong Cherry Blossom Music Festival

In its fourth edition, Shillong Cherry Blossom Music Festival brings icons like Boney M. and Akon on stage and ropes in Japan as its partner country


Self-financing colleges in Coimbatore reach out to Union Education Ministry seeking exclusive categorisation in NIRF ranking


Security design in non-exclusive markets with asymmetric information [electronic journal].


Twist & shout! Lenovo Auto Twist AI PC - Exclusive first glance

A concept device that shifts shape, and listens to every command you say


Maharashtra Polls Exclusive: `Rs 125 Cr Transferred To 200 Accounts, Withdrawn Overnight`; Deal Done For Muslim Votes?

In today's DNA, the Zee News anchor analysed the transfer of a huge amount of money to 200 Accounts ahead of polls in Maharashtra.


Exclusive: Jason Gillespie explains what makes Jasprit Bumrah and Pat Cummins so special, and why reverse swing will be key with Kookaburra ball


EXCLUSIVE: Writer Kanika Dhillon bags Shah Rukh Khan-Rajkumar Hirani's next!

Shah Rukh Khan’s last film, Zero, released in December 2018 after which he went on a long sabbatical. He has been reading scripts and even shortlisted a few of them. Meanwhile, the names of a lot of filmmakers did the rounds with whom the superstar was supposedly working with. However, of late, it has come to light that SRK is working with blockbuster filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani in his next directorial flick. Recently, while answering a fan question, he also let out a strong hint that he has indeed given his nod to Rajkumar Hirani’s flick. And naturally, it led to a lot of excitement among fans.

While not much is known about the film and its subject, Bollywood Hungama has exclusively learnt that for this venture, Rajkumar Hirani and his frequent collaborator writer Abhijat Joshi have been joined by Kanika Dhillon. She has become quite well known of late thanks to her work in films like Manmarziyaan (2018), Kedarnath (2018), Judgmentall Hai Kya (2019) and the web film Guilty (2020). Interestingly, in the beginning of her career, she had extensively worked with SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment. She worked as an assistant director on SRK’s 2007 blockbuster Om Shanti Om. She wrote the screenplay of Ra.One (2011) and additional screenplay of Always Kabhi Kabhi (2011). Rajkumar Hirani’s next hence marks Kanika’s reunion with Shah Rukh and Red Chillies Entertainment after almost 9 years.

A source close to the project says, “Kanika Dhillon has come on-board and she along with Rajkumar Hirani and Abhijat Joshi are busy scripting the film. Kanika is mainly scripting while Rajkumar and Abhijat are helping her with inputs. They are hoping to finish in a month or two. The film was to go on floors in August but due to the lockdown, it seems that the shoot will be pushed ahead.”

Rajkumar Hirani’s last film, Sanju, released in 2018 and was based on the controversial life of actor Sanjay Dutt. Starring Ranbir Kapoor, this flick emerged as the biggest hit of that year, earning Rs. 342.53 crores. Hirani, in fact, holds the envious record of not giving a single flop as a director. The source assures, “His film with Shah Rukh Khan too seems to be shaping up well, at the writing stage. And Rajkumar-Abhijat-Kanika collaboration has added a lot to the script and it’ll be something to watch out for.”

Also Read: Post Manmarziyaan, Taapsee Pannu and Kanika Dhillon reunite for Haseen Dillruba


EXCLUSIVE: आसिम रियाज संग हिमांशी खुराना क्या लेंगी नच बलिए 10 में हिस्सा? दिया जवाब

बिग बॉस एक्स कंटेस्टेंट हिमांशी खुराना ने लॉकडाउन में खूब एन्जॉय कर रही हैं। वह क्वारंटाइन में खूब पेटिंग कर रही हैं, कूकिंग कर रही हैं। फिल्मीबीट से बातचीत में टी सीरीज के गाने 'ओ जानेवाला' को लेकर बाचतीत की। उन्होंने


EXCLUSIVE: आसिम रियाज संग हिमांशी खुराना क्या लेंगी नच बलिए 10 में हिस्सा? दिया जवाब

बिग बॉस एक्स कंटेस्टेंट हिमांशी खुराना ने लॉकडाउन में खूब एन्जॉय कर रही हैं। वह क्वारंटाइन में खूब पेटिंग कर रही हैं, कूकिंग कर रही हैं। फिल्मीबीट से बातचीत में टी सीरीज के गाने 'ओ जानेवाला' को लेकर बाचतीत की। उन्होंने


M&Ms Boo-tterscotch (Target Exclusive)

Name: M&Ms Boo-tterscotch Brand: Mars Place Purchased: Target (Eagle Rock) Price: $3.19 Size: 8 ounces Calories per ounce: 148 Type: White Chocolate Rating: 7 out of 10


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EXCLUSIVE! Honda Activa electric review: The 95km range, zero maintenance scooter

This electric Honda Activa has a claimed 90km range and the modification costs less than Rs 50,000 with a two-year warranty.


Exclusive: AFL makes call on compulsory flu vaccinations

The AFL has decided to take the opposite approach to the NRL, telling clubs that players and officials don't have to have a flu vaccination.


EXCLUSIVE: Sara Ali Khan opens up on brother Ibrahim Ali Khan's Bollywood plans, says it's only a dream right now

It's only now that Ibrahim Ali Khan's presence on Instagram has become more frequent than before. And thanks to him being a TikTok fan, we now know that he has quite an actor in him! Credit the genes! But does he have plans to pursue it professionally?

Sara Ali Khan, who recently indulged in a candid conversation with Bollywood Hungama, was asked if Ibrahim plans to get into films. "He has not even gone to college as yet. So I think acting is a while away. It's definitely something he is interested in, something he is passionate about. And he's gonna study film in LA. So, if he wants to do something he'll do it,"  she said.

She also added that making a career in acting demanded a lot of efforts, toiling and preparation. "There's a lot of hard work, as we all know, that goes into it, a lot of prep that goes into it. But I think that at his age, before even going to college, just the desire is enough right now and then, he'll work towards it. And if he works towards it and people like what he does, then sure. It's a dream right now, making it a reality is on him," she added.

In October last year, Sara and Ibrahim shot for their first magazine cover together, and the internet was all praises. Given that he already has a thing for the camera, looks like it is only a matter of time before we see him in films!


EXCLUSIVE: Sara Ali Khan reveals how Ibrahim Ali Khan actually feels about her Knock Knock Jokes

Apart from impressing people with her acting skills, Sara Ali Khan has also been acing her social media game. The actress who often uses rhyme schemes in her Instagram captions also entertains people with her 'Knock Knock Jokes'. Her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan is often seen accompanying her in these videos. In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Hungama, Sara Ali Khan spoke about these videos and how Ibrahim reacts to them.

Recently Sara Ali Khan posted a Tik Tok video where they are seen taking the challenge of ‘Who’s most likely to’. When asked about whose idea it was to make Tik Tok videos, Sara said, “I think Ibrahim was the first among all of us to get on to TikTok and he often tells me that 'Let's make a TikTok’. I asked him what to do because I am not good at this. The only thing I can do is Knock Knock Who's There, you don't find that very funny. He would be like ‘let's do this one’ and we just did it. As you can see, we did not know what the questions were going to be. We did not listen to the questions first and wanted it to be a surprise.

Talking about her popular Knock Knock jokes, Sara said, “I think Ibrahim needs to be told that. Because every time I go into his room in my nightie with my phone saying ‘knock knock’ and he is like ‘No Sara’ and I am like ‘Common please’. He always thinks I am not going to put it up because I am puffy, in my nightie, and choti (Ponytail). And I am like ‘Check Instagram’.”

Meanwhile, on the work front, Sara had started shooting for Atrangi Re before the lockdown was imposed. Atrangi Re directed by Aanand L Rai also stars Akshay Kumar and Dhanush.

ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Sara Ali Khan opens up on brother Ibrahim Ali Khan’s Bollywood plans, says it’s only a dream right now


EXCLUSIVE: “Neither of us was at fault,” says Subhash Ghai revealing the reason behind the incomplete film with Amitabh Bachchan

Subhash Ghai is one of the celebrated filmmakers of Bollywood. He has films like Taal, Karz, Ram Lakhan and Khalnayak to his credit and has worked with several A-list actors. However, the director has never worked with Amitabh Bachchan. The two had started working on a project but it was called off in its early stage. In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Hungama, Subhash Ghai revealed why they never completed the film.

Talking about why the film was stalled, Subhash Ghai said, “Both of us tried to make the film, but the situation was such that the film could not be made. Neither of us was at fault. Sometimes situations are such that you feel that films cannot be made and we stop in between. There were several factors. Even I was at fault as I was impatient back then. He is one of the finest actors of India and it is my bad luck that I could not work with him. He does the bad scenes also so well that it puts the writer to shame. I did not write as well as Amitabh Bachchan performed it. I am a great admirer of Amitabh Bachchan and we are family friends. It was not in our fate to work with each other.”

However, Subhash Ghai seems hopeful of working with the veteran actor in the future when the time is right and they get the right script. The incomplete film of Subhash Ghai and Amitabh Bachchan was titled Devaa. In 2013 there were reports of Subhash Ghai collaborating with Bachchan for the biopic of Sarabjit which was ultimately essayed by Randeep Hooda and directed by Omung Kumar.

ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Subhash Ghai reveals the plot of Khalnayak 2 with Sanjay Dutt, Madhuri Dixit, and Jackie Shroff


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