
Learn all about Google Trends with our new YouTube tutorials

This post is about the new Google Trends Tutorials YouTube series. In these videos you'll learn how to use Google Trends to analyze patterns in Google Search and Youtube searches, and use them to create interesting content online.


Nouvelles formations en entrepreneuriat pour les traducteurs


J’ai récemment collaboré avec le CI3M en vue de créer une offre de formation en entrepreneuriat destinée aux traducteurs professionnels souhaitant s’installer ou développer leur activité.


Déclinée en trois programmes, elle est :

  • enseignée à distance ;
  • remboursable par le FIF PL ou d’autres organismes de financement et
  • intègre un suivi hebdomadaire personnalisé, afin d’adapter son contenu à vos besoins.

formation CRÉATION ET Développement de l'activité

Ce programme complet sur 8 semaines a pour objectif d’aider les traducteurs à préparer, lancer, gérer et développer leur activité professionnelle. Par le biais d’exercices pratiques et d’un accompagnement personnalisé (8 h de suivi pédagogique par téléphone), vous découvrirez comment : 


1. Faire le point sur votre connaissance du métier de traducteur et évaluer votre degré de préparation à l’exercer en tant qu’indépendant, pour mieux préparer la création de votre entreprise.


2. Promouvoir et vendre vos services en définissant votre positionnement, votre politique tarifaire et votre stratégie de communication, afin de prospecter, de vendre et d’assurer le suivi auprès de vos clients de manière efficace.


3. Gérer une entreprise de traduction, notamment respecter un code de déontologie, ainsi que les nombreuses obligations comptables, fiscales et légales qu’implique l’exercice en libéral. Pour réussir et accroître vos revenus d’activité, vous découvrirez aussi comment piloter votre entreprise et anticiper les changements pour mieux saisir les opportunités.

4. Prendre du recul pour assurer l’équilibre entre votre vie personnelle et professionnelle.


formation marketing

Ce module spécifique s’adresse aux traducteurs déjà installés ou à ceux qui veulent aller droit à l’essentiel pour identifier et fidéliser leurs clients.


Après un premier diagnostic, qui permettra de cibler le périmètre de l’étude de marché à réaliser afin de bâtir une stratégie de marketing solide, le suivi pédagogique, réparti sur trois semaines, vous permettra d’acquérir les méthodes et les outils nécessaires pour vendre plus et mieux.


formation gestion et pilotage

Autre module spécifique, cette formation traite de tous les aspects souvent négligés par les traducteurs libéraux : les démarches administratives, la fiscalité, la comptabilité, la protection sociale, le pilotage et la stratégie de croissance. Bref, de toutes les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour réussir en tant qu’entrepreneur.


Le suivi pédagogique, réalisé sur trois semaines, vise à répondre à vos questions, accompagner vos démarches et vous fournir des outils pour faciliter la gestion de votre entreprise au quotidien et assurer son avenir.



En s’appuyant sur une équipe pédagogique composée de traducteurs experts, le CI3M propose des formations professionnelles à distance, pour certaines diplômantes, sur l’ensemble des compétences requises pour l’exécution de prestations de traduction ou de rédaction technique. Pour en savoir plus sur le coût de ces formations et les modalités d’inscription, contactez le CI3M au +33 (0)2 30 96 04 42.


Selon votre situation, tout ou partie des frais peuvent être remboursés ou pris en charge par le Fonds interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux (FIF PL), Pôle Emploi, votre Compte personnel de formation (CPF), etc.



Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années en tant que conseillère auprès de PME, Gaële Gagné est traductrice indépendante depuis 2005. Aux commandes de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en marketing et gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs par le biais d'un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires et de formations dispensées via le CI3M.

Et maintenant ?


Abonnez-vous au flux

Consultez d'autres articles :

Diplôme de traduction : indispensable ou superflu ?
Bien facturer pour être payé
Rédiger un devis de traduction efficace
Traducteurs : 3 pistes pour se former sans se ruiner
Nouveaux traducteurs : 10 conseils pour bien démarrer


Próximas convocatorias de nuestros cursos en línea

Si quieres darle un impulso a tu negocio en el mes de septiembre no te pierdas todas estas propuestas de formación en línea para traductores que te traemos. Sigue leyendo. Se nota que estáis volviendo ya de vacaciones. Estamos recibiendo muchas reservas para los cursos...

La entrada Próximas convocatorias de nuestros cursos en línea aparece primero en Traducción Jurídica.


Libros libres en Soria

Los viajes son siempre positivos. Volviendo de León con mi amiga Carmen, se nos ocurrió celebrar el Día Internacional del Libro como debe […]



El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores convoca el examen de traductor jurado de 2017 en el BOE 61 de 13 de marzo de 2017. La espera se ha acabado. Sin embargo, la convocatoria de intérpretes jurados de...

The post CONVOCATORIA DEL EXAMEN DE TRADUCTOR JURADO 2017 appeared first on El Blog del Traductor Jurado.


Translating notary terms 2: What are public-form and private-form notarial acts?

A public-form notarial act is a document drafted by a notary that contains the entire notarial act. It is narrated from the notary’s perspective and includes all the details and circumstances of the act. All Spanish notarial acts are in public form (documents elevados a público). In England and Wales, notarial acts are usually in […]


Translating notary terms 3: How to translate the names of Spanish public-form notarial acts into English

This post looks at how to translate the names of the two* main types of public-form Spanish notarial acts, escrituras públicas and actas notariales. It also identifies handy language to use in translations of them. Escritura pública An escritura pública records an act executed before a notary. How you translate the name of an escritura […]


Guillaume Kasbarian félicite Elon Musk tout juste nommé ministre par Trump, la gauche s’insurge

Apres la nomination d'Elon Musk a la tete d'un ministere de l'Efficacite gouvernementale, le ministre de la Fonction publique francais a exprime sa << hate >> de << partager les meilleures pratiques >>.


No Comment : les mariachis se réunissent à Mexico pour battre le record du monde de chant

No Comment : les mariachis se réunissent à Mexico pour battre le record du monde de chant


The role of mediator variable in digital payments: a structural equation model analysis

The proliferation of technology and communication has resulted in increased digitalisation that includes digital payments. This study is aimed at unravelling the relationship between awareness of individuals about the digital payment system and customer satisfaction with digital payments. Two models were developed in this study. First model considers awareness → usage pattern → customer satisfaction. Second model considers usage pattern → customer satisfaction → perception of digital payments. These two alternative models were tested by collecting data from 507 respondents in southern India was analysed using the structural equation modelling. The results indicate that usage pattern acted as a mediator between awareness and satisfaction, and satisfaction acted as a mediator between usage pattern and consumers' perception of digital payments. The implications for theory and practice are discussed.


Effective Adoption of Tablets in Post-Secondary Education: Recommendations Based on a Trial of iPads in University Classes


Digital Literacy in Higher Education: A Case Study of Student Engagement with E-Tutorials Using Blended Learning

Aim/Purpose: This paper reports on a case study project which had three goals; to develop a suite of original interactive digital skills e-tutorials to be embedded in undergraduate and postgraduate courses; to evaluate the students’ experience and engagement with the e-tutorials over one semester; and to explore their general attitudes towards online and blended learning. Background: Online and blended learning modes continue to grow in popularity in higher education, with the aim of streamlining and enhancing student learning, supporting collaboration and creativity, and equipping students with the skills they will require to work and live in an increasingly digitized world. This practice-based case study highlights factors which positively and negatively affect user engagement with digital learning objects and explores students’ perceptions of the role of online learning within their academic programs. Methodology: A suite of nine interactive e-tutorials, addressing essential digital literacy skills for university students, was developed through instructor and student peer collaboration using Articulate software, informed by best practice. The e-tutorials were embedded in the institutional Learning Management System for three undergraduate and postgraduate courses, in which digital literacy formed the core learning content, to complement classroom-based learning. Students in these courses were surveyed via SurveyMonkey about their specific experience of using the e-tutorials, as well as their general perceptions of digital literacy and online learning. Eighty-six students in total completed the questionnaire, which consisted of twenty-three closed- and open-ended questions. Contribution: Through highlighting both the positive and the challenging aspects of the students’ reported experience of online learning, this case study contributes useful insights to the body of literature on user engagement with digital learning objects in higher education, as well as students’ perceptions and experience of blended learning. Findings: The e-tutorials were perceived as valuable in reinforcing classroom learning, allowing respondents to revise concepts and materials covered in face-to-face classes, at their own pace and in their own time. Survey responses showed that the accessibility, ease-of-use, design and duration of the e-tutorials were deemed effective in terms of user engagement; however, several technological challenges were identified, such as browser incompatibility, uneven sound quality and general Internet connection issues, which disrupted their learning. Overall, students expressed enjoyment of the learning facilitated by the e-tutorials; however, rather than favoring online learning alone, they expressed a preference for a blended learning environment, with a combination of complementary learning approaches; survey respondents did not generally wish to forego face-to-face classes entirely. Recommendations for Practitioners: Instructors should seek to strategically embed interactive digital learning objects in their courses at defined points of need in a logical structure, e.g., to reinforce classroom-based learning, or to support specific skill development. Potential disruption to learning should be minimized by following best practice guidelines to ensure ease of access, a seamless user experience, and timely feedback, as well as providing adequate support for rapid resolution of technical glitches. Recommendation for Researchers: E-tutorials offer a useful means of exploring ways in which students acquire learning in the digital environment. A wider, collaborative exploration is needed to provide comparative studies which move beyond case studies. Impact on Society: Online learning mechanisms, such as e-tutorials, offer students different means of acquiring essential literacy skills and different ways to interact with content. E-tutorials constitute reusable learning objects, which can be accessed as just-in-time delivery modes, when students perceive they need to review particular skills or reinforce learning material. Future Research: This research is now expanding into different types of reusable learning objects. E-tutorials may be developed in multiple ways, and comparative research around e-tutorial models will deepen our understanding of how students interact with content in formal learning contexts. As the digital educational landscape continues to expand alongside traditional face-to-face and analogue learning modes, a key research focus will be student and instructor perceptions and experience of blended learning in different contexts.


A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Materials in Problem-Based Learning Environments

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and evaluate a debiasing-based approach to assessing the learning materials in problem-based learning (PBL) environments. Background: Research in cognitive debiasing suggests nine debiasing strategies improve decision-making. Given the large number of decisions made in semester-long, problem-based learning projects, multiple tools and techniques help students make decisions. However, instructors may struggle to identify the specific tools or techniques that could be modified to best improve students’ decision-making in the project. Furthermore, a structured approach for identifying these modifications is lacking. Such an approach would match the debiasing strategies with the tools and techniques. Methodology: This debiasing framework for the PBL environment is developed through a study of debiasing literature and applied within an e-commerce course using the Model for Improvement, continuous improvement process, as an illustrative case to show its potential. In addition, a survey of the students, archival information, and participant observation provided feedback on the debiasing framework and its ability to assess the tools and techniques within the PBL environment. Contribution: This paper demonstrates how debiasing theory can be used within a continuous improvement process for PBL courses. By focusing on a cognitive debiasing-based approach, this debiasing framework helps instructors 1) identify what tools and techniques to change in an PBL environment, and 2) assess which tools and techniques failed to debias the students adequately, providing potential changes for future cycles. Findings: Using the debiasing framework in an e-commerce course with significant PBL elements provides evidence that this framework can be used within IS courses and more broadly. In this particular case, the change identified in a prior cycle proved effective and additional issues were identified for improvement. Recommendations for Practitioners: With the growing usage of semester-long PBL projects in business schools, instructors need to ensure that their design of the projects incorporates techniques that improve student learning and decision making. This approach provides a means for assessing the quality of that design. Recommendation for Researchers: This study uses debiasing theory to improve course techniques. Researchers interested in assessment, course improvement, and program improvement should incorporate debiasing theory within PBL environments or other types of decision-making scenarios. Impact on Society: Increased awareness of cognitive biases can help instructors, students, and professionals make better decisions and recommendations. By developing a framework for evaluating cognitive debiasing strategies, we help instructors improve projects that prepare students for complex and multifaceted real-world projects. Future Research: The approach could be applied to multiple contexts, within other courses, and more widely within information systems to extend this research. The framework might also be refined to make it more concise, integrated with assessment, or usable in more contexts.


COVID-19 Pandemic and the Use of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) Platforms: Lessons From a Nigerian University

Aim/Purpose: This study examines the use of the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) platform by undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, during the COVID-19 pandemic using the constructs of the UTAUT2 model. Five constructs of the UTAUT2 model were adopted to investigate the use of the ERT platform by undergraduates of the university. Background: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak disrupted academic activities in educational institutions, leading to an unprecedented school closure globally. In response to the pandemic, higher educational institutions adopted different initiatives aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted flow of their teaching and learning activities. However, there is little research on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates in Nigerian universities. Methodology: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 334 undergraduates at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, while a questionnaire was used to collect data from 271 students. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and regression analysis. Contribution: The study contributes to understanding ERT use in the educational institutions of Nigeria – Africa’s most populous country. Furthermore, the study adds to the existing body of knowledge on how the UTAUT2 Model could explain the use of information technologies in different settings. Findings: Findings revealed that there was a positive significant relationship between habit, hedonic motivation, price value, and social influence on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates. Hedonic motivation strongly predicted the use of ERT platforms by most undergraduates. Recommendations for Practitioners: As a provisional intervention in times of emergencies, the user interface, navigation, customization, and other aesthetic features of ERT platforms should be more appealing and enjoyable to ensure their optimum utilization by students. Recommendation for Researchers: More qualitative research is required on users’ satisfaction, concerns, and support systems for ERT platforms in educational institutions. Future studies could consider the use of ERT by students in different countries and contexts such as students participating in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and the English for Speakers of other languages (ESOL) programs. Impact on Society: As society faces increased uncertainties of the next global pandemic, this article reiterates the crucial roles of information technology in enriching teaching and learning activities in educational institutions. Future Research: Future research should focus on how different technology theories and models could explain the use of ERT platforms at different educational institutions in other geographical settings and contexts.


MOOC Appropriation and Agency in Face-to-Face Learning Communities

Aim/Purpose: The emergence of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has fostered the creation of co-located learning communities; however, there is limited research on the types of interactions unfolding in these spaces. Background: This study explores Peer 2 Peer University’s Learning Circles, a project that allows individuals to take MOOCs together at the library. I investigated the patterns that emerged from the interactions between facilitators, learners, course materials, and digital media in the pilot round of these Learning Circles. Methodology: This study employs an ethnography of hybrid spaces (online/offline participant observations, in-depth interviews, and artifact collection) of face-to-face study groups taking place at library branches in a Midwest metropolitan area. Data analysis employs the constant comparison method. Contribution: Interactions taking place in the Learning Circles increased individuals’ agency as learners and subverted the MOOC model through processes of technological appropriation. Findings: The findings reveal that interactions within Learning Circles created a dynamic negotiation of roles, produced tension points, enabled a distributed model of knowledge, and structured study routines. The pilot round of Learning Circles attracted diverse participants beyond the typical digitally literate MOOC student. Many of them had no previous experience taking online courses and, in some cases, no Internet connection at home. This paper argues that Learning Circles favored the appropriation of artifacts (technologies) and increased participants’ agency as learners in the Internet age. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners can use the Learning Circles model to benefit disenfranchised individuals by providing them with access to materials resources and a network of peers that can help increase their agency as learners. Recommendation for Researchers: This study suggests that it is fundamental to pay attention to learning initiatives that are unfolding outside the scope of traditional and formal education. Impact on Society: Open educational resources and public libraries are opening new pathways for learning beyond traditional higher education institutions. Future Research: Future research can explore how the learning circles are adapted in cultural contexts outside the United States.


Predicting green entrepreneurial intention among farmers using the theory of entrepreneurial events and institutional theory

Green entrepreneurial intention (GEI) in the agriculture sector signifies agricultural businesses' strong determination to embrace environmentally sustainable practices and innovative eco-friendly approaches. To understand farmers' GEI, the research applied theories of entrepreneurial events and institutional theory. A model was developed and empirically validated through structural equation modelling (SEM). A questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 211 farmers from the southern region of India. Findings revealed that perceived desirability, perceived feasibility, mimetic pressure, and entrepreneurial mindset positively influenced GEI. Entrepreneurial mindset played a mediating role in strengthening the farmers GEI. This study contributes to understanding GEI in agriculture and informs strategies for promoting sustainable farming practices.


Evaluation criteria for information quality research

Evaluation of research artefacts (such as models, frameworks and methodologies) is essential to determine their quality and demonstrate worth. However, in the information quality (IQ) research domain there is no existing standard set of criteria available for researchers to use to evaluate their IQ artefacts. This paper therefore describes our experience of selecting and synthesising a set of evaluation criteria used in three related research areas of information systems (IS), software products (SP) and conceptual models (CM), and analysing their relevance to different types of IQ research artefact. We selected and used a subset of these criteria in an actual evaluation of an IQ artefact to test whether they provide any benefit over a standard evaluation. The results show that at least a subset of the criteria from the other domains of IS, SP and CM are relevant for IQ artefact evaluations, and the resulting set of criteria, most importantly, enabled a more rigorous and systematic selection of what to evaluate.


Emotional intelligence and managerial leadership in the fast moving consumer durable goods industry in India's perspective

Dynamic nature of the FMCG sector perpetually provides a tricky challenge for organisational leaders to nurture their employees. High demand for products, less shelf life and tough competitors always challenge the leaders to uphold their products in the market. Due to technology and e-commerce, many new competitors have joined the market, vying with the industry's veterans. Due to their unique business models that match client needs, these firms are expected to boost FMCG industry income in the future. Managers' leadership styles depend primarily on emotional intelligence. This quantitative study examines how emotional intelligence influences West Bengal FMCG senior managers' leadership styles. 500 FMCG managers were selected. PLS-SEM is used to study. Emotionally competent leaders choose transactional and transformational leadership styles depending on the occasion. Managers' transactional leadership style is strongly influenced by their sympathetic awareness, as shown by a path coefficient of 0.755. Transformational leadership style has a path coefficient of 0.693, indicating that managers' empathy affects their organisational management. Thus, sympathetic awareness and emotion regulation predict good management leadership.


Transformative advances in volatility prediction: unveiling an innovative model selection method using exponentially weighted information criteria

Using information criteria is a common method for making a decision about which model to use for forecasting. There are many different methods for evaluating forecasting models, such as MAE, RMSE, MAPE, and Theil-U, among others. After the creation of AIC, AICc, HQ, BIC, and BICc, the two criteria that have become the most popular and commonly utilised are Bayesian IC and Akaike's IC. In this investigation, we are innovative in our use of exponential weighting to get the log-likelihood of the information criteria for model selection, which means that we propose assigning greater weight to more recent data in order to reflect their increased precision. All research data is from the major stock markets' daily observations, which include the USA (GSPC, DJI), Europe (FTSE 100, AEX, and FCHI), and Asia (Nikkei).


Building a Community of Curatorial Practice at Penn State: A Case Study

The Penn State University Libraries and Information Technology Services (ITS) collaborated on the development of Curation Architecture Prototype Services (CAPS), a web application for ingest and management of digital objects. CAPS is built atop a prototype service platform providing atomistic curation functions in order to address the current and emerging requirements in the Libraries and ITS for digital curation, defined as “... maintaining and adding value to a trusted body of digital information for future and current use; specifically, the active management and appraisal of data over the entire life cycle” (Pennock, 2006)[7]. Additional key goals for CAPS were application of an agile-style methodology to the development process and an assessment of the resulting tool and stakeholders’ experience in the project. This article focuses in particular on the community-building aspects of CAPS, which emerged from a combination of agile-style approaches and our commitment to engage stakeholders actively throughout the process, from the construction of use cases, to decisions on metadata standards, to ingest and management functionalities of the tool. The ensuing community of curatorial practice effectively set the stage for the next iteration of CAPS, which will be devoted to planning and executing the development of a production-ready, enterprise-quality infrastructure to support publishing and curation services at Penn State.


e-HR and Employee Self Service: A Case Study of a Victorian Public Sector Organisation


The Usage of E-Learning Material to Support Good Communication with Learners


Automatically Generating Questions in Multiple Variables for Intelligent Tutoring


Web Triad: the Impact of Web Portals on Quality of Institutions of Higher Education - Case Study of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Integrating Industrial Practices in Software Development through Scenario-Based Design of PBL Activities: A Pedagogical Re-Organization Perspective


End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Selected TCP Variants across a Hybrid Wireless Network 


Will It Work? An Initial Examination of the Processes and Outcomes of Converting Course Materials to CD-ROMs


Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis of Building Layouts


A Multi-Criteria Based Approach to Prototyping Urban Road Networks


Using Roles of Variables to Enhance Novice’s Debugging Work


ICT Attitudinal Characteristics and Use Level of Nigerian Teachers


Age and ICT-Related Behaviours of Higher Education Teachers in Nigeria


Analysing Socio-Demographic Differences in Access and Use of ICTs in Nigeria Using the Capability Approach


Assessment of Nigerian Teacher Educators’ ICT Training


The Adoption of Automatic Teller Machines in Nigeria: An Application of the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation


Evaluation of Web Based Information Systems: Users’ Informing Criteria


Reflections on a Trial Implementation of an E-Learning Solution in a Libyan University


Contents and Architecture of Nigerian Universities’ Websites


Web-based Tutorials and Traditional Face-to-Face Lectures: A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance


Planning and Financing Continuing and Non-Formal Education in Nigeria


Training Librarians for 21st Century Repository Services: Emerging Trends

The paper reviewed the emerging roles of the 21st century librarians, charged with the responsibility to manage repository services across libraries in present-day information technology environment. Librarians need to be trained and empowered with requisite skills and knowledge needed for successful management of the ICT driven repository initiatives that the 21st century demands. Literature was reviewed on the roles and responsibilities of librarians, training needs and opportunities, career path and recruitment of librarians, and community support necessary for effective and efficient implementation and management of repository initiatives. This entails the ability to comprehend trends and change patterns which are essential for providing research focused and user-friendly models in open repository services that are based on thorough analytical understanding of the challenges of emerging trends. To achieve this requires the training and retraining of librarians to reposition them as information specialists in their career path. The role of the library as an integral part of its social environment is to educate the community about the existence of an open repository by building partnership with community-oriented research centres through seminars, workshops, symposium, training, and awareness programmes. The study recommends that librarians should strategize and collaborate with researchers to make open repository an essential research tool.


Innovating and Entrepreneurial Initiatives: Some Cases of Success

Aim/Purpose: To understand the change of entrepreneurial initiatives by analysing some new initiatives that came up the last years based on IT enabled business models Background: The theme is described from an educational perspective by offering examples of successful entrepreneurship initiatives Methodology: Description of some cases: Waynabox, Lock up, Uber, Pinterest Contribution: This project tries to become a guide for youth in order to understand various aspects: first, the entrepreneurial aspects that have to be considered before starting a business; secondly, the characteristics that successful businesses have in common; and finally how an entrepreneur can be innovative and how they can achieve the success Findings: Only the 10% of the start-ups exist more than three years. Among the causes of failure are the high saturation of the market and the market competition, which are connected to the ignorance of the real necessity of customers. The company has to identify the needs of customers. They have to define and target their customers by observing and analyzing the market and, above all, getting in touch with the customers. The business plan is something that has to be carried out before the beginning of the project, and has to exist on paper. Everything has to be planned and organised, and the objectives have to be clearly stated in order to stay focused Recommendations for Practitioners : To use existent business models as an inspiration for the creation of a new business model. It is really important to avoid copying the business model itself. One thing that a company needs to do is to make the difference offering new characteristics adapted to the current customer’s experiences Recommendation for Researchers: It is really important to have a good relation with the customer, to attend their needs and to help them with all the doubts that they can have about the company. An entrepreneur cannot be guided by his own interests. He has to invest in order to know the needs of the potential customers Impact on Society : Customer experience is key to have success in new business models


Using Teach Back Tutorials to Overcome Pandemic Learning Gaps

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to address the issue of gaps in students’ knowledge at the time they enter a comprehensive Information Systems cap-stone course. This problem of knowledge gaps was exacerbated by the forced remote learning and isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim was to find a technique that would identify and fill those gaps. Ideally, the method would also reinforce the students’ interpersonal soft skills. Background: Many universities have a capstone course where students may apply their knowledge from the curriculum to a project, and they are evaluated on their retention of knowledge from the core classes. Over the past two years, students have experienced course interruptions and modifications due to the pandemic, resulting in learning gaps on topics covered in the core courses. Depending on the project’s scope and curriculum, this may prevent students from conversing on many essential concepts during the capstone course. By requiring students to create “Teach Back” tutorials on materials from their core courses, faculty may ensure that the key concepts are discussed multiple times within the curriculum. Methodology: We present a case study to identify key concepts and compare cohort results before and after implementation. Contribution: A process for identifying potential knowledge gaps is identified, and a method to repeatedly expose students to concepts is introduced. Findings: There were improvements to the overall capstone scores after the tutorial implementation. While many factors influence changes in scores across cohorts, the initial findings are promising, supporting the concept that teaching back helps to close knowledge gaps. Recommendations for Practitioners: Faculty should collaborate to identify knowledge areas that need to be rein-forced later in their students’ academic careers. Teaching back essential concepts that may not be prioritized in implementing a capstone project ensures a repeated exposure to the identified concepts. Recommendations for Researchers: There needs to be a priority to teach students to be lifelong learners and to teach the skills needed to share their knowledge with future coworkers. There needs to be more research into a pedagogy that builds these essential soft skills within our curriculum. Finally, research into alumni feedback on course topics and pedagogy is needed. Impact on Society: Introducing pedagogy that improves both knowledge and soft skills, this re-search looks to build individuals who will learn independently and be able to communicate with and improve others. Future Research: There needs to be additional research to study the changes in technical knowledge before and after Teach Back, the consequences of elective sequencing, the consideration of elective versus required courses, and the use of Teach Back to capture student knowledge gained from completing diverse electives prior to the capstone course.


Criteria for the Evaluation of Business Process Simulation Tools


Knowledge Management in Nigerian Universities: A Conceptual Model

Universities have traditionally been leaders in the field of knowledge production, research, and societal development. They are expected to be drivers of innovation, thereby contributing to the development of a learning society. The array of challenges facing universities in Nigeria and other developing countries forces one to question their levels of innovation. While knowledge management has been identified as a strategy for driving innovative processes in business organizations, there is a paucity of literature on its application in Nigerian universities. This paper, therefore, proposes a conceptual model which Nigerian universities could adopt, in order to drive innovation and performance. As the paper is conceptual in nature, a literature survey was conducted to examine the concept of knowledge management and its application in higher education institutions. Findings from the literature informed the development of a conceptual model describing ways in which universities can adopt knowledge management practices and strategies in order to drive innovation and improve performance. The conceptual model proposed in this paper could serve as a basis for empirical investigations on knowledge management processes in universities. The paper concludes that, while knowledge management has the potential for improving performance within universities, the proposed model must be subjected to empirical validation for further amendments and improvements.


Facilitating mCommerce Growth in Nigeria through mMoney Usage: A Preliminary Analysis

A general belief is that Mobile Money (mMoney) has the catalytic effect of spurring mCommerce growth and driving financial inclusion in developing nations like Nigeria. In Nigeria, mMoney service is certainly a new financial service innovation in the country, and as a result critical issues surrounding its early critical mass adoption, including its perceived usefulness, remain largely opaque. In this paper, our aim was to explore factors influencing perceived usefulness of mMoney by using the extended technology acceptance model (TAM) as the theoretical underpinning of our work. This work is based on a usable sample of 127 respondents from two major cities in Nigeria. Overall, the study’s results indicate that perceived regulator assurance, service affordability, convenience, proximity to the nearest bank branch, and worry over ease of use are significant predictors of mMoney perceived usefulness. The work helps shed new insights about the significant factors that are closely related to the consumer’s perception of the relevance of mMoney services (to his/her financial needs). In sum, the study is an initial step to addressing the issue of perceived usefulness of mMoney service, including its pivotal importance to laying a solid foundation for mCommerce growth in Nigeria and similar sub-Saharan African (SSA) coun-tries.


External Variables as Antecedents of Users Perception in Virtual Library Usage

Several studies extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by examining the antecedents of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; the present study looks at demographic aspect of external variables in virtual library use among undergraduate students. The purpose of this study is to identify the demographic factors sex, level of study, cumulative grade point average, and computer knowledge that act as external factors that are antecedents of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The university management makes a large investment in the provision of a virtual library; investigation of the virtual library acceptance by students is important. TAM and theory of reasoned action (TRA) are utilised to theoretically test a model for the extension and to predict virtual library acceptance and usage. In a survey study, data was collected by using a structured questionnaire given to 394 randomly selected participants in a private university. Data were analysed by Pearson product moment correlation, multiple and hierarchical regression. The result of the study is consistent with TAM factors examined for explaining virtual library usage. The extension model accounts for 2.5% variance in perceived usefulness, 2.1% in perceived ease of use, 11.7% - 15.2% on intention to use and 7.2% on actual use of virtual library. Implications of the findings of the study on user’s virtual library training are discussed.


Accounting Information Systems Effectiveness: Evidence from the Nigerian Banking Sector

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the interrelationship among the quality measures of information system success, including system quality, information, quality, and service quality, that eventually influence accounting information systems effectiveness. Background: It is generally believed that investment in an information system offers opportunities to organizations for business process efficiency and effectiveness. Despite huge investments in accounting information systems, banks in Nigeria have not realized the full potential benefits of using these systems because of persistent failures. Few studies have been conducted to address the problem. Methodology: A survey research design was used to collect data, and a total of 287 questionnaires were retrieved from respondents in the Nigerian banking sector. Contribution: This study contributes to the understanding of the most important antecedent factors of the quality measures, the interrelationship among the quality measures, and the influence of these measures on the accounting information systems effectiveness. Findings: The result of the study revealed that security, ease of use, and efficiency are key features of system quality, while the information quality dimension includes accuracy, timeliness, and completeness. The result of the study further revealed that information quality and system quality have significant influences on accounting information systems effectiveness. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study provides practitioners with important measures for evaluation of AIS effectiveness in the context of Nigerian banks. Recommendation for Researchers: Future researchers may build on the findings of current study to conduct fur-ther research in the area of AIS effectiveness in different contexts. Future Research: This study examines only three quality measures of Delone and Mclean model and antecedents of information and system quality measures, neglecting contingency factor. Therefore, future study should include other factors to the AIS effectiveness model to help in developing more specific theory in AIS domain.


The Utilisation of Facebook for Knowledge Sharing in Selected Local Government Councils in Delta State, Nigeria

Aim/Purpose: Facebook has made it possible for organisation to embrace social and network centric knowledge processes by creating opportunities to connect, interact, and collaborate with stakeholders. We have witnessed a significant increase in the popularity and use of this tool in many organisations, especially in the private sector. But the utilisation of Facebook in public organisations is at its infancy, with many also believing that the use of Facebook is not a common practice in many public organisations in Nigeria. In spite of this fact, our discernment on the implications of Facebook usage in public organisations in Nigeria, especially organisations at the local level, seem to be remarkably limited. This paper specifically sought to ascertain if Facebook usage influenced inward and outward knowledge sharing in the selected local government councils in Delta State, Nigeria Methodology: The qualitative method was adopted. The study used interview as the primary means of data gathering. The study purposively sampled thirty-six employees as interviewees, twenty from Oshimili South and sixteen from Oshimili North local government councils respectively. The thematic content analysis method was used to analyse interview transcripts. Contribution: This research made distinct contributions to the available literature in social knowledge management, specifically bringing to the fore the intricacies surrounding the use of Facebook for knowledge sharing purposes in the public sector. Findings: The local government councils were yet to appreciate and utilise the interactive and collaborative nature of Facebook in improving stakeholders’ engagement, feedback, and cooperation. Facebook was used for outward knowledge sharing but not for inward knowledge sharing. Recommendations for Practitioners: Local government councils should encourage interaction via Facebook, show willingness to capture knowledge from identifiable sources, and effectively manage critical knowledge assets in order to build trust, cooperation, and confidence in the system. To gain strategic benefits from the use of Facebook for synchronous communication of knowledge, local government councils should ensure that the use of such technology is aligned with strategic plans and that directional change is in line with the new knowledge economy, where interaction and collaboration through technology are seen as strategic imperatives for continued success and sustainability. In addition, local government councils need to train stakeholders on effective use of Facebook for knowledge sharing, with special emphasis on how, why, who, when, and where to use such tool for knowledge sharing activities.


The Role of Knowledge Management Process and Intellectual Capital as Intermediary Variables between Knowledge Management Infrastructure and Organization Performance

Aim/Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the interrelationships among knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management process, intellectual capital, and organization performance. Background: Although knowledge management capability is extensively used by organizations, reaching their maximum financial and non-financial performances has not been fully researched. Therefore, organizations need to optimize their performance by exploiting knowledge management capability through the accumulation of intellectual capital, where the new competitiveness is shifting from tangible to intangible resources. Methodology: This study adopted a positivist philosophy and deductive approach to accomplish the main goal of this research. Moreover, this research employed a quantitative approach since this study is concerned with causal relationship between variables. A questionnaire-based survey was designed to evaluate the research model using a convenience sample of 134 employees from the food industry sector in Jordan. Surveyed data was examined following the structural equation modeling procedures. Contribution: This study highlighted the potential benefits of applying the knowledge management capabilities, intellectual capital, and organizational performance to the food industrial sector in Jordan. Future research suggestions are also provided. Findings: Results indicated that knowledge management infrastructure had a positive effect on knowledge management process. In addition, knowledge management process impacted positively intellectual capital and organization performance and mediated the relationship between knowledge management infrastructure and intellectual capital. However, knowledge management infrastructure did not positively associate to organization performance. Recommendations for Practitioners: The current model is designed to help managers and decision makers to improve their management capabilities as well as their organization financial and non-financial performance through exploiting the organizational knowledge management infrastructure and intellectual capital approaches. Recommendation for Researchers: Our findings can be used as a base of knowledge to conduct further studies about knowledge management capabilities, intellectual capital, and organization performance following different criteria and research procedures. Impact on Society: The designed model highlights a significant organizational performance approach that can influence Jordanian food industrial sector positively. Future Research: The current designed research model can be applied and assessed further in other sectors including banking and industrial sectors across developed and developing countries. Also, we suggest that in addition to focusing on knowledge management process and intellectual capital as mediating variables, future research could test our findings in a longitudinal study and examine how to affect financial and non-financial performance.