
The Tiger King and I - My Stories from Working at America's Most Controversial Zoo

An exclusive look into the madness that was being an employee of 'Tiger King," a controversial zoo that is the subject of a wildly popular new Netflix documentary series.


2020 A’ design award and competition – call for entries

Registration deadline already soon...


Brazil reports new daily record for Covid-19 deaths as country’s cases exceed 145,000

Brazil, the country in Latin America that has been hardest hit by the coronavirus crisis, said Friday it had reached a new daily record for COVID-19 fatalities with 751 deaths.


Jordanian health minister on leading his country's fight against Covid-19

In this edition of Middle East Matters, we continue our rolling coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic across the region. Jordan is flattening its coronavirus curve after a series of strict measures, including travel bans. We speak to Health Minister Saad Jaber, himself a doctor, about how he's managed the crisis. Also, deadly clashes erupt after hundreds take to the streets in northern Lebanon amid a crash in the local currency and a surge in food prices. 

  • Middle East matters


im an introvert

Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: im an introvert


Fireside Press Cancels Multiple Contracts

Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware®

Last week, the SFWA Contracts Committee issued this advisory.
SFWA Contracts Committee Advisory on No-advance Contracts

Recently, SFWA's Contracts Committee was made aware of a situation in which a well-liked publisher canceled the publication of a number of books it had contracted to publish. The publisher said the decision was made because of "unexpected changes" at the company. The Committee has reviewed the contract in use, which lacked a provision for such a cancellation. The Committee believes that canceling a contracted book that satisfies the author’s obligations is at odds with the spirit of the contract. Making this situation worse is the fact that these were no-advance contracts. Because no advance was paid, the publisher could make this decision without financial penalties. The authors' books, were, in effect, put in limbo for many months and the authors received nothing but an apology. Besides depriving the authors of the ability to sell the books elsewhere during this delay and putting off any income from the books into the indefinite future, the authors careers suffer as a result.

Publishers of all sizes may find themselves unable to live up to their contractual commitments for a wide variety of reasons, some of which could not have been reasonably anticipated. Hence, the Contracts Committee urges writers to think carefully about signing a contract that provides no advance, or only a nominal advance, while tying up their work for a lengthy period of time. Critically, payment of an advance gives an indication the publisher actually has the financial resources to meet its obligations. Publishers who do not pay advances or pay only nominal advances should include language in their contracts specifying how they can cancel a book and what happens if they should cancel a book, including a specified amount of compensation to the author.

SFWA Contracts Committee
October 25, 2019

Legal Disclaimer: The contract alert should not be understood to be legal advice. The issues presented by contract law are complex. Authors should consult a competent attorney familiar with the business of publishing as well as contract law before signing any contract.
The publisher in question is Fireside Press.

The cancellations were first reported on October 8 by Jason Sanford in his Genre Grapevine column, and discussed on October 9 in Mike Glyer's File 770. Fireside publisher Pablo Defendini issued a statement on October 8, in which he revealed that the five canceled contracts were for manuscripts that were "unpublished and unannounced", and attributed the cancellations to disruptions caused by editorial departures.

Author Meg Elison, one of the canceled authors, did not find this to be a sufficient explanation...and she was livid.

A few days later, Defendini issued an apology. "I can see now how [the cancellation emails] read as callous, uncaring, and dismissive of the authors’ feelings," he wrote. "I’m very sorry for that....My behavior was not consistent with Fireside’s values, and I deeply regret it."

Beyond the Contracts Committee's general warning about no-advance contracts (and if you're part of the small press world, you know how common these are): multiple simultaneous contract cancellations are not frequent or normal, and can signal trouble beyond whatever the publisher offers as an explanation (if it explains at all). Ditto for a publisher that suddenly starts offering to revert rights on request.

Fireside's situation also highlights the risks of signing with a publisher that's essentially a one-person operation (as Defendini admits in his apology). With the best will in the world, the publisher can be sidelined by a single bad event (personal or professional), leading to glitches, errors, and delays in scheduling, payment, and more. Writer Beware's files are stuffed with such stories.

Troubled publishers do recover, or at least hang on. Month9, which canceled dozens of contracts in 2016, is still publishing, as is Permuted Press, which axed an undisclosed number of titles in 2015 (both publishers cited overstocked lists, though in both cases there were other issues as well). In the short term, though, if a publisher is or has been actively shedding writers, it's best to hold off on submitting until it's clearer what's going on.


Mass Contract Cancellations at Mystery Publisher Henery Press

Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware®

Beginning on Friday, February 8, dozens of authors with mystery publisher Henery Press received some version of this email.
Dear ________,

Before entering 2020, we felt it prudent to review future projections for _______ series, taking into consideration recent releases and overall performance. To provide an unbiased professional opinion and guidance in our 3-year strategic plan, we hired a consulting firm with experience in the industry. This allowed us to analyze not only your specific series, but also the competitive landscape and industry as a whole.

Unfortunately the sales of _______ series do not justify the publication of future titles beyond 2020. We know this is disappointing. The market has become beyond saturated (especially in mystery fiction), with all leading indicators pointing to even more intense competition for consumer dollars in the next cycle and beyond....

Although we don’t have a pathway forward with your new titles, we will continue to sell and support your backlist titles as usual under the terms of our original publishing agreement. To be clear, we will not be reverting the rights on any of your already published title(s), only future titles specifically outlined in the addendum to follow in the next week.
A number of the cancellations affected books that had been completed, turned in, and scheduled for publication, with some authors having already made promotional plans. Others interrupted series whose first installment hadn't yet been published--with Henery holding on to the yet-to-be-published book and reverting rights to the rest. Cancellation of a series before it's completed can be tough--another publisher may not want to buy into a series mid-stream, and while followup titles can be self-published, it's difficult to promote a series when it's split up like this.

The cancellations came out of the blue (nothing had been said about any strategic plan or consulting firm). But while some writers were blindsided, others weren't hugely surprised. Although they have praise for the company's early days, Henery authors say that problems have been increasing for some time, with staff departures (interns are reportedly used to do a lot of the editing, with sometimes substandard results), late royalty checks and reports (several authors told me that they feel there are discrepancies in their sales figures), diminishing marketing (according to multiple writers, virtually no promotional support is provided), ordering problems (writers cite non-returnability and nonstandard discounts), and difficulty with communications.

"Over time," one author told me, "Henery Press’s business model started to look more like a company that assists with self-publishing and less like a real publisher." (In fact, Henery uses CreateSpace for printing, and Barnes & Noble lists Henery ebooks as "indie".)

I've gotten a variety of additional complaints, which I'm not able to share here because they could compromise confidentiality. There seems to be considerable fear among Henery authors that they will be penalized for speaking out--which may be why almost no word of the cancellations has escaped. There's also the gag clause in the rights reversion addendum that authors are receiving:

One writer told me, "HP payback tactics (they're so vindictive) are hell. [Authors are] afraid if HP even suspects they've contributed, the books they have will go down." I truly wish this weren't such a common component of publisher implosions.

So is Henery imploding? Mass cancellations are never a good sign, and often indicate financial distress. Some Henery authors don't feel that's the issue, though, or not the only issue: they speculate that the owners intend to retire, and are keeping the company alive in order to retain the income stream from existing titles.

I emailed Henery's owner, Art Molinares, for comment. As of this writing, he hasn't responded.

Mystery Writers of America (where Henery is listed as an Approved Publisher) is aware of the situation, and is monitoring it. If you've been affected, you can contact MWA here. Be sure to put "Henery Press" in the subject line. All communications are confidential.

I will post updates as I receive them.


Ground Control To Major Tai

That does it for regular comics for 2019! I'll be running some bonus strips funded by my Patreon supporters through New Year's day, then regular comics will resume. Happy holidays!


Command And Control

Roko tries


China says it will update disease control measures in wake of coronavirus

Senior health official says virus exposed ‘weak links’ in way country manages epidemics

China will reform its disease prevention and control system to address weaknesses exposed by the coronavirus outbreak, a senior health official has said.

China has been criticised domestically and abroad for being initially slow to react to the outbreak, which started in Wuhan. The virus has now infected almost 4 million people around the world, and almost 250,0000 people have died from the Covid-19 disease it causes.

Continue reading...


Freeloading Housemates Get Introduced To Court System

Man, these people sound like a ball of toxic energy. You have the one dude offering nothing but generosity and understanding to the rest of the roommates, who are basically going around, freeloading, and taking advantage of one's good nature. A kind of icky feeling can arise just thinking about it. Well, the freeloading roommates ultimately learned their lesson, and were introduced to the court system. Maybe that will set them on a different path in the future. Who knows? 


Transatlantic slavery introduced infectious diseases to the Americas

The remains of three slaves found in Mexico contain the earliest signs of the hepatitis B virus and yaws bacteria in the Americas, suggesting transatlantic slavery introduced these diseases


SpaceX mission control to do social distancing for first crewed flight

SpaceX’s first crewed launch is planned for 27 May and will be run from a mission control with desks set six feet apart to comply with social distancing protocols


Why countries should start weekly covid-19 testing for key workers

Many countries are focusing coronavirus testing on people who have covid-19 symptoms. But regularly testing all essential workers would have more of an impact


Stars in the Milky Way's centre often get dangerously close together

About 80 per cent of stars in the Milky Way’s central bulge have relatively close encounters with another star, which can fling off any planets orbiting them




Coronavirus: UK becomes first country in Europe to pass 30,000 deaths

The UK records a further 649 deaths, taking the total number of coronavirus deaths to 30,076.


Why are MPs keen for garden centres to re-open?

From boosting the economy through to health benefits, Westminster has been talking up the measure.


US shopping centres re-open: 'This is the best day ever'

In states like Texas, malls can operate at a 25% capacity and for some, it's a reason to get out of the house.


VE Day: Red Arrows flypast over central London

The Red Arrows fly over an empty central London to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.


Introducing the New React DevTools

We are excited to announce a new release of the React Developer Tools, available today in Chrome, Firefox, and (Chromium) Edge!

What’s changed?

A lot has changed in version 4! At a high level, this new version should offer significant performance gains and an improved navigation experience. It also offers full support for React Hooks, including inspecting nested objects.

Visit the interactive tutorial to try out the new version or see the changelog for demo videos and more details.

Which versions of React are supported?


  • 0-14.x: Not supported
  • 15.x: Supported (except for the new component filters feature)
  • 16.x: Supported


  • 0-0.61: Not supported
  • 0.62: Will be supported (when 0.62 is released)

How do I get the new DevTools?

React DevTools is available as an extension for Chrome and Firefox. If you have already installed the extension, it should update automatically within the next couple of hours.

If you use the standalone shell (e.g. in React Native or Safari), you can install the new version from NPM:

npm install -g react-devtools@^4

Where did all of the DOM elements go?

The new DevTools provides a way to filter components from the tree to make it easier to navigate deeply nested hierarchies. Host nodes (e.g. HTML <div>, React Native <View>) are hidden by default, but this filter can be disabled:

How do I get the old version back?

If you are working with React Native version 60 (or older) you can install the previous release of DevTools from NPM:

npm install --dev react-devtools@^3

For older versions of React DOM (v0.14 or earlier) you will need to build the extension from source:

# Checkout the extension source
git clone https://github.com/facebook/react-devtools

cd react-devtools

# Checkout the previous release branch
git checkout v3

# Install dependencies and build the unpacked extension
yarn install
yarn build:extension

# Follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation

Thank you!

We’d like to thank everyone who tested the early release of DevTools version 4. Your feedback helped improve this initial release significantly.

We still have many exciting features planned and feedback is always welcome! Please feel free to open a GitHub issue or tag @reactjs on Twitter.


An intro to making Postgres high availability on Kubernetes

#351 — April 15, 2020

Read on the Web

Postgres Weekly

A Detailed Look at pg_show_plans — A few issues ago we linked to a basic introduction to pg_show_plans – this goes a little further. pg_show_plans lets you look at the execution plans of slow queries in real time as they’re being executed which can help you when troubleshooting.

Kaarel Moppel

Intersecting GPS Tracks to Identify Infected Individuals — I’m not a huge fan of COVID-19 related content, but this is a pretty interesting technique with numerous use cases. Essentially it uses PostGIS to identify overlapping paths.

Florian Nadler

Online Training: Learn PostgreSQL from Home — The remote PostgreSQL Database Administration training course is available at a discounted rate & will be conducted in two different timezones. The course covers day-to-day DBA operations, monitoring, server configurations, and more.

2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Training sponsor

PostgreSQL's 'Related Projects' — Thanks to Andreas Scherbaum for pointing out a new page on the Postgres site dedicated to projects related to Postgres like the code that runs the Postgres web site, mailing list, build farm, package management system, etc.

PostgreSQL Global Development Group

Authentication Configuration in Postgres (and CockroachDB) — In Postgres, client authentication can be controlled via a ‘HBA’ (host-based authentication) file. It’s not something we see covered very often, so you might find this interesting, particularly as it compares things against CockroachDB.

Raphael ‘kena’ Poss

▶  Easy And Correct High Availability Postgres with Kubernetes — A 50 minute talk from PostgresOpen 2019 that goes all the way ‘from containers up’ until actually doing stuff with Postgres.

Steven Pousty

How To Set Up an Express API Backend Project With Postgres — A pretty extensive walkthrough of creating an HTTP API using Express with Node.js and Postgres on the backend, then deploying it all on Heroku.

Chidi Orji

A Beginners Guide to Basic Indexing in Postgres

James Bannister

eBook: The Most Important Events to Monitor in Your Postgres Logs — In this eBook, we are looking at the Top 6 Postgres log events for monitoring query performance and preventing downtime.

pganalyze sponsor

Documenting the Citus Extension to Postgres: An Interview with Joe Nelson — Joe, a.k.a. begriffs, talks about why he works on documentation, why the multi-tenant and real-time analytics tutorials matter, the INSERT..SELECT with repartitioning feature, and what development platform Citus uses for docs.

Citus Data (Microsoft)

Procedural vs Query Approaches for Finding Packages — Explorations of a query that can be used to display which packages are available for a given FreeBSD port. Get your head around the data model and the ideas here apply to all sorts of situations.

Dan Langille

???? Upcoming Events

All in-person events we had listed are cancelled or postponed due to the COVID outbreak, so we're now linking to webinars, livestreams, and similar online events.

If you have any, just hit reply and if it's Postgres related (and either free or not too expensive) we'll include it in a future issue. Just one this week:

???? – requires e-mail address or registration
???? – costs money to participate

???? Seen on Twitter

Saw this tweet and thought it was a pretty neat reminder of the sorts of things we can do with Postgres. Justin kindly let us include it:

Click through to the original tweet if you want to see the code better. Neat use for a generated column!


Confessions of a call-centre scammer

How Indian call-centre scammers justified tricking Western victims out of hard-earned money.


Blasian love: The day we introduced our black and Asian families

Blasian - black and Asian - couples now exist in South Africa... but they don't always have an easy time.


Stop and search: the controversial police power

Reporter Aaron Roach Bridgeman speaks to suspects, police and campaigners.


Bill Gates: Few countries will get 'A-grade' for coronavirus response

The Microsoft billionaire says we find ourselves in uncharted territory with the coronavirus pandemic.


Flamengo make their entrance on a day of reunions


Alan Brandi (L) of Argentina controls the ball next to Joao Matos of Portugal

Alan Brandi (L) of Argentina controls the ball next to Joao Matos of Portugal during the FIFA Futsal World Cup Semi-Final match between Argentina and Portugal at the Coliseo El Pueblo stadium on September 28, 2016 in Cali, Colombia. (Photo by Alex Caparros - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)


Argentina's Alan Brandi (C) controls the ball between Portugal's Bruno Coelho (L) and Joao Matos

Argentina's Alan Brandi (C) controls the ball between Portugal's Bruno Coelho (L) and Joao Matos during their Colombia 2016 FIFA Futsal World Cup match at the Coliseo El Pueblo stadium, in Cali, Colombia on September 28, 2016. / AFP / LUIS ROBAYO


Re (R) of Portugal controls the ball next to Alamiro Vaporaki (L) of Argentina

Re (R) of Portugal controls the ball next to Alamiro Vaporaki (L) of Argentina during the FIFA Futsal World Cup Semi-Final match between Argentina and Portugal at the Coliseo El Pueblo stadium on September 28, 2016 in Cali, Colombia. (Photo by Alex Caparros - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)


Portugal's Cardinal (C) controls the ball between Argentina's Constantino Vaporaki (L) and Damian Stazzone

Portugal's Cardinal (C) controls the ball between Argentina's Constantino Vaporaki (L) and Damian Stazzone during their Colombia 2016 FIFA Futsal World Cup match at the Coliseo El Pueblo stadium, in Cali, Colombia on September 28, 2016. / AFP / LUIS ROBAYO


Mahdi Javid (L) of Iran controls the ball next to Ricardinho (R) of Portugal

Mahdi Javid (L) of Iran controls the ball next to Ricardinho (R) of Portugal during the FIFA Futsal World Cup Third Place Play off match between Iran and Portugal at the Coliseo El Pueblo stadium on October 1, 2016 in Cali, Colombia. (Photo by Alex Caparros - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)


Ricardinho (L) of Portugal controls the ball in front of Mahdi Javid (R) of Iran

CALI, COLOMBIA - OCTOBER 01: Ricardinho (L) of Portugal controls the ball in front of Mahdi Javid (R) of Iran during the FIFA Futsal World Cup Third Place Play off match between Iran and Portugal at the Coliseo El Pueblo stadium on October 1, 2016 in Cali, Colombia. (Photo by Alex Caparros - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)


Cardinal of Portugal controls the ball

Cardinal of Portugal controls the ball during the FIFA Futsal World Cup Third Place play off match between Iran and Portugal at the Coliseo el Pueblo Stadium on on October 1, 2016 in Cali, Colombia. (Photo by Ian MacNicol - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)


Cardinal of Portugal controls the ball

Cardinal of Portugal controls the ball during the FIFA Futsal World Cup Third Place play off match between Iran and Portugal at the Coliseo el Pueblo Stadium on on October 1, 2016 in Cali, Colombia. (Photo by Ian MacNicol - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)


Bilel Mejri of ES Tunis looks to control the ball 

AL AIN, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - DECEMBER 18: Bilel Mejri of ES Tunis looks to control the ball during the FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2018 5th Place Match between ES Tunis and CD Guadalajara at Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium on December 18, 2018 in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. (Photo by Francois Nel/Getty Images)


Lucas Pratto of River Plate controls the ball from Ismail Ahmed of Al Ain 

AL AIN, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - DECEMBER 18: Lucas Pratto of River Plate controls the ball Ismail Ahmed of Al Ain during the FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2018 Semi Final Match between River Plate and Al Ain at Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium on December 18, 2018 in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. (Photo by Francois Nel/Getty Images)


VVS Laxman: Being friends with Indian cricketer doesn't mean you get IPL contract

VVS Laxman shares his views on players being part of IPL on Star Sports Hindi show Cricket Connected: “If you’re friendly with any Indian player it doesn’t mean that you are getting IPL contract. As a mentor, I’m on the auction table and we select players, those international players that have played exceptionally well for their country and can add value to the franchise. Friendship with any Indian player doesn’t ensure entry into the IPL.”

Former Cricketer VVS Laxman shared his views on IPL being held before the 2020 ICC T20 World Cup on Star Sports 1 show Cricket Connected and said, “I think some of the cricket boards will be encouraging the fact that IPL is a big tournament, and everyone acknowledges that. And just before the World Cup it will set the tone for a hectic cricket season. But I just hope that everything is normal, and no one is in danger. And once that happens, I am sure the IPL should kick off the cricket calendar.

VVS Laxman, former Indian cricketer, did not take too well with what ex Australian skipper Michael Clarke's comment of 'being nice to Indian players gets you an IPL spot.' VVS Laxman explained what it takes to get a contract in IPL as well as other topics as the IPL 2020 possibility before the T20 World Cup and more. 

Former Cricketer VVS Laxman sharing his thoughts on Michael Clarke’s comment on being nice to team India doesn’t get you an IPL contract exclusively on Star Sports show Cricket Connected, he said, “Just by being nice to someone doesn’t get you a place in IPL. Any franchise will look at the player’s caliber and value add to the team, which gives them desired results by winning matches/tournaments. These are the kind of players who get IPL contracts. So just being nice to someone will not earn you a spot in the IPL.”

Former Cricketer Krishnamachari Srikkanth reacts to Michael Clarke exclusively on Star Sports show Cricket Connected, he said, “You do not win matches just by sledging. Aussie’s loss is a loss, his statement was ridiculous I would say. If you ask Nasser Hussain or Sir Vivian Richards who are experienced players, you can never score runs or get wickets through sledging. You need to play good cricket and showcase determination; you need to bowl well to get wickets and bat well to achieve targets. Sledging cannot help in any way according to my opinion”

Catch up on all the latest sports news and updates here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates.

Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news


Navi Mumbai residents say civic body's rat control a lie

Representational Image

The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation's (NMMC) rodent control is nothing but a lie. According to residents, it's their most convenient way to mint money, because over the years the problem in the area has just got worse. Even after repeated complaints regarding the matter, the civic officials never turned up to solve the issue. However, the civic body claims that they have already killed 6,71,975 rats so far this year, for which Rs 1.46 crore had been allotted.

Trapping rats
According to the civic body's official data, in the period 2016-17, it killed 7,10,555 rats in Navi Mumbai, for which Rs 1 crore was spent. It was less than what they had spent in the year 2015-2016 (Rs 1.22 crore).

Speaking to mid-day about the ways in which rodents are killed, Vaibhav Zunjare, Navi Mumbai rodent control officer, said, "Rats usually lay eight to nine eggs in the holes they stay. After locating the holes, we inject a poisonous liquid that kills them. However, we can count the number of rats killed only when they are trapped in cages. The number for this year is 5,000."

No step taken
Avdoot Chavhan, a resident of Koparkhairne sector 7, where NMMC claims to have killed 1,10,371 rats, said, "I'm living here for the past six years, and till date, I've not seen a single NMMC worker installing a cage to kill rats. Every morning we get the smell of dead rats, that might have been killed by street dogs."

Requesting anonymity, an NMMC official said, "The corporation spends lakhs of rupees every year to repair the furniture of the main office building, as rats damage them."

Team inefficient
When contacted, Santosh Shetty, former Navi Mumbai corporator, said, "The reason for the inefficiency of the rodent control unit is that they don't know how to trap rats. They also don't have even manpower for the work."

Catch up on all the latest Mumbai news, crime news, current affairs, and also a complete guide on Mumbai from food to things to do and events across the city here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates


Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video

In Plandemic, the former chronic fatigue syndrome researcher makes countless unsubstantiated claims and accusations


Football thriving in the country of eternal blue sky


Sobhita Dhulipala defends herself in 'self-timed' photoshoot controversy

Actress Sobhita Dhulipala, who has been accused of making false claims of 'self-timing' a magazine photoshoot, has issued a statement in self-defence.

A few days ago, Sobhita had posted a few of her pictures claiming she had clicked the images with a self-timer. However, the authenticity of her claim came under scrutiny after snapshots, showing Sobhita being clicked on her terrace by a man, went viral on social media. Seeing the viral images, many followers started questioning her and accused her of lying.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Sobhita Dhulipala (@sobhitad) onApr 24, 2020 at 9:42am PDT

Sobhita then penned a lengthy note, explaining that the man had just offered to help. "Quite a few people have written to me about the image I last posted. It is upsetting and I am little taken aback by how urgently many have jumped to unkind conclusions, this is also a moment for me to learn something deeper," she wrote.

She added: "I stand by the flow of events I'm sharing with complete transparency:

1. I style myself, go to the terrace with a coffee mug and a couple of tools to prop up my phone to take pictures.

2. There are people on the terrace and one kind gentleman upon learning that I'm trying to shoot my pictures, offers help.

3. After he graciously shoots a few pictures in the frame I wanted, I thank him and we depart.

Neither was the picture shot by him used by Cosmopolitan (It doesn't belong with the magazine's mandate) nor am I anything but proud of this wonderful collaboration with the magazine.

I only posted it along with the official ones because I like it. I recognise that I should have altered the caption text to mention that the second image was not part of the magazine shoot. I wish I had a more exciting, dramatic story but alas, truth often wears plain robes! Stay home and stay safe," concluded the model-turned-actress, best known for her roles in the web shows "Made In Heaven" and "Bard Of Blood".

Catch up on all the latest entertainment news and gossip here. Also, download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps.

Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news


Off The Record: Anushka Sharma gets candid on her introduction scene in Dil Dhadakne Do

Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti's Tiger Baby Films has one of the most intriguing pages on social media. The page has the most evocative artistic narrations, orated to viewers by eminent personalities from the industry.

They recently brought into play their new series on social media called 'Off the record' where the most prominent actors of the Indian film industry describe one of their most exemplary scenes from one of their movies.

This time around, it was Anushka Sharma on the mike as the actress spoke about her introduction scene as Farah in Dil Dhadakne Do and everything that makes the scene unique and special while giving some unknown sneak peeks into how the shooting went down.

Earlier, Farhan Akhtar and Ranveer Singh have also shared similar stories from Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and Dil Dhadakne Do respectively. Tiger Baby films shared the post on social media with the caption, "Off The Record with Anushka Sharma | Dil Dhadakne Do."

"We make films for the silver screen but the little stories that make the big picture don't always come through.
Here's introducing our 'Off The Record' series where cast and crew from the Tiger Baby clan let us in on what went into creating some of their best scenes, what their psychology was in that moment and why this particular scene will always remain unforgettable to them. #nowrolling #storybehindthescene #offtherecordwithtigerbaby." (sic)

Off The Record with Anushka Sharma
Film: Dil Dhadakne Do
Scene: Farah's introduction scene", have a look right here:

The film was mounted on a huge scale but also highlighted the importance of staying together and how a family comes first. And Anushka, as always, delivered a layered and nuanced performance. 

Catch up on all the latest entertainment news and gossip here. Also, download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps.

Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news


Esha Gupta finds love all the way in Spain, introduces her boyfriend with a beautiful post

It has been a while since we saw Esha Gupta on the celluloid, but she continues to scorch and scintillate with her no-holds-barred Instagram posts that can set your screens ablaze. She has always been unapologetic about her pictures and videos and believed in living life on her own terms.

And now, there's some good news, the beautiful lady has found love and that too all the way from Spain. She has taken to her Instagram account and written a post in Spanish that translates into- "I love you so much my love." The duo looks dapper in black and is twinning together and it seems they are truly made for each other.

Have a look at the post right here:

View this post on Instagram

te amo mucho mi amor ♥️

A post shared by Esha Gupta🌎 (@egupta) onApr 27, 2020 at 1:02am PDT

And a few days back, speaking to Hindustan Times about him, she revealed how he has been coping up during this quarantine. She said, "My boyfriend, who is in Spain, has been in isolation and has been taking all kinds of precautions. He has been telling me about the virus and somehow I was mentally prepared for this lockdown to happen. I'm talking to him every day and video calling to keep a check on his health. Honestly, he's the one who is calming for the otherwise hyper person that I am. He has this relaxing effect on me."

Well, given she has now spilled the beans on her love, can we expect more such gorgeous pictures, please!

Catch up on all the latest entertainment news and gossip here. Also, download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps.

Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news


'I am not the mastermind, Mira road call centre scam kingpins are roaming free'

Sagar Thakkar, the mastermind of the Mira Road call centre scam, always knew how to make money, but never learnt how to hold on to it. "The real masterminds are free. I got caught because I showed off my wealth," said the 26-year-old who appeared on the police's radar after he bought a Rs 2.5-crore Audi owned by Virat Kohli.

"Buying a second-hand Audi R8 was not a big deal for me. I didn't even know it was Virat's car," said Shaggy."I had planned to return the car within a few days, but by then I had been arrested."

Started young
"I was only 15 when I started working, due to a financial crisis at home. I used to sell Chinese hard disks and flash drives at cheap rates. I had a dealer in China from whom I would buy my stock. Initially, no one would buy from me because I was so young, so I started selling the gadgets really cheap. Within a couple of years, I was sending shipments as far as Canada."

It was this business acumen that impressed the original ringleaders of the IRS racket, who eventually hired Shaggy to work at one of their bogus call centres when he was about 18. He would eventually go on to operate such call centres in Mumbai and Ahmedabad, raking in several crores from the scam. But that was not always the plan. "I was a bright child. I wanted to complete my education and become a pilot. I wanted to earn some quick money, so I could save up for the course. But as money poured in, I began to enjoy the comforts it brought," he recalled.

His parents did not approve either. "I would study in the afternoon and then work at the call centre at night. My parents didn't like me working at night. My father would say, 'What is the need for you to work; we can survive with less money.' Initially, he didn't even know about the fraud; all he knew was that I was working at a call centre. But I did so well that I became the head of the team immediately, and started earning lots of money. It was at that point that my attitude changed," said Shaggy.

Jail time
"Obviously, I regret it now. My love for money took me down the wrong path. I have lost the prime of my life in being chased by the law," said the conman, adding, "Jail was a nightmare. The food, sleeping area and overall atmosphere was horrible. I thought I would get bail soon, but got frustrated when that did not happen."
Cut off from crime, he turned to education once again. "I wanted to learn coding, but the jail didn't have the resources for it. I read books on economics and finance, and also learnt Marathi. I can speak the language quite well now," he said.

If only...
He remains bitter about getting caught, but didn't seem to show any remorse for the crimes he had committed. "I am not the mastermind of the scam. The real masterminds are free and happy. I don't want to disclose their names, but they have been operating since 2001. I got trapped because I showed off," he said, adding, "If I had not been arrested, I would have spread this business, or started a new one that would have spread beyond India by now."

Now, he is left with a fraction of the crores he once had. "I spent so much money, I didn't even save anything," said Shaggy. Shaggy has now set his sight on the future. "I will work hard again to repair mine and my family's reputation. A driven person like me will never sit and spill tears, but will always work hard to make the future better than my past."

Rs 25000
Amount found in Shaggy's accounts after arrest

Rs 2.5cr
Value of the Audi sports car he bought

Also Read: The big Mira Road call centre scam: What we know so far


Listen to Sid Sriram perform his album Entropy in Mumbai

When we watched Chennai-born American artist Sid Sriram perform his album, Entropy, in the city a few months ago, we didn't know what to expect. We hadn't heard of the artist, and we thought he was going to perform what has been come to be loosely referred to as "fusion". But the show, replete with trippy visuals, was an experience that combined Indian classical and his alternative music aesthetic quite seamlessly. "I think this album is pretty unique in how organically the different influences have all come together. It's a journey filled with energy."

When we ask him what he would say if he had to describe his music to someone who has never heard it before, he explains, "My music is very visual. I'm a huge Jackson Pollock [an American artist known to be of the pioneers of the abstract expressionist movement] fan, and I think the best way to describe my music would be some kind of a sonic parallel to his visual work. It's a cross section where pop/soul, my Carnatic roots and ambient/lo-fi electronic music clash together."

But what is the starting point to create such "fusion"? "The starting point is always an emotional trigger. Once I get that hook, I turn my mind off and channel whatever waves are moving through me. I've learned to get out of my own way and let the universe do its thing."

WHERE: The Habitat, 4th floor, (Hotel Unicontinental), Road Number 3, Khar West
WHEN: February 23, 9 pm
COST: R500
LOG ON TO: insider.in

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Instagram introduces new ways to share and connect. Find out how

Popular image and video-sharing platform, Instagram, on Thursday, announced new ways to share content on 'Stories', connect with friends over videos, and discover new interests on 'Explore'. The platform also announced measures to protect Instagrammers from bullies.

Here are the changes:

Sharing to Stories

From a sticker of one's new favourite song on Spotify to action shots from GoPro, it's now easy to share what one is up to or how they are feeling by posting directly to Instagram Stories from other apps. More apps will be adding the sharing to Stories feature soon.

Just tap the share button in the Spotify or GoPro app and the content is pulled directly into the Instagram camera. From there one can edit and add to their story or send it via Direct. One does not need to connect their Instagram account to other apps in order to share to Stories.

Camera effects platform for Instagram

Face filters, text styles and stickers help turn casual moments into experiences one can't wait to share. Instagram is now unlocking the ability for third parties to design unique, interactive camera experiences for their followers.

That means that one can turn any video into an NBA dunkcam or add a cloud of hearts and Pomeranians to fluff up their photo.

Further, more fun creative effects from one's favourite accounts are coming soon, including Ariana Grande, Baby Ariel, Liza Koshy, Vogue, and Buzzfeed.

Video Chat

More than 100 million Instagrammers watch or share on Live every day. But the community sometimes also wants to experience real-time video in a smaller group.

In the coming weeks, Instagram will bring video chat to its platform and give friends a new way to spend time together - even when they aren't actually together.

To start a video chat, simply tap the new camera icon at the top of a Direct thread.

One can chat one-on-one or with a small group ¿ and they can keep the conversation going for as long as they like. Further, one can also minimise the video and continue the chat while doing other things on Instagram.

Video chat is testing now and will roll out globally soon.

The New Explore

People come to Explore every day to discover new ideas, people, and experiences. And now the redesigned Explore makes discovery even easier.

It will still be personalised, but the content will now be organised into topic channels so that one can browse across their interests and go deeper into any area they like.

The new Explore will be rolling out over the coming weeks.

Further, Instagram will filter bullying comments intended to harass or upset people on the platform.

In 2017, Instagram had announced an offensive comment filter, which would automatically hide toxic and divisive comments, particularly those aimed at at-risk groups.

This new filter hides comments containing attacks on a person's appearance or character, as well as threats to a person's well-being or health.

The bullying filter is on for the global community and can be disabled in the Comment Controls center in the app.

The new filter will also alert Instagram to repeated problems so that the company can take action.

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