
Looking for a fix for Asia's traffic woes -- by Yi Jiang

With no single cause, and no magic solution, the congestion of Asia’s cities requires government resolve and know-how to fix.


How to strengthen Asia’s financial safety net -- by Cyn-Young Park (朴信永), Peter Rosenkranz, James Villafuerte

Past financial crises have demonstrated how adequate financial safety net arrangements—globally, regionally, and nationally—are vital to safeguarding financial stability.


Cracking the secret code of international development work -- by Floyd Whaley

The over-use of acronyms turns the joy of reading into a tedious process of decoding. It also muddles the message of development communications.


Worsening climate emergency and tepid COP25 underscore need for urgent global action -- by Preety Bhandari

After a disappointing 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, there is a need to restore confidence that the intergovernmental process can deliver on mitigation, adaptation, and finance.


How can we help the millions displaced each year by disasters? -- by Steven Goldfinch, Rebekah Beatrice Ramsay

Governments in the region need to invest more in prevention and response to the long-term impacts of disaster displacement.


How Asia can ride the digital wave to spur financial development -- by Bambang Susantono

The ‘app economy’ provides potential risks and benefits for developing countries. The right policies are needed to bring out the best in these emerging economic trends.


It’s time to stem the tide of women’s under-employment -- by Uzma Hoque

In Sri Lanka, efforts need to be made to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education for girls to support their employment potential.


Markets key to Asia’s success -- by Takehiko Nakao

Despite variations across countries on policy mix and timing, a pragmatic focus on sustained growth, poverty reduction, and inclusiveness characterize Asia’s economic rise 


Think services, not only manufacturing -- by Matthias Helble, Sameer Khatiwada, Ben Shepherd

To offset the declining benefits of manufacturing, governments must increase the productivity of the services sector. This will boost growth and offer employment opportunities.


Three ways to improve the communication of development research -- by Cahyadi Indrananto

Practical approaches can improve how we promote development research, and increase uptake by policymakers


Money rules -- by Irfan A. Qureshi

A rules-based approach to monetary policy needs to be part of any discussion involving central bank policy.


Enhancing road safety with intelligent transport system technology -- by Pawan Karki

In recent years, particularly in many developing countries, road developers have failed to give sufficient consideration to road safety features in the design and construction of highways. As a result, these roads have become more deadly.


Why infrastructure governance matters -- by Bruno Carrasco, Edwin Lau

The delivery of services – such as clean water, reliable public transport, schools and hospitals – through economic and social infrastructure is among the most important functions of government. Resources must be well spent to ensure quality.


Data and the artificial intelligence gold rush: Who will win? -- by Ozzeir Khan

The exponential growth of data and artificial intelligence is creating a tug-of-war between data for profit and data for the common good. In this struggle, it is fundamental that we protect our basic human data rights.


The one thing resilient communities need most -- by Anushree Deb

To be resilient, urban poor and informal households need secure tenure, which is a household’s right to reside on the land on which they are living.


Here's how we can give a boost to the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific -- by Bart Édes

Asia and the Pacific is not where it needs to be to meet the Sustainable Development Goals but there remains a decade to make up for lost time.


Вот как мы можем повысить достижение ЦУР в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе -- by Bart Édes

Азия и Тихоокеанский регион находятся не там, где нужно для достижения ЦУР, но есть еще десять лет, чтобы наверстать упущенное время.


The world has lost a pioneer in the global effort to help the poor -- by Bart Édes

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed dedicated his life to social development, establishing practices that will continue to help the poor for decades to come.


Here are three ways to help small countries get the energy they need -- by Yoji Morishita

Complex, carefully managed financing structures can provide the funding needed for island states and others seeking to develop energy projects.


Taxing emissions in Singapore -- by Donghyun Park, Shu Tian, Mai Lin C. Villaruel

Singapore’s carbon tax is designed to maximize green investments while minimizing negative effects on the overall economy.


Đây là cách chúng ta có thể thúc đẩy các Mục tiêu Phát triển bền vững tại Châu Á và Thái Bình Dương -- by Bart Édes

Châu Á và Thái Bình Dương chưa có được tiến độ cần thiết để đạt được các Mục tiêu Phát triển Bền vững nhưng vẫn còn một thập niên để bù lại thời gian đã mất.


推动亚太地区实现可持续发展目标的举措 -- by Bart Édes



Leveling the playing field: Can digital technologies address inequity in cities? -- by Bambang Susantono

Throughout Asia and the world, digital solutions are being found for urban problems. Policymakers and city leaders should ensure that the poor do not get left behind in this digital transformation of cities.


Can the Pacific become the world’s first fossil-fuel-free zone? -- by Rafael Abbasov

With key reforms, Pacific states could move toward cleaner, more affordable sources of energy that eventually eliminate fossil fuels completely.


Asia’s growth engines need a tune up -- by Glenita Amoranto, Liming Chen, Eugenia Co Go

Asian cities act as engines of economic growth, providing jobs, expertise, and the sharing of resources. But in some cases, these powerful engines are sputtering due to insufficient infrastructure, inadequate planning, and poor governance.


Charting Sri Lanka's aging population -- by Utsav Kumar

These charts illustrate how Sri Lanka’s elderly population is increasing while the number of working-age people to help support them is declining. Forward-thinking policies are needed to address the challenges arising from this imbalance.


Building Viet Nam’s bridge to greater economic growth and development -- by Donald Lambert

There are three key strategies that can help Viet Nam achieve its ambitious development targets in the coming years.


Đây là cách để Việt Nam có thể tài trợ cho giai đoạn tăng trưởng tiếp theo -- by Donald Lambert

Ba chiến lược mấu chốt để Việt Nam có thể đạt được các mục tiêu phát triển đầy tham vọng trong những năm tới.


როგორ დავაჩქაროთ მდგრადი განვითარების მიზნების განხორციელება აზიასა და წყნარ ოკეანეთში -- by Bart Édes

აზიასა და წყნარი ოკეანის რეგიონში მდგრადი განვითარების მიზნების განხორციელება ნელი ტემპით მიდის, მაგრამ დაკარგული დროის ასანაზღაურებლად წინ კიდევ ერთი ათწლეულია.


Asia needs to get cooking when it comes to solar energy -- by Yongping Zhai (翟永平)

Solar power is helping Asia get electricity to people, particularly in rural and remote areas, but it has fallen behind in its use as a clean energy cooking source.


Getting out of a jam in Dhaka -- by Graham Dwyer

Bangladesh’s capital has some of the worst traffic in the world but a new rail system that will be able to carry an estimated 60,000 people an hour is providing hope.



公平游戏:数字技术能解决城市的不平等问题吗? -- by Bambang Susantono



How do we capture the digital economy in statistics? -- by Clara Delos Santos, Angelo Jose Lumba

By some estimates, the digital economy now accounts for trillions of dollars. But policymakers and companies still lack the data needed to fully understand it.


A new day for women and girls in Asia and the Pacific -- by Sonomi Tanaka, Zonibel Woods

Girls and women today have far more opportunities and role models than their mothers and grandmothers, but there is much more to be done.


Three ways to enhance student assessments -- by Sungsup Ra, Unika Shrestha

Developing a holistic national student assessment system can be a colossal undertaking but strategic measures can produce results.


Health care must be affordable and accessible, but also high quality -- by Valerie Shelly, Susann Roth, Kirthi Ramesh

Universal health coverage must be high quality to improve patients’ health outcomes


The right policies can help manage foreign debt in Asia -- by Irfan A. Qureshi

A high level of external debt is linked with decreased economic growth but there are policy options that can help economies keep growing.


Proper disposal of medical waste can help us cope with pandemics -- by Stephen Peters, Christine P. Chan

Medical waste disposal is a key part of pandemic planning and recovery that we must get right during the COVID-19 outbreak.


How can Asia avoid fallout if COVID-19 triggers a debt crunch? -- by Cyn-Young Park (朴信永)

Asia’s economies have generally maintained sound macroeconomic policies that can help the region withstand this latest challenge and emerge even stronger.


Правильная утилизация медицинских отходов может помочь нам справиться с пандемией -- by Stephen Peters, Christine P. Chan

Утилизация медицинских отходов является основной частью планирования в условиях пандемии и последующего восстановления, которую мы должны иметь прямо во время вспышки COVID-19.


Let's take bold action on health to avoid future pandemics -- by Susann Roth, Najibullah Habib

The COVID-19 pandemic could be an opportunity to take a more holistic approach to health and well-being, invest in health systems and in resilient supply chains.


In the Pacific, urgent action is the key to addressing COVID-19 -- by Emma Veve

Pacific nations, led by the smallest and least well-off, moved decisively to restrict travel from a fast-growing list of COVID-19 affected countries.


Leverage development experience to beat COVID-19 -- by Ramesh Subramaniam

COVID-19 is uncharted territory but development professionals bring a wealth of experience from past crises to rebuild lives, livelihoods, and economies. 


სამედიცინო ნარჩენების სწორი გატანა პანდემიებთან გამკლავებაში დაგვეხმარება -- by Stephen Peters, Christine P. Chan

სამედიცინო ნარჩენების გატანა პანდემიის წინააღმდეგ ბრძოლისა და ჯანდაცვის მნიშვნელოვანი ნაწილია, რაც კოვიდ-19-ის აფეთქებისას განსაკუთრებით გასათვალისწინებელია.


We need better social protection to safeguard the poor from COVID-19 -- by Amir Jilani

Millions of families who were already poor and vulnerable before the COVID-19 outbreak face impossible decisions about food, healthcare, and survival. We have a responsibility to act immediately and protect those most in need.


Давайте предпримем решительные действия в отношении здоровья, чтобы избежать будущих пандемий -- by Susann Roth, Najibullah Habib

Пандемия COVID-19 могла бы дать возможность использовать более целостный подход к здоровью и благополучию, инвестировать в системы здравоохранения и в устойчивые цепочки поставок.


The pandemic may break value chains, but solar energy can still shine -- by Yongping Zhai (翟永平)

COVID-19 has exposed the vulnerability of energy value chains but solar power could be an indigenous solution to keep the lights on during a crisis.


Asia and the Pacific can overcome COVID-19 by working together -- by Arjun Goswami

The Asia Pacific region is standing together to cooperate regionally to address the transnational threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Even with borders closing, we need to keep trade flowing -- by Steven Beck

The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the need to support trade to not only move medical supplies but also to bolster economies


Pandemic highlights the need to manage Asia’s debt problem -- by Bambang Susantono

Bank-held nonperforming loans in some Asian economies have risen in recent years. Policy makers should address this growing risk now.