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Early Life Environment Exposure may Impact Blood Pressure in Kids

Exposure to several environmental factors during early life can impact a child's blood pressure, reveals a new study. The findings of the study are published

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Heating Pads may Decrease Blood Pressure in People with Supine Hypertension

Individuals with supine hypertension, a condition that causes their blood pressure to rise when they lie down, including during sleep can lower their

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High Blood Pressure Affects Young and Healthy Medical Students

Abnormal blood pressure levels are seen among medical students of which they are unaware, potentially putting them on a path for heart health risks at a younger age.

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Arm Cuff Blood Pressure Measurements may Fall Short for Heart Disease Risk Prediction

In people with difficult-to-treat high blood pressure, a measurement of central blood pressure could help cut the risk of heart disease better than traditional

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Adults now Won't Feel Dizzy On More Intensive Blood Pressure-lowering Treatment

Blood pressure affected adults who received more intensive treatment to lower the blood pressure were less likely to experience drastic blood pressure drops, which can cause dizziness.

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Severe OSA may Up High Blood Pressure Risk in Patients with Resistant Hypertension

Resistant hypertension patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are at a higher risk of having high blood pressure (HBP), reports a new study.

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Electric Pill Bottles (and) Text Message Unable to Control Blood Pressure

Electric pill bottle and text messaging appear to keep medication adherence high, but neither of those appeared to low down blood pressure levels. These

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Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Raise the Risk of High Blood Pressure Later in Life

First-time pregnancy complications such as preterm delivery and preeclampsia can boost the chances of developing chronic hypertension in women later in life, reports a new study.

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Too Much Stress May Up High Blood Pressure in African-Americans

Chronic stress increases the risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension) in African-Americans, reports a new study. The findings of the study

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Hypertension Treatment: Most Prescribed Blood Pressure Drugs may be Less Effective Than Others

ACE inhibitors, the most popular first-line treatment for hypertension were found to be not as effective and cause more side effects compared with thiazide

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Apelin Receptor Linked to High Blood Pressure

In laboratory mice, apelin receptor (APJ) was found to be linked to hypertension (increased blood pressure) through effects on vascular smooth muscle cells.

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Battling High Blood Pressure: Mindfulness Training can Keep Hypertension at Bay

Controlling high blood pressure (hypertension) becomes easy by engaging in mindfulness training, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in iPLOS One/i.

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Overworked? Long Hours on the Job can Lead to High Blood Pressure

Putting in overtime at the office can help you get a promotion, but it could also lead to something less desirable: high blood pressure, reports a new study.

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Cause of High Nighttime Blood Pressure in Apnea Patients Identified

Patients with OSA are at an high risk of cardiovascular problems due to a mechanism called "reverse dipping" that causes blood pressure to increase than lower during sleep.

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Fight High Blood Pressure: Taming the 'Silent Killer' among People Aged 80 and Above

People living beyond 80's are more prone to high blood pressure (hypertension). Hence, knowing the right target to control blood pressure can save millions

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Plant Pigment Quercetin can Help Reduce Blood Pressure

Flavonoid quercetin intake can significantly decrease blood pressure, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iNutrition Reviews/i.

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Vitamin D Supplementation may Fight High Blood Pressure in Children

Vitamin D deficiency can ultimately affect blood pressure levels in kids. However, a new study suggests that taking vitamin D supplements daily can help

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Young Adults: Spikes in Blood Pressure Linked to Heart Disease Risk

In young adults, variable blood pressure readings are overlooked early warning sign of heart disease, a new analysis led by Duke Health researchers shows.

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Nutraceutical Formulation can Help Control High Blood Pressure

Nutraceutical formulation that combines three plant extracts along with standard hypertension treatments can keep your blood pressure in check, suggests a new study.

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Blood Pressure Control Extends the Life

A new study by investigators at Brigham and Women's Hospital puts the results of a landmark trial about blood pressure control into terms that may be easier to interpret and communicate to patients.

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Cumulative Doses of Oral Steroids Tied to Increased Blood Pressure

Increasing doses of oral steroids in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases are linked to increased hypertension (blood pressure) for those who take them regularly, reports a new study.

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Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Kidney Disease Patients

The potential benefits of blood pressure monitoring outside of doctors' offices for patients with kidney disease have been examined by two studies published in CIASN.

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BPA Substitutes May Up High Blood Pressure Risk

Frequently getting exposed to chemicals that are used to replace BPA can put you at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension), reports a new study.

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Most Home Blood Pressure Monitors are Not Accurate

Nonvalidated BP devices that dominate the online marketplace are a significant barrier to accurate home BP monitoring and cardiovascular risk management.

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Blood Pressure Awareness, Control Rates are Falling Among Canadians

A growing number of Canadians, especially women, doesn't know that they have high blood pressure, and they are not getting treatment to control it, according

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High Blood Pressure at Night Linked to Memory Problems

People with hypertension (high blood pressure) and reverse dipping were more likely to have small areas in the brain that appear damaged from vascular

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Intensive Blood Pressure Control can Reduce Atrial Fibrillation Risk

Aggressive blood pressure control to a target of less than 120 mm Hg can help reduce the risk of atrial fibrillation, reports a new study. The findings

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Protein Produced in Sepsis Helps Lower Blood Pressure

In mice, halting the activity of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) protein was found to reverse cardiovascular damage

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Are Pills a Good Substitute for Exercise to Overcome High Blood Pressure?

People with high blood pressure are more likely to choose anti-hypertensive pills and tea over an hour of exercise finds a new survey. In the survey,

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Parkinson's Disease Induce Fatigue Is Linked With Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure

Fatigue symptoms in Parkinson's disease are related to an insignificant but constant slump in diastolic blood pressure. Scientists in the iJournal

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Women Need Education After Childbirth About High Blood Pressure

All women, regardless of whether they have a history of high blood pressure, need to be educated about the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure, also known as postpartum hypertension.

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Samsung’s Galaxy Watch blood pressure monitoring app approved by South Korean regulators

Samsung Electronics announced today that its blood pressure monitoring app for Galaxy Watches has been approved by South Korean regulators. Called the Samsung Health Monitor, the app will be available for the Galaxy Watch Active2 during the third quarter, at least in South Korea, and added to upcoming Galaxy Watch devices. TechCrunch has contacted Samsung […]

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Scientists to test if drugs for cancer, depression and high blood pressure can treat coronavirus

Researchers say the drugs may help treat a variety of conditions caused by the coronavirus including stopping the virus from entering cells, preventing lung damage and abating inflammation.

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Trial of New Drug to Control Blood Pressure Kills Senior Developer in Chennai

A police official said a post-mortem will be done after tests for coronavirus infection is done, which is the practice now.

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Low Blood Pressure: Know Why It Is Harmful

Low blood pressure can be described as blood pressure that is low enough that the flow of the blood to one's body organs is inadequate, and one may exhibit symptoms such as dizziness, light-headedness, and even fainting.

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Uncommon Reasons For High Blood Pressure

Excessive coffee or other stimulant beverages increase catecholamine levels thus causing increased blood pressure and heart rate.

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Sunshine may benefit blood pressure

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A smartphone case to monitor heart rate, blood pressure

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Short course: Blueberries may lower blood pressure

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High-sensitivity microliter blood pressure sensors based on patterned micro-nanostructure arrays

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1554-1561
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00063A, Communication
Nianzuo Yu, Yongshun Liu, Bai Ji, Shuli Wang, Yunyun Chen, Tianmeng Sun, Junhu Zhang, Bai Yang
Blood pressure sensors are proposed to measure the value of central venous pressure, and diagnose the severity of hypertension, hypotension and arterial thrombosis.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Blood Pressure Patterns in Young Adulthood and Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in Middle Age

This cohort study assesses whether long-term variability and rate of change of blood pressure from young adulthood to midlife are associated with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality by middle age.

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Impact of functional foods and nutraceuticals on high blood pressure with a special focus on meta-analysis: review from a public health perspective

Food Funct., 2020, 11,2792-2804
DOI: 10.1039/D0FO00357C, Review Article
Kamesh Venkatakrishnan, Hui-Fang Chiu, Chin-Kun Wang
In recent times many researchers are expressing immense interest in nutraceuticals and functional foods for combating various diseases or abnormal conditions, especially against hypertension (HT).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Aortic Stiffness, Blood Pressure Progression, and Incident Hypertension

Interview with Gary F. Mitchell, MD, author of Aortic Stiffness, Blood Pressure Progression, and Incident Hypertension

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Effect of Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Pharmacist Management on Blood Pressure Control: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

Interview with Karen L. Margolis, MD, MPH, author of Effect of Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Pharmacist Management on Blood Pressure Control: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

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Improved Blood Pressure Control Associated With a Large-Scale Hypertension Program

Interview with Marc G. Jaffe, MD, author of Improved Blood Pressure Control Associated With a Large-Scale Hypertension Program

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2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)

Interview with Paul A. James, MD, author of 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)

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Blood Pressure Trajectories in Early Adulthood and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Middle Age

Interview with Norrina B. Allen, PhD, MPH, author of Blood Pressure Trajectories in Early Adulthood and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Middle Age

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A comparison of systolic blood pressure in women with and without lymphedema following surgery for breast cancer