
Fundamentals of human resources management [electronic resource] : a practical guide for today's HR professional / Diane Arthur

Arthur, Diane, author


Fundamental statistics for the social and behavioral sciences / Howard T. Tokunaga

Tokunaga, Howard, author


Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences / David C. Howell

Howell, David C., author


Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology: Microfossils / Sreepat Jain

Online Resource


Geothermal well test analysis: fundamentals, applications and advanced techniques / Sadiq J. Zarrouk, Katie McLean

Online Resource


Fundamentals of hydrology / Tim Davie and Nevil Wyndham Quinn

Barker Library - GB661.2.D38 2019


Narco-terrorist held; funded terror in J&K

The NIA said that the agency along with Punjab and Haryana police arrested Ranjit Singh, allegedly a notorious narco-terrorist, on Saturday as he was acting as a conduit for Pakistan-based groups to push drugs into India and the money generated was used for terror activities. Singh, who has been on the run for nearly a year, was arrested from Sirsa, the NIA said.


NIA arrests narco-terrorist linked to terror funding in J&K

The NIA said that the agency along with Punjab and Haryana police arrested Ranjit Singh, allegedly a notorious narco-terrorist, on Saturday as he was acting as a conduit for Pakistan-based groups to push drugs into India and the money generated was used for terror activities. Singh, who has been on the run for nearly a year, was arrested from Sirsa, the NIA said.


The nature of the methylamine–MAPbI3 complex: fundamentals of gas-induced perovskite liquefaction and crystallization

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0TA02494E, Paper
Dmitry Bogachuk, Lukas Wagner, Simone Mastroianni, Michael Daub, Harald Hillebrecht, Andreas Hinsch
In this work we scrutinize the exact interaction mechanisms between methylamine and perovskite based on extensive experimental evidence.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Welding fundamentals and processes / Prepared under the direction of the ASM International Handbook Committee

Hayden Library - TA459.A5171 1990 v.6A


The rare earth elements: fundamentals and applications / editor, David A. Atwood, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Hayden Library - QD172.R2 R265 2012


Apple, tree: writers on their parents / edited and with an introduction by Lise Funderburg

Hayden Library - PS129.A67 2019


Concepts in pharmacogenomics: fundamentals and therapeutic applications in personalized medicine / [edited by] Martin M. Zdanowicz

Online Resource


Disney Conservation Fund Helps Bat Conservation International Support Wildlife and the Environment

Press Release:

Disney Conservation Fund Helps Bat Conservation International Support Wildlife and the Environment

[Austin, Texas, November 26, 2019] – Bat Conservation International (BCI) has been awarded a grant by the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) to stop the rapid population decline of the endangered Mexican long-nosed bat in northern Mexico. As part of this work, BCI’s bi-national team of experts will lead a series of community-based conservation activities aimed at identifying, protecting, and restoring agave habitat – the key food source for this nectar feeding bat. By harnessing community support, this large-scale initiative will help save the Mexican long-nosed bat by establishing robust ‘nectar corridors’ that the bats can use during their annual migration from Central Mexico to the southwestern U.S.

The fund has been supporting local efforts around the world aimed at saving wildlife, inspiring action and protecting the planet with nearly $86 million distributed to nonprofit organizations since 1995.

Dr. Jon Flanders, Director, BCI’s Endangered Species Intervention Project explains the importance of this work: “This initiative builds on the success of previous work aimed at protecting important cave roosts for this endangered species of bat. Focusing our efforts on protecting and restoring agave habitat in northern Mexico marks a significant step in our conservation efforts to save this species from extinction, none of which would have been possible without the ongoing support of the Disney Conservation Fund.”

DCF grant recipients are selected based on their efforts to implement comprehensive community wildlife conservation programs, stabilize and increase populations of at-risk animals and engage communities in conservation in critical ecosystems around the world.

For information on Disney’s commitment to conserve nature and a complete list of grant recipients, visit

About Bat Conservation International

The mission of Bat Conservation International is to conserve the world’s bats and their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet. For more information visit

Media Contact: Javier Folgar
Bat Conservation International
Tel: 512.327.9721 ext. 410



Hyperspectral remote sensing: fundamentals and practices / Ruiliang Pu

Online Resource


Introduction to GIS programming and fundamentals with Python and ArcGIS / Chaowei Yang ; with the collaboration of Manzhu Yu [and seven others]

Rotch Library - G70.212.Y36 2017


Fundamentals of software startups: essential engineering and business aspects / Anh Nguyen-Duc, Jürgen Münch, Rafael Prikladnicki, Xiaofeng Wang, Pekka Abrahamsson, editors

Online Resource


Open-channel microfluidics: fundamentals and applications / Jean Berthier, Ashleigh B. Theberge and Erwin Berthier

Online Resource


Thermodynamics: fundamental principles and applications / Antonio Saggion, Rossella Faraldo, Matteo Pierno

Online Resource


Mechatronic systems, sensors and actuators: fundamentals and modeling / Robert H. Bishop

Online Resource


Ferroic Materials for Smart Systems: From Fundamentals to Device Applications

Presents state-of-the-art knowledge?from basic insights to applications?on ferroic materials-based devices

This book covers the fundamental physics, fabrication methods, and applications of ferroic materials and covers bulk, thin films, and nanomaterials. It provides a thorough overview of smart materials and systems involving the interplays among the mechanical strain, electrical polarization, magnetization, as well as heat and light. Materials presented



Fundamentals of Heat Engines: Reciprocating and Gas Turbine Internal Combustion Engines


Summarizes the analysis and design of today’s gas heat engine cycles

This book offers readers comprehensive coverage of heat engine cycles. From ideal (theoretical) cycles to practical cycles and real cycles, it gradually increases in degree of complexity so that newcomers can learn and advance at a logical pace, and so instructors can tailor their courses toward each class level. To facilitate the transition from one type of cycle to another, it offers



Wireless Connectivity: An Intuitive and Fundamental Guide


Wireless Connectivity: An Intuitive and Fundamental Guide

Wireless connectivity has become an indispensable part, a commodity associated with the way we work and play. The latest developments, the 5G, next-generation Wi-Fi and Internet of Things connectivity, are the key enablers for widespread digitalization of practically all industries and public sector segments. This immense development within the last three decades have been accompanied by a large



Ferroic Materials for Smart Systems: From Fundamentals to Device Applications

Presents state-of-the-art knowledge?from basic insights to applications?on ferroic materials-based devices

This book covers the fundamental physics, fabrication methods, and applications of ferroic materials and covers bulk, thin films, and nanomaterials. It provides a thorough overview of smart materials and systems involving the interplays among the mechanical strain, electrical polarization, magnetization, as well as heat and light. Materials presented



[ASAP] 3D Extracellular Matrix Mimics: Fundamental Concepts and Role of Materials Chemistry to Influence Stem Cell Fate

DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.0c00045


Language, meaning, and use in Indian philosophy: an introduction to Mukula's Fundamentals of the communicative function / Malcolm Keating

Dewey Library - P325.M763 K43 2019


Fundamentals of galaxy dynamics, formation and evolution / Ignacio Ferreras

Hayden Library - QB810.F37 2019


Centre stops releasing MPLADS fund for last year

Facing a severe fund crunch, the Centre has put brakes on releasing the second instalment of MPs' local area development scheme fund for the last financial year.


Withdraw decision to stop MPLADS funding: DMK


The nature of emotion: fundamental questions / edited by Andrew S. Fox [and three others]

Hayden Library - BF531.N38 2018


Conscious: a brief guide to the fundamental mystery of the mind / Annaka Harris

Hayden Library - BF311.H3527 2019


[ASAP] Heterogeneous Single-Atom Photocatalysts: Fundamentals and Applications

Chemical Reviews
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00840


[ASAP] Fundamentals and Applications of Photo-Cross-Linking in Bioprinting

Chemical Reviews
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00812


[ASAP] Mass Spectrometry-Based Protein Footprinting for Higher-Order Structure Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications

Chemical Reviews
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00815


Plasma catalysis: fundamentals and applications / Xin Tu, J. Christopher Whitehead, Tomohiro Nozaki, editors

Online Resource


Reverse phase protein arrays: from technical and analytical fundamentals to applications / Tesshi Yamada, Satoshi S. Nishizuka, Gordon B. Mills, Lance A. Liotta, editors

Online Resource


Fundamental polymer science Ulf W. Gedde, Mikael S. Hedenqvist

Online Resource


Analytical Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence: From Fundamentals to Bioassays / edited by Neso Sojic

Online Resource


Nitroxides: brief history, fundamentals, and recent developments / Gertz I. Likhtenshtein

Online Resource


Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy: fundamentals / Patrick Bertrand

Online Resource


Bioresorbable polymers for biomedical applications: from fundamentals to translational medicine / edited by Giuseppe Perale and Jöns Hilborn

Online Resource


Fundamentals of clinical data science Pieter Kubben, Michel Dumontier, Andre Dekker, editors

Online Resource


Pharmaceutical biotechnology: fundamentals and applications / Daan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm, editors

Online Resource


Fundamental biomaterials: polymers / Sabu Thomas, Preetha Balakrishnan, Sreekala M.S., editors

Online Resource


Laser-tissue interactions: fundamentals and applications / Markolf H. Niemz

Online Resource


Fundamental biomaterials. edited by Preetha Balakrishnan, Sreekala M S, Sabu Thomas

Hayden Library - R857.M3 F87 2018


Biotechnology fundamentals / Firdos Alam Khan

Online Resource


Molecular nanomagnets: fundamental understanding / Heike C. Herper, Barbara Brena, Carla Puglia, Sumanta Bhandary, Heiko Wende, Olle Eriksson, Biplab Sanyal

Online Resource


Cyclometalated Ir(III) Complexes Towards Blue-Emissive Dopant for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Fundamentals of Photophysics and Designing Strategies

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0QI00001A, Review Article
Sunhee Lee, Won-Sik Han
The main difficulties hindering development of a deep-blue phosphorescent cyclometalated Ir(III) complex are insufficient colour purity, i.e., failure to achieve ideal Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (0.14, 0.09),...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry