
Why Don't Struggling K-12 Districts Just Dissolve?

Emotions remain raw as educators and residents in a rural Wisconsin district dig for solutions after being denied the option of dissolving.


Verdict Looms on Whether Insolvent Wisconsin District Can Dissolve

Palmyra-Eagle, a mostly rural school district in Southeast Wisconsin, lost more than half its students to surrounding districts and then taxpayers voted to dissolve the district.


Panel Rejects Wisconsin District's Request to Dissolve

Members of the special state panel felt the Palmyra-Eagle district needs more time to explore options to stay alive, though many residents, including the local school board, believe the district faces a fiscal cliff.


School Named for Andrew Jackson Changes Name to Honor Famed NASA Engineer

Mary Jackson's story is among those depicted in the book "Hidden Figures," which focused on the lives of black women who worked as mathematicians and engineers for NASA during the Space Race. Before landing there, Jackson worked as a math teacher in Maryland.


Connecticut Provides Resources to Ease Transition to Kindergarten

These tools encourage school administrators to gather as much information as possible about the students who will be entering kindergarten and the early-learning offerings in their communities.


More schools ending in-person learning amid rising outbreaks


Georgia schools suspend in-person teaching as virus spreads


Will It Fly? South Carolina High Schools to Launch Aerospace Curriculum

This fall, five South Carolina high schools will offer an aerospace curriculum to develop the next generation of aviation technology talent in a state where officials say the industry is thriving.


South Carolina Lawmakers Push for Rural Teacher Incentive Program

A budget amendment will provide funds to develop a teacher incentive program in rural areas.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in South Carolina

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


S.C. Superintendent Proposes Rural Consolidation, Virtual Programs

State lawmakers must create a plan to improve rural schools in response to a 2014 state Supreme Court ruling.


Betsy DeVos OKs ESSA Plans for South Carolina and Virginia

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has greenlighted two more Every Student Succeeds Act plans from Virginia and South Carolina. That brings the grand total of states with approved plans to 39, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.


Will 3,000 Teachers in South Carolina Soon Retire Because of a Policy Change?

A program that lets retired teachers keep working while collecting retirement benefits is set to expire at the end of the month.


A RedForEd Wave: Teachers in North and South Carolina Leave Classrooms in Protest

A sea of red swept the capitals of North and South Carolina on Wednesday, as thousands of teachers turned out to demand higher pay and more school funding.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in South Carolina

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Lawsuit Challenges Florida's Post-Parkland Plan to Arm Some School Employees

A Florida district's decision to put armed "school safety assistants" in its elementary schools puts the safety and well-being of its students at risk and oversteps existing state law, says a lawsuit, which could topple school security plans throughout the state.


Personalized Learning in Action: Postcard From New Hampshire

Best known in education circles for its performance assessment, New Hampshire is a hotbed of innovation around personalized learning, writes Adriana Martinez of the Innovation Lab Network.


Students' Song About KKK Raises Cautions for Teachers

A viral video of Dover, N.H., high school students singing a song about the Ku Klux Klan to the tune of "Jingle Bells" is causing outrage.


Indiana Wants Teachers to Do Externships. So Some Are Headed to the Brewery

Teachers across the state are outraged over a new rule that requires 15 hours of workforce-related professional development.


Rapid Deployment of Remote Learning: Lessons From 4 Districts

Chief technology officers are facing an unprecedented test of digital preparedness due to the coronavirus pandemic, struggling with shortfalls of available learning devices and huge Wi-Fi access challenges.



State of the States: Education highlights from latest governor's address before the legislature.



Missouri’s educational technology efforts, once fueled by $15 million to $20 million a year in state funding, have been running on fumes from the state for the past three years, according to Deborah K. Sutton, the instructional technology director for the Missouri education department.


After Protracted Political Spat, Missouri Rehires Fired State Schools Chief

Former Republican Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens appointed enough board members to have Commissioner Margie Vandeven fired last year, but now that he's gone, the state board decided to hire her back.


Revamped School Board Starts Search for New Schools Chief for Missouri

The search for Missouri's next top education official has begun nearly 10 months after the last one was fired. The state board of education began accepting applications last week.


Ferguson-Florissant Schools Open After Two-Week Delay

The school district, which serves about 11,200 students, postponed opening because of the protests following the death of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black teenager who was shot by a white police officer.



Gov. Blunt is proposing that state aid to K-12 schools be increased by $121 million next fiscal year and calling for quadrupling college-scholarship aid for needy students.


High Court Declines Missouri District's Appeal Over At-Large Board Voting

The justices declined to hear the appeal of the Ferguson-Florissant district over its at-large board elections, which lower courts invalidated as violating the Voting Rights Act.


Missouri's State Board Hasn't Met Since January. With Governor Gone, What Now?

Gov. Erik Greitens has resigned and the board doesn't have enough governor-appointed members to form a quorum. Important tasks have been piling up.




Missouri Tackles Challenge of Dyslexia Screening, Services

New state mandates start next school year aimed at identifying and supporting students with dyslexia. The 2016 law also led to development of training for teachers.


Missouri State School Board Rehires Fired Commissioner

Former Missouri education Commissioner Margie Vandeven, who was fired by by the state's board of education, has been rehired.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Missouri

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Missouri

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


6 Lessons Learned About Better Teaching During the Pandemic

Educators who work in personalized learning schools are adjusting instruction for remote, hybrid, and in-person learning.


Enrollment in Missouri public schools declines by 3.2%


Missouri guidance change seeks to reduce school quarantines


Missouri teachers union latest to urge coronavirus action


Vote to Dissolve Little Rock, Ark., School Board Results in Lawsuit

The three board members, along with a resident, request that the court grant a restraining order and preliminary injunction against the state to reverse the takeover.


Pandemic forcing some Arkansas school districts to adjust


Schools Losing Out So Far in Court Challenges to Pandemic Orders

Challengers of state executive orders, to open schools for in-person instruction in some places and keep them closed in others, are having difficulty getting meaningful relief from the courts.


Achievement Gap Growing in Minnesota Charter Schools, Analysis Finds

The Minnesota Star Tribune review found that similar to traditional district schools, the highest performing charters generally served wealthier families.


Betsy DeVos OKs ESSA Plans for Minnesota, West Virginia

Minnesota and West Virginia are the first two states that submitted plans in the fall to win federal approval.


Minnesota High School Designed for 'Flexibility'

Alexandria Area High School was created to accommodate changes in education and technology.


State of the States: Minnesota

Gov. Dayton used his State of the State address to announce a review of all K-12 assessments with a goal of streamlining and reducing standardized testing, to push for expansion of early-childhood education, and to introduce the idea of extending school days and the school year.



Student Achievement (NAEP 2003)



State of the States: Education highlights from latest governor's address before the legislature.



With the mammoth budget deficit finally under control, Gov. Tim Pawlenty is calling on the legislature to fund a variety of K-12 technology initiatives in his fiscal 2006 budget.


Minnesota Governor-Elect Names AFT National VP to Be State Education Chief

The state's incoming governor and education commissioner both are former teachers. They face battles over school accountability, funding and the achievement gap between white and minority students.



Gov. Pawlenty used his annual speech to focus on teaching and technology in the schools.