
Media blamed for New Orleans debacle

Hollywood meets the news; Drama + Hype = Ratings

Dan Rather was taken to task by Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times over his comments on the 'Larry King Live'' show about the Katrina news coverage. Personally I like Dan, but ever since Rathergate he does seem to be in a habit of putting his foot in it:

"They took us there to the hurricane," he told Larry. "They put the facts in front of us and, very important, they sucked up their guts and talked truth to power."
According to Steyn, the media got it all wrong:
"Er, no. The facts they put in front of us were wrong, and they didn't talk truth to power. They talked to goofs in power, like New Orleans' Mayor Nagin and Police Chief Compass, and uncritically fell for every nutso yarn they were peddled. The media swallowed more bilge than if they'd been lying down with their mouths open as the levee collapsed. Ten thousand dead! Widespread rape and murder! A 7-year-old gang-raped and then throat-slashed! It was great stuff -- and none of it happened. No gang-raped 7-year-olds. None."
Dan Rather:
"That frickin' Superdome," he raged. "Five days watching dead bodies, watching hooligans killing people, raping people."
"But nobody got killed by a hooligan in the Superdome. The problem wasn't rape and murder, but the rather more prosaic lack of bathroom facilities. As Ben Stein put it, it was the media that rioted. They grabbed every lurid rumor and took it for a wild joyride across prime time. There was a real story in there -- big hurricane, people dead -- but it wasn't enough, and certainly not for damaging President Bush."
"How appropriate that it should be Dan Rather, always late to yesterday's conventional wisdom, to bless the media's fraudulent coverage of Katrina."
He makes a good point doesn't he? CNN is the worst. It's a good thing we have bloggers to keep them in line.


Miers' Faith In Christ Made Her a Republican

According to an article in the New York Times, Supreme Court candidate Harriet Miers, born Roman Catholic, became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with Republicans than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics.

She later joined the missions committee of her church, which is against legalized abortion, and friends and colleagues say she rarely looked back at her past as a Democrat. Miers attended "two or three" anti-abortion fund-raising dinners in the early 1990's, but has otherwise been active in the anti-abortion movement. According to one of Miers' colleagues:

"You can be just as pro-life as the day is long and can decide the Constitution requires Roe to be upheld".
That's an interesting theory, but why (or how) could somebody who has such deeply held values uphold a law that she is in a moral conflict with? Or for that matter, why would she even want the job?

That's quite a conundrum for anybody, and would be the first question I would be asking if I were on the Senate Judiciary Committee.


WANTED: A Few Good Bloggers

Why not become a contributing writer for Political FootBall?

We are continually on the lookout for talented writers so send us an email along with your name, blog URL (if you have one) and we'll go from there.

BTW, you can always send us news tips via email, or use the anonymous submission form (FISK button).

Check out our faq for more details. Look forward to hearing from you.


FeedBlitz eMail Subscription Service:

We've moved our newsletter email subscription service over to FeedBlitz. Don't worry, FeedBlitz made the migration process painless, so if you already have a subscription there's nothing more you have to do. You will still receive our newsletter every day.

So why would you want to subscribe to our email newsletter? And is it safe? Read the FeedBlitz faq to find the answer.

Why the switch from Bloglet? Well, for starters Bloglet hasn't worked most of this past year. Emails go unanswered and it looks like the owner's heart isn't into maintaining it any longer. We appreciate the service all these years but it's time to move on.

FeedBurner has also partnered with FeedBlitz, and if it's good enough for them then it's good enough for me. FeedBlitz offers superior service and features, so for us the move was a no brainer.


Blog Standards Revisited (again):

"If blogs are to be taken seriously, they should live up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that they so deplore."

Sajan Venniyoor takes some pot-shots at the blogosphere, and much of what he says is true, at least on a superficial level. But Sajan takes the idea too far, and what he doesn't understand is the blogosphere must be kept free of legal and bureaucratic encumbrances, no different than the fundamental right of freedom of speech itself.

Sajan sez ......"In June this year, the youth magazine JAM (Just Another Magazine) ran a rather unflattering story on the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). says much about the navel-gazing quality of the virtual world that few bloggers realize that blogging is a minority interest, and that even in the wired West, it’s only when they bring down a Dan Rather that their online crusades merit serious media or public attention.

If blogs are to be taken seriously as an alternative medium, they should measure up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that the bloggers so deplore. Not so long ago, a fairly popular blog took pot shots at that media behemoth and everybody’s favorite target, the Times of India. The blog’s readers were much amused; the Times less so. A legal notice was duly slapped on the blogger - a perfectly valid one in this case. Discretion prevailed over valour, and the blog closed down voluntarily. There was some outcry over the strong-arm tactics of the Times, but what is significant is that no attempt was made either to defend or substantiate the hostile comments made in the blog."

Writing on the 'net is no different than writing to the local newspaper editor. It's just that the technology gives blogging a much broader reach, and does not require the blessings of an editor to decide whether or not you get published.

It is the editor of public opinion that will decide if you are read. There is nothing more democratic than that. And that is a good thing because freedom of speech has never been so powerful, or so vulnerable.

That is why we see repressive regimes like China doing its darndest to plug the blogosphere. They understand its power. But in the free world discussions about imposing standards is absurb and as dangerous as the Nazi book burnings of pre-WW11.

I can see only two possible exceptions to this. The first would be those pundits who consider themselves professional blogger/journalists who want to be taken seriously. It goes without saying they should be aspiring to the same standards of mainstream media.

After all, if you are going to compete with the big boys and want be accepted on that level then you have to play the game according to the same rules.

Secondly, sites like the daily FISK that use satire humor, and clearly state in their faqs they should not be taken seriously and read for entertainment purposes only.

Otherwise, as for the rest of the joe (or josephine) bloggers out there the wired west has to be kept free. Not since the invention of the printing press has so much power been given to so many, and it must be protected at any cost.


'Pajamas Media' Network for Elitist Bloggers only:

The innocence of its name belies the true nature of this new virtual organism.

Meaning? PJs is a powerplay by a handful of elitist bloggers to carve out a new media empire for their personal (and financial) gratification.

"Pajamas Media, a new blogging venture designed to bring together top online writers, journalists and commentators under a single umbrella, today unveiled its editorial board as it prepares for its formal debut next month.

The announcement comes as Pajamas Media further realizes its vision of coalescing the internet's brightest minds and most compelling content into a single source that will, in turn, complement and re-define journalism in the 21st century."

So there you have it folks. The brightest stars in the virtual firmament who are going to "re-define journalism in the 21st century".

Can you believe the hype? The kahunas! A bunch of pompous self-serving goofballs if there ever was.

And speaking of balls, here I thought re-defining journalism is what the blogosphere is all about, even without the help of PJs et al. Silly me.

They are touting Glenn Reynolds as one of their greatest acquisitions. I must confess that I am all the more enlightened from his inspired and in depth analysis. Spewing his best Spock impersonations such as "indeed" and "indeed", or one of my personal favorites... "indeed".

Do you think perhaps they might (hopefully) consider (God willing) allowing us insignificant pee-ons add our (albeit smallish) comments to their omnipoobah flatulation? Well try this one on for size:

"Golly gee Instapundit, you sure are great. I was really hoping that if you might possibly consider linking to me some time. Pretty please, and I promise to forever be your grovelling fan... pant, pant, drool."

Or will it be the same old droning monologue we're all accustomed to - the sermon from the mount a la Instapun style.

Hell, if we wanted sermons we can always watch Anderson Cooper 360 report to the CNN situation room. So much for a blogging community folks.

Guys, you've got it all mixed up. If you want a one-sided conversation find a soap box and run for public office. Or better still make an application to CNN.

If you want to write a book then write the stinkin' book. If you want to build an exclusive empire so you can call the shots, give Bill Gates a call. But if you want to blog, join the community.

BUT damn it choose, because they're different. Got it? (Are you listening Glenn)?

Can somebody please explain to me how all this nonsense benefits the blogosphere? Oh yeah right, I forgot - it doesn't.

It sounds more like Al Gore's reinvention of the internet than anything else. So let's be clear boys and girls - it is the technology and all of our collective efforts that has re-defined journalism. Not just a few arrogant twits.

Not since the invention of the printing press has so much been given to the common folk. It is its inclusive, collaborative nature and community spirit that gives blogging its influential power.

HELLO! Are you listening? The blogosphere is not the exclusive playground of an old-boys network trying to elevate itself above the rest of us mere mortals.

That is bass-ackwards thinking, destructive and the last thing we need. Another media empire of self-important opportunists believing in their own press, shovelling verbal poop down our collective throats.

Think about it. Did we take down Dan Rather just to create a job opening for Reynolds? I don't think so. Personally I'd rather have Dan back (no pun intended). And for that matter I hear he's looking for work. Any takers?

It's the same old story. If it becomes popular the politicians have to control it, and the capitalists want to exploit it.

Not that I object to making money from blogging. God knows I could use the extra coin. But it is their elitist business model and its ominous implications that I find offensive.

It's called good old fashioned exploitation. The great American way. Look out Weblogs here we come.

Mark my words. The blogosphere is on the fast track to being hijacked by the control freaks and big business interests.

More restrictive laws and government intervention. Acquisitions and mergers, IPO offerings, get-rich-quick dot-com scam artists, media moguls, ABC, MSNBC, FOX, Pajamas party, whatever.

Sounding all too familiar? PJs is a cash grab. Plain and simple. And for whose benefit? The way it reads right now PJs will benefit only a few elitists, that's who.

Perhaps it got lost in the translation, but until they can find a more inclusive model the blogosphere needs this shite like a hole in the head.

UPDATE: An Open Letter to Roger Simon

Source: daily FISK!


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Haftstrafe für Ärztin wegen angeblicher Russland-Kritik - ohne Beweise

Kritik an Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine wird von der russischen Justiz hart bestraft. Nun muss eine Ärztin für Jahre in Haft, weil sie der Ukraine angeblich ein Recht auf Selbstverteidigung zugestand. Beweise dafür gibt es nicht.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Kiew: Russland plant Angriff an Südfront ++

Russland bereitet ukrainischen Angaben zufolge einen Angriff an der südlichen Front vor. US-Außenminister Blinken reist am Mittwoch nach Brüssel, um über die Lage in der Ukraine zu beraten. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Nahost-Liveblog: ++ US-Militärhilfe wird nicht eingeschränkt ++

Die USA werden ihre Militärhilfe für Israel nicht einschränken. Washington hatte dies vor einem Monat angedroht. Israel will offenbar erneut Einberufungsbefehle für Ultraorthodoxe ausstellen. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Kukies erwartet keine Haushaltssperre ++

Der neue Bundesfinanzminister Kukies geht nicht davon aus, dass es eine Haushaltssperre geben wird. BSW-Chefin Wagenknecht sieht für ihre Partei durch den Zeitdruck Herausforderungen. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Nahost-Liveblog: ++ USA greifen Milizen im Jemen und Syrien an ++

Das US-Militär hat Stellungen proiranischer Milizen im Jemen und in Syrien angegriffen. Nach Angaben des UN-Menschenrechtsbüros sind rund 70 Prozent der Getöteten im Gazastreifen Kinder und Frauen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Republikaner wollen Führungsposten im US-Kongress besetzen

Die US-Wahl ist gerade eine Woche her, und schon dreht sich das Personalkarussell in hohem Tempo. Heute wollen die Republikaner Führungsposten im Kongress besetzen und zeigen, dass sie die neue Macht im Kapitol sind. Von Katrin Brand.


Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Merz fordert grundlegende Politikwende ++

CDU-Chef Merz hat die Regierungserklärung des Bundeskanzlers scharf kritisiert und sich für ein Umsteuern in der deutschen Politik ausgesprochen. Scholz bestätigte den Zeitplan für die Vertrauensfrage. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ cheidende US-Regierung will Ukrainehilfe verstärken ++

Die scheidende US-Regierung will laut Außenminister Blinken die Ukraine noch im vollen Umfang unterstützen. Kiew wird erstmals seit August von den russischen Streitkräften mit Raketen beschossen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


In Vitro Fertilization: Risks & Blessings

I hadn't given much thought to the possibility of multiples because I knew going into it that, at age 41, my chances of conceiving at all with In Vitro Fertilization were not great. When the doctor confirmed, after four weeks of ultrasounds, that there were definitely two babies, I was thrilled. In Vitro Fertilization: Risks & Blessings


Bank Closure:Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois

Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois, was closed today by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation - Division of Banking, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver.Bank Closure:Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois


Possible injector leaking or stuck open diagnosis

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The Unstoppable MLM Juggernaut

If you don't know anything about comic books,
Juggernaut is a character in Marvel Comic's X-Men and
he's basically invincible.

Once he get's moving there's nothing that can stop him.

He's a giant imposing character and basically anything
he wants he gets. I like that idea!

As a kid whenever he was a character in one the comic
episodes on TV I felt drawn to this character and even
more so today as I help pave the way to success for
network marketers online.

I'd like to think I'm a little like him.

Any problem that get's in my way I find a way to bust
through it and really that's all there is to success in
business and in your network marketing.

What I mean is, as a network marketer you have problems
that you are faced with the second you start your

-How to find people interested in your business

-How to present your business in a way that get's
people excited to jump on your bandwagon

-How to make it easy for others to do the same

And well . . .

If you can solve these problems you become something of
a network marketing Juggernaut yourself.

So I have a little bit of homework for you today . . .

Sit down and write out ever problem that you are having
in your business.

Set the piece of paper aside until tomorrow and then
come back and think of creative ways to solve those
unique problems you're faced with in your business.

Then next week set an action plan to implement your
solutions to your problems.

Then don't stop until each problem is solved.

What's going to happen when you do this?

Invariably you'll uncover more problems to overcome in
your business.

You'll take ownership of your business.

You'll take the first steps to becoming an entrepreneur
for your own situation.

And here's a hint . . .

An entrepreneur is nothing more than a person who
solves problem for a profit.

So in your brainstorming think of ways to profit in
your business every step of the way.

Do these things right and you'll be a Juggernaut in
your own right with hordes of folks chasing you down to
learn how to do what you do.

What if you could become an Internet network marketing
Juggernaut? What if nothing stop you from succeeding in
your network marketing efforts? What if you could have
hordes of people chasing you down to join your
business? ==>


Gary Chew reviews "Blue Valentine"

Two-track love story in which the now of it is shown alternately with its beginning six years before. Chew calls it raw, real, tender, touching, happy, goofy... and sad. A smart date movie for realists. Stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. Now in limited release.


The "Make Me Smile" show, 70s Tulsa Cable

A kids' program filmed in the basement of the Tulsa library whose theme song was "Make Me Smile". Dave McFadden was part of the show. He tells us about it and has a great promo photo. In GroupBlog 324.


Gary Chew reviews "Horrible Bosses"

Plenty of laughs in this R-rated, extremely rude flick. Jason Bateman, Jason Sedeikus and Charlie Day are the aggrieved employees; Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston are the horrible bosses. Opens wide Friday.


"Rumble Fish" event downtown tonight

Coppola's 1983 "Rumble Fish", based on S.E. Hinton's novel, was filmed in downtown Tulsa. The characters in the film hang out at Benny's Billiards. A photo/video art installation will be unveiled at 8 pm tonight at 13 East Brady (site of Benny's). Circle Cinema is showing the movie at 11:00 pm. Meet and Greet at Caz's Chowhouse starting at 6 pm. More at the link.


'My first car' new blogsite from TTM reader

People tell the story of their first car on longtime TTM reader John's new blogsite.


Louise Bland obituary in the World

Very nice article about Louise Bland's life in today's Tulsa World, with some information I hadn't been aware of.


Weird Al coming to RSU Public TV

A special UHF pledge drive on RSU Public TV on Oct 5, ending with Weird Al and his band in concert on October 19 at the Brady Theater.


7/31: GroupBlog service is down

The company that hosts the GroupBlog, Pathfinder, may have terminated the service. Not sure yet. I have archived the Google cached copy of the most recent GB 341, so nothing was lost. For the time being, the TTM Facebook site can stand in for it (click the Facebook icon on the main page).


New GroupBlog, plus Webmaster Blog

Added new WordPress blog, on the same webhosting service as the main site. Includes both a replacement for the defunct Greek GB, and a Webmaster Blog, to be on the topics of cable-cutting, home theater, etc.


New Fantastic Theater music blog post

Josef Hardt gave me an audio tape that answers long-standing questions, raises new ones. Link at top of original Fantastic Theater page.


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Danger: Flammable Gas Golf Shirt

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Danger: Flammable Gas Hooded Sweatshirt

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Danger: Flammable Gas Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

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Danger: Flammable Gas Jr. Hoodie

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Danger: Flammable Gas Jr. Raglan

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Danger: Flammable Gas Jr. Spaghetti Tank

This DANGER: Flammable Gas Jr. Spaghetti Tank will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - Give everyone a clear warning of impending the impending possible danger of flammable gas and get many laughs in return with these "DANGER: Flammable Gas" Industrial 3D Metal Style Danger Sign items. They also make an excellent gag gift!


Danger: Flammable Gas Large Coffee Cup

This DANGER: Flammable Gas Large Coffee Mug will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - Give everyone a clear warning of impending the impending possible danger of flammable gas and get many laughs in return with these "DANGER: Flammable Gas" Industrial 3D Metal Style Danger Sign items. They also make an excellent gag gift!


Danger: Flammable Gas Long Sleeve T-Shirt

This DANGER: Flammable Gas Long Sleeve T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - Give everyone a clear warning of impending the impending possible danger of flammable gas and get many laughs in return with these "DANGER: Flammable Gas" Industrial 3D Metal Style Danger Sign items. They also make an excellent gag gift!


Danger: Flammable Gas Magnet

This DANGER: Flammable Gas Magnet will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - Give everyone a clear warning of impending the impending possible danger of flammable gas and get many laughs in return with these "DANGER: Flammable Gas" Industrial 3D Metal Style Danger Sign items. They also make an excellent gag gift!