
How Lemonade Stands Are Teaching Kids 21st-Century Business Skills (Video)

Concerned that schools don't notice or nurture business skills, nonprofits are using the humble lemonade stand to foster entrepreneurship.


Meet the Indiana Teacher Running to Unseat the State's House Education Chair

"I'm running because I'm not happy with the state of education," said veteran educator Kevin Leineweber, who is one of several teachers running for the state's legislature this year.


Indiana Teachers Shot With Plastic Pellets in Active-Shooter Drill, Raising Concerns

The Indiana state teachers' union is pushing to protect student and staff safety during active-shooter trainings.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Indiana

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Rapid Deployment of Remote Learning: Lessons From 4 Districts

Chief technology officers are facing an unprecedented test of digital preparedness due to the coronavirus pandemic, struggling with shortfalls of available learning devices and huge Wi-Fi access challenges.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Indiana

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


With $80 Million Fix, Kansas School Funding Heads Back to Court

Kansas will offer up $534 million more this fall to its public schools, an amount it will tell the state's supreme court in the coming weeks is enough to provide students with an "adequate" education.


Kansas Legislature Approves $534 Million Tax Increase

The state's supreme court said last year the state's legislature must come up with more money for its school system by the end of this month. Many predict $534 million won't be enough.


For Educators Who Died on the Job, Small Town Offers Big Commemoration

A little-known monument in Emporia, Kan., which recently received federal recognition, will add 10 new names to the list of teachers and support staff who’ve died on the job.


Kansas Supreme Court Lets Legislature Off the Hook on K-12 Funding...For Now

While the court said the state is moving in the right direction, it also said it doesn't feel comfortable closing a funding lawsuit and wants to make sure the state keeps up with the costs of inflation.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Kansas

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


In Kansas, a Ripe Debate Over Whether K-12 Money Is Getting to the Kids Who Need it Most

Kansas' auditor found that more than $400 million of state aid intended for poor, black, Latino and ELL students was being spent ineffectively, including on items such as food service supplies and an after-prom party.


Superintendents on Hot Seat in Executing School Closures

Many are whipsawed by shutdown recommendations aimed at stemming the coronavirus, and the logistical and financial consequences of those actions.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Kansas

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Kansas First State to Close Schools for Rest of School Year Due to Coronavirus

While Kansas was the first state to to announce school closures for the remainder of the 2019-20 K-12 school year, there are signs it might not be the last.


Des lésions trophiques consécutives aux maladies du système nerveux : these ... / par X. Arnozan.

Paris : V. Adrien Delahaye, 1880.


Des lesions veineuses chez les arteriosclereux / par Henry Thiebaut.

Paris : G. Masson, 1890.


Des maladies de la France dans leurs rapports avec les saisons, ou, Histoire médicale et meteorologique de la France. [t. 1] / par le Docteur Fuster.

Paris : Dufart, 1840.


Des maladies du cerveau et de l'innervation d'après Auguste Comte / par M. G. Audiffrent.

Paris : E. Leroux, 1874.


Des maladies foetales qui peuvent faire obstacle à l'accouchement : thèse ... / par Alphonse Herrgott.

Paris : O. Doin, 1878.


Des maladies mentales et nerveuses : pathologie, médecine légale, administration de asiles d’aliénés, etc. / par E. Billod.

Paris : G. Masson, 1882.


Des maladies simulées et des moyens de les reconnaître / par Edmond Boisseau.

Paris : Bailliere, 1870.


Des manifestations cardiaques dans l'erysipele de la face / par A. Sevestre.

Paris : A. Parent, 1874.


Des médications hypothermique et hyperthermique, et des moyens thérapeutiques qui les remplissent. De la pharmacothermogenèse, ou Théories de l'action des médicaments sur la température animale / par P.F. da Costa.

Lisbonne : Impr. de l'Académie royale des sciences, 1881.


Des méningites suppurées non tuberculeuses / par Albert Vaudremer.

Dijon : Darantiere, 1893.


Des methodes generales d'operation de la cataracte et en particulier de l'extraction lineaire composee / par Paul Hyades.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1870.


Des opérations qui se pratiquent par la voie sacrée / par Henri Tornu.

Bordeaux : Cadoret, 1893.


Des opérations qui se pratiquent par la voie sacrée.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1894.


Des paralysies pneumoniques / par Pierre Boulloche.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1892.


Des pertes séminales involontaires / par M. Lallemand.

Paris : Béchet jeune, libraire de la Faculté de médecine, 1838-1842.


Des pressions centripetes (Epreuve de Gelle) etude de semeiologie auriculaire / par Le Docteur Georges Gelle.

Paris : Société d’éditions scientifiques, 1895.


Des rapports conjugaux considérées sous le tirple point de vue de la population, de la santé et de la morale publique / par Alex. Mayer.

Londres : Paris, 1860.


Des reflexes tendineux / par Constant Petitclerc.

Paris : A. Delahaye et E. Lecrosnier, 1880.


Des ruptures utérines pendant le travail de l'accouchement, considérées surtout au point de vue des symptômes et du traitement / par le Dr Jacques Jolly.

Paris : Delahaye, 1873.


Des stations médicales dans les maladies des enfants; climatothérapie, hydrothérapie, eaux minérales, bains de mer / par Le Dr E. Perier.

Paris : Rueff, 1896.


Des suites de l'empoisonnement arsenical / par le Dr Imbert-Gourbeyre.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1880.


Des suites eloignees des traumatismes du crane et de leur traitement par la trepanation / par Julien Tellier.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1890.


Des tumeurs synoviales de la partie infërieure de l'avant-bras, de la face palmaire du poignet, et de la main ... / par L.-M. Michon.

Londres : Paris, 1851.


Des variations passagères de volume du coeur / par Georges Foubert.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1887.


Des variétés de la paralysie générale dans leurs rapports avec la pathogénie / par Camille Lionet.

Paris : V.A. Delahaye, 1878.


Des vésanies, ou maladies mentales / par J.-R. Jacquelin-Dubuisson.

Paris : chez l'auteur, 1816.


Des vices de conformation de l'utérus et du vagin et des moyens d'y remédier / par Leon Le Fort.

Paris : Delahaye, 1863.


The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex / by Charles Darwin.

London : J. Murray, 1894.


Description des causes et des effets de la maladie connue sous le nom de diabetes / par M. Pharamond.

Paris : Gabon, 1829.


Description of an apparatus intended to facilitate the treatment of fractures of the lower extremity / by T.M. Greenhow.

London : S. Highley, 1833.


Description of an element board and combined handle electrode for the medical application of electricity / by A. Hughes Bennett.

London : H.K. Lewis, 1882.


Description of an improved apparatus for inhalation of vapour in the cure of diseases / by John Gairdner.

[Edinburgh] : [publisher not identified], [1823]


A description of the arteries of the human body / by John Barclay.

Edinburgh : T. Bryce, 1812.


A description of the arteries of the human body. Reduced to tables / by Adolphus Murray ; Translated from the original by Archd. Scott.

Edinburgh : And Bell and Bradfute, and E. Balfour, 1801.


A description of the diseased conditions of the knee-joint which require amputation of the limb, and those conditions which are favourable to excision of the joint : with an explanation of the relative advantages of both operations as far as can be ascert

London : J. Churchill, 1865.