
Die historische Entwicklung der experimentellen Gehirn- und Rückenmarksphysiologie vor Flourens / von Max Neuburger.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1897.


Die Irrenheilanstalt in ihren administrativen, technischen und therapeutischen Beziehungen, nach den Anforderungen der Gegenwart / dargestellt von G. Seifert ; nebst den Plänen einer Heilanstalt ... entworfen von Architekt E. Giese ...

Leipzig : J. Naumann, 1862.


Die krankhaften Veränderungen der Haut und ihrer Anhangsgebilde mit ihren Beziehungen zu den Krankheiten des Gesammtorganismus / dargestellt von H. von Hebra.

Braunschweig : F. Wreden, 1884.


Die Krankheiten des Vorstellungsvermogens / systematisch bearbeitet von Karl Georg Neumann.

Leipzig : Cnobloch, 1822.


Die Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechtes : vom klinischen, pathologischen und therapeutischen Standpunkte aus dargestellt / von Hermann Beigel.

Erlangen : F. Enke, 1874-1875.


Die Krankheiten in der Marine : geographisch und statistisch nach den reports on the health of the Royal Navy / dargestellt von C. Friedel.

Berlin : T.C.F. Enslin, 1866.


Die Magensäure des Menschen, kritisch und experimentell / bearbeitet von F. Martius und J. Lüttke.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1892.


Die Merkurialkrankheit in allen ihren Formen, geschichtlich, pathologisch, diagnostisch und therapeutisch / dargestellt von G. Ludwig Dieterich.

Leipzig : O. Wigand, 1837.


Die Methoden der Milchuntersuchung : für Aerzte, Chemiker und Hygieniker / zusammengestellt von Paul Sommerfeld ; mit einem Vorwort von Adolf Baginsky.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1896.


Die Mikrotechnik der thierischen Morphologie :eine kritische Darstellung der mikroskopischen Untersuchungsmethoden / von Stefan Apáthy.

Braunschweig : H. Bruhn, 1896-1901.


Die multiple Fettgewebsnecrose : Klinische und experimentelle Studien / von Arthur Katz und Ferdinand Winkler ; mit einem Vorwort von Leopold Oser.

Berlin : S. Karger, 1899.


Die Myomotomie : dargestellt an 100 in der Kgl. Universitäts-Frauenklinik zu Berlin ausgeführten Operationen / von M. Hofmeier.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1884.


Die mystischen Erscheinungen der menschlichen Natur / dargestellt und gedeutet von Maximilian Perty.

Leipzig : C.F. Winter, 1861.


Die neueren Arzneimittel in ihrer Anwendung und Wirkung / dargestellt von W.F. Loebisch.

Wien : Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1895.


Die Pathologie und therapie der hereditären Syphilis : nach ihrem gegenwärtigen Standpunkte / dargestellt von Ludwig Fürth.

Wien : Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1879.


Die physiologische Diagnostik der Nervenkrankheiten : Versuch einer Feststellung der Leitungs- und Zuckungs- verhältnisse im Nervensystem des gesunden und kranken Menschen / von G. Burckhardt.

Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1875.


Die physiologische Optik : eine Darstellung der Gesetze des Auges / von Hermann Scheffler.

Braunschweig : Schulbuchhandlung, 1864-1865.


Die seitlichen Rückgrats-Verkrümmungen, monographisch dargestellt / von Moritz Michael Eulenburg.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1876.


Die Serum, Bakterientoxin- und Organ-Präparate : ihre Darstellung, Wirkungsweise und Anwendung / von Max v. Waldheim.

Wien : Hartleben, 1901.


Die Sicherung von Leben und Gesundheit im Fabrik- und Gewerbe-Betriebe, auf der Brusseler Ausstellung vom Sommer 1876. Bericht, im Auftrage des Ministers fur Handel, Gewerbe, etc. erstattet / von F. Reichel.

Berlin : F. Kortkampf, 1877.


Die Sublimatintoxication : Beitrage zur Geschichte, Klinik und pathologischen Anatomie derselben, nebst experimentellen Untersuchungen zur Theorie ihres Wesens / von E. Kaufmann.

Breslau : W. Koebner, 1888.


Die Syphilis wahrend der Periode ihrer Initial- und Fruhformen und deren Behandlung : auf grund von Fournier's "Lecons sur la syphilis" / dargestellt von Emanuel Kohn.

Wien : L.W. Seidel, 1875.


Die Thatsachen der Vererbung in geschichtlich-kritischer Darstellung / von Emanuel Roth.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1885.


Die Trichinen : eine wissenschaftliche Abhandlung nach eigenen, besonders im sanitats-polizeilichen und staats-thierarztlichen Interesse angestellten Versuchen und Beobachtungen / von A.C. Gerlach.

Hannover : Schmorl & von Seefeld, 1866.


Die Vererbung von Krankheiten und Missbildungen des manschlichen Körpers / gemeinfasslich dargestellt von P. Spelter.

Berlin : Heuser, 1888.


Digitalis purpurea in ihren physiologischen und therapeutischen Wirkungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Digitalin : mit Benutzung der gesammten medicinischen Literatur monographisch dargestellt / von Bernhard Bähr.

Leipzig : T.O. Weigel, 1859.


The diseases of live stock and their most efficient remedies : including horses, cattle, sheep and swine ... / by Lloyd V. Tellor.

London : Bailliere, Tindall, & Cox, 1879.


Élémens d'hygiène, ou de l'Influence des choses physiques et morales sur l'homme, et des moyens de conserver la santé / par Étienne Tourtelle.

Paris : Rémont, 1815.


Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gehirns : nach Untersuchungen an höheren Wirbelthieren und dem Menschen / dargestellt von Victor v. Mihalkovics.

Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1877.


Conquering fat logic : how to overcome what we tell oursleves about diets, weight, and metabolism / Nadja Hermann.

London : Scribe, 2019.


A blind man plays the fiddle to a large family. Wood engraving by H. Vizetelly after David Wilkie.


A castle (the Castello Odescalchi di Bracciano?), with a flock of sheep attended by a shepherd. Etching and mezzotint by L. Marvy after Claude Lorraine.

[Paris] : Calcographie du Louvre, Musées Imperiaux, [1849?]


Feds tell New Mexico to stop diverting federal school aid


Ban Student Seclusion in Schools, Lawmakers Tell Betsy DeVos

After an investigation found Illinois schools put children in "isolated timeout" for illegal reasons, a group of the state's federal lawmakers have asked U.S. Secretary of Education to ban seclusion in schools nationwide.


NBCSN’s Hockey Happy Hour: The Comeback on Katella

'The Comeback on Katella' was complete when Corey Perry scored the winning goal in double overtime to give the Ducks a 4-3 victory and 3-2 series lead.


TIGER: using artificial intelligence to discover our collections

The State Library of NSW has almost 4 million digital files in its collection.


Deep Learning Framework for Detecting Ground Deformation in the Built Environment using Satellite InSAR data. (arXiv:2005.03221v1 [cs.CV])

The large volumes of Sentinel-1 data produced over Europe are being used to develop pan-national ground motion services. However, simple analysis techniques like thresholding cannot detect and classify complex deformation signals reliably making providing usable information to a broad range of non-expert stakeholders a challenge. Here we explore the applicability of deep learning approaches by adapting a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect deformation in a national-scale velocity field. For our proof-of-concept, we focus on the UK where previously identified deformation is associated with coal-mining, ground water withdrawal, landslides and tunnelling. The sparsity of measurement points and the presence of spike noise make this a challenging application for deep learning networks, which involve calculations of the spatial convolution between images. Moreover, insufficient ground truth data exists to construct a balanced training data set, and the deformation signals are slower and more localised than in previous applications. We propose three enhancement methods to tackle these problems: i) spatial interpolation with modified matrix completion, ii) a synthetic training dataset based on the characteristics of real UK velocity map, and iii) enhanced over-wrapping techniques. Using velocity maps spanning 2015-2019, our framework detects several areas of coal mining subsidence, uplift due to dewatering, slate quarries, landslides and tunnel engineering works. The results demonstrate the potential applicability of the proposed framework to the development of automated ground motion analysis systems.


Intelligent wavelet based techniques for advanced multimedia applications

Singh, Rajiv, author
9783030318734 (electronic bk.)


Russia probe transcripts released by House Intelligence Committee

Reaction and analysis from Fox News contributor Byron York and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.


4 Ways Intelligent CRM Can Help You Reach Tech-Savvy Millennials

Does your customer relationship management strategy have what it takes to reach Generation Y? It's estimated that by 2021, an additional $394 billion in revenue could be gained from artificial intelligence adoption in CRM activities in the U.S. As companies grow and technology evolves at a faster-than-ever pace, collecting, storing and providing data is becoming a bigger and bigger task.


It's Kind of a Funny Story  2010 ☚ ☚  Not the way they tell it, it isn't


Scientists Suggest New Origin Story for 'Oumuamua, Our Solar System’s First Interstellar Visitor

Perhaps the cigar-shaped object is a shard from a shredded planetary body, a computer simulation suggests


Artificial Intelligence Gives Researchers the Scoop on Ancient Poop

The computer program can identify canine versus human feces based on DNA sequences in samples


The story of Stella's Place, a lifesaving landmark on a remote winter road

The remote cabin could be the difference between life and death for travellers stuck on the territory’s long winter road. It was built to remember Stella Barnaby, who would have been 55 this Saturday.

  • News/Canada/North


Islanders show and tell their pandemic creations

With time on their hands, many Islanders have tapped into their creative sides. Some people who are artistic had more time to create and try new things, while others discovered untapped potential as makers. 

  • News/Canada/PEI


Intelligent Communication

Communicating design information is a key part of any workflow, and the SOLIDWORKS suite of products has three specialized tools to enable Intelligent Communication: SOLIDWORKS Composer for technical illustrations. SOLIDWORKS MBD for product manufacturing information, and SOLIDWORKS Visualize for photo

Author information

Andrew Gross

Andrew is a Senior Territory Technical Manager at SOLIDWORKS, and lives in Los Angeles, CA. He has years of experience working with resellers and customers, and has a strong background in Engineering Simulation and Design Validation. More recently, Andrew has expanded his interest and passion into Industrial Design. Andrew holds a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA.

The post Intelligent Communication appeared first on SOLIDWORKS Tech Blog.


Christmas puppets tell the story

OM Hungary’s Christmas puppet ministry is currently underway, with performances in the city of Érd and the surrounding area.


Atheist encourages Christians to tell others about Jesus

After listening to the Gospel a self-proclaimed atheist encouraged Christians to go tell others this Good News.


"I would tell my younger self, 'stop hating yourself so much.' Jill Lorean on shaving her head, the Glasgow music scene and her new EP

WE start at the low point. “It’s hard doing music,” Jill O’Sullivan admits. “I love it. I feel compelled to sing and play and write. But I was thinking of quitting.”


Quiz Yourself: What Does Census Data Tell Us About Education in the U.S.?

Quiz yourself: What do census statistics reveal about school enrollment, classroom diversity, and education outcomes, and how could the 2020 Census impact school services?