
[ASAP] Plasmonic Coupling of AgNPs near Graphene Edges: A Cross-Section Strategy for High-Performance SERS Sensing

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b05293


Last days of the Concorde: the crash of Flight 4590 and the end of supersonic passenger travel / Samme Chittum

Hayden Library - TL553.5.C486 2018


Science advice to NASA: conflict, consensus, partnership, leadership / Joseph K. Alexander

Barker Library - TL521.A333 no.4557


High-performance computing of big data for turbulence and combustion / Sergio Pirozzoli, Tapan K. Sengupta, editors

Online Resource


Using disaggregated socioeconomic data in air passenger demand studies / David Ballard, Laurie A. Garrow, and Geoffrey D. Gosling

Barker Library - HE9787.5.U5 U75 2019


Nonlinear kalman filter for multi-sensor navigation of unmanned aerial vehicle: application to guidance and navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles flying in a complex environment / Jean-Philippe Condomines

Barker Library - TL685.35.C66 2018


Design of trajectory optimization approach for space maneuver vehicle skip entry problems / Runqi Chai, Al Savvaris, Antonios Tsourdos, Senchun Chai

Online Resource


Unmanned Systems Technology XVIII: 20-21 April 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, United States / Robert E. Karlsen, Douglas W. Gage, Charles M. Shoemaker, Grant R. Gerhart, editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE

Online Resource


Air demand in a dynamic competitive context with the automobile / RSG, Inc., with Matthew Coogan, Mark Hansen, Richard Marchi, Nancy McGuckin, Megan Ryerson, Mike Welch

Barker Library - TL725.3.P3 A37 2019


For humanity or for the Umma?: aid and Islam in transnational Muslim NGOs / Marie Juul Petersen

Rotch Library - HD60.5.I74 P48 2015


Representing the nation: heritage, museums, national narratives, and identity in the Arab Gulf States / edited by Pamela Erskine-Loftus, Victoria Penziner Hightower, and Mariam Ibrahim Al-Mulla

Rotch Library - AM79.4.R47 2016


Creating consent in Baʻthist Syria: women and welfare in a totalitarian state / Esther Meininghaus

Rotch Library - DS98.4.M45 2016


History and culture of Odisha: a new look: in felicitation of Dr. P.K. Dandasena / editor, Baba Mishra

Rotch Library - DS485.O63 H57 2015


A system's evaluation of global history of Indian architecture / Joy Sen, Akshata Mohanty

Rotch Library - NA1501.S46 2016


Urban poverty in Turkey: development and modernisation in low-income communities / Burcu Şentürk

Rotch Library - HV4431.93.A5 S468 2016


The past as present: pedagogical practices in architecture at the Bombay School of Art / [curated by] Mustansir Dalvi ; designed by Puneet Bansal, Varada Phadkay, Amruta Gandhi, Aniket Risbud

Rotch Library - NA1501.P38 2016


Rethinking place in South Asian and Islamic art, 1500-present / edited by Deborah S. Hutton and Rebecca M. Brown

Rotch Library - N8236.P46 R48 2017


China's presence in the Middle East: the implications of the One Belt, One Road Initiative / edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Niv Horesh

Rotch Library - HF1604.Z4 M6284 2018


Interpreting Islam in China: pilgrimage, scripture, and language in the Han Kitab / Kristian Petersen

Rotch Library - BP63.C5 P48 2018


The Arab city: architecture and representation / edited by Amale Andraos and Nora Akawi ; with Caitlin Blanchfield

Rotch Library - NA2543.S6 A6274 2014


The western Christian presence in the Russias and Qājār Persia, c.1760-1870 / by Thomas S.R. O Flynn

Rotch Library - BV3030.F59 2016


Bones of contention: Muslim shrines in Palestine / Andrew Petersen

Rotch Library - BP187.55.P195 P48 2018


Fotoğraflarla dünden bugüne Kudüs: Jerusalem in photographs from past to present = al-Quds min khilāl al-ṣūr fī al-māḍī wa-al-ḥāḍir.

Rotch Library - DS109.2.F68 2015


Rūmselc̦uk Caravanserais of Anatolia / Else Marie Johansen

Rotch Library - NA1363.J64 2016


Mimar Sinan camileri ve İslam sanatında geometrik desenler: kare ve altıgen kurgulu desenler / Serap Ekizler Sönmez

Rotch Library - NA1373.S5 S66 2017


Dance in Iran: past and present / edited by Saloumeh Gholami

Rotch Library - GV1697.D363 2016


Cambodia's Muslims and the Malay world: Malay language, Jawi script, and Islamic factionalism from the 19th century to the present / by Philipp Bruckmayr

Rotch Library - BP63.A38 B78 2019


A saint in the city: Sufi arts of urban Senegal / Allen F. Roberts and Mary Nooter Roberts ; with Gassia Armenian and Ousmane Gueye

Rotch Library - BP195.M66 R66 2003


Chronologie de l'histoire du Maroc: (des temps préhistoriques à la fin du XXe siècle) / présentation et direction, Mohamed Kably

Rotch Library - DT314.C487 2013


Rabat: ou, Les heures marocaines / Jérome et Jean Tharaud ; présentation: Mohammed Kenbib

Rotch Library - DT329.R3 T5 2012


Expertise and architecture in the modern Islamic world: a critical anthology / edited by Peter H Christensen

Rotch Library - NA380.E59 2018


Diyarbakır'daki İslâm dönemi mimari yapılarında süsleme / Gülsen Baş

Rotch Library - NA3565.D49 B37 2013


Birth of a colonial city: Calcutta / Ranjit Sen

Rotch Library - DS486.C2 S387 2019


Le Maroc au XVIe siècle: au seuil de la modernité / Bernard Rosenberger

Rotch Library - DT313.7.R67 2018


The image debate: figural representation in Islam and across the world / edited by Christiane Gruber

Rotch Library - N7375.I43 2019


Photography in India: a visual history from the 1850s to the present / Nathaniel Gaskell ; Diva Gujral

Rotch Library - TR103.G37 2018


Travelling pasts: the politics of cultural heritage in the Indian Ocean world / edited by Burkhard Schnepel, Tansen Sen

Rotch Library - DS338.T73 2019


Kakuma refugee camp: humanitarian urbanism in Kenya's accidental city / Bram J. Jansen

Rotch Library - HV640.5.S8 J36 2018


Mahometan and Celestial's encyclopaedic guide to modernity: comprising a manual of useful instruction, essential to attainment of the urbane by the savage, the barbarous and the half-civilized alike / by Steven Flusty with Pauline C. Yu

Rotch Library - CB357.F58 2016


Memories of absence: how Muslims remember Jews in Morocco / Aomar Boum

Rotch Library - DS135.M8 B69 2013


Fresh fields and pastures new: papers presented in honor of Andrew M.T. Moore / edited by Katina T. Lillios & Michael Chazan

Rotch Library - GN776.25.F74 2016


Science among the Ottomans: the cultural creation and exchange of knowledge / Miri Shefer-Mossensohn

Rotch Library - Q127.T9 S54 2016


Tomb - memory - space: concepts of representation in premodern Christian and Islamic art / edited by Francine Giese, Anna Pawlak and Markus Thome

Rotch Library - NA6143.M43 2016


Possession: the curious history of private collectors from antiquity to the present / Erin L. Thompson

Rotch Library - DE60.T48 2016


In the presence of power: court and performance in the pre-modern Middle East / edited by Maurice A. Pomerantz and Evelyn Birge Vitz

Rotch Library - DS36.855.I45 2017


HUL eyes bigger market with VWash, seeks larger presence in pharmacies

On Monday, the company announced it was buying VWash, an intimate hygiene brand from Glenmark Pharmaceuticals


Air passenger traffic jumps 24% in Feb

Marking a growth of over 24 per cent in passengers number, domestic airlines flew 74.76 lakh people in February with majority of the carriers recording over 80 per cent seat occupancy. In February last year, the carriers had ferried 60.16 lakh passengers.


Sensex slumps to 3-week low, sinks 215 points

Market benchmark Sensex tumbled to a three-week low of 24,685.42 as investors pursed asset-light strategy on muted expectation of fourth quarter results amid bearish overseas cues on Federal Reserve highlighting the risks facing the global economy. The NSE Nifty also cracked below the 7,600-mark.


Sensex tanks 133 pts in early trade on Asian cues

The benchmark BSE Sensex lost 133 points to 25,571.97 in early trade on Thursday on sustained fund outflows amid weak trend at other Asian markets.


Sensex back on rails, up 127 points