brex Undercurrents: Episode 17 - Alastair Campbell on New Labour and Brexit, Alistair Darling on the Financial Crisis By Published On :: Thu, 20 Sep 2018 00:00:00 +0100 Full Article
brex Podcast: Examining The Post-Brexit Japan-UK Partnership By Published On :: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
brex Brexit: In Search of A Solution - The Common Market 2.0 Option By Published On :: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
brex UK–EU Defence and Security Cooperation after Brexit By Published On :: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
brex The State of Brexit on ‘Brexit Day’ By Published On :: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
brex What Brexit Satisfies the Democratic Will of the People? By Published On :: Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0100 Full Article
brex Britain, Brexit and the Future of NATO By Published On :: Thu, 04 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0100 Full Article
brex Screening Room: Brexit - Behind Closed Doors By Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 00:00:00 +0100 Full Article
brex Brexit in a Historical Context: Pursuing a Global Vision at the Expense of Domestic Harmony? By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
brex CapitalRise reassesses its mission amidst Brexit and regulation change By Published On :: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 08:50:00 GMT The proptech startup wanted to democratise investment in prime real estate projects through crowdfunding, but government regulations have limited its reach to high net worth individuals Full Article
brex Brexit: What Now for UK Trade Policy? (Part 2) By Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 13:45:01 +0000 Research Event 1 October 2019 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Professor Jagjit S. Chadha, Director, NIESRDr Kamala Dawar, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sussex; Fellow, UKTPODr Michael Gasiorek, Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Sussex; Director, Interanalysis; Fellow, UKTPOChair: Professor Jim Rollo, Deputy Director, UKTPO; Associate Fellow, Chatham House In the five months since the last extension of the Brexit deadline, the questions about the UK’s trading relationship with the EU remain as open as before, as do those about what sort of relationship it should seek with other partners.The world has not stood still, however, and so the UKTPO is convening another panel to consider constructive ways of moving forward. The panel will discuss potential trajectories for UK trade policy, followed by a question and answer session.The UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO) is a partnership between Chatham House and the University of Sussex which provides independent expert comment on, and analysis of, trade policy proposals for the UK as well as training for British policymakers through tailored training packages. Department/project Global Economy and Finance Programme, UK Trade Policy Observatory Full Article
brex Could Brexit Open Up a New Market for Latin American Agriculture? By Published On :: Tue, 08 Oct 2019 08:49:18 +0000 8 October 2019 Dr Christopher Sabatini Senior Research Fellow for Latin America, US and the Americas Programme @ChrisSabatini LinkedIn Anar Bata Coordinator, US and the Americas Programme The demand will be there, but a range of barriers are likely to limit growth in agricultural trade links between the UK and Latin America. 2019-10-08-Brazil.jpg An area of forest-pasture integration prepared to receive dairy cattle for feeding in Ipameri, Brazil. Photo: Getty Images. Currently 73% of all UK agricultural imports come from the EU. That heavy dependence sparked a report by the British parliament expressing concern about the UK’s food security in the immediate aftermath of Brexit.Meanwhile, Latin America’s agricultural powerhouses Brazil and Argentina only accounted for a total of 1.6% of the UK’s agricultural market across eight sectors in 2018. A growing relationship would seem to be an obvious fit post-Brexit – but a number of structural issues stand in the way.There is certainly scope for increasing Latin American agricultural exports to the UK given current trade patterns. Two of the main agricultural imports that the UK buys from the EU are meat products, representing 82% of UK imports in that category, and dairy products and eggs; 98% of UK’s dairy- and egg-related external supply came from the EU. In both these areas, Brazil and Argentina could have comparative advantages, including lower prices.But any improvement in agricultural trade links will depend on two factors: 1) how the UK leaves the EU: whether it crashes out, negotiates an easy exit or leaves at all; and 2) whether Latin American agricultural producers can improve their environmental practices and can meet the production standards established by the EU and likely maintained by a post-Brexit Britain.Some of the key issues that will affect this are:Tariff structuresOn the UK side, there is pressure by domestic agricultural producers to raise UK tariffs to allow them to expand their local market share. Yet, despite the pressures from local farmers, the UK has laid out two scenarios.In one case, the UK government has stated that in the event of a no-deal Brexit, tariffs will be lowered to 0%, but there is no firm commitment and this would likely be temporary. It is also unlikely that those would apply to all agricultural products. In the case of beef imports (of which Argentina and Brazil are major exporters), the UK has proposed that ‘no deal’ would bring a reduction on tariffs on a range of beef products of roughly half.Meanwhile, tariffs on EU imports could go up. Even if the UK establishes 0% tariffs on EU products, it’s possible that the EU will not reciprocate, instead choosing to revert to the World Trade Organization’s most-favoured-nation tariffs. To take one example of what that would mean, under existing most-favoured-nation tariffs on beef, the tariffs range from €6.80 per 100 kilograms of full bovine carcasses or half carcasses all the way up to €161.10 for 160 kilograms of prepared or preserved meat, including sausages.Free trade agreements between the EU and Latin American countriesThe EU has free trade agreements with the Central American bloc of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama; Mexico; Chile; and the Andean countries of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In all those cases, the UK has expressed its desire to maintain its liberal trade framework with those countries.Even if the UK leaves without a deal and tariffs do increase on EU agricultural exports, though, these Western Hemisphere economies are unlikely to see a large boost in their food exports to the UK. Chile and other large fruit producers are already locked into the Chinese market. And the real agricultural powerhouses, Argentina and Brazil, are now part of the EU trade agreement with Mercosur.Since that agreement is not yet in force, the UK and Mercosur would need to negotiate a separate agreement. Such an agreement may be easier to ratify than the EU agreement since there is only one partner (the UK) for such a deal, but the likely change in government in Argentina after the 27 October elections may make it difficult to secure a deal on the Mercosur side.Some EU trade agreements also include arrangements for tariff rate quotas. An EU quota with Argentina, for example, allows more than 280,000 tonnes of lamb to be imported to the EU duty free from Argentina, among other countries. It is unclear whether these quotas will be maintained or even expanded by the UK post-Brexit. Phytosanitary standards and rules governing the treatment of animalsNon-tariff barriers concerning production practices could play a key role. The large UK consumer organization Which? raised the concern before parliament that in the scramble to replace EU food imports, the UK could diverge from EU standards on animal cloning, the use of growth hormones and hygiene in poultry production. Pressure to maintain those standards would likely exclude many products from South America.Beyond the regulatory barriers, there is also the possibility that UK consumers may reject agricultural products produced in less sustainable and humane conditions, or in countries (such as Brazil) that are seen by the public as abusing the environment.In short, an increase in Latin American agricultural exports to the UK market may not happen as easily or as quickly as some hope after Brexit. In fact, it may not happen at all. But if Latin American countries – Argentina and Brazil in particular – want to capture this potential new market, the first step both should be to improve their environmental profile and standards at both the government and producer level. Full Article
brex Brexit identities and British public opinion on China By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 09:17:46 +0000 6 November 2019 , Volume 95, Number 6 Read online Wilfred M. Chow, Enze Han and Xiaojun Li Many studies have explored the importance of public opinion in British foreign policy decision-making, especially when it comes to the UK's relations with the United States and the European Union. Despite its importance, there is a dearth of research on public opinion about British foreign policy towards other major players in the international system, such as emerging powers like China. We have addressed this knowledge gap by conducting a public opinion survey in the UK after the Brexit referendum. Our research findings indicate that the British public at large finds China's rise disconcerting, but is also pragmatic in its understanding of how the ensuing bilateral relations should be managed. More importantly, our results show that views on China are clearly split between the two opposing Brexit identities. Those who subscribe strongly to the Leave identity, measured by their aversion to the EU and antipathy towards immigration, are also more likely to hold negative perceptions of Chinese global leadership and be more suspicious of China as a military threat. In contrast, those who espouse a Remain identity—that is, believe that Britain would be better served within the EU and with more immigrants—are more likely to prefer closer engagement with China and to have a more positive outlook overall on China's place within the global community. Full Article
brex Episode 23 - The Internet of Top Tech Topics (IoTTT) Brexit, Pokemon Go & Tesla By Published On :: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 13:19:19 GMT For the second week running hosting duties are taken by Henry Burrell, who is joined by editor Charlotte Jee to discuss the impact of Brexit on the UK's startups. Producer Chris then jumps in to discuss the Pokemon Go launch in the UK and a debate breaks out over whether it is for adults (13:00) Finally, online editor at Computerworld UK Scott Carey brings the latest news around driverless cars, from Tesla's recent struggles and how it may affect the industry in general (25:00) See for privacy and opt-out information. Full Article
brex Three Challenges for UK Peacebuilding Policy in the South Caucasus After Brexit By Published On :: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 09:24:44 +0000 21 January 2020 Laurence Broers Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme @LaurenceBroers Building on the legacies of a long-term British investment in a peace strategy for the South Caucasus is a realistic and attainable goal. 2020-01-21-NK.jpg A building in Nagorny Karabakh flies the flag of the self-proclaimed republic. 'Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabakh have evolved into examples of what scholars call "de facto states" that, to differing degrees, control territory, provide governance and exercise internal sovereignty,' writes Laurence Broers. Photo: Getty Images. What does Britain’s departure from the EU mean for the country’s policy towards the South Caucasus, a small region on the periphery of Europe, fractured by conflict? Although Britain is not directly involved in any of the region’s peace processes (except in the case of the Geneva International Discussions on conflicts involving Georgia, as an EU member state), it has been a significant stakeholder in South Caucasian stability since the mid-1990s.Most obviously, Britain has been the single largest foreign investor in Caspian oil and gas. Yet beyond pipelines, Britain also has been a significant investor in long-term civil society-led strategies to build peace in the South Caucasus.Through what was then the Global Conflict Prevention Pool, in the early 2000s the Department for International Development (DfID) pioneered large-scale peacebuilding interventions, such as the Consortium Initiative, addressing Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, in 2003-09. These built civic networks in the South Caucasus and partnerships with British-based NGOs.This experience left a strong intellectual legacy. British expertise on the South Caucasus, including specific expertise on its conflicts, is highly regarded in the region and across the world.There is also a strong tradition of British scholarship on the Caucasus, and several British universities offer Caucasus-related courses. Through schemes such as the John Smith Fellowship Trust, the Robert Bosch Stiftung Academy Fellowship at Chatham House and Chevening Scholarships, significant numbers of young leaders from the South Caucasus have spent time in British institutions and built effective relationships within them.Three challengesThis niche as a champion of long-term, strategic peacebuilding and repository of area-specific knowledge should not be lost as Britain’s relationship with the EU and regional actors evolves. This can be ensured through awareness of three challenges confronting a post-Brexit Caucasus policy.The first challenge for London is to avoid framing a regional policy in the South Caucasus as an extension of a wider ‘Russia policy’. Deteriorating Russian-British relations in recent years strengthen a tendency to view policies in the European neighbourhood through the traditional prisms of Cold War and Russian-Western rivalries.Yet an overwhelming focus on Russia fails to capture other important aspects of political developments in South Caucasus conflicts. Although often referred to as ‘breakaway’ or ‘occupied’ territories, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabakh are not ungoverned spaces. They have evolved into examples of what scholars call ‘de facto states’ that, to differing degrees, control territory, provide governance and exercise internal sovereignty.Few disagree that these entities would not survive without external patronage. But neither does that patronage explain their sustainability on its own. Russia-centricity diminishes Britain’s latitude to engage on the full range of local drivers sustaining these entities, contributing instead to less effective policies predicated on competition and containment.A second and related challenge is to maintain and develop Britain’s position on the issue of engaging populations in these entities. De facto states appear to stand outside of the international rules-based system. Yet in many cases, their civil societies are peopled by skilled and motivated activists who want their leaders to be held accountable according to international rules.Strategies of isolation ignore these voices and contribute instead to fearful and demoralized communities less likely to engage in a transformation of adversarial relationships. Making this case with the wider international community, and facilitating the funding of local civil societies in contested territories, would be important steps in sustaining an effective British policy on the resolution of conflicts. The third challenge for Britain is to maintain a long-term approach to the conflicts of the South Caucasus alongside potential short-term imperatives in other policy fields, as relationships shift post-Brexit.In this fluid international environment, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has a role to play both as an internal champion of a long-term peacebuilding strategy and a coordinator of British efforts with those of multilateral actors engaged in the South Caucasus. These include the United Nations, the EU’s Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia and OSCE’s Special Representative for the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus, all of which have built relationships with relevant actors on the ground.RecommendationsBritain’s niche as a champion and advocate of a strategic approach to peaceful change can be secured post-Brexit in the following ways. First, in-house expertise is crucial to effective peacebuilding programming. The Foreign Office’s research analysts play a vital role in generating independent internal advice and liaising with academic and NGO communities. Their role could be supplemented by the reinstatement of a regional conflict adviser post, based in Tbilisi, tasked with strengthening Britain’s regional presence on conflict issues and coordinating policy at a regional level.This post, with a remit to cover conflicts and build up area knowledge and relationships can contribute significantly to working closely with local civil societies, where so much expertise and knowledge resides, as well as other stakeholders.Second, programming should build in conflict sensitivity by dissociating eligibility from contested political status. This can encourage local populations to take advantage of opportunities for funding, study, comparative learning and professional development irrespective of the status of the entity where they reside.The Chevening Scholarships are an excellent example, whereby applicants can select ‘South Caucasus’ as their affiliated identity from a drop-down menu. This enables citizens from across the region to apply irrespective of the status of the territory in which they live. Finally, a holistic understanding of peace is crucial. Programming in unrecognized or partially-recognized entities should acknowledge that effective peacebuilding needs to embrace political dynamics and processes beyond cross-conflict contact and confidence building. Local actors in such entities may find peacebuilding funding streams defined exclusively in terms of cross-conflict contact more politically risky and ineffective in addressing domestic blockages to peace.While cross-conflict dynamics remain critical, ‘single-community’ programming framed in terms of civic participation, inclusion, civil society capacity-building, minority and human rights in contested territories, and building the confidence from within to engage in constructive dialogue, are no less important.The ’global Britain’ promised by Brexit remains a fanciful idea. Quiet, painstaking work to build on the legacies of a long-term British investment in a peace strategy for the South Caucasus, on the other hand, is a realistic and attainable goal. Full Article
brex Brexit and the UN Security Council: declining British influence? By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 09:14:28 +0000 6 November 2019 , Volume 95, Number 6 Jess Gifkins, Samuel Jarvis and Jason Ralph Read online The United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union has ramifications beyond the UK and the EU. This article analyses the impact of the Brexit referendum on the UK's political capital in the United Nations Security Council; a dimension of Brexit that has received little attention thus far. Drawing on extensive elite interviews we show that the UK has considerable political capital in the Council, where it is seen as one of the most effective actors, but the reputational costs of Brexit are tarnishing this image. With case-studies on the UK's role in Somalia and Yemen we show how the UK has been able to further its interests with dual roles in the EU and Security Council, and the risks posed by tensions between trade and human rights after Brexit. We also analyse what it takes to be influential within the Security Council and argue that more attention should be paid to the practices of diplomacy. Influence is gained via penholding, strong diplomatic skill and a well-regarded UN permanent representative. The UK accrues political capital as a leader on the humanitarian and human rights side of the Council's agenda, but this reputation is at risk as it exits the EU. Full Article
brex Britain Walks Post-Brexit Tightrope With Huawei Decision By Published On :: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 13:28:57 +0000 4 February 2020 Dr Leslie Vinjamuri Dean, Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs; Director, US and the Americas Programme @londonvinjamuri Google Scholar The UK government seems to have balanced competing interests of the economy, national security and relations with America. But the full US response remains to be seen. 2020-02-04-JohnsonPompeo.jpg Mike Pompeo meets Boris Johnson in London on 30 January. Photo: Getty Images. In the face of multiple competing pressures, most especially intense pressure by the US president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the UK government has carved out an independent choice on the role that Huawei will play in its 5G mobile networks. Announced just days before the UK exited the European Union, a move designed to allow the UK to reclaim its sovereignty, this was a model example of a sovereign decision, but one that carries risk and will create ongoing uncertainty.The government’s assessment is that this will bolster Britain’s economic competitiveness through a rapid rollout of its 5G mobile network while staving off pressure from the United States and economic retaliation from China.Britain’s decision treads a cautious line. The effort to balance the drive for competitiveness, the imperatives of national security and, especially, to appease while not appearing to appease America, has meant that the UK faces multiple pressures just as it seeks to forge an independent political future. So far, the UK government has handled these pressures artfully.After months of intense scrutiny that at times looked like prevarication, and at other times looked a lot more contentious, the UK has decided to restrict Huawei’s access to a maximum of 35% of the market share of what it argues is the non-core part of its 5G mobile networks, and to enforce a total ban on Huawei’s access to the core. But no one should rest easy with the current choice. The UK has been divided internally on this decision, even among those on its National Security Council who have had privileged access to the intelligence offered by GCHQ. As the UK’s decision loomed, Tom Tugendhat, chair of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, cited Huawei’s connection to China’s intelligence services and its police state in Xinjiang and asked ‘is the risk worth it?’.This division created latitude for the Johnson government to stake out its own position. But it also suggests that when it comes to national security, the case is not clear. The US response is more puzzling. Donald Trump and Pompeo have been coming down hard on the UK. But in the lead up to the UK’s decision, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin struck a much more nuanced tone, at least on the public record.Despite weeks of pressure by Trump and Pompeo leading up to the announcement, the UK’s Huawei decision has so far failed to make headlines in the US, or garner much of an official response.In an oped published in the Financial Times just days after the UK’s decision, acting US Assistant Secretary of Defense David Helvey took a strong line on China, calling for transatlantic unity and stressing the comprehensive nature of the competition that China presents. But he refrained from any specific mention of the UK’s announced decision. Given the previous US threat that allowing Huawei access would compromise future US–UK intelligence sharing and undermine the prospect for a free trade deal, this relatively muted response is surprising. Few among US national security experts have diverged from the view that Huawei presents a singular threat to national security.This suggests one of two things: either that, even among those in the US who agree about the threat that Huawei presents for national security, opinion differs on how to deal with this threat; or, that America has conceded to the UK’s choice, even if it is a different position to its own.What comes next is less certain. Now that Boris Johnson’s decision has been announced, the US has good reason to lay low. Restricting US–UK intelligence is a hollow threat: the US is a major beneficiary of this relationship and any attempt to unravel it would be costly for both parties.The same is true of a future US–UK free trade deal, from which the US will most certainly reap substantial benefits, politically as well as economically.The risk for the United States, of course, is that if it does not follow through, future threats to retaliate against the UK’s sovereign choices will become increasingly meaningless. And President Trump is not just any president. The current quiet could quickly be reversed if he sees a reason to make an example of the UK to signal to other countries currently debating their position on Huawei that proceeding will carry significant penalties.The question remains whether in forging ahead, but with elements of caution, Britain has made the right decision. If the measure of success is political independence befitting the moment of Britain’s historic exit from the European Union, then the answer would appear to be yes. National security is an entirely different matter, and on this the debate is not over. Full Article
brex Three Challenges for UK Peacebuilding Policy in the South Caucasus After Brexit By Published On :: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 09:24:44 +0000 21 January 2020 Laurence Broers Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme @LaurenceBroers Building on the legacies of a long-term British investment in a peace strategy for the South Caucasus is a realistic and attainable goal. 2020-01-21-NK.jpg A building in Nagorny Karabakh flies the flag of the self-proclaimed republic. 'Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabakh have evolved into examples of what scholars call "de facto states" that, to differing degrees, control territory, provide governance and exercise internal sovereignty,' writes Laurence Broers. Photo: Getty Images. What does Britain’s departure from the EU mean for the country’s policy towards the South Caucasus, a small region on the periphery of Europe, fractured by conflict? Although Britain is not directly involved in any of the region’s peace processes (except in the case of the Geneva International Discussions on conflicts involving Georgia, as an EU member state), it has been a significant stakeholder in South Caucasian stability since the mid-1990s.Most obviously, Britain has been the single largest foreign investor in Caspian oil and gas. Yet beyond pipelines, Britain also has been a significant investor in long-term civil society-led strategies to build peace in the South Caucasus.Through what was then the Global Conflict Prevention Pool, in the early 2000s the Department for International Development (DfID) pioneered large-scale peacebuilding interventions, such as the Consortium Initiative, addressing Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, in 2003-09. These built civic networks in the South Caucasus and partnerships with British-based NGOs.This experience left a strong intellectual legacy. British expertise on the South Caucasus, including specific expertise on its conflicts, is highly regarded in the region and across the world.There is also a strong tradition of British scholarship on the Caucasus, and several British universities offer Caucasus-related courses. Through schemes such as the John Smith Fellowship Trust, the Robert Bosch Stiftung Academy Fellowship at Chatham House and Chevening Scholarships, significant numbers of young leaders from the South Caucasus have spent time in British institutions and built effective relationships within them.Three challengesThis niche as a champion of long-term, strategic peacebuilding and repository of area-specific knowledge should not be lost as Britain’s relationship with the EU and regional actors evolves. This can be ensured through awareness of three challenges confronting a post-Brexit Caucasus policy.The first challenge for London is to avoid framing a regional policy in the South Caucasus as an extension of a wider ‘Russia policy’. Deteriorating Russian-British relations in recent years strengthen a tendency to view policies in the European neighbourhood through the traditional prisms of Cold War and Russian-Western rivalries.Yet an overwhelming focus on Russia fails to capture other important aspects of political developments in South Caucasus conflicts. Although often referred to as ‘breakaway’ or ‘occupied’ territories, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabakh are not ungoverned spaces. They have evolved into examples of what scholars call ‘de facto states’ that, to differing degrees, control territory, provide governance and exercise internal sovereignty.Few disagree that these entities would not survive without external patronage. But neither does that patronage explain their sustainability on its own. Russia-centricity diminishes Britain’s latitude to engage on the full range of local drivers sustaining these entities, contributing instead to less effective policies predicated on competition and containment.A second and related challenge is to maintain and develop Britain’s position on the issue of engaging populations in these entities. De facto states appear to stand outside of the international rules-based system. Yet in many cases, their civil societies are peopled by skilled and motivated activists who want their leaders to be held accountable according to international rules.Strategies of isolation ignore these voices and contribute instead to fearful and demoralized communities less likely to engage in a transformation of adversarial relationships. Making this case with the wider international community, and facilitating the funding of local civil societies in contested territories, would be important steps in sustaining an effective British policy on the resolution of conflicts. The third challenge for Britain is to maintain a long-term approach to the conflicts of the South Caucasus alongside potential short-term imperatives in other policy fields, as relationships shift post-Brexit.In this fluid international environment, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has a role to play both as an internal champion of a long-term peacebuilding strategy and a coordinator of British efforts with those of multilateral actors engaged in the South Caucasus. These include the United Nations, the EU’s Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia and OSCE’s Special Representative for the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus, all of which have built relationships with relevant actors on the ground.RecommendationsBritain’s niche as a champion and advocate of a strategic approach to peaceful change can be secured post-Brexit in the following ways. First, in-house expertise is crucial to effective peacebuilding programming. The Foreign Office’s research analysts play a vital role in generating independent internal advice and liaising with academic and NGO communities. Their role could be supplemented by the reinstatement of a regional conflict adviser post, based in Tbilisi, tasked with strengthening Britain’s regional presence on conflict issues and coordinating policy at a regional level.This post, with a remit to cover conflicts and build up area knowledge and relationships can contribute significantly to working closely with local civil societies, where so much expertise and knowledge resides, as well as other stakeholders.Second, programming should build in conflict sensitivity by dissociating eligibility from contested political status. This can encourage local populations to take advantage of opportunities for funding, study, comparative learning and professional development irrespective of the status of the entity where they reside.The Chevening Scholarships are an excellent example, whereby applicants can select ‘South Caucasus’ as their affiliated identity from a drop-down menu. This enables citizens from across the region to apply irrespective of the status of the territory in which they live. Finally, a holistic understanding of peace is crucial. Programming in unrecognized or partially-recognized entities should acknowledge that effective peacebuilding needs to embrace political dynamics and processes beyond cross-conflict contact and confidence building. Local actors in such entities may find peacebuilding funding streams defined exclusively in terms of cross-conflict contact more politically risky and ineffective in addressing domestic blockages to peace.While cross-conflict dynamics remain critical, ‘single-community’ programming framed in terms of civic participation, inclusion, civil society capacity-building, minority and human rights in contested territories, and building the confidence from within to engage in constructive dialogue, are no less important.The ’global Britain’ promised by Brexit remains a fanciful idea. Quiet, painstaking work to build on the legacies of a long-term British investment in a peace strategy for the South Caucasus, on the other hand, is a realistic and attainable goal. Full Article
brex UK Unplugged? The Impacts of Brexit on Energy and Climate Policy By Published On :: Wed, 25 May 2016 10:43:26 +0000 26 May 2016 In the field of energy and climate change policy, remaining in the EU offers the best balance of policy options for Britain’s national interests. Download PDF Antony Froggatt Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme LinkedIn Thomas Raines Director, Europe Programme @TomHRaines Google Scholar Shane TomlinsonSenior Associate, E3G; Former Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House 2016-05-26-uk-unplugged-brexit-energy.jpg A line of electricity pylons stretches beyond fields of rapeseed near Hutton Rudby, North Yorkshire, on 27 April 2015. Photo: Getty Images. SummaryOver the last 30 years the EU has played a central role in addressing the competitiveness, security and climate dimensions of energy policy among its member states. The UK has been critical in driving forward integration of the European energy market, and has been a strong advocate of liberalized energy markets and some climate change mitigation policies.If, at the June 2016 referendum, the UK does vote to leave the EU, energy and climate policy will be part of the overall package of issues to be negotiated, as it is unlikely that each sector will be treated separately. The model of relations for energy and climate may well be determined by political and public sentiment on higher-profile issues such as freedom of movement, rather than by what is best for the UK in these policy areas.The UK is increasingly reliant on imports, including from and through continental Europe, and its energy market is deeply integrated with that of its European neighbours. As a growing share of the UK’s electricity is exchanged with EU partners, it would be neither possible nor desirable to ‘unplug’ the UK from Europe’s energy networks. A degree of continued adherence to EU market, environmental and governance rules would be inevitable.This paper reviews the risks and trade-offs associated with five possible options for a post-exit relationship. Of these, the Norway or the Energy Community models would be the least disruptive, enabling continuity in energy market access, regulatory frameworks and investment; however, both would come at the cost of accepting the vast majority of legislation while relinquishing any say in its creation. The UK would thus have less, rather than more, sovereignty over energy policy.The Switzerland, the Canada and the WTO models offer the possibility of greater sovereignty in a number of areas, such as buildings and infrastructure standards as well as state aid. None the less, each would entail higher risks, with greater uncertainty over market access, investment and electricity prices. These models would reduce or even eliminate the UK’s contribution to the EU budget, but would also limit or cut off access to EU funding mechanisms.All five Brexit models would undermine the UK’s influence in international energy and climate diplomacy. The UK would no longer play any direct role in shaping the climate and energy policies of its EU neighbours, at a time when the EU’s proposed Energy Union initiatives offer the prospect of a more integrated and effective European energy sector. A decision to leave the EU would make it easier for a future UK government to change direction on climate policy, since only a change in domestic legislation would be required.‘Brexit’ could affect the balance of energy policy among the remaining member states. In its absence, the centre of gravity for EU energy policy might shift away from market mechanisms and result in weaker collective action on greenhouse gas reduction targets.In the field of energy and climate change policy, remaining in the EU offers the best balance of policy options for Britain’s national interests: the UK would continue to benefit from the integrated energy market, while maintaining influence over its direction and minimizing uncertainty for crucial investment. Department/project Europe Programme, UK-EU27 Energy Cooperation, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme Full Article
brex The government is lacking detail over Brexit planning By Published On :: Wed, 04 Sep 2019 17:43:31 +0000 Brexit. Who knows what’s going to happen in the next few weeks, months, years - the uncertainty is high. In the face of that, you’d hope that the government was doing all it could to plan for any eventuality - let alone for a massive, country altering one like suddenly crashing out without a deal - but Martin McKee, professor of public health at... Full Article
brex Brexit - Planning for medicine shortages By Published On :: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 18:22:17 +0000 This week we saw the release of the much awaited Yellowhammer documents from the government, documents which outline some of the risks involved with Britain’s sudden departure from the EU. The documents themselves outline that there are risks to the supply of medicines - but do not set out the detail of how those risks have been mitigated, and... Full Article
brex Reflections on the Brexit Election By Published On :: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 12:20:01 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 6 December 2019 - 8:30am to 9:30am Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Alistair Burt, Conservative Member of Parliament (1983-97 and 2001-19); Minister of State for the Middle East, UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Minister of State at the Department for UK International Development (2017-19) On 12 December 2019, the United Kingdom will hold one of its most crucial elections in the 21st century. The result will have a direct impact on the Brexit process and will most likely determine the country’s future direction for years to come. Yet the final outcome is far from predictable. It seems quite certain that the 2019 election is unlikely to produce a clear two-party share of the vote as happened back in 2017. Public trust in politicians is low and party loyalty is looser than ever. Polls show that Brexit it overwhelmingly considered as the main issue among the electorate alongside a deep concern about the future of public services. This raises multiple questions: can the 2019 election represent a chance to unite the country and move on? Will cross-party identities of ‘Leavers’ and ‘Remainers’ translate to how people vote in the election? And what will the outcome mean for Brexit and the future of party politics in Britain? Attendance at this event is by invitation only. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Europe Programme, Britain and Europe: The Post-Referendum Agenda Alina Lyadova Europe Programme Coordinator Email Full Article
brex Virtual Breakfast: Is a Brexit Delay Possible? By Published On :: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 15:15:01 +0000 Research Event 7 April 2020 - 8:30am to 9:30am Event participants Gavin Barwell, Downing Street Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Theresa May (2017-19)Chair: Thomas Raines, Director, Europe Programme, Chatham House Please note this an online-only event.According to a previously agreed timetable for phase two of Brexit talks, negotiations on the future EU-UK trade relations were scheduled to begin in March. Then a global pandemic hit. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the UK government insists that the Brexit negotiations are on track and there are currently no plans to extend the transition period beyond 2020.However, the original timetable for trade talks was already widely seen as extremely constrained. Can negotiations still be done in time? With the decision on any possible extension to be made by July at the latest, can the two sides make sufficient progress by that point? Or would the ongoing public health crisis make requesting an extension to the transition period more politically viable for the UK government? Finally, if there is no extension, could Britain still leave the EU with no deal?In this webinar, the speaker will discuss how the need to manage other challenges, such as the current COVID-19 outbreak, might affect the government’s approach to the negotiations with the EU. He will also share his insights on what to expect from the second phase of negotiations and on the most important lessons from phase one. Department/project Europe Programme, Britain and Europe: The Post-Referendum Agenda Alina Lyadova Europe Programme Coordinator Email Full Article
brex Nuclear Energy in a Post-Brexit Europe By Published On :: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 14:45:01 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 11 October 2019 - 8:30am to 10:00am Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Tim Yeo, Chairman, The New Nuclear Watch InstituteChair: Antony Froggatt, Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Chatham House Brexit will significantly change the balance within the EU in relation to nuclear energy. Apart from France and Finland, both of whose nuclear development programmes are behind schedule, the UK is the only member state in northern or western Europe currently investing in new nuclear capacity. Brexit will therefore leave the supporters of nuclear energy within the EU27 and the European Commission in a weaker position.The speaker will argue that at a time when the energy industry needs to accelerate its shift away from fossil fuels, and when the electricity generation industry must cut its carbon emissions faster than it has ever managed to do in the past, this change is unhelpful.The workshop will also address the need for additional interconnector capacity and the future of carbon-trading outside the EU emission trading system and how this relates to potential nuclear energy capacity.Attendance at this event is by invitation only. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Sustainable Transitions Series Chloé Prendleloup Email Full Article
brex Safe or Sorry? Prospects for Britons in the European Union after Brexit By Published On :: Fri, 03 Nov 2017 11:54:37 -0400 Amid ongoing Brexit negotiations, much remains uncertain for the roughly 1 million UK citizens living elsewhere in the European Union. This report offers a demographic profile of these Brexpats, considering what form an EU-UK deal on citizens’ rights might take and identifying key challenges many Britons are likely to face—including difficulty securing legal status and accessing labor markets, social security, and health-care systems. Full Article
brex Brexit Day—Is This the Dawning of the Age of Immobility? By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:25:38 -0500 Brexit Day, on January 31, 2020, marks a dramatic turn for the United Kingdom as it leaves the European Union, in significant measure because it wants to control its immigration destiny. But it remains unclear whether Brexit will allow the United Kingdom to cast a net wider for the global workers it seeks or will deepen the moat around the island. Either way, Brexit is likely to spark new forms of mobility—and immobility. Full Article
brex When the Dust Settles: Migration Policy after Brexit By Published On :: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 15:16:18 -0400 While the political and economic ramifications of the UK vote to quit the European Union hit with full force within hours, it will take far more time to sort out what Brexit means for migration policy. In the short term, the rights of EU nationals living in Britain are the most pressing, with border-control negotiations and future immigration levels also high on the agenda. Against a backdrop of deep public skepticism, this commentary suggests the next government should underpromise and overdeliver. Full Article
brex On the Brink: Prospects for UK Nationals in the EU-27 after a No-Deal Brexit By Published On :: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:24:06 -0400 Six months on from the original March 2019 Brexit date and staring a new deadline in the face, many EU countries still had only skeletal plans for how to adjust the status of their resident UK nationals should a no-deal Brexit come to pass. This policy brief highlights critical gaps in these plans, the groups most likely to be affected by them, and strategies Member States and the United Kingdom could adopt to soften the impact. Full Article
brex Scotland at risk of missing affordable homes target as Brexit bites By Published On :: Mon, 07 Oct 2019 08:10:00 +0100 SCOTLAND is struggling to meet its targets for new affordable homes despite government funding. Full Article
brex Supply of homes for sale at three-year low amid Brexit wrangling By Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 08:00:00 +0100 The flow of homes coming on to the UK market is at its weakest level in three years as "endless wrangling about Brexit" continues, according to surveyors. Full Article
brex David Torrance: The SNP's independence proposition resembles another Brexit-like leap into the unknown By Published On :: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:00:00 +0000 In “Painting Nationalism Red?”, an engaging new pamphlet published by Democratic Left Scotland, the journalist Neal Ascherson pays tribute to Tom Nairn as Scotland’s “pre-eminent political intellectual”. Full Article
brex David Torrance: How Gibraltar learned to stop fearing Brexit By Published On :: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 04:00:00 +0000 A few days after a majority of Britons backed Brexit in June 2016, this newspaper reported that Nicola Sturgeon had been in talks with London Mayor Sadiq Khan and the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo. Full Article
brex David Torrance: How Brexit vote has left the SNP making the same historical error By Published On :: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 04:00:00 +0000 “Scotland”, declared a young Alex Salmond in May 1975, “knows from bitter experience what treatment is in store for a powerless region of a common market.” Full Article
brex Iain Macwhirter: We're heading for a hard Brexit on Friday, but it needn't have been this way By Published On :: Sun, 26 Jan 2020 05:11:05 +0000 The European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill got the Royal Assent this week. It was then solemnly signed, sealed and ratified by Ursula von der Leyen, the new President of the European Commission. We’re finally out. Full Article
brex | EU allegedly mulling no-deal Brexit summit as pressure mounts By Published On :: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 19:58:47 +0200 United Kingdom and European Union negotiators were working through Sunday as the outcome of Brexit talks hung in the balance. Full Article
brex | Brexit talks put on hold as stalemate deepens By Published On :: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 12:01:04 +0200 The UK and the European Union are on course to miss a key milestone on the road to a Brexit deal after talks hit a roadblock. Negotiations are now paused, putting pressure on leaders to step into the breach later this week. Full Article
brex Combination Therapy with Ibrexafungerp (formerly SCY-078), a First-in-Class Triterpenoid Inhibitor of (1->3)-{beta}-D-Glucan Synthesis, and Isavuconazole for Treatment of Experimental Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis [Experimental Therapeutics] By Published On :: 2020-03-16T08:17:36-07:00 Ibrexafungerp (formerly SCY-078) is a semisynthetic triterpenoid and potent (1->3)-β-D-glucan synthase inhibitor. We investigated the in vitro activity, pharmacokinetics, and in vivo efficacy of ibrexafungerp (SCY) alone and in combination with anti-mould triazole isavuconazole (ISA) against invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). The combination of ibrexafungerp and isavuconazole in in vitro studies resulted in an additive and synergistic interactions against Aspergillus spp. Plasma concentration-time curves of ibrexafungerp were compatible with linear dose proportional profile. In vivo efficacy was studied in a well established persistently neutropenic NZW rabbit model of experimental IPA. Treatment groups included untreated rabbits (UC) and rabbits receiving ibrexafungerp at 2.5(SCY2.5) and 7.5(SCY7.5) mg/kg/day, isavuconazole at 40(ISA40) mg/kg/day, or combinations of SCY2.5+ISA40 and SCY7.5+ISA40. The combination of SCY+ISA produced in vitro synergistic interaction. There was significant in vivo reduction of residual fungal burden, lung weights, and pulmonary infarct scores in SCY2.5+ISA40, SCY7.5+ISA40, and ISA40-treatment groups vs that of SCY2.5-treated, SCY7.5-treated and UC (p<0.01). Rabbits treated with SCY2.5+ISA40 and SCY7.5+ISA40 had prolonged survival in comparison to that of SCY2.5-, SCY7.5-, ISA40-treated or UC (p<0.05). Serum GMI and (1->3)-β-D-glucan levels significantly declined in animals treated with the combination of SCY7.5+ISA40 in comparison to those treated with SCY7.5 or ISA40 (p<0.05). Ibrexafungerp and isavuconazole combination demonstrated prolonged survival, decreased pulmonary injury, reduced residual fungal burden, lower GMI and (1->3)-β-D-glucan levels in comparison to those of single therapy for treatment of IPA. These findings provide an experimental foundation for clinical evaluation of the combination of ibrexafungerp and an anti-mould triazole for treatment of IPA. Full Article
brex Europe Committee to question Secretary of State for Scotland over Brexit By Published On :: 2020-05-07 05:45:19 The Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee will on Thursday (5 March) question the Secretary of State for Scotland regarding the Withdrawal Agreement and the future relationship between the European Union and the UK. Full Article
brex UK Home Secretary Says Post-Brexit Minimum Salary Threshold will be 36k Pounds By Published On :: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 00:00:00 GMT The UK Home Secretary will be asked to raise the recommended £30,000 minimum salary threshold for all latest international workers to defend lower-paid British workers.At the moment, the limitation only appeals to non-EU migrants, but it's assumed… Full Article
brex Brexit trade talks timeline ‘virtually impossible’ – Dublin By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:56:00 +0000 Read Full Article at Full Article
brex Brexit from European Union will have global impact By Published On :: Brexit from European Union will have global impact Full Article
brex Brexit uncertainty drives auto industry towards Germany By Published On :: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 17:14:11 +0000 Tesla's decision part of broader trend of investment into Germany at UK's expense. Full Article
brex Investment group says solar energy could see “popularity boost” in UK due to Brexit By Published On :: 2019-04-03T13:07:06Z Solar energy companies could fill the void created by the lack of secure energy transfer between UK and EU, the group says. Full Article News Utility Scale C&I DER DER Solar Utility Integration
brex Brexit: Insights from Renewable Energy Businesses By Published On :: 2016-07-08T13:48:00Z Brexit; It’s been the buzz word dominating the media recently and it’s likely to continue for some time. The UK’s decision to leave the EU has left both supporting sides of the ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ campaign in a somewhat collective state of uncertainty as to how this decision will impact the country right now and in the future years. Full Article Hydropower Baseload Bioenergy Wind Power Solar
brex Investment group says solar energy could see “popularity boost” in UK due to Brexit By Published On :: 2019-04-03T13:07:06Z Solar energy companies could fill the void created by the lack of secure energy transfer between UK and EU, the group says. Full Article News Utility Scale C&I DER DER Solar Utility Integration
brex Brexit: Insights from Renewable Energy Businesses By Published On :: 2016-07-08T13:48:00Z Brexit; It’s been the buzz word dominating the media recently and it’s likely to continue for some time. The UK’s decision to leave the EU has left both supporting sides of the ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ campaign in a somewhat collective state of uncertainty as to how this decision will impact the country right now and in the future years. Full Article Hydropower Baseload Bioenergy Wind Power Solar
brex Lawbite: Can Brexit frustrate a lease? By Published On :: 2018-12-20 Canary Wharf (BP4) T1 Ltd v European Medicines Agency The impact of Brexit upon property disputes has not been wide ranging thus far. However, a case which is set for trial in the early part of 2019 may alter that position and potential... Full Article
brex Five key implications of Brexit for planning, infrastructure and development By Published On :: 2016-06-29 The outcome of the vote in favour of leaving the EU will undoubtedly have far reaching implications, but what does this mean for the UK planning system? We have not rushed to comment upon the planning and environmental implications of the vote to le... Full Article
brex Northern Powerhouse and the impact of Brexit. By Published On :: 2016-07-22 Whilst the “Northern Po... Full Article
brex England: Making provision for the continued operation of planning and environmental regulation after Brexit By Published On :: 2019-04-02 In preparation for the forthcoming withdrawal of the UK from the EU, the Government has been amending legislation and regulations relevant to town and country planning, infrastructure planning, environmental protection, air quality, environmental im... Full Article