
Vertical flow constructed wetlands : eco-engineering systems for wastewater and sludge treatment / Alexandros Stefanakis, Christos S. Akratos, Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis

Stefanakis, Alexandros, 1982-


Coasts for people : interdisciplinary approaches to coastal and marine resource management / Fikret Berkes

Berkes, Fikret


Economic incentives for marine and coastal conservation : prospects, challenges and policy implications / edited by Essam Yassin Mohammed


Marine biodiversity, climatic variability and global change / Gregory Beaugrand

Beaugrand, Grégory


The functionality of riparian zones in flat sandy catchments / Peter Martin O'Toole

O'Toole, Peter Martin, author


Soil and water contamination / Marcel van der Perk

Perk, Marcel van der, author


Australia's environment / Environment and Communications References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Environment and Communications References Committee, author


Collected works of Henry M. Stommel / edited by Nelson G. Hogg and Rui Xin Huang

Stommel, Henry M., 1920-1992


Water 4.0 : the past, present, and future of the world's most vital resource / David Sedlak

Sedlak, David L


Australia's water markets : an evaluation of Australia's water market as a new global standard for managing water resources / Manabu Kondo

Kondo, Manabu, author


The biology of mangroves and seagrasses / Peter J. Hogarth, Department of Biology, University of York, York, UK

Hogarth, Peter J


Coral reefs in the anthropocene / Charles Birkeland, editor


Greenpeace : how a group of journalists, ecologists and visionaries changed the world / Rex Weyler

Weyler, Rex, 1947-


Marine ecosystems : human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services / edited by Tasman P. Crowe, University College Dublin, Ireland, Christopher L.J. Frid, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia


Marine biology / Peter Castro, Ph.D., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Michael E. Huber, Ph.D., Jacobs Australia ; original artwork by William C. Ober, M.D., Washington & Lee University, and Claire E. Ober, B.A., R.N

Castro, Peter, author


Federal ecosystem management : its rise, fall, and afterlife / James R. Skillen

Skillen, James R., author


Ocean waves and kindred geophysical phenomena / by Vaughan Cornish with photographs by the author and additional notes by Harold Jeffreys

Cornish, Vaughan, 1862-1948


Conservation education and outreach techniques / Susan K. Jacobson, Mallory D. McDuff, and Martha C. Monroe

Jacobson, Susan Kay, author


Water capitalism : the case for privatizing oceans, rivers, lakes, and aquifers / Walter E. Block and Peter Lothian Nelson

Block, Walter, 1941- author


Deep marine systems : processes, deposits, environments, tectonics and sedimentation / Kevin T. Pickering & Richard N. Hiscott ; with contribution from Thomas Heard

Pickering, K. T. (Kevin T.), author


Impact of water pollution on human health and environmental sustainability / A. Elaine McKeown, Independent Researcher, USA, George Bugyi, Pennsylvania State University, USA


Coastal and marine stewardship in Western Australia : the case for a virtue ethic / John Davis

Davis, John K., author


Toxic tide: the threat of marine plastic pollution in Australia / The Senate, Environment and Communications References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Environment and Communications References Committee, author, issuing body


Environmental governance : institutions, policies and actions / Arild Vatn

Vatn, Arild, author


Solving the groundwater challenges of the 21st century / editor, Ryan Vogwill, School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Crawley Australia


Stressors in the marine environment : physiological and ecological responses; societal implications / edited by Martin Solan (University of Southampton, UK), Nia M. Whiteley (Bangor University, UK)


Water policy and planning in a variable changing climate : insights from the Western United States/ edited by Kathleen A. Miller [and three others]


Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management / edited by Bertrum H. MacDonald, Suzuette S. Soomai, Elizabeth M. De Santo, Peter G. Wells


River science : research and management for the 21st century / edited by David J. Gilvear, Malcolm T. Greenwood, Martin C. Thoms, Paul J. Wood


Biological sampling in the deep sea / edited by Malcolm R. Clark, Mireille Consalvey and Ashley A. Rowden (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand)


Marine transboundary conservation and protected areas / edited by Peter Mackelworth


Population biology of the sand dollar, Peronella lesueuri, in Cockburn Sound, southwest Australia / Sharon Yeo Sue-Yee

Yeo, Sue-Yee Sharon, author


Pollution status, environmental protection, and renewable energy production in marine systems / Ahmed El Nemr, editor


Marine genomics : methods and protocols / edited by Sarah J. Bourlat, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden


Perspectives on oceans past : a handbook of marine environmental history / Kathleen Schwerdtner Máñez, Bo Poulsen, editors


Implications of habitat type on the hyperbenthos of two morphologically divergent estuaries, and their adjacent nearshore marine waters, along the lower west coast of Australia / Natahsa Jeanne Coen

Coen, Natasha Jeanne, author


The Deep Sea Drilling Project--a decade of progress / based on a symposium sponsored by SEPM-AAPG, held at the annual meeting, Houston, Texas, 1979, with additional related contributions ; edited by John E. Warme, Robert G. Douglas, and Edward L. Winterer


Living lightly : travels in post-consumer society / Walter and Dorothy Schwarz

Schwarz, Walter, 1930-


Hydroacoustic ocean exploration : theories and experimental application / I. B. Abbasov

Abbasov, Iftikhar Balakishi ogly, author


International water scarcity and variability : managing resource use across political boundaries / Shlomi Dinar and Ariel Dinar

Dinar, Shlomi, author


Marine geochemistry : ocean circulation, carbon cycle and climate change / Matthieu Roy-Barman and Catherine Jeandel

Roy-Barman, Matthieu, author


Marine OMICS : principles and applications / edited by Se-Kwon Kim


Introduction to physical oceanography / John A. Knauss (late of University of Rhode Island), Newell Garfield (Southwest Fisheries Science Center)

Knauss, John A., author


Marine pollution and microbial remediation / Milind Mohan Naik, Santosh Kumar Dubey, editors


River ecosystem ecology : a global perspective : a derivative of Encyclopedia of inland waters / editor, Gene E. Likens


Marine community ecology and conservation / edited by Mark D. Bertness, Brown University, John F. Bruno, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Brian R. Silliman, Duke University, John J. Stachowicz, University of California Davis

Bertness, Mark D., 1949-


The marine world : a natural history of ocean life / Frances Dipper ; illustrated by Marc Dando

Dipper, Frances, 1951- author


The politics of fresh water : access, conflict and identity / edited by Catherine M. Ashcraft and Tamar Mayer


Contesting hidden waters : conflict resolution for groundwater and aquifers / W. Todd Jarvis

Jarvis, W. Todd, author


Living shorelines : the science and management of nature-based coastal protection / edited by Donna Marie Bilkovic, Molly M. Mitchell, Megan K. La Peyre, Jason D. Toft