
Coronavirus check-in thread #5

It is May 8th and time for the latest check-in thread. As previously ([4][3][2][1])) this is for actual news, updates, personal experiences, and more mutual support from and to people dealing with this virus in their daily lives. All hail the mods for continuing to provide this sanctuary for us, and good health to readers and commenters alike. How is one doing?


Das könnte hinter Russlands erstaunlichen Corona-Zahlen stecken

Die Sterberate Corona-Infizierter in Russland ist extrem niedrig. Die Regierung verweist bei der Frage nach den Gründen auf den Erfolg der russischen Strategie – einige Bürger dagegen trauen der Zählweise der Toten nicht.


Immer mehr Klagen gegen die Corona-Auflagen

Die Corona-Auflagen beschäftigen auch die deutschen Gerichte. Denn mittlerweile sind rund 1000 Eilanträge von Klägern gegen die Einschränkungen eingegangen, so der deutsche Richterbund.


WELT-Sondersendung – Alle Infos und Entwicklungen zur Corona-Krise

Die Coronavirus-Pandemie bestimmt weiterhin das Leben überall auf der Welt. Laut Robert-Koch-Institut liegt die Reproduktionszahl in Deutschland derzeit bei 0,83 – ein leichter Anstieg zu den vergangenen Tagen. Sehen Sie alle Entwicklungen hier live.


Haben Corona-Infizierte die Chance auf Schadenersatz?

Ein deutscher Anwalt hält es für möglich, dass Covid-19-Infizierte erfolgreich auf Schadensersatz klagen können. Es gehe um Summen von bis zu 7500 Euro. Der Nachweis orientiert sich an einem Muster, das bereits erfolgreich angewandt wird.


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the


So schützen sie sich vor den Corona-Kilos

Corona bringt uns zum Kochen: Den ganzen Tag in der Wohnung und in Kühlschranknähe. Oft bedeutet das: Ran an den Speck! Ein Ernährungspsychologe weiß, wie man mit Kalorienbomben umgeht – und wann eine Pizza-Challenge hilfreich sein kann.


Rätselhafte „Corona-Füße“ – darauf sollten Eltern jetzt achten

Ärzte aus mehreren Ländern beobachten in der Corona-Krise eine seltsame Häufung von Hautveränderungen an Füßen und Händen. Vor allem ansonsten symptomlose Kinder und junge Erwachsene sollen betroffen sein. Was hat es mit den Symptomen auf sich?


Big Fuss Records Seeking Corona Diaries Song Compilation

Big Fuss Records is looking for amazing artists who have created radio ready, unique Corona Diaries songs for new compilation. We specialize in Pop, Rock, Adult Contemporary and Alternative; Christian, Folk, Country and New Age Inspirational music; Soul and R&B. Please submit your best track(s) for consideration. We look forward to hearing your submissions.

We are a positive music label and believe in bringing inspiration and hope into the world through music. We stay away from dark, death metal artists and explicate lyrics. Our tag line represents how we feel about our artists. We Make a Big Fuss Over You!

We stand for new ideas in the new music industry and work in tandem with artists we represent. We have been in business since 2002. We are selective in bringing the best music to the forefront of the music industry. Our deals are 50/50 splits.

- Kristin Pedderson - CEO/Director - Big Fuss Records LLC

Deal Type: Label Roster Consideration
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Negotiable
Compensation: $10,001 - $25,000
Song Quality: Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: Coldplay, Lorde and others


These Scientists Are On A Quest To Understand How Prevalent Coronavirus Is

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the


Amtrak To Require Masks Starting Monday To Avoid Spread Of The Coronavirus

Amtrak is the latest transportation provider to require all passengers to wear facial coverings or masks to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, beginning Monday. The intercity passenger rail agency joins most of the nation's passenger airlines and many public transit systems in requiring coverings or face masks on passengers. Customers will have to "wear a facial covering over their nose and mouth while in stations, on trains and [Thruway] buses," Amtrak said in a news release. "Facial coverings can be removed when customers are eating in designated areas, in their private rooms, or seated alone or with a travel companion in their own pair of seats. Small children who are not able to maintain a facial covering are exempt from this requirement." "The safety of Amtrak's customers and employees is our top priority," Amtrak President and CEO Bill Flynn said in a statement, "and requiring a facial covering is one more way we can protect everyone." To maintain physical distancing on


Your Boss May Soon Track You At Work For Coronavirus Safety

The last time you were in your office, who did you walk past in the lobby? Stand next to in the elevator? Chat with in the kitchen? You're not alone if you can't remember each of those encounters. But that is exactly the sort of information employers want to have on hand, in case an employee catches the coronavirus. Some companies that are preparing to welcome employees back to the office are planning to use technology to monitor their movements at work. While the technology may be more precise than human memory, it raises fears about greater surveillance at work — and whether employers would relinquish that power after the health crisis subsides. One company that has begun to use such tools is PwC, the big accounting and consulting firm. It has developed an app that tracks how close employees get to each other by noting their smartphones' Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals. The app allows the company to do contact tracing — the process of identifying people who may have been exposed to the


U.S. Industries Are Taking A Massive Toll During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Copyright 2020 KUNR Public Radio. To see more, visit KUNR Public Radio . AILSA CHANG, HOST: They make cars. They make cocktails. They clean hotel rooms, and they clean your teeth. They are the more than 20 million people who lost their jobs in April. New numbers out today bumped the jobless rate up to 14.7%. That's the worst rate since 1940, and no industry went untouched. For more on where the economic knife cut deepest, we are now joined by some of the reporters who cover these industries. NPR's Alina Selyukh covers retail and restaurants. Camila Domonoske covers the auto industry and oil and gas for NPR. And Will Stone has been covering health care for NPR from Seattle. Welcome to all three of you. ALINA SELYUKH, BYLINE: Hi. CAMILA DOMONOSKE, BYLINE: Hello. WILL STONE, BYLINE: Hi. CHANG: Alina, let's start with you. The lockdowns, I mean, they forced so many restaurants, so many bars, travel destinations to shut down. We know about that. But today we got a read on just how bad those


How The Bank Of America Is Dealing With The Coronavirus Crisis

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: On a day when the U.S. unemployment rate soared to nearly 15%, the worst level since the Great Depression, we're thinking about all the Americans affected, all the jobs lost - 20.5 million in April. And it seemed a good day to hear from one of the major stakeholders in the U.S. financial system, not to mention a major employer. Brian Moynihan is the CEO of Bank of America. He joins me now. He's on the line from Boston. Mr. Moynihan, welcome. BRIAN MOYNIHAN: It's good to be here. Thank you for having me. KELLY: I wonder if you would start with how this moment is playing out at Bank of America itself. More than 200,000 people report to you. You have done no layoffs, and more stunningly, you've committed to doing no layoffs through the end of 2020. How are you managing that in this moment when so many jobs are being cut? MOYNIHAN: I think we need to back up and, as always, remember that this is a health care crisis that is


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the


Last-Minute-Lernen in der Corona-Krise? So helfen Sie Ihrem Kind

Wegen der Corona-Pandemie wurden in diesem Jahr Abschlussprüfungen verschoben, was die Vorbereitung erschwerte. Dabei sind Abi und MSA ohnehin schon stressig genug. So helfen Sie Ihren Kindern beim Lernen auf den letzten Drücker.


Jetzt erfasst die Corona-Krise auch Akademiker-Jobs

Die Corona-Krise verschont keinen – auch nicht die vermeintlich sicheren Jobs von Hochschulabsolventen. Experten befürchten, dass fast 13 Millionen Arbeitsplätze von Akademikern in Europa wackeln. Das Risiko ist aber extrem ungleich verteilt.


Wegen Corona in Kurzarbeit – warum Sie das Taschengeld kürzen sollten

Viele Eltern leiden aktuell unter großen finanziellen und emotionalen Sorgen. Das spüren ihre Kinder – egal wie alt sie sind. Familien sollten daher offensiv über die Krise reden. Denn mit den richtigen Antworten können Kinder jetzt viel fürs Leben lernen.


Auf Jobsuche in der Corona-Krise – das müssen Sie beachten

Arbeitssuche ist zermürbend, die Corona-Krise verschärft das Problem noch. Die Arbeitsämter sind zwar geschlossen, doch der Betrieb läuft und auch die Fristen gelten weiterhin. Was Ihnen in dieser Situation an staatlicher Hilfe zusteht.


Warum sich die Generation Z niemals von Corona erholen wird

Mit der Coronavirus-Pandemie erlebt die junge Generation die erste Krise ihres Lebens. Sie wird sich damit für immer verändern. Im Berufsleben muss sich der Nachwuchs auf schmerzhafte Verluste einstellen – politisch droht der Gesellschaft dafür aber ein neuer Linksruck.


Wenn Nobelrestaurants in der Corona-Krise zum Lieferdienst werden

Edle Restaurants satteln in der Corona-Krise um und liefern vorbereitete Menüs nach Hause. An ähnlichen Lieferdiensten sind bereits mehrere Food-Start-ups gescheitert. Denn das Geschäft ist kompliziert.


So verdient Google an den Steuermilliarden im Kampf gegen Corona

Der Tech-Konzern besteht in der Virus-Krise auf die Bezahlung von Rechnungen in Millionenhöhe. Das trifft große Anzeigenkunden wie Reiseanbieter besonders. Um ihre Schuld zu begleichen, überweisen sie einen Teil ihrer Hilfskredite direkt an Google.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Für Wein-Start-ups ist die Corona-Krise ein Glücksfall

Wein erweist sich in Corona-Zeiten als krisenfest. Davon profitieren vor allem Gründer und ihre Internetshops. Dabei halten typische Käufer eigentlich nicht viel vom Online-Shopping. Das könnte sich nun ändern.


Coronavirus Victims: Students From 3 States Remember Their Teachers

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Nearly 70,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. Some of them worked in schools - teachers, coaches, counselors. Today we remember three of those people as seen through the eyes of their students. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Paula Pryce-Bremmer was a guidance counselor at Careers in Sports High School in New York City. She was 51 years old. Michael Westbrook was 54. He was the band director at Hardin-Jefferson High School in Sour Lake, Texas. And Ron Hill was a coach and substitute teacher at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School in Fulton County, Ga. He was 63 years old. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) BRITT WHITSTEIN: My name is Britt Whitstein (ph). I graduated from Mount Vernon Presbyterian High School in 2017. Coach Hill was one of my varsity basketball coaches. Coach Hill had a way of changing your perspective without you even knowing it. Because he believed in me, I did things in high school and even going into college that I


Students Call College That Got Millions In Coronavirus Relief 'A Sham'

A for-profit college received millions of dollars from the federal government to help low-income students whose lives have been upended by the coronavirus outbreak, but that same school, Florida Career College (FCC), is also accused of defrauding students. A federal class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of students in April calls FCC "a sham" and alleges that, long before the pandemic, the college was targeting economically vulnerable people of color. The plaintiffs say the vocational school enticed them with false promises of career training and job placement — but spent little on instruction while charging exorbitant prices and pushing students into loans they cannot repay. The lawsuit comes as thousands of colleges across the country are receiving federal emergency relief in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Through the CARES Act, FCC has been allotted $17 million. The law requires that at least half of that money goes directly to students, but makes few stipulations for the rest


Small, Private Colleges Get Boost From Coronavirus Relief Funds

When Congress allocated money for higher education in the coronavirus rescue package, it set aside nearly $350 million for colleges that had "significant unmet needs." Most of that money has now been allotted by the U.S. Department of Education to small, private colleges that serve just a fraction of U.S. college students. Meanwhile, public colleges — which serve more than 70% of all college students — are facing a steep drop in state funding . The 20 institutions that received the most amount of money from the unmet-need fund serve less than 3,000 students combined, and about half are religious schools — including Bible colleges and seminaries — several of which serve less than 100 students. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Lawmakers designed this unmet-need fund to give priority to any higher education institution that has received less than $500,000 through the CARES Act's other pots of funding. As a result, a school like Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, which serves 47


Das sind Deutschlands Corona-Hotspots

Während deutschlandweit Corona-Beschränkungen gelockert werden, müssen drei Landkreise auf die Notbremse treten. Besonders hoch sind die Infektionszahlen in einer Fleischfabrik - die Kritik an den dortigen Arbeitsbedingungen wird lauter.


Trump und Corona – ist das wie Bush und Irak?

Der US-Außenminister behauptet, China habe das Corona-Virus aus einem Forschungslabor in Wuhan entweichen lassen. Dafür gebe es „enorme Beweise“. Doch die könnten auf einer ebenso plumpen Fälschung beruhen wie die „Beweise“, die 2003 den Irak-Krieg gerechtfertigt haben.


Sheltering Homeless Residents / Coronavirus Measures In Europe / Religious Services Go Virtual

We'll hear from San Francisco supervisors on the challenges the city is facing moving some unhoused residents into hotels to shelter from the pandemic. Then, we go to Europe and get the latest on the coronavirus situation there. And, religious communities can’t gather in person, but they’re still meeting up online.


Coronavirus Measures In Uganda / Quarantine Diaries

An update on the coronavirus pandemic from Uganda . Then, as part of our ongoing Quarantine Diaries series, we’ll hear from people all around the Bay Area about daily life during the coronavirus epidemic.


Coronavirus Pandemic Throws A Harsh Spotlight On U.S.-China Relations

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit NOEL KING, HOST: The U.S. and China have a complicated relationship - nothing new there. But during the coronavirus, it's getting worse and may even be at its lowest point since the Tiananmen Square crackdown more than 30 years ago. NPR's Michele Kelemen tells us what the diplomats have been saying, and it is not that diplomatic. MICHELE KELEMEN, BYLINE: U.S. and Chinese officials have been trading barbs on Twitter. And when China's ambassador wrote an op-ed accusing the U.S. of playing the blame game, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came back with this. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) MIKE POMPEO: And I can't wait for my daily column in the China Daily news. KELEMEN: Beyond this tit for tat, relations seem to be deteriorating at all levels. The FBI, for example, has been warning universities about the dangers of working with China, especially in the scientific field. That was going on well before the pandemic, says Georgetown University's James


Pence Spokeswoman Katie Miller Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Updated at 4:02 p.m. ET The White House on Friday confirmed a second case of coronavirus this week, now in Vice President Pence's office, as both the president and his No. 2 have recently begun traveling again. Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller tested positive for the virus on Friday, after having tested negative Thursday. President Trump told reporters Friday that Miller hasn't come into contact with him but has "spent some time" with the vice president. "She is a wonderful young woman, Katie," he said. "She tested very good for a long period of time. And then all of a sudden today she tested positive." "So, she tested positive out of the blue," he continued. "This is why the whole concept of tests aren't necessarily, right, the tests are perfect but something can happen between a test where it's good and then something happens and then all of a sudden, she was tested very recently and tested negative." The discovery caused Pence's departure to Iowa on Friday morning to be delayed by


Coronavirus Update: The U.S. Health Care Industry Is Challenged By The Pandemic

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Nurses and doctors have been at the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. And yet even as health care workers fight back against the virus, the health care industry is crumbling around them. Today we learned that of the more than 20 million jobs that vanished last month, nearly 1 1/2 million were in health care. AILSA CHANG, HOST: And despite this dismal news for American workers, we heard a more optimistic message from the president today, who spoke about his belief that the country may soon turn an economic corner. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: So we're looking at the transition to greatness, and I think it's starting right now. CHANG: Meanwhile, the virus is inching closer and closer to the president, with another White House aide testing positive today for COVID-19. All right. To talk more about all of this, we're joined now by NPR chief economics correspondent Scott Horsley, science


Civilian Coronavirus Corps Aims To Get Pennsylvania Back To Work

Pennsylvania's governor wants to attempt a New Deal-inspired solution for getting the state's more than 1.7 million unemployed residents back to some semblance of regular work. This week, Democrat Tom Wolf announced a still-vague plan for a "Commonwealth Civilian Coronavirus Corps" which, he said, would ideally be a broad program to train workers to test for COVID-19 and conduct contact tracing to monitor infection rates, while simultaneously reducing unemployment. Wolf's spokeswoman, Lyndsay Kensinger, said it's no accident that the proposed program's name is reminiscent of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Great Depression-era Civilian Conservation Corps , which focused on the preservation of state parks and forests. "The governor will announce more details in the coming weeks, but the corps would be a 21st-century approach to historic programs like those in the New Deal," Kensinger said. Still unknown: When exactly the program would start, how many people the state might hire and


Attorneys: Watchdog Wants Coronavirus Scientist Reinstated Amid Probe

Attorneys for Rick Bright, the government scientist who said he had been reassigned and subsequently filed a whistleblower complaint , say a government watchdog agrees that he should be reinstated to his post. Bright was serving as director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, which is working on a vaccine to combat the coronavirus. He said he was ousted from the position last month because he wanted to spend money on safe and vetted treatments for COVID-19 — not on ones without "scientific merit," such as hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that President Trump and others had been touting. Trump on Wednesday called Bright "a disgruntled employee who's trying to help the Democrats win an election." Bright's attorneys say that the Office of Special Counsel, which hears whistleblower cases, determined there were "reasonable grounds" to believe that his removal was retaliatory and therefore prohibited. Bright's attorneys say OSC plans to contact the


How One Georgia Farmer Turned The Coronavirus Crisis Into An Opportunity For Service

The closure of schools, restaurants and hotels has wreaked havoc on the nation’s food supply. Dairy farmers are pouring out milk, hog prices are plummeting, and unhatched eggs are being crushed. Jon Jackson is executive director of StagVets and founder of Comfort Farms in Milledgeville. He relies on veterans to help raise heritage breeds of animals and produce — specialty items that were once in big demand from some of Georgia’s top restaurants. Now, Jackson is making them available to hungry families through a virtual farmers market.


How Coronavirus Is Threatening The Arts And Culture Ecosystem — And May Usher In A New Period Of Art

Artists and arts organizations were quick to adapt to quarantine and coronavirus. Museum tours, operas, Broadway shows, author talks, home concerts and classes for kids sprung up online shortly after closures were announced. But as the dust begins to settle on our new normal, many worry about the long-term economic impact and outlook for the artists, performers and independent organizations essential to the cultural ecosystem.


Has Coronavirus Changed How You Dream? Leave Us A Voicemail At 404-500-9457

Some dream researchers have seen a 35% uptick in dream recall since the start of the pandemic. And when people process traumatic events — like a terrorist attack, or widespread health crisis — scientists have noticed that people's dreams start to follow similar themes and patterns. We want to know: How have your dreams changed since the start of the pandemic? Call and leave us a voicemail at 404-500-9457 with your wildest, craziest COVID-19 dreams, and share your reflections on how dreaming as a whole may have shifted for you during the pandemic.


What’s Coming After Coronavirus?

The current state of our world appears to sync up with last-day Bible prophecy. How do we prepare for what is coming?


Religious Excess During Coronavirus Pandemic

Defying government restrictions—and sometimes proven laws of health—religious adherents are taking risks during the global coronavirus pandemic.


Federal Watchdog Says Coronavirus Whistle-Blower Should Be Reinstated as It Investigates

The Office of Special Counsel has found “reasonable grounds” to investigate whether Dr. Rick Bright was ousted from a senior science post for questioning Trump administration actions.


Two White House Coronavirus Cases Raise Question of if Anyone Is Really Safe

If it is so hard to maintain a healthy environment at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, then how can businesses across the country establish a safe space for their workers?


Whistle-Blower Exposes Infighting and Animus in Trump’s Coronavirus Response

The allegations suggest personal clashes influenced how the administration responded to the pandemic.


White House Rejects C.D.C.’s Coronavirus Reopening Plan

Detailed guidelines for reopening drafted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were blocked from publication after Trump administration officials labeled them “overly prescriptive.”


AWARD / GRANT: Artist Relief - Coronavirus - Americans For The Arts

To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States. Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the ...


SN87-UKGS: Canada is flattening the coronavirus curve. That’… archive of created on 2020-05-08 16:31:54+00:00..

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“El coronavirus cambió todos los conceptos de vida”: Alcalde Medellín


Corona: US-Arbeitslosenquote auf historischem Höchststand

Die Arbeitslosenquote in den USA ist im April auf 14,7 Prozent gestiegen - der höchste Wert seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die tatsächlichen Zahlen könnten sogar noch höher liegen.


Corona-Notstand in der brasilianischen Urwaldmetropole Manaus

Brasilien wird zum neuen Corona-Hotspot. Derzeit sterben jeden Tag mehr als 600 Menschen. In Rio und São Paulo droht das Gesundheitswesen zu kollabieren. In der Urwaldmetropole Manaus ist das schon passiert. Von Ivo Marusczyk und Matthias Ebert.