
Court and cosmos: the great age of the Seljuqs / Sheila R. Canby, Deniz Beyazit, Martina Rugiadi, and A.C.S. Peacock ; with contributions by Alzahraa K. Ahmed [and 5 others]

Rotch Library - N7163.C68 2016


The Middle East economies in times of transition / Edited by Ishac Diwan (Dauphine University and the Paris School of Economics, France) and Ahmed Galal (Economic Research Forum (ERF))

Rotch Library - HC415.15.M525 2016


Crowds and Sultans: Urban Protest in Late Medieval Egypt and Syria / Amina Elbendary

Rotch Library - DT96.E53 2015


Laughter in occupied Palestine: comedy and identity in art and film / Chrisoula Lionis

Rotch Library - DS112.L659 2016


Media, revolution and politics in Egypt: the story of an uprising / Abdalla F. Hassan

Rotch Library - P92.E35 H37 2015


The origins of visual culture in the Islamic world: aesthetics, art and architecture in early Islam / Mohammed Hamdouni Alami

Rotch Library - N6260.H34 2015


Public culture and Islam in modern Egypt: media, intellectuals and society / Hatsuki Aishima

Rotch Library - DT70.A57 2016


Medieval Islamic maps: an exploration / Karen C. Pinto

Rotch Library - GA221.P56 2016


In the shadow of the church: the building of mosques in early medieval Syria / by Mattia Guidetti

Rotch Library - NA4670.G84 2017


Youth activism in Egypt: Islamism, political protest and revolution / Ahmed Tohamy

Rotch Library - HQ799.E3 T64 2016


Generation M: young Muslims changing the world / Shelina Janmohamed

Rotch Library - BP188.18.Y68 J35 2016


A book of conquest: the Chachnama and Muslim origins in South Asia / Manan Ahmed Asif

Rotch Library - BP173.7.A4835 2016


Muslim rule in medieval India: power and religion in the Delhi Sultanate / Fouzia Farooq Ahmed

Rotch Library - DS457.A36 2016


Les maîtres de l'eau: histoire de l'hydraulique arabe / Mohammed El Faïz

Rotch Library - TC114.E543 2005


Spaces on the move and obliteration of identities: rebirth of space and identity / Tuğba Aydin, Mohammed Belbacha, Abdella El Boubekri, Mohamed Dellal, Mohamed Elkouche, editors = Herekeltli Mekanlar ve Aşınan Kimlikler: Mekan ve Kimliğin Yeniden Doğuşu

Rotch Library - BF697.S68 2015


Patrimoine culturel de l'eau: cities and settlements, temples and tanks in the medieval landscape of central India / editors, Michael Willis, Pankaj Rag, O.P. Misra ; associate editor, Doria Tichit

Rotch Library - DS485.C34 P38 2013


Jardins du Maroc, d'Espagne et du Portugal: un art de vivre partagé / Mohammed El Faïz, Manuel Gómez Anuarbe, Teresa Portela Marques

Rotch Library - NA7466.M8 E427 2003


Tamta's world: the life and encounters of a medieval noblewoman from the Middle East to Mongolia / Antony Eastmond

Rotch Library - BP172.E37 2017


Practising diplomacy in the Mamluk Sultanate: gifts and material culture in the medieval Islamic world / Doris Behrens-Abouseif

Rotch Library - DT96.B447 2016


Tehran: life within walls: a city, its territory, and forms of dwelling / Hamed Khosravi, Amir Djalali, Francesco Marullo ; foreword, Salomon Frausto ; afterword, Michiel Riedijk

Rotch Library - NA1487.T44 K47 2017


Per capire oggi il medio oriente: l'ISIS spiegata ai giovani / Terence Ward ; traduzione dall'inglese, Carla Serantoni

Rotch Library - HV6431.W3716 2017


Shared identities: medieval and modern imaginings of Judeo-Islam / Aaron W. Hughes

Rotch Library - BP173.J8 H84 2017


The effect of the 1958 New York Convention on Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Arab Gulf States / by Reyadh Mohamed Seyadi

Rotch Library - KMC136.P76 S49 2017


Islam and peace-building in the Asia-Pacific / edited by Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman, S. Ragaratnam School of International Studies, NTU, Singapore

Rotch Library - BP171.I845 2018


The fire, the star and the cross: minority religions in medieval and early modern Iran / Aptin Khanbaghi

Rotch Library - BL2270.K47 2017


Archiprix Ahmedabad 2017: world's best graduation projects.

Rotch Library - NA687.A73 2017


Protests and generations: legacies and emergences in the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean / edited by Mark Muhannad Ayyash, Ratiba Hadj-Moussa

Rotch Library - DS63.123.P76 2017


Migration in the western Mediterranean: space, mobility, and borders / edited by Laure-Anne Bernes, Hassan Bousetta and Caroline Zickgraf

Rotch Library - JV7590.M4864 2018


A restoration story: Şeyh Süleyman Masjid (Turkey-Italy Collaboration of Restoration Approach / MED-ART, transnational cooperation for cultural heritage preservation, Seyh Süleyman Mescidi Restorasyonu ve Eğitim Projesi = Restoration of Şeyh S&#

Rotch Library - NA4670.R47 2017


LIbya's hidden pages of history: a memoir / Mustafa Ahmed ben-Halim, former Prime Minister of Libya ; translation by Leslie McLoughlin

Rotch Library - DT235.B5313 2014


Monsoon Islam: trade and faith on the medieval Malabar Coast / Sebastian R. Prange, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Rotch Library - BP63.I42 P73 2018


The mosaics of the Norman Stanza in Palermo: a study of Byzantine and medieval Islamic palace decoration / by David Knipp

Rotch Library - NA3792.N67 K55 2017


Eastern Mediterranean port cities: a study of Mersin, Turkey -- from antiquity to modernity / Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, Eyüp Özveren, Tülin Selvi Ünlü, editors

Rotch Library - DR741.M4 E37 2019


Migrations, arts and postcoloniality in the Mediterranean / Celeste Ianniciello

Rotch Library - N8214.5.M48 I23 2018


Architecture and landscape in medieval Anatolia, 1100-1500 / edited by Patricia Blessing and Rachel Goshgarian

Rotch Library - NA1363.A73 2017


The tentmakers of Cairo: Egypt's medieval and modern appliqué craft / Seif El Rashidi, Sam Bowker

Rotch Library - NK9188.C35 E47 2018


Central periphery?: art, culture and history of the medieval Jazira (Northern Mesopotamia, 8th-15th centuries) / edited by Lorenz Korn and Martina Müller-Wiener

Rotch Library - NK1270.L36 2012


Chronologie de l'histoire du Maroc: (des temps préhistoriques à la fin du XXe siècle) / présentation et direction, Mohamed Kably

Rotch Library - DT314.C487 2013


Rabat: ou, Les heures marocaines / Jérome et Jean Tharaud ; présentation: Mohammed Kenbib

Rotch Library - DT329.R3 T5 2012


İslâm Medeniyetinde Bağdat (medînetü's-selâm) Uluslararası Sempozyum: International Symposium on Baghdad (madinat al-salam) in the Islamic Civilization = al-Muʼtamar al-Duwalī Baghdād (madīnat al-salām) fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah:

Rotch Library - DS79.9.B25 I85 2008


Caravans of gold, fragments in time: art, culture, and exchange across medieval Saharan Africa / edited by Kathleen Bickford Berzock

Rotch Library - NK700.C36 2019


Arabic heritage in the post-Abbasid period / edited by Imed Nsiri

Rotch Library - DS36.8.A73 2019


Authority and control in the countryside: from antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (sixth-tenth century) / edited by Alain Delattre, Marie Legendre and Petra M. Sijpesteijn

Rotch Library - DE94.A95 2019


Shooting a revolution: visual media and warfare in Syria / Donatella Della Ratta

Rotch Library - P94.65.S95 D4 2018


Jinnealogy: time, Islam, and ecological thought in the medieval ruins of Delhi / Anand Vivek Taneja

Rotch Library - BP63.I42 T363 2018


Tarihçe ve mimari özellikleriyle Şanlıurfa medreseleri / Mehmet Memiş

Rotch Library - NA1369.U7 M46 2019


Between East & West: a gulf = al-Khalīj wa-muḥīṭuh / exhibition curators: Hamed Bukhamseen, Ali Karimi ; editor and publication coordinator Muneerah Alrabe ; authors Zahra Ali Baba [and 12 others] ; commissioned by the National Council for Culture, Ar

Rotch Library - NA1465.5.B48 2017


Abraham's luggage: a social life of things in the medieval Indian Ocean world / Elizabeth A. Lambourn, De Montfort University, Leicester

Rotch Library - HF3785.L36 2018


Under the palm trees: modern Iraqi art with Mohamed Makiya and Jewad Selim / Ahmed Naji

Rotch Library - N7267.N45 2019


Mediating museums: exhibiting material culture in Tunisia (1881-2016) / by Virginie Rey

Rotch Library - GN36.T8 R49 2019