
The Erasmus Wilson lectures on the pathology and diseases of the thyroid gland / by Walter Edmunds.

Edinburgh : Young J. Pentland, 1901.


Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Hals- und Nasen-Krankheiten nach den Ergebnissen des ambulatoriums / von Docent Dr O. Chiari.

Leipzig : Toeplitz & Deuticke, 1887.


Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Nasen- und Rachenkrankheiten / von Heinrich Walb.

Bonn : Cohen, 1888.


Ergebnisse der Sanitäts-Statistik des K. K. Heeres in den Jahren 1883-1887 / von Paul Myrdacz.

Wien : Holder, 1889.


Ergebnisse von 240 operierten Lupusfällen nebst Bemerkungen zur modernen Lupusbehandlung / von Ludwig Spitzer und Alfred Jungmann.

Wien : SafÏar, 1905.


Erkenntniß und Behandlung der Frauenkrankheiten im allgemeinen : 4 Vorträge, in d. Gynäkolog. Klinik zu Kiel im Sommer-Semester 1885 / gehalten von Carl Conrad Theodor Litzmann.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1886.


Ernährung des gesunden und kranken Menschen : Handbuch der Diätetik für Arzte, Verwaltungsbeamte und Vorsteher von Heil- und Pflege-Anstalten.

Wien : Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1895.


Ernahrung des Herzens und ihre Beziehung zu seiner Arbeitsleistung / von N. Zuntz.

Leipzig : G. Thieme, 1892.


Ernestus Godofredus Baldinger ... disputationem inauguralem ... Ioan. Conr. Stockar à Neuforn ... de usu cantharidum interno ... habendam annunciat. Praemittitur: historia mercurii et mercurialium medica, et nunc quidem eius pars III.

Goettingae : Litteris Ioann. Christ. Dieterich, Acad. Typogr, [1781]


Erpétologie générale, ou, Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles / par A.M.C. Duméril et par G. Bibron.

Paris : Roret, 1834-1854.


Eruptions of the face, head, and hands : with the latest improvements in the treatment of diseases of the skin / by T.H. Burgess.

London : H. Renshaw, 1849.


Esperienze e riflessioni sopra la carie de'denti umani, coll'aggiunta di un nuovo saggio su la riproduzione dei denti negli animali rosicanti / di Francesco Lavagna.

Genova : G. Bonaudo, 1812.


Essai analytique sur la non-identité des virus gonorrhoïque et syphilitique : ouvrage couronné le 3 juillet 1810, par la Société de Médecine de Besancon, sur la question suívante: Déterminer par des expériences

Toulon : chez l'auteur, 1812.


Essai critique sur le traitement de la pneumonie franche / par Baraduc.

Paris : Parent, 1874.


Essai de coprologie clinique : de l’exploration fonctionnelle de l’intestin par l’analyse des fèces / par Rene Gaultier.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1905.


Essai de sémiologie urinaire; méthodes d'interprétation de l'analyse urologique. L'urine dans les divers états morbides / par Camille Vieillard ; preface par Albert Robin.

Paris : Société d’éditions scientifiques, 1901.


Essai statistique sur la mortalite du Canton de Geneve, pendant l'anne 1838, consideree tant en general que sous le rapport nosologique / par Marc d' Espine.

Londres : Paris, 1840.


Essai sur la digitale pourprée / par James Sanders ; traduit de l'anglais par A.F.G. Murat, avec des notes et des réflexions sur la matière médicale par le traducteur.

Paris : Ancelle, 1812.


Essai sur la puberté chez la femme : psychologie, physiologie, pathologie / par Marthe Francillon.

Paris : F. Alcan, 1906.


Essai sur la semeiologie du pouls en clinique chirurgicale / par Francois Bertonnier.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1895.


Essai sur l'appendiculite et la péritonite appendiculaire / par Émile Maurin.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1890.


Essai sur l'application de la chimie a l'étude physiologique du sang de l'homme : et a l'étude physiologico-pathologique, hygiénique et thérapeutique des maladies de cette humeur / par P.S. Denis.

Paris : Béchet jeune, 1838.


Essai sur le typhus, ou sur les fièvres dites malignes, putrides, bilieuses, muqueuses, jaune, la peste. Exposition analytique et expérimentale de la nature des fièvres en général ... / par J.F. Hernandez.

Paris : chez Mequignon-Marvis, 1816.


Essai sur les dyspepsies : digestion artificielle des substances féculentes / par C.L. Coutaret.

Paris : Masson, 1870.


Essai sur les lesions du foie et des reins : determinees par certaines toxines / par H. Claude.

Paris : Carre et Naud, 1897.


Essai sur les moyens de perfectionner et d'étendre l'art de l'anatomiste, présenté et soutenu à l'Ecole de médecine de Paris le lundi 11 fructidor an XI / par Constant Dumeril.

Paris : Baudouin, 1803.


Florida State Education Commissioner Pam Stewart Resigns

The state's board of education had renewed Commissioner Pam Stewart's contract for a year before the midterm election but after the election of a new Republican governor, she said she'd leave in January instead.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Florida

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


An Unexpected 'Education Governor' and What's Next for Florida

Ron DeSantis had a thin record on K-12 issues as a Florida congressman, but as a first-term Republican governor he’s pushed an aggressive agenda on issues such as vouchers, teacher salaries and bonus pay, and even the common core.


People Keep on Saying They're Killing the Common Core. How Dead Is It?

Florida's governor declares a standards overhaul would "remove all vestiges" of the common core. But it remains unclear how much is really changing under the Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Florida

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Florida teachers union wants schools closed for the semester


S.D. and Idaho Differ on Climate Change

South Dakota lawmakers have rejected a bill that would have allowed science teachers to discuss strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary and climate change theories.


Teachers Shortchanged On Bonuses in Idaho

Idaho lawmakers were upset to learn that nearly $17 million dedicated to giving teachers in leadership positions and assistants bonuses hasn't been distributed.


Idaho Court Allows Ex-Teacher's Libel Claim to Proceed Against TV Station

Idaho's highest court says teachers are not public figures and a former teacher need not prove that news outlets acted with malice in stories about sexual misconduct.


Finding Common Ground Through Data to Improve Idaho's Teacher Pipeline

A superintendent outlines the importance of various groups coming together to address teacher recruitment and retention challenges in Idaho.


Tackling Teacher Recruitment and Retention Challenges in Idaho

Representatives from school districts, state education agencies, and institutions of higher education in Idaho convene to discuss teacher recruitment and retention.


Idaho Educators Who Dressed Up as the Border Wall Put on Administrative Leave

After photos surfaced of staff at dressed in Halloween costumes as Mexicans and a border wall bearing the slogan "Make America Great Again," the employees responsible won't be returning to their classrooms on Monday.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Idaho

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


There's Pushback to Social-Emotional Learning. Here's What Happened in One State

When Idaho education leaders pitched social-emotional learning training for teachers, some state lawmakers compared the plan to dystopian behavior control. Some walked out of the meeting.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Idaho

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


This State Just Became the First to Restrict Transgender Student Athletes' Participation

Idaho became the first state in the country to prohibit transgender girls from participating in girls' school sports after Gov. Brad Little, a Republican, signed the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act" into law Tuesday.


Idaho's top school official sues lawmakers, education board


Groups seek injunction to stop Idaho transgender sports ban


An Idaho School Reopens. Are Its Precautions the 'New Normal'?

A private pre-K-12 school in Idaho welcomes students back after its coronavirus shutdown, but with shortened days, a closed cafeteria, no bus service, and other signs that things aren't back to normal.


New Hampshire Gambles on Big Payout for Full-Day Kindergarten

The Granite State has legalized Keno gambling and plans to tax the machines to partially fund full-day kindergarten for the state's 5-year-olds.


Students' Song About KKK Raises Cautions for Teachers

A viral video of Dover, N.H., high school students singing a song about the Ku Klux Klan to the tune of "Jingle Bells" is causing outrage.


New Hampshire offers guidance on high school graduations


Consultation with community: planning the next phases of the project

The Rediscovering Indigenous Languages project is entering its second phase, which will focus on community consultation


Patron of the project

We are delighted to announce that Mr Mick Gooda, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Au