
[ASAP] Substituted Azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptanes as Selective Orexin-1 Antagonists: Discovery of JNJ-54717793

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.0c00085


Inside Tangier: houses & gardens / Nicolò Castellini Baldissera ; photography, Guido Taroni ; foreword, Hamish Bowles

Rotch Library - NK2087.75.A1 B35 2019


Everyone's a critic: the ultimate cartoon book by the world's greatest cartoonists / Bob Eckstein, editor

Rotch Library - NC1426.E94 2020


A fragile inheritance: radical stakes in contemporary Indian art / Saloni Mathur

Rotch Library - N7304.M384 2019


Business and politics in Asia's key financial centres [electronic resource] : Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai / J.J. Woo

Woo, J. J. (Jun Jie), author


The Routledge handbook of collective responsibility [electronic resource] / edited by Saba Bazargan-Forward and Deborah Tollefsen


Public relations crisis communication [electronic resource] : a new model / Lisa Anderson-Meli and Swapna Koshy

Anderson-Meli, Lisa, author


Follow the signs [electronic resource] : archetypes of consciousness embodied in the signs of language / Rodney B. Sangster.

Sangster, Rodney B., 1942- author.


Bolaño: a biography in conversations / Monica Maristain ; translated by Kit Maude

Hayden Library - PQ8098.12.O38 Z74513 2014


Like a fading shadow: a novel / Antonio Muñoz Molina ; translated by Camilo A. Ramirez

Hayden Library - PQ6663.U4795 C6613 2017


Postcolonial Borges: argument and artistry / Robin Fiddian

Hayden Library - PQ7797.B635 Z7128 2017


The Iliac crest / Cristina Rivera Garza ; translated from the Spanish by Sarah Booker ; afterword by Elena Poniatowska

Hayden Library - PQ7298.28.I8982 C7413 2017


Enigmas / ofrecidos a la Casa del Placer [por] Juana Inés de la Cruz ; edición y estudio de Antonio Alatorre

Online Resource


El contenido social de la literatura cubana / José Antonio Portuondo

Online Resource


Improving Alternative Payment Models Through Program Monitoring: Observing the Impacts on Patients Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

We believe the value of program monitoring is in iteration. By combining live program administrative data with vetted measures of socioeconomic status, we help clients and stakeholders understand alternative payment models and make important improvements.


Invisible search and online search engines [electronic resource] : the ubiquity of search in everyday life / Jutta Haider and Olof Sundin.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019.


Event-driven mobile financial information services [electronic resource] : design of an intraday decision support system / Jan Muntermann

[Germany] : Deutscher Universit̃ts-Verlag : 2007


Evaluation of multilingual and multi-modal information retrieval [electronic resource] : 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 20-22, 2006 : revised selected papers / Carol Peters [and others] (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2007


Encyclopedia of cryptography and security [electronic resource] / editor-in-chief, Henk C.A. van Tilborg

New York : Springer, 2005


EndNote® 1-2-3 easy! [electronic resource] : reference management for the professional / Abha Agrawal

New York, NY : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., [2006]


Digital libraries [electronic resource] : achievements, challenges and opportunities : 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2006, Kyoto, Japan, November 27-30, 2006 : proceedings / Shigeo Sugimoto [and others] (eds.)

Berlin : Springer, [2006]


Digital libraries [electronic resource] : implementing strategies and sharing experiences : 8th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2005, Bangkok, Thailand, December 12-15, 2005 : proceedings / Edward A. Fox [and others] (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2005]


Digital Libraries [electronic resource] : International Collaboration and Cross-Fertilization 7th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2004, Shanghai, China, December 13-17, 2004. Proceedings / edited by Zhaoneng Chen, Hsinchun Chen

Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005


Digital libraries [electronic resource]: research and development : First International DELOS Conference, Pisa, Italy, February 13-14, 2007 : revised selected papers / Costantino Thanos, Francesca Borri, Leonardo Candela (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2007]


Context: nature, impact, and role [electronic resource] : 5th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Sciences, CoLIS 2005, Glasgow, UK, June 4-8, 2005 ; proceedings / Fabio Crestani, Ian Ruthven (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2005]


International organizations under pressure: legitimating global governance in challenging times / Klaus Dingwerth, Antonia Witt, Ina Lehmann, Ellen Reichel, and Tobias Weise

Dewey Library - JZ4839.D56 2019


The rise and fall of peacebuilding in the Balkans / Roberto Belloni

Online Resource


Global governance in transformation: challenges for international cooperation / Leonid Grigoryev, Adrian Pabst, editors

Online Resource


Postcolonial Maghreb and the limits of IR / Jessica da Silva C. de Oliveira

Online Resource


Hegemonía y democracia en disputa: Trump y la geopolítica del neoconservadurismo / Marco A. Gandásegui (hijo), Jaime Antonio Preciado Coronado (Coordinadores)

Online Resource


The European Union: facing the challenge of multiple security threats / edited by Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Anna Michalski, Niklas Nilsson, Lars Oxelheim

Dewey Library - JZ5588.E88 2018


Reasoning of state: realists, romantics and rationality in international relations / Brian C. Rathbun

Dewey Library - JZ1307.R37 2019


Filming the colonial past: the New Zealand wars on screen / Annabel Cooper

Hayden Library - PN1993.5.N45 C56 2018


(Post)colonial histories: trauma, memory and reconciliation in the context of the Angolan Civil War / Benedikt Jager, Steffi Hobuß (eds)

Hayden Library - PN1997.2.M897 P67 2017


Pop empires: transnational and diasporic flows of India and Korea / edited by S. Heijin Lee, Monika Mehta, and Robert Ji-Song Ku

Hayden Library - PN1993.5.I8 P655 2019


Post-production and the invisible revolution of filmmaking: from the silent era to synchronized sound / George Larkin

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.P7 L33 2019


Framing empire: postcolonial adaptations of Victorian literature in Hollywood / Jerod Ra'Del Hollyfield

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.I42 H65 2018


I am a feminist : claiming the f-word in turbulent times / Monique Polak ; illustrations by Meags Fitzgerald

Polak, Monique, author


Macrocyclization of 3-Triflyloxybenzynes with Tetrahydrofuran via Anionic Thia-Fries Rearrangement

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00135J, Communication
Chaorong Qi, Ruixiang Cheng, Wenfang Xiong, Lu Wang, Yanwei Ren, Huanfeng Jiang
A novel and uncommon macrocyclization reaction between 3-triflyloxybenzynes and tetrahydrofuran has been developed for the first time, providing a direct method for the synthesis of a range of functionalized 19-membered...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A fentanyl vaccine constructed upon opsonizing antibodies specific for the Galα1-3Gal epitope

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02107E, Communication
Jiaxing Wang, Beverly A Ellis, Bin Zhou, Lisa M. Eubanks, Steven Blake, Kim D Janda
A double conjugation strategy was implemented to produce an anti-fentanyl vaccine, which was predicated upon preformed-antibody-assisted antigen presentation. The new vaccine was found to reduce the psychoactive effects of fentanyl...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A convenient reagent for the conversion of aldoximes into nitriles and isonitriles

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00188K, Communication
Wei Zhang, Jin-Hong Lin, Pengfei Zhang, Ji-Chang Xiao
Described herein is the convenient transformation of aldoximes into nitriles or isonitriles by slightly modifying reaction conditions.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A highly active and robust iron quinquepyridine complex for photocatalytic CO2 reduction in aqueous acetonitrile solution

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01930E, Communication
Yanfei Qin, Lingjing Chen, Gui Chen, Zhenguo Guo, Lei Wang, Hongbo Fan, Marc Robert, Tai-Chu Lau
[Fe(qnpy)(H2O)2]2+ is a highly efficient and robust catalyst for visible-light-driven reduction of CO2 to CO, with a TON for CO of up to 14 095 and selectivity of 98% using Ru(phen)3Cl2 as photosensitizer and BIH as sacrificial reductant.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Rh(III)-catalyzed sequential ortho- C–H oxidative arylation/cyclization of sulfoxonium ylides with quinones toward 2-hydroxy-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-ones

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00176G, Communication
Yaqun Dong, Jin-Tao Yu, Song Sun, Jiang Cheng
A rhodium(III)-catalyzed ortho- C−H functionalization of sulfoxonium ylides followed by intramolecular annulation reactions with quinones is described, where the carbonyl in sulfoxonium ylides served as a chelation group. This protocol...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Electrospray Ionization: an efficient approach to deposit polymetallic molecular switches onto gold surfaces

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01906B, Communication
Amina Benchohra, Christophe Méthivier, david kreher, Jessem Landoulsi, rodrigue lescouezec
Electrospray ionization (EI) deposition is proven efficient in obtaining monolayers of a polymetallic charge transfer complex onto gold surfaces. The molecule’s integrity is monitored by PM-IRRAS and XPS. This approach...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Monitoring Protein Ubiquitination and SUMOylation in real-time by NMR

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02252G, Communication
Batul Ismail Habibullah, Vasvi Tripathi, Parag Surana, Ranabir Das
Ubiquitin (Ub) is a highly conserved 76-amino acid polypeptide that is abundant throughout the eukaryotes. The covalent conjugation of Ub and Ub polymers to substrate proteins governs a variety of...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


100 ideas that changed graphic design / Steven Heller and Veronique Vienne

Heller, Steven


Logo Design Love : : a guide to creating iconic brand identities / David Airey

Airey, David, 1979-


Neoplatonism and the philosophy of nature / edited by James Wilberding and Christoph Horn


Platonic architectonics : Platonic philosophies & the visual arts / John Hendrix

Hendrix, John Shannon


Annales bergsoniennes. IV, L'évolution créatrice 1907-2007 : épistémologie et métaphysique / édité et présenté par Anne Fagot-Largeault et Frédéric Worms, avec Arnaud François et Vincent Guil