
On mechanism in Hegel's social and political philosophy [electronic resource] / Nathan Ross

New York, NY : Routledge, 2008


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: 75 Years Ago: “ALLIES SMASHING INLAND,” The Wilmington Morning Star, June 07, 1944

Across the world on June 7, 1944, newspapers rushed to press with the first word on the Western Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy in France. For days before, front pages in the homefront news were filled with word of Allied battles on all fronts with hints of an imminent invasion of the French coast. Finally on June 7, news arrived… “ALLIES SMASHING INLAND” declared the Wilmington Morning Star (Wilmington, DE). Follow the headlines from issue to issue and read more about it! (And then follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!)


Sustainability in the textile and apparel industries: consumerism and fashion sustainability / Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu, Miguel Angel Gardetti, editors

Online Resource


Exploring apocalyptica: coming to terms with environmental alarmism / edited by Frank Uekötter

Hayden Library - GE40.E96 2018


Transforming rural water governance: the road from resource management to political activism in Nicaragua / Sarah T. Romano

Dewey Library - TD231.N5 R66 2019


The myth of Silent spring: rethinking the origins of American environmentalism / Chad Montrie

Hayden Library - GE197.M66 2018


The ecocentrists: a history of radical environmentalism / Keith Makoto Woodhouse

Hayden Library - GE197.W66 2018


No one is too small to make a difference / Greta Thunberg

Dewey Library - GE195.7.T58 2019


Smart cities: big data prediction methods and applications / Hui Liu

Online Resource


Impacts of climate and human activities on water resources and quality: integrated regional assessment / Weili Duan, Kaoru Takara

Online Resource


Cooperative phenomenon of vapochromism and proton conduction of luminescent Pt(II) complexes for the visualisation of proton conductivity

Faraday Discuss., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0FD00001A, Paper
Atsushi Kobayashi, Shin-ichiro Imada, Dongjin Wang, Yuki Nagao, Masaki Yoshida, Masako Kato
The luminescent and proton conductive Pt(II) complex [PtCl(tpy-o-py)]Cl and its HCl adduct [PtCl(tpy-o-pyH)]Cl2 (o-Pt and o-Pt·HCl, respectively; tpy-o-py = 2,2': 6',2''-terpyridine-6',2'''-pyridine) were synthesised and their crystal structures, vapochromic behaviour, and...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Transforming global health: interdisciplinary challenges, perspectives, and strategies / Korydon H. Smith, Pavani Kalluri Ram, editors

Online Resource


Plastic and cosmetic surgery of the male breast Adriana Cordova, Alessandro Innocenti, Francesca Toia, Massimiliano Tripoli, editors

Online Resource


Clinical care of the runner: assessment, biomechanical principles, and injury management / edited by Mark A. Harrast

Online Resource


The caring heirs of Dr. Samuel Bard: profiles of selected distinguished graduates of Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons / Peter Wortsman

Hayden Library - R690.W67 2019


Landscapes of activism: civil society and HIV and AIDS care in northern Mozambique / Joel Christian Reed

Hayden Library - RA644.A25 R436 2018


Advanced Practice Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective edited by Susan B. Hassmiller, Joyce Pulcini

Online Resource


Physicists beat Lorentz reciprocity for microwave transmission

New device could boost telecommunications and be adapted for photonics


Class history and class practices in the periphery of capitalism / edited by Paul Zarembka

Dewey Library - HB501.C53 2019


Why liberalism works: how true liberal values produce a freer, more equal, prosperous world for all / Deidre Nansen McCloskey

Dewey Library - HB72.M33 2019


The Russian job: the forgotten story of how America saved the Soviet Union from ruin / Douglas Smith

Dewey Library - HC340.F3 S55 2019


Mongrel firebugs and men of property: capitalism and class conflict in American history / Steve Fraser

Dewey Library - HC110.C3 F73 2019


Possessive individualism: a crisis of capitalism / Daniel W. Bromley

Dewey Library - HB501.B76 2019


Reinventing liberalism: the politics, philosophy and economics of early neoliberalism (1920-1947) / Ola Innset

Online Resource


Social democratic capitalism / Lane Kenworthy

Dewey Library - HB501.K46 2020


One road, many dreams: China's bold plan to remake the global economy / Daniel Drache, A.T. Kingsmith & Duan Qi

Dewey Library - HC427.95.D72 2019


Capitalisms and gay identities / Stephen Valocchi

Dewey Library - HB501.V324 2020


The politics of pain: postwar England and the rise of nationalism / Fintan O'Toole

Dewey Library - HC240.25.G7 O76 2019


Australia's Fertility Transition: A study of 19th-century Tasmania.

Online Resource


Capitalism, alone: the future of the system that rules the world / Branko Milanovic

Dewey Library - HB501.M473 2019


Radical markets: uprooting capitalism and democracy for a just society / Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl

Dewey Library - HB501.P6457 2018


The enchantments of Mammon: how capitalism became the religion of modernity / Eugene McCarraher

Dewey Library - HB501.M443 2019


The financialization of the Brazilian territory: from global forces to local dynamisms / Fabio Betioli Contel

Online Resource


Romantic anti-capitalism and nature: the enchanted garden / Robert Sayre and Michael Löwy

Dewey Library - HB501.S3196 2020


Corporate Capitalism's Use of Openness: Profit for Free?.

Online Resource


Armenia and Europe: foreign aid and environmental politics in the post-Soviet caucasus / by Pål Wilter Skedsmo

Dewey Library - HC60.S54 2019


Countervailing powers: the political economy of market, before and after Adam Smith / Riccardo Rosolino

Online Resource


The rise of Euroskepticism: Europe and its critics in Spanish culture / Luis Martín-Estudillo

Dewey Library - HC240.25.S7 M37 2018


Overripe economy: American capitalism and the crisis of democracy / Alan Nasser

Dewey Library - HC103.N37 2018


People's car: industrial India and the riddles of populism / Sarasij Majumder

Dewey Library - HC435.3.M35 2019


Internet oligopoly: the corporate takeover of our digital world / by Nikos Smyrnaios

Hayden Library - HC79.I55 S6813 2018


The visionary realism of German economics: from the Thirty Years' War to the Cold War / Erik S. Reinert ; edited by Rainer Kattel

Dewey Library - HC283.R45 2019


Authenticity guaranteed: masculinity and the rhetoric of anti-consumerism in American culture / Sally Robinson

Dewey Library - HC110.C6 R628 2018


Citizen capitalism: how a universal fund can provide influence and income to all / Lynn Stout, Sergio Gramitto, Tamara Belinfanti

Dewey Library - HC79.I5 S787 2019


Globalization under and after socialism: the evolution of transnational capital in Central and Eastern Europe / Besnik Pula

Dewey Library - HC244.P97 2018


Globalized authoritarianism: megaprojects, slums, and class relations in urban Morocco / Koenraad Bogaert

Dewey Library - HC810.B64 2018


Capitalism: the future of an illusion / Fred L. Block

Dewey Library - HC103.B548 2018


Extracting profit: imperialism, neoliberalism and the new scramble for Africa / Lee Wengraf

Dewey Library - HC800.W46 2018


Capitalism on edge: how fighting precarity can achieve radical change without crisis or utopia / Albena Azmanova

Dewey Library - HB501.A96 2020


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