
061 JSJ Functional Reactive Programming with Juha Paananen and Joe Fiorini

Panel Juha Paananen (twitter github blog) Joe Fiorini (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:20 - Joe Fiorini Introduction Interaction Developer at Designing Interactive in Cleveland, OH 01:42 - Juha Paananen Introduction Software Developer at Reaktor in Helsinki, Finland 02:30 - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) vs Functional Programming 057 JSJ Functional Programming with Zach Kessin 04:25 - Declarative Programming 05:55 - Map and Filter 07:05 - bacon.js Flapjax 09:10 - Mapping and filtering event streams 10:40 - Asynchronicity and Promises 14:28 - Using FRP ReactiveCocoa Complex UIs TodoMVC with Bacon.js, Backbone.js and Transparency.js by pyykiss 20:02 - Ember.js and FRP 22:04 - MVC frameworks and FRP Juha Paananen: FRP, Bacon.js and stuff: Chicken, Egg and Bacon.js 24:35 - Learning FRP 25:49 - Where did FRP come from? What is (functional) reactive programming? - Stack Overflow Conal Elliott: Composing Reactive Animations Haskell Reactive-banana - HaskellWiki 29:07 - Going beyond visual media substack/stream-handbook 32:18 - Wrappers 33:31 - How to build things with FRP libraries Juha Paananen @ MLOC.JS: Functional Reactive Programming in JavaScript using Bacon.js Picks SlideShare: Functional Reactive Programming in JavaScript (AJ) Valve: The AI Systems of Left 4 Dead by Michael Booth (Jamison) programming is terrible (Jamison) Simple Made Easy: Rich Hickey (Jamison) AngularJS Fundamentals (Joe's Pluralsight Course) (Joe) Open Source Bridge (Joe) That Conference (Joe) Star Trek: Into Darkness (Joe) ServerBear (AJ) rainwave (AJ) rwbackend (AJ) Mesa Boogie Lone Star Guitar Amplifier (Merrick) backburner.js (Merrick) messageformat.js (Merrick) Digital Ocean (Chuck) Emacs (Chuck) emacs_libs (Chuck) Tmux (Chuck) GitLab (Chuck) Flight by Twitter (Joe F.) Ember.js (Joe F.) CodeMash (Joe F.) fantasy-land (Juha) The Bacon.js postings featuring Phil Roberts (Juha) Iron Sky (Juha) Reaktor Dev Day (Juha) Next Week Dojo with Dylan Schiemann Transcript MERRICK:  How come nobody acknowledges when I talk? What about that? JAMISON:  That’s a deeper problem than a microphone. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at]  [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.]  CHUCK:  Hey everybody, and welcome to Episode 61 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have AJ O’Neal. AJ:  Yo, yo, yo. Coming at you live from Iowa. CHUCK:  Again? AJ:  Oh, I guess I was there last time, huh? It’ll be New York soon. CHUCK:  We have Jamison Dance. JAMISON:  Howdy, guys. CHUCK:  Joe Eames. JOE E:  Hey there. CHUCK:  Merrick Christensen. MERRICK:  What’s up? CHUCK:  I’m Charles Max Wood from This week, we have two special guests. We have Joe Fiorini. JOE F:  Hello everyone. CHUCK:  And Juha Paananen. JUHA:  Yeah. Hi everybody. Juha Paananen. CHUCK:  Thank you for straightening that up for me. We’re going to have you guys introduce yourself real quick, since you haven’t been on the show before. Joe, why don’t you start us off? JOE F:  Sure. My name is Joe Fiorini and I am an Interaction Developer at Designing Interactive in Cleveland, Ohio. I do a decent amount of JavaScript development every week. I’ve discovered Functional Reactive Programming three or four months ago and it’s changed my world. CHUCK:  Awesome. And Juha, do you want to introduce yourself as well? JUHA:  Yeah, why not? I’m Juha. I’m from Finland. Helsinki.


073 JSJ React with Pete Hunt and Jordan Walke

Panel Pete Hunt (twitter github blog) Jordan Walke (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:34 - Pete Hunt Introduction Instagram Facebook 02:45 - Jordan Walke Introduction 04:15 - React React - GitHub 06:38 - 60 Frames Per Second 09:34 - Data Binding 12:31 - Performance 17:39 - Diffing Algorithm 19:36 - DOM Manipulation 23:06 - Supporting node.js 24:03 - rendr 26:02 - JSX 30:31 - requestAnimationFrame 34:15 - React and Applications 38:12 - React Users Khan Academy 39:53 - Making it work Picks Ben Mabey: Clojure Plain & Simple (Jamison) JSConf 2013 Videos (Jamison) Kittens (Jamison) PBS Idea Channel (AJ) Free Trial SSL (AJ) OSX Wifi Volume Remote Control (AJ) js-git (Merrick) vim-airline (Merrick) MLS LIVE (Joe) Seraphina by Rachel Hartman (Joe) ng-conf (Joe) Hire Chuck (Chuck) GoToMeeting (Chuck) ScreenFlow (Chuck) syriandeveloper (Pete) jsFiddle (Pete) Hotel Tonight (Pete) Green Flash Brewery Beer: Palate Wrecker (Jordan) All Things Vim (Jordan) Next Week Grunt.js with Ben Alman Transcript JAMISON:  Joe is Merrick’s personal assistant. CHUCK:  [Laughter] MERRICK:  No, we’re just in this little room and he had, he was like, “Yeah” JOE:  Want me to freshen up your coffee, sir? [Chuckles] JAMISON:  Feed me some tacos, Joe. [Laughter] [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at]  [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.]  [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the front end of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure Compiler. Check it out] CHUCK:  Hey everybody and welcome to episode 73 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have Joe Eames. JOE:  Hey there. CHUCK:  AJ O’Neal. AJ:  Live again from Provo. CHUCK:  Jamison Dance. JAMISON:  Hey friends. CHUCK:  Merrick Christensen. MERRICK:  Hey guys. CHUCK:  I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV and we have two special guests this week. Pete Hunt. PETE:  Hey guys. CHUCK:  And Jordan Walke. JORDAN:  Hi. CHUCK:  Since you guys haven’t been on the show before, do you want to introduce yourselves? We’ll have Pete go first. PETE:  Sure. So my name’s Pete. I work on general React stuff these days. But my day job is building the Instagram web experience. If you go to, we have a bunch of frontend stuff you can play with and a bunch of backend infrastructure that supports all that. That’s what I mostly work on. We’re big users of React at Instagram so I ended up contributing a lot to the React core as well. JAMISON:  So did you come from Instagram or from Facebook and then to work on Instagram? PETE:  Well it was actually a pretty good story just in terms of the integration of the two companies. I was originally at Facebook for a couple of years and we acquired Instagram and they came in and they wanted to build a web presence. Facebook’s core competency is definitely web technologies and Instagram hasn’t historically focused on that. So we were able to take the Facebook web expertise and get Instagram up and running really quickly. I came from the Facebook side but the team is still very much a separate team, their own building, that kind of thing. So that’s my background. CHUCK:  Awesome. JAMISON:  Sweet. CHUCK:  And Jordan?


076 JSJ Meteor.js with Marcus Phillips and Fred Zirdung

Panel Marcus Phillips (twitter github) Fred Zirdung (twitter github) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:30 - Marcus Phillips and Fred Zirdung Introduction Hack Reactor 03:31 - Experience with Meteor 05:45 - Intro to Meteor Client-side Environment Tethered Queries minimongo 09:56 - Websockets 11:29 - Deployment Support 14:51 - The Cloud 16:43 - Meteor and Server-side JavaScript Engines Meteor Devshop 7 - LIVE 19:48 - Meteor and Windows 22:43 - Package Management System 23:49 - Building Meteor Apps 29:04 - Meteor Methods 33:02 - Open-Source Meteor Apps 34:15 - Hack Reactor Education Training Developers Removing Complexity Picks ng-conf (Joe) Ben Kamens: “Shipping Beats Perfection” Explained (Jamison) Evan Goer: Writing for Developers — Some Rational Techniques (Jamison) BOXEN (Chuck) Book Yourself Solid Illustrated: The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling by Michael Port (Chuck) meteor / packages / deps / deps.js (Marcus) Underscoreboard (Marcus) actionHero.js (Fred) Satellite (Fred) Tilden (Fred) rethink-livedata (Marcus) Next Week Monacle with Alex MacCaw Transcript JAMISON:  Speaking of single and [working] 30 hours a week after your job, is Merrick there?   [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at]  [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.]  [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the frontend of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure Compiler. Check it out at] CHUCK:  Hey everybody and welcome to episode 76 of the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Jamison Dance. JAMISON:  Hello friends. CHUCK:  Joe Eames. JOE:  Hey there. CHUCK:  I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV. We’ve also got two special guests and that is Fred Zirdung. FRED:  Hello. CHUCK:  Did I totally butcher that? FRED:  Yeah, you got it right. CHUCK:  Okay. And Marcus Phillips. MARCUS:  Hi everybody. CHUCK:  Since you guys haven't been on the show before, do you want to introduce yourself? We’ll have Marcus go first. MARCUS:  Sure. I'm Marcus Phillips. I'm a JavaScript enthusiast. I've been in it for a long time. Really excited about framework architecture and lately, all about teaching what I've learned over the course of time that I've been working in the Bay Area and working on the frontend of Twitter and things like that. Nowadays, I teach at Hack Reactor full time which is an immersive school for learning to become a developer over a period of three months. JAMISON:  Cool. CHUCK:  And which technologies do you teach at Hack Reactor? MARCUS:  We use JavaScript as our teaching language. Fundamentally, what we’re trying to do is teach people software engineering principles. So, JavaScript just turns out to be one of the most useful languages we can use to do that. But from there, we kind of want to give people practical skills that they can use immediately on the job. So, we definitely drive the entire curriculum out of GitHub repos and teach them some practical things like Backbone and Node and deployment strategies. So yeah, we kind of cover the gambit from frontend to backend with a focus on JavaScript in particular. CHUCK:  Awesome. That sounds really cool. JOE:  Yeah, it does. MARCUS:  It’s a lot of fun. CHUCK:  Fred,


083 JSJ FRP and RxJS with Matthew Podwysocki

In this episode, the panelists talk to Matthew Podwysocki about Functional Reactive Programming and RxJS.


092 JSJ The MEAN Stack with Ward Bell and Valeri Karpov

The panelists discuss the MEAN stack with Ward Bell and Valeri Karpov.


093 JSJ The New York Times and JavaScript with Eitan Konigsburg, Alastair Coote and Reed Emmons

The panelists discuss The New York Times and JavaScript with Eitan Konigsburg, Alastair Coote and Reed Emmons.


098 JSJ with Brian Woodward and Jon Schlinkert

The panelists speak with Brian Woodward and Job Schlinkert about


099 JSJ npm, Inc. with Isaac Schlueter, Laurie Voss, and Rod Boothby

The panelists discuss npm, Inc. with Isaac Schlueter, Laurie Voss, and Rod Boothby.


102 JSJ Angular and Open Source Projects with Brad Green

The panelists talk to Brad Green of Google, about Angular.js and managing open source projects.


105 JSJ JSConf and Organizing Conferences with Chris Williams

The panelists discuss JSConf and conference organization with Chris Williams.


112 JSJ Refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework with Brandon Hays

The panelists talk about refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework with Brandon Hays.


114 JSJ Asynchronous UI and Non-Blocking Interactions with Elliott Kember

The panelists talk to Elliot Kember about asynchronous UI and non-blocking interactions.


115 JSJ The ES6 Module Loader Polyfill, SystemJS, and jspm with Guy Bedford

the panelists discuss the ES6 module loader polyfill, SystemJS, and jspm with Guy Bedford.


116 JSJ jQuery UI vs KendoUI with Burke Holland and TJ VanToll

The panelists discuss jQuery vs KendoUI with Burke Holland and TJ VanToll.


117 JSJ The Koa Framework with Gerred Dillon and Will Conant

The panelists discuss the Koa Framework with Gerred Dillon and Will Conant.


120 JSJ Google Polymer with Rob Dodson and Eric Bidelman

The panelists talk to Rob Dodson and Eric Bidelman about the Google Polymer project and Google I/O.


126 JSJ The Ionic Framework with Max Lynch and Tyler Renelle

The panelists discuss the Ionic Framework with Max Lynch and Tyler Renelle.


127 JSJ Changes in npm-Land with Forrest Norvell, Rebecca Turner, Ben Coe, and Isaac Z. Schlueter

The panelists discuss changes in the npm package manager with Forrest Norvell, Rebecca Turner, Ben Coe, and Isaac Z. Schlueter.


130 JSJ Browser Tools and Extensions

The panelists talk about browser tools and extensions.


137 JSJ &yet with Henrik Joreteg and Phil Roberts

The panelists talk to Henrik Joreteg and Philip Roberts of &yet.


139 JSJ The Mozilla Developer Network with Les Orchard and David Walsh

The panelists talk about the Mozilla Developer Network with Les Orchard and David Walsh.


140 JSJ Using Art to Get and Keep People Interested in Programming with Jenn Schiffer

The panelists talk to Jenn Schiffer about using art to get and keep people interested in programming.


143 JSJ Teaching Programming and Computer Science with Pamela Fox

Pamela Fox and the rest of the gang talk about teaching programming and Computer Science.


146 JSJ React with Christopher Chedeau and Jordan Walke

The panelists talk to Christopher Chedeau and Jordan Walke about React.js Conf and React Native.


147 JSJ io.js with Isaac Schleuter and Mikeal Rogers

The panelists talk to Isaac Schleuter and Mikeal Rogers about io.js.


148 JSJ and EveryBit.js with Matt Asher and Dann Toliver

02:24 - Dann Toliver Introduction

02:35 - Matt Asher Introduction

02:51 - EveryBit.js and I.CX

03:43 - Architecture

06:54 - Sustainability and The Pieces of the System

21:56 - Decentralization

25:20 - Audience: Why Should I Care?

27:38 - Getting Started: Nuts and Bolts

  • Frontend Agnostic
  • Storage and Performance
  • Users and Data Management
    • Payload Properties
    • Metadata
    • Graph Database
      • Adding New Relationships
      • Adding Heuristics
      • Resource Allocator Component
        • Local Storage
        • RAM

34:55 - Scaling and Server Cost

36:23 - Cloud Storage and Management (Security & Trust)

47:22 - Implementing Cryptographic Primitives

55:13 - The Firefox Sync Tool Project


[] Kylelandrypiano (Jamison)
"Visualizing Persistent Data Structures" by Dann Toliver (Jamison)
Probability and Statistics Blog (Jamison)
Seeed Studio (Tim)
Adafruit Industries (Tim)
SparkFun Electronics (Tim)
American Sniper by Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen, and Jim DeFelice (Chuck)
Introducing Relay and GraphQL (Dann)
The Clojurescript Ecosystem (Dann)
Read-Eval-Print-λove (Dann)
React Native (Matt)


149 JSJ Passenger Enterprise with Node.js with Hongli Lai and Tinco Andringa

Check out RailsClips on Kickstarter!!

02:39 - Hongli Lai Introduction

03:08 - Tinco Andringa Introduction

03:23 - Phusion Passenger

06:13 - Automation

08:37 - Parsing HTTP Headers

  • Hooking

12:44 - Meteor Support

15:37 - Future Added Features?

17:12 - Passenger Enterprise

20:03 - Concurrency and Multithreading  

23:33 - Setting Up on a Server for a Node.js Application

25:06 - Union Station Monitoring Tool (Union Station Teaser)


Emily Claire Reese: Playing Catch-Up (Jamison)
Jason Punyon: Providence: Failure Is Always an Option (Jamison)
Active Child: You Are All I See (Jamison)
FFmpeg (Chuck)
YouTube (Chuck)
Developers' Box Club (Chuck)
Ruby Remote Conf (Chuck) Kickstarter (Chuck)
Dash (Hongli)
In the Balance: An Alternate History of the Second World War by Harry Turtledove (Hongli)
phusion-mvc (Tinco)
Union Station Teaser (Tinco)
Radio 1's Live Lounge (Tinco)


150 JSJ OIMs with Richard Kennard, Geraint Luff, and David Luecke

Check out RailsClips on Kickstarter!!


02:01 - Richard Kennard Introduction

02:04 - Geraint Luff Introduction

02:07 - David Luecke Introduction

02:57 - Object-relational Mapping (ORM)

10:57 - Online Interface Mapper (OIM)

12:53 - How OIMs Work

  • Form Generation
    • Dynamic Generation
    • Static Generation
  • Duplication of Definitions
  • Runtime Generation

16:02 - Editing a UI That’s Automatically Generated

  • Shape Information => Make Obvious Choice

23:01 - Why Do We Need These?

25:24 - Protocol?

27:56 - Plugging Into Frameworks

33:48 - Making Judgement Calls

49:27 - Example OIMs

52:08 - Testing


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (AJ)
80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More by Perry Marshall (Chuck)
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin (Chuck)
Conform: Exposing the Truth About Common Core and Public Education by Glenn Beck (Chuck)
Miracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America by Glenn Beck (Chuck)
3D Modeling (Richard)
Blender (Richard)
Me3D (Richard)
Bandcamp (David)
Zones of Thought Series by Vernor Vinge (David)
Citizenfour (Geraint)
Solar Fields (Geraint)
OpenPGP.js (Geraint)
forge (Geraint)


152 JSJ GraphQL and Relay with Nick Schrock and Joe Savona

02:25 - Nick Shrock Introduction

02:40 - Joe Savona Introduction

02:49 - Facebook and Open Source

04:10 - GraphQL and Relay Overview

  • React for Your Data” / Component-based Data Fetching

06:11 - Unique to React? Passing Down Through the Hierarchy

10:09 - Queries

  • Tooling
    • Graphical
  • Pulling Definitions

14:13 - Why Do I Care? (As Someone Not Working at Facebook)

15:21 - Building Applications with GraphQL and Relay

19:01 - GraphQL and Building Backends

21:42 - Drivers and Client Software

  • Synthesize => Code Generation
  • Flux
  • Container Classes

30:58 - Reusing Components

31:50 - Data Management

34:25 - Open Source

36:40 - Reflecting Backend Constraints? (Optimizing the Backend)

43:02 - Relationships => Logs

46:24 - Security

47:16 - Replacing REST (Adopting New Technology)

  • “The Progressive Disclosure of Complexity”

52:14 - What You Wouldn’t Use GraphQL or Relay For

  • Games


Another Eternity by Purity Ring (Jamison)
JT Olds: What riding a unicycle can teach us about microaggressions (Jamison)
OCReMix (AJ)
Duet Display (Chuck)
Summoners War (Chuck)
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (Joe)
Learning a new language (Joe)

Other People: What Kind of Man (Nicolas Jaar remix) - Florence & the Machine (Nick)
Boosted Boards (Nick)
The Onion: Succession Of Terrible Events Fails To Befall 33-Year-Old Riding Longboard To Digital Media Job (Nick)


154 JSJ Error Reporting and Workflow with John-Daniel Trask

02:35 - John-Daniel Trask Introduction and Background

04:57 -

06:23 - Crash Reporting The Right Way

  • Error Grouping
  • Suppress Notifications

10:06 - Most Common Errors

12:05 - Source Maps

19:16 - Managing Error Reporting in Gross Environments

22:17 - Determining Where The Issue Is

24:45 - Do People Write Their Own Errors?

26:23 - Frameworks Support

28:28 - Collecting Data: Privacy and Security

30:01 - Does working in error reporting make you judgemental of others’ code?

  • “DDOSing Yourself”

32:42 - Planning for Rare Exceptions

33:36 - Tactics to Cut Down on Messages

35:53 - Gathering Basic Debugging Information

37:58 - Getting the BEST Information

42:24 - The Backend: Node.js

43:24 - “Creating an Application”


LDS Connect (AJ)
TED Talk About Nothing (Dave)
OlliOlli 2 Soundtrack (Jamison)
Jurassic Park (Joe)
ng-vegas (Joe)
WASD CODE 87-Key Illuminated Mechanical Keyboard with White LED Backlighting - Cherry MX Clear (Chuck)
Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad (Chuck)
Thank You
Rails Clips Kickstarter Backers! (Chuck)
Mastery by Robert Greene (Chuck)
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Chuck)
The Pirates of Silicon Valley (John-Daniel)
littleBits (John-Daniel)


156 JSJ Soft Skills and Marketing Yourself as a Software Developer with John Sonmez

Check out ReactRally: A community React conference in Salt Lake City, UT from August 24th-25th!

03:36 - John Sonmez Introduction

04:29 - Mastermind Groups

05:53 - “Soft Skills”

  • Why Care About Soft Skills?
    • People Skills
    • Finances
    • Fitness

11:53 - Learned vs Innate

  • Lifting Limited Beliefs
  • Practice

14:14 - Promotion (Managerial) Paths

17:52 - “Marketing”

29:53 - Get Up and CODE!

33:47 - Burnout

Get John’s How to Market Yourself as a Software Developer Course for $100 off using the code JSJABBER

Comment on this episode for your chance to win one of two autographed copies of Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual by John Sonmez


The Recurse Center (Jamison)
Code Words Blog (Jamison)
DayZ Player Sings (And Plays Guitar) For His Life (Jamison)
Demon (Jamison)
Mastodon: Leviathan (Jamison)
Jan Van Haasteren Puzzles (Joe)
Hobbit Tales from the Green Dragon Inn (Joe)
AngularJS-Resources (Aimee)
Superfeet Insoles (Aimee)
Good Mythical Morning (AJ)
The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz (Chuck)
Streak (John)
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber (John)
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition by Robert B. Cialdini (John)
Do the Work by Steven Pressfield (John)
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield (John)



157 Moving Your Rendering Engine to React with Amit Kaufman and Avi Marcus

02:43 - Amit Kaufman Introduction

03:07 - Avi Marcus Introduction

04:35 - Why Move Your Rendering Engine to React?

07:25 - Using JavaScript

09:57 - Business Process and Progression (Getting Managerial Approval)

12:46 - Manipulation

15:11 - Layout and Performance

  • Measuring and Patching

20:21 - Building Client-Side Applications in General

  • Abstraction
  • Make Code Predictable and Clear
  • Have a Goal

26:00 - Events

29:30 - Storage

  • Lazy Components

31:31 - Immutability

34:36 - Flux and Keeping Code Maintainable

  • Packages

38:19 - Two-way Data Binding


Notes on the book "Art & Fear" by David Bayles & Ted Orland (Jamison)
Papers (Jamison)
Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store (Jamison)
LDS Conference Talks (AJ)
Stephen Young: Why your code is so hard to understand (Aimee)
Kombucha (Aimee)
Pascal Precht: Integrating Web Components with AngularJS (Pascal)
Template Syntax Constraints and Reasoning (Design Doc) (Pascal)
[Pluralsight Webinar] AngularJS 2.0: What you need to know with Joe (Joe)
Whiplash (Amit)
Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? (Amit)
React Templates (Amit)
Esprima (Avi)
Big Hero 6 (Avi)


Check out and sign up to get new on React Rally: A community React conference on August 24th and 25th in Salt Lake City, Utah!


163 JSJ Flow with Jeff Morrison and Avik Chaudhuri

03:32 - Jeff Morrison Introduction

03:46 - Avik Chaudhuri Introduction

04:27 - Flow

05:36 - Static Type Checking

09:52 - Flow and Unit Testing

12:39 - Gradual Typing

15:07 - Type Inference

17:50 - Keeping Up with New Features in JavaScript

20:49 - Generators

24:46 - Working on Flow

28:27 - Flow vs TypeScript

35:41 - Putting the “Java” Back in JavaScript

  • Server/Client Overview
  • Prototyping

45:26 - Flow and the JavaScript Community

46:43 - React Support

48:39 - Documentation


Nolan Lawson: We have a problem with promises (Aimee)
Jim 'N Nick's BBQ Restaurant (Aimee)
Frank McSherry: Scalability! But at what COST? (Jamison)
Frank McSherry: Bigger data; same laptop (Jamison)
Greg Wilson: What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It's True (Jamison)
Marron: Time-Travel Debugging for JavaScript/HTML Applications (Jeff)
Real World OCaml (Jeff)

Muse (Jeff)
Shtetl-Optimized (Avik)
Chef's Table (Avik)


165 JSJ ShopTalk with Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert

02:43 - Dave Rupert Introduction

03:42 - Chris Coyier Introduction

06:24 - The ShopTalk Show and Podcasting

  • @shoptalkshow
  • “What do I learn next?” => “Just Build Websites!”
  • Question & Answers Aspect

23:19 - Tech Is A Niche

29:51 - Balancing Technical Content for All Levels of Listeners

  • Community Opinion

38:42 - Learning New CSS Tricks (Writing Blog Posts)

41:54 - The Accessibility Project

56:02 - Favorite & Cool Episodes


FIFA Women's World Cup (Joe)
Winnipeg (Joe)
The Martian by Andy Weir (Joe)
Zapier (Aimee)
SparkPost (Aimee) (AJ) (AJ)
Microsoft Edge (AJ)
StarFox Zero for Wii U (AJ)
Hot Plate (AJ)
untrusted (AJ)
Skiplagged (Dave)
Judge John Hodgman (Dave)
Wayward Pines (Chris)
Sturgill Simpson (Chris)
The Economic Value of Rapid Response Time (Dave)
The Adventure Zone (Dave)
React Rally (Jamison)
Matsuoka Shuzo: NEVER GIVE UP (Jamison)
DESTROY WITH SCIENCE - Quantum Loop (Jamison)
Serial Podcast (Chuck)
Ruby Remote Conf (Chuck)


166 JSJ New Relic with Wraithan and Ben Weintraub

02:27 - Coding House Scholarship Winners with AJ and Aimee

  • Emily Dreisbach (50% scholarship winner)
  • Blake Gilmore (50% scholarship winner)
  • Berlin Sohn (100% scholarship winner)

Congratulations from the panelists of JavaScript Jabber!


09:48 - Ben Weintraub Introduction

10:40 - Wraithan Introduction

11:01 - Why Care About Monitoring?

13:08 - Mixedpanel

13:57 - How it Works on the Backend

17:26 - New Relic’s CEO: Lew Cirne

18:37 - How the Node Agent Works

23:27 - Deciding Which Databases to Support

26:41 - Browser Monitoring

32:54 - Using Zombie.js?

34:11 - Tree of Causality

39:37 - Monetizing Aspect, Viewable Source/Source Available Code

47:28 - Performance

01:00:53 - New Relic


mraleph Blog (Wraithan)
v8-perf (Wraithan)
The Dear Hunter: A Night on the Town (Jamison)
React Rally (Jamison)
caddy (AJ)
Windows 10: Setup your Raspberry Pi 2 (AJ)
Remote debugging protocol (Ben)
Chrome Dev Tools Filmstrip View (Ben)


167 JSJ TypeScript and Angular with Jonathan Turner and Alex Eagle

02:27 - Alex Eagle Introduction

02:54 - Jonathan Turner Introduction

03:30 - What is TypeScript?

04:40 - Google + Microsoft = <3 (Angular Adopting TypeScript)

07:18 - TypeScript Accommodating Angular

09:28 - Surge of Interest in Adopting a Typechecker, Type System

14:21 - Angular: Creating a New Language

16:46 - The Angular 2 Component System and How it Uses New Annotations for Classes

18:01 - Annotations and Decorators

22:06 - TypeScript and Babel?; Adding New Features

25:25 - Non-Angular Users Adopting TypeScript

34:55 - Tooling and Setting Modes for Linting and Static Analysis

36:58 - Using Libraries Outside the TypeScript Ecosystem

38:11 - Type Definition Files

40:15 - Content of the Type System

43:19 - Duck Typing

45:12 - Getting People to Care about TypeScript

49:16 - The Angular and TypeScript Relationship


f.lux (Aimee)
Jafar Husain: Functional Programming in Javascript (learnrx) (Aimee)
Startup Timelines (Jamison)
Friday Night Lights (Jamison)
React Rally (Jamison)
Evan Farrer: Unit testing isn't enough. You need static typing too. (Dave)
AngularConnect (Joe) (Joe) (Joe)
Sonic Pi (Chuck)
Error Prone (Alex)
AudioScope-ng2 (Jonathan)
The Nintendo World Championships (Jonathan)


174 JSJ npm 3 with Rebecca Turner and Forrest Norvell

Don’t miss out! Sign up for Angular Remote Conf!


02:28 - Forrest Norvell Introduction

02:37 - Rebecca Turner Introduction

03:05 - Why npm 3 Exists and Changes in npm 2 => 3

  • Debugging
  • Life Cycle Ordering
  • Deduplication

08:36 - Housekeeping

09:47 - Peer Dependency Changes

15:38 - The Rewrite Process and How That Enabled Some of the Changes Coming Out

22:50 - shrinkwrapping

27:00 - Other Breaking Changes?

  • Permissions

30:40 - Tiny Jewels

33:24 - Why Rewrite?

36:00 - npm’s Focus on the Front End

42:04 - Transitioning to npm 3

42:54 - Installing npm 3

44:11 - Packaging with io.js and Node.js

45:16 - Being in Beta


Slack List (Aimee)
Perceived Performance Fluent Conf Talks (Aimee)
Paul Irish: How Users Perceive the Speed of The Web Keynote @ Fluent 2015 (Aimee)
Subsistence Farming (AJ)
Developer On Fire Episode 017 - Charles Max Wood - Get Involved and Try New Things (Chuck)
Elevator Saga (Chuck)
BrazilJS (Forrest)
NodeConf Brazil (Forrest)

For quick testing: `npm init -y`, configure init (Forrest)
Where Can I Put Your Cheese? (Or What to Expect From npm@3) @ Boston Ember, May 2015 (Rebecca)
Open Source & Feelings Conference (Rebecca)
bugs [npm Documentation] (Rebecca)
docs [npm Documentation] (Rebecca)
repo [npm Documentation] (Rebecca)


175 JSJ Elm with Evan Czaplicki and Richard Feldman

02:27 - Evan Czaplicki Introduction

02:32 - Richard Feldman Introduction

02:38 - Elm

04:06 - Academic Ideas

05:10 - Functional Programming, Functional Reactive Programming & Immutability

16:11 - Constraints

24:24 - Compilation

27:05 - Signals

36:34 - Shared Concepts & Guarantees at the Language Level

43:00 - Elm vs React

47:24 - Integration

52:23 - Upcoming Features

54:15 - Testing

56:38 - Websites/Apps Build in Elm

58:37 - Getting Started with Elm

59:41 - Canonical Uses?

01:01:26 - The Elm Community & Contributions

Extras & Resources


The Pragmatic Studio: What is Elm? Q&A (Aimee)
Elm (Joe)
Student Bodies (Joe)
Mike Clark: Getting Started With Elm (Joe)
Angular Remote Conf (Chuck)
Stripe (Chuck)
Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians (Alcatraz, No. 1) by Brandon Sanderson (Chuck)
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud (Evan)
The Glass Bead Game: (Magister Ludi) A Novel by Hermann Hesse (Evan)
The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition by Don Norman (Richard)
Rich Hickey: Simple Made Easy (Richard)
NoRedInk Tech Blog (Richard)


178 JSJ Tech Education and The Business of Running Front End Masters with Marc Grabanski

03:01 - Marc Grabanski Introduction

03:35 - The jQuery UI Datepicker

04:29 - Frontend Masters

07:26 - The Live Streaming Phenomenon

09:17 - Scalability

11:25 - Value, Feedback Cycle

14:43 - Structuring Courses and Workshops

16:09 - Online vs In-Person

  • Prerequisites

18:11 - Booking Workshops

19:02 - Scaling (Cont’d)

20:00 - Online Education (eLearning) in General

21:40 - The Business Model

  • Licensing

24:12 - Hot Sellers

25:28 - Technical Setup

27:27 - Selecting Topics

29:41 - Future Topics / Topics in Production

30:38 - Individual / Company Attendees

31:45 - Upcoming Plans for Frontend Masters

32:32 - Advice For Starting Something Like Frontend Masters

34:23 - Keeping Content Up-to-date

36:14 - eLearning Experiments

39:30 - Giveaways

40:07 - Getting Started with Programming

43:03 - Marketing

45:20 - Teacher Compensation


Jessica Kerr: Functional Principles In React @ React Rally 2015 (Jamison)
thought-haver (Jamison)
[Frontend Masters] Angular Application Development (Aimee)
[Frontend Masters] JavaScript the Good Parts (Aimee)
Taking time off (Chuck)

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Joe)
BB-8 by Sphero (Joe)
ng-conf (Joe)
The Tim Ferriss Show (Marc)
CodeCombat (Marc)
Untrusted (Marc)


179 JSJ redux and React with Dan Abramov

02:25 - Dan Abramov Introduction

02:43 - Dan’s Background and Journey Into Building Stuff with React

05:48 - redux and React    

10:07- The Elm Programming Language

12:19 - Reducers

14:04 - Hot Reloading

17:50 - “React makes you a better JavaScript developer.”

22:10 - Time Travel

28:26 - Storing Data and Managing State

34:43 - [Patreon] Support Dan Abramov Creating Redux and React Hot Loader

36:24 - react-transform

41:34 - Using redux outside React

43:52 - Editors and Programmer Productivity

45:35 - Future Plans


The OAuth2 RFC (Aimee)
Michael Ries: Hiring Apprentices (Jamison)
@sebmck: "Sometimes having email history isn't always a good thing..." (Jamison)
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (Jamison)
Firefly (Joe)
The Elm Programming Language (Joe)
Google Keep (Dave)
15 Minute Podcast Listener chat with Charles Wood (Chuck)
Pebble Time (Chuck)
100 Days of Burpees (Chuck)
Broad City (Dan)
Jamie xx: In Colour (Dan)
Cycle.js (Dan)


181 JSJ The Evolution of Flux Libraries with Andrew Clark and Dan Abramov

Sign up for JS Remote Conf!


Dan and Andrew's super awesome, helpful document that they made for the show during preparation

03:22 - Andrew Clark Introduction

03:39 - Dan Abramov Introduction

04:03 - Flux

09:36 - Data Flow

22:52 - Conceptualizing React and Flux

27:50 - Documentation

30:38 - The Elm Programming Language

32:34 - Making Patterns Explicit in Frameworks

36:31 - Getting Started with React and Flux

  • Classes

42:42 - Where Flux Falls Short

58:23 - Keeping the Core Small; Making Decisions


Strange Loop 2015 Videos  (Jamison)
Typeset In The Future (Jamison)
Open-source as a project model for internal work (w/ speaker notes) by Kevin Lamping (Jamison)
Explanation of Zipf's Law (Dave)
Will Conant's talk at UtahJS 2015 on Flux (Dave)
The Legend of ZERO (3 Book Series) by Sara King (Joe)
Camel Up (Joe)
The Elm Programming Language (Joe)
Boundaries: A talk by Gary Bernhardt from SCNA 2012 (Aimee)
Nodevember (Aimee)
TV Fool (Chuck)
RCA Outdoor Digital HDTV VHF UHF Yagi Type Antenna (Chuck)
The Michael Vey Book Series (Chuck)
BusinessTown (Dan)
Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man (Dan)
Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming (Dan)
Abiogenesis (Dan)
react-future (Dan)
The Righteous Mind (Andrew)
lodash-fp (Andrew)
Inside Amy Schumer (Andrew)
dataloader (Andrew)
Careers at OpenGov (Andrew)


186 JSJ NativeScript with TJ VanToll and Burke Holland

Check out JS Remote Conf! Buy a ticket! Submit a CFP!


03:07 - Burke Holland Introduction

04:01 - TJ Van Toll Introduction

04:33 - Telerik

04:57 - NativeScript

07:41 - The Views

10:07 - Customizability, Styling, and Standardization

16:19 - React Native vs NativeScript

18:37 - APIs

21:17 - How NativeScript Works

23:04 - Edgecases?

26:12 - Memory Management

27:06 - UITableView

29:59 - NativeScript and Angular

33:22 - Adding NativeScript to Existing Projects

33:51 - Building for Wearables and AppleTV

35:59 - Building Universal Applications

37:14 - Creating NativeScript

39:42 - Use Cases

41:01 - Are there specific things NativeScript isn’t good for?

42:54 - Testing and Debugging

48:35 - Data Storage


Caddy (AJ)
OC ReMix #505: Top Gear 'Track 1 (Final Nitro Mix)' by Rayza (AJ)
Jamie Talbot: What are Bloom filters? A tale of code, dinner, and a favour with unexpected consequences (Aimee)
Mike Gehard (@mikegehard) (Aimee)
Joe Eames: Becoming Betazoid: How to Listen and Empathize with Others in the Workplace @ AngularConnect 2015 (Dave)
Exercise (Chuck)
Sleep (Chuck)

electron (Aaron)
The Synchronicity War Series by Dietmar Wehr (Aaron)
PAUSE (Burke)
Outlander (TJ)


189 JSJ PureScript with John A. De Goes and Phil Freeman

02:54 - John A. De Goes Introduction

06:34 - Phil Freeman Introduction

07:38 - What is PureScript?

09:11 - Features

12:24 - Overcoming the Vocabulary Problem in Functional Programming

20:07 - Prerequisites to PureScript

26:14 - PureScript vs Elm

40:37 - Similar Languages to PureScript

44:07 - PureScript Background

47:48 - The WebAssembly Effect

51:01 - Readability

53:42 - PureScript Learning Resources

55:43 - Working with Abstractions


Philip Robects: What the heck is the event loop anyways? @ JS Conf EU 2014 (Aimee)
loupe (Aimee)
The Man in the High Castle (Jamison)
Nickolas Means: How to Crash an Airplane @ RubyConf 2015 (Jamison)  
Lambda Lounge Utah (Jamison)
Michael Trotter: Intro to PureScript @ Utah Haskell Meetup (Jamison)
Utah Elm Users (Jamison)
Screeps (Joe)
Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era by Tony Wagner (Joe)
Dark Matter (Joe)
LambdaConf (John)
@lambda_conf (John)
ramda (John)
Proper beef, ale & mushroom pie (John)
Tidal (Phil)
purescript-flare (Phil)
The Forward JS Conference (Phil)


193 JSJ Electron with Jessica Lord and Amy Palamountain

Get your JS Remote Conf tickets!

Freelance’ Remote Conf’s schedule is shaping up! Head over here to check it out!


02:17 - Jessica Lord Introduction

02:40 - Amy Palamountain Introduction

03:14 - Electron

04:55 - Cross-platform Compatibility

05:55 - Electron/Atom + GitHub

07:16 - Electron/Atom + React ?

07:57 - Use Cases for Electron

15:09 - Creating Electron Apps on Phones

17:25 - Running a Service Inside of Electron  

19:46 - Making an Electron App

24:09 - Sharing Code

27:40 - Plugins for Functionality

31:08 - Keeping Up-to-date/Adding Features

33:14 - Pain Points

36:22 - Using Electron for Native

39:48 - What is a “webview”?

42:12 - Getting Started with Electron

43:28 - Robotics/Hardware Hacking with Electron


Autolux - Future Perfect (Jamison)
Move Fast and Break Nothing (Aimee)
[] Getting Started with Redux (Dave)
Destructuring and parameter handling in ECMAScript 6 (Dave)
JS Remote Conf (Chuck)
Freelance Remote Conf (Chuck)
React Remote Conf (Chuck)
Pebble Time Steel (Chuck)
UglyBaby Etsy Shop (Amy)
Jimmy Fallon: Kid Theater with Tom Hanks (Jessica)




195 JSJ Rollup.js with Rich Harris and Oskar Segersvärd

02:17 - Rich Harris Introduction

02:34 - Oskar Segersvärd Introduction

02:50 - rollup.js

04:47 - Caveats and Fundamental Differences Between CommonJS and AMD Modules and ES6 Modules

11:26 - Where rollup.js Fits in the Ecosystem

17:40 - Input Modules

18:35 - Why Focus on Bundling Tools vs HTTP/2

20:13 - Tree-shaking versus dead code elimination

25:53 - ES6/ES2016 Support

27:36 - Other Important Optimizations

32:11 - Small modules: it’s not quite that simple

41:54 - jsnext:main – should we use it, and what for?


Better Off Ted (Joe)
Elementary (Joe)
Ruby Rogues Episode #137: Book Club - Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer with Brian Marick (Aimee)
Ruby Rogues Episode #115: Functional and Object Oriented Programming with Jessica Kerr (Aimee)
Ruby Rogues Episode #65: Functional vs Object Oriented Programming with Michael Feathers (Aimee)
Operation Code (Aimee)
Google Define Function (Dave)

Scott Hanselman: Dark Matter Developers: The Unseen 99% (Dave)
MyFitnessPal (Chuck)
Nike+ Running (Chuck)
Couch to 10k (Chuck)
Aftershokz Bluez 2 Headphones (Chuck)
Pebble Time Steel (Chuck)
Climbing (Rich)

The Codeless Code (Rich)
Star Wars (Rich)
The Website Obesity Crisis (Oskar)


196 JSJ Tabris.js with Jochen Krause and Ian Bull

Check out Freelance Remote Conf and React Remote Conf!


02:31 - Jochen Krause Introduction

03:21 - Ian Bull Introduction

04:01 - Tabris.js

04:48 - Tabris vs React, Cordova, and React Native

  • Exposing Bluetooth Functionality

08:25 - Benefits/Advantages of Using Tabris

12:45 - Creating Panels and Flows

14:26 - Getting Started Experience

16:40 - Handling Updates; Live Updating

25:15 - Views (Declarative and Imperative UI)

29:09 - "Write once, run anywhere." vs "Learn once write anywhere."

35:21 - Why have other projects failed or not failed?

39:41 - What does it mean to be statically compiled?

40:44 - Styling: Creating a Middle Group that Looks and Feels Good (iOS vs Android)

  • Cross-platform Logic and Ecosystems

47:51 - ES6 Implications

49:29 - Plugins


Star Wars Essentials (AJ)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (AJ)
Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words by Randall Munroe (AJ)
James Edwards: Making a Mini-Lisp: Introduction to Transpilers (Aimee)
Nick Saban (Aimee)
Lloyd Borrett: Bill Gates and Petals Around the Rose (Jamison)
Dan Luu: Normalization of Deviance in Software: How Completely Broken Practices Become Normal (Jamison)
Craig Stuntz: Programs that Write Programs: How Compilers Work (Jamison)
Microsoft (Dave)
Tina Fey (Dave)
thoughtram Blog (Dave)
Pascal Precht (Dave)
CES (Chuck)
The Modern Team (Ian)
Eric Elliott (Ian)
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (Jochen)


197 JSJ Auth0 with Kassandra Perch

02:03 - Kassandra Perch Introduction

02:46 - Auth0

04:10 - Centralized Auth Services: Handing Out User Data to Third Parties

05:32 - Security, Storage, and Compliance

08:48 - Managing Session Data

09:35 - Cookies vs JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

  • How Authentication Works

12:47 - OAuth

14:12 - Identification, Authorization, and Authentication

20:16 - Auth0 Infrastructure

22:10 - Using Node

23:06 - The Backend

24:25 - Documentation and Education

36:42 - The Value of OpenID Connect

38:25 - Identity


Add AJ on Tri-Force Heroes (AJ)
Making a Murderer (AJ)
Mazie's Girl Scout Digital Cookie Site (Aimee)
React (with Introduction to Flux Architecture) (Aimee)
Jordan Scales: Let’s Make A Webpage In 2016 (Jamison)
building-brooklynjs (Jamison)
Cult of the Party Parrot (Jamison)
CSS-Tricks (Jamison)
Auth0 Docs (Kassandra)
OpenID Foundation (Kassandra)
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (Kassandra)


198 JSJ 2015 Recap and 2016 Predictions

02:36 - Big Changes in the JavaScript Community in 2015

09:38 - Other Uses of JavaScript

10:56 - Functional Programming

19:16 - Elm / redux

22:40 - RxJS and Reactive Programming

25:00 - ES2015

27:43 - Types: TypeScript / Flow

30:59 - npm

33:00 - Junior Developers and Bootcamps

47:27 - Will other communities start looking at Node?

49:18 - Building Mobile Apps with JavaScript

50:09 - Text Editors or IDEs?


Victor Savkin: Managing State in Angular 2 Applications (Joe)
Desserts of Kharak (Joe)
The Prodigals Club (Joe)
AST explorer (Aimee)
Chyld Medford (Aimee)
Mazie's Girl Scout Cookie Digital Order Site (Aimee)
Mogo Portable Seat (Chuck)
Patt Flynn: How to Write a Book: The Secret to a Super Fast First Draft (Chuck)
React Remote Conf (Chuck)


199 JSJ Visual Studio Code with Chris Dias and Erich Gamma

Check out to get in on all the conference action this year -- from the comfort of your own home!


02:13 - Chris Dias Introduction

02:21 - Erich Gamma Introduction

02:31 - Visual Studio Code

03:49 - Built on Electron

04:25 - Why another tool?

  • Visual Debugging
  • Keybinding Support

08:12 - Code Folding

09:00 - Will people move from Visual Studio to Visual Studio Code?

12:06 - Language Support

18:06 - Visual Studio Code and Microsoft Goals

22:47 - Community Support and Building Extensions

28:31 - The Choice to Use Electron

32:41 - Getting VS Code to Work on the Command Line

35:02 - Tabs

38:49 - Visual Studio Code Uptake and Adoption

40:11 - Licenses

44:46 - Designing a UX for Developers

58:15 - Design Patterns


LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Video Game - Announce Teaser Trailer (Joe)
Firebase (Joe)
Progress bar noticeably slows down npm install: Issue #11283 (Jamison)
Darkest Dungeon (Jamison)
Trek Glowacki Twitter Thread (Jamison)
Mogo Portable Seat (Chuck)
Clear Acrylic Wall Mountable 10 Slot Dry Erase Marker & Eraser Holder Organizer Rack (Chuck)
Bitmap Graphics SIGGRAPH'84 Course Notes (Erich)
Salsa (Chris)

The Microsoft Band (Chris)
Making a Murderer (Chris)


209 JSJ TypeScript with Anders Hejlsberg

This episode was recorded live from The Microsoft Build Conference 2016. In this episode we chatted with Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft about Typescript. You can follow him on Twitter, or check out what he’s done over on GitHub



Writing Code (Anders)