Volume 19


Issue 19:1 (1-149)


En pleine crise du covid-19, l'Assemblï¿œe change les rï¿œgles des CDD et prï¿œcarise un peu plus les salariï¿œs

L'information est ᅵ lire sur le site de Mediapart : le 15 mai, alors que l'Assemblᅵe est en train de voter la poursuite de l'ᅵtat d'urgence sanitaire, les dᅵputᅵs de la Rᅵpublique en...


En renonï¿œant aux dividendes, l'Etat va perdre 2,4 milliards d'euros

Pas de dividendes en pᅵriode de crise. En annonᅵant qu'il n'accorderait aucune aide (comme des reports de cotisation) aux entreprises qui verseraient des dividendes ᅵ leurs actionnaires, le gouvernement a tentᅵ...


La France a dï¿œtruit des stocks de masques pendant l'ï¿œpidï¿œmie du coronavirus

C'est surrᅵaliste. Les services de Matignon ont dᅵcouvert fin mars que des stocks de masques pᅵrimᅵs continuaient ᅵ ᅵtre brᅵlᅵs pendant l'ᅵpidᅵmie alors que certains...


La Semaine politique : la France a dᅵtruit ses masques, un ex-collaborateur de Vᅵran a cherchᅵ ᅵ en vendre (et quelques autres infos)

Vous n'avez pas eu le temps de lire Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, Mediapart, Le Monde, Arrᅵt sur images et tous les autres titres de presse ? On s'en charge pour vous.


Le maire d'extrᅵme-droite de Perpignan s'est augmentᅵ de 17% juste aprᅵs son ᅵlection

C'est un classique. Juste aprï¿œs leur victoire, certains ï¿œlus locaux font voter une augmentation de leur salaire. Une dï¿œcision qui intervient au dï¿œbut de leur mandat, histoire que les ï¿œlecteurs aient le temps...


Journï¿œes parlementaires, campus rï¿œgionaux : La Rï¿œpublique en marche va dï¿œpenser prï¿œs d'un million d'euros pour sa rentrï¿œe

C'est la rentrᅵe politique. Et qui dit rentrᅵe, dit universitᅵ d'ᅵtᅵ. Cette annᅵe, la Rᅵpublique en marche a vu les choses en grand en organisant ᅵ la fois des journᅵes...


La justice stoppe une enquï¿œte potentiellement gï¿œnante sur Jean Castex, trois jours aprï¿œs sa nomination comme Premier ministre

Hasard du calendrier ou volontᅵ de prᅵserver le nouveau Premier ministre ? Selon Mediapart, une enquᅵte judiciaire ouverte par le parquet de Perpignan, potentiellement gᅵnante pour Jean Castex, a ᅵtᅵ...


Titres de sᅵjour : pour ᅵviter les files d'attente, les prᅵfectures ont inventᅵ l'inscription en ligne (qui ne fonctionne quasiment jamais)

Des files d'attente, la nuit, devant les prᅵfectures, pour tenter d'obtenir un rendez-vous afin de demander ou de renouveler un titre de sᅵjour. C'ᅵtait la rᅵalitᅵ au dᅵbut des annᅵes...


0 800 : le numï¿œro vert sur le covid rapporte gros et informe peu (certains tï¿œlï¿œopï¿œrateurs sont des intï¿œrimaires formï¿œs en 30 minutes)

Inquiet par le coronavirus ? Vous pouvez appeler le numï¿œro vert 0 800 130 000. C'est Emmanuel Macron lui-mï¿œme qui en a fait la promotion dans un tweet en avril 2020, en plein confinement. Ce 0 800 fait partie de la longue liste...


Selon Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, le gouvernement Castex est le plus coᅵteux de l'histoire de la Ve Rᅵpublique (185 millions d'euros par an)

L'information est passï¿œe inaperï¿œue mais elle ne manque pas de sel. Alors que la gestion de la crise du covid-19 par le gouvernement est trï¿œs contestï¿œe (au retard dans la livraison de masques s'ajoute...


Le ministre de la justice, Eric Dupont-Moretti, a oubliᅵ de dᅵclarer 300 000 euros de revenus au fisc

Voilᅵ un "petit oubli" bien embᅵtant. Selon Mediapart, "le garde des Sceaux, Eric Dupont-Moretti, a oubliᅵ de dᅵclarer au fisc et ᅵ la Haute Autoritᅵ pour la transparence de la vie publique...


Pᅵle emploi a organisᅵ un sᅵminaire au Stade de France pour 300 000 euros

Le retour de Politique.net mᅵritait bien de commencer par une fᅵte. Selon Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, "le 17 juin, Pᅵle emploi Il-de-France s'est offert un sᅵminaire managers au Stade de France pour communier...


Pour dᅵsengorger les urgences des hᅵpitaux, le ministre de la Santᅵ a saturᅵ le Samu

C'est malin. A peine nommᅵ ministre de la Santᅵ, Franᅵois Braun croyait avoir trouvᅵ une astuce pour dᅵsengorger les services d'urgences des hᅵpitaux : demander aux patients d'appeler le 15,...


Crï¿œation de 3000 postes de "gendarmes verts" : la fausse promesse de Darmanin

A chaque jour, une nouvelle annonce. Cet ᅵtᅵ, le ministre de l'Intᅵrieur, Gᅵrald Darmanin, a multipliᅵ les dᅵplacements sur le terrain et les annonces. Pour lutter contre les pyromanes ᅵ...


Banques, assurances et entreprises du CAC 40 : leurs bï¿œnï¿œfices explosent

La crise ? Quelle crise ? Alors que le gouvernement prᅵpare l'opinion ᅵ une longue pᅵriode d'inflation et de hausse des prix de l'ᅵnergie en raison de la guerre en Ukraine, tout ne va pas si mal sur le plan...


Exploring the impact of TPACK on Education 5.0 during the times of COVID-19: a case of Zimbabwean universities


Form 10-K filing lags during COVID-19 pandemic

This study examines Form 10-K filing lags of US firms during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. The findings suggest that filing lags relate negatively to firm size, profitability, hiring Big4 auditors, and filing status, but positively to ineffective internal control, ineffective disclosure control, and going concern opinion. Large accelerated and accelerated filers had shorter filing lags, and non-accelerated filers had longer filing lags in 2020-2021 than 2018-2019. Further analysis provides mild evidence that Big4 auditors contributed to the filing lag reduction in 2020-2021, echoing the view that adopting advanced audit technologies allows Big4 auditors to respond better to the external shocks brought by the pandemic.


Business intelligence in human management strategies during COVID-19

The spread of COVID-19 results in disruption, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in all businesses. Employees help companies achieve their aims. To manage human resources sustainably, analyse organisational strategy. This thorough research study attempts to find previously unidentified challenges, cutting-edge techniques, and surprising decisions in human resource management outside of healthcare organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The narrative review examined corporate human resource management measures to mitigate COVID-19. Fifteen publications were selected for the study after removing duplicates and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This article examines HR's COVID-19 response. Human resource management's response to economic and financial crises has been extensively studied, but the COVID-19 pandemic has not. This paper reviewed the literature to reach its goal. The results followed the AMO framework for human resource policies and procedures and the HR management system. This document suggests COVID-19 pandemic-related changes to human resource management system architecture, policies, and practises. The study created a COVID-19 pandemic human resource management framework based on the literature. The COVID-19 pandemic had several negative effects, including social and behavioural changes, economic shock, and organisational disruption.


Printable Table of Contents. JITE: IIP, Volume 18, 2019

Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 18, 2019


Printable Table of Contents. JITE: IIP, Volume 19, 2020

Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 19, 2020


COVID-19 Pandemic and the Use of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) Platforms: Lessons From a Nigerian University

Aim/Purpose: This study examines the use of the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) platform by undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, during the COVID-19 pandemic using the constructs of the UTAUT2 model. Five constructs of the UTAUT2 model were adopted to investigate the use of the ERT platform by undergraduates of the university. Background: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak disrupted academic activities in educational institutions, leading to an unprecedented school closure globally. In response to the pandemic, higher educational institutions adopted different initiatives aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted flow of their teaching and learning activities. However, there is little research on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates in Nigerian universities. Methodology: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 334 undergraduates at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, while a questionnaire was used to collect data from 271 students. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and regression analysis. Contribution: The study contributes to understanding ERT use in the educational institutions of Nigeria – Africa’s most populous country. Furthermore, the study adds to the existing body of knowledge on how the UTAUT2 Model could explain the use of information technologies in different settings. Findings: Findings revealed that there was a positive significant relationship between habit, hedonic motivation, price value, and social influence on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates. Hedonic motivation strongly predicted the use of ERT platforms by most undergraduates. Recommendations for Practitioners: As a provisional intervention in times of emergencies, the user interface, navigation, customization, and other aesthetic features of ERT platforms should be more appealing and enjoyable to ensure their optimum utilization by students. Recommendation for Researchers: More qualitative research is required on users’ satisfaction, concerns, and support systems for ERT platforms in educational institutions. Future studies could consider the use of ERT by students in different countries and contexts such as students participating in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and the English for Speakers of other languages (ESOL) programs. Impact on Society: As society faces increased uncertainties of the next global pandemic, this article reiterates the crucial roles of information technology in enriching teaching and learning activities in educational institutions. Future Research: Future research should focus on how different technology theories and models could explain the use of ERT platforms at different educational institutions in other geographical settings and contexts.


COVID-19 disruptions driving sustainable tourism: a case of the Hawaiian tourism industry

This study inquires about the COVID-19-generated momentum and how it resulted in transformative opportunities for the hard-hit tourism industry in Hawai'i. It also investigates the type of sustainability-based management strategies that were favoured by actors from the industry to help navigate uncertain times and capture transformative opportunities. Findings indicate that actors from the tourism industry in Hawai'i perceived the COVID-19 pandemic as a huliau, or a point of transformation, to reflect and re-evaluate the tourism industry's responsibility and shift toward a recovery focused on sustainability. This research confirms that the pandemic-driven momentum accelerated opportunities for changing and transforming traditional business models and indicators of progress within the tourism industry in Hawai'i. Further research may explore additional Pacific Island countries to gain a deeper understanding of the problem within the region's context.


Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology - Table of Contents Volume 16, 2019

Table of Contents for IISIT Volume 16, 2019


Online Teaching With M-Learning Tools in the Midst of Covid-19: A Reflection Through Action Research

Aim/Purpose: In the midst of COVID-19, classes are transitioned online. Instructors and students scramble for ways to adapt to this change. This paper shares an experience of one instructor in how he has gone through the adaptation. Background: This section provides a contextual background of online teaching. The instructor made use of M-learning to support his online teaching and adopted the UTAUT model to guide his interpretation of the phenomenon. Methodology: The methodology used in this study is action research through participant-observation. The instructor was able to look at his own practice in teaching and reflect on it through the lens of the UTAUT conceptual frame-work. Contribution: The results helped the instructor improve his practice and better under-stand his educational situations. From the narrative, others can adapt and use various apps and platforms as well as follow the processes to teach online. Findings: This study shares an experience of how one instructor had figured out ways to use M-learning tools to make the online teaching and learning more feasible and engaging. It points out ways that the instructor could connect meaningfully with his students through the various apps and plat-forms. Recommendations for Practitioners: The social aspects of learning are indispensable whether it takes place in person or online. Students need opportunities to connect socially; there-fore, instructors should try to optimize technology use to create such opportunities for conducive learning. Recommendations for Researchers: Quantitative studies using surveys or quasi-experiment methods should be the next step. Validated inventories with measures can be adopted and used in these studies. Statistical analysis can be applied to derive more objective findings. Impact on Society: Online teaching emerges as a solution for the delivery of education in the midst of COVID-19, but more studies are needed to overcome obstacles and barriers to both instructors and students. Future Research: Future studies should look at the obstacles that instructors encounter and the barriers with technology access and inequalities that students face in online classes.


Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Crisis as Perceived by Preservice Teachers

Aim/Purpose: This study examined learning during the COVID-19 crisis, as perceived by preservice teachers at the time of their academic studies and their student teaching experience. Background: The COVID-19 crisis is unexpected. On one hand, it disrupted learning in all learning frameworks, on the other, it may create a change in learning characteristics even after the end of the crisis. This study examined the pro-ductive, challenging, and thwarting factors that preservice teachers encountered during their studies and in the course of their student teaching during the COVID-19 period, from the perspective of preservice teachers. Methodology: The study involved 287 students studying at teacher training institutions in Israel. The preservice teachers were studying online, and in addition experienced online teaching of students in schools, guided by their own teacher. The study used a mixed method. The questionnaire included closed and open questions. The data were collected in 2020. Contribution: Identifying the affecting factors may deepen the understanding of online learning/teaching and assist in the optimal implementation of online learning. Findings: Online learning experience. We found that some of the lessons at institutions of higher learning were delivered in the format of online lectures. Many pre-service teachers had difficulty sitting in front of a computer for many hours—“Zoom fatigue.” Preservice teachers who had difficulty self-regulating and self-mobilizing for study, experienced accumulating loads, which caused them feelings of stress and anxiety. The word count indicated that the words that appeared most often were “load” and “stress.” Some preservice teachers wrote that collaborating in forums with others made it easier for them. Some suggested diversifying by digital means, incorporating asynchronous units and illustrative films, and easing up on online lectures, as a substitute for face-to-face lectures. Online teaching experience in schools. The preservice teachers' descriptions show that in lessons taught in the format of lectures and communication of content, there were discipline problems and non-learning. According to the preservice teachers, discipline problems stemmed from difficulties concentrating, physical distance, load, and failure to address the students' difficulties. Recommendations for Practitioners: In choosing schools for student teaching, it is recommended to reach an understanding with the school about the online learning policy and organization. It is important to hold synchronous sessions in small groups of 5 to 10 students. The sessions should focus on the mental wellbeing of the students, and on the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Students should be prepared for participation in asynchronous digital lessons, which should be produced by professionals. It should be remembered that the change of medium from face-to-face to online learning also changes the familiar learning environment for all parties and requires modifying the ways of teaching. Recommendations for Researchers: A change in the learning medium also requires a change in the definition of objectives and goals expected of each party—students, teachers, and parents. All parties must learn to view online learning as a method that enables empowerment and the application of 21st century skills. Impact on Society: Teachers' ability to deploy 21st century skills in an online environment de-pends largely on their experience, knowledge, skills, and attitude toward these skills. Future Research: This study examined the issue from the perspective of preservice teachers. It is recommended to examine it also from the perspective of teachers and students.


Table of Contents: Issues in Informing Science and Informing Technology. Volume 19, 2022

Table of Contents for IISIT Volume 19, 2022


Table of Contents: Issues in Informing Science and Informing Technology. Volume 19, 2022

Table of Contents for IISIT Volume 19, 2022


Pedagogical Training During the COVID-19 Epidemic and Its Two Tracks: Remote and Face-To-Face

Aim/Purpose. The study aimed to examine the remote and face-to-face experience of pedagogical training in kindergarten after the third COVID-19 closure in Israel. Background. The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 changed the training system, and preservice teachers were required to have their practical experience in the kindergartens both remotely and face-to-face. They had to adapt to the new requirements of teacher training programs and receive professional coaching and support from the pedagogical instructor remotely. Methodology. The sample comprised 26 early childhood preservice teachers, who received academic training that includes proficiency in digital technology. The data were collected through feedback that they wrote themselves during the training period and analyzed in the interpretive approach. Contribution. The contribution of the present study is that it examines the pedagogical coaching from the perspective of preservice teachers in a kindergarten during the COVID-19 epidemic, which forced a transition from face-to-face to remote pedagogical training, then back to face-to-face pedagogical instruction. To the best of my knowledge, no such study has been carried out to date, which makes it unique. Findings. The main findings indicate the dissatisfaction of most preservice kindergarten teachers with the remote pedagogical training (about 85%) at the physical, emotional, technological, and pedagogical levels, and the satisfaction of most preservice kindergarten teachers with face-to-face pedagogical training (about 92%) at the physical, emotional, and pedagogical levels. The main conclusion is that technology is a potential barrier in training, and that preservice kindergarten teachers need a pedagogical instructor present at a professional face-to-face meeting. Recommendations for Practitioners. The findings of the study show how important in-person learning and engagement is for everyone especially for Preservice teachers’ and may be helpful for pedagogical coaching teams. Recommendations for Researchers. Preservice teachers’ awareness of the pedagogical coaching experiences could persuade the coaching teams to avoid potential difficulties, increase emotional support, and refine the use of technology to make it a closer substitute for frontal communication. Impact on Society. Face-to-face training based on interpersonal relationship, allows to develop better during the training period.


IJIKM Volume 14, 2019 – Table of Contents


Challenges in Contact Tracing by Mining Mobile Phone Location Data for COVID-19: Implications for Public Governance in South Africa

Aim/Purpose: The paper’s objective is to examine the challenges of using the mobile phone to mine location data for effective contact tracing of symptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and asymptomatic individuals and the implications of this technology for public health governance. Background: The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across South Africa, requiring thousands of people to be traced and their details captured in government health databases as part of public health efforts aimed at breaking the chains of transmission. Contact tracing for COVID-19 requires the identification of persons who may have been exposed to the virus and following them up daily for 14 days from the last point of exposure. Mining mobile phone location data can play a critical role in locating people from the time they were identified as contacts to the time they access medical assistance. In this case, it aids data flow to various databases designated for COVID-19 work. Methodology: The researchers conducted a review of the available literature on this subject drawing from academic articles published in peer-reviewed journals, research reports, and other relevant national and international government documents reporting on public health and COVID-19. Document analysis was used as the primary research method, drawing on the case studies. Contribution: Contact tracing remains a critical strategy in curbing the deadly COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa and elsewhere in the world. However, given increasing concern regarding its invasive nature and possible infringement of individual liberties, it is imperative to interrogate the challenges related to its implementation to ensure a balance with public governance. The research findings can thus be used to inform policies and practices associated with contact tracing in South Africa. Findings: The study found that contact tracing using mobile phone location data mining can be used to enforce quarantine measures such as lockdowns aimed at mitigating a public health emergency such as COVID-19. However, the use of technology can expose the public to criminal activities by exposing their locations. From a public governance point of view, any exposure of the public to social ills is highly undesirable. Recommendations for Practitioners: In using contact tracing apps to provide pertinent data location caution needs to be exercised to ensure that sensitive private information is not made public to the extent that it compromises citizens’ safety and security. The study recommends the development and implementation of data use protocols to support the use of this technology, in order to mitigate against infringement of individual privacy and other civil liberties. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should explore ways of improving digital applications in order to improve the acceptability of the use of contact tracing technology to manage pandemics such as COVID-19, paying attention to ethical considerations. Impact on Society: Since contact tracing has implications for privacy and confidentiality it must be conducted with caution. This research highlights the challenges that the authorities must address to ensure that the right to privacy and confidentiality is upheld. Future Research: Future research could focus on collecting primary data to provide insight on contact tracing through mining mobile phone location data. Research could also be conducted on how app-based technology can enhance the effectiveness of contact tracing in order to optimize testing and tracing coverage. This has the potential to minimize transmission whilst also minimizing tracing delays. Moreover, it is important to develop contact tracing apps that are universally inter-operable and privacy-preserving.


Modeling the Impact of Covid-19 on the Farm Produce Availability and Pricing in India

Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to analyze the availability and pricing of perishable farm produce before and during the lockdown restrictions imposed due to Covid-19. This paper also proposes machine learning and deep learning models to help the farmers decide on an appropriate market to sell their farm produce and get a fair price for their product. Background: Developing countries like India have regulated agricultural markets governed by country-specific protective laws like the Essential Commodities Act and the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Act. These regulations restrict the sale of agricultural produce to a predefined set of local markets. Covid-19 pandemic led to a lockdown during the first half of 2020 which resulted in supply disruption and demand-supply mismatch of agricultural commodities at these local markets. These demand-supply dynamics led to disruptions in the pricing of the farm produce leading to a lower price realization for farmers. Hence it is essential to analyze the impact of this disruption on the pricing of farm produce at a granular level. Moreover, the farmers need a tool that guides them with the most suitable market/city/town to sell their farm produce to get a fair price. Methodology: One hundred and fifty thousand samples from the agricultural dataset, released by the Government of India, were used to perform statistical analysis and identify the supply disruptions as well as price disruptions of perishable agricultural produce. In addition, more than seventeen thousand samples were used to implement and train machine learning and deep learning models that can predict and guide the farmers about the appropriate market to sell their farm produce. In essence, the paper uses descriptive analytics to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural produce pricing. The paper explores the usage of prescriptive analytics to recommend an appropriate market to sell agricultural produce. Contribution: Five machine learning models based on Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting, and three deep learning models based on Artificial Neural Networks were implemented. The performance of these models was compared using metrics like Precision, Recall, Accuracy, and F1-Score. Findings: Among the five classification models, the Gradient Boosting classifier was the optimal classifier that achieved precision, recall, accuracy, and F1 score of 99%. Out of the three deep learning models, the Adam optimizer-based deep neural network achieved precision, recall, accuracy, and F1 score of 99%. Recommendations for Practitioners: Gradient boosting technique and Adam-based deep learning model should be the preferred choice for analyzing agricultural pricing-related problems. Recommendation for Researchers: Ensemble learning techniques like Random Forest and Gradient boosting perform better than non-Ensemble classification techniques. Hyperparameter tuning is an essential step in developing these models and it improves the performance of the model. Impact on Society: Statistical analysis of the data revealed the true nature of demand and supply and price disruption. This analysis helps to assess the revenue impact borne by the farmers due to Covid-19. The machine learning and deep learning models help the farmers to get a better price for their crops. Though the da-taset used in this paper is related to India, the outcome of this research work applies to many developing countries that have similar regulated markets. Hence farmers from developing countries across the world can benefit from the outcome of this research work. Future Research: The machine learning and deep learning models were implemented and tested for markets in and around Bangalore. The model can be expanded to cover other markets within India.


The Influence of COVID-19 on Employees’ Use of Organizational Information Systems

Aim/Purpose. COVID-19 was an unprecedented disruptive event that accelerated the shift to remote work and encouraged widespread adoption of digital tools in organizations. This empirical study was conducted from an organizational-strategic perspective, with the aim of examining how the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak affected employees’ use of organizational information systems (IS) as reflected in frequency. Background. To date, only a limited effort has been made, and a rather narrow perspective has been adopted, regarding the consequences of the adoption of new work environments following COVID-19. It seems that the literature is lacking in information regarding employee use of organizational IS since the outbreak of the pandemic. Specifically, this issue has not yet been examined in relation to employees’ perception about the organization’s digital efforts and technological maturity for remote work. The present study bridges this gap. Methodology. The public sector in Israel, which employs about a third of the Israeli work-force, was chosen as a case study of information-intensive organizations. During the first year of COVID-19, 716 questionnaires were completed by employees and managers belonging to four government ministries operating in Israel. The responses were statistically analyzed using a Chi-Square and Spearman’s Rho tests. Contribution. Given that the global pandemic is an ongoing phenomenon and not a passing episode, the findings provide important theoretical and practical contributions. The period prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the period of the pandemic are compared with regard to organizational IS use. Specifically, the study sheds new light on the fact that employee perceptions motivated increased IS use during an emergency. The results contribute to the developing body of empirical knowledge in the IS field in the era of digital transformation (DT). Findings. More than half of the respondents who reported that they did not use IS before COVID-19 stated that the pandemic did not change this. We also found a significant positive correlation between the perception of the digital efforts made by organizations to enable connection to the IS for remote work and a change in frequency of IS use. This frequency was also found to have a significant positive correlation with the perception of the organization’s technological maturity to enable effective and continuous remote work. Recommendations for Practitioners. In an era of accelerating DT, this paper provides insights that may support chief information officers and chief digital officers in understanding how to promote the use of IS. The results can be useful for raising awareness of the importance of communicating managerial messages for employees regarding the organizational strategy and the resilience achieved through IS not only in routine, but also in particular in emergency situations. Recommendations for Researchers. Considering that the continual crisis has created challenges in IS research, it is appropriate to continue researching the adaptation and acclimation of organizations to the “new normal”. Impact on Society. The COVID-19 pandemic created a sudden change in employment models, which have become more flexible than ever. The research insights enrich the knowledge about the concrete consequences of this critical change. Future Research. We suggest that researchers investigate this core issue in other sectors and/or other countries, in order to be obtain new and complementary empirical insights on a comparative basis.


Employing Artificial Neural Networks and Multiple Discriminant Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Financial Status of Jordanian Companies

Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to empirically quantify the financial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). The paper also aims to identify the most important predictors of financial distress pre- and mid-pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge toll, not only on human lives but also on many businesses. This provided the impetus to assess the impact of the pandemic on the financial status of Jordanian companies. Methodology: The initial sample comprised 165 companies, which was cleansed and reduced to 84 companies as per data availability. Financial data pertaining to the 84 companies were collected over a two-year period, 2019 and 2020, to empirically quantify the impact of the pandemic on companies in the dataset. Two approaches were employed. The first approach involved using Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA) based on Altman’s (1968) model to obtain the Z-score of each company over the investigation period. The second approach involved developing models using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with 15 standard financial ratios to find out the most important variables in predicting financial distress and create an accurate Financial Distress Prediction (FDP) model. Contribution: This research contributes by providing a better understanding of how financial distress predictors perform during dynamic and risky times. The research confirmed that in spite of the negative impact of COVID-19 on the financial health of companies, the main predictors of financial distress remained relatively steadfast. This indicates that standard financial distress predictors can be regarded as being impervious to extraneous financial and/or health calamities. Findings: Results using MDA indicated that more than 63% of companies in the dataset have a lower Z-score in 2020 when compared to 2019. There was also an 8% increase in distressed companies in 2020, and around 6% of companies came to be no longer healthy. As for the models built using ANNs, results show that the most important variable in predicting financial distress is the Return on Capital. The predictive accuracy for the 2019 and 2020 models measured using the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) graph was 87.5% and 97.6%, respectively. Recommendations for Practitioners: Decision makers and top management are encouraged to focus on the identified highly liquid ratios to make thoughtful decisions and initiate preemptive actions to avoid organizational failure. Recommendation for Researchers: This research can be considered a stepping stone to investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the financial status of companies. Researchers are recommended to replicate the methods used in this research across various business sectors to understand the financial dynamics of companies during uncertain times. Impact on Society: Stakeholders in Jordanian-listed companies should concentrate on the list of most important predictors of financial distress as presented in this study. Future Research: Future research may focus on expanding the scope of this study by including other geographical locations to check for the generalisability of the results. Future research may also include post-COVID-19 data to check for changes in results.


IJIKM Volume 19, 2024 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Volume 19, 2024, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management


A study of internet public opinion leaders with COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan as a case

The novel coronavirus pandemic ravaged the world in 2020, making the world fall into an unprecedented period of stagnation. This research used the Sol-Idea internet public opinion analysis platform to collect, and analyses online public opinion data associated with novel coronavirus. This research finds the following situations: 1) COVID-19 online opinion leaders are more likely to post in major discussion boards. However, opinion leaders of replies but use PTT forum as the main discussion channel; 2) According to the analysis of the content and behaviour of the account 'ebola01', it is found that the content of the posts are mostly news praising the ruling party government or mocking the opposing parties, with the sources mostly coming from media considered to be more pro-ruling party. Therefore, it can be inferred that 'ebola01' may be part of cyber army with a particular political spectrum.


IJELL Volume 15, 2019 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning


Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 22, 2019

Table of Contents for Volume 22 of Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2019


The Presence of Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, and Burn-out Among the General Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Aim/Purpose: This paper aimed to explore the impact of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burn-out among the general population during the pandemic. Background: The paper has attempted to explore compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burn-out among the population at large, especially during the pandemic. This area has not been explored as yet. Methodology: A simple random sample of 98 males and 88 females was collected anonymously through a Google form survey. Part A collected demographic data and Part B comprised of 15 statements with 5 each for compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burn-out, adapted from a Compassion Fatigue/Satisfaction Self-Test. ANOVA single factor was employed for the three variables of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burn-out using a 0.05 significance level. Correlations among the variables were also analyzed. Contribution: The present paper contributes to covering the research gap of investigating the presence of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burn-out among the population at large comprising the age group of 18 to 60+ and from different professions. Findings: The findings revealed significant differences in the levels of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burn-out in the population at large during the pandemic. Future Research: The findings can be further strengthened by extending it to a larger sample size across different nations and, specifically, studying gender differences during such adverse pandemic situations.


Covid-19: Systems Transdisciplinary Generalization, Technical and Technological Ideas, and Solutions

Aim/Purpose: The Covid-19 pandemic has created many adverse effects. It overloads the healthcare system, causes deaths, and angers some at anti-covid restrictions. This study examines the feasibility of using technical and technological ideas to overcome these effects. The solution is based on new knowledge about the virus, its nature, formation, and activation in the environment. Background: The rapid spread of a new coronavirus infection is taking place against the background of a lack of time required to create new treatment scenarios for the disease, development, production, and vaccine safety research. In such a situation, it became necessary to gain this time for organizing and conducting events that could reduce the burden on the healthcare system. Methodology: The science that studies the morphology, physiology, genetics, ecology, and evolution of viruses is virology. The modern development of virology is moving towards a more accurate and comprehensive description of the mechanisms of interaction of viruses with the host organism. This contributed to the emergence of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and immunomics. However, in virology, there is no particular discipline that sets itself three fundamental goals: to substantiate a single concept of the emergence of viruses; to study the natural mechanisms of formation of virus molecules in the environment; to describe the natural mechanisms of activation of certain viruses in the environment that cause viral pandemics. As a result, there are many articles among the published scientific articles on viruses dealing with the mechanisms of interaction of viruses with the host organism. However, there are no articles on the natural mechanisms of formation and activation of certain viruses in the environment. In the absence of such specialized articles, we were forced to use the method of systems transdisciplinary generalization of disciplinary knowledge to achieve our article’s purpose. Generalization created new knowledge about the nature of viruses, about the mechanisms of their formation and activation in the environment and cells of biological organisms. It is logical to assume that to synchronize the state of biological objects of all functional ensembles on the planet, it is necessary to create and activate appropriate “technological tools.” We have suggested and proved that RNA viruses play the role of such tools. Piezoelectricity activates viruses. It occurs during the compression and stretching of sedimentary rocks and bases of continental plates in different territories. Contribution: The systems transdisciplinary generalization of the knowledge of scientific disciplines made it possible to edit the concept of viruses, to eliminate stereotypes that arose due to the use of unsuccessful analogies. As a result of this generalization, it was possible to prove that viruses are not intracellular parasites. The virus is a “technological tool” of the planetary organizing component. This “tool” aims to correct the genetic programs of organisms of all functional ensembles (plants, animals, people), which will maintain the state of organisms and the parameters of their metabolism in changing environmental conditions. Findings: The viruses that triggered pandemics in the 20th century and early 21st century are RNA viruses. RNA molecules play the role of “technological tools” that the planetary organizing component uses to carry out short-term and long-term adjustments and constant support of the genetic programs of biological organisms. Therefore, in such a situation, it is advisable to talk not about the fight against the virus but only about eliminating the negative manifestations of the Covid-19 pandemic: reducing the number of people in need of emergency hospitalization, eliminating cases of the acute course of the disease and deaths. It is proposed to use certain technical and technological ideas and solutions to eliminate these negative manifestations. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper recommends that researchers use new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. They challenge assumptions and conclusions about the nature of viruses, and the mechanisms of their formation and activation in the environment can initiate. Such new research might describe the mechanisms that form and activate viruses in the environment and the body’s cells. They also might provide practical use of this knowledge to eliminate the multiple speculations and fears that arise against the background of reports of the likely appearance of more deadly viruses and viral infections. Future Research: The results of a systems transdisciplinary generalization of disciplinary knowledge about the nature and purpose of viruses are essential for expanding the horizon of the scientific worldview. Future fundamental research on the mechanisms of objective organizing constituents, a general description given in this article, will contribute to a deeper understanding of chemical and biological evolution mechanisms in which modern humanity is involved. In due time, such an understanding will allow a new look at the existing scenarios of the world socio-economic order, explore and describe new principles of sustainable development of society.


At-home virtual workouts: embracing exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic

The objective of this study was to explore through the Model of Theory of Planned Behaviour the most important variables that influence the practice of physical and sports activity at home supported by virtual training in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-study was proposed between countries from three continents, distributing the questionnaire in Spain (Europe), Pakistan (Asia), and Colombia (South America) to ensure a comprehensive study. The methodology of structural equations using partial least squares was used. The empirical exploratory study supported the hypotheses proposed, with the most important result that confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a factor causing the practice of physical and sports activity at home. This is one of the first studies to examine sports practice at home and the new context of sports practice that has generated disruptive technologies and the global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Female corporate leadership has drawn increasing attention from academia and practitioners. We contribute to the literature by examining the impact of CEO succession with gender change—i.e., a male CEO succeeded by a female or vice versa. We propose that due to gender differences in executive leadership positions, CEO succession with gender change may amplify the disruption of the CEO succession process and thus adversely affect post-succession firm performance and increase the likelihood of successor early departure. Using data from 3,320 CEO successions in companies listed in China's Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 1997 to 2010, we find evidence to support this argument. We also find that the negative (positive) impact of male-to-female succession on firm performance (the likelihood of successor early departure) may be weakened by positive organizational attitudes toward female leadership as indicated by the presence of other female leaders on the firm's board of directors and/or top management team, and the successor's inside origin.


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Potplayer is a smooth media player with a great looking, minimalist user interface. It has an extensive range of configurable options to choose from and lots of functionality. The application supports Blu-ray, DVD, Audio CD, and countless othe...


An analysis of the math requirements of 199 CS BS/BA degrees at 158 U.S. universities from Communications of the ACM

The mathematics requirements for computer science (CS) students have been debated for decades. I began teaching in a CS program in 1983, and I recall similar discussions at that time. The debate has continued in one form or another


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Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat COVID-19? 是否有预防或治疗COVID-19的特效药?

To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the new coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

However, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation and would be started under medical supervision and care.




Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating COVID-19? 抗生素对预防和治疗COVID-19有效吗?

No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, but they work on bacteria.

COVID-19 is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment. However, if you are hospitalized for the COVID-19, you may receive antibiotics because a concurrent bacterial infection is possible whilst having COVID-19.

