
Bengaluru Metro Phase II: Alstom to provide electrification for 33 km extension

Being a global company, Alstom has its operations running worldwide in rail transport markets including electrification, signalling, locomotives to suburban, regional, metro trains and Citadis trams.


Vizag gas leak: LG Polymers issues official statement, says doing our best to help victims

On May 7, 11 persons were killed while over 1,000 were hospitalised due to gas leakage from LG Polymers chemical plant at RR Venkatapuram in Andhra Pradesh's Visakhapatnam.


'I'm your longing for life': Kangana Ranaut pens down beautiful note for mother

'You arise in my heart', wrote Kangana Ranaut as a tribute to her mother on the special day


Hoops to Halo: Centuries of Games Kids Play

Workshop size is limited, please make a reservation at

Sun, 06/17/2012 -
14:30 to 16:30
Sun, June 17th, 2012 |
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Celebrate Father’s Day with a special family workshop all about games – parents and kids learn about historical games and build their own video game prototypes. A New-York Historical Society educator will lead families with children between ages 7-12 through galleries and behind-the-scenes to view different toys and games in the collection.

Family Programs: 
Sold out: 


The electrician, or, A practical treatise upon the science of electricity: considered in its various branches of atmospheric, frictional, thermo, galvanic, magneto and animal electricity, terrestial, inductive, and electro magnetism: with a descriptive vi

Archives, Room Use Only - TK144.F67 1846


Lecture on galvanic batteries and electrical machines, as used in torpedo operations: arranged in three parts / John P. Merrell

Archives, Room Use Only - QC573.M47 1874


The wireless telephone: a treatise on the low power wireless telephone, describing all the present systems and inventions of the new art: written for the student and experimenter and those engaged in research work in wireless telephony / by H. Gernsback

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6550.G47 1910


Voltaic phenomena / by W.R. Grove, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Experimental Philosophy London Institution ; from the Electrical magazine, no. 2, October 1, 1843

Archives, Room Use Only - TK2921.G76 1843


Handbuch der electrischen, galvanischen, magnetischen und electromagnetischen Telegraphie: ein theoretisch-praktischer Leitfaden zur richtigen Kenntniss der bezüglichen Apparate, Batterien und deren chemischen Prozesse, dann der Einschaltungs-Methode

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.F78 1854


The submarine cable: the story of the submarine telegraph cable from its invention down to modern times: how it works, how cable-ships work, and how it carries on in peace and war / by S.A. Garnham and Robert L. Hadfield

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5661.G37 1934


The early history of radio: from Faraday to Marconi / G.R.M. Garratt

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6547.G37 1995


Marvels of invention and scientific puzzles: being a popular account of many useful and interesting inventions and discoveries / by Gaston Tissandier and Henry Frith ; with many illustrations

Archives, Room Use Only - Q164.T5713 1890


Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and telegraph stations, U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier General George P. Scriven

Archives, Room Use Only - UG603.A76 1915


Return to an address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 5 May 1868, for: copy of correspondence and papers relating to the establishment of telegraphic communication between India, Singapore, China and Australia, since the 21st day of February

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8374.G74 1868


Getting the message across: the story of Western Union International, Inc. / Edward A. Gallagher

Archives, Room Use Only - H35.N541 no.896


One hundred years of submarine cables / by G.R.M. Garratt

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5661.G38 1950


The propagation of electric currents in telephone and telegraph conductors / by J.A. Fleming

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5275.F54 1927


Kelvin the man: a biographical sketch / by his niece Agnes Gardner King ; with an introduction by Sir Douglas Macalister

Archives, Room Use Only - QC16.K3 K56 1925


On the connexion of galvanism and magnetism / by J. Cumming

Archives, Room Use Only - QC517.C85 1821


Before the Commissioner of patents: in the matter of the application of Samuel F.B. Morse, for an extension for seven years of letters patent granted to him June 20th, 1840, reissued January 15th, 1846, and again reissued June 13th, 1848, for the electro-

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5118.M7 H37 1854


Handbook of submarine cables: U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier-General A.W. Greely, by Major Edgar Russel, with supplementary chapter on factory testing by Major Samuel Reber, 1905

Archives, Room Use Only - UG607.U55 1905


Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and wireless telegraph stations, U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier General James Allen, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, 1911

Archives, Room Use Only - UG603.A76 1912


The legacy of William R. Plum: Civil War telegrapher, lawyer, and horticulturist / by Gerry Rader Watts

Archives, Room Use Only - E608.P73 W38 1999


The electrical educator: a comprehensive, practical and authoritative guide for all engaged in the electrical industry / edited by Sir Ambrose Fleming ... assisted by a large number of specialist contributors

Archives, Room Use Only - TK9.F54 1931


Conférence Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Washington, 1927: listes des délégués des gouvernements et des représentants des compagnies et des organismes internationaux.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5283.I58 1927


The galvanometer, and its uses: a manual for electricians and students / by C.H. Haskins

Archives, Room Use Only - QC544.G2 H37 1890


Traaden fra den røde gaard: minder fra 40 aar i telegrafvæsenet / af C. Reiffenstein-Hansen ; med 37 illustrationer

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.R45 1919


Katechismus der elektrischen Telegraphie / von Ludwig Gasse ... mit 178 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.G37 1870


Extrait des règlements généraux applicable sur les réseaux Est, Êtat, P.L.M., P.O.: extract from general regulations in effect on the Est, Etat, P.L.M., P.O. railways: for the use of members of the Transportation Department engag

Archives, Room Use Only - TF559.E98 1918


Telegraphy and telephony with railroad applications / by Charles Stanley Rhoads ; a description of the fundamentals of telegraphy and telephony and of the organization, outside and inside plant, apparatus, circuits and methods of operation, engineering a

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.R46 1924


On the application of the principle of the galvanic multiplier to electro-magnetic apparatus: and also to the development of great magnetic power in soft iron with a small galvanic element / by Prof. Joseph Henry ..

Archives, Room Use Only - QC611.H46 1831


Rate book: legal reserve class / Mutual Benefit Department of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers

Archives, Room Use Only - HG8853.R38 1936


Centenary of the Netherlands Telegraph Service: exhibition at The Hague, July 19th through September 28th, 1952: bulletin of the Organizing Committee.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7045.C46 1952


Conservatoire national des arts et métiers: Musée: galeries de télégraphie et de téléphonie

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5107.5.F8 M66 1921


Rules and regulations to be observed by telegraph clerks, and all persons sending railway messages, or engaged in working the telegraphs on the London and North Western Railway.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.L66 1906


Instruction provisoire sur l'organisation du terrain.

Archives, Room Use Only - U165.F73 1924


Take action against private schools collecting fees: Ramadoss

‘A lot of people have lost income due to the lockdown’


Tamil Nadu Muslim League to move HC against increase in retirement age for government staff

‘About 68 lakh youth have applied for government jobs’


Nutrient supplements might help in fighting against COVID-19, says study


'Elegant' solution reveals how universe got its structure


Cosmologists gain insights into density, structure of matter in universe


South African, US astronomers use MeerKAT to solve mystery of 'X-Galaxies'


We have to register outright win against COVID-19, says Kumble


Uganda hit by nationwide power blackout


Tokyo Game Show 2020 cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak


E-cigarettes damage arteries just like regular cigarettes: Study


Megan Schutt ready for women's cricket to feel impact of coronavirus


CAB conducts webinar on sports psychology for Bengal women players


People at high knee arthritis risk may safely engage in arduous physical activity


K'taka Deputy CM shares video of Dubai Kannadigaru president thanking PM for helping stranded Indians reach home