
[ASAP] Gut Microbial Profiles in <italic toggle="yes">Nereis succinea</italic> and Their Contribution to the Degradation of Organic Pollutants

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07854


[ASAP] Dissolved Carbonate and pH Control the Dissolution of Uranyl Phosphate Minerals in Flow-Through Porous Media

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06448


[ASAP] Vegetation Mediated Mercury Flux and Atmospheric Mercury in the Alpine Permafrost Region of the Central Tibetan Plateau

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06636


[ASAP] Effect of Spacer Configuration on the Characteristics of FO Membranes: Alteration of Permeation Characteristics by Membrane Deformation and Concentration Polarization

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06921


[ASAP] No Evidence for a Significant Impact of Heterogeneous Chemistry on Radical Concentrations in the North China Plain in Summer 2014

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c00525


[ASAP] Fats’ Love–Hate Relationships: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Hands-On Experiment Outreach Activity to Introduce the Amphiphilic Nature and Biological Functions of Lipids to Young Students and the General Public

Journal of Chemical Education
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00776


[ASAP] Participation of Undergraduate Students in a Controlled Feeding Study with Metabolomics Analysis to Enhance Learning of Metabolism

Journal of Chemical Education
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00028


Is there a single surge mechanism? Contrasts in dynamics between glacier surges in Svalbard and other regions

Is there a single surge mechanism? Contrasts in dynamics between glacier surges in Svalbard and other regions Murray, Tavi; Strozzi, Tazio; Luckman, Adrian; Jiskoot, Hester; Christakos, Panos During the 1990s, Monacobreen, a 40-km-long tidewater glacier in Svalbard, underwent a major surge. We mapped the surge dynamics using ERS synthetic aperture radar images, differential dual-azimuth interferometry and intensity correlation tracking. A series of 11 three-dimensional (3-D) velocity maps covering the period 1991–1997 show a months-long initiation and years-long termination to the surge, with no indication of a surge front travelling downglacier. During the surge, the front of the glacier advanced 2 km, the velocity and derived strain rate increased by more than an order of magnitude, and maximum ice flow rates measured during 1994 were 5md 1. The spatial pattern of both velocity and strain rate was remarkably consistent and must therefore be controlled by spatially fixed processes operating at the glacier bed. We combine these results with those published in the literature to construct a typical Svalbard glacier surge cycle and compare this to surge dynamics of glaciers from other cluster regions, especially those of Variegated Glacier in Alaska. The strong contrast in dynamics suggests that there exist at least two distinct surge mechanisms. Sherpa Romeo green journal. Permission to archive final published version.


LexisNexis Awarded Contract with United States Federal Judiciary

Washington, DC – LexisNexis Legal & Professional® today announced it was awarded a new contract as a primary information provider to the United States Federal Judiciary to provide more than 20,000 Federal judges, their support staff, and other Federal Judiciary employees with full enterprise-wide unlimited access to the broadest possible range of primary legal, secondary legal, news, business and journals, people and public records content, and analytics.


Knowable Launches New Contracts Data Management Platform

New York, N.Y. — Knowable, a Contracts Data Management company and the world’s largest translator of contracts language into structured data, today announced the launch of its new platform. Knowable’s intuitive platform for finding and accessing contract information helps organizations turn their contracts into consumable data and practical insights that support better business decisions, and a more modern approach to risk management. 


Prints and drawings of Käthe Kollwitz [electronic resource]. Selected with introd. by Carl Zigrosser.

New York, Dover Publications [1969]


Protein-hydrogel crystal expands and contracts

Hybrid material could aid protein structure determination and drug delivery


Controlling CAR-T: How scientists plan to make the engineered T cell therapy safer, and work for more cancers

CAR T-cell therapy works wonders for some cancer patients. For others, it is a death sentence. To make the revolutionary therapy work for more people, scientists must devise better ways to control it


Chemours invests in GenX controls


EPA gears up for controlling poly- and perfluorochemical pollution

Agency plans legal limit on four PFASs in drinking water, creating liability for PFOS and PFOA contamination


La química podría explicar por qué los cigarrillos electrónicos son tan populares entre los adolescentes

Las marcas como Juul liberan una forma de nicotina menos agresiva al inhalarse que la nicotina en forma básica.


Humidity controls supramolecular self-assembly

Trace water that gets into organic solvents can participate actively when molecules start to self-assemble


Celebrating eccentric chemistry graduation traditions


Shining the light on outstanding contributions by women chemists


A U.K. option for a controlled substance

TPI Enterprises, an Australian poppy processor, enters the restrictive British codeine market via a contract with Sterling Pharma Solutions


Theracos becomes increasingly reliant on contract manufacturing as its drug advances

Piramal sites on different continents have become involved in producing Theracos’s diabetes treatment


Calculations suggest flea and tick medications for pets could benefit people by controlling mosquitoes

These drugs could have beneficial population-wide effects in areas at risk for malaria and Zika, according to modeling study


Noninvasive chemical approach controls deep region of the brain in mice

In mice, surgery-free technique inhibits region implicated in memory formation


Entrepreneur rethinks lithium-ion batteries with an eye toward storing renewable energy

Chemist Amy Prieto of Colorado State University discusses her work to commercialize a safer, more customizable battery


Entrepreneurs get in on the ground floor with CBD from hemp

Growing this cousin of marijuana could help boost local farm economies


Cambrex to acquire dosage-form drug contractor Halo

With purchase, manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients will move downstream into finished drugs


Lilly, Anima link for translation control


Cambrex to acquire dosage-form drug contractor Halo

With purchase, manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients will move downstream into finished drugs


Ingevity sues BASF over vapor control


BSE, NSE launch rupee-dollar F&O contracts at GIFT city

The BSE and the National Stock Exchange have launched Rupee-Dollar futures and options contracts on their international exchange platforms based at th


Introduction to IFRS for Canada: What's it all About

This webcast was recorded on April 9, 2008

CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 – Seminar 1
IFRS and Canadian GAAP will converge by 2011. The transition is not new in the accounting world, but the Canadian experience will be fundamentally different. Understanding how and why the shift in Canadian GAAP to IFRS will occur is essential to a successful migration. Planning for the transition should be started now. As with any project, proper planning is vital. The change to IFRS will impact almost every department within an organization, including finance, accounting, investor relations, training and development, and technology.

CCH Canadian presents the first in a series of online seminars on IFRS for Canada. This 90-minute webinar is presented by Peter D. Chant, FCA, PhD, Partner at Deloitte Canada and author of iGAAP 2008: IFRS for Canada.


  • The history and philosophy of IFRS vs. Canadian and U.S. GAAP
  • Some of the major differences between IFRS and Canadian GAAP
  • The role of IFRS 1
  • What you need to do to get organized for this convergence

Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card.

The Speaker
Dr. Peter D. Chant, FCA, is a partner in the National Assurance and Advisory group at Deloitte & Touche LLP. He is a former member and Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board and was co-Chair of the CICA/FASB Task Force that developed the current Canadian and FASB standard on segmented information. He was also a member of the FASB's Task Force on Business Combinations that developed the FASB's current standard on that topic, and a member of the G4+1 Group of Standard Setters, which included the Chairs of the IASB, FASB and the Canadian Accounting Standards Board.

Peter has published a textbook on advanced accounting in Canada, and was co-author of a research paper on accounting for joint ventures that was published by the G4+1. He is currently Chair of the Task Force on Non-GAAP Performance Measures of the Canadian Performance Reporting Board of the CICA. He has a Ph.D. in Accounting and Information Systems from Northwestern University.

Related Webinars

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Transfer Pricing: Rules, Compliance and Controversy – U.S. (3rd Edition)

Available: August 2010

Authors: Marc M. Levey J.D., Steven C. Wrappe J.D., CPA

Transfer Pricing: Rules, Compliance and Controversy offers extensive yet clear guidance through the complex maze of U.S. transfer pricing rules. The book is authored by leading experts in the transfer pricing scene. Throughout the book, the authors cover all aspects of transfer pricing relevant to the practitioner, starting with general legal principles and apportionment methods, then moving on to more specific subjects such as transfers of tangible vs. intangible goods and the impact of e-commerce and U.S. customs on transfer pricing, and finally exploring highly practical matters like procedural strategies and post-examination procedures.  

The book's practical coverage and approach include:

  • Comprehensive analysis of the U.S. rules, case law and guidance on  transfer pricing for tangible   goods, intangibles, and services
  • Complex cost-sharing planning principles, including buy-in
  • Cutting edge e-commerce transfer pricing issues
  • U.S. penalty and documentation rules
  • Documentation with checklists, questionnaires and model report
  • U.S. penalty rules compared to those of other important countries
  • Overlap between transfer pricing and Customs valuation issues
  • Customs ruling based on an APA
  • In-depth, step-by-step analysis of the favored approach to transfer pricing controversy, including:
    • Developing a substantive/procedural strategy (with detailed flow-chart)
    • Preparing for examination
    • Identifying post-examination opportunities to resolve the dispute

Special appendices provide a variety of "practice tools" designed to facilitate the understanding of the IRS' provisions and their translation into action, e.g., IRS forms, tables and charts of relevant cases, and comparisons of international transfer pricing rules within particular contexts.  

Table of Contents 

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - General Principles of Code Sec. 482

  • Arm's length standard
  • Best method rule
  • Comparability
  • Arm's length range
  • Determination of true taxable income
  • Collateral Adjustments
  • Transfer pricing and non-recognition provisions
  • Blocked income
Chapter 3 - Methods for Transfers of Tangible Property
  • Comparable uncontrolled price method (with cases applying this method)
  • Resale price method
  • Cost plus method
  • Cost-plus method
  • Comparable profit method
  • Profit split method
  • Unspecified methods

Chapter 4 - Methods

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 32nd Edition

Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 32nd Edition gives you a smart learning advantage – here’s how:

  • Each chapter includes examples, problems, multiple choice questions, and exercises designed to reinforce the material and text comprehension – with solutions provided for the student
  • Review questions throughout the textbook include discussion notes at the end of the book
  • Assignment problems and advisory cases have solutions provided in the Instructor’s Solutions Manual
  • Student DVD includes extra problems and solutions for self-study
  • CCH research software and CANTAX software also included on DVD

New this year – Student Study Guide:  This guide contains the solutions to the Review Question, Multiple Choice Questions, and Exercises, as well as additional study material and a glossary.

Income Tax Act compliant

Students dedicated to taxation and students interested in developing a solid general understanding of federal tax law will benefit from this resource. The contents are arranged in a sequence that follows the organization of the Income Tax Act for easy cross-referencing.

Reality checked

We know accuracy is critical and we pride ourselves on providing the most accurate and current content.

  • Updated annually to reflect Budget and other legislative changes to income tax provisions
  • All assignment materials have been carefully prepared and tested

Robert E. Beam, F.C.A., is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo. He was associated with Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, Toronto.

From 1972 to 1998, he was Coordinator of the Tax Section of the School of Accountancy, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. In September 2002, Mr. Beam became the first recipient of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Award for Excellence in Tax Practice and Education. His articles have appeared in the Canadian Tax Journal.

Stanley N. Laiken, Ph.D., is the Deloitte Professor in the School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo. He has taught taxation to students in professional programs, both at the university and post-university levels, since 1972.

He is a recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award at the University of Waterloo and the Canadian Academic Accounting Association’s L.S. Rosen Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to Canadian accounting education. His articles have appeared in the Canadian Tax Journal. He is also the Director of the Deloitte Centre for Tax Education and Research at the University of Waterloo.


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Transfer Pricing: Rules, Compliance and Controversy (4th Edition)

Offers extensive yet clear guidance through the complex maze of U.S. transfer pricing rules. The book is authored by leading experts in the transfer pricing scene. Authors cover all aspects of transfer pricing relevant to the practitioner, starting with general legal principles and apportionment methods, then moving on to more specific subjects such as transfers of tangible vs. intangible goods and the impact of e-commerce and U.S. customs on transfer pricing, and finally exploring highly practical matters like procedural strategies and post-examination procedures. 

  • Comprehensive analysis of the U.S. rules, case law and guidance on  transfer pricing for tangible goods, intangibles, and services
  • Complex cost-sharing planning principles, including buy-in*
  • Cutting edge e-commerce transfer pricing issues
  • U.S. penalty and documentation rules
  • Documentation with checklists, questionnaires and model report
  • U.S. penalty rules compared to those of other important countries
  • Overlap between transfer pricing and Customs valuation issues
  • Customs ruling based on an APA
  • In-depth, step-by-step analysis of the favored approach to transfer pricing controversy, including:
    • Developing a substantive/procedural strategy (with detailed flow-chart)
    • Preparing for examination
    • Identifying post-examination opportunities to resolve the dispute

Special appendices provide a variety of "practice tools" designed to facilitate the understanding of the IRS' provisions and their translation into action, e.g., IRS forms, tables and charts of relevant cases, and comparisons of international transfer pricing rules within particular contexts. 

Table of Contents (Summary)
Chapter 1   Introduction
Chapter 2   General Principles of Code Sec. 482
Chapter 3   Methods for Transfers of Tangible Property
Chapter 4   Methods for Transfer of Intangible Property
Chapter 5   Intercompany Services
Chapter 6   Intercompany Loans and Advances
Chapter 7   Penalties
Chapter 8   The Code Sec. 1059A limitation
Chapter 9   Overall strategy for compliance and controversy
Chapter 10  Preparing transfer pricing documentation
Chapter 11  Examination
Chapter 12  Post-examination procedural alternatives
Chapter 13  Advance pricing agreements
Chapter 14  The OECD approach to transfer pricing
Chapter 15  Customs valuation issues
Chapter 16  State transfer pricing

Related Products

Schwarz on Tax Treaties, 3rd E

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada: A Practical Introduction to Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration

Published: February 2006

Osler is internationally known as one of Canada's leading corporate/commercial law firms. In this incomparable guide for practitioners, three experienced Osler lawyers - one each in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta - provide an easy-to-use practical overview of the law of domestic and international arbitrations.

With lucid clarification of applicable legislation, both federal and provincial, and analysis of relevant case law, The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada offers great assistance in the preparation, negotiation, process, and conclusion of arbitration agreements in Canada.

Topcs covered:

  • Important issues and key cases in all Canadian provinces and territories and under federal legislation
  • Practical reasons to use arbitration and what to consider in preparing arbitration agreements
  • Drafting arbitration clauses to manage risk
  • Protection of confidential information
  • Staying court proceedings in favour of arbitration
  • Appealing and enforcing awards

Emphasizing the major jurisdictions of Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia, it offers immeasurable value to in-house and external corporate counsel, litigation lawyers, international lawyers, and business people, as well as to students of dispute resolution.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 35th Edition, 2014-2015

Robert E. Beam, FCA,
Stanley Laiken, PhD,
James J. Barnett, FCA

This authoritative textbook and Study Guide are tailored to provide your students with the advanced skills they’ll need to maximize their education investment.

Organized sequentially, based on the structure of the Income Tax Act, the text and Study Guide are packed with example problems and exercises with solutions that demonstrate the various methods of approaching real-life problems in taxation.

The basic concepts and principles underlying the rules of the legislation are emphasized in each chapter, with explanatory and interpretive notes often expanding a topic beyond the confines of the particular facts under discussion.

The 2014-2015 edition has been completely redesigned to help educators quickly identify the particular areas suitable to their students’ level of study.


  • Advanced content is identified in introductory charts and with icons throughout the text, enabling instructors and students to easily distinguish areas of study relevant to the knowledge level.
  • Updated content in a contemporary, student-friendly format.
  • Learning Charts section identifies which problems refer to which topics, helping the instructor to quickly locate the most relevant problems for assignment.
  • Learning Goals section features a convenient to-do list format that enables students to check off concepts as they work through each category.
  • Reading the Income Tax Act section presented in plain language to help students understand and navigate the ITA.
  • Identifying Tax-Related Issues section provides tips and advice to help students identify tax issues in day-to-day situations, challenging them to understand, analyze and prioritize to reach solutions.
  • Updated content in a contemporary, student-friendly format.
  • Learning Charts section identifies which problems refer to which topics, helping the instructor to quickly locate the most relevant problems for assignment.
  • Learning Goals section features a convenient to-do list format that enables students to check off concepts as they work through each category.
  • Review questions, multiple choice questions, exercises and assignment problems are grouped together in the Study Guides for more efficient study.
  • Assignment problems are classified into three categories that enable students to work at their knowledge level:

      If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 34th Edition

Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 34th Edition gives you a smart learning advantage – here’s how:

  • Each chapter includes examples, problems, multiple choice questions, and exercises designed to reinforce the material and text comprehension – with solutions provided for the student
  • Review questions throughout the textbook include discussion notes at the end of the book
  • Assignment problems and advisory cases have solutions provided in the Instructor’s Solutions Manual
  • Student DVD includes extra problems and solutions for self-study
  • CCH research software and CANTAX software also included on DVD

Student Study Guide: This guide contains the solutions to the Review Question, Multiple Choice Questions, and Exercises, as well as additional study material and a handy glossary.

Power Point slides: Updated, customizable, and designed to assist instructors with program delivery.

Income Tax Act compliant

Students dedicated to taxation and students interested in developing a solid general understanding of federal tax law will benefit from this resource. The contents are arranged in a sequence that follows the organization of the Income Tax Act for easy cross-referencing.

Reality checked

We know accuracy is critical and we pride ourselves on providing the most accurate and current content.

  •  Updated annually to reflect Budget and other legislative changes to income tax provisions
  •   All assignment materials have been carefully prepared and tested

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Contract Law

Contracts seal the fate of international transactions. Whether they stand on firm legal ground may hinge upon a minute detail. This subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws sheds light on the fine print in the world of contracts, helping ensure the viability (or probe the non-viability) of these detail-oriented instruments.

This resource encompass the national monographs of a wide variety of countries written by local experts. Each national monograph is divided into two parts: the first addresses the general principles at issue and the second covers the specific types of contracts. The work also addresses international aspects of contract law.

The succinct yet scholarly quality of this resource and the practicality of the information provided make it a valuable time-saving tool for business and legal professionals. The updated supplements ensure a library that its resources will remain current on changes to legislation and policy in jurisdictions worldwide.

For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: www.ielaws.com.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Farnsworth on Contracts, Third Edition

Updated: November 2012

Bring the expertise of America's foremost authority on contracts into your practice with this comprehensive three-volume set. Farnsworth on Contracts, Third Edition is where doctrine meets practice. Busy practitioners count on Farnsworth's proven ability to identify the essentials and omit extraneous material.

Farnsworth illustrates how contemporary contract law has been shaped by both the Restatement (Second) of Contracts - for which he served as Reporter - and the Uniform Commercial Code. Easy access to specifics, new cases, new drafting tips, new references, and timesaving features like cross-referenced cases and marginal headings make this three-volume set a valuable resource for contracts research and practice, including litigation and arbitration.

Coverage includes:

  • Good faith and fair dealing
  • Precontractual liability
  • Agreements to negotiate
  • Vienna Convention on International Sales Contracts
  • UNIDROIT principles
  • Constitututional issues
  • Settlement of disputed claims by check
  • Options and rights of first refusal
  • Employee handbooks
  • Covenants not to compete
  • Self-help measures

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Drafting Effective Contracts: A Practitioner's Guide, Second Edition

A favorite reference tool for over a decade, Drafting Effective Contracts combines a clear analysis of how effective agreements are structured, a practical breakdown of its essential elements and an overview of the overall process, from conducting the initial client meeting to closing the deal.

This completely updated guide presents consistent structural analysis and a set of fundamentals that can be used from contract to contract. You are led step-by-step through the creation process and offered direction around the obstacles that may be encountered along the way, in drafting agreements for goods and services, promissory notes, guaranties and secured transactions.

You will find a detailed discussion of the 11 drafting elements that every contract may have: parties; recitals; subject; consideration; warranties and representations; risk allocation; conditions; performance; dates and term; boilerplate; and signatures. You also get an array of sample contracts and statutory material, making this the most complete tool for building legal agreements that work.

Table of Contents:

  • Part 1: Process
    • Chapter 1: Getting Started
    • Chapter 2: Drafting Elements
    • Chapter 3: Negotiations and Closings
  • Part 2: Applications
    • Chapter 4: Agreements for the Sale of Goods and Services - Overview
    • Chapter 5: Agreements for the Sale of Goods and Services - Structural Analysis
    • Chapter 6: Promissory Notes - Overview
    • Chapter 7: Promissory Notes - Structural Analysis
    • Chapter 8: Guaranties - Overview
    • Chapter 9: Guaranties - Structural Analysis
    • Chapter 10: Security Agreements - Overview
    • Chapter 11: Security Agreements - Structural Analysis
  • Appendix A: Litigated Language

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Corporate Controller's Handbook of Financial Management (2014-2015) W/CD-ROM (U.S.)

Jae K. Shim, PhD,
Joel G. Siegel, Ph.D., CPA,
Nick Dauber, MS, CPA

A comprehensive source of practical solutions, strategies, techniques, procedures, and formulas covering all key aspects of accounting and financial management. Its examples, checklists, step-by-step instructions, and other practical working tools simplify complex financial management issues and give CFOs, corporate financial managers, and controller’s quick answers to day-to-day questions.

The Handbook covers important developments in government rules, accounting procedures, taxation and information technology. It includes references to relevant topics of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification references, as well as Accounting Standards Updates. The practical, hands-on guidance helps diagnose a firm's financial health, boost financial results, avoid unpleasant surprises, cut costs, and make financial decisions with confidence.

This edition also includes a free, back-of-the book CD-ROM containing searchable PDFs of each chapter, along with the following Excel forms:

- Capital Budgeting: Advice of Project Change Form
- Capital Budgeting: Appropriation Request Form
- Capital Budgeting: Economic Feasibility Study for a New Information System
- Capital Budgeting: Initial Cash Outlay and Operating Costs Checklist for a New Information System
- Capital Budgeting: Lease Versus Purchase Evaluation Report
- Capital Budgeting: Project Application Form
- Internal Control: Internal Control Assessment Form
- Internal Control: Computer Applications
- Checklist: Medium to Large Business
- Internal Control: Financial Reporting Information Systems and Controls Checklist — Medium to Large Business
- Variance Analysis: Daily Labor Mix Report
- Variance Analysis: Daily Material Usage Report by Week
- Variance Analysis: Labor Performance Report
- Variance Analysis: Monthly Material Variance Report
- Variance Analysis: Marketing Performance Report for a Regional Sales Manager
- Variance Analysis: Marketing Performance Report for a Vice-President

Related Products

U.S. Master Tax Guide (2015)
INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: Income, Estate, Gift, Employment and Excise Taxes (Winter 2015 Edition)
Income Tax Regulations (Winter 2015 Edition), December 2014 (U.S.)
State Tax Handbook (2015)
U.S. Master Depreciation Guide (2015)

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Corporate Controller's Handbook of Financial Management (2013-2014)

A comprehensive source of practical solutions, strategies, techniques, procedures, and formulas covering all key aspects of accounting and financial management.  Its examples, checklists, step-by-step instructions, and other practical working tools simplify complex financial management issues and give you answers to day-to-day questions.  

The Handbook covers important developments in government rules, accounting procedures, taxation and information technology. It includes references to relevant topics of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification references, as well as Accounting Standards Updates. The practical, hands-on guidance helps diagnose a firm's financial health, boost financial results, avoid unpleasant surprises, cut costs, and make financial decisions with confidence.

This edition also includes a free CD-ROM containing searchable PDFs of each chapter, along with the following Excel forms:

-    Capital Budgeting: Advice of Project Change Form
-    Capital Budgeting: Appropriation Request Form
-    Capital Budgeting: Economic Feasibility Study for a New Information System
-    Capital Budgeting: Initial Cash Outlay and Operating Costs Checklist for a New Information System
-    Capital Budgeting: Lease Versus Purchase Evaluation Report
-    Capital Budgeting: Project Application Form
-    Internal Control: Internal Control Assessment Form
-    Internal Control: Computer Applications
-    Checklist: Medium to Large Business
-    Internal Control: Financial Reporting Information Systems and Controls Checklist — Medium to Large Business
-    Variance Analysis: Daily Labor Mix Report
-    Variance Analysis: Daily Material Usage Report by Week
-    Variance Analysis: Labor Performance Report
-    Variance Analysis: Monthly Material Variance Report
-    Variance Analysis: Marketing Performance Report for a Regional Sales Manager
-    Variance Analysis: Marketing Performance Report for a Vice-President

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Corporate Controller's Handbook of Financial Management (2012-2013) (U.S.)

Available: June 2012

A comprehensive source of practical solutions, strategies, techniques, procedures, and formulas covering all key aspects of accounting and financial management.  Its examples, checklists, step-by-step instructions, and other practical working tools simplify complex financial management issues and give you answers to day-to-day questions. 

The Handbook covers important developments in government rules, accounting procedures, taxation and information technology. It includes references to relevant topics of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification references, as well as Accounting Standards Updates. The practical, hands-on guidance helps diagnose a firm's financial health, boost financial results, avoid unpleasant surprises, cut costs, and make financial decisions with confidence.

This edition also includes a free CD-ROM containing searchable PDFs of each chapter, along with the following Excel forms:

  • Capital Budgeting: Advice of Project Change Form
  • Capital Budgeting: Appropriation Request Form
  • Capital Budgeting: Economic Feasibility Study for a New Information System
  • Capital Budgeting: Initial Cash Outlay and Operating Costs Checklist for a New Information System
  • Capital Budgeting: Lease Versus Purchase Evaluation Report
  • Capital Budgeting: Project Application Form
  • Internal Control: Internal Control Assessment Form
  • Internal Control: Computer Applications
  • Checklist: Medium to Large Business
  • Internal Control: Financial Reporting Information Systems and Controls Checklist — Medium to Large Business
  • Variance Analysis: Daily Labor Mix Report
  • Variance Analysis: Daily Material Usage Report by Week
  • Variance Analysis: Labor Performance Report
  • Variance Analysis: Monthly Material Variance Report
  • Variance Analysis: Marketing Performance Report for a Regional Sales Manager
  • Variance Analysis: Marketing Performance Report for a Vice-President

Related books:


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Controller’s Handbook, 2nd Edition

Controller's Handbook focuses on practical ways to meet the many challenges faced by controllers and financial managers in small and medium-sized companies and provides guidance to ensure sound financial controllership. It uses the Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) management model to effectively deploy organizational resources to achieve planned outcomes. Also provided are checklists to help controllers focus on implementing key tools.

Topics covered:

  • Planning management
  • Core accounting process management
  • Reporting and information management
  • People and relationship management
  • Special situations

Updates include:

  • Expanded material on ethics, corporate governance, and internal controls
  • Improved and additional checklists, useful forms, insightful tips, and situation summaries
  • Updated appendices on further reading and references

Table of Contents (subject to modification)

  • Introduction
  • Planning: developing plans and strategies
  • Execution: developing and managing effective processes
  • Relationship management: building the networks for success
  • Checking: building a performance-measurement system
  • Using fact-based decision making to take action
  • Special situations
  • References
  • Appendices and templates

About the Author
Nick Shepherd, FCMC, CGA, FCCA, has more than 40 years of business experience. Since 1989, he has run his own management consulting and professional development company, EduVision Inc., which provides management consulting and development services to public and private sector organizations.

A fellow of the Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Ontario (Honour Roll), and past president of the Institute, Nick is past chair of the National Certification Committee for all Institutes of Management Consulting across Canada and is also past chair of the Professional Standards Committee of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes. He has been a Certified General Accountant for over 25 years, and is a fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (UK), a senior member of the American Society for Quality, and past chair of the Quality Costs Committee of the Management Quality Division. He is also a member of Mensa Canada.

Nick is a well-known professional development facilitator, and teaches both the three-day Essentials of Controllership program and the two-day Decision Making and Costing for Controllers advanced program. He also presents many professional development workshops across Canada annually. In 2006, he received the President's Award for Education from the Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Contract Enforcement

Use the power of the courts to your advantage to grant equitable, non-monetary relief in contract enforcement when you follow the incomparable guidance of Yorio and Thel. With current, detailed information for today's practitioner, Contract Enforcement covers every aspect of the availability and inherent limitations of equitable remedies in such contract areas as real estate, sale of goods, intangible personality, construction contracts, covenants not to compete, wills and other property agreements, employment agreements, franchise agreements and international trade.

You will find in-depth analysis of the policies that underlie contract remedies, as well as clear explanations of the practical consequences of those policies in contract litigation. The effect on availability of equitable relief by such factors as right to a jury trial, legal limits on contract damages, disgorgement of profits and agreed remedies are also examined.

Throughout the book, you'll find concise analysis of all significant specific performance cases, legislation and commentary.

Table of contents:
Part I: General Principles of Equitable Relief
Chapter 1 Overview of Contract Remedies
Chapter 2 The Adequacy Test
Chapter 3 Practical Limitations
Chapter 4 Equitable Defenses - An Overview
Chapter 5 Equitable Defenses - In Particular
Chapter 6 Mutuality of Remedy
Chapter 7 Insolvency

Part II: Relationship Between Legal and Equitable Relief
Chapter 8 Limitations on Damages
Chapter 9 Monetary Adjustments

Part III: Survey of Particular Contracts
Chapter 10 Real Estate
Chapter 11 The Sales of Goods
Chapter 12 Intangible

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Arbitrating Under the 2012 ICC Rules: An Introductory User's Guide

Published: May 2012

Arbitrating Under the 2012 ICC Rules: An Introductory User's Guide is structured so as to follow the sequence of events that would typically take place in the resolution of a dispute by arbitration.

Following a discussion of preliminary matters, the authors go on to describe the process leading from negotiation to arbitration, the initial decisions that may be taken by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, and the different steps in the proceedings before the arbitral tribunal. The book concludes with a discussion of the award and its enforcement.

Focusing on the 2012 ICC Rules – which apply to all ICC arbitrations commenced on or after 1 January 2012 unless the parties have agreed that an earlier version should apply – this book serves the needs of the following parties:

  • Those who want a full introduction to the topic of ICC arbitration
  • Those who already have a good understanding of how ICC arbitration worked under the old 1998 ICC Rules but are looking for an update on the new 2012 ICC Rules
  • Those who need to take a decision on whether to opt for ICC arbitration
  • Those who have opted for ICC arbitration and need to draft an ICC arbitration clause
  • Those who are actually faced with the prospect of an ICC arbitration

Extensive references to relevant books, articles, websites and other resources as well as a comprehensive glossary further enhance the book's practical value.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


ADR in Business: Practice and Issues Across Countries and Cultures, Volume II

Published: January 2011

Whether the ‘A’ stands for ‘appropriate’, ‘amicable’, or ‘alternative’, all out of court dispute resolution modes, collected under the banner term ‘ADR’ , aim to assist the business world in overcoming relational differences in a truly manageable way.

The first edition of this book (2006) contributed to a global awareness that ADR is important in its own right, and not simply as a substitute for litigation or arbitration. Now, drawing on a wealth of new sources and developments, including the flourishing of hybrid forms of ADR, the subject matter has been largely augmented and expanded on two fronts: in-depth analysis (both descriptive and comparative) of methodology, expectations and outcomes and extended geographical coverage across all continents.

ADR in Business: Practice and Issues Across Countries and Cultures, Volume II covers twenty-nine ‘intertwined but variegated’ essays (to use the editor’s characterization) that provide substantial insight in such specific topics as:

  • ADR’s flexible procedures as controlled by the parties
  • ADR’s facilitation of the continuation of relations between the parties
  • Privilege and confidentiality
  • Involvement of non-legal professionals
  • The identity and the role of the ‘neutral’ as well as the role of the arbitrator
  • The implementation of ICC and other international ADR rules
  • The workings of Dispute Boards and
  • The role of ADR in securing investment and other specific objectives

In its compound thesis – growing in relevance every day – that numerous dispute resolution methods exist whose goals and developments are varied but fundamentally complementary, the multifaceted approach presented here is of immeasurable value to any business party, particularly at the international level.

Practitioners faced with drafting a dispute resolution clause in a contract, or dealing with a dispute that has arisen, will find expert guidance here, and academics will expand their awareness of the issues raised by ADR, in particular as it relates to arbitration. A broad cross section of interested professionals will discover ample material for comparative study of how disputes are approached and resolved in numerous countries and cultures.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


CARTHA on the form of form / contributors, Åbäke [and seventy others]

Rotch Library - NA2543.S6 C37 2019


Professionalism in the built heritage sector: edited contributions to the International Conference on Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector, Arenberg Castle, Leuven, Belgium, February 5-8, 2018 / editors, Koen van Balen & Aziliz Vandesande

Rotch Library - NA105.I5747 2018


Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance Dian-Ce Gao

Online Resource