
Pooling of Institutional Investors Capital – Selected Case Studies in unlisted equity infrastructure

This G20 report looks at the evolution of private institutional investment in infrastructure and examines how the market has developed; analyses various investment vehicles with a snapshot of the growth experienced in the market; categorises methods used for investing in infrastructure; and, highlights the challenges and barriers to investment.


Coping with the financial consequences of devastating floods

‌07/09/2017 - Flooding is one of the most common, wide-reaching and destructive natural perils, affecting on average about 250 million people around the world each year. OECD work on the financial management of flood risk has identified a number of ways that policy makers can improve the way they manage the financial implications of floods.


Population ageing and rising inequality will hit younger generations hard

Younger generations will face greater risks of inequality in old age than current retirees and for generations born since the 1960s, their experience of old age will change dramatically.


High-Level Conference on Policies for Equal Ageing: A Life-Course Approach

This High-Level Conference is organised by both the Government of Slovenia and the OECD in Brdo Congress Centre (Slovenia) on 25 and 26 January 2018.


Financial Management of Earthquake Risk

This publication applies the lessons from the OECD’s analysis of disaster risk financing practices and the development of guidance to the specific case of earthquakes. This report provides an overview of the approaches that economies facing various levels of earthquake risk and economic development have taken to managing the financial impacts of earthquakes.


Seminar on Quality Infrastructure Investment

This seminar, jointly organised by the OECD and the Ministry of Finance of Japan, will address quality infrastructure investment, governance, planning and technology issues as well as data collection and benchmarking for quality infrastructure. It is taking place on 12-13 September 2018, in Tokyo, Japan.


Estonia: use robust growth to improve income equality and well-being

Estonia’s economy is performing well, and public finances are in excellent shape, yet growth is softening and spending pressures from infrastructure needs and an ageing population are mounting. Efforts should now focus on improving income equality and well-being, greening growth and accelerating the country’s digital transformation, according to a new OECD report.


"Is migration really increasing?"

This first edition of Migration Policy Debates looks at the magnitude and characteristics of the migration movements to Europe and the OECD and at how have they evolved over time.


"Is migration good for the economy?"

This edition of Migration Policy Debates looks at the evidence for how immigrants affect the economy in three main areas: The labour market, the public purse and economic growth.


"How can migrants’ skills be put to use?"

This third edition of Migration Policy Debates looks at policy approaches that can help migrants find jobs and, especially, jobs that match their skills.


"Who should be admitted as a labour migrant?"

This fourth edition of Migration Policy Debates looks at the latest developments in policies for managing labour migration and at how they can evolve to meet the complexities of today’s migration landscape.


"Is the United States still the land of opportunities for migrants?"

It is often said that the United States is a nation of immigrants. Is the US still the best place to settle in?


"Is school (still) one of the main routes of integration in France?" (in French only)

This edition of the Migration Policy Debates looks at the capacity of the French educational system to integrate the most disadvantaged pupils and namely the foreign-born children or the offspring of foreign-born parents.


Lithuania needs to address its demographic challenge and boost job quality

Lithuania’s economy has recovered strongly from the global financial crisis, with GDP, wages and employment levels back up to their pre-crisis levels. The country should now focus on tackling the demographic challenge of a fast-declining population and making the job market more inclusive, according to a new OECD report.


Just released: "Skills on the Move - Migrants in the Survey of Adult Skills"

Drawing on data from the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), this report reviews the differences in migrants’ characteristics and considers how they relate to the actual skills migrants possess. It examines the relationship between migrants’ skills and their labour and non-labour market outcomes in host countries and sheds new light on how migrants’ skills are developed, used and valued in host country labour markets and societies.


"Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN): Steering committee meeting

The first meeting of the EaP GREEN Steering Committee was held on 26 April 2013 in Berlin to discuss with representatives of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries the overall priorities of the programme, specific activities to be carried out in 2013, and the means of programme implementation.


Climate change: Price carbon now before low cost oil says "ciao" - Insights Blog

It’s time for governments to ramp up the development of alternative energies and to nail a price onto every tonne of CO2 emitted. With COP21 taking place in Paris in November, sending the right message on climate change means gradually increasing the cost of CO2 emissions, and creating a strong economic incentive to reduce the carbon entanglement and to move towards a zero-carbon world.


The Earth Statement: for an ambitious, science-based, equitable outcome to COP21 in Paris - Insights Blog

2015 is a critical year for humanity. Our civilisation has never faced such existential risks as those associated with global warming, biodiversity erosion and resource depletion. Our societies have never had such an opportunity to advance prosperity and eradicate poverty. We have the choice to either finally embark on the journey towards sustainability or to stick to our current destructive “business-as-usual” pathway.


Meeting climate goals will require stronger policies to cut emissions

Advanced and emerging economies have made progress in addressing climate change, yet most are on a trajectory that would see them fall short of their mitigation goals. Governments need to significantly accelerate their efforts and strengthen their climate change policies.


"Ecological Footprint" leaving a trail at OECD

This project is unique in that it explores how national-level policies impact household behaviour. Topics include energy use, food consumption, personal transport choices, waste generation and recycling, and water consumption. Yet the project does not specifically discuss the term “ecological footprint,” and it retains a macro-policy focus, targeting governments interested in learning which policies to implement.


Climate change: Consequences of inaction

Tackling climate change may be costly, but not tackling it will cost even more. And the longer we wait to act, the more our environment, our health and our economies will be damaged. Find out more about the likely impacts of rising GHG concentrations on global temperature, and how that will affect all of us.


Exploring the Relationship between Environmentally Related Taxes and Inequality in Income Sources: An Empirical Cross-country Analysis - Environment Working Paper

This paper presents the first empirical analysis of the macroeconomic relationship between environmentally related taxes and inequality in income sources. The analysis also investigates whether this relationship differs between countries which have implemented environmental tax reforms (ETRs) and ones which have not.


Understanding and Managing the Unequal Consequences of Environment Pressures and Policies - Insights blog

The consequences of degradation of environmental quality as well as the consequences of environmental policies are typically unevenly distributed. In general, poorer countries and lower income households are more severely affected by environmental degradation and at the same time have less capacity to adapt.


International trade consequences of climate change - Trade and Environment Working Paper

This report provides an analysis of how climate change damages may affect international trade in the coming decades and how international trade can help limit the costs of climate change. It analyses the impacts of climate change on trade considering both direct effects on infrastructure and transport routes and the indirect economic impacts resulting from changes in endowments and production.


Equator Prize 2017 Award Ceremony

Fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy mix, with both OECD economies and the BRIICS still relying on fossil fuels for more than 80% of their energy supply.


"Oceanfill": Yet another dumping ground - Observer article

The world’s oceans are being damaged by a constant and unprecedented accumulation of waste known as marine debris. The waste, mostly from effluent human activities, is brought to the oceans through currents and often carried far from where it originated.


Policy Paper: Sustaining Iceland’s fisheries through tradeable quotas - Country Study

This paper analyses the reform undertaken by Iceland to avert a looming crisis and restore fish stocks to sustainable levels; and outlines the process involved in designing and implementing this reform. It also reflects on the challenges encountered and the environmental, economic and social impacts of the reform. This country study draws on the OECD report "The Political Economy of Biodiversity Policy Reform".


Conference "Closing the financing gap for water in line with SDG ambitions: The role of blended finance"

4-5 October 2018, Germany - Jointly organised by the OECD and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the conference aimed to discuss innovative applications of blended finance as the strategic use of development finance for the mobilisation of finance towards sustainable development in developing countries in the water sector.


Raw materials use to double by 2060 with severe environmental consequences

The world’s consumption of raw materials is set to nearly double by 2060 as the global economy expands and living standards rise, placing twice the pressure on the environment that we are seeing today, according to a new OECD report.


Impacts of Green Growth Policies on Labour Markets and Wage Income Distribution: A General Equilibrium Application to Climate and Energy Policies - Environment Working Paper

This paper explores the consequences on the labour markets of structural changes induced by decarbonisation policies. These policies are likely going to have consequences on labour-income distribution given i) existing rigidities in the labour markets, and ii) their different impacts on sectors and on job categories.


Article: The Trillion-Dollar Question: How Can We Unlock the Money Needed to Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy?

At a time when nationalism is rising and individual countries are facing a growing array of threats, it is critical that we recognize a shared and unprecedented global challenge: We need to double our infrastructure in the next decade to meet global development needs, while achieving a systematic shift away from business-as-usual, carbon-intensive options to low-emissions, resilient infrastructure, to avoid catastrophic climate change.


Green transformation of small businesses: Achieving and going beyond environmental requirements - Environment Working Paper No. 47

This report aims to help environmental and other competent authorities in OECD countries to promote green business practices among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It analyses different ways to establish environmental regulatory requirements for facilities with low environmental risk (most of which are SMEs).


Land Transport and How to Unlock Investment in Support of "Green Growth" - Green Growth Paper

"Green growth" and transport combines several different concepts that are central to sustainable mobility, including sustainable economic activity, reduced environmental impact and sustained growth in high quality jobs.


Green Growth in Fisheries and Aquaculture

This report summarises the current situation in fisheries and aquaculture, observing that in many parts of the world these sectors are at risk and do not reach their full potential.


Meeting climate goals will require stronger policies to cut emissions

Advanced and emerging economies have made progress in addressing climate change, yet most are on a trajectory that would see them fall short of their mitigation goals. Governments need to significantly accelerate their efforts and strengthen their climate change policies.


Inclusive business can help solve the sustainability equation

From the early 2000s, sustainability has emerged as a central policy-making consideration as climate change and population growth have heightened concerns about already-stretched natural resources.


Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising- Country Note: Germany

This country note provides information on latest trends in income inequalities as well as key findings from the 2011 OECD report "Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising".


Germany is leading the charts on employment and green growth - Transition to a knowledge based economy will require further reform and investment, OECD says

Germany recovered rapidly from the 2008-09 recession, with GDP topping pre-crisis rates during 2011 and unemployment falling significantly. Public finances are sound, but further reforms are needed to transform its growth model to thrive as a knowledge-based economy.


In it Together: Why less inequality benefits all-Germany

This country note provides information on latest trends in income inequalities as well as key findings from the 2015 OECD report "In it Together: Why less inequality benefits all".


Elusive global growth outlook requires urgent policy response

Achieving strong growth in the global economy remains elusive, with only a modest recovery in advanced economies and slower activity in emerging markets, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Outlook.


The Pursuit of Gender Equality - Key findings for Germany

Selected findings for Germany from the report "The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle"


Preventing Ageing Unequally - Key findings for Germany

Selected findings for Germany from the report "Preventing Ageing Unequally"


The Squeezed Middle Class - How does Germany compare?

This country fact-sheet presents key figures from "Under Pressure: The Squeezed Middle Class". This report analyses the trends of middle-income households in areas such as employment, consumption, wealth and debt, as well as perceptions and social attitudes. It also includes recommendations for protecting middle-class living standards and financial security in the face of economic challenges.


International conference: Building quality jobs in the recovery (Dublin, Ireland)

This international conference reviewed and drew lessons from successful past experiences and innovative solutions available today to identify how labour market policy, skills development and training policies can contribute to sustainable employment creation.


Less income inequality and more growth - Are they compatible?

Can both less income inequality and more growth be achieved? A recent OECD study sheds new light on the link between policies that boost growth and the distribution of income.


Skills Formation Strategies in Queensland

The Australian state government of Queensland developed a set of Skills Formation Strategies as a new way to respond to skill shortages and mismatches.


Australia’s unique approach to helping the unemployed has delivered good results but challenges remain, says OECD

Australia’s labour market reforms over the past 15 years have boosted employment and cut welfare benefit dependency.


Beyond the Financial Crisis – Pursuing Jobs, Equality and Trust

Re-igniting growth and putting people back to work will be essential to restore citizens’ confidence with positive spill-over effects on other policy measures and their effectiveness, said OECD Secretary-General.


It’s all about people: Jobs, equality and trust

More than five years into an economic crisis which has taken on several names–from subprime crisis and financial crisis to great recession–no term accurately depicts the fundamental result of this economic turbulence: people facing hardship.


Growing risk of inequality and poverty as crisis hits the poor hardest

Income inequality increased by more in the first three years of the crisis to the end of 2010 than it had in the previous twelve years, before factoring in the effect of taxes and transfers on income, according to new OECD data.