
Environmental chemistry : a global perspective / Gary W. vanLoon (Department of Chemistry and School of Environmental Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario) and Stephen J. Duffy (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mount Allison Univers

VanLoon, Gary W., author


Globalization of low-carbon technologies : the impact of the Paris Agreement / Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Kaliappa Kalirajan, editors


The Paris Framework for Climate Change capacity building / Mizan R. Khan, J. Timmons Roberts, Saleemul Huq and Victoria Hoffmeister


Building adaptive capacity to climate change : contributions from Australia's Marine Adaptation Network 2009-2013 / [Neil Holbrook]

Holbrook, Neil John, compiler


Global resources and the environment / Chadwick Dearing Oliver (Yale University) and Fatma Arf Oliver (Former engineer at the Boeing Company, Seattle)

Oliver, Chadwick Dearing, 1947- author


Offshore energy and marine spatial planning / edited by Katherine L. Yates and Corey J.A. Bradshaw


Arctic marine governance : opportunities for Transatlantic cooperation / Elizabeth Tedsen, Sandra Cavalieri, R. Andreas Kraemer, editors


Environmental impact assessment in the Arctic : a guide to best practice / Timo Koivurova, Pamela Lesser with Sonja Bickford, Paula Kankaanpää, Marina Nenasheva

Koivurova, Timo, author


The end of ice : bearing witness and finding meaning in the path of climate disruption / Dahr Jamail

Jamail, Dahr, author


Artificial intelligence and conservation / edited by Fei Fang (Carnegie Mellon University), Milind Tambe (University of Southern California), Bistra Dilkina (Georgia Institute of Technology), Andrew J. Plumptre (Key Biodiversity Areas Secretariat)


Deed of variation in relation to the Regional Forest Agreement for the north east region / the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of New South Wales



Deed of variation in relation to the Regional Forest Agreement for the southern region / the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of New South Wales

Australia, author


Deed of variation in relation to the Regional Forest Agreement for the south-west forest region of Western Australia / the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of Western Australia

Australia, author, issuing body


Absurdistan : a bumpy ride through some of the world's scariest, weirdest places / Eric Campbell

Campbell, Eric, 1960-


HC ‘concerned’ over Mamata sharing dais with Anubrata Mondal

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


No fresh order, irregularities in PF: Northbrook CEO’s murder exposes jute mills

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Mamata’s Eid announcement: Wait for my book of Urdu shayari

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Law Ministry to reply to Mamata, clarify stand on governor’s role

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Kanyashree: Mamata orders gold-plated bangles for beneficiaries

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Nun gangrape: Christians to take out solidarity rally

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Mamata Bannerjee clarifies her sharing stage with PM Modi

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


At receiving end of Didi’s flaring temper, all and sundry

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Impurity control and disposal in hydrometallurgical processes : 24th annual Hydrometallurgical Meeting : proceedings of the International Symposium on Impurity Control and Disposal in Hydrometallurgical Processes, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 21-24, 1

International Symposium on Impurity Control and Disposal in Hydrometallurgical Processes (1994 : Toronto, Ont.)


Hydrometallurgy of nickel and cobalt 2009 : proceedings of 39th annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting held in conjunction with the 48th Conference of Metallurgists, August 23-26, 2009, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada / editors, J.J. Budac ... [et al.]

Hydrometallurgy Meeting (39th : 2009 : Sudbury, Ont.)


Merton's Reward Gold Mine : reconstructing the mine and deconstructing the myth / Marianne Diane [Peta] Chappell

Chappell, Marianne Diane, author


Extraction of nuclear and non-ferrous metals / Sujay Kumar Dutta, Dharmesh R. Lodhari

Dutta, Sujay Kumar, author


Rare metal technology 2019 / Gisele Azimi, Hojong Kim, Shafiq Alam, Takanari Ouchi, Neale R. Neelameggham, Alafara Abdullahi Baba, editors


Panic at midnight: residents flee area fearing second leak

Will take action against those spreading rumours, say police


023 JSJ Phantom.js with Ariya Hidayat

The panelists talk to Ariya Hidayat about Phantom.js.


049 JSJ MooTools with Valerio Proietti and Arian Stolwijk

Panel Valerio Proietti (twitter github) Arian Stolwijk (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:08 - Arian Stolwijk Introduction MooTools Developer Symbaloo 01:39 - Valerio Proietti Introduction MooTools Creator Spotify 02:21 - What is MooTools? Github - MooTools 07:04 - The Class System mootools / prime 09:36 - Milk 10:25 - Design Goals Ghost 11:19 - Prime mootools / wrapup CommonJS 14:18 - MooTools vs jQuery 19:53 - Using MooTools and jQuery together Object Oriented jQuery with MooTools @jQuery Conference: Ryan Florence 21:08 - MooTools for Frameworks epitome neuro Github - MooTools 23:48 - Chaining MooTools Demos - Chaining 26:59 - Request API for Ajax calls 29:11 - Favorite MooTools-using Websites Spotify 9GAG 29:45 - Accomplishments Class System wrapup arian / prime-util 31:36 - The history of MooTools moo.fx Picks Wasteland 2 (Joe) The Lost Fleet Series by Jack Campbell (Joe) MooTools (Merrick) People who can ride on airplanes for the first time (Merrick) ES6 Module Transpiler - Tomorrow's JavaScript module syntax today (Jamison) ajacksified / song-of-github (Jamison) Community Vote for OpenWest Conference 2013 (Jamison) walmartlabs / hapi (Jamison) Cornify (Chuck) Parade of Homes (Chuck) Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (Chuck) Floby / node-libspotify (Valerio) visionmedia / superagent (Valerio) kamicane / moofx (Valerio) Why Mozilla Matters: Brendan Eich (Arian) Ubuntu (source code) (Arian) Next Week QUnit with Jörn Zaefferer Transcript MERRICK:  Yeah, call me Mer-rock, I’m cool with that. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.] CHUCK:  Hey, everybody and welcome to Episode 49 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have Joe Eames. JOE:  Howdy. CHUCK:  We have Merrick Christensen.  MERRICK:  Hey, guys. CHUCK:  Jamison Dance. JAMISON:  Hello friends. CHUCK:  And I'm Charles Max Wood from And I just want to remind you, if you're going to sign up for Rails Ramp Up, you have one week. We also have two special guests and that is Valerio Proietti VALERIO:  Hello. CHUCK:  And Arian Stolwijk. ARIAN:  Hello. CHUCK:  And I think I got close on those names. Okay. So, why don't we have Arian go first? I'd like you just to introduce yourself really quickly for people who aren’t familiar with who you are? ARIAN:  So, I’m Arian. I'm a MooTools developer mostly. Besides that, I work for a company called Symbaloo which is bookmark website page. Besides that, I'm actually still studying for my Master’s Degree in Embedded Systems. And that's about it. CHUCK:  Cool. And Valerio, do you want to introduce yourself? VALERIO:  Sure. Well, I created MooTools a few years ago and since then, a lot of cool people have joined the project like Arian who we have here today. I’m currently working in Sweden at Spotify. CHUCK:  Oh, cool! MERRICK:  Very cool! CHUCK:  Yeah, we like Spotify. MERRICK:  Is that the headquarters of Spotify is in Sweden? VALERIO:  Yeah, this is the where the magic happens. They have other offices but they're not as important as the Swedish one. [Laughter] VALERIO:  I'm kidding. Everybody’s important, not just the Swedish one. CHUCK:  Very nice, very nice. Alright. So, do you guys want to just take a minute and explain what MooTools is? I think people have some idea, but just to get kind of a base line for the rest of the conversation. VALERIO:  Yes,


054 JSJ JavaScript Parsing, ASTs, and Language Grammar w/ David Herman and Ariya Hidayat

Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013! Panel David Herman (twitter blog Effective JavaScript) Ariya Hidayat (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:48 - David Herman and Ariya Hidayat Introduction 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman 023 JSJ Phantom.js with Ariya Hidayat 01:54 - Parsing JavaScript and ASTs and Language Grammars 04:44 - Semantics 06:08 - Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Esprima: Parser SpiderMonkey 10:37 - Lexer 12:16 - Writing your own language creationix / jack The C Programming Language 17:41 - Parser Generators JavaScriptCore 21:04 - Evolving a Syntax Automatic Semicolon Insertion Post correspondence problem Halting problem 28:05 - Language Design The Rust Programming Language 30:35 - Grammar Regular Expressions (Regex) Backus–Naur Form (BNF) Recursion How to Design Programs (HTDP) 38:00 - Recursive Descent Parsers 42:48 - Benefits of knowing language internals and syntax Apache Lucene - Apache Lucene Core LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua 48:48 - Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Picks Mass Effect 3 (Joe) A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior | Coursera (Joe) Go write a programming language to learn one (Tim) Thumbs and Ammo (Jamison) ISM by Savant (Jamison) Vimcasts (Jamison) The iPhreaks Show (Chuck) Mozy (Chuck) Tech & Go Bright Pink Micro USB Cable (David) asm.js (David) Beyond Office Politics: The Hidden Story of Power, Affiliation & Achievement in the Workplace by Linda Sommer (Ariya) gotwarlost / istanbul (Ariya) Next Week Web Developer Skills Transcript JAMISON:  I am Linus Torvalds and I pronounce Linux, Linix. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.] CHUCK:  Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 54 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have Tim Caswell. TIM:  Hello. CHUCK:  Jamison Dance. JAMISON:  Hi guys. CHUCK:  Joe Eames. JOE:  Hey there. CHUCK:  Merrick Christensen. MERRICK:  Hey guys, what’s up? CHUCK:  I’m Charles Max Wood from And we have two special guests this week. We have Dave Herman. DAVID:  Hey there. CHUCK:  Ariya Hidayat. ARIYA:  Hello everyone. CHUCK:  And these guys are so smart that we brought them back. So, if you’re interested, we’ll put links to the episodes that they were on. David was on when we talked about his book ‘Essential JavaScript’ and Ariya was on when we talked about PhantomJS. JAMISON:  Effective JavaScript. CHUCK:  Effective? What did I say? MERRICK:  Essential. CHUCK:  Essential? Well, it’s an essential book on Effective JavaScript. How’s that? [Laughter] MERRICK:  Good save. DAVID:  At least, you didn’t say Defective JavaScript. [Laughter] CHUCK:  No, that’s what I write. I’m really good at writing defective JavaScript. ARIYA:  Actually, there’s a book about Essential on Defective JavaScript. CHUCK:  I also want to announce really quickly that Fluent Conf has given us a discount code. So, if you want to get 20% off on your registration for Fluent Conf, just enter JAVAJAB and you’ll get 20% off when you register for Fluent Conf. Alright. Well, let’s get started. This is going to be a really, really interesting topic and it’s something that I’ve wanted to know more about for a long time. And I just haven’t delved as deeply into it as I would like to. And that is,


056 JSJ Marionette.js with Derick Bailey

Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013! Panel Derick Bailey (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:03 - Derick Bailey Introduction Kendo UI 02:11 - Marionette.js Backbone.js Zombie Views 06:57 - How backbone.js helps with large-scale applications Scalability 08:42 - High-level application architecture path with Marionette.js BBCloneMail BBClone Mail Source Code 13:02 - Breaking down Marionette.js marionettejs / backbone.babysitter marionettejs / backbone.wreqr 16:02 - The value of using Marionette.js Tree views Table rendering 18:23 - Application Structure 20:17 - backbone.wreqr 26:20 - Memory Management Single-page applications Simplicity & maintainability 34:23 - Routing Single responsibility principle boazsender / backbone.routefilter 41:40 - Compatibility Issues Thorax Chaplin tbranyen / backbone.layoutmanager backbone.stickit Composition vs Inheritance 48:57 - Layouts, region managers, and regions Picks Raynos / continuable (Tim) asm.js (Joe) Arrested Development (Joe) Learn CSS Layout (Merrick) Data in Gapminder World (Merrick) BYU Easter Prank (AJ) Ryan and Bryndi Engagement Story (AJ) Ryan and Bryndi Wedding Day (AJ) Libsyn (Chuck) Get Clicky (Chuck) Arduino (Derick) Johnny-Five (Derick) BackboneRails Screencasts (Derick) Settler's Of Catan (Derick) Ticket To Ride (Derick) Carcassonne (Derick) JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov (Derick) Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture: Addy Osmani (Derick) Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani (Derick) Developing Backbone.js Applications: Addy Osmani (Derick) Next Week Functional Programming with Zach Kessin Transcript MERRICK:  Tim, is there anything that you don’t follow up with, "I actually wrote that a few years ago?" [Laughter] TIM:  Yeah. AJ:  I was wondering the same thing. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.] CHUCK:  Hey everybody, and welcome to Episode 56 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have AJ O’Neal. AJ:  Yep, I’m here. CHUCK:  Tim Caswell. TIM:  Howdy? CHUCK:  Joe Eames. JOE:  Hey, everybody. CHUCK:  Merrick Christensen. MERRICK:  What’s up? CHUCK:  And we have a special guest, Derick Bailey. DERICK:  Hey, how’s it going? CHUCK:  I guess, I should say I’m on here too. I’m Charles Max Wood from Derick, do you want to introduce your self really quickly? DERICK:  Sure. Derick Bailey, obviously. I work for Kendo UI at the moment. We build HTML 5 and JavaScript controls for the web and global and all kinds of fun stuff. I’ve been working in JavaScript off and on for, let’s see, it was released in ’94. So, about 19 years, I guess. I got into it right when it was first out in Netscape 2.0 and it was a love/hate relationship for a long, long time until I finally found that I really do love it in the last couple of years and started working with it full time. I’m just enjoying the heck out of it at the moment with all of this server side stuff we can do in Node.js and all the big apps we can build with Backbone and Ember and Angular and everything else. CHUCK:  Nice. JOE:  That was a lot of enthusiasm, I liked it. MERRICK:  Yeah. CHUCK:  Yeah. It’s like JavaScript’s cool again or something. DERICK:  Yeah, it’s crazy. Everything old is new again. MERRICK:  Why can’t I be that happy?


119 JSJ Chrome Apps with Joe Marini

The panelists talk about Chrome apps with Google's Joe Marini.


144 JSJ Marionette.js 2.0 with Sam Saccone

The panelists talk to Sam Saccone about Marionette.js 2.0.


181 JSJ The Evolution of Flux Libraries with Andrew Clark and Dan Abramov

Sign up for JS Remote Conf!


Dan and Andrew's super awesome, helpful document that they made for the show during preparation

03:22 - Andrew Clark Introduction

03:39 - Dan Abramov Introduction

04:03 - Flux

09:36 - Data Flow

22:52 - Conceptualizing React and Flux

27:50 - Documentation

30:38 - The Elm Programming Language

32:34 - Making Patterns Explicit in Frameworks

36:31 - Getting Started with React and Flux

  • Classes

42:42 - Where Flux Falls Short

58:23 - Keeping the Core Small; Making Decisions


Strange Loop 2015 Videos  (Jamison)
Typeset In The Future (Jamison)
Open-source as a project model for internal work (w/ speaker notes) by Kevin Lamping (Jamison)
Explanation of Zipf's Law (Dave)
Will Conant's talk at UtahJS 2015 on Flux (Dave)
The Legend of ZERO (3 Book Series) by Sara King (Joe)
Camel Up (Joe)
The Elm Programming Language (Joe)
Boundaries: A talk by Gary Bernhardt from SCNA 2012 (Aimee)
Nodevember (Aimee)
TV Fool (Chuck)
RCA Outdoor Digital HDTV VHF UHF Yagi Type Antenna (Chuck)
The Michael Vey Book Series (Chuck)
BusinessTown (Dan)
Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man (Dan)
Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming (Dan)
Abiogenesis (Dan)
react-future (Dan)
The Righteous Mind (Andrew)
lodash-fp (Andrew)
Inside Amy Schumer (Andrew)
dataloader (Andrew)
Careers at OpenGov (Andrew)


214 JSJ Pebble with Heiko Behrens and François Baldassari

Check out Newbie Remote Conf!


02:11 - Heiko Behrens Introduction

02:42 - François Baldassari Introduction

03:04 - JavaScript and Pebble

06:40 - Watch vs Phone

09:32 - Memory Constraints and Code Size Limitations

26:24 - Advantages of Writing in JavaScript

32:09 - Capabilities of the Watch

37:08 - Running Web Servers

39:29 - Resources

41:58 - Voice Capabilities

43:06 - UI For the Round Face vs Square Face

46:18 - Future Pebble Milestones




See Also


242 JSJ Visual Studio and .NET with Maria Naggaga

1:15 - Introducing Maria Naggaga

2:32 - .NET new developers

3:55 - NYC Microsoft bootcamp

6:25 - Building a community of .NET programmers

7:25 - Why would a Javascript developer care about .NET?

9:30 - Getting started with .NET

15:50 - The power of asking questions

22:45 - Recruiting new programmers to the industry

37:00 - Javascript and C#

48:30 - Running .NET on Raspberry Pi


Super Cartography Bros album by OverClocked ReMix (AJ)

Daplie (AJ)

Daplie Wefunder (AJ)

The Eventual Millionaire (Charles)

Devchat Conferences (Charles)

15- Minute Calls (Charles)

Codeland Conference (Maria)

March by Congressman John Lewis (Maria)

Microsoft Virtual Academy (Maria)


JSJ 287: Blockchain and JS with Ari Lerner


Aimee Knight

AJ O’Neal

Charles Max Wood

Special Guests: 

Ari Lerner

In this episode, Java Script Jabbers speak with Ari Lerner. Ari is the author of NG Book: The Complete Book on AugularJS, Full Stack React,  and a few others.  Ari co-runs a platform that teaches about the Block Chain, Ethereum, New Contracts, etc. Ari mentions a few upcoming books on Machine Learning, Elixir, and react Native.

Ari gives a rundown on what the Block Chain is about, and an explanation of a Hash. Ari explains the value of a Hash and 6-bit strings of a Hash. Also, Ari explains the exchange of currency in Bitcoin and the rate of exchange in the Block Chain. Next Ari covers web 3.0 and much more.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

  • What is the Block Chain?
  • A Hash?
  • The blockchain is an order of ledger.
  • The blockchain is a  list of transactions
  • How is a Hash used?
  • Sha 256
  • Bitcoin and Block Chains
  • What If two machines get the same answer?
  • Describe a transaction in a blockchain?
  • Exchanging currency
  • The cost of Bitcoin
  • Web 3.0
  • Everything on the Block Chain is public!
  • Where else is Block Chain is used besides bitcoin type currency
  • Public Key.
  • What should JS developer be doing to prepare?
  • And much more!






  • Spice Labels and Spice Jars
  • Marriage



JSJ 289: Visual Studio Code and Live Sharing with Chris Dias and PJ Meyer LIVE at Microsoft Connect 2017


Charles Max Wood

Special Guests: 

Chris Dias

PJ Meyer

In this episode, Charles is at Microsoft Connect 2017 in NYC. Charles speaks with Chris Dias and PJ Meyer about Visual Studio Code and Live Sharing. Chris and PJ explain more on their demo at Microsoft Connect on Live Collaborative Editing and Debugging. Learn more about the new features with Visual Studio Code and the efficient workflows with screen sharing, and much more.

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

  • Demo of Live Collaborative Editing and Debugging explained
  • New Features with VS Code
  • Developer productive
  • Debugging pain points
  • Getting feedback
  • New in VS Code
  • Language support and Java Debugger
  • Live Share
  • Debugging from different machines and platforms
  • Multi-Stage Docker File
  • TypeScript compiler
  • More on debugging with Cosmos db
  • Debugging in the Cloud?
  • Docker Extensions
  • Data Bricks
  • Updated python tools
  • Coming up with Visual Studio Code in the next 6 months
  • TypeScript and Refactoring
  • Getting the word out about code -  Word of mouth?
  • Number of people using VS Code?
  • Envision for what VS Code is becoming?
  • Preparing for a keynote and processes?
  • And much more!




  • Pizza


  • Deli


  • Coupon Pass for tourist in NYC


JSJ 318: Cloud-Hosted DevOps with Ori Zohar and Gopinath Chigakkagari LIVE at Microsoft Build


  • Charles Max Wood

Special Guests: Ori Zohar and Gopinath Chigakkagari

In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panelists discuss Cloud-Hosted DevOps with Ori Zohar and Gopinath Chigakkagari at Microsoft Build. Ori is on the product team at VSTS focusing on DevOps specifically on Azure. Gopinath is the group program manager in VSTS primarily working on continuous integration, continuous delivery, DevOps, Azure deployment, etc. They talk about the first steps people should take when getting into DevOps, define DevOps the way Microsoft views it, the advantages to automation, and more!

In particular, we dive pretty deep on:

  • Ori and Gopi intro
  • VSTS – Visual Studio Team Services
  • VSTS gives developers the ability to be productive
  • Developer productivity
  • What’s the first big step people should be taking if they’re getting into DevOps?
  • The definition of DevOps
  • The people and the processes as the most important piece
  • DevOps as the best practices
  • Automating processes
  • What people do when things go wrong is what really counts
  • Letting the system take care of the problems
  • Have the developers work on what they are actually getting paid for
  • Trend of embracing DevOps
  • Shifting the production responsibility more onto the developer’s
  • Incentivizing developers
  • People don’t account for integration
  • Continuous integration
  • Trends on what customers are asking for
  • Safety
  • Docker containers
  • And much, much more!






  • Fitbit
  • Pacific Northwest Hiking


  • Seattle, WA


Yiddish language structures [electronic resource] / edited by Marion Aptroot and Björn Hansen


A young Palestinian's diary, 1941-1945 [electronic resource] : the life of Sāmī ʻAmr / translated, annotated, and with an introduction by Kimberly Katz ; foreword by Salim Tamari

ʻAmr, Sāmī, 1924-1998


Youth in Africa's labor market [electronic resource] / editors, Marito Garcia, Jean Fares


Lennard H. Mitchell diaries, 1914 [New Finding Aid]

Lawyer and banker. Diaries, documenting Mitchell's July 3-August 31, 1914, automobile trip in France as World War I broke out.


Borges, desire, and sex / Ariel de la Fuente

Online Resource


Marine coastal and water pollutions : oil spill studies / edited by Frédéric Muttin


Coasts for people : interdisciplinary approaches to coastal and marine resource management / Fikret Berkes

Berkes, Fikret


Ecological processes at marine fronts : oases in the ocean / Eduardo Marcelo Acha, Alberto Piola, Oscar Iribarne, Hermes Mianzan

Acha, Eduardo Marcelo


Economic incentives for marine and coastal conservation : prospects, challenges and policy implications / edited by Essam Yassin Mohammed


Marine biodiversity, climatic variability and global change / Gregory Beaugrand

Beaugrand, Grégory