
Fiscal incentives for R&D and innovation in a diverse world

Public policy has an important role to play in promoting research and development (R&D) and the development, diffusion, and use of new knowledge and innovations. Fiscal incentives, including tax policies, should be directed at specific barriers, impediments or synergies to facilitate the desired level of investment in R&D and innovations.


Estimating the size and incidence of bank resolution costs for selected banks in OECD countries

This report provides estimates of the costs associated with bank resolution both in terms of the expected costs that might arise should a bank fail (i.e. as "ex-post" costs), as well as the cost associated with the likelihood that a solvent bank might fail (i.e. as "ex-ante" costs) over the next year.


G20-OECD-INFE Core Competencies Framework on Financial Literacy for Adults

This document outlines the objectives and key components of the framework, and presents the flexible, outcome-based, core competencies framework itself. The framework is designed to be applicable to adults aged 18 and over, describing the basic level of financial literacy that is likely to be needed by this group to fully and safely participate in economic and financial life.


Core competencies frameworks on financial literacy

The core competencies frameworks on financial literacy highlight a range of financial literacy outcomes that may be considered important for adults, youth, or owners and managers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and of potential entrepreneurs.The core competencies frameworks on financial literacy for youth and adults were developed in response to a call from G20 Leaders in 2013.


OECD/INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies

This report contains the results of an international data collection survey that measured the financial literacy and financial inclusion of adults. A total of 51,650 adults aged 18 to 79 from 30 countries and economies participated in the survey.


Seminar on open and orderly capital movements

Co-organised by the OECD and the German Federal Ministry of Finance, the seminar focused on the policy implications of the increasingly interconnected global financial and economic system and the need for an open and orderly regime for capital flows in the context of the review of the OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements.


Student loans, indebtedness, and financial literacy in the United States

Annamaria Lusardi is the Denit Trust Chair of Economics and Accountancy at the George Washington University School of Business. Following the release of new data focused on Americans’ financial capability, she draws attention to some of the findings in the study, focusing on three areas of great importance to the personal finances of Americans: student loans, indebtedness, and financial literacy.


Betting the house in Denmark

The Danish financial sector is big and there is a high degree of inter-connectedness between banks, mortgage institutions and pension funds.


2016 OECD/IOPS Global Forum on Private Pensions

9-10 November 2016, Hong Kong, China - The 2016 Global Forum will focus on making private pensions work better and, in particular, consumer protection in the pensions area.


How do policies influence GDP tail risks?

This paper explores the relationship between policy settings and extreme positive and negative growth events, what we call GDP tail risks, using quantile regression methods.


Can reforms promoting growth increase financial fragility? An empirical assessment

Certain growth-promoting policies can have negative side-effects by increasing the vulnerability of economies to financial crises. Typical examples are greater openness to financial flows or more liberalised financial markets.


OECD to launch Pensions Outlook 2016 Monday 5 December

OECD Pensions Outlook 2016, to be published on Monday 5 December at 12p.m. Paris time, assesses policy issues regarding strengthening pension systems and, in particular, funded pension plans.


Design of funded private pensions needs to be improved

Funded Pension arrangements, in particular defined contribution ones, are playing a growing role in complementing retirement income from public sources in OECD countries and worldwide. However, their design needs to be improved, according to a new OECD report.


Incentivising lending to SMEs with the Funding for Lending Scheme: some evidence from bank-level data in the United Kingdom

This study explores the effectiveness of the incentive mechanisms embedded within the UK’s Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) for banks’ to expand their supply of lending to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).


Malaysia’s economic success story and challenges

Malaysia has sustained over four decades of rapid, inclusive growth, reducing its dependence on agriculture and commodity exports to become a more diversified, modern and open economy.


Conditions for establishment of subsidiaries and branches in the provision of banking services by non-resident institutions

In 2014, the Financial Stability Board (FSB), in collaboration with the IMF and OECD, prepared a report for G20 leaders that sought to assess the cross-border consistencies and global financial stability implications of structural banking reform measures. To further examine structural banking reform measures taken since 2008, the OECD circulated a survey. This report describes the outcome of this survey.


The role of public debt managers in contingent liability management

This working paper explores the role of public debt managers in contingent liability management based on the results of a background OECD survey and the information provided by seven task force countries. The results indicate that there are certain roles and responsibilities assumed by the public debt managers in this field, while the degree of involvement differs widely across countries.


More private capital for infrastructure investment in Asia?

Since the financial crisis, infrastructure investment has moved up the political agenda in most countries – now also including the USA. Asia is often seen as the world’s infrastructure laboratory, with massive construction of transport and energy projects. This article discusses infrastructure investment, private finance, and institutional investors in Asia from a global perspective.


OECD Recommendation on Disaster Risk Financing Strategies

Adopted by the OECD Council on 23 February 2017, this Recommendation provides high-level policy guidance for designing a strategy for addressing the financial impacts of disasters on individuals, businesses and sub-national levels of governments, as well as the implication for public finances.


Conference on business, finance and gender

Paris, 8 March 2017: Taking place on International Women's Day, this OECD-hosted conference considered questions such as gender differences in financial literacy and inclusion; women working in the informal economy and the role of business: gender differences in the changing pensions landscape; empowering women to fight back against corruption and engaging men to support gender equality in the workplace.


Financial education for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Asia

This paper describes and provides guidance on policy and practice relating to financial education for MSMEs and potential entrepreneurs in Asia, with a particular focus on Indonesia.


What do Americans know about retirement and what do they expect?

The United States’ Social Security Act of 1935 set up a social insurance programme for American workers, providing them with at least some degree of certainty about income after retirement. But, in today’s environment, to what degree do Americans feel secure about their retirement? This article looks at the results of a new survey on American’s understanding of retirement preparedness and the perceived role of Social Security.


Responsible business conduct for institutional investors: Key considerations for due diligence under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Promoting responsible business conduct in the financial sector is vital to building a sustainable global economy. This paper will help institutional investors implement the due diligence recommendations of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in order to prevent or address adverse impacts related to human and labour rights, the environment, and corruption in their investment portfolios.


Ensuring financial education and consumer protection for all in the digital age

This report discusses the implications of the digitalisation of finance for financial education and relevant consumer protection issues and provides an overview of digital financial services around the world.


Investment governance and the integration of environmental, social and governance factors

This paper presents the findings of an international stocktaking of the regulatory frameworks that apply to institutional investment in different jurisdictions and how these frameworks are interpreted by institutional investors in terms of their ability or responsibility to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in their governance processes.


Launch: OECD PISA financial literacy assessment of students

24 May 2017: PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy explores students’ experience with and knowledge about money and provides an overall picture of 15-year-olds’ ability to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to real-life situations involving financial issues and decisions.


Many teenagers struggle to understand money matters

Around one in four students in the 15 countries and economies* that took part in the latest OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test of financial literacy are unable to make even simple decisions on everyday spending, while only one in ten can understand complex issues, such as income tax.


Increased international co-operation on financial and corporate issues essential to making globalisation work for all

Globalisation has failed to create a level playing field in trade, investment and corporate behaviour, being one of the factors contributing to a backlash against openness in many countries and a decline in confidence in government institutions.


The empirics of enabling investment and innovation in renewable energy

This working paper assesses the impact of climate mitigation policies and the quality of the investment environment on investment and innovation in renewable power in OECD and G20 countries. It also examines how countries’ investment environments interact with climate mitigation policies to influence investment and patent activity in renewable power.


Better but not good enough: New approaches are needed to make globalisation work for all, OECD says in latest Economic Outlook

The global economy is expected to pick up moderately but greater efforts are needed to ensure that the benefits from growth and globalisation are more widely shared, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook.


Seminar on pension foresight: Envisaging retirement income plans of the future

21 June 2017, Paris: Co-organised by the International Network for Pensions, Aging, and Retirement Research (INPARR), the OECD and IOPS, this seminar provided a window into the latest thinking and research that sheds light on where pension plans and designs are headed in the future and challenges to their future sustainability and efficiency.


Open and Orderly Capital Movements: Interventions from the 2016 OECD High-Level Seminar

This collection compiles the contributions of senior policy experts, academics, and economic practitioners on developments in the financial integration and financial regulation of cross-border capital flows since the 2008 global financial crisis at the OECD High-Level Seminar “Open and Orderly Capital Movements” held in October 2016.


Coping with the financial consequences of devastating floods

‌07/09/2017 - Flooding is one of the most common, wide-reaching and destructive natural perils, affecting on average about 250 million people around the world each year. OECD work on the financial management of flood risk has identified a number of ways that policy makers can improve the way they manage the financial implications of floods.


Financial Education for MSMEs and Potential Entrepreneurs

While the contribution of MSMEs to national economies is widely recognised, their financial education needs are not always being met and low levels of financial literacy pose a potential barrier to successful business creation and growth. Covering 21 economies, this stocktaking report identifies the main policy challenges and good practices.


OECD-ADBI-SBV Conference on Financial Literacy and Consumer Protection

Hanoi, Vietnam, 3-4 October 2017. This conference provided a forum to discuss best practices on developing financial education and consumer protection in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries.


Gender gaps in financial literacy and financial education

This chapter from "The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle" shows that two-thirds of the 30 economies participating in a financial literacy survey reported that gender differences in financial knowledge and confidence persist.


2017 OECD/IOPS Global Forum on Private Pensions

24-25 October 2017, Mauritius - The 2017 global forum explored current trends in global private pension systems and the ways in which pension regulatory and supervisory authorities are managing and reacting to those trends.


Private pensions make post-crisis comeback

In 2016, private pension assets reached their highest-ever level at over USD38 trillion in OECD countries, according to Pensions Markets in Focus. Investment losses resulting from the financial crisis have been recouped in almost all reporting OECD countries.


Robo-Advice for Pensions

Riding the wave of technological innovation in finance, the robo-advice model has emerged as one potential solution for helping individuals manage their pensions and invest savings for retirement. This report provides an overview of the types of robo-advisors that are now available and discusses the potential benefits, risks and challenges of such platforms.


Technology and Pensions

Innovative applications of technology for financial services, or FinTech, are already being used to improve communication with consumers and their engagement with their pension plans. This report provides an overview of how technology is being used to improve pension design and delivery and how regulators are managing these changes.


Enhancing the role of insurance in cyber risk management

This report provides a series of policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the contribution of the cyber insurance market to managing this increasingly prevalent risk. The report examines the current state of the market and the obstacles that are impeding the market from reaching its full potential


Small business access to alternative finance increasing as new bank lending declines

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly turning to alternative sources of financing, while new bank lending is declining in a number of countries. Many SMEs remain over-reliant on bank credit, however, and the take-up of instruments other than straight debt varies greatly from one country to another, according to a new OECD report.


Conference on unleashing the potential of the cyber insurance market

22-23 February 2018, Paris - The potential role of the nascent cyber insurance market in enhancing cyber resilience is increasingly being recognised by policy makers. This conference provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge and share experiences on addressing the challenges impeding the development of the cyber insurance market.


International Seminar on Pension Supervision and Regulation 2018

23 February 2018, Dublin - This event focussed on how to build better retirement by ensuring value for money, implementing automatic enrolment and designing retirement pay-outs.


The opportunity of robo-advice for pension savings

Riding the wave of technological innovation in finance, the robo-advice model has emerged as one potential solution to increase the accessibility and affordability of getting help to invest savings for retirement. OECD's Jessica Mosher looks at the potential benefits, risks and challenges.


Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Buenos Aires, 18-20 March 2018

Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Buenos Aires, 18-20 March 2018


Video series: Perspectives on green finance and investment

Leading actors across the green finance and investment community talk to the OECD about what has to be done to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the broader set of environmental objectives linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Financial markets, insurance and pensions: Digitalisation and Finance

This publication compiles a series of articles that focus on the impact of digitalisation and technology in the areas of financial markets, insurance, and private pensions. It also discusses the tools and policies needed to ensure that the challenges posed by digitalisation result in better outcomes and better management of the risks involved.


Survey of Large Pension Funds and Public Pension Reserve Funds

The survey monitors and compares the investment behaviour, asset levels, and performances of the largest institutional investors in each region or country covered and analyses in greater depth the general trends observed at a national level.


2018 Roundtable on Insurance and Retirement Saving in Asia

25-26 April 2018, Tokyo - This event will bring together key stakeholders from the Asia Pacific region to discuss policy issues relevant to the sound development of insurance and private pensions markets.