
Caterpillars, moths and their plants ; of southern Australia / Peter McQuillan, Jan Forrest, David Keane, Roger Grund ; editors: Judith Lydeamore, Penny Paton, Peter Lang (plants), Peter Marriott (moths) ; illustrations: Howard Hanson ; layout: Jan Forres

Caterpillars -- Australia, Southern -- Identification -- Pictorial works.


Defrosting ancient microbes : emerging genomes in a warmer world / Scott O. Rogers, Professor of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University ; John D. Castello, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and

Microorganisms -- History.


Learning together in term two 

In the most extraordinary circumstances teachers have once again demonstrated their professionalism, skill, flexibility


Des médications hypothermique et hyperthermique, et des moyens thérapeutiques qui les remplissent. De la pharmacothermogenèse, ou Théories de l'action des médicaments sur la température animale / par P.F. da Costa.

Lisbonne : Impr. de l'Académie royale des sciences, 1881.


Diagnostische und pathogenetische Untersuchungen : in der Klinik des Herrn Geh. Raths Dr. Schönlein auf dessen Veranlassung angestellt und mit Benutzung anderweitiger Beobachtungen veröffentlicht / von R. Remak.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1845.


Die Bedeutung des Herzschlages für die Athmung : eine neue Theorie der Respiration dargestellt für Physiologen und Ärzte / von Ernst Fleischl v. Marxow.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1887.


Die Beseitigung und Verwertung des Hausmülls vom hygienischen und volkswirtschaftlichen Standpunkte / von J. H. Vogel.

Jena : Fischer, 1897.


Die Entzündung und Verschwärung der Schleimhaut des Verdauungskanales, als selbständige Krankheit, Grundleiden vieler sogenannten Nervenfieber, Schleimfieber, Ruhren u.s.w., und als symptomatische Erscheinung vieler acuten und chronischen K

Berlin : T.C.F. Enslin, 1830.


Die Ergebnisse der tropenhygienischen Fragebogen : besonders vom Gesichtspunkte des internationalen Seuchenschutzes aus betrachtet / von E. Below.

Leipzig : G. Thieme, 1892.


Die functionen des centralnervensystems und ihre phylogenese / von J. Steiner.

Braunschweig : Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1898.


Die Krankheiten des Vorstellungsvermogens / systematisch bearbeitet von Karl Georg Neumann.

Leipzig : Cnobloch, 1822.


Die operative Ausräumung des Bulbus venae jugularis (Bulbusoperation) in Fällen otogener Pyämie / von K. Grunert.

Leipzig : Vogel, 1904.


Die pathogenese der epidemischen Diphtherie : nach ihrer histologischen Begründung / von M.J. Oertel.

Leipzig : F.C.W. Vogel, 1887.


Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger des Menschen und der Hausthiere; für Ärzte, Thierärzte, und Zoologen / von Georg Schneidemühl.

Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1898.


Die sogenannten nervosen Erkrankungen der Frauenzimmer : ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechts / von Leo Krappe.

Berlin : W. Moeser, 1850.


A digest of the results of the census of England and Wales in 1901 : arranged in tabular form, together with an explanatory introduction / comp. by William Sanders, and produced under the general supervision of Thomas G. Ackland.

London : Layton, 1903.


A dissertation on the best mode of treating spasmodic cholera ; with a view of its history and progress, from its origin in India, in 1817 down to the present time ; together with an appendix, containing a review of Dr McCormac's pamphlet, &c / by

London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1834.


Du traitement de l’éclampsie puerpérale par l’hydrate de chloral / par Gustave Froger.

Paris : V. Adrien Delahaye, 1879.


Ein Apparat, welcher gestattet, die Gesetze von Filtration und Osmose stromender Flussigkeiten bei homogenen Membranen zu studiren / von H.J. Hamburger.

Amsterdam : J. Muller, 1895.


Eloge upon Baron G. Dupuytren ... / by E. Pariset ; translated, with notes, by J.I. Ikin.

London : J. Churchill, 1837.


The works of that famous chirurgeon Ambrose Parey / translated out of Latin ; and compared with the French, by Th. Johnson ; together with three tractates concerning the veins, arteries, and nerves: exemplified with large anatomical figures. Translated

London : Printed by Mary Clark, and are to be sold by John Clark, at Mercers Chappel at the Lower End of Cheapside, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]


Together apart.



The dynastic marriage of William of Orange and Mary Stuart: above, they are brought together before a bust of Hercules; below, their wedding in London on 4 November 1677. Etching by R. de Hooghe, 1678.

[The Netherlands] : [Romeyn de Hooghe?], [1678?]


Tierische Drogen im 18. Jahrhundert im Spiegel offizineller und nicht offizineller Literatur und ihre Bedeutung in der Gegenwart / Katja Susanne Moosmann ; mit einem Geleitwort von Christoph Friedrich.

Stuttgart : In Kommission: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2019.


Contemporary research in pain and analgesia, 1983 / editors, Roger M. Brown, Theodore M. Pinkert, Jacqueline P. Ludford.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1983.


Neuroscience methods in drug abuse research / editors, Roger M. Brown, David P. Friedman, Yuth Nimit.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute of Drug Abuse, 1985.


Opiate receptor subtypes and brain function / editors, Roger M. Brown, Doris H. Clouet, David P. Friedman.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1986.


Weighted Message Passing and Minimum Energy Flow for Heterogeneous Stochastic Block Models with Side Information

We study the misclassification error for community detection in general heterogeneous stochastic block models (SBM) with noisy or partial label information. We establish a connection between the misclassification rate and the notion of minimum energy on the local neighborhood of the SBM. We develop an optimally weighted message passing algorithm to reconstruct labels for SBM based on the minimum energy flow and the eigenvectors of a certain Markov transition matrix. The general SBM considered in this paper allows for unequal-size communities, degree heterogeneity, and different connection probabilities among blocks. We focus on how to optimally weigh the message passing to improve misclassification.


A Bayesian sparse finite mixture model for clustering data from a heterogeneous population

Erlandson F. Saraiva, Adriano K. Suzuki, Luís A. Milan.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 323--344.

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian approach for clustering data using a sparse finite mixture model (SFMM). The SFMM is a finite mixture model with a large number of components $k$ previously fixed where many components can be empty. In this model, the number of components $k$ can be interpreted as the maximum number of distinct mixture components. Then, we explore the use of a prior distribution for the weights of the mixture model that take into account the possibility that the number of clusters $k_{mathbf{c}}$ (e.g., nonempty components) can be random and smaller than the number of components $k$ of the finite mixture model. In order to determine clusters we develop a MCMC algorithm denominated Split-Merge allocation sampler. In this algorithm, the split-merge strategy is data-driven and was inserted within the algorithm in order to increase the mixing of the Markov chain in relation to the number of clusters. The performance of the method is verified using simulated datasets and three real datasets. The first real data set is the benchmark galaxy data, while second and third are the publicly available data set on Enzyme and Acidity, respectively.


Simple tail index estimation for dependent and heterogeneous data with missing values

Ivana Ilić, Vladica M. Veličković.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 1, 192--203.

Financial returns are known to be nonnormal and tend to have fat-tailed distribution. Also, the dependence of large values in a stochastic process is an important topic in risk, insurance and finance. In the presence of missing values, we deal with the asymptotic properties of a simple “median” estimator of the tail index based on random variables with the heavy-tailed distribution function and certain dependence among the extremes. Weak consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator are established. The estimator is a special case of a well-known estimator defined in Bacro and Brito [ Statistics & Decisions 3 (1993) 133–143]. The advantage of the estimator is its robustness against deviations and compared to Hill’s, it is less affected by the fluctuations related to the maximum of the sample or by the presence of outliers. Several examples are analyzed in order to support the proofs.


Arctic Amplification of Anthropogenic Forcing: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis. (arXiv:2005.02535v1 [econ.EM] CROSS LISTED)

Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) in September 2019 ranked second-to-lowest in history and is trending downward. The understanding of how internal variability amplifies the effects of external $ ext{CO}_2$ forcing is still limited. We propose the VARCTIC, which is a Vector Autoregression (VAR) designed to capture and extrapolate Arctic feedback loops. VARs are dynamic simultaneous systems of equations, routinely estimated to predict and understand the interactions of multiple macroeconomic time series. Hence, the VARCTIC is a parsimonious compromise between fullblown climate models and purely statistical approaches that usually offer little explanation of the underlying mechanism. Our "business as usual" completely unconditional forecast has SIE hitting 0 in September by the 2060s. Impulse response functions reveal that anthropogenic $ ext{CO}_2$ emission shocks have a permanent effect on SIE - a property shared by no other shock. Further, we find Albedo- and Thickness-based feedbacks to be the main amplification channels through which $ ext{CO}_2$ anomalies impact SIE in the short/medium run. Conditional forecast analyses reveal that the future path of SIE crucially depends on the evolution of $ ext{CO}_2$ emissions, with outcomes ranging from recovering SIE to it reaching 0 in the 2050s. Finally, Albedo and Thickness feedbacks are shown to play an important role in accelerating the speed at which predicted SIE is heading towards 0.


Terrestrial hermit crab populations in the Maldives : ecology, distribution and anthropogenic impact

Steibl, Sebastian, author
9783658295417 (electronic bk.)


Radiomics and radiogenomics in neuro-oncology : First International Workshop, RNO-AI 2019, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 13, proceedings

Radiomics and Radiogenomics in Neuro-oncology using AI Workshop (1st : 2019 : Shenzhen Shi, China)


Racing for the surface : pathogenesis of implant infection and advanced antimicrobial strategies

9783030344757 (electronic bk.)


Plant small RNA : biogenesis, regulation and application

9780128173367 (electronic bk.)


Pathogenesis of periodontal diseases : biological concepts for clinicians



A semiparametric modeling approach using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees with an application to evaluate heterogeneous treatment effects

Bret Zeldow, Vincent Lo Re III, Jason Roy.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1989--2010.

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) is a flexible machine learning algorithm capable of capturing nonlinearities between an outcome and covariates and interactions among covariates. We extend BART to a semiparametric regression framework in which the conditional expectation of an outcome is a function of treatment, its effect modifiers, and confounders. The confounders are allowed to have unspecified functional form, while treatment and effect modifiers that are directly related to the research question are given a linear form. The result is a Bayesian semiparametric linear regression model where the posterior distribution of the parameters of the linear part can be interpreted as in parametric Bayesian regression. This is useful in situations where a subset of the variables are of substantive interest and the others are nuisance variables that we would like to control for. An example of this occurs in causal modeling with the structural mean model (SMM). Under certain causal assumptions, our method can be used as a Bayesian SMM. Our methods are demonstrated with simulation studies and an application to dataset involving adults with HIV/Hepatitis C coinfection who newly initiate antiretroviral therapy. The methods are available in an R package called semibart.


Cliques in rank-1 random graphs: The role of inhomogeneity

Kay Bogerd, Rui M. Castro, Remco van der Hofstad.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 253--285.

We study the asymptotic behavior of the clique number in rank-1 inhomogeneous random graphs, where edge probabilities between vertices are roughly proportional to the product of their vertex weights. We show that the clique number is concentrated on at most two consecutive integers, for which we provide an expression. Interestingly, the order of the clique number is primarily determined by the overall edge density, with the inhomogeneity only affecting multiplicative constants or adding at most a $log log (n)$ multiplicative factor. For sparse enough graphs the clique number is always bounded and the effect of inhomogeneity completely vanishes.


How States, Assessment Companies Can Work Together Amid Coronavirus Testing Cancellations

Scott Marion, who consults states on testing, talks about why it's important for vendors and public officials to work cooperatively in renegotiating contracts amid assessment cancellations caused by COVID-19.

The post How States, Assessment Companies Can Work Together Amid Coronavirus Testing Cancellations appeared first on Market Brief.


Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Relational Data and Exogenous Variables

Rajarshi Guhaniyogi, Abel Rodriguez.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 477--503.

This article proposes a framework based on shared, time varying stochastic latent factor models for modeling relational data in which network and node-attributes co-evolve over time. Our proposed framework is flexible enough to handle both categorical and continuous attributes, allows us to estimate the dimension of the latent social space, and automatically yields Bayesian hypothesis tests for the association between network structure and nodal attributes. Additionally, the model is easy to compute and readily yields inference and prediction for missing link between nodes. We employ our model framework to study co-evolution of international relations between 22 countries and the country specific indicators over a period of 11 years.


Additive Multivariate Gaussian Processes for Joint Species Distribution Modeling with Heterogeneous Data

Jarno Vanhatalo, Marcelo Hartmann, Lari Veneranta.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 415--447.

Species distribution models (SDM) are a key tool in ecology, conservation and management of natural resources. Two key components of the state-of-the-art SDMs are the description for species distribution response along environmental covariates and the spatial random effect that captures deviations from the distribution patterns explained by environmental covariates. Joint species distribution models (JSDMs) additionally include interspecific correlations which have been shown to improve their descriptive and predictive performance compared to single species models. However, current JSDMs are restricted to hierarchical generalized linear modeling framework. Their limitation is that parametric models have trouble in explaining changes in abundance due, for example, highly non-linear physical tolerance limits which is particularly important when predicting species distribution in new areas or under scenarios of environmental change. On the other hand, semi-parametric response functions have been shown to improve the predictive performance of SDMs in these tasks in single species models. Here, we propose JSDMs where the responses to environmental covariates are modeled with additive multivariate Gaussian processes coded as linear models of coregionalization. These allow inference for wide range of functional forms and interspecific correlations between the responses. We propose also an efficient approach for inference with Laplace approximation and parameterization of the interspecific covariance matrices on the Euclidean space. We demonstrate the benefits of our model with two small scale examples and one real world case study. We use cross-validation to compare the proposed model to analogous semi-parametric single species models and parametric single and joint species models in interpolation and extrapolation tasks. The proposed model outperforms the alternative models in all cases. We also show that the proposed model can be seen as an extension of the current state-of-the-art JSDMs to semi-parametric models.


Two-Sample Instrumental Variable Analyses Using Heterogeneous Samples

Qingyuan Zhao, Jingshu Wang, Wes Spiller, Jack Bowden, Dylan S. Small.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 2, 317--333.

Instrumental variable analysis is a widely used method to estimate causal effects in the presence of unmeasured confounding. When the instruments, exposure and outcome are not measured in the same sample, Angrist and Krueger ( J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 87 (1992) 328–336) suggested to use two-sample instrumental variable (TSIV) estimators that use sample moments from an instrument-exposure sample and an instrument-outcome sample. However, this method is biased if the two samples are from heterogeneous populations so that the distributions of the instruments are different. In linear structural equation models, we derive a new class of TSIV estimators that are robust to heterogeneous samples under the key assumption that the structural relations in the two samples are the same. The widely used two-sample two-stage least squares estimator belongs to this class. It is generally not asymptotically efficient, although we find that it performs similarly to the optimal TSIV estimator in most practical situations. We then attempt to relax the linearity assumption. We find that, unlike one-sample analyses, the TSIV estimator is not robust to misspecified exposure model. Additionally, to nonparametrically identify the magnitude of the causal effect, the noise in the exposure must have the same distributions in the two samples. However, this assumption is in general untestable because the exposure is not observed in one sample. Nonetheless, we may still identify the sign of the causal effect in the absence of homogeneity of the noise.


Microglia Actively Remodel Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis through the Phagocytosis Secretome

Irune Diaz-Aparicio
Feb 12, 2020; 40:1453-1482
Development Plasticity Repair


Social Laughter Triggers Endogenous Opioid Release in Humans

Sandra Manninen
Jun 21, 2017; 37:6125-6131


Pax6, Tbr2, and Tbr1 Are Expressed Sequentially by Radial Glia, Intermediate Progenitor Cells, and Postmitotic Neurons in Developing Neocortex

Chris Englund
Jan 5, 2005; 25:247-251


Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat: age-related decrease of neuronal progenitor proliferation

HG Kuhn
Mar 15, 1996; 16:2027-2033


Roger Ebert: Hefner as cultural hero


Roger Ebert: Why I Loathe Top 10 Films


The new BIS strategy - bringing the Americas and Basel closer together

Speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, at the Fourteenth ASBA-BCBS-FSI High-level Meeting on Global and Regional Supervisory Priorities, Lima, 1 October 2019.


Selective Disruption of Inhibitory Synapses Leading to Neuronal Hyperexcitability at an Early Stage of Tau Pathogenesis in a Mouse Model

Synaptic dysfunction provoking dysregulated cortical neural circuits is currently hypothesized as a key pathophysiological process underlying clinical manifestations in Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative tauopathies. Here, we conducted PET along with postmortem assays to investigate time course changes of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic constituents in an rTg4510 mouse model of tauopathy, which develops tau pathologies leading to noticeable brain atrophy at 5-6 months of age. Both male and female mice were analyzed in this study. We observed that radiosignals derived from [11C]flumazenil, a tracer for benzodiazepine receptor, in rTg4510 mice were significantly lower than the levels in nontransgenic littermates at 2-3 months of age. In contrast, retentions of (E)-[11C]ABP688, a tracer for mGluR5, were unaltered relative to controls at 2 months of age but then gradually declined with aging in parallel with progressive brain atrophy. Biochemical and immunohistochemical assessment of postmortem brain tissues demonstrated that inhibitory, but not excitatory, synaptic constituents selectively diminished without overt loss of somas of GABAergic interneurons in the neocortex and hippocampus of rTg4510 mice at 2 months of age, which was concurrent with enhanced immunoreactivity of cFos, a well-characterized immediate early gene, suggesting that impaired inhibitory neurotransmission may cause hyperexcitability of cortical circuits. Our findings indicate that tau-induced disruption of the inhibitory synapse may be a critical trigger of progressive neurodegeneration, resulting in massive neuronal loss, and PET assessments of inhibitory versus excitatory synapses potentially offer in vivo indices for hyperexcitability and excitotoxicity early in the etiologic pathway of neurodegenerative tauopathies.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In this study, we examined the in vivo status of excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the brain of the rTg4510 tauopathy mouse model by PET imaging with (E)-[11C]ABP688 and [11C]flumazenil, respectively. We identified inhibitory synapse as being significantly dysregulated before brain atrophy at 2 months of age, while excitatory synapse stayed relatively intact at this stage. In line with this observation, postmortem assessment of brain tissues demonstrated selective attenuation of inhibitory synaptic constituents accompanied by the upregulation of cFos before the formation of tau pathology in the forebrain at young ages. Our findings indicate that selective degeneration of inhibitory synapse with hyperexcitability in the cortical circuit constitutes the critical early pathophysiology of tauopathy.