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Justice in society / Matthew Ball, Belinda Carpenter

Ball, Matthew, 1983- author

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Policing a class society : the experience of American cities, 1865-1915 / Sidney L. Harring

Harring, Sidney L., 1947- author

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Institutional abuse of children : legal remedies and redress in Australia / Bill Madden, Tina Cockburn, Benjamin Madden

Madden, Bill, author

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The report of the inquiry into review processes associated with visa cancellations made on criminal grounds / Joint Standing Committee on Migration

Australia. Parliament. Joint Standing Committee on Migration, author, issuing body

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Valorisation of household labour in family property law : a comparative perspective / Charlotte Declerck and Leon Verstappen (Eds.)

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Standard conditions of sale of land : a commentary on the 'Standard conditions of sale' / H. W. Wilkinson

Wilkinson, Harold William

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Federal constitutional law : a contemporary view / Sarah Joseph and Melissa Castan

Joseph, Sarah, 1966- author

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Diseases of cattle in Australasia : a comprehensive textbook / [edited by] T.J. Parkinson, J.J. Vermunt, J. Malmo, R. Laven

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Côté's clinical veterinary advisor. Dogs and cats / editors-in-chief, Leah A Cohn, Etienne Côté

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Modern battery engineering: a comprehensive introduction / editor, Kai Peter Birke, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Barker Library - TK2896.M63 2019

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Selling daylight: a commercial strategy to address global energy poverty / Martin Bellamy

Barker Library - HD9502.D442 B45 2019

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Fire in a Crowded Century

Old-fashioned fire engines had to do much the same jobs as today’s, but they relied on classic physics and plenty of manpower. Curator Erik Goldstein describes the fire engine at the center of a new exhibit at the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.

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A Conversation With George Washington: Part One

We sit down with the first president and ask him questions submitted by podcast listeners. Listen as Ron Carnegie interprets George Washington.

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A Conversation with George Washington: Part Two

George Washington shares his thoughts on the role of government and his hopes for the future in part two of this listener-question interview. Ron Carnegie interprets the first president.

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A conversation with Peter Shumlin

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin talks with us about the challenges of applying the founders’ vision to modern governance. Even after two centuries, the America they envisioned still matters.

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A Center for History and Citizenship

Colonial Williamsburg rises to meet the future with a new mission as a Center for History and Citizenship. Foundation President Colin Campbell describes the shift.

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A Conversation with John Hickenlooper

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper says negative politics erodes citizens’ faith in government. Hear his views on the founders, participation, and local involvement.

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A Conversation With Robert Gates

Former head of the CIA and Secretary of Defense in Republican and Democratic administrations, Robert Gates is a man who knows something about politics, pragmatism, and compromise. He sits down with us this week to talk about the portability of American values, the constants of conflict, and the nation’s unique fortune in the caliber of […]

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Every Great Revolution is a Civil War

Civil war is bloody, regressive, and destructive. Revolution is forward-looking, positive, and regenerative. Yet, says historian David Armitage, even the noblest revolution bears traces of the primitive violence of civil war.

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A Conversation With Michael Beschloss

Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss visits Colonial Williamsburg and shares his views on the changes technology brings to politics and the presidency, and ruminates on the importance of place.

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Administration bars Ulema Council meet

  • DO NOT USE Uttar Pradesh
  • India

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UP journalist death: Sons say Jagendra Singh self-immolated, demand a clean chit for minister

  • DO NOT USE Uttar Pradesh
  • India

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We’re re-imagining what a conference looks like when it’s remote-only

As you can imagine for folks in the business of producing conferences the last few weeks have resulted in a great deal of thinking…. and rethinking of our plans for our upcoming events, particularly Code and Code Leaders in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the meme goes–”life comes at you fast”.  Just 7 days ago we wrote to […]

The post We’re re-imagining what a conference looks like when it’s remote-only appeared first on Web Directions.

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Exposure medium and particle ageing moderate the toxicological effects of nanomaterials to Daphnia magna over multiple generations: a case for standard test review?

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, 7,1136-1149
DOI: 10.1039/D0EN00049C, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Laura-Jayne A. Ellis, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, Iseult Lynch
Pristine engineered nanomaterials (NMs) entering the aquatic environment become ‘aged’ during their lifetime via chemical, physical and/or biological process.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Selective recovery of Cr from electroplating nanosludge via crystal modification and dilute acid leaching

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EN00196A, Paper
Jiayi Zheng, Jiaxin Lv, Weizhen Liu, Zongren Dai, Huizhong Liao, Hong Deng, Zhang Lin
Amorphous nanosized particles in electroplating sludge are modified for selective extraction of heavy metals.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Crystal nucleation of salicylamide and a comparison with salicylic acid

CrystEngComm, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00168F, Paper
Shubhangi Kakkar, K. Renuka Devi, Michael Svärd, Åke Rasmuson
Nucleation behaviour of salicylamide in different solvents was determined and compared with salicylic acid, attempting to progress the rationalization of the influence of the solvent and solute on crystal nucleation of organic compounds in solution.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Biological activity tuning of antibacterial urotropine via co-crystallization: synthesis, biological activity evaluation and computational insight

CrystEngComm, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00226G, Paper
Nida Tabassum, Panayiotis C. Varras, Fiza Arshad, Muhammad I. Choudhary, Sammer Yousuf
Urotropine (1) is a synthetic heterocyclic antibacterial agent.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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N-H···O Hydrogen Bonding to the Alkoxy Oxygen of a Carboxylic Ester Group: Crystal Structures of Methyl 2,6-Diaminobenzoate and Its Derivatives.

CrystEngComm, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00495B, Paper
John D. Wallis, Alun Christopher Garner, Songjie Yang
Methyl 2,6-diaminobenzoate and its bis-triphenylboron complex show hydrogen bonding from NH2 groups to both oxygen atoms of the carboxylic ester, and there is little difference in the lengths of these...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Repurposing of the anti-HIV drug Emtricitabine as a hydrogen-bonded cleft for bipyridines via cocrystallization

CrystEngComm, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00474J, Communication
Gonzalo Campillo-Alvarado, Elizabeth Keene, Dale C. Swenson, Len R MacGillivray
We report supramolecular repurposing of Emtricitabine (FTC, trade name: Emtriva®), a blockbuster FDA-approved anti-HIV agent. FTC is revealed to act as a hydrogen-bonded cleft for bipyridine recognition. The supramolecular repurposing...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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A crystalline solid adduct of sulfathiazole-amantadine: The first dual-drug molecular salt containing both antiviral and antibacterial ingredients

CrystEngComm, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00368A, Paper
Ling-Yang Wang, Yueming Yu, Ming-Chao Yu, Yan-Tuan Li, Zhi-Yong Wu, Cui-Wei Yan
The first molecular salt concurrently combining antibacterial drug sulfathiazole (SFZ) and antiviral constituent amantadine (ATD) is designed and successfully synthesized via salification strategy. The precise structure of the newly obtained...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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Mahe MLA calls for stopping rail project

V. Ramachandran, Mahe MLA, has urged the Puducherry Chief Minister to stop the semi high speed rail project from passing through Mahe. The MLA pointed

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Stringent steps to curb rush at Muthanga check-post

Several returnees found reaching facility without completing registration process

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Medicaid physician fees and access to care among children with special health care needs [electronic resource] / Pinka Chatterji, Sandra Decker, Jason U. Huh

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020

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Media competition and news diets [electronic resource] / Charles Angelucci, Julia Cagé, Michael Sinkinson

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020

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Aggregate and firm-level stock returns during pandemics [electronic resource] : in real time / Laura Alfaro, Anusha Chari, Andrew N. Greenland, Peter K. Schott

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020

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The economics of the Fed put [electronic resource] / Anna Cieslak, Annette Vissing-Jorgensen

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020

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PIX: Salman rides a cycle on Mumbai's streets

It's not everyday that one spots a superstar riding a cycle on the streets of Mumbai. Yet, Salman Khan has done it pretty often.

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Just how Alia celebrated her birthday

Alia Bhatt turns 27!

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Janta Curfew: How Bollywood spent the day

Bollywood has been practising self-isolation for a few days now, especially on Sunday, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the Janta curfew.

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How much is Kareena contributing to fight COVID-19?

With India all geared up to fight the coronavirus pandemic, film folk have come forward to help out and contribute to the PM-CARES relief fund.

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Functional neurology for practitioners of manual medicine / Randy W. Beck ; with a contribution by Matthew D. Holmes ; foreword by Frederick Carrick

Beck, Randy W

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A compendium of tests, scales and questionnaires : the practitioner's guide to measuring outcomes after acquired brain impairment / Robyn L. Tate ; with contribution by Ian D. Cameron

Tate, Robyn L

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Communication and communication disorders : a clinical introduction / Elena Plante, Pélagie M. Beeson

Plante, Elena, 1961-

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Dora : an analysis of a case of hysteria / Sigmund Freud ; with an introduction by the editor Philip Rieff

Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939

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Emotion-focused therapy for complex trauma : an integrative approach / Sandra C. Paivio, Antonio Pascual-Leone

Paivio, Sandra C

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Headache / Todd A. Smitherman, Department of Psychology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, Donald B. Penzien, Department of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, Jeanetta C. Rains, Center for Sleep Evaluation, Elliot Hosp

Smitherman, Todd A., 1977- author

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Overcoming insomnia : a cognitive- behavioral therapy approach : therapist guide / Jack D. Edinger, Colleen E. Carney

Edinger, Jack D., author

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The chiropractor's protégé : the untold story of Oakley G. Smith's journey with D.D. Palmer in chiropractic's founding years / by Timothy J. Faulkner, D.C. ; edited by Simon Senzon, D.C. and Alana Callender, Ed.D

Faulkner, Timothy J., author

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An Aging Population in Asia Creates Economic Challenges

Elderly populations in Asia are expanding more quickly than other age groups. This shift in population age structure had two major impacts: demand for income support for the elderly will rise because their labor income tends to be extremely low; and gross domestic product (GDP) and other aggregate economic indicators will grow more slowly as growth in the effective labor force declines. In countries where government programs play an important role in old-age support, tax rates will have to rise or benefits will have to be curtailed or both—all options with significant political costs.

Full text