
Les 30 ans de la mort de Cloclo

Puisque tout le monde en parle, bin moi aussi... Là, y a de l'idée ! Mais Là !!! c'est un must !!! Que serait la vie sans Claude François...


Vijesti :: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore den
Postano: 12.11.2024. 11:59 (GMT 1) Dana 11. studenog 2024., točno u 11 sati i 11 minuta, u Svečanoj dvorani Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku potpisan je sporazum o suradnji između Akademije i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine. Sporazum su uime institucija potpisali dekanica Akademije, akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić, i dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo, predsjednik Komore.

Sporazum označava početak suradnje između jedinstvene umjetničko-znanstvene institucije u zemlji i strukovne organizacije koja predstavlja dentalnu medicinu u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je sporazuma objediniti znanje i resurse kako bi se postigli viši standardi u razumijevanju i unaprjeđenju zajedničkih područja djelovanja koji se protežu kroz edukaciju, zdravstvo, kulturu i interdisciplinarne projekte koji se razvijaju na specijalističkom studiju Kreativnih terapija pri Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku.

Ovim partnerstvom želimo otvoriti nove mogućnosti suradnje u području obrazovanja i profesionalnog razvoja te omogućiti razmjenu iskustava između umjetničko-znanstvene zajednice i medicinske struke“, istaknula je akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić. „Akademija i Komora mogu se zajedničkim naporima baviti istraživanjem novih pristupa u edukaciji kao i poticanjem šireg društvenog dijaloga o važnosti holističkog pristupa zdravlju.

Predsjednik Komore dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo naglasio je da sporazum predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za razvoj novih standarda u edukaciji o zdravstvenoj kulturi i prevenciji. „Spoj umjetničkog i znanstvenog pristupa, uz medicinsku ekspertizu, omogućuje nam da dublje sagledamo utjecaj koji zdravlje ima na svakodnevni život, ali i na kulturu i društvenu dinamiku. Vjerujemo da će se kroz ovu suradnju razvijati inovativni pristupi obrazovanju i informiranju javnosti,“ izjavio je dr. Pezo.

Tekst i foto: Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: GISKO: Predstavljanje knjige "Ironwoman: moja priča"

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: GISKO: Predstavljanje knjige "Ironwoman: moja priča"
Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:50 (GMT 1) Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek organizira predstavljanje knjige pod nazivom “Ironwoman: moja priča!” autorice Đurđice Orepić.

Predstavljanje će se održati u četvrtak, 21. studenog 2024. s početkom u 17.00 sati u prostoru Studijske čitaonice Gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Osijek. Program će moderirati Saša Drinić i Željko Garmaz.

Ironwoman: moja priča knjiga je o ženi koja je, kako navodi urednica knjige Korana Svilar, “životu u inat i životu za ljubav odlučila da neće više samo ‘hodati’, nego trčati, plivati i pedalirati stotinama kilometara – ona će se natjecati u triatlonu, jer život se živi, a ne preživljava”. Iznenađujući sve koji svjedoče njezinoj odluci da pomiče vlastite granice, trpjet će bol i previranja, plakat će i smijati se, upoznat će vlastito tijelo u najekstremnijim uvjetima, prkosit će sebi i svima koji sumnjaju i natjecati se u Ironmanu, najtežoj utrci na svijetu. Ništa nije nemoguće onome tko ima volju pobijediti samoga sebe, dokazuje Đurđica Orepić, najbolja svjetska Ironwoman u svojoj dobnoj skupini.

U memoarskoj prozi Ironwoman: moja priča Đurđica Orepić nadahnuto ispisuje svoje nevjerojatno iskustvo, ne štedeći ni srce ni smisao za humor. I jedinstvena Đu pobjeđuje još jednom. No, ovoga puta ne osvaja trofeje, već srca čitatelja, kojima svakom stranicom prenosi svoju najveću strast – život sâm. U osvrtu na knjigu, Boris Dežulović je napisao da knjiga Ironwoman: moja priča „nije samo priča o uspješnoj ženi koja nikad u životu nije obula patike, pa u pedesetoj odluči postati svjetska prvakinja u triatlonu, ovo je i priča o uspješnoj ženi iza koje – kao iza svake uspješne i dovršene žene – stoji muškarac“.


Vijesti :: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simptome

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simp
Postano: 13.11.2025. 20:15 (GMT 1) Ne postoji jedna tableta koja će smanjiti probavne tegobe i mogućnost razvoja probavnih bolesti, kaže nam odmah prof. dr. sc. Silvio Mihaljević, specijalist gastroenterologije iz Croatia poliklinike u Osijeku.

Kako navodi, stres, neredovita prehrana, hrana s puno masnoća i koncentriranih ugljikohidrata su sve redom faktori koji mogu dovesti do prolaznih probavnih tegoba, a, ako su pacijenti duže vremena izloženi nepravilnom stilu prehrane, mogu dovesti i do razvoja ozbiljnih bolesti, kao što su GERB, ulkusna bolest želuca i dvanaesnika, NASH, upalne bolesti crijeva, i slično.

Učestalost ovih problema pritom je sve veća. Primjerice, više od pola milijuna ljudi u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu ima upalnu bolest crijeva, od kojih su dva glavna oblika Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. One nastaju kada imunološki sustav napadne crijeva, uzrokujući niz iscrpljujućih simptoma od bolova u trbuhu i gubitka težine do proljeva i krvi u stolici.

Vrlo često se gore navedene bolesti razvijaju tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja s vrlo nespecifičnim tegobama u samom početku bolesti. Upravo je zato izuzetno važno obratiti pažnju na preventivne preglede, kaže prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević, jer postavljanje dijagnoze u ranoj fazi bolesti značajno doprinosi kraćem trajanju liječenja, manjom mogućnošću za razvojem brojnih komplikacija, a samim time i boljom kvalitetom života i puno kraćim izostankom s posla.

Uzmimo za primjer samo nealkoholnu bolest masne jetre, jednu od najčešćih uzroka kronične bolesti jetre te najbrže rastuće bolesti probavnog sustava. Prema posljednjim podacima, svaki četvrti građanin Hrvatske ima nealkoholnu masnu jetru kao posljedicu nezdrave prehrane, konzumacije alkohola i nekretanja. Prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević navodi stoga da je iznimno bitna redovita kontrola laboratorijskih nalaza koji ukazuju na funkciju jetre jer kronične bolesti nemaju značajnije probavne tegobe, nego samo blage i nespecifične smetnje kao brzo umaranje i opća slabost.

Te nespecifične simptome pacijenti ignoriraju tako da se vrlo često brojne kronične bolesti jetre pronađu u poodmakloj fazi kada je liječenje manje uspješno. Zbog svega navedenog redovite kontrole jetrenih nalaza su najbitnije u ranom otkrivanju kroničnih bolesti jetre”, kaže specijalist gastroenterologije.

Kako bi potaknula građane na preventivnu brigu o zdravlju, Croatia Poliklinika u Osijeku do kraja studenog omogućuje 20 posto popusta na endoskopske zahvate - gastroskopiju bez i s anestezijom i kolonoskopiju bez ili s anestezijom. Naime, osobe koje u anamnezi imaju rak nekog od organa probavnog sustava trebali bi u ranijoj životnoj dobi obavljati preventivne preglede svake dvije godine, a osobe starije životne dobi jednom godišnje. Brojni ljudi pritom odgađaju ranije spomenute endoskopske zahvate zbog neugodnosti ili straha, zbog čega prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević ističe da je važno pacijentima objasniti važnost obje pretrage jer se promjene koje se nađu tim pretragama vrlo često ne mogu dokazati nikakvim drugim laboratorijskim i radiološkim pretragama.

Kada im se objasni važnost navedenih pregleda te mogućnost dokumentiranja određenih promjena puno lakše će se odlučiti za navedene preglede. Prije gastroskopije možemo lokalno dati anestetik koji će u znatnoj mjeri umanjiti neugodnost samog pregleda, a prije kolonoskopije savjetujem uzimanje pola sata prije pregleda spazmolitika kako bi usporili peristaltiku crijeva i na taj način umanjili tegobe. Za one najzahtjevnije i najkompliciranije, oba pregleda možemo raditi u općoj anesteziji”, navodi prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević.

[Sponzorirani članak]


Un haut responsable du PCC appelle � la promotion d'une communaut� Chine-Vietnam d'avenir partag�

Le haut responsable chinois, Li Xi, a rencontr� Phan Dinh Trac, membre du Bureau politique, secr�taire du secr�tariat et pr�sident de la Commission des affaires int�rieures du Comit� central du Parti communiste vietnamien (PCV), mardi � Beijing. ...


Un rapport d'un groupe de r�flexion chinois "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" d�voil� au Br�sil

Le Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global s'est tenu lundi et mardi � Sao Paulo, et un rapport intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� diffus� � cette occasion. Il fournit une...


Un diplomate chinois � l'ONU exhorte Isra�l � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire � Gaza comme monnaie d'�change

Fu Cong, repr�sentant permanent de la Chine aupr�s des Nations Unies, a exhort� mardi Isra�l � lever les restrictions sur l'acc�s humanitaire � Gaza et � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire comme monnaie d'�change, alors que la situation...


La modernisation chinoise favorise un nouveau mod�le de d�veloppement humain

Un rapport conjoint intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� publi� lors du Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global qui s'est tenu lundi � Sao Paulo, au Br�sil. R�dig� par des groupes...


La Chine compte la plus grande capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire dans le monde

La capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire de la Chine, y compris les unit�s en fonctionnement, en construction et officiellement approuv�es, occupe la premi�re place mondiale, d'apr�s la Soci�t� de recherche �nerg�tique de Chine (China...


Dix milliards de yuans de commande pour les moteurs a�ronautiques civils chinois

Aero Engine Corporation of China a annonc� mercredi qu'elle avait sign� des bons de commande et des contrats de coop�ration portant sur plus de 1.500 moteurs, pour une valeur totale de plus de 10 milliards de yuans (environ 1,39 milliard de...


La Chine adopte des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le march� de l'immobilier

La Chine a promulgu� mercredi des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le d�veloppement stable et sain du march� de l'immobilier. Le minist�re des Finances a d�clar� que le pays augmenterait les incitations en termes de taxe sur les actes pour...


Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois

La Chine a continu� � accro�tre ses investissements dans la construction ferroviaire depuis le d�but de cette ann�e, d'apr�s des donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'op�rateur ferroviaire du pays. Durant la p�riode janvier-octobre, les investissements...


It's Official - Blog Bloke has moved

Hi Blokesters. It's official now and InstaBloke has moved over to Blog Bloke dot com, so please make a note of it and update your bookmarks as well as the newsfeed. You should also check out my latest post explaining all of the gory details. It's a doozy.

See you there!


New Release - Land for Sale in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

A well managed block of agricultural land for sale available freehold as a whole or in lots suitable for paddock conversion. The land benefits from extensive road frontage and superb track access.


Bitemojo self-guided foodtours: een review

BARCELONA – Het is goed uitkijken in het drukke Barcelona. Bitemojo heeft een self-guided food tour aangeboden die wij ...... Lees verder: Bitemojo self-guided foodtours: een review


Hania is Famous at Last

Hania was interviewed for regional radio and ended up with a nice, cute story on their website.


NIP #20 Sunday... The Move

This is the second week in a row that NIP Friday is being posted on Sunday. Lately my schedule on Friday has just been insane. It also appears that it won't be improving any time soon either. So, to simplify things, I've decided to just go ahead and change it from NIP Fridays to NIP Sundays.
Only the day has changed. Everything else, including the boobs, nudity and public settings will all remain the same.


Salmo Rattlin Hornet 4,5F

De Rattlin Hornet heeft net dat extraatje voor als de gewone Hornet niet overtuigend genoeg is, een ratel! De Hornet heeft zijn reputatie als hard werkende crankbait niet voor niets verdient! Miljoene Hornets zijn in gebruik bij vissers in verschillende landen en elke dag wordt er mee gevangen! Zo vervullen ze de droom van menig visser. Vanaf de introductie is dit een van de best-sellers geweest van Salmo.


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Progettare applicazioni mobile

Non si ferma la pubblicazione nel blog Internet della BBC, già tema di un mio precedente intervento, di articoli che spiegano nel dettaglio il processo di progettazione di siti e servizi. Questa volta tocca all’applicazione iPhone del player che permette … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Progettare applicazioni mobile proviene da Fucinaweb.


The Takeover Podcast: NFL Moves & NBA DFS

In this edition, Corey hosts FullTime Fantasy Sports's Mark Morales-Smith and Matt Brandon to discuss Fantasy Football and tonight's NBA DFS slate!


Dallas Cowboys Sign RB Alfred Morris

Fantasy Football Expert Mark Morales-Smith discusses the Fantasy impact of Alfred Morris moving from the Washington Redskins to the Dallas Cowboys!


Build Your Own 2016 NFL Mock Draft!

Do you have what it takes to build the perfect NFL mock draft? Test your skills and attempt to beat our experts!


NHL DFS Slapshot (Monday, March 28)

This is a preview of Zach Edwards NHL DFS Slapshot. With a PREMIUM membership, you earn access to his NHL picks all season long!


Scouting The NBA DFS - Monday, March 28 (Free Preview)

Fantasy Basketball Expert Nate Weitzer will help you cash with your DFS NBA lineups. This is a free preview of his PREMIUM NBA DFS Rundown!


Scouting The NBA DFS - Monday, March 28 (Premium)

There is a huge 10-game slate of NBA action this Monday night and the Daily DFS Breakdown will help you cash on DraftKings and FanDuel


Is Blogging Just About Getting More Traffic?

I may regret this. My mom always told me to stay out of other people's fights. But I was always too headstrong for my own good so here goes.

Over at Copyblogger Brian tells us:

" Steve used a clever little PR gimmick (that would never work for an unknown blogger today, mind you) to literally propel himself to the enviable point he is now. Nothing wrong with that, unless of course, two years later, you look down from your A-List perch and proclaim that traffic is now bad."
Frankly I'm a little weary of the term "A-List". But I have to agree with that thought. It's easy to mock the tail that wags the blog when you're at the top.

A commentor said:
"Anyone who says traffic doesn't matter, relative to having a web presence, is either disingenuous or has a ton of traffic already. In Steve's case, likely both."
P.S.: It's called HYPOCRISY! Steve Rubel has redefined the art of tagging wrapping all his posts around ever popular keyword themes. "Blog", "Technorati, "Google", "Top Ten", "Best", "Success", "Killer", "Sex", "Porn"... whatever works. Slog that Technorati gravy train Steve and keep those numbers up.

Another commentor also mentioned -- that self-absorbed group of omni poobahs forever beating their own drum. Until a couple of months ago nobody had ever heard of them. After spending a little advertising money at Technorati and a few smug posts later they have somehow transformed themselves into self-proclaimed blog experts.

Which only proves that if you toot your own horn loud and long enough you will begin to believe your own press. It also demonstrates how many gullible bloggers there are eager to jump on the blogging gold train.

Taking notes?


Colbert Fisks Bush... is removed from A-List

Me thinks he won't be invited to the White House anytime soon:

Was it just me or did Colbert sound more mean spirited than funny? I know what you're thinking. Look who's talking, but still... check out the video for yourself.

You can view parts 11 and 111 here.

UPDATE: The Colbert video was pulled but you can still find it here.
Related links: media, in the news, news headlines, headline news, news and politics, politics, political, fun, funny humor, humour, daily fisk, bush, youtube


It's called R E S P E C T Roger Simon

An Open Letter to Roger Simon (aka Pajamas Media):

I was recently reminded that Roger Simon is a business partner with Pajamas Media, and since Roger has written an open letter to all bloggers I thought I would reciprocate with my own.

So this is for you Roger:

My Dearest Rog. In your bid to take over the blogosphere I wish to remind you of something. You may have been tinseltown's darling of yesteryear, but in the blogosphere you are just another electron. Here you have to earn your stars, and you are only as good as your last post.

Most bloggers are an intelligent, erudite lot, and don't insult our intelligence with your commiserable propaganda.

So heed my advice. If you want respect, give some.

SOURCE: the daily FISK.


Happy Birthday Video Cards With Music For PCs & Mobiles

Happy birthday song cards for computers, free musical happy birthday video greeting cards for mobile smartphones, iPhone, Android, & Windows smartphones. Romantic love birthday cards for lovers.


Discover the Thrill of the Knubian Promotional 3-Point Contest

Participants of the Knubian contests often praise the organization of the events. Each contest is efficiently managed to ensure that players can focus on their performance without any logistical hassles.


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Trumps Wahlsieg: Demokraten im US-Senat wollen Richter im Eiltempo bestätigen

Die Zeit sitzt den US-Demokraten im Nacken. Noch vor Trumps Amtsantritt wollen sie so viele Bundesrichter im US-Senat bestätigen wie möglich. Denn auch in der Parlamentskammer übernehmen bald die Republikaner die Kontrolle.


TV-Moderator Hegseth soll Trumps Verteidigungsminister werden

Tag für Tag werden neue Namen der künftigen Trump-Regierung bekannt: Für Aufsehen sorgt jetzt, dass der rechte TV-Moderator Pete Hegseth das Verteidigungsministerium übernehmen soll. Auch Tech-Milliardär Musk bekommt einen Posten.


Online Dating Scams: Sending Money in the Name of Love

The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, warns that scammers sometimes use online dating and social networking sites to try to convince people to send money in the name of love. Online Dating Scams: Sending Money in the Name of Love


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Environmental clamp down on after market modifications

Just saw this in today's news. Wonder how far this type of clampdown will eventually go and how it will affect many of the members here. Could it eventually affect even Smarty products? Are these...

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Site devoted to the foxy ethnical top-model, Alexa. Born of Spanish and Egyptian heritage, Alexa is a spicy 18-year-old dominatress! Exclusive photographs.

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  • Reviews > Teens




Wow what a month!

July has been a busy month for the team so lets see if I can sum things up as we go into August.

Ad Coop

This months Ad Coop is set to rock and roll. Those who were lucky enough to get in will start seeing traffic from today. I fully expect our team to grow even faster with this in place. Make sure you feedback your successes so we can share with the team

Team BBQ

True leadership is assumed not given. John Bonnett, one of our soon to be Director’s in the UK, showed that this weekend by hosting a super team BBQ. Ever the great networker John managed to combine team bonding, training and also prospecting mixed in with some fabulous food. All I can say is much kudos to both John and Linda!

Exciting training call for international Team members

As many of you know I have been banging the drum for some training calls that are suitable for all time zones, not just the UK and US. Well I am glad to say that it looks like we are getting someone now! Chris & Julie Chojnowski are looking to set up an exclusive team training call that should suit nearly all time zones that we are currently active in. Its planned to be on a Saturday at these times – Let me know what you think!

2PM UK Time
3PM South Africa
9PM Malaysia
10:30 PM South Australia
11PM East Australia

Even better with a bit of arm-twisting they have also set up on the same conference line we use in the UK so you can call FREE via Skype. If you haven’t got Skype yet what are you waiting for!

Malaysia – Here we grow again!

Last training call today guys and then its back to business from next week. Irene and I will be back to make August the month of Malaysia. Lean on us guys and let us help build your business. I want to ensure you have the tools and skills to take your business to a higher level and benefit from the spillover we are creating for you.

90-Day blitz

Have you taken up Chris and Julie’s 90-day blitz challenge? If your serious then I recommend you do. 90 days solid action in this business can make a serious impact on your residual income so what are you waiting for?

Any questions?

As you know I am going to be in Malaysia for the remainder of August, we fly out this Sunday. This means I am not going to be so accessible via phone outside of Malaysia so please get anything really pressing to me this week. I will be checking my emails on a regular basis but I am not sure if my apartment has Internet access as yet.

To Your Success!

John O’Driscoll



Mid Month Update

Hey guys

I have been in Malaysia for just a week and the time has flown past. Apologies to all for no updates but this is the first day I have been able to get full access to the Internet.

I hope a lot of you listened into Executive Director’s Chris & Julie Chojnowski’s international team training call on Saturday. This is going to be a great tool for anyone building an international business as its available for nearly all time zones at the same time. For members in SE Asia I think this is the first time you have had access to a live training call at a decent hour of the day!

Don’t forget Vice President Ned Rae’s special training call on Saturday as well. This is the call where he gives you the low down on how an ex-machinist built a team of over 20,000 members in just over 2 years!

Coop update – I have checked the stats now I have been back online and we have been having a steady stream of traffic this week while I was offline. This has worked out as I planned which is pleasing. Today you may see a spike in traffic as one of our ezine ads kicks off. I will be chasing up the other one I placed as well as getting some others placed as well. Things will just get busier with this as the weeks progress.

If you have any queries or concerns shoot me an email and I will get back to you ASAP. If you are based in Europe then feel free to contact John Bonnett ( who is one of our key leaders in that part of the world.

To Your Success!




KMOD: The Adventures of Ganymede Jones

Sci-fi radio serial which aired on Tulsa station KMOD for one season in 1977. More in GB 321.


Update on Buddy Holly/Ganymede movie

The author of the original book, Bradley Denton, has an update on the status of the movie with a link to the movie's Facebook page in GB 321.


The entire 1949 "Tulsa" movie on YouTube

When discussion turned to this epic starring Robert Preston, Chill Wills and Susan Hayward, Lazzaro found the whole thing on YouTube, and posted it in GroupBlog 321.