
City makes plans to implement CSB refinery safety recommendations

Richmond, CA – The Richmond City Council in California recently adopted a resolution to implement recommendations from a Chemical Safety Board interim report on the August 2012 Chevron refinery fire and explosion.


CSB recommends stricter regulations for California refineries

Washington – California should strengthen its process safety management regulations for refineries, the Chemical Safety Board stated in a final report on a fire at a Chevron refinery in 2012.


CSB issues 11 recommendations in report on Chevron refinery fire

Richmond, CA – Chemical Safety Board members unanimously approved a set of recommendations as part of the agency’s third and final report on a fire and vapor release that affected thousands of residents near a Chevron refinery in 2012.


NIOSH issues recommended exposure limit for carbon nanomaterials

Washington – NIOSH on April 24 issued a recommended worker exposure limit of 1 microgram per cubic meter of air for carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers.


New NIOSH recommendations address nanomaterials

Washington – New recommendations issued by NIOSH on Nov. 8 address protecting workers during processes that use engineered nanomaterials.


OSHA to host second public VPP meeting Aug. 28

Washington – The second of two public meetings to discuss how OSHA can “reshape” its Voluntary Protection Programs is scheduled for Aug. 28 in New Orleans.


White paper: OSHA Workplace Injury and Illness Recordkeeping: Your Questions Answered

This white paper walks you through OSHA's workplace injury and illness recordkeeping requirements, including recent revisions pertaining to COVID-19.


Are adverse reactions to vaccines recordable? OSHA updates COVID-19 FAQ list

Washington — OSHA is requiring the recording of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines only when vaccination is required by the employer, the agency says in an addition to its series of frequently asked questions on protecting workers from exposure to the coronavirus.


OSHA Workplace Injury and Illness Recordkeeping

This whitepaper walks you through OSHA's workplace injury and illness recordkeeping requirements, answering your most pressing questions using OSHA's own words.


OSHA a step closer to restoring injury and illness recordkeeping requirements

Washington — A proposed rule that would restore two parts of OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping regulations is under review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.


OSHA withdraws non-recordkeeping portions of its ETS on COVID-19 for health care workers

Washington — OSHA is withdrawing the non-recordkeeping portions of its emergency temporary standard for COVID-19 focused on health care workers, the agency announced Dec. 27.


OSHA seeks to amend recordkeeping requirements for high-hazard industries

Washington — OSHA is requesting public comment on a proposed rule that would revise its injury and illness recordkeeping regulation.


OSHA extends comment period on proposal to amend recordkeeping rules

Washington — OSHA has extended until June 30 the deadline to comment on a proposed rule that would revise injury and illness recordkeeping rules.


Attorneys general back OSHA’s proposed recordkeeping changes

Trenton, NJ — A coalition of state attorneys general has written a letter supporting OSHA’s proposed changes to the agency’s injury and illness recordkeeping rules.


Psychosocial factors can be barriers to recovery after a work-related injury: white paper

Cambridge, MA — Early screening for psychosocial risk factors may aid in a worker’s recovery from an on-the-job injury, a new white paper from the Workers Compensation Research Institute suggests.


OSHA’s revised recordkeeping rule to go into effect Jan. 1

Washington — OSHA has finalized its revised rule on submitting annual injury and illness data.


States resolve lawsuit against OSHA after revision to recordkeeping rule

Washington — Six states are dropping their lawsuit against OSHA after the agency finalized changes to its revised rule on submitting annual injury and illness data.


Free OSHA webinars to offer recordkeeping tips

Washington — OSHA is set to host a two-part webinar series on recordkeeping and the electronic submission of workplace injury and illness data.


OSHA answers: When is a fatal motor vehicle crash recordable?

Washington — A recent letter of interpretation from OSHA clarifies whether a fatal motor vehicle incident involving an employee would be considered work-related.


NTSB recommends ferry safety improvements

Washington – The National Transportation Safety Board on April 8 issued a series of recommendations to the U.S. Coast Guard and other ferry industry stakeholders following the investigation of a January 2013 ferry crash in New York City.


OIG recommends improvements for OSHA whistleblower protections

Washington – Although OSHA has improved its Whistleblower Protection Programs in recent years, the Department of Labor Office of the Inspector General had concluded that the agency could do more to strengthen protection.


Speeding up OSHA’s response to COVID-19 whistleblower complaints: DOL OIG makes recommendations

Washington — Facing a staffing shortage and an increased number of complaints related to the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA must improve the efficiency of its Whistleblower Protection Program, an audit report from the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General concludes.


All Eyes on Iris Recognition

Iris recognition technology is quickly emerging as the preeminent biometric solution for PIAM — here’s why.


Recovering From Disaster — Faster

We’ve all seen the headlines — fearsome storms, flooding, earthquakes and more. Fortunately, these disasters don’t happen every day — at least not in most places — but hearing the news is a reminder that a severe weather event or natural disaster could happen on any given day in your town and at your facility. Do you have a disaster preparedness and recovery plan in place? 


Eco-friendly safety glasses

Komet polarized safety glasses are designed specifically for outdoor use. They feature a black wraparound frame that provides a close fit to the face, and lenses that protect against glare and 99.99% of UVA and UVB rays.


Incentive programs, post-incident drug testing not prohibited under electronic recordkeeping rule, OSHA says

In a memo sent Oct. 11 to regional administrators and state designees, the agency outlines examples of acceptable drug testing, and states that incentive programs that withhold prizes because of an injury are compliant “as long as the employer has implemented precautions to ensure that employees feel free to report an injury or illness.”


U.S. Department of Homeland Security Recognizes 911inform for Anti-Terrorism Capabilities

911inform announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has officially designated its innovative emergency management platform as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT) under the Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies (SAFETY) Act.


Genetec Becomes an Authorized CVE Numbering Authority

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Program has authorized Genetec as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) .


SIA Recognizes Green Solutions

The Security Industry Association’s (SIA) New Product Showcase (NPS) is the premier awards-based marketing program in the security industry. It has been in existence since 1979. Each year at ISC West, the NPS program recognizes outstanding contributions to the protection of life and property in residential, commercial and institutional settings. Judging panels composed of industry experts select winners in various categories. The most coveted awards are the Judges’ Choice Award and the Best New Product Award.


How to Achieve Independence From Telecommunications Carriers

Lou Fiore discusses how utilizing a mesh network for wireless alarm transmission provides alarm dealers complete control with virtually no reliance on third-party public infrastructure.


CSB issues recommendations after Louisiana refinery fire investigation

Washington – The Chemical Safety Board released a set of recommendations Sept. 18 after its investigation into last year’s ExxonMobil refinery fire, which severely burned four workers in Baton Rouge, LA.


CSB releases new video on Louisiana refinery fire, includes safety recommendations

Washington – The Chemical Safety Board has released a video on last year’s ExxonMobil refinery fire, which severely burned four workers in Baton Rouge, LA.


CSB withdraws recommendations stemming from Deepwater Horizon investigation

Washington – Contending that it lacks proper regulatory authority, the Chemical Safety Board on Nov. 14 voted to withdraw its recommendations issued to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement after its investigation into the April 2010 explosion and fire that killed 11 workers on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.


BSEE panel reviews report, recommendations on offshore bolting safety

Washington — Officials from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement met June 21 to discuss a BSEE-sponsored report that outlines strategies for enhancing bolting technology in offshore oil and gas operations, a press release from the agency states.


Inspection findings spur offshore safety agency recommendations on dropped-object hazards

New Orleans — A recent string of Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement performance-based risk inspections uncovered various hazards related to dropped objects on production and well operations, according to a Sept. 14 safety alert outlining the findings.


Don’t become a roadway statistic

About 100 people die every day on roadways due to preventable motor vehicle crashes.


FTC’s Nationwide Noncompete Ban Sparks Legal Challenge, Economic Concerns

The FTC's new rule has triggered a lawsuit from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, raising concerns about legal costs and economic impact on businesses.


Offshore helicopter crashes prompt NTSB safety recommendations

Washington – In response to a pair of helicopter crashes near offshore oil platforms, the National Transportation Safety Board has published several safety recommendations aimed at preventing similar incidents.


NTSB makes recommendations for preventing lithium battery fires on cargo planes

Washington – In an effort to prevent overheating, fires and explosions on cargo planes, officials from the National Transportation Safety Board have issued a pair of safety recommendations regarding the bulk shipment of lithium batteries.


OSHA recordkeeping requirements: A quiz

How much do you know about OSHA’s recordkeeping rules? Test your knowledge by taking our 20-question quiz. (It’s tough!)


NSC recognizes 6 safety pros with Distinguished Service to Safety Award

Orlando, FL — The National Safety Council awarded six safety professionals with its highest honor Monday during the Opening Session of the 2024 Safety Congress & Expo.


Secondhand smoke still an issue in certain industries: study

Boston – Despite an overall drop in secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace, workers in industries such as installation and repair, construction, and transportation remain at high risk, concludes a study from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.


Emergency safety shower decontamination booth

Emergency Shower Decontamination Booths are fully assembled and ready for installation to water supply and waste systems.


OSHA Record Keeping and Reporting Cheat Sheet

Don’t navigate the complexities of OSHA reporting alone. Download KPA’s OSHA Record Keeping and Reporting Cheat Sheet.


OSHA Record Keeping and Reporting Cheat Sheet

Don’t navigate the complexities of OSHA reporting alone. Use this OSHA Record Keeping and Reporting Cheat Sheet to guide you through agency requirements.


Maryland becomes 6th state to adopt a heat protection rule

Hunt Valley, MD — Maryland is the latest state to adopt a standard on heat illness prevention.


Eco-friendly footwear

The Eco Intruder shoes and Eco Trespass boots for workers are made of Pinatex – a natural, plant-based leather alternative that’s eco-friendly.


Advisory makes recommendations for preventing pipeline leaks

Washington – A new advisory bulletin from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration recounts one of the largest pipeline spills in the past five years and encourages pipeline owners and operators to take new preventive measures against leaks.


Mental illness an ‘unrecognized crisis’ among miners with black lung, study shows

Charlottesville, VA — Coal miners with black lung disease commonly face various mental health issues, including thoughts of suicide, results of a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Virginia show.


OMB concludes review of OSHA recordkeeping proposal

Washington – A proposed rule that would modernize OSHA’s reporting system has cleared one regulatory hurdle and could be published soon.