alli Alliant Energy Corporation (LNT) CEO John Larsen on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 21:52:35 -0400 Full Article LNT SA Transcripts
alli Alliances Under Stress: South Korea, Japan, and the United States By Published On :: Tue, 19 Nov 2019 21:58:28 +0000 By Marcus Noland HONOLULU (November 19, 2019)—Rising diplomatic tensions between South Korea and Japan are putting American security interests at risk. Yet the United States government appears detached, unable to facilitate a rapprochement between its two allies. This is a critical moment because a South Korea-Japan intelligence-sharing agreement, aimed at North Korea, is due to lapse on 22 November this year. This is a summary only. Click the title for the full article, or visit for more. Full Article
alli Julius Berger shares palliatives to Abuja Communities By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 14:32:36 +0000 Adebayo Obajemu As part of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc’s continued efforts to support Federal, State and the Federal Capital Territory Governments in the fight to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, the company has expanded its food donation initiative to assist the vulnerable among the indigenes and residents of Abuja. The project which is themed “Food for our Communities […] The post Julius Berger shares palliatives to Abuja Communities appeared first on Hallmarknews. Full Article Business COVID 19 Julius Berger
alli Palliatives Distribution: Minister of Humanitarian receives accolades By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 09:17:39 +0000 …FG Urged To Involve Civil Society Groups Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Hajia Sadiya Umar Farouq, has been applauded for the successes recorded in providing palliatives for Nigerians to cushion the socio-economic effects of the lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic. This is coming as the Federal Government has been urged to involve […] The post Palliatives Distribution: Minister of Humanitarian receives accolades appeared first on Nigerian Pilot News. Full Article News Featured Minister of Humanitarian
alli The Summer of Liberation: Germans Reflect on the Allies’ Arrival in Europe in 1945 By Published On :: Wed, 6 May 2020 15:44:00 +0200 After the Allies defeated Germany and ended World War II in Europe in summer 1945, peace finally prevailed on the Continent. The Germans were beaten, desperate and ashamed, but also ready to get back to normal life following the trauma. By DER SPIEGEL Staff Full Article
alli God's High Calling for Women, Part 2 By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 PST Full Article
alli God's High Calling for Women, Part 3 By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 00:00:00 PST Full Article
alli Allies Despair as Trump Abandons Global Leadership Role By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 15:58 GMT “The United States has scaled back its role on the world stage, taken actions that... Full Article
alli Installing shingles in wet weather By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 16:06 GMT Q. Lately, now that it’s spring, I’m seeing roofers putting on new shingles and assume people are getting leaks that must be making them a little desperate, because roofers are working on wet roofs or in cold weather or when it’s drizzling. Can roof shingles be put on in wet weather? I was taught by my father, a carpenter who was extremely careful with everything he did. I learned what to do (and not to do) from him, and he never would have allowed this. Is there... Full Article
alli Obama Criticizes Trump Administration in Private Call With Allies By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 16:52 GMT Speaking to allies on a private call, the former president took a sharper line toward the Trump administration than he typically does in public. ...... Full Article
alli Allies despair as Trump abandons America's leadership role at a time of global crisis By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 05:13 GMT (CNN)The United States has scaled back its role on the world stage, taken actions that are undermining efforts to battle the coronavirus pandemic and left the international community without a traditional global leader, according to experts, diplomats and analysts. The US -- usually at the head of the table helping to coordinate in global crises -- has declined to take a seat at virtual international meetings convened by the World Health Organization and the European Union to coordinate work on potentially lifesaving vaccines. Former world leaders warn that the Trump administration risks alienating allies by politicizing the deadly pandemic with its push to punish China and have other... Full Article
alli Rep. Omar Leads Letter Calling for Increased Transparency and Accountability for Civilian Casualties from AFRICOM By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 14:41:16 GMT [U.S. House] Washington, DC -Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) led a letter to General Stephen J. Townsend today calling for increased transparency and public accountability of civilian causalities from the United States Defense Department's Africa Command (AFRICOM). The letter was signed by Rep. Adam Smith, Chair, House Committee on Armed Services; Rep. Adam Schiff, Chair, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Rep. Eliot Engel, Chair, House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Rep. André Carson, Chair, Subcommittee on Counterterrori Full Article
alli Nevada woman charged with stalking after calling neighbors ‘Jewish pigs’ By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 14:51:53 GMT The charges came after police were called December 3 and told that she was damaging a Jewish neighbors apartment and defacing it with antisemitic symbols and graffiti. Full Article United States crime antisemitism
alli Iran: Amazing qualities of our new long-range ballistic missiles By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 14:36:10 GMT The IRGC aerospace command takes credit for the achievement and says that it builds on legacies dating back to 1988. Full Article Iran missiles IRGC
alli Is Calling on the Lord's Name All It Takes to Be Saved? By Published On :: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 00:00:00 PST In the lead-up to the Truth Matters conference in October, we will be focusing our attention on the sufficiency, authority, and clarity of Scripture. Of our previous blog series, none better embodies that emphasis than Frequently Abused Verses. The following entry from that series originally appeared on February 17, 2016. -ed. Imagine living your whole life thinking you were saved from the penalty of your sins, only to discover that your assurance was false. It would be a tragic revelation with horrific eternal consequences. And I fear that many professing believers are in for that severe shock when they enter into eternity. Self-deception is at epidemic levels in the church today. Countless men and women have gone through the motions of “accepting Christ” or “asking Jesus into their hearts”—they’ve walked the aisle, prayed the prayer, and written the date in their Bibles—but they remain lost in their sins. And their false assurance only serves to inoculate them to the gospel and blind them to their need for the Savior. Weak pastors, church leaders, and evangelists don’t help the situation when they regularly over-simplify the call of the gospel and overlook the importance of true repentance and faith. Their dumbed-down gospel for a dumbed-down culture is only fanning the flames of spiritual ignorance, which is already sweeping through the church like a wildfire. One of the verses that’s routinely overused—and under-exegeted—in gospel ministry is Romans 10:13, “For whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” That verse has been a go-to text for evangelists like Billy Graham. But excerpted out of its context, it’s a recipe for shallow faith and false assurance. And the rampant, easy abuse of Romans 10:13 and similar verses is the reason for the widespread easy-believism and false assurance that plagues the church today. To understand Paul’s true intent in Romans 10:13, we need to consider the surrounding verses. In Romans 10, Paul is explaining that the Jews have no spiritual advantage over the Gentiles—they both require salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But his words in verse 13 aren’t an isolated statement about how to access that salvation. As he had previously explained, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Paul’s point is clear—salvation is not a birth right, nor is it a momentary decision. True faith is active and ongoing. That point is further emphasized when you consider that Paul is paraphrasing from Joel 2:32, and that this familiar phrase would have rich meaning for his Jewish readers. In his commentary on the passage, John MacArthur explains: In the Old Testament, the phrase “call upon the name of the Lord” was especially associated with right worship of the true God. It carried the connotations of worship, adoration, and praise and extolled God’s majesty, power, and holiness. Emphasizing the negative side of that phrase, the imprecatory psalmist cried to God, “How long, O Lord? Wilt Thou be angry forever? Will Thy jealousy burn like fire? Pour out Thy wrath upon the nations which do not know Thee, and upon the kingdoms which do not call upon Thy name” (Psalm 79:5-6, emphasis added). Again the psalmist exulted, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples” (Psalm 105:1, emphasis added). Still another time in the Psalms we read that he “called upon the name of the Lord,” praying, “‘O Lord, I beseech Thee, save my life!’ Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yes, our God is compassionate” (Psalm 116:4-5, emphasis added). In the four references just cited from Joel and the Psalms, the word Lord represents God’s covenant name, Yahweh, or Jehovah. . . . Therefore to “call upon the name of the Lord” was not a desperate cry to just any deity—whoever, whatever, and wherever he or she might be—but a cry to the one true God, the Creator-Lord of all men and all things. As Paul has just stated, it is by the confession of “Jesus as Lord” and belief in one’s “heart that God raised Him from the dead” that any person “shall be saved” (Romans 10:9). He is the one true Lord on whom faithful Jews had always called in penitence, adoration, and worship. To “call upon the name” of Jesus as Lord is to recognize and submit to His deity, His authority, His sovereignty, His power, His majesty, His Word, and His grace. [1] John MacArthur, The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Romans 9-16 (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 1994) 82-83. True, saving faith is not merely a moment of verbal or mental assent to Christ’s deity—as James writes, “the demons also believe, and shudder” (James 2:19). Paul referenced calling on the name of the Lord to depict a lifestyle of faith, not a fleeting moment. And yet, many in the church today put their faith in—and draw their assurance from—a single moment when they experienced deep conviction or made an emotional decision. Some return to their sinful lifestyles, counting on God’s grace to cover their rebellious indulgences. Others try to live pious lives, but their behavior is more legalism than legitimate righteousness—in fact, it’s of no more value than the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Both groups are headed for the harsh spiritual awakening of Matthew 7:21-23. Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” With as much as Christ and His apostles repeatedly warned about the dangers of self-deception and spiritual hypocrisy, it’s shocking that we hear so little about it in the church today. In The Gospel According to Jesus, John MacArthur describes how the church has insulated itself from the kind of careful spiritual self-examination each believer ought to routinely perform. Contemporary Christians have been conditioned to believe that because they recited a prayer, signed on a dotted line, walked an aisle, or had some other experience, they are saved and should never question their salvation. I have attended evangelism training seminars where counselors were taught to tell “converts” that any doubt about their salvation is satanic and should be dismissed. It is a widely held misconception that anyone who questions whether he is saved is challenging the integrity of God’s Word. What misguided thinking that is! Scripture encourages us to examine ourselves to determine if we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Peter wrote, “Be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you” (2 Peter 1:10). It is right to examine our lives and evaluate the fruit we bear, for “each tree is known by its own fruit” (Luke 6:44). The Bible teaches clearly that the evidence of God’s work in a life is the inevitable fruit of transformed behavior (1 John 3:10). Faith that does not result in righteous living is dead and cannot save (James 2:14-17). Professing Christians utterly lacking the fruit of true righteousness will find no biblical basis for assurance of salvation (1 John 2:4). . . . Genuine assurance comes from seeing the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in one’s life, not from clinging to the memory of some experience. [2] John MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008) 38-39. The epidemic of self-deception in the church is real. And the legion of unsaved men and women has a corrupting influence on the Body of Christ—the evidence is plentiful. We’ll keep digging into the issues of false faith and assurance, spiritual hypocrisy, true sanctification, and the Lordship of Christ throughout the year—we’re already prepping a series for next month. But for now, let me remind you that a lot of the self-deception we see begins with the way we carelessly talk about the gospel. Instead of reducing the call of God on the life of a sinner to a few pithy phrases and some verses ripped from their context, let’s be sure to get the message right. Forget the soundbites and buzzwords—let’s focus on being thorough, direct, and clear when it comes to the gospel. Eternal lives are at stake. Full Article
alli Pentagon waiting out coronavirus to invite allies back to Iraq By Published On :: 5/9/20 12:30 AM The US commander of Operation Inherent Resolve hopes allied forces will return to Iraq once the COVID-19 crisis subsides. Full Article
alli US push for Taiwan WHO observer status seen falling flat in Southeast Asia By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 07:00:09 +0800 Southeast Asian nations already straining from the United States-China tug of war for regional influence are likely to avoid supporting Washington’s drive for Taiwan to be granted observer status for a top-level meeting of the World Health Organisation, analysts have said.Even though the leaders of these countries understand the “moral and logical” arguments for allowing Taiwanese delegates to attend the annual meeting on May 18 – which will be live-streamed because of the coronavirus pandemic … Full Article
alli Why are interest rates falling in Southeast Asia? -- by Thiam Hee Ng By Published On :: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 16:03:57 +0800 Southeast Asian economies are starting to feel the pinch of trade tensions, recession fears and other global trends. Full Article
alli U.S. Rallies Support to Back Taiwan's WHO Bid By Published On :: 2020-05-07T08:26:38+09:00 The United States is rallying support to back Taiwan's observer status in the World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization, leading into its annual meeting May 17-21."Today, I want to call on all nations, including those in Europe, to support Taiwan's participatio... Full Article World
alli Illegal activities a threat to ecology of Aravallis By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:11:12 +0000 Tribune News Service Faridabad, January 24 Despite an overall lull in the real estate sector, illegal construction and encroachment in certain parts of the district appear to be going on in “full swingâ€. These include the hilly terrain of the Aravallis. However, the authorities have removed certain encroachments from the Surajkund area in the past. “Several construction activities have been noticed in the area, including the Surajkund road. As the non-forest area comes under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation Faridabad (MCF), it has removed certain encroachments in the past,†said a source in the civic body. Admitting that illegal construction poses a threat to the green cover of the […] Full Article Faridabad
alli Netizens from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand brew ‘Milk Tea Alliance’ against Chinese speech police By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 10:48:13 +0000 Stars who depend on China's lucrative market have to watch what they say. Ordinary netizens? Not so much. Full Article China Digital Activism East Asia English Feature Freedom of Speech Hong Kong (China) International Relations Taiwan (ROC) Thailand Weblog
alli Microchip Joins Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) – the Global Industry Coalition Dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility By Published On :: 1/16/2020 8:36:00 AM Microchip Joins Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) – the Global Industry Coalition Dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility Full Article
alli Metallic hydrogen would be the ultimate fuel - if we can make it By Published On :: Wed, 01 Jan 2020 18:00:00 +0000 The universe’s most common element could also be its most wondrous. Two different groups of researchers say they've made it - but can either claim withstand scrutiny? Full Article
alli Falling rocks can explode so hard that only nuclear weapons beat them By Published On :: Tue, 09 Oct 2018 16:00:05 +0000 If big rocks fall far enough they can explode with more energy than any non-nuclear bomb – and the ensuing shockwave can snap large trees half a kilometre away Full Article
alli How tempering chocolate hacks its crystalline structure By Published On :: Wed, 05 Feb 2020 18:00:00 +0000 Here's how to use chocolate's crystalline structure to your advantage to make delicious tempered chocolate Full Article
alli Metallic hydrogen would be the ultimate fuel - if we can make it By Published On :: Wed, 01 Jan 2020 18:00:00 +0000 The universe’s most common element could also be its most wondrous. Two different groups of researchers say they've made it - but can either claim withstand scrutiny? Full Article
alli Health Tip: Installing a Playground at Home By Published On :: Sat, 9 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Health Tip: Installing a Playground at HomeCategory: Health NewsCreated: 4/30/2012 8:05:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 4/30/2012 12:00:00 AM Full Article
alli Calling Young Girls 'Fat' May Increase Their Teen-Obesity Risk By Published On :: Sat, 9 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Calling Young Girls 'Fat' May Increase Their Teen-Obesity RiskCategory: Health NewsCreated: 4/29/2014 2:36:00 PMLast Editorial Review: 4/30/2014 12:00:00 AM Full Article
alli Many Women With Heart Disease Falling Short on Exercise By Published On :: Sat, 9 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Many Women With Heart Disease Falling Short on ExerciseCategory: Health NewsCreated: 4/26/2019 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 4/29/2019 12:00:00 AM Full Article
alli No Consensus on AID, But We Can Agree on Palliative Care By Published On :: 2020-05-04T06:50:30-07:00 To the Editor—The North Carolina Medical Board and North Carolina Medical Society have concerns regarding the Correspondence To the Editor in the March/April 2019 issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal titled, "Aid in Dying in North Carolina" [1]. Although we recognize the beliefs shared by the individual authors were not intended to be conclusive guidance regarding the status of aid in dying (AID) in North Carolina, we feel compelled to respond with a few clarifying notes. The authors of the correspondence opine: "In light of the legal analysis of North Carolina law, we feel confident that AID can be provided to patients who request it" and that "physicians can provide AID ... without risk of a viable criminal or disciplinary action" [1]. In all matters of medical practice, including end-of-life matters, physicians and physician assistants must meet the standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice and the ethics of the medical profession. If the Medical Board receives a complaint related to AID, it will evaluate the complaint and determine, utilizing expert consultants, whether the physician engaged in unprofessional conduct as defined by the North Carolina Medical Practice Act. Further, disagreement exists within the medical community regarding the role of clinicians in medical AID. In one national survey, there was no consensus about the acceptability of AID among physicians and other health care professionals caring for older adults [2]. Respondents also expressed concerns about AID applied to vulnerable populations, including those with low health literacy, low English proficiency, disability, dependency,... Full Article
alli Differential Response of the Chicken Trachea to Chronic Infection with Virulent Mycoplasma gallisepticum Strain Ap3AS and Vaxsafe MG (Strain ts-304): a Transcriptional Profile [Host Response and Inflammation] By Published On :: 2020-04-20T08:00:38-07:00 Mycoplasma gallisepticum is the primary etiological agent of chronic respiratory disease in chickens. Live attenuated vaccines are most commonly used in the field to control the disease, but current vaccines have some limitations. Vaxsafe MG (strain ts-304) is a new vaccine candidate that is efficacious at a lower dose than the current commercial vaccine strain ts-11, from which it is derived. In this study, the transcriptional profiles of the trachea of unvaccinated chickens and chickens vaccinated with strain ts-304 were compared 2 weeks after challenge with M. gallisepticum strain Ap3AS during the chronic stage of infection. After challenge, genes, gene ontologies, pathways, and protein classes involved in inflammation, cytokine production and signaling, and cell proliferation were upregulated, while those involved in formation and motor movement of cilia, formation of intercellular junctional complexes, and formation of the cytoskeleton were downregulated in the unvaccinated birds compared to the vaccinated birds, reflecting immune dysregulation and the pathological changes induced in the trachea by infection with M. gallisepticum. Vaccination appears to protect the structural and functional integrity of the tracheal mucosa 2 weeks after infection with M. gallisepticum. Full Article
alli Association of early disease progression and very poor survival in the GALLIUM study in follicular lymphoma: benefit of obinutuzumab in reducing the rate of early progression By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:42-07:00 Full Article
alli Palliative care clinical rotations among undergraduate and postgraduate medical trainees in Canada: a descriptive study By Published On :: 2020-04-14T05:09:06-07:00 Background: The number of medical undergraduate and postgraduate students completing palliative care clinical rotations in Canadian medical schools is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the proportion of Canadian medical trainees completing clinical rotations in palliative care and to determine whether changes took place between 2008 and 2018. Methods: In this descriptive study, all Canadian medical schools (n = 17) were invited to provide data at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels (2007/08–2015/16 and 2007/08–2017/18, respectively). Information collected included the number, type and length of palliative care clinical rotations offered and the total number of medical trainees or residents enrolled at each school. Results: All 17 Canadian medical schools responded to the request for information. At the undergraduate level, palliative care clinical rotations were not offered in 2 schools, mandatory in 2 and optional in 13. Three schools that offered optional rotations were unable to provide complete data and were therefore excluded from further analyses. In 2015/16, only 29.7% of undergraduate medical students completed palliative care clinical rotations, yet this was a significant improvement compared to 2011/12 (13.6%, p = 0.02). At the postgraduate level, on average, 57.9% of family medicine trainees completed such rotations between 2007/08 and 2016/17. During the same period, palliative care clinical rotations were completed by trainees in specialty or subspecialty programs in anesthesiology (34.2%), geriatric medicine (64.4%), internal medicine (30.9%), neurology (28.2%) and psychiatry (64.5%). Interpretation: Between 2008 and 2018, a large proportion of Canadian medical trainees graduated without the benefit of a clinical rotation in palliative care. Without dedicated clinical exposure to palliative care, many physicians will enter practice without vital palliative care competencies. Full Article
alli Suspected Metallic Embolization Distal to Coiled Intracranial Aneurysms Detectable by Susceptibility-Weighted MR Imaging [INTERVENTIONAL] By Published On :: 2020-04-09T06:30:48-07:00 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: After endovascular coiling of intracranial aneurysms, round dark parenchymal lesions believed to be particulate metal are sometimes encountered in MR imaging studies of the brain. We used SWI to assess the frequency of such occurrences, in addition to exploring likely causes and clinical implications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed 700 MR imaging studies performed between September 2018 and March 2019 at our institution as follow-up monitoring of coiled intracranial aneurysms. Any sizeable (>5 mm) rounded dark-signal lesions encountered were presumed to be metallic. The magnitudes and locations of such lesions were recorded. In patients with these lesions, pertinent procedural documentation was screened for devices used, including coils, microcatheters, microguidewires, and stents. Medical records were also examined to determine whether any related symptoms ensued. RESULTS: Twenty patients (2.8%) exhibited a total of 25 lesions on SWI. Diameters ranged from 5 to 11 mm (median, 8 mm). All except 2 lesions were located in brain regions downstream from aneurysms, but all lesions occupied vascular territories of vessels used to place guiding catheters. Other than the Synchro 14, which was routinely deployed, no device was regularly used in patients with SWI-detectable lesions; and none of the affected patients developed focal neurologic symptoms as a consequence. CONCLUSIONS: Although the origins remain unclear, distal embolization of particulate metal distal to coiled cerebral aneurysms is occasionally observed on follow-up MR imaging studies. Such lesions, however, seem to have no apparent clinical impact. Full Article
alli Kallias Complex City By Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2019 17:46:57 GMT Kallias Complex City do Công ty Cổ phần NDMREAL đầu tư với quy mô 5.03ha theo mô hình tổ hợp thương mại - du lịch gồm các sản phẩm khách sạn, căn hộ du lịch, shophouse tại Tuy Hòa, Phú Yên. Full Article
alli CÔNG TY BẤT ĐỘNG SẢN ALLIANCE By Published On :: Tue, 10 Mar 2020 10:25:00 GMT Full Article
alli Exclusive: Biden allies told to attack Trump's stimulus as 'cronyism' By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 06:28:53 -0400 Allies of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are being told to sharpen attacks on President Donald Trump's stimulus efforts as thinly veiled "cronyism," according to a memo being sent to Democratic officeholders and supporters on Friday. Full Article politicsNews
alli Metallica plan 'Month of Giving' for Covid-19 relief By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 16:00:00 +0100 The first charity the band is highlighting is Feeding America, which partners with food banks across the U.S. Full Article
alli Plasma electrons can be used to produce metallic films By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 10:36:40 EDT Computers, mobile phones and all other electronic devices contain thousands of transistors, linked together by thin films of metal. Scientists have developed a method that can use the electrons in a plasma to produce these films. Full Article
alli Death toll among NHS workers reaches 19 as Matt Hancock faces backlash for calling PPE a 'precious resource' By Published On :: 2020-04-11T07:35:00Z Read our live coronavirus updates HERE Health Secretary said his 'heart goes out' to the families of NHS workers killed during outbreak Facing backlash for calling protective equipment for healthcare workers a 'precious resource' Sir Keir Starmer waded into row, calling Mr Hancock's comments 'insulting' Full Article
alli Teenage girl dies after falling from eighth-floor balcony in south London By Published On :: 2020-04-12T16:01:00Z A 16-year-old girl has died after falling from an eighth-floor balcony in south London, police have said. Full Article
alli Visually-impaired passenger killed by train after falling from south-east London station platform By Published On :: 2020-04-17T11:22:11Z A visually-impaired passenger died after falling from a station platform in south-east London and being hit by a train, accident investigators have said. Full Article
alli Boris Johnson tells Donald Trump he's 'feeling better and on road to recovery' after falling ill with coronavirus By Published On :: 2020-04-21T15:53:00Z Boris Johnson has told Donald Trump that he is "feeling better and on the road to recovery" at his Chequers country retreat after contracting coronavirus. Full Article
alli David Walliams in new campaign to help parents teach children IT skills at home By Published On :: 2020-04-24T14:20:00Z Full Article
alli Matt Hancock prompts outcry after criticising Dr Rosena Allin-Khan's 'tone' in Commons By Published On :: 2020-05-05T20:06:00Z A Labour MP working on the NHS frontline has hit back at Health Secretary Matt Hancock after he told her to watch her "tone" during a debate in the House of Commons. Full Article
alli Californian law might stop Elon Musk and Grimes calling newborn son X Æ A-12 By Published On :: 2020-05-07T06:28:14Z Grimes and her boyfriend Elon Musk want to call their newborn son X Æ A-12 Musk, but California law might prevent it. Full Article
alli Coronavirus rate of infection 'much reduced and Covid-19 death toll falling' By Published On :: 2020-05-07T15:21:00Z The rate of transmission of coronavirus is "much reduced" and the death toll is steadily falling, the Downing Street press conference has heard. Full Article
alli 400,000 people in the UK could have coronavirus with 20,000 falling ill every day, say experts By Published On :: 2020-05-08T09:00:00Z Around 400,000 people in the UK could currently have coronavirus, according to a new official study, while experts say 20,000 more could be infected with the virus every day. Full Article
alli Boris Johnson issues stirring VE Day statement calling for 'same spirit of national endeavour' during coronavirus pandemic By Published On :: 2020-05-08T07:34:00Z Boris Johnson has issued a stirring statement as the UK comes together to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day, calling for Brits to show the "same spirit of national endeavor" during the coronavirus pandemic. Full Article
alli 'Pot calling kettle BLACK!' JD Rucker TORCHES CNN and Oliver Darcy over their petty piece trashing OAN in spectacular thread By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 11:55:04 Z Full Article <![CDATA[CNN]]> <![CDATA[Trump]]> <![CDATA[Oliver Darcy]]> <![CDATA[OAN]]> <![CDATA[JD Rucker]]>