
Martyrdom of St Elizabeth Romanov and Nun Barbara (1918)


The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

When Mary the Virgin was about fourteen years old, the Archangel Gabriel came to Joseph's dwelling, where she was living, and said to her, 'Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.' Receiving assurance that she had been chosen to be the Mother of God Himself, she answered in humility, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.' Immediately, the Holy Spirit came upon her, the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and the Incarnation, long awaited by the whole creation, took place: He who contains the whole universe consented to be contained in the womb of one woman, the most holy Theotokos.   The Church teaches us that it was within the holy Virgin's power to refuse the divine conception: her knowing and willing acceptance, the consummation of the faith of the whole righteous remnant of Israel, shows us that our very salvation is the fruit of the cooperation (synergia) of human faithfulness with God's saving grace.   Carrying in her womb the Savior of the Universe, the Virgin went to the hills of Judea to stay with her kinswoman Elizabeth, who six months before had conceived in her old age (by Zacharias the priest) St John the Forerunner. As the holy Virgin approached, the child John leaped in his mother's womb for joy, prophesying the coming of Emmanuel. Feeling the prophecy, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed the holy Mary and the fruit of her womb. And Mary in turn glorified God, saying 'My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior' (Luke ch. 1).


The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

When Mary the Virgin was about fourteen years old, the Archangel Gabriel came to Joseph's dwelling, where she was living, and said to her, 'Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.' Receiving assurance that she had been chosen to be the Mother of God Himself, she answered in humility, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.' Immediately, the Holy Spirit came upon her, the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and the Incarnation, long awaited by the whole creation, took place: He who contains the whole universe consented to be contained in the womb of one woman, the most holy Theotokos.   The Church teaches us that it was within the holy Virgin's power to refuse the divine conception: her knowing and willing acceptance, the consummation of the faith of the whole righteous remnant of Israel, shows us that our very salvation is the fruit of the cooperation (synergia) of human faithfulness with God's saving grace.   Carrying in her womb the Savior of the Universe, the Virgin went to the hills of Judea to stay with her kinswoman Elizabeth, who six months before had conceived in her old age (by Zacharias the priest) St John the Forerunner. As the holy Virgin approached, the child John leaped in his mother's womb for joy, prophesying the coming of Emmanuel. Feeling the prophecy, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed the holy Mary and the fruit of her womb. And Mary in turn glorified God, saying 'My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior' (Luke ch. 1).


Martyrdom of St Elizabeth Romanov and Nun Barbara (1918)

Grand Duchess Elizabeth was a grand-daughter of Queen Victoria of England and the older sister of the Empress Alexandra (July 4). After marrying Grand Duke Sergei she converted to the Orthodox faith, though this was not required by her position. After her husband was assassinated in 1905, she took monastic vows and withdrew from the world, founding the Convent of Saints Mary and Martha. There she served as superior, devoting her time to prayer, fasting, and caring for the sick and the poor.   During the Russian Revolution, she was seized by the God-hating Bolsheviks and taken to the Urals, where she and several with her were martyred by being thrown alive down an abandoned mine-shaft. When the fall did not kill them, soldiers threw grenades down the shaft to complete their work. Saint Elizabeth was singing the Cherubic Hymn when she died.   The Nun Barbara, her cell-attendant, voluntarily followed St Elizabeth into exile and received martyrdom with her. Their relics were recovered and taken at great risk to China, then to Jerusalem, where they were deposited in the Convent of St Mary Magdalene. When their reliquaries were opened in 1981, their bodies were found to be partly incorrupt, and gave off a sweet fragrance.   Footnote: After the assassination of her husband in Moscow, Grand Duchess Elizabeth had a cross erected at the site of his death, bearing the inscription "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." After the revolution, the cross remained standing through the devotion of the people of Moscow to St Elizabeth, until it was personally torn down by Lenin.


The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

When Mary the Virgin was about fourteen years old, the Archangel Gabriel came to Joseph's dwelling, where she was living, and said to her, 'Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.' Receiving assurance that she had been chosen to be the Mother of God Himself, she answered in humility, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.' Immediately, the Holy Spirit came upon her, the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and the Incarnation, long awaited by the whole creation, took place: He who contains the whole universe consented to be contained in the womb of one woman, the most holy Theotokos.   The Church teaches us that it was within the holy Virgin's power to refuse the divine conception: her knowing and willing acceptance, the consummation of the faith of the whole righteous remnant of Israel, shows us that our very salvation is the fruit of the cooperation (synergia) of human faithfulness with God's saving grace.   Carrying in her womb the Savior of the Universe, the Virgin went to the hills of Judea to stay with her kinswoman Elizabeth, who six months before had conceived in her old age (by Zacharias the priest) St John the Forerunner. As the holy Virgin approached, the child John leaped in his mother's womb for joy, prophesying the coming of Emmanuel. Feeling the prophecy, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed the holy Mary and the fruit of her womb. And Mary in turn glorified God, saying 'My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior' (Luke ch. 1).


The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

When Mary the Virgin was about fourteen years old, the Archangel Gabriel came to Joseph's dwelling, where she was living, and said to her, 'Rejoice, thou Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.' Receiving assurance that she had been chosen to be the Mother of God Himself, she answered in humility, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.' Immediately, the Holy Spirit came upon her, the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and the Incarnation, long awaited by the whole creation, took place: He who contains the whole universe consented to be contained in the womb of one woman, the most holy Theotokos.   The Church teaches us that it was within the holy Virgin's power to refuse the divine conception: her knowing and willing acceptance, the consummation of the faith of the whole righteous remnant of Israel, shows us that our very salvation is the fruit of the cooperation (synergia) of human faithfulness with God's saving grace.   Carrying in her womb the Savior of the Universe, the Virgin went to the hills of Judea to stay with her kinswoman Elizabeth, who six months before had conceived in her old age (by Zacharias the priest) St John the Forerunner. As the holy Virgin approached, the child John leaped in his mother's womb for joy, prophesying the coming of Emmanuel. Feeling the prophecy, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed the holy Mary and the fruit of her womb. And Mary in turn glorified God, saying 'My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior' (Luke ch. 1).


Martyrdom of St Elizabeth Romanov and Nun Barbara (1918)

Grand Duchess Elizabeth was a grand-daughter of Queen Victoria of England and the older sister of the Empress Alexandra (July 4). After marrying Grand Duke Sergei she converted to the Orthodox faith, though this was not required by her position. After her husband was assassinated in 1905, she took monastic vows and withdrew from the world, founding the Convent of Saints Mary and Martha. There she served as superior, devoting her time to prayer, fasting, and caring for the sick and the poor.   During the Russian Revolution, she was seized by the God-hating Bolsheviks and taken to the Urals, where she and several with her were martyred by being thrown alive down an abandoned mine-shaft. When the fall did not kill them, soldiers threw grenades down the shaft to complete their work. Saint Elizabeth was singing the Cherubic Hymn when she died.   The Nun Barbara, her cell-attendant, voluntarily followed St Elizabeth into exile and received martyrdom with her. Their relics were recovered and taken at great risk to China, then to Jerusalem, where they were deposited in the Convent of St Mary Magdalene. When their reliquaries were opened in 1981, their bodies were found to be partly incorrupt, and gave off a sweet fragrance.   Footnote: After the assassination of her husband in Moscow, Grand Duchess Elizabeth had a cross erected at the site of his death, bearing the inscription "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." After the revolution, the cross remained standing through the devotion of the people of Moscow to St Elizabeth, until it was personally torn down by Lenin.


Martyr Drosida of Antioch, and five nuns (104) - March 22nd

'The daughter of the Emperor Trajan, she was seized with five other women when they were gathering the bodies of the martyrs who had suffered for Christ by night, and was for this cruelly mutilated by the Emperor. The five women were terribly tortured and at last thrown into molten copper, where they surrendered their souls to their Lord. But Drosida remained under strict imperial guard. However, she escaped from the court and baptised herself in a river. After eight days she gave her soul into God's hands.' (Prologue)


Martyr Drosida of Antioch, and five nuns (104) - March 22nd

'The daughter of the Emperor Trajan, she was seized with five other women when they were gathering the bodies of the martyrs who had suffered for Christ by night, and was for this cruelly mutilated by the Emperor. The five women were terribly tortured and at last thrown into molten copper, where they surrendered their souls to their Lord. But Drosida remained under strict imperial guard. However, she escaped from the court and baptised herself in a river. After eight days she gave her soul into God's hands.' (Prologue)


Lenten Evangelism #8: Renunciation of the World and Evangelism (Sermon Mar. 22, 2015)

On this Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, Fr. Andrew discusses renunciation of the world as a necessary element of the evangelistic enterprise.


The Annunciation and the Buffered Self (Mar. 24, 2019)

Speaking on the Forefeast of the Annunciation, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick describes the feast as being God's answer to the buffered, fenced-in selves that we ironically construct to protect ourselves even while desiring someone to reach out in love.


Janitor, Banjo, Sideburns, a Nun: Opa!

What's a Christian look like? It's all Greek to me! In this episode, Fr Joseph gets schooled by an imagined janitor, a native Houstonian, and a real nun.


Accents and the Annunciation

Communication can be difficult given our various places of origin but this particular message from the New Testament was unmistakable.


The Annunciation: When Hello is not simply Hello!

Looking at Hebrews 2:11-18; Luke 1:24-38; and Judges 6:12-15, we think about the poignant salutation of Gabriel, “Rejoice!” and the deep significance of the Theotokos’ response to God’s will for her and for us.


When A Woman is Like a Bush: Humility and the Annunciation

This week we look to the Old Testament readings of Exodus 3 and Jeremiah 32-33 to understand the feast of the Annunciation, the words of Gabriel to holy Mary, and the meeting of the Theotokos with Elizabeth in the hill country of Judah. God’s glory is seen in humble places.


The Feast of the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation, by Lily Parascheva Rowe, illustrated by Roland J. Ford (St. Stylianos Books)


The Feast of the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation by Lily Parascheva Rowe, illustrated by Roland Ford (St. Stylianos Books, 2012).


Annunciation of the Theotokos

"Annunciation of the Theotokos," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


The Annunciation of the Angel to the Righteous Joseph

"The Annunciation of the Angel to the Righteous Joseph," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012). In honor of this the 500th episode of "Readings from the Under the Grapevine," we are giving away a gift set containing The Miracle of the Red Egg by Elizabeth Crispina Johnson, The Legend of the Cross by Dr. Chrissi Hart, and the CD Pascha: Come Receive the Light by Eikona. For a chance to win, simply write to Dr. Hart at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/**/ and tell her which "Grapevine" reading you have enjoyed the most, as well as what you love about Pascha. The winner will be announced on April 10, 2015.


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Annunciation and Mary Visits Elizabeth

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Annunciation and Mary Visits Elizabeth," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


The Annunciation / Christina's Favorite Saints 1

50. Book 1: The Annunciation from the Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Mother Melania (Conciliar Press, 2003) Book 2: Christina's Favorite Saints by Maria Khoury part one (CDK Publications, 2002). You can read more about Maria Khoury here.


Freedom to Repent: The Nun's Blood and Adulteress

Jesus said “Everyone who practices sin is the slave of sin!” (Jn. 8:34). But we know so long as we live, we live only through God’s dynamic, life-sustaining power active in us. Read the transcript HERE.


Mary of Egypt and the Annunciation

Dn. Pawel, the prefect of the Lived Theology School Program, highlights connections between the stories of St. Mary of Egypt, the Annunciation, and our own.




The 2nd Eve - The Annunciation of the Mother of God

The Theotokos stands for the whole biblical way of looking at the relationship between God and His creation as a mystery of LOVE.


Experiencing the Annunciation

Fr. Deacon Emmanuel gives the sermon on the Feast of the Annunciation.


St Proclus of Constantinople on the Annunciation

Fr. Gregory Hallam preaches on the Feast of the Annunciation.


Maaloula Nuns Freed!

In breaking news, Kevin Allen speaks with Samuel Noble who edits the Arab Orthodoxy blog site and who is an expert on Arab Orthodox matters, regarding reports that the kidnapped nuns of Maaloula and St. Thekla Monastery have been freed. The situation is very fluid but confirmation has been received of their release.


The Feast of the Annunciation

Fr. Pat examines the principle of synergy, the assent of Mary, and holiness and personal history as they relate to the Feast of the Annunciation.


US Nuncio: Bishops Must Foster Missionary Zeal



Coronavirus conundrums

Strict physical distancing measures in response to the novel coronavirus have disrupted economies and lives in massive ways. But as shutdown measures stretch from weeks into months, many communities across the globe are now wrestling with when and how to relax those policies. Experts around the world warn that there’s no simple transition for countries looking to ease restrictions, and reopen their economies.

Also, an epidemiologist shares his thoughts on President Trump’s phased plan to reopen America’s economy; there’s a massive effort underway to help Indian nationals who are stranded in the US due to the pandemic; top cybersecurity officials are issuing warnings about Covid-19 related scams and phishing attacks; cybersecurity volunteers are stepping in to fight back; and Singapore has been seen as a model for the way it has confronted the coronavirus outbreak, but now the number of Covid-19 infections has increased again.

Image: A health personnel is seen giving the coronavirus test to a person at the Salus Gracia Geriatric in Barcelona, Spain. (Credit: Miquel Benitez/Getty Images)


ESG vs. EHS: A Modern Supply Chain Conundrum

This white paper from Avetta discusses how integrating ESG and EHS into one consolidated program opens up endless possibilities.


A recordkeeping conundrum

How do you keep injury and illness records when your employees work at several locations around the country?


El Departamento de Seguros de Texas anuncia la nueva división de Relaciones Externas y al nuevo Comisionado Adjunto

El Departamento de Seguros de Texas (TDI, por su nombre y siglas en inglés) anunció a Dan Paschal como el Comisionado Adjunto de la recién creada división de Relaciones Externas. Esta división incluirá Comunicaciones (actualmente Asuntos Públicos) y Relaciones Gubernamentales (actualmente Asuntos de la Agencia).


El Departamento de Seguros de Texas anuncia nuevos líderes ejecutivos

El Departamento de Seguros de Texas (Texas Department of Insurance - TDI, por su nombre y siglas en inglés) anuncia el nuevo comisionado jefe adjunto y nuevos líderes para las divisiones de Operaciones Administrativas, Seguros de Vida y de Salud, y las Divisiones del Concejo General.


Consejos de reclamaciones de seguros para los Texanos con daños por inundación

El Departamento de Seguros de Texas (Texas Department of Insurance, TDI, por su nombre y siglas en inglés) les recuerda a las víctimas de las inundaciones que deben documentar los daños y presentar las reclamaciones al seguro de inmediato.


Archangel Gabriel: Messenger and Angel of the Annunciation

Archangel Gabriel is one of the most revered and influential figures in religious traditions across the world, often seen as a messenger of divine will and a guide to those seeking spiritual clarity.


iStrap Enunciate Screen Protectors For Apple Watch 2020 - Extra Layer Of Protection At Affordable Price

Live everyday carefree with an extra layer of protection for Apple Watch's display!


The Urban Cyclist's Conundrum: Evaluating Bodywel T16 vs. DYU D3F for City Riding

A Detailed Comparison of Bodywel T16 and DYU D3F Electric Bikes for City Commuters


SoundHound AI Enunciates Q3 Beat-And-Raise, But Stock Falls


Los premios Paul “Bear” Bryant anuncian la lista de entrenadores de fútbol americano universitario para 2024

HOUSTON, 16 de octubre de 2024 — Veintisiete entrenadores de fútbol americano universitario integran la lista de candidatos al premio Paul “Bear” Bryant al Entrenador del Año 2024 de la American Heart Association (la Asociación Americana del Corazón), un...


New York, Calif. Bills Would Give Nonunion Workers More Say

Michael Lotito weighs in on a New York measure that would establish a policy-making council that would set rules on pay, safety and working conditions "as reasonably necessary" to protect worker welfare.

Law360 Employment Authority

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The R-410A Condensing Unit Conundrum

EPA is revisiting a rule that would allow R-410A condensing units to be manufactured indefinitely to service existing equipment.


These things always run on longer than people imagine. (Pronunciation)

  • Pronunciation and Phonetics


Oracle ACE Director Rita Nunez Previews the 2021 LAOUC Evento de Primavera

Jim Grisanzio from Oracle Developer Relations talks with Oracle ACE Director Rita Nunez from Argentina to preview the upcoming 2021 LAOUC Evento de Primavera November 9-10. The event will be held online in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, and it's free and open to developers globally. Technologies discussed will be Oracle Database, security, APEX, Java, development tools, cloud, and more. Get involved here.

Rita Nunez, Oracle ACE Director

Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations


Un juzgado de Estepona investiga una denuncia por acoso sexual contra el alcalde del municipio

Desde el entorno del regidor, que ha puesto el tema en manos de abogados, consideran que se trata de una campaña "inadmisible e injusta" Leer


Muere en el hospital un hombre que tuvo que ser rescatado durante las inundaciones en Málaga

La víctima, un británico de 71 años que sufría una hemiplejia, llegó con hipotermia por el tiempo que estuvo en contacto con el agua Leer


Arturo Vidal, denunciado por agresión sexual

El chileno, ahora en el Colo Colo, fue trasladado a comisaría tras una fiesta, pero no quedó detenido. Jugó, entre otros equipos, en el Barcelona, el Bayern Munich y el Inter de Milán Leer


Las ocho causas que explican por qué las inundaciones se están multiplicando y ocho propuestas para reducir los daños

La Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua apuesta por una política eficaz de adaptación al cambio climático para evitar nuevas tragedias Leer

  • DANA
  • Artículos Chema Rodríguez