
Nuclear deviance: stigma politics and the rules of the nonproliferation game / Michal Smetana

Online Resource


Global activism and humanitarian disarmament / Matthew Breay Bolton, Sarah Njeri, Taylor Benjamin-Britton, editors

Online Resource


Pessimism in international relations: provocations, possibilities, politics / edited by Tim Stevens and Nicholas Michelsen

Online Resource


In defense of globalism / Dalibor Rohac

Dewey Library - JZ1318.R635 2019


Democracy and imperialism: Irving Babbitt and warlike democracies / William S. Smith

Dewey Library - JZ1480.S5446 2019


Hegemonía y democracia en disputa: Trump y la geopolítica del neoconservadurismo / Marco A. Gandásegui (hijo), Jaime Antonio Preciado Coronado (Coordinadores)

Online Resource


The struggle over borders: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism / edited by Pieter de Wilde, Ruud Koopmans, Wolfgang Merkel, Oliver Strijbis, Michael Zurn

Dewey Library - JZ1318.S778 2019


The cosmopolitan tradition: a noble but flawed ideal / Martha C. Nussbaum

Dewey Library - JZ1308.N87 2019


A new foreign policy: beyond American exceptionalism / Jeffrey D. Sachs

Dewey Library - JZ1480.S23 2018


How China sees the world: Han-centrism and the balance of power in international politics / John M. Friend and Bradley A. Thayer

Dewey Library - JZ1734.F75 2018


The return of bipolarity in world politics: China, the United States, and geostructural realism / Øystein Tunsjø

Dewey Library - JZ1480.A57 C6 2018


The myth awakens: canon, conservatism, and fan reception of Star Wars / edited by Ken Derry and John C. Lyden

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.S695 M96 2018


The cinema of Oliver Stone: art, authorship and activism / Ian Scott and Henry Thompson

Online Resource


The structures of the film experience by Jean-Pierre Meunier: historical assessments and phenomenological expansions / edited by Julian Hanich and Daniel Fairfax ; translated by Daniel Fairfax

Online Resource


Documenting racism: African Americans in U.S. Department of Agriculture documentaries, 1921-42 / by J. Emmett Winn

Online Resource


Toy story: how Pixar reinvented the animated feature / edited by Susan Smith, Noel Brown and Sam Summers

Online Resource


Patricia Highsmith on screen / Wieland Schwanebeck, Douglas McFarland, editors

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.D4 P38 2018


The encyclopedia of racism in American films / edited by Salvador Jimenez Murguia

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.M56 E53 2018


Star Wars and the history of transmedia storytelling / edited by Sean Guynes and Dan Hassler-Forest

Hayden Library - PN1997.S65943 S83 2018


Urban horror: neoliberal post-socialism and the limits of visibility / Erin Y. Huang

Dewey Library - PN1993.5.C4 H824 2020


Film art: an introduction / David Bordwell, University of Wisconsin--Madison, Kristin Thompson, University of Wisconsin--Madison., Jeff Smith, University of Wisconsin--Madison

Dewey Library - PN1995.B617 2019


Scenarios II: Signs of life, Even dwarfs started small, Fata Morgana, Heart of glass / Werner Herzog ; translated by Krishna Winston and Werner Herzog

Hayden Library - PN1998.3.H477 A25 2018


New transnationalisms in contemporary Latin American cinemas / Dolores Tierney

Hayden Library - PN1993.5.L3 T54 2018


Female agency and documentary strategies: subjectivities, identity and activism / edited by Boel Ulfsdotter and Anna Backman Rogers

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.W6 F42 2018


Worldly desires: cosmopolitanism and cinema in Hong Kong and Taiwan / Brian Hu

Hayden Library - PN1993.5.H6 H79 2018


Zoological surrealism: the nonhuman cinema of Jean Painlevé / James Leo Cahill

Barker Library - PN1998.3.P34525 C34 2019


Something like gravity / Amber Smith

Smith, Amber, 1982- author


The runaway princess / Johan Troïanowski ; translation by Anne and Owen Smith

Troïanowski, Johan, author, illustrator


Structural elucidation of the degradation mechanism of nickel-rich layered cathodes during high-voltage cycling

Chem. Commun., 2020, 56,4886-4889
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00327A, Communication
Open Access
Jing Lai, Jun Zhang, Zuowei Li, Yao Xiao, Weibo Hua, Zhenguo Wu, Yanxiao Chen, Yanjun Zhong, Wei Xiang, Xiaodong Guo
A splitting of two O3 phases, rather than the often observed O1 phases in the conventional LiCoO2 electrode, was discovered in the LiNi0.85Co0.10Mn0.05O2 at high-voltage region (>4.6 V) by in situ high-resolution synchrotron radiation diffraction.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Pd-Promoted cross coupling of iodobenzene with vinylgold via an unprecedented phenyl transmetalation from Pd to Au

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02645J, Communication
Jiwei Wang, Licheng Zhan, Gendi Wang, Yin Wei, Min Shi, Jun Zhang
Oxidative addition of Pd/Au vinylene species with iodobenzene reveals the effect of a strong metallophilic Pd⋯Au interaction on phenyl transmetalation from PdIV to AuI, which allows subsequent reductive elimination of LAuI at Pd and Au.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Smart azobenzene-containing tubular polymersomes: fabrication and multiple morphological tuning

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01934H, Communication
Lishan Li, Songbo Cui, An Hu, Wei Zhang, Yiwen Li, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang, Xiulin Zhu
Several kinds of novel azobenzene-containing tubular polymersomes were fabricated via self-assembly, and their shape could be tuned precisely by changing the chemical structure, self-assembly condition and external stimuli.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Catalytic cycle of carbohydrate dehydration by Lewis acids: structures and rates from synergism of conventional and DNP NMR

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01756F, Communication
Pernille Rose Jensen, Sebastian Meier
Structures and rates in the catalytic cycle of carbohydrate dehydration by Lewis acidic salt are determined through the systematic use of complementary NMR approaches.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Resistance to the “Last Resort” Antibiotic Colistin: A Single-Zinc Mechanism for Phosphointermediate Formation in MCR Enzymes

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02520H, Communication
Emily Lythell, Reynier Suardiaz, Philip Hinchliffe, Chonnikan Hanpaibool, Surawit Visitsatthawong, Sofia Oliveira, Eric Lang, Panida Surawatanawong, Vannajan Sanghiran Lee, Thanyada Rungrotmongkol, Natalie Fey, James Spencer, Adrian John Mulholland
MCR (mobile colistin resistance) enzymes catalyse phosphoethanolamine (PEA) addition to bacterial lipid A, threatening the “last-resort” antibiotic colistin. Molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations indicate that monozinc MCR supports...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Synthetic method, growth mechanism and electrochemical properties of PbSnS2 nanosheets for supercapacitors

Chem. Commun., 2020, 56,5062-5065
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01011A, Communication
Yuhan Zeng, Hehe Huang, Shenhu Huang, Tongtong Jiang, Zekai Fang, Lin Li, Yuming Dai
Facile hydrothermally synthesized PbSnS2 nanosheets with various morphologies were developed to obtain high performance electrode materials for supercapacitors.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Graphic design : history in the writing (1983-2011) / [edited by Sara De Bondt and Catherine de Smet]


The business side of creativity : the comprehensive guide to starting and running a small graphic design or communications business / Cameron S. Foote ; illustrated by Mark Bellerose

Foote, Cameron S, author


A smile in the mind : witty thinking in graphic design / Beryl McAlhone & David Stuart, Greg Quinton & Nick Asbury

McAlhone, Beryl, author


Neoplatonism and the philosophy of nature / edited by James Wilberding and Christoph Horn


The Cambridge companion to Deleuze / edited by Daniel Smith and Henry Somers-Hall


Ethics and legal professionalism in Australia / Paula Baron, Lillian Corbin

Baron, Paula, author


Neoplatonism and Indian philosophy / Paulos Mar Gregorios, editor


The quantum of explanation [electronic resource] : Whitehead's radical empiricism / Randall E. Auxier and Gary L. Herstein

Auxier, Randall E., 1961-


The crack in the cosmic egg : new constructs of mind and reality / Joseph Chilton Pearce ; foreword by Thom Hartmann

Pearce, Joseph Chilton, author


Difference and givenness : Deleuze's transcendental empiricism and the ontology of immanence / Levi R. Bryant

Bryant, Levi R., author


Formalism in ethics and non-formal ethics of values : a new attempt toward the foundation of an ethical personalism / Max Scheler ; translated by Manfred S. Frings and Roger L. Funk

Scheler, Max, 1874-1928, author


Lawyers' ethics / edited by Monroe H. Freedman, Abbe Smith, and Alice Woolley


Body-self dualism in contemporary ethics and politics / Patrick Lee (Franciscan University of Steubenville), Robert P. George (Princeton University)

Lee, Patrick, 1952- author


Science unlimited? : the challenges of scientism / edited by Maarten Boudry and Massimo Pigliucci


Neofinalism / Raymond Ruyer ; translated by Alyosha Edlebi ; introduction by Mark B.N. Hansen

Ruyer, Raymond, 1902-1987, author


Moral skepticism : new essays / edited by Diego E. Machuca