
An enquiry into the medical properties of iodine, more particularly in dropsy : also an account of the utility of local-bloodletting, in hydrothorax and bronchitis / partly translated from the Latin of T.L.C. Schroeder van der Kolk by C.J.B. Aldis.

London : printed for the author, 1832.


An enquiry into the source from whence the symptoms of the scurvy and of putrid fevers, arise : and into the seat which those affections occupy in the animal oeconomy; with a view of ascertaining a more just idea of putrid diseases than has generally been

London : printed for J. Dodsley, 1782.


Enteric fever : its prevalence and modifications, aetiology, pathology and treatment as illustrated by Army data at home and abroad / by Francis H. Welch.

London : H.K. Lewis, 1883.


Entgegnung auf die Erwiderung des Herrn Prof. Leuckart in Giessen : in Betreff der Frage uber die Nematodenentwicklung / von Elias Mecznikow.

Gottingen : A. Rente, 1866.


Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gehirns : nach Untersuchungen an höheren Wirbelthieren und dem Menschen / dargestellt von Victor v. Mihalkovics.

Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1877.


Entwurf einer Relationspathologie / von G. Ricker.

Jena : Fischer, 1905.


Epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis and its relation to other forms of meningitis : a report to the State Board of Health of Massachusetts / Report made by W.T. Councilman, F.B. Mallory, and J.H. Wright.

Boston : Wright & Potter Printing Co, 1898.


Epidemic diphtheria : a research on the origin and spread of the disease from an international standpoint / by Arthur Newsholme.

London : Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.


Epidemiology, or, The remote cause of epidemic diseases in the animal and in the vegetable creation ... Part 1 / by John Parkin.

London : J. & A. Churchill, 1873.


Epilepsy : its pathology and treatment : being an essay to which was awarded a prize of four thousand francs by the Academie Royale de Médécine de Belgique, December 31, 1889 / by Hobart Amory Hare.

London : Philadelphia, 1890.


Epilepsy : its symptoms, treatment, and relation to other chronic convulsive diseases / by J. Russell Reynolds.

London : J. Churchill, 1861.


An epitome of the reports of the medical officers to the Chinese imperial maritime customs service, from 1871 to 1882 : with chapters on the history of medicine in China; materia medica; epidemics; famine; ethnology; and chronology in relation to medicine

London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1884.


The equine hospital prescriber : drawn up for the use of veterinary practitioners and students / by James B. and Albert Gresswell.

London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1886.


Erasmus Darwin / by Ernst Krause ; translated from the German by W.S. Dallas ; with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin.

London : J. Murray, 1879.


The Erasmus Wilson lectures on the pathology and diseases of the thyroid gland / by Walter Edmunds.

Edinburgh : Young J. Pentland, 1901.


Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiethe der Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechtes. Nebst Grundzügen einer Methodenlehre der Geburtshülfe / Franz Carl Nagele.

Mannheim : T. Loeffler, 1812.


Ergebnisse der Sanitäts-Statistik des K. K. Heeres in den Jahren 1883-1887 / von Paul Myrdacz.

Wien : Holder, 1889.


Ergebnisse von 240 operierten Lupusfällen nebst Bemerkungen zur modernen Lupusbehandlung / von Ludwig Spitzer und Alfred Jungmann.

Wien : SafÏar, 1905.


Ernahrung des Herzens und ihre Beziehung zu seiner Arbeitsleistung / von N. Zuntz.

Leipzig : G. Thieme, 1892.


Ernestus Godofredus Baldinger ... disputationem inauguralem ... Ioan. Conr. Stockar à Neuforn ... de usu cantharidum interno ... habendam annunciat. Praemittitur: historia mercurii et mercurialium medica, et nunc quidem eius pars III.

Goettingae : Litteris Ioann. Christ. Dieterich, Acad. Typogr, [1781]


Erpétologie générale, ou, Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles / par A.M.C. Duméril et par G. Bibron.

Paris : Roret, 1834-1854.


Eruptions of the face, head, and hands : with the latest improvements in the treatment of diseases of the skin / by T.H. Burgess.

London : H. Renshaw, 1849.


Esquisse de nosographie vétérinaire / par J.-B. Huzard.

Paris : M. Huzard, 1820.


Esquisse psychologique des peuples européens / par Alfred Fouillee.

Paris : Alcan, 1903.


Essai clinique et expérimental sur la fièvre des tuberculeux (toxicité des crachats, toxicité des urines) / par Le Docteur Edouard Chretien.

Paris : Steinheil, 1896.


Essai de coprologie clinique : de l’exploration fonctionnelle de l’intestin par l’analyse des fèces / par Rene Gaultier.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1905.


Essai de pneumatologie médicale : recherches physiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques sur les gaz / par J.-N. Demarquay.

Londres : Paris, 1866.


Essai de sémiologie urinaire; méthodes d'interprétation de l'analyse urologique. L'urine dans les divers états morbides / par Camille Vieillard ; preface par Albert Robin.

Paris : Société d’éditions scientifiques, 1901.


Essai statistique sur la mortalite du Canton de Geneve, pendant l'anne 1838, consideree tant en general que sous le rapport nosologique / par Marc d' Espine.

Londres : Paris, 1840.


Essai sur la digitale pourprée / par James Sanders ; traduit de l'anglais par A.F.G. Murat, avec des notes et des réflexions sur la matière médicale par le traducteur.

Paris : Ancelle, 1812.


Essai sur la diurese et les diuretiques / par Ernest Verdun.

Paris : A. Delahaie, 1872.


Essai sur la leucorrhée et les causes diverses qui la produisent / par A.M. Bureaud Riofrey.

Londres : L’Auteur, 1834.


Essai sur la méningite en plaque ou scléreuse limitée a la base de l’encéphale / par Emile Labarriere.

Paris : V.A. Delahaye, 1878.


Essai sur la syphilis du foie chez l'adulte / par Edouard Delavarenne.

Paris : O. Doin, 1879.


Essai sur l'appendiculite et la péritonite appendiculaire / par Émile Maurin.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1890.


Essai sur le typhus, ou sur les fièvres dites malignes, putrides, bilieuses, muqueuses, jaune, la peste. Exposition analytique et expérimentale de la nature des fièvres en général ... / par J.F. Hernandez.

Paris : chez Mequignon-Marvis, 1816.


Essai sur les agremens et sur la salubrite du climat de Nice / par P. Richelmi.

Nice : A.M.J. Canis, 1822.


Essai sur les dyspepsies : digestion artificielle des substances féculentes / par C.L. Coutaret.

Paris : Masson, 1870.


Essai sur les lesions du foie et des reins : determinees par certaines toxines / par H. Claude.

Paris : Carre et Naud, 1897.


Essai sur les moyens de perfectionner et d'étendre l'art de l'anatomiste, présenté et soutenu à l'Ecole de médecine de Paris le lundi 11 fructidor an XI / par Constant Dumeril.

Paris : Baudouin, 1803.


Florida High Court Approves Request for Grand Jury Probe of School Safety

The Florida supreme court has ordered a statewide grand jury with a broad mandate to investigate school safety.


Florida State Education Commissioner Pam Stewart Resigns

The state's board of education had renewed Commissioner Pam Stewart's contract for a year before the midterm election but after the election of a new Republican governor, she said she'd leave in January instead.


A Florida City Forever Changed

The scene at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the surrounding area after the shootings shifted from chaos and panic to grief, anger, and calls for swift and aggressive action to prevent other school attacks.


Florida Lawmakers Approve Measure to Expand Vouchers for Private Schools

Florida lawmakers sent Gov. Ron DeSantis a Republican-crafted bill last week to create a new voucher program for students to attend private schools, including religious ones, using taxpayer dollars traditionally spent on public schools.


Florida Coach, Wife Electrocuted While Installing Scoreboard

Officials say a high school baseball coach and his wife were electrocuted while installing a new scoreboard at a Florida baseball field to replace one that had been destroyed by Hurricane Michael.


People Keep on Saying They're Killing the Common Core. How Dead Is It?

Florida's governor declares a standards overhaul would "remove all vestiges" of the common core. But it remains unclear how much is really changing under the Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking.


Florida governor orders schools closed rest of academic year


Florida sheriff defends keeping childhood shooting a secret


State offficials to review complaint against Florida sheriff


Ex-Florida sheriff's removal lawsuit dismissed