iron Environmentally-harmful fungal diseases on the rise By Published On :: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 12:05:00 +0100 Scientists have called for tighter biosecurity measures to reduce the growing threat to biodiversity, food security and ecosystems from fungal infections. Their study reveals that fungal disease outbreaks are on the rise around the world, and will cause further damage unless urgent steps are taken to restrict their unintentional spread through international trade and transport. Full Article
iron Citizen science fosters environmentally-friendly behaviour By Published On :: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 11:56:59 GMT Citizen science is not only a tool for collecting valuable scientific data, it can also enable participants to reconnect with nature and encourage pro-conservation behaviour, new research has shown. Participants in a French butterfly monitoring programme reported making wildlife-friendly changes to their gardens as a result of taking part in the initiative. Full Article
iron Do agri-environmental schemes benefit insect pollinators? By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:45:42 +0100 Agri-environmental schemes (AES) do successfully enhance the number and variety of insect pollinators, research suggests. They are particularly effective when implemented in arable landscapes which also contain some semi-natural habitat. Full Article
iron How the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining are assessed By Published On :: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 08:56:02 GMT A briefing document, providing policymakers with key information on environmental impact assessments of deep-sea mining, has been published. The authors describe the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process in detail to aid management and policy decisions regarding these sensitive habitats. Full Article
iron Bee-friendly agri-environmental schemes need diverse habitats By Published On :: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 9:23:19 GMT Diverse agri-environmental schemes which combine flowering crops with semi-natural habitats, such as grasslands and hedgerows, will be best for bees, new research suggests. The researchers examined the foraging behaviour of honey bees, bumblebees and other wild bees and found that all bees used semi-natural habitats, which were particularly important for wild bees, in addition to crops, such as sunflowers. Full Article
iron Small mammals flourish under UK agri-environment scheme By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Small mammals clearly benefit from a UK agri-environment scheme (AES), a recent study concludes. Numbers and diversity of voles, shrews and mice were found to increase on and around farmland with 6 m wide field margins and patches of semi-natural habitat - features encouraged under the government-led AES. Full Article
iron Bees in the city: urban environments could help support pollinators By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2015 9:23:19 GMT Urban areas may support higher levels of bee diversity than expected, new research has shown. The UK-wide study compared three different habitat types - nature reserves, farmland, and urban areas - and found a higher number of different bee species in urban areas than farmland. However, the overall pollinator diversity, which included species of bees, flies, hoverflies and butterflies, did not differ significantly between all three landscape types. The researchers call for more attention to be paid to the role of green spaces in cities which can be important habitats for pollinators. Full Article
iron How can social scientists engage with environmental policy? By Published On :: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT Social scientists have been advising on environmental issues for decades, but their contributions to policy remain unclear. This study analysed how social scientists interact with policymakers and provides recommendations for future engagement. Full Article
iron Research for environmental policymaking: how to prioritise, communicate and measure impact - March 2016 By Published On :: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT Up-to date scientific and technological research is vital to allow humans to adapt appropriately to our changing global environment, and current rates of environmental degradation and resource depletion. Effective research policies are essential to maintain or improve the standard of life for future populations – in Europe and globally. Full Article
iron New environmental DNA method detects invasive fish species in river water By Published On :: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Scientists have developed a new way of monitoring Ponto-Caspian gobies, a group of widely invasive fish species, by detecting traces of the fishes’ DNA in river water. They say, in a recent research paper, that it offers a quicker, easier and cheaper way of monitoring the fish than conventional catching or sighting methods. Full Article
iron How will climate change and other environmental changes affect vegetation? By Published On :: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Climate change and other environmental changes can have major impacts on plant communities. Researchers have assessed current methods of understanding the impact of these global changes on vegetation and outlined the implications for future research. Vegetation is highly dynamic and likely to respond in complex ways to environmental changes. Researchers should, therefore, use a variety of methods to predict vegetation change in order for findings to be useful for policymaking. Full Article
iron New method of developing agri-environment schemes proposes €3 million saving in Germany By Published On :: Thur, 10 Nov 2016 9:23:19 GMT A method for developing more cost-effective agri-environment schemes is outlined in a recent study. The procedure can be used over large areas, accounts for hundreds of management regimes and several different endangered species. The model is one of the first to account for the timing of measures and, when applied to Saxony in Germany, proposed savings of over €3 million, while also improving some conservation outcomes. Full Article
iron Environmental DNA survey technique for deepwater fish can complement trawl surveys By Published On :: Thur, 18 May 2017 9:23:19 GMT A survey of deepwater fisheries off the coast of Greenland which used traces of fish DNA has produced similar results to trawl surveys and fishing catches. The ‘environmental DNA’ (eDNA) technique can therefore complement trawl data, the researchers say. It may be particularly useful for surveying large species — which can often avoid bottom trawls — or cryptic species1 in inaccessible ocean areas. Full Article
iron Agri-environment schemes should be diversified and customised to meet habitat preferences of different species By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT The Natura 2000 network is the backbone of nature conservation in the EU, and agri-environment schemes (AES) are an important tool to protect biodiversity on European farmland. A recent study, which investigated the effectiveness of AES in relation to grassland birds in Poland, found that AES were not associated with species richness of target species, and proposed a number of reasons for this. The researchers recommend that AES management regimes should be diversified and customised to provide optimal habitat for a wider range of bird species. Full Article
iron Farmers with experience of agri-environment schemes develop more wildlife-friendly habitats By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT Researchers have found that farmer experience, concerns and motivation influence environmental outcomes for agri-environment schemes (AES), in a study in southern England. Farmers with more environmental-management experience and/or concern for wildlife created habitats that provided more pollen and nectar for bees and butterflies and winter seed for birds. The results suggest that supporting environmental learning among farmers may increase the success of AES. Full Article
iron An investigation into the receptivity of English farmers to collaborative agri-environment schemes By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT A team of UK researchers has analysed interviews with a selection of farmers from across England in an effort to determine the sociocultural factors influencing their decisions to cooperate with each other on collaborative agri-environment schemes (cAES). Results from this study have significance for the success of AES in the region, as it may be that only by collaborating on such schemes can farmers adequately conserve crucial landscape-scale ecological processes. The study finds that cAES which provide greater flexibility, with opportunities for farmer involvement in scheme design and locally targeted and clearly defined aims, are more likely to gain support from farmers. Farmers might also be more receptive to environmental interventions if they could be partially involved in cAES. Full Article
iron Farmers with knowledge of environmental policy are more willing to create wetland habitats By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT The willingness of farmers to create wetlands within agri-environment schemes (AES) has been assessed as part of a new study in Sweden. Land-owning farmers and those with prior knowledge of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) were more likely to create wetlands than leasehold farmers or those with no prior knowledge of WFD. Common reasons for not wanting to take part in the scheme included the farmers’ senior age, that wetlands would not be suitable on the farm and high costs — leading the researchers to suggest that changes in subsidy payments may increase wetland creation. Full Article
iron Social promotion of flowering meadows enables farmers’ results-based agri-environment measures in France By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT This study assessed the implementation of the ‘Flowering Meadows’ agri-environment scheme in France, a results-based scheme which encourages farmers to conserve meadows in the Bauges, Haut Jura and Vercors natural parks. While there was limited change in agricultural practices, the scheme did help to maintain meadow habitats. Farmers also welcomed the results-based payments approach, which gave them greater responsibility for and flexibility in managing their farms. Full Article
iron Results-based agri-environment measures are an effective conservation strategy for species-rich grassland By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT Results-based agri-environment measures are an alternative to management-based measures that, in certain circumstances, could be both more effective and more cost-efficient, since their payment depends on the provision of the desired conservation outcome. This study reviews the success of a scheme, introduced in Germany in 2000, to preserve biodiversity in species-rich grassland. Full Article
iron Tailoring agri-environment schemes to species and habitats could improve cost-effectiveness By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT The cost-effectiveness of agri-environment schemes to conserve species and habitats under the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) has been assessed by a recent study. Cost-effectiveness was found to vary widely between schemes. Improvements in cost-effectiveness relative to specific conservation objectives might be achieved with increased geographical targeting, advice and monitoring of impacts. Full Article
iron Getting value for money in agri-environment schemes: recommendations from the UK By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT Many would agree that the efficiency of agri-environment schemes (AES) could be improved, but how? A new study considers how AES could deliver ecosystem services better, using peatlands in the UK as a case study. The researchers suggest a number of approaches to improving the link between the payments given to farmers and the environmental benefits they deliver; these include methods of targeting payments to particular areas. Full Article
iron What encourages farmers to participate in EU agri-environment schemes? By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT Isolating specific reasons for involvement in agri-environment schemes (AES) is a key step in the formulation of schemes that are more appealing to Europe’s farming community. Through a comprehensive exploration of the literature on AES across the EU, this study contributes to a better understanding of what drives farmers’ participation in such initiatives, revealing important factors, such as previous experience with schemes and flexibility in management. Full Article
iron Organic farming enhances pollination but may reduce yield compared to agri-environment schemes By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT There are several types of wildlife-friendly farming scheme, some of which are more prescriptive than others. A recent study compared the effects of different wildlife-friendly farming approaches, including organic farming, on pollination. The findings suggest that organic farming practices enhance pollination services but may compromise crop yield. ‘Conservation Grade’ farming schemes — biodiversity-focused practices funded by sales of labelled food products — can support both pollination and yield. Full Article
iron Mussel study determines risk posed by rare earth metals to marine environments By Published On :: Mon, 07 August 2019 11:23:19 GMT Rare earth elements (REEs) are used increasingly often in innovative technologies, causing these elements to enter the natural environment. They can be sourced via deep-sea mining, raising concerns about marine exposure to mining processes and waste products. This study examined how two REEs, lanthanum and yttrium, affected and stressed marine ecosystems, using young marine mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) as indicators of water quality. The researchers determine a parameter known as the ‘predicted no effect concentration’ (PNEC) for La and Y — the maximum environmental level of each of the two elements at which no effect is seen on the most sensitive organisms and which is, therefore, deemed safe for the environment. Full Article
iron Changes in soil carbon, biodiversity and ecotoxicity should be considered when assessing environmental impact of dairy products By Published On :: Tues, 19 November 2019 11:23:19 GMT Considering the impact on soil carbon, biodiversity and ecotoxicity is important when assessing the environmental footprint of dairy products, suggests a new study, which explored the impacts of organic and conventional milk production in three types of system established in Western Europe. The study found that organic milk production had a significantly lower impact on ecotoxicity and biodiversity than conventional milk production, and suggests that including soil carbon changes in the assessment would result in greater reductions in the carbon footprint of organic, rather than conventional, milk — in some cases by up to 18%. Full Article
iron Managing the impact of drugs in the European environment By Published On :: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 14:24:17 GMT A recent report raises awareness of the impact of pharmaceuticals in the environment. Experts from science, industry and the state sector have drawn up a series of proposals for actions that need to be taken at the European level to increase understanding and improve management of the risks. Full Article
iron Environmental conditions should be included in toxicity tests By Published On :: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 13:40:57 GMT Because natural conditions in the environment, such as temperature, can significantly affect the toxicity of pollutant chemicals on living organisms, the effects of pollutants can differ according to region. Ecological risk assessment should therefore include environmental characteristics relevant to each region, according to recent research. Full Article
iron Poor energy use is chemical industry’s top environmental issue By Published On :: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 13:55:25 +0100 A new study suggests that the energy sources used in chemical production contribute significantly to environmental damage in developed countries. The researchers recommend increasing the efficient use of heat and electricity, in addition to reducing direct emissions of harmful pollutants, to dramatically improve the environmental impact of the chemical industry. Full Article
iron Pregnancy and early life are critical stages for environmental chemical exposure By Published On :: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 12:48:40 +0100 Evidence to indicate that early exposure to environmental contaminants may result in a greater risk of serious disease later on in life has been presented by researchers in a new White Paper. Measures to prevent non-contagious illnesses, such as diabetes, asthma and cancer should therefore focus on the early stages in life, including the time spent in the womb, they suggest. Full Article
iron Risk map shows European ‘hot spots’ for pharmaceuticals in the environment By Published On :: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:03:55 +0100 A new tool has been developed which highlights ‘hot spots’ of pharmaceutical pollution in Europe, where human health and aquatic environments could potentially be affected. The results suggest that the substances and locations posing the greatest risk are not the same for the aquatic environment as for human health. Full Article
iron Environmental concentrations of antibiotics are potentially damaging to aquatic life By Published On :: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 12:12:28 +0100 Combinations of antibiotics have been found in high enough concentrations to pose a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems, in a recent Spanish study. Antibiotics can have toxic effects on the bacteria and algae that form the basis of aquatic ecosystems. Full Article
iron Long-term effects of low-dose pesticide exposure in the environment By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:42:12 GMT Non-target aquatic wildlife species may be more vulnerable to pesticides’ effects, with repeated exposure to low doses over the long-term, if they compete with other species for food, according to a recent study. Understanding how this process occurs can help those undertaking risk assessments and managing pesticides in the natural environment. Full Article
iron Supplier and end user collaboration could reduce chemicals’ environmental impacts reduced By Published On :: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:43:13 GMT A model for chemical use that involves collaboration between suppliers and end-users could benefit both parties as well as the environment, according to recent research. In a Serbian case study, a bottled water manufacturer reduced its costs, water and chemicals consumption, and production of hazardous wastewater when it collaborated with its supplier of lubricant for factory conveyor belts using the ‘Chemical Leasing’ model. Full Article
iron Spatial assessment and ranking of relevant environmental contaminants By Published On :: Thu, 22 May 2014 9:23:19 GMT A risk-based tool built using multi-criteria decision analysis has been developed to rank environmental contaminants, giving each a level of concern. It can be used by decision makers to prioritise areas for further assessments, based on expected human health impacts. Full Article
iron Sea lice pesticides from Norwegian fish farms can exceed UK environmental health standards By Published On :: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 9:23:19 GMT Levels of aquaculture pesticides exceed UK environmental quality standards (EQSs) in samples taken from near Norwegian fish farms, a recent study has shown. The researchers examined five pesticides used to kill sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) and showed that in many cases their concentrations exceeded UK EQSs. They used UK standards, they explain, because there are currently no Norwegian EQSs for these chemicals, and call for international quality standards to be drawn up. Full Article
iron E-cigarette waste poses potential environmental risks By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2015 9:23:19 GMT Disposable components of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), such as e-cigarettes and e-pens, could pose a potential environmental risk unless properly regulated, suggests new research. The study examined the levels of potentially toxic chemicals in disposable battery and 'cartomiser' ENDS components. Full Article
iron Banned contaminants can persist in environment for decades By Published On :: Thur, 16 July 2015 9:23:19 GMT The contamination of hazardous substances in estuaries can have negative effects on biodiversity. Using experimentally supported indicators, this study analysed the environmental risks posed by 22 different contaminants in UK estuaries and coastal waters, finding that substances banned over 20 years ago continue to persist in the marine environment. Full Article
iron New controls recommended to reduce environmental risks of human pharmaceuticals By Published On :: Thur, 23 July 2015 9:23:19 GMT Controls on pharmaceutical production in the EU should be changed to guard against the spread of antibiotic resistance, protect wildlife and improve transparency in the industry, a team of scientists from Sweden and the UK recommends. The scientists propose 10 changes to the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pharmaceuticals. Full Article
iron Mussels: Biomonitoring tools for pharmaceutical pollution in the marine environment? By Published On :: Thu, 01 October 2015 9:23:32 GMT Pharmaceutical pollution of marine environments has important biological consequences for aquatic organisms. This study investigated the effects on mussels of treatment with environmentally relevant levels of an antidepressant, fluoxetine, and a beta-blocker, propranolol, using biomarkers including DNA damage. The results showed that mussels are most vulnerable to these drugs in combination. Full Article
iron Biomonitoring study suggests exposure to environmental chemicals varies greatly across the EU By Published On :: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 09:01:23 GMT The framework for a Europe-wide biomonitoring programme has been established by a new study. The preliminary investigation of 17 European countries showed that monitored levels of toxic chemicals varied significantly between countries. Although the levels were mostly within recognised health-based guidance values, in a few cases these values were exceeded. The researchers suggest that a fully-fledged European biomonitoring programme would help to develop policies to avert public health risks presented by environmental chemicals. Full Article
iron The German environmental specimen bank – a blueprint for EU chemicals management? By Published On :: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 09:18:14 GMT Environmental specimen banks (ESBs) first emerged in the 1960s and are now essential to environmental management across the globe. ESBs sample and archive environmental specimens and can be used to identify the distributions of chemicals within ecosystems and trace their exposure over time. This study uses the German ESB to illustrate their potential for chemicals monitoring in the EU. Full Article
iron Integrating Environmental Risk Assessment – December 2015 By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2015 12:23:19 GMT Environmental risk assessment is challenging because of the complexity of the physical and ecological systems around us. Natural disasters, the spread of dangerous substances, ecosystem changes leading to food and health security issues, and the emergence of new materials, new events and new knowledge make it essential to update our understanding continually, to be able to identify threats and opportunities for timely action. This Thematic Issue presents some collaborative and integrated paths towards forward-thinking assessment and management of environmental risks. Full Article
iron Environmental compliance assurance and combatting environmental crime July 2016 By Published On :: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:12:34 GMT How does the law protect the environment? The responsibility for the legal protection of the environment rests largely with public authorities such as the police, local authorities or specialised regulatory agencies. However, more recently, attention has been focused on the enforcement of environmental law — how it should most effectively be implemented, how best to ensure compliance, and how best to deal with breaches of environmental law where they occur. This Thematic Issue presents recent research into the value of emerging networks of enforcement bodies, the need to exploit new technologies and strategies, the use of appropriate sanctions and the added value of a compliance assurance conceptual framework. Full Article
iron Anti-fungal compounds: emerging environmental contaminants By Published On :: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Azole fungicides are active ingredients in a range of pharmaceutical and personal care products, and are also used in agriculture. This study reviewed the sources, presence and risks of these compounds in the environment, finding evidence of toxic effects on aquatic organisms. The researchers provide directions for future research and warn caution should be exercised until more toxicity data becomes available. Full Article
iron New method to prioritise pesticides based on their environmental and human health risks and on monitoring results at river-basin level By Published On :: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Researchers have developed a new approach to hierarchise pesticides based on their risk to or via the aquatic environment, which has been implemented in the Pinios River Basin of Central Greece. The analysis indicated that a number of pesticides were found in concentrations that could cause negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems. The results provide detailed information to inform decisions regarding the monitoring of pesticides in the Pinios River Basin and outline an approach that could be used in other watersheds. Full Article
iron Fish communities respond to environmental changes at a local scale in the Baltic Sea By Published On :: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 10:12:34 +0100 Researchers have shown that in the Baltic Sea the abundance of common fish species, used as an indicator of ecosystem health, is influenced by climate-related oceanic conditions at a local scale, such as sea temperature. The researchers suggest, therefore, that the environmental status of coastal fish communities in the region should be assessed and managed at a local scale. Full Article
iron Herbicide run-off reduced by grassy ditches in Italy — recommended for agri-environment schemes By Published On :: Thur, 10 Nov 2016 9:23:19 GMT Pesticides used on agricultural land can leach into nearby surface water; this is called run-off and can harm aquatic ecosystems. This study evaluated the potential of ditches to reduce run-off, using Italy’s Po Valley as a case study. Grassy ditches were able to significantly reduce the concentration of herbicides, even during extreme flooding. The researchers therefore suggest that the promotion of vegetated ditches via agri-environment schemes would be beneficial for pesticide mitigation. Full Article
iron How to increase the uptake of environmentally friendly fertilisers in Germany By Published On :: Thur, 17 Nov 2016 9:23:19 GMT Fertilisers have boosted crop yields but at the same time can have negative effects on the environment. This study investigates fertiliser ‘ecoinnovations’, with reduced environmental impact, in Germany. By gathering the views of experts, producers, traders and farmers, the researchers make recommendations for increasing uptake of environmentally friendly fertilisers, including increasing knowledge and awareness among traders and farmers. Full Article
iron More coordinated legislation needed to ensure the Good Environmental Status of European seas By Published On :: Thur, 23 Feb 2017 9:23:19 GMT A range of legislation, including the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), is designed to ensure the ‘Good Environmental Status’ (GES) of EU seas by 2020. Researchers have assessed the MSFD in relation to existing maritime policies, concluding that coordination between directives is important to achieve GES. Full Article
iron Nanoparticle release from self-cleaning cement: new study considers how much escapes into the environment, and how By Published On :: Thur, 18 May 2017 9:23:19 GMT New figures on how much titanium dioxide nanomaterial (TiO2-NM) could be released into the environment from photocatalytic cement — a new type of self-cleaning cement — are presented in a recent study. Based on experimental test results, the researchers estimate that between 0.015% and 0.033% of photocatalytic cement’s TiO2-NM content could potentially escape over several years of cement use, depending on the level of cement porosity. The study could help inform environmental risk assessment of TiO2-NM, as well as safer design of nano-products (i.e. commercialised products incorporating nanomaterials). Full Article