
The Essential GAAR Manual: Policies, Principles and Procedures

The Supreme Court of Canada has delivered judgments in two critical cases involving the General Anti-Avoidance Rule. These long-awaited decisions are the most important developments in tax law in the past decade. Are you on the right side of GAAR?

When GAAR was introduced in 1988, it gave Revenue Canada very broad powers to challenge perceived tax avoidance activity. And since its genesis, there have been many justifiable concerns regarding GAAR's impact on tax planning. The bottom line is that GAAR has the power to affect any transaction that has the purpose of eliminating or reducing tax. But there has been little in the way of practical guidance to make informed planning decisions – until now.

The Essential GAAR Manual: Policies, Principles and Procedures is written by Canada's most highly regarded team of experts on GAAR issues at Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP: William I. Innes, LLB, LLM; Patrick J. Boyle, LLB; and Joel Nitikman, LLB, LLM. It was designed with your tax planning practice in mind and includes useful and accessible reference tools that will arm you with the knowledge and insight to inform your clients properly. It answers questions that will affect your tax planning strategies, such as:

  • What's the future of GAAR after Canada Trustco and Mathew?
  • What's a "textual, contextual and purposive" analysis?
  • What does the Supreme Court of Canada mean by requiring that tax measures be "predictable"?
  • What is the future of corporate tax planning?
  • What is the future of family and estate planning?
  • How will commercial tax shelters fare under the "new" GAAR analysis?
  • How does a practitioner cope with the post-Canada Trustco climate?
  • How do you document a transaction that may be probed by GAAR?

The author team goes beyond a descriptive and substantive analysis and provides you with key insights into the practical application of GAAR considerations for your day-to-day practice. As the application evolves, the CRA is likely to invoke GAAR with more frequency.


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IFRS for Canada: Presentation of Financial Statements

Webinar information current as of October 8, 2008

CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 - Seminar 5

Significant differences can be expected in general financial statement presentation, as a result of the adoption of IFRS into Canadian GAAP. Such differences will include changes in both the presentation of a company’s balance sheet and income statement, such as differences in the nature of components presented, current and non-current classifications, presentation of line items, and required disclosures. Such changes will impact a company’s traditional key performance measures and ratios, and provide investors with new types of information. Typically, annual financial statements prepared under IFRS will be considerably longer than those prepared under previous rules, entailing considerably more disclosures. A thorough and early understanding of the impacts adoption of IFRS will have on financial statement presentation will be essential for managing stakeholder relations during and after the transition to IFRS. 

As well, IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements, has recently undergone significant amendments, including a new requirement for a statement of comprehensive income and terminology changes incorporated throughout IFRSs, among other important changes.

This webinar provides a practical analysis of IAS 1 and IFRs financial statemen

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Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business (2015) (U.S.)

Author: Linda M. Johnson, Ph.D., CPA

Features an easy-reading, straightforward forms approach that is both simple and direct without complex legal language. It introduces basic tax concepts and then fully illustrates them with clear examples and helpful filled-in forms.

  • Concise presentation that covers all the basic material required for an introductory tax course.
  • Organization that clearly focuses student attention on key concepts and important learning objectives for better overall comprehension.
  • Use of IRS forms, schedules and worksheets that develop real-world tax preparation skills and illustrate specific reporting requirements.
  • Filled-in forms that support the explanatory material, so students see actual tax compliance, in practice.
  • Tax Tips throughout the text that offer tax-planning guidance, so students see how to minimize tax liability and avoid costly taxpayer mistakes.    
  • End of Chapter Questions and Problems that reinforce the salient points presented, as well as key skills required in tax prep.
  • Special Comprehensive Problems that integrate the major concepts from several chapters to help students "put the pieces together" and prepare for examination.
To speed course preparation and to help teachers make the transition from other textbooks, a comprehensive Instructor's Guide is available to adopting teachers. The CCH Classroom Essentials CD includes:
  1. An electronic file of the entire Instructor's Guide, so teachers can access all the great information contained in the print Instructor's Guide at their office/home PC or on their laptop.
  2. Respondus-ready and Microsoft® Word files of the Testbank questions created by the textbook authors for all chapters in the book. These files allow instructors to customize their own tests.
  3. CCH's Computer Slide Presentations for each chapter that help enhance and facilitate class lectures and discussion.
9780808038009   8-1/2" x 11"    848 pages

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If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business (2014) (U.S.)

Author: Linda M. Johnson, Ph.D., CPA

Features an easy-reading, straightforward forms approach that is both simple and direct without complex legal language. It introduces basic tax concepts and then fully illustrates them with clear examples and helpful filled-in forms. This book builds foundation on which to build students' knowledge and understanding of the tax issues which will affect them throughout their careers.

  • Concise presentation that covers all the basic material required for an introductory tax course.
  • Organization that clearly focuses student attention on key concepts and important learning objectives for better overall comprehension.
  • Use of IRS forms, schedules and worksheets that develop real-world tax preparation skills and illustrate specific reporting requirements.
  • Filled-in forms that support the explanatory material, so students see real-world tax compliance, in practice.
  • Tax Tips throughout the text that offer tax-planning guidance, so students see how to minimize tax liability and avoid costly taxpayer mistakes.  
  • End of Chapter Questions and Problems that reinforce the salient points presented, as well as key skills required in tax prep.
  • Special Comprehensive Problems that integrate the major concepts from several chapters to help students "put the pieces together" and prepare for examination.
  1. Overview of the Tax Structure
  2. Tax Determination, Payments and Reporting Procedures
  3. Gross Income Inclusions
  4. Gross Income Exclusions and Deductions for AGI
  5. Personal Itemized Deductions
  6. Other Itemized Deductions
  7. Self-Employment
  8. Depreciation and Amortization
  9. Rental Activities
  10. Property: Basis and Nontaxable Exchanges
  11. Property: Capital Gains and Losses, and Depreciation Recapture
  12. NOLs, AMT, and Business Tax Credits
  13. Withholding, Payroll, and Estimated Taxes
  14. C Corporations
  15. Partnerships and S Corporations

  16.       Tax Tables
          Earned Income Credit Tables
848 pages

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Federal Taxation: Basic Principles (2014)

INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: Income, Estate, Gift, Employment and Excise Taxes (Winter 2014 Edition)

Income Tax Regulations (Winter 2014 Edition), December 2013 (US)

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1040 Express Answers (201

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Consent to Treatment: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition

Consent to Treatment is the single-volume complete library of patient consent topics and solutions. Written by an experienced health care attorney and risk manager, this leading resource helps you formulate your own effective, voluntary and lawful policies and procedures, so that you can successfully limit liability and avoid litigation.

Described as the bible on consent by health lawyers and risk managers, it was recently reviewed by the Journal of the American Medical Association and has been cited in over 90 law review articles and 20 court decisions, including a landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding end-of-life choice-making.

This handbook helps you navigate both common and complex topics to remain compliant with state and federal laws. The Fourth Edition has been updated to include information on the new algorithm on therapeutic consent process. It also includes important developments on HIV testing, human research, minors and organ donation and details the new CMS interpretive guidelines on informed consent

Table of Contents:

  • Chapter 1: The Rules for Consent to Treatment
  • Chapter 2: Exceptions to the Rules
  • Chapter 3: Reproductive Matters and Consent
  • Chapter 4: Prisoners and Detainees
  • Chapter 5: Minors
  • Chapter 6: Mental Illness, Mental and Developmental Disability, and Consent
  • Chapter 7: The Right to Refuse Treatment
  • Chapter 8: Human Research and Experimentation
  • Chapter 9: Organ Donation and Autopsy
  • Chapter 10: The Elderly and Consent
  • Chapter 11: Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Consent Issues
  • Chapter 12: Documentation of Consent and Practical Rules for Consent
    • If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


      Business Basics for Law Students: Essential Concepts and Applications, Fourth Edition

      Published: April 2006

      To supply the background law students need to succeed in business-related courses - such as accounting, economics, real estate, tax, business organizations, and finance - try the text known for its effectiveness, edition after edition. Business Basics for Law Students, Fourth Edition explains the mechanics, concepts, and legal context of business topics in exceptionally clear and accessible language.

      The book demystifies business principles through:

      • The combined skills of distinguished authors who draw on their teaching and writing experience to build student confidence
      • Straightforward explanations of daunting topics (accounting, financial statements, taxes, mortgages, etc.) tailored to students without a business background
      • Generous use of examples to convey ideas and applications
      • A helpful list of new terms in the appendix, conveniently keyed to the pages where they are used and explained
      • Frequent use of visual aids, such as tax forms, financial quotes as they appear in the newspaper, tables, and graphs
      • An accessible design featuring lists of topics keyed to headings at the beginning of each chapter, key terms and concepts bolded for easy identification, and frequent use of lists to clearly enumerate points and examples

      Thoroughly updated to respond to recent developments, the fourth edition features:

      • New material on recent scandals and reforms in the chapters on accounting, forms of organization, trading, and mutual funds
      • The latest information on executive compensation
      • Extensive revisions to the chapters on tax and retirement planning, in light of recent and proposed reforms, especially in connection with Social Security
      • An expanded chapter on insurance that now includes health insurance, auto insurance, and more
      • New material on spinoffs and other divisive reorganization in the chapter on mergers, as well as discussion of taxable and tax-free transactions
      • New coverage of securities regulation, antitrust, intellectual property law, and international business transactions integrated throughout the text

      If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


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