chris Why I'm an Orthodox Christian (with Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick) By Published On :: 2020-09-17T19:37:40+00:00 As an Orthodox Christian, you're often the only one in the room. How do you share your faith in Christ with others? Why are you an Orthodox Christian (rather than part of some other tradition)? Father Andrew Stephen Damick joins Steve again as they share 4 basics reasons they're Orthodox Christians. Full Article
chris Dear Class of 2020 (w/ Christina Andresen) By Published On :: 2020-09-17T20:02:41+00:00 Graduation ceremonies across the country have been cancelled. The Church is here to honor you! But we're not simply honoring your grades or extracurriculars. Steve is joined by Christina Andresen (Director of Ministries for Orthodox Christian Fellowship) to explore how Pentecost can shape our graduation celebration. Because you are called to be the hands of God in a world that needs healing. And you've received the gift of the Holy Spirit to prepare you to be a prophetic voice in the world. Have you been struggling with changes to your life the last few months? We've prepared a "Healthy Human" Journal with guided questions to help you stay healthy: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Get your free "Healthy Human" PDF here: Full Article
chris How Christians Can Save Politics By Published On :: 2020-09-29T01:37:06+00:00 “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5) Politics are toxic and the world seems full of darkness. Is our job, as Christians, to fight that darkness? We'll review the advice of two greats saints (St Isaac the Syrian and St Poprhyrios of Kavsokalyvia) to see how we can bring the Light of Christ into a world darkened by toxic politics. As a special bonus, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn. Full Article
chris Why People Stop Being Christians (and What We Can Do About It) By Published On :: 2020-10-20T00:34:57+00:00 “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16) Adults fear that young people will grow up and stop being Christians. But no one ever fears that a kid will stop rooting for their favorite sports team. Why? We'll look at how the life of a sports fan can challenge the way we share the Faith with others. Because our goal isn't simply to make people loyal to our religion: it's to give them a taste of holiness and inspire them to be saints. If we're going to raise people to be faithful Orthodox Christians, we need to start here. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: Full Article
chris How Should Orthodox Christians Preach the Gospel? By Published On :: 2020-11-03T21:19:09+00:00 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) Orthodox Christianity is perhaps the best-kept secret in America. Why? And how can we help share the Good News? We'll change the way we think about evangelism and learn two principles that should shape the way we introduce other people to Jesus Christ. Because there’s a close connection between being the Lord’s witnesses and being close to the Lord. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: Full Article
chris 3 Ways Christians Can Deal with Temptation By Published On :: 2020-11-10T22:06:03+00:00 “Thoughts are like airplanes flying in the air. If you ignore them, there is no problem. If you pay attention to them, you create an airport inside your head and permit them to land!” (Saint Paisios the Athonite) Does having bad thoughts make you a bad person? What should Christians do with the temptations we experience? The Church refers to these thoughts as logismoi: the thoughts that tempt us and can lead us into sin. And Christians have been dealing with these temptations from the beginning. In fact, Jesus Himself had these same thoughts. Yet He overcame them. And so can you. Steve shares three simple keys to handling temptations and staying focused on Jesus Christ. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn. Full Article
chris The Meaning of Christmas (and How to Share It) By Published On :: 2020-12-22T15:15:19+00:00 “What shall I say! And how shall I describe this Birth to you? For this wonder fills me with astonishment. The Ancient of Days has become an infant. He Who sits upon the sublime and heavenly Throne, now lies in a manger. And He Who cannot be touched, Who is simple, without complexity, and incorporeal, now lies subject to the hands of men....” (St John Chrysostom) In the Church, we call Christmas "the Nativity According to the Flesh of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ." Because it's the day we celebrate the very Son of God taking on flesh and becoming human for our sake: the Lord's Incarnation. This is when we celebrate the coming of the Philanthropos, the "Lover of Mankind." A season when we are called to be philanthropists ourselves and be a loving, healing presence in a troubled and mixed-up world. Christmas spirit is more than a theme we see in movies like "The Christmas Chronicles." It's something we can share in our everyday lives: in concrete ways for the life of the world. Christ is Born! Glorify Him! As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: Full Article
chris What is Real Christian Faith? (Sunday of Saint John Climacus) By Published On :: 2021-04-06T13:54:27+00:00 “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9: 24) We often think of faith as meaning either "certainty" (confidence that some idea is true) or "religiosity" (participation in a group's activities). But the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent is dedicated to Saint John Climacus, and the top rung of his "Ladder of Divine Ascent" describes faith. The Church presents faith in much deeper terms than we often admit. We'll learn by looking at how Abraham was faithful to God, while the disciples weren't. Because real faith is about placing ourselves in God's hands. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook ( to help you act on what you'll learn. You'll find a coupon code for "Effective Christian Ministry" in this week's workbook. Full Article
chris Our New Life in Christ (Pascha) By Published On :: 2021-04-26T21:11:17+00:00 "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8) Pascha is the start of a new liturgical year in the Church, with new readings from the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel according to John. It also shows us what it means to be made new in Christ: to find new (and true) life in connection with our Lord. The Gospel and Epistle readings present St John the Forerunner and the first Christians as beautiful examples of what this new life looks like. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: Full Article
chris Pointing the Way to Christ (and a Goodbye from Steve) By Published On :: 2022-08-28T02:24:16+00:00 We've spent the last two episodes exploring how the internet shifts our attention from Christ and makes it harder than ever to be holy. In this episode, we're going to say goodbye by pointing to three things that need to shape the future of our homes and communities. We need to encounter Christ, embody the Church, and engage the world in His name. Full Article
chris Who Is A Christian? By Published On :: 2014-03-15T20:52:58+00:00 Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick is Kevin's guest as they discuss what it means to be a Christian in light of the thousands of Christian denominations. Fr. Andrew is the host of two podcasts on AFR and the author of the Conciliar Press book Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy. Full Article
chris A Christian in Egypt By Published On :: 2014-03-15T20:55:57+00:00 Ancient Faith Radio presents a special edition of Ancient Faith Today with Kevin Allen – A Christian in Egypt. Kevin interviews a Coptic Christian in Cairo by telephone to get a first hand report on what has been happening in this troubled country over the last several days and weeks. For his own safety, we use only his first name. Full Article
chris What Christ Accomplished For Us By Published On :: 2014-03-15T20:57:25+00:00 Guest host Fr. Steve Tsichlis welcomes Dr. Clark Carlton to discuss the Orthodox view of redemption. Full Article
chris Christian Persecution: A Conspiracy of Silence By Published On :: 2014-03-15T20:58:03+00:00 Host Kevin Allen talks with Faith McDonnell and Ralph H. Sidway about the rising tide of Christian intolerance and genocide—the intentional killing of people for their Christian faith—and why global Christophobia is rarely covered by Western media or addressed by the United Nations. Faith McDonnell is the Director of Religious Liberty Programs at the Institute for Religion and Democracy and the author of the book Girl Soldier: A Story of Hope for Northern Uganda's Children. Her blog is titled "Juicy Ecumenism." Ralph H. Sidway is the author of Facing Islam and the blog of the same name. Full Article
chris Christianity and Same-Sex Attraction By Published On :: 2014-03-15T21:03:02+00:00 Dr. Philip Mamalakis and Andrew Williams, the creators and facilitators of “Finding the freedom to live in the image of God,” a new therapeutic program based on Orthodox principles for sexual addictions and sex-related issues. Full Article
chris Christianity and Bioethics By Published On :: 2014-03-15T21:03:39+00:00 Kevin's guest is Fr John Breck, theologian of the OCA specializing in Scripture and ethics, and the topic is "Orthodox Bioethics: Contraception, Stem Cells, and Reproductive Technologies." Full Article
chris A Christian Ending By Published On :: 2014-03-15T21:05:52+00:00 Guest: Deacon J. Mark Barna, author of A Christian Ending: A Handbook For Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition, speaks about dying, death, the movement toward natural burial, and dealing with grief from the perspective of the ancient Orthodox Christian tradition. Full Article
chris The Humanity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ By Published On :: 2014-03-15T21:06:30+00:00 Guest: The V. Rev. Patrick Henry Reardon, pastor of All Saints Antiochian Orthodox Church, Senior Editor of Touchstone magazine, AFR podcaster, and author of the newly released The Jesus We Missed: The Surprising Truth About the Humanity of Christ, speaks about the often misunderstood human nature of Christ just two days before His Advent celebration! Full Article
chris Mormonism and Orthodox Christianity By Published On :: 2014-03-15T21:06:52+00:00 Chris Ionna Holland, an ex-Evangelical who was drawn to Mormonism as a teenager and (later) returned to her traditional Christian roots before becoming an Orthodox Christian (and taught how to evangelize Mormons), and Andrew Gusty (M.D.), a cradle Mormon, Temple worthy, an LDS High Priest, and Second Counselor to the Bishop, discuss their unique perspectives with Kevin Allen about Mormon theology, doctrines, and practices, as well as why they left the Mormon faith and became Eastern Orthodox Christians. Full Article
chris Pentecostalism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity By Published On :: 2014-06-14T03:16:17+00:00 Father Barnabas Powell talks about why he left Pentecostalism, why he was drawn to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, and how he and the Orthodox tradition view this contemporary Christian movement. Full Article
chris Addiction, Recovery, and Orthodox Christianity By Published On :: 2015-02-08T02:58:24+00:00 Fr. George Aquaro, author of the blog "Orthodoxy and Recovery," and Dr. Albert Rossi, a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of New York, discuss addiction and ways to overcome it. Full Article
chris Islam: Through the heart and mind of a convert to Orthodox Christianity - Part 1 By Published On :: 2015-10-19T22:10:51+00:00 In this two-part interview Kevin's guest is "George," who became a Sunni Muslim at age 14 and studied to become an Imam at a madrasa, studying Quran, Arabic language, Islamic theology, hadith, and jurisprudence. He left Islam and became an Orthodox Christian 20 years later. Among other things, Kevin and his guest discuss Islamic theology, common misunderstandings of Christianity by Muslims, differences between "orthodox" Islam and the Nation of Islam, the true understanding and practice in Islam of slavery and jihad, and the extraordinary journey that led "George" to Orthodox Christianity. Full Article
chris We Wish You an Ascetic Christmas! Understanding the Ascetic Struggle in Orthodoxy By Published On :: 2015-12-01T03:43:09+00:00 For most people in our society the Christmas season is a time of celebration, with holiday parties, and unleashed consumerism. For Orthodox Christians however the Advent Season is a time of fasting, prayer and ascetic struggle. Why? In this edition of Ancient Faith Today, host Kevin Allen discusses with Father Gregory Jensen, author of the book The Cure for Consumerism, the reason for the ascetic struggle for Orthodox Christians. Full Article
chris Islam: Through the heart and mind of a convert to Orthodox Christianity - Part 2 By Published On :: 2016-01-24T01:25:48+00:00 In this two-part interview Kevin's guest is "George," who became a Sunni Muslim at age 14 and studied to become an Imam at a madrasa, studying Quran, Arabic language, Islamic theology, hadith, and jurisprudence. He left Islam and became an Orthodox Christian 20 years later. Among other things, Kevin and his guest discuss Islamic theology, common misunderstandings of Christianity by Muslims, differences between "orthodox" Islam and the Nation of Islam, the true understanding and practice in Islam of slavery and jihad, and the extraordinary journey that led "George" to Orthodox Christianity. Full Article
chris An Orthodox Christian Leads the Fight Against Human Trafficking By Published On :: 2016-01-30T18:22:20+00:00 One of the great evils of all times is slavery and in this time human trafficking. Unknown to many an Antiochian Orthodox Christian has dedicated his life to educating the public and ending this evil practice. In this episode host Kevin Allen speaks about human trafficking with Tony Nassif Jr, the President of the Cedars Cultural and Educational Foundation. He also produces national Preventing Abuse Conferences which focuses on preventing human trafficking and child abduction. Full Article
chris Surviving College as an Orthodox Christian By Published On :: 2016-01-31T20:40:15+00:00 In America Christianity is losing its youth, especially when they enter college and university. This is the case across all Christian faith traditions. Two recent studies conducted by both the Barna Group and USA Today found that nearly 75 percent of Christian young people fall away from the faith between the ages of 18 and 22. In this program, host Kevin Allen discusses with his guest Emma Solak, an Orthodox Christian university student and active member of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship—a pan-Orthodox Christian campus ministry—he challenges today’s Christian students face in college and our increasingly secular culture, and ways to stay strong in the faith. Full Article
chris Orthodox Christianity and Politics By Published On :: 2016-07-17T05:57:15+00:00 As we enter the election cycle in 2016 what biblical principles or Church canons should be priorities in selecting candidates and supporting party platforms? Should Christian teachings, moral and bio-ethical teaching and Orthodox canons be disregarded in a contemporary secular society? Kevin’s guest is George E. Demacopolous, a Professor of Theology and the Fr. John Meyendorff and Patterson Family Chair of Orthodox Christian Studies, as well as the Co-Director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University in New York. Full Article
chris ‘Mindfulness' Meditation from an Orthodox Christian Perspective By Published On :: 2016-09-12T13:59:22+00:00 We are seeing eastern meditation and mind-body practices like hatha yoga, tai chi, qi gong; and mindfulness-based therapy gaining wide credibility and attracting more and more adherents. Whether we as Orthodox should adopt eastern spiritual mind-body practices is a matter of great debate in the Orthodox Church. In this edition of Ancient Faith Today, Kevin discusses with his guest Christopher Kies what “Mindfulness” meditation is in its secular and Buddhist spiritual contexts; the Orthodox Christian correlative approach of Nipsis or Watchfulness; how they differ in goals and approaches; and whether formal Mindfulness meditation practices are appropriate for Orthodox Christians. Full Article
chris In Christ By Published On :: 2015-12-17T22:20:13+00:00 St. Paul and the one formerly called Legion give us some ideas. Full Article
chris Christians Must Be Different By Published On :: 2015-12-17T22:46:37+00:00 So you're doing well are you? Ooops! Christians are required to be different. Full Article
chris Killing Christ! By Published On :: 2015-12-19T17:24:20+00:00 Both Herod and Apostle Paul attempted to kill Christ Jesus. We often do also! Full Article
chris Christ's Gifts By Published On :: 2015-12-19T17:40:37+00:00 The Holy Spirit distributes gifts to the members of the Church to equip us all for the task the Lord has set us. Full Article
chris Slavery to Sin, Freedom in Christ By Published On :: 2015-12-26T19:51:32+00:00 We can be enslaved by a multitude of things, expectations and the evil one himself. Alternatively we can be slaves of Christ and receive the freedom that comes with that. "I call you my friends" He said. Full Article
chris Christ is Born! Glorify Him! By Published On :: 2015-12-27T13:54:39+00:00 So whilst the Magi saw a star and the shepherds saw angels what did most people see? Nothing! Just like now! So be an angel, become a star. Full Article
chris The Body and Blood of Christ By Published On :: 2016-05-16T13:37:57+00:00 St. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus go to Pilate and ask for the Bloodied Body of the Lord. Full Article
chris The Circumcision of Christ By Published On :: 2017-01-04T14:48:17+00:00 St. Luke (2: 20-21, 40-52) treats us to a meditation on the two natures of Jesus Christ: Fully God - Fully Man. So does St. Paul writing to the Colossians (2: 8-12). Why? They both want you to know that your Salvation is found entirely in Him. Full Article
chris Following Christ By Published On :: 2017-06-20T14:02:50+00:00 Who follows Christ and who stays behind? Full Article
chris Convulsing at the Feet of Christ By Published On :: 2019-04-12T18:47:44+00:00 Coming to Christ can be a painful experience. Full Article
chris Ashamed of Christ? By Published On :: 2019-12-18T01:14:40+00:00 Full Article
chris Christ the Career Wrecker! By Published On :: 2020-01-03T01:05:26+00:00 Full Article
chris Christ who is our Life… By Published On :: 2020-01-24T21:04:11+00:00 Full Article
chris A Soldier of Christ! By Published On :: 2020-06-03T21:50:42+00:00 Watch, be steadfast in the Faith, be brave, be strong. Let everything you do be done in love. Full Article
chris Christ our Treasure By Published On :: 2020-11-23T17:35:25+00:00 Full Article
chris Christ who is our life ... By Published On :: 2020-12-16T22:28:56+00:00 Full Article
chris Running to Christ! By Published On :: 2021-06-30T05:39:32+00:00 Full Article
chris Come Follow Christ By Published On :: 2022-01-20T21:37:22+00:00 Full Article
chris Come Follow Christ By Published On :: 2022-01-25T18:08:59+00:00 Full Article
chris Jesus Christ shall give you Light! By Published On :: 2022-02-09T20:29:43+00:00 Full Article
chris The effect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ By Published On :: 2022-11-02T17:12:06+00:00 Full Article