
'Gota a gota' digital: usuarios denuncian amenazas a través de aplicaciones


Presuntos integrantes del Clan del Golfo estarían amenazando a ciudadanos en Bogotá

En 10Am Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo hablando el líder de una comunidad en Bogotá sobre las diferentes amenazas que han recibido por parte de lo que los ciudadanos creen que son integrantes del Clan del Golfo.


Acoso y amenazas de muerte durante 7 años: la historia de María Antonia

La exestudiante de la EAFIT, en conversación con 10AM, contó que su caso no avanza y teme por su vida 


Denuncian amenazas en contra del director musical de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá

David García, director general de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá, dio a conocer que el director sueco Joachim Gustafsson fue amenazado a través de redes sociales.


Homenaje a Botero se está haciendo con mucho respeto, la hija está conmovida: Cancillería

Desde el Capitolio Nacional se realiza el homenaje póstumo a Botero.


“Hemos estado muy amenazados, ya llevamos una víctima del gabinete”: Alcalde de Tuluá

En 10AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Gustavo Vélez, alcalde de Tuluá, Valle del Cauca, para hablar sobre los retos en la región tras hechos de corrupción en la administración anterior.


Carlos Martínez presentará un homenaje a Atahualpa Yupanqui


Andrés Cepeda brindó concierto homenaje a los héroes de la patria


Homenaje a Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda en la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia


Sumercé y sus papas, el restaurante que hace un homenaje a la papa en Bogotá.

Sumercé y sus papas, el restaurante que hace un homenaje a la papa en Bogotá.


Homenaje al poeta e intelectual colombiano Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda


Juana Acosta, la homenajeada en los Premios India Catalina


Festival de Cine Verde rinde un homenaje a Toto Vega en su edición 2023


Colmenalibertadcap 6

Hartas de escuchar tertulianos sin alma hablando de la violencia machista, hartas de ser silenciadas, hartas de que otros hablen por nosotras, hemos decidido unirnos con el objetivo de sensibilizar y visibilizar nuestras realidades desde la primera persona....

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Buitrago: "Ir a la Vuelta sería fenomenal, pero no quiero meterme presión"


Esneyder Mena, sobre su llamado a Selección: No lo creí, pensé que estaban jugando conmigo


Presidente del Cali sobre Jaime De La Pava: Pese a las amenazas, nunca pensó retirarse

Guido Jaramillo, presidente del Deportivo Cali, aseguró, en diálogo con El Alargue de Caracol Radio, que Jaime De La Pava se ha mantenido sólido en su postura al frente del club, a pesar de las amenazas que ha recibido en los últimos días.


Jefferson Mena, ilusionado con Bucaramanga: Queremos ponerle a estrellita a nuestra camisa

Jefferson Mena, autor del gol de la victoria del Bucaramanga ante Jaguares, se mostró esperanzado en los resultados que pueda tener el equipo durante este campeonato. El jugador de 34 años sueña en poder alcanzar el primer título de Liga para los santandereanos.


El periodista Alfredo Serrano denuncia amenazas de familiar de Uribe

El periodista recibió un audio de Santiago Uribe, en el que habría una amenaza contra su vida.


Vamos a asumir con mucho orgullo homenaje del Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata: Iván Villazón

En Caracol Radio estuvo Iván Villazón, cantautor de vallenato, conversando sobre su homenaje


Colombiana en Tel Aviv: Testimonio del ambiente ante las amenazas de Irán en Israel

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, María Elena Aristizábal, una colombiana residente en Tel Aviv, Israel, ofrece su perspectiva sobre el ambiente tenso que se vive en el país debido a las amenazas y ataques por parte de Irán.


Amenazan a miembros del Consejo de la Universidad Nacional por elección del nuevo rector

Diego Torres, uno de los 8 miembros del Consejo Superior de la Universidad Nacional, denuncia fuertes intimidaciones tras la elección del nuevo rector de la institución pública, Jose Ismael Peña Reyes


Fonseca presenta ‘Tropicalia’: Un homenaje a los ritmos de sus raíces

El reconocido cantautor colombiano contó detalles en 6AM sobre su nuevo álbum en el que rinde un homenaje a sus raíces junto al Grupo Niche, Juan Luis Guerra y Gilberto Santa Rosa


"Recordar su nombre y su obra musical será un homenaje para él": Iván Villazón

En Caracol Radio estuvo el cantante Iván Villazón, quien comentó que lamenta esta fuerte noticia para el género del vallenato.


¿Sigue la amenaza por atentado con carrobomba en Bogotá? Secretario de Seguridad explica.


Líder estudiantil que increpó a Petro: “Por exigir nuestros derechos me amenazan de muerte”

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, el líder estudiantil William Molina denunció haber recibido amenazas de muerte tras exigir derechos al Gobierno de Petro.


Aquí hubo homicidio, las pruebas estaban y las omitieron: padre de Luis Andrés Colmenares

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, el padre de Luis Colmenares reaccionó al fallo judicial que involucra a Laura Moreno y Jessy Quintero, reiterando que su hijo fue asesinado.


Presidente de Ecopetrol tras recibir amenazas de muerte: “Nada justifica un acto así”

Ricardo Roa, presidente de la petrolera estatal colombiana, entregó detalles en 6AM del sufragio que recibió en su lugar de trabajo y las primeras hipótesis frente a esta amenaza


Confenacol: “Hay más de 500 concejales amenazados e incluso concejos en pleno”

Felipe Delgado, presidente ejecutivo de la Confederación Nacional de concejales de Colombia, denunció en 6AM la grave situación que están viviendo estos representantes en varios municipios del país 


Amenazas a manifestantes en el Ministerio del Trabajo: riesgos de persistir en protesta

En el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio la presidenta de Sincopetrol habla de las amenazas que han recibido, por permanecer en el Ministerio laboral.


La amenaza de la COP no es solo de las disidencias, sino del conflicto internacional: Eder

El alcalde de Cali, Alejandro Eder anunció en 6AM las medidas que tomarán para garantizar la seguridad del evento.


Vocero de organizaciones sociales amenaza nuevamente con “parar todo” en Arauca

El vocero de las organizaciones sociales, Ernesto Roa, aseguró que de no ajustarse a sus necesidades un contrato de servicios del PAE, paralizarán todo en el departamento.


Homenaje de Caracol Radio a un gran librero: Felipe Ossa

El coleccionista de historietas falleció a sus 81 años y durante más de 60 años estuvo en la administración de la Librería Nacional


“El que denuncia lo amenazan y lleva”: Andrés Idárraga tras amenaza que recibió en su casa

La presidencia denunció amenazas de muerte contra el secretario de Transparencia, Andrés Idárraga, a su residencia llegó en las últimas horas una corona de flores con el mensaje “descansa en paz”.


“Una historia no vale la vida de nadie”: José Guarnizo tras amenaza a periodista

En Caracol Radio estuvo José Guarnizo, director general de Vorágine.


Hemos recibido amenazas y se han robado pruebas claves en el caso: abogado de Olmedo

José Luis Moreno Caballero, abogado defensor de Olmedo, hizo hincapié en quién estaría detrás de la supuesta persecución en contra de su defendido


Ni “infierno verde” ni “selva virgen”: la amenazada Amazonia cuenta su verdadera historia con su propia voz y despliega su cultura en el CCCB | Cultura | EL PAÍS

El centro invita a “desaprender” los tópicos sobre la región en una sorprendente exposición en la que participan pensadores, activistas y artistas indígenas Ni el Aguirre de Klaus Kinski, ni el coronel Fawcett, ni el explorador Ridgewell de La oreja rota de Tintín, ni el Indiana Jones del via Pocket


New theatre production ‘Collective Phenomena’ reveals story of defiant Soviet-Jewish scientists

The director of Collective Phenomena, Semion Aleksandrovskiy, shared a little of this complex history via his own family story.


How can young people in MENA thrive despite economic and political insecurity?

How can young people in MENA thrive despite economic and political insecurity? 24 September 2024 — 2:00PM TO 3:00PM Anonymous (not verified) Online

Experts share insights on how young people navigate challenges and find opportunities in a changing domestic and regional landscape.

Across the Middle East and North Africa young people between the ages of 15 and 29 comprise around 24 per cent of the population in the region. As the complex regional geopolitical developments unfold, the majority of these young people are living in a time of economic and political insecurity, with many, such as Iraqis and Libyans, also growing up during conflict and uncertainty.

Enhanced education and employment programs are key opportunities for development and stability in the region. Despite this, limited resources and competing priorities have meant that governments often struggle to deliver competitive educational and employment opportunities and lack the capacity and funding for education reform and active labour market policy development. Key tensions that pit modernity and autonomy against tradition and control continue to frame the education and skills development landscape.

This webinar will address:

  • The challenges young people within the MENA region face in different contexts;
  • The role education and employment play in developing skills for 21st century challenges;
  • Spaces for young people to practice citizenship and participate in political processes;
  • Youth’s economic prospects while navigating the tumultuous backdrop of enduring conflict and authoritarianism. 


What are MENA countries’ priorities for climate action and COP?

What are MENA countries’ priorities for climate action and COP? 24 October 2024 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM Anonymous (not verified) Online

Experts discuss the impacts of COP27 and 28 on the region and priorities for COP29.

In November this year, all eyes will be on Azerbaijan as Baku hosts the 29th UN Climate Conference (COP). Hosting COP offers an opportunity to push for climate action that reflects the host country’s unique circumstances, as well as regional interests. COP28 in the United Arab Emirates and COP27 in Egypt highlighted the climate priorities for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to the impacts of climate change.

From rising temperatures and deadly heatwaves, to extreme weather events such as heavy rainstorms, sandstorms, and cyclones, climate change exacerbates existing vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities include water scarcity, food security, and the preservation of livelihoods increasingly threatening the region’s social and economic stability.

While there has been some progress in advancing formal negotiations on key issues, the gap between COP agreements and tangible actions to address the increasingly severe effects of climate change in the MENA region remains vast. 

This webinar aims to assess:

  • What are the key tangible impacts of COP27 and COP28 in Egypt and the UAE respectively on driving climate action in the region?
  • How do MENA countries balance COP28’s landmark agreement to transition away from fossil fuels with their unique national circumstances?
  • How will the region benefit from COP28 breakthrough in integrating the issues of climate, peace and security in climate action through the ‘Declaration of Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace’?
  • What are the priorities for COP29 and how do they align with the climate agenda in the MENA region?


The MENA uprisings: Five years on, what role is civil society playing?

The MENA uprisings: Five years on, what role is civil society playing? 31 October 2024 — 2:00PM TO 3:00PM Anonymous (not verified) Online

Panellists examine the protest movements’ legacies in different context and how civil society continues to work towards positive change.

Five years after nation-wide protests in Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Sudan demanded systemic changes and political reforms, the situation remains largely unchanged. In some cases, it has deteriorated. Sudan is facing a humanitarian catastrophe amidst an ongoing civil war. Lebanon is dealing with Israeli aggression amidst a severe economic crisis with little response from the caretaker government. In Iraq and Algeria, relative stability masks the reality of increased suppression of dissent. This preservation of the status quo supports the entrenched political structures that strive to uphold it.

The current absence of large-scale street protests in these countries should not be taken as an indication that populations are content with the status quo. The issues that ignited the initial uprisings remain and in many cases have worsened. Despite enormous challenges, activists continue to navigate their systems to survive and instigate change. In the face of increasing difficulties, they are raising awareness of their countries’ predicaments and are finding alternative economic solutions. Additionally they are mobilizing community support, and pushing to voice their disillusionment. All these efforts aim at actively participating in shaping decisions that determines their future.

This webinar explores:

  • What has been the impact of the uprisings in Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Sudan?
  • How are civil society and activists contributing to change within their communities?
  • What is the current landscape for civic engagement within the politics, society and economy in these countries?
  • What prospects are there for solidarity and cooperation among civil society actors across these regions and beyond?


Flaring in MENA: The Multibillion Dollar Decarbonization Lever

15 July 2020

Adel Hamaizia

Associate Fellow, Middle East and North Africa Programme

Dr Mark Davis

CEO, Capterio
The climate crisis and ‘energy transition’ is driving a response from the oil and gas industry to decarbonize, with flaring – the deliberate combustion of gas associated with oil production – as a critical lever, especially in the Middle East and North Africa, write Adel Hamaizia and Mark Davis.


Iraqi Southern Oil Company engineers look towards the flares in the Zubair oil field in southern Iraq. Photo by ESSAM -AL-SUDANI/AFP via Getty Images.

Flaring is a significant source of economic and environmental waste. Except when safety-related, flared gas can often be captured and monetised using low-cost proven solutions.

In doing so, governments can improve health and safety, reduce emissions (of carbon dioxide, methane, and particulates) and add value by driving up revenue, increasing reserves and production, creating jobs and improving the industry’s ‘social license to operate’.

Flare capture also helps countries to deliver on the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #13 while, for example, providing affordable alternatives for heating and cooking.

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region accounts for 40% of the world’s flaring. In the region, flaring has increased year-on-year - apart from 2018 - to almost six billion cubic feet of gas per day, generating up to 300-500 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year.

These emissions result not only from the combustion of gas, but also from the venting, from inefficient flares, of un-combusted methane, a more potent greenhouse gas. Yet much of this is avoidable.

There are many commercially attractive options to reduce flaring in MENA. The key is to use the right proven technology and to be agile in commercial structuring. And the prize could be a boost to MENA’s annual revenues by up to $200 per second (up to $6.4 billion per year) by delivering wasted gas to market by pipeline, as power or in liquid form.

The chart highlights the abundance of flaring across the MENA region, and in many cases, their proximity to population centres. While Iran, Iraq, and Algeria generate 75% of MENA’s flaring, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar are notable for their relatively low ‘flaring intensity’ i.e. flaring normalized to oil production.

In today’s world of lower energy prices, it makes sense to monetise every molecule. Even more so for national oil companies, which are responsible for most of the flaring, since they are not only the custodians of their countries’ natural resources, but they also generate a dominant source of government revenue.

Most oil producers in MENA have already made commitments to the World Bank’s flaring-reduction initiatives (e.g. ‘Zero Routine Flaring by 2030’), but to date, delivery is mostly lacking. Three main issues have hindered progress.

Firstly, operators, regulators, and governments highlight that flaring is often not ‘sufficiently on the radar’. Flaring is often underreported if not ignored or denied - although satellite detection gives unavoidable transparency. In MENA alone, more than 1,700 flare clusters are visible every day from space.

Secondly, flare capture is sometimes not perceived to be economically viable due to costs, taxes, or inappropriate technology. Thirdly, there are often issues around resources, especially concerning management bandwidth, delivery capabilities or financing.

Yet these issues can be solved if the right proven technologies are combined with the right commercial structures. To accelerate flare capture projects, stakeholders in the MENA hydrocarbons sector must consider several complementary, action-oriented initiatives.

In particular, they should:

  • Promote transparency and disclosure to drive greater awareness of flaring. Governments, regulators and operators must understand the real scale of their gas flaring opportunity and be capable of acting, as a recent report for the EBRD on Egypt highlighted. Compliance with clear standards for measuring, monitoring and verification is critical.
  • Advance policies and incentives which encourage action. Better commercial terms will incentivise and accelerate flare investments. Stronger penalties will help, but independent and capable regulators must actually enforce these penalties. Through the use of such clear anti-flaring policies, Norway’s flaring intensity is almost 20 times lower than the MENA region.
  • Improve the investment climate, beyond economics and open access to a broader range of players. Local market failures can be avoided by reducing the complexity and cost of in-country operations and by removing excessive, rigid, or redundant regulations. By enabling greater ‘third-party’ access to gas and power projects and infrastructure, new players can accelerate change by deploying new technologies and new operating models. Better third-party access will also unlock ideas, capital, skills and project-specific financing options. Algeria is making steps towards such liberalisation through its new 2019 Hydrocarbon Law.
  • Reduce subsidies and improve energy efficiency and reduce demand, increase gas exports and boost national revenues. Countries with large subsidies on transport fuels and power, such as Algeria and Iraq, stand to gain the most.
  • Encourage collaboration between stakeholders in industry and government by creating working groups to radiate best practices, build capacity, deploy technology and local content, such as the flare minimization programme in Saudi Arabia or Iraq’s major flare-to-power project operated by the Basrah Gas Company.

The industry needs to prepare for a greener world after COVID-19 and investors and consumers are demanding cleaner fuels. Since gas is widely viewed as a transition fuel, MENA governments and stakeholders must work to eliminate its wastage and seize the revenue, production and environmental opportunities that flare capture projects offer.

There is much new leadership in the region in government and critical institutions with new mandates for change. The time to act is now.


Three guitars on the promenade

A group of believers worshiping Jesus in public leads to the opportunity to share the Gospel with a young, religious Jew.


MENAnews: Shared grief opens door to share hope

An unexpected connection on a prayer walk leads to multiple opportunities to share spiritual truth with one Muslim family.


MENAnews: A 22-hour adventure in faith

OMer's in the Arabian Peninsula set out on a faith adventure with two goals: sleep in a local home and give away a Bible.


Kwagga Smith can be breakdown menace against Scotland as Springboks lose Ruan Nortjé


Watch Liam Payne’s Phenomenal ‘X-Factor’ Audition That Made Him a Star

YouTube Screenshot

A collective gasp echoed like a thunderclap in a valley in our Daily Beast newsroom late Wednesday afternoon at the news that singer Liam Payne, who became famous as a member of the group One Direction, died at age 31.

TMZ reports that Payne fell from a hotel balcony in Argentina, where he had reunited with bandmates at 1D-er Niall Horan’s concert. He had, according to the site, been behaving “erratically,” earlier in the day, and was spotted smashing a laptop in the hotel lobby and having to be carried back to his room. He had been in headlines on gossip blogs over tension with his ex-fiancée Maya Henry, who, TMZ says, alleged “he'd left her after asking her to get an abortion.”

In the shock of his death, fans couldn’t ignore the eerie nature that Payne had just connected with his One Direction bandmates. Dark questions emerge when a celebrity dies so young: What role did the often horrific toll of fame have on a person like Payne, who has been open about addiction and suicidal ideation? But there’s also an impulse to go back to the roots of a person’s talent, to revisit what it was that we all fell in love with—and was their passion—in the first place.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


Tips Rahasia Menang Mudah Main Slot Online Gacor

Mengungkap rahasia menang mudah dalam bermain slot online gacor menjadi dambaan setiap pemain judi daring. Pertama, perhatikan dengan seksama pemilihan mesin slot yang tepat. Pilihlah mesin dengan tingkat pembayaran atau…

The post Tips Rahasia Menang Mudah Main Slot Online Gacor appeared first on Biosimilarnews.


Game Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Habanero

Habanero tidak hanya menyajikan game slot biasa, melainkan sebuah petualangan menang tanpa batas. Dengan tema-tema yang beragam, mulai dari petualangan antariksa hingga ke dunia mitologi, setiap game Habanero memiliki keunikan…

The post Game Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Habanero appeared first on Biosimilarnews.


Link Daftar Situs Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Maxwin Terpercaya Hari Ini

Keuntungan besar dan kegembiraan yang ditawarkan oleh mesin slot online membuatnya semakin populer. Namun, dalam lautan situs slot yang ada, bagaimana Anda bisa menemukan situs slot terbaik yang dapat memberikan…

The post Link Daftar Situs Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Maxwin Terpercaya Hari Ini appeared first on Biosimilarnews.