arch Environmental design: architecture, politics, and science in postwar America / Avigail Sachs By Published On :: Sun, 26 Apr 2020 06:00:01 EDT Rotch Library - NA2543.S6 S225 2018 Full Article
arch Eloquent spaces: meaning and community in early Indian architecture / [edited by] Shonaleeka Kaul By Published On :: Sun, 3 May 2020 06:00:01 EDT Rotch Library - NA1502.E46 2019 Full Article
arch Resource Showcase: Daily Mirror Historical Archive By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 09:57:36 +0100 The archive features more than 800,000 pages of brand-new, full text searchable, scans of the complete run of the Mirror from 1903-2000, including the Sunday Mirror. This is one of many e-resources we currently have on trial. You can see the complete list and gain access via our trial e-resources page. Please remember to leave feedback – your opinions help shape our collections. See what other newspapers and news services are available via Durham University Library and Collections Full Article
arch Efficient base-free oxidation of monosaccharide into sugar acid under mild conditions using hierarchical porous carbon supported gold catalysts By Published On :: Green Chem., 2020, 22,2588-2597DOI: 10.1039/C9GC04333K, PaperXintong Meng, Zengyong Li, Di Li, Yiming Huang, Jiaojiao Ma, Chuanfu Liu, Xinwen PengThe highly selective synthesis of D-xylonic acid and D-gluconic acid from monosaccharide catalyzed by Au/NC-3 under base-free aerobic oxidation conditions.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
arch Hierarchically porous covalent organic frameworks assembled in ionic liquids for highly effective catalysis of C–C coupling reactions By Published On :: Green Chem., 2020, 22,2605-2612DOI: 10.1039/D0GC00223B, PaperJikuan Qiu, Huiyong Wang, Yuling Zhao, Pengxin Guan, Zhiyong Li, Hucheng Zhang, Hongshuai Gao, Suojiang Zhang, Jianji WangA simple and environmentally benign strategy was reported for the synthesis of hierarchically porous COFs in ionic liquids, and the obtained materials show highly effective catalytic performance for C–C bond formation reactions.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - The Art of Influence in the Workplace By Published On :: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:35:17 GMT "I have definitely learned more about this topic after the seminar. As a planning manager, i could apply what I have learned today to my job when interacting with senior management and co-workers." - Robert Yeung, Planning Manager "The webinar was very effective from the perspective of a leader." - Suzanne Barker, CGA Webinar information current as of November 20, 2008 At one time or another, we've all thought back to important meetings with colleagues and wished they had gone better? But rest assured that preparation can be even more important than hindsight. With the right training, you can approach your next meeting or conversation with a greater understanding of how to build rapport, and with better techniques for establishing credibility, dealing with conflict and moving people to action. Learn how to: Gain buy-in from an individual or a group Get individuals to open up to your perspectives Flex your communication style to deal with conflict or to motivate Deal with conflict in an influential manner Understand how different people communicate Speaker Suzanne Stevens is the President, and Founder of Ignite Excellence Inc. (, a training and development company specializing in influential face-to-face communications. Suzanne is highly sought-after, energetic speaker who has traveled all over North America, Europe, Africa, and Australia to train and keynote speak. Suzanne has more than 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, and training. She has trained more than 10,000 people at every level of corporate structure, building verbal and kinetic communication skills that drive competitive advantage and differentiation at both an individual and corporate level. Many leaders in their field use training programs from Ignite Excellence. Clients' industries include Engineering, Accountants, Health Care, Technology, Manufacturing, Finance, Architecture, Media, and Public Relations. Suzanne was recently the keynote speaker at the Consulting Engineers Conference, and at FIDIC Conference (International Federation of Professional Engineers). Suzanne is a member of Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar – How to Build Morale in Tough Times By Published On :: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:11:07 GMT "I am happy to say "How to Build Morale in Tough Times" webinar exceeded my expectations. It had information that was useable and realistic. I enjoyed hearing from speakers with years of experience that have been able to see results based on their recommendations." - Lynda Donnachie, Human Resources Manager "The webinar was easy to follow. The facilitators were very knowledgeable and interesting to listen to, and provided practical guidelines for building morale not only in tough times but at all times. A webinar is a great way to share information." - Laurie Bellay, Human Resources Coordinator Webinar information current as of April 30, 2009 In this tough economic climate, building and maintaining high employee morale is critical to the health and competitiveness of your organization. Motivating and encouraging innovation is especially needed when you are asking employees to do more with fewer resources. During this archived webinar you will learn what is required at the corporate, team and individual level to build morale and engage your employees in tough times. Areas to be covered: Factors that increase/decrease morale Corporate, team and individual responsibilities during tough times Strategies to increase your personal sphere of influence and personal control How to reduce fear and anxiety within your organization HR's role and responsibilities Best practices for private, not-for-profit and public organizations How to weather the ups and downs through the power of your employees Speakers Jenny Lewis Jenny Lewis founded LEWCO Consulting Inc. in 1991, a company that focuses on building great businesses by building great people! She collaborates with organizations to achieve business results by creating engaging and empowering work environments. Her innovative approach to designing and implementing performance programs always start and are aligned with the client's strategic goals. She has over 27 years business experience including 17 years experience in leadership trainingIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Talent Management - <i>How to Build a Successful Leadership Pipeline</i> By Published On :: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 11:53:08 GMT "today's session provided great insight to the importance of developing a formal program and continuous evaluation of the program" - Susanne McCarroll, Human Resources Webinar information current as of June 12, 2008 This archived webinar will help you learn techniques and strategies to ensure your company has the leadership it needs in the years ahead. With these skills you can help your business overcome the negativity caused by attrition of senior managers, address the anxieties of managers fast-tracked to senior roles, and tackle problems caused by the loss of intellectual capital and organizational memory. Our goal is to help you manage this transition with a clear strategy and organization. Learn how to: Gain insight into your own negotiation style Take necessary steps to effectively prepare for negotiation Negotiate as part of a team Read non-verbal communication Develop skills to influence others Employ key strategies to build trust and gain respect for your ideas Overcome objections and resolve issues Manage difficult interactions and build positive relationships Speaker Wayne Rawcliffe, B.A., B.Ed., MBA, CHRP, RODC, is the founder and principal consultant at Senga Consulting Inc. He is recognized for bringing humour, positive energy, creativity and a wealth of ideas to his work with clients in discovering and implementing measureable solutions. As a facilitator, instructor and coach Wayne’s clients benefit from over 25 years of organizational effectiveness experience in improving individual, team and organizational performance. Wayne has worked extensively with all levels of leadership in public, private and not for profit sector organizations to successfully develop and implement organizational improvement initiatives. As an active member of the business community, Wayne is involved with the Vancouver Board of Trade, BC Human Resource Management Association, Vancouver Enterprise Forum, BC Organizational Development Network, High Impact Network and the International Registry of Organizational Development Professionals and is a contributing editor of CCH Canadian Ltd. Ultimate HR Manual, Western Edition. Format The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer an Internet connection a sound card This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Mentorship Programs that Drive Results - <i>Best Practices and Implementation</i> By Published On :: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 11:16:54 GMT "Excellent information. Time well spend. Organizational readiness assessment information will be very helpful in determining start time for a mentorship program in our organization. When the time is right, this training has provided an excellent platform from which to set up a successful mentorship process." - Suzie O'Neill, Human Resources Manager "This session was valuable and had a useful structure with great tips for coordinating and supporting a mentorship program." - Brenda Mercer, Career Consultant Webinar information current as of November 6, 2008 Do you know how to create, implement and monitor sustainable mentorship programs in your workplace? If you want to assess your organization’s readiness for a new mentorship program, or if you’re trying to revive a struggling or dormant mentoring program, you’ll want to purchase this archived webinar. Learn how to: Dispel the myths of mentoring Determine drivers for mentoring, establish goals and roles, and develop a communication plan Recruit, select and match mentors and mentees Adopt best practices to achieve your mentoring program’s goals Develop strategies to address common mentoring challenges Assess your organization’s readiness to implement a mentoring program Speaker Jenny Lewis is the owner of LEWCO Consulting Inc., a company that focuses on building great businesses by building great people! She collaborates with organizations to create sustainable coaching and mentoring processes. Her innovative approach to designing, implementing and monitoring mentoring programs always start and are aligned with the client’s strategic goals. She has over 27 years business experience including 17 years experience in leadership training and development and performance consulting. Jenny also co-founded, designed and currently instructs the ‘Leadership Certificate program specializing in Leadership Coaching’ at Vancouver Community College. Elaine Scollan is a senior associate with LEWCO and brings an extensive background in communications and mentoring. She has spent 27 years in Radio Broadcasting business focused primarily in news and information. Elaine has been the voice of hundreds of commercials and promos for a number of clients including non profit. Not only does Elaine have the ability to voice and deliver a variety of products buIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Jump Start Your HR Strategy - <i>How to Evaluate, Improve and Communicate a Winning HR Strategy</i> By Published On :: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 12:20:20 GMT Webinar information current as of October 9, 2008 When is the last time you really took stock of your HR strategy? Have you linked that strategy to your overall business plan? Do you have metrics in place to monitor its effectiveness? If your answers are shaky to any of these questions, your organization would benefit from some solid professional advice. Learn how to: Audit your current HR strategy or plan Successfully link your HR strategy to the overall business strategy Analyze and prioritize areas for strategic improvement Develop a step by step plan for improvement of your HR strategy Present the case for strategic changes to your superiors Communicate the strategic changes to your organization Measure strategic improvement Make the connection between HR Strategy and return on investment Speaker Tim McConnell, B.A, M.P.A., SPHR is a Senior HR Strategist with McConnell HR Consulting Inc. in Ottawa. He has over 25 years experience in Human Resources management, both as a Director of HR and as a senior HR consultant. Tim provides strategic HR guidance to senior executives and clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He is a winner of the Ross A. Hennigar Memorial Award from HRPAO. He is the published author of several articles on HR management, Compensation and Organization Design. Tim is a past-President of the Ottawa Human Resources Professionals Association (OHRPA) and a past-President of HRPAO. McConnell HRC provides services to clients in three key areas: Human Resources Strategy, Compensation and Organization Design. Format The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer an Internet connection a sound card This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presenting the slides and answering pre-recorded questions. There is no time limitation in usage, you can play, pause and stop the presentation at your convenience. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - How to Implement Effective Performance Management Programs By Published On :: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 10:50:10 GMT "The content and models for this session on "How to Implement Performance Management Programs" were extremely relevant and will be immediately applicable in our municipal government environment. Thank you for providing useful tools we can incorporate to enhance our organization's performance management process." - Franci Carr, Organizational Development Specialist "This session was very well presented with relevant material for professionals whose goal is to development a performance management program with a strategic impact on their organization." - Monique Moreau-Gray, Director, Human Resources Webinar information current as of December 4, 2008 Performance management is one of the most complex and demanding issues facing HR practitioners today. An organization’s need for effectiveness or competitive advantage and an individual’s need for recognition, development and job satisfaction can often create a dynamic paradox in the design and management of an effective program. Contemporary models of performance management are now overturning long-held assumptions and methodologies. Competence, creativity and technical understanding are fundamental to designing and implementing a model that is right for your organization. This archived webinar offers a unique opportunity to tap into a wealth of practical experience from two seasoned consultants and practitioners who have extensive international expertise in the subject. Learn how to: Build the foundation for performance management Overcome implementation challenges Benchmark against emerging best practices Speakers Sue Traynor is the Head of Leadership Development at Transport for London in the UK. She is responsible for the alignment of the strategy underpinning performance management, leadership development and the active management of talent in order to support the vision and strategic goals of the organization. Sue works to develop capability at the senior level by raising standards of leadership and creating targeted interventions designed to support the performance goals of both current and future leaders in the organization. Bill Bradford is a Senior Consultant with Performance Management Consultants. He has extensive experience in all aspects of humIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Effectively Manage Difficult Interactions By Published On :: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 16:13:42 GMT "Good discussion of issues and examples of how to handle challenging situations." - Robert Aceti, Webinar Participant "Very informative with practical applications." - Maja Winter, Webinar Participant Webinar information current as of June 17, 2008 This archived webinar is designed to help you learn techniques and strategies not only for diffusing others but for managing your own emotions at these challenging moments. With these skills, you’ll be able to tackle everything from figuring out your own triggers and what your body language conveys, to boundary setting during a challenging conversation, to finding the right time and place to initiate a difficult interaction. Our goal is to help you keep your cool and approach those difficult situations with more confidence, so you resolve them more effectively and show your employees that you’re proactive in creating a tension-free workplace. Learn how to: Manage yourself during difficult interactions Be proactive vs. reactive Understand your triggers and sync your body language to your message Plan the right time and place for a challenging conversation Master the art of constructive feedback Know when to use empathy, sympathy and apology Speaker Bina Feldman is a corporate training consultant and coach specializing in Personal & Professional Development. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master’s Degree in Communication Disorders. She is a member of the Canadian Society of Training & Development (CSTD) In the field of Training and Development since 1984, Bina has grown her business to deliver training across many industries and in the public sector. As a performance coach, she has helped business and professional people with communication and leadership skills. Bina taught Presentation Skills and Public Speaking at the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies from 1981 – 1992 and has delivered Presentation Skills training nationally and internationally. Bina leads a training company and conIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archive Webinar - Webcast - Resolve Employee Performance Issues – <i>How to Implement a Management Process That Works!</i> By Published On :: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:20:08 GMT This webcast was recorded on May 15, 2007 Do you manage one or more employees? Do you require the skills to actually resolve performance issues and effectively manage difficult situations? Are you looking for practical, hands-on tools and techniques to help you implement a performance management system that works? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you need to purchase Resolve Employee Performance Issues: How to Implement a Management Process That Works! Agenda Accurately identify sources of performance issues Implement an effective performance management process Develop performance objectives and goals for individual employees Conduct successful performance reviews Create personal development plans Respond effectively to difficult situations Format Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card. This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presenting the slides and answering pre-recorded questions The Speaker Michelle Chambers, MEd, CHRP, CTDP, has over 18 years of proven and successful management, leadership and consulting experience, including work with three of Canada's top 50 employers. Prior to establishing her organizational learning and development practice, she was responsible nationally for leadership and management development for Telus Mobility/Clearnet Communications. She has also held senior consulting and management roles with Royal Bank of Canada, Parke-Davis Pharmaceuticals and General Motors of Canada. Michelle works collaboratively with her clients to create sustainable change and to inspire and ultimately increase individual and an organization's effectiveness. Her work with clients has resulted in increased sales revenue; increased employee retention; decreased turnover of staff; increased work satisfaction and performance; decreased operating-costs; and enhanced capabilities for individuals, teams, and organizations. Furthermore, communication skills have been enhanced, leadership has become more focused, and employees have become more engaged. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archive Webinar - Negotiate Effectively in the Workplace - Develop key skills to influence others and build positive relations By Published On :: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:01:52 GMT This webcast was recorded on February 21, 2008 Negotiations happen every day in and outside of your workplace. Every time you communicate with your manager, discuss projects with employees and cross-functional teams or work with outside suppliers – you are negotiating. Communicating your ideas clearly, gaining buy-in and building trust are critical in today's business world. Negotiating effectively results in respect for your ideas and transforms difficult interactions into positive relationships. Purchase Negotiate Effectively in the Workplace: Develop Key Skills to Influence Others and Build Positive Relations and gain the essential tools and practical strategies required to recognize your own personal negotiation style, negotiate effectively in the workplace and achieve the results you desire. Agenda Gain insight into your own negotiation style Take necessary steps to effectively prepare for negotiation Negotiate as part of a team Read non-verbal communication Employ key strategies to build trust and gain respect for your ideas Overcome objections and resolve issues Manage difficult interactions and build positive relationships Format Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card. This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presenting the slides and answering pre-recorded questions The Speaker Colm Brannigan, MA, LLM (ADR), CMed, is the Principal of Dispute Resolution Services and has been a full-time mediator, arbitrator and facilitator since 1999. with experience in family, estates, employment and commercial (including IT and IP) disputes. In addition to his dispute resolution practice, he has participated as a speaker in professional development programs for the Ontario Bar Association, the Law Society of Upper Canada, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University and Upper Canada Dispute Resolution. He is also a Co-Lecturer at the forthcoming 4th Advanced Legal Negotiation conference in Toronto. Colm has been a part-time Professor in both mediation and law at both Humber and Sheridan Colleges. He is the Founder/Moderator of "Mediate-Canada", an ADR listserv hosted by Google Groups, and Co-Chair of the ADR Institute of Ontario Technology & IP Section. He is a member of the ADR Institute of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association – ADR Section, the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution and various other professional organizations. Colm was a member of the Toronto Mandatory Mediation Roster from 1999 until 2005 and is a member of the World IntellIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archive Webinar - Engage the Generations - How to evaluate, improve, and maintain employee engagement across your multi-generational workforce By Published On :: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:01:47 GMT This webcast was recorded on March 25, 2008 Employee engagement is a real challenge in today's multi-generational organization, including yours. As an HR professional you must take employee engagement to the next level. A multi-generational engagement program that fits your organizational needs is critical. Achieve higher productivity, motivation, and retention by understanding, developing and maintaining employee engagement in the new workforce. Purchase this archived webinar and gain the essential tools and practical strategies required to understand your organization's generational mix, develop a multi-generational engagement program, and implement your program effectively. Agenda Understand and define the different generations in your organization Engage each of the four generations Identify the influencers of engagement of your organization's generational mix Evaluate existing HR practices for engagement across the generations in your organization Jump-start engagement across different generations by tailoring your HR strategies to your company's generational mix Present the case for a multi-generational employee engagement program Format Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card. This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presenting the slides and answering pre-recorded questions The Speaker Barbara Adams, CHRP, BA, is a senior business executive with over 20 years' experience within the human resources field. As Managing Director of HR architects, she provides business consulting mainly in the creative implementation of human resources strategies, objectives, and processes; the facilitation of strategic planning, workshops, and management retreats; and the design of people-oriented workplace practices. She also provides ongoing human resources consulting on a contract basis. Previously the Vice-President of Human Resources for one of the 50 best employers in Canada, Barbara is a Certified Human Resources Professional, a Certified Chief Executive, a Certified Compensation Professional and holds a BA in Business Administration (Entrepreneurial Leadership). She is past Chair of the Fraser Valley Advisory Council for the BC Human Resources Management Association, instructor of Human Resources Management for Langara College in the Business Administration Certificate Program, and instructor of Operating the Small Business in the Small Business Management Certificate Program. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch <strong>Archived Webinar - Make the Leap from Manager to Coach</strong> - <em>Key Coaching Skills to Empower Employees and Drive Results</em> By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 10:42:06 GMT Webinar information current as of May 29, 2008 Making the leap from manager to coach plays a critical role in every workplace. Whether the focus is on providing regular constructive feedback, monitoring relationships, ensuring to maintain harmony in teams or learning to communicate like a coach, our Webinar can guide managers to develop these and other proven coaching and leaderships skills. This interactive Webinar can help you gain essential tools and practical strategies required to make the leap from manager to coach in your workplace. This is your opportunity to gain vital coaching skills to make you more effective as a manager and get your employees more engaged ensuring a more motivated and productive employee in the workplace. Learn how to: Differentiate between managing and coaching Identify critical coaching success factors Communicate like a Coach Develop a successful mentoring relationship Provide constant and constructive feedback Coach the difficult employee - how to pinpoint the problem Engage employees to create a productive environment Use tools that can develop the maximum potential of all employees Coach in a cross functional team Coach a team vs. the individual Speaker Sara Lee, CHRP, CGA has over 18 years of combined human resources, finance and management consulting experience. Throughout her career, Sara has worked with public and private, union and non-union organizations in a variety of business sectors including oil and gas, engineering, real estate, manufacturing, information technology, health services, and financial services. Format The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer An Internet connection A sound card Each archived webinar consists of a recording only of the live event. There is no time limitation in usage, you can play, pause and stop the presentation at your convenience. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar – How to Engage Employees By Published On :: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 10:54:31 GMT "This webinar was excellent. It provided me with some direction on how to deal with an ongoing employee issue." - Jolene Seip, Bast's Tire Service Ltd. "The speaker clearly communicated and emphasized the important key drivers used to engage employees." - Tina Vedovat, Nimlok Canada Ltd. Webinar information current as of May 14, 2009 CCH's How to Engage Employees will provide tools and techniques to assist you in managing the distractions that face your employees on a daily basis and refocus them on company objectives. In today's volatile landscape, there is no other single variable that can produce bottom line results like your employees. Employee Engagement is the critical mandate of the HR department. Add value, contribute to the bottom line and Engage your Employees for success! Areas to be covered: The key drivers behind employee engagement The critical impact of managers on employee engagement and the employment relationship The importance and methods for measuring employee engagement at the management level Strategies for enhancing management capabilities The complexities behind the employee-manager relationship Specific management behaviours that drive employee engagement Speaker Barbara Adams Barbara Adams is a business executive with over 25 years' experience within the human resources field. As Managing Director of HR architects, Barbara specializes in bringing a business approach to an organization's people practices. Applying a coaching style, she takes a creative yet structured approach to the implementation of human resources strategies and ideas; the design of people oriented workplace practices; and the development of people within these organizations. In presentations and projects, Barbara works to translate theoretical concepts into practical and realistic applications by the organization and the individuals within those organizations. Format The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer an Internet connection a sound card Each archived webinar consists of a recording only of the live event. There is no time limitaIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Succession Management By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:44:37 GMT "An excellent information tool that helped to shed some light on a difficult subject in today's business environment for individuals who might not know where to start." - Ryan Dejneha, Human Resources Administrator "The information provided during the webinar was useful and I will be able to integrate some best practices into our current succession planning process." - Tammy Stevenson, Human Resources Advisor Webinar information current as of March 26, 2009 The responsibility of developing and finding tomorrow's leaders today is a daunting task. This archived webinar will teach you how to audit your current succession initiatives while ensuring your planning integrates with broader corporate strategies. You will also gain insights into employer best practices and common pitfall as well as the tools and techniques you need for developing current initiatives into winning succession management programs. Learn how to: Ensure that succession planning integrates with broader corporate strategies and plans What is the goal of succession planning What role corporate culture plays in succession planning Utilize resource planning to support succession planning The importance of having a strong assessment tool for evaluating competencies How to balance internally focused succession plans with an understanding of the talent available externally Resource planning tools that support succession planning Develop an action plan for succession planning Speakers Sandra Weeks Sandra Weeks brings over 20 years of consulting experience managing a wide range of human resource projects in all industry sectors. She also has extensive experience in designing and delivering professional development activities for human resources professionals. Specifically, she has over 15 years experience as an Instructor in the WorldatWork Certification program, delivering certification courses in Total Rewards, Base Pay Design and Performance Management. In aIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archive Webinar - Webcast - Improve Workplace Performance through Effective Coaching and Communication By Published On :: This webcast was recorded on November 16, 2006 Want to transform your employee unit into a high-performance team? It's been proven time and time again that when you use effective coaching and communication strategies, you can easily motivate your employees to reach higher levels of productivity. Improve Workplace Performance Through Effective Coaching and Communication is loaded with tips on how to motivate your employees and improve the dynamics of your team. Agenda Discover key strategies to boost employee motivation Pinpoint the major roadblocks to successful teamwork Identify strategies to overcome these roadblocks Understand the "hows" of effective communication Avoid pitfalls of poor communication habits Encourage your team members to maximize their work performance by utilizing five key coaching skills Make the connection between dedicated coaching and return on investment Format Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an Internet connection and a sound card. This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presenting the slides and answering pre-recorded questions. The Speaker Tammy Dewar, PhD, has been a coach for organizational leaders since 1996, with over 20 years' experience designing and delivering leadership and learning solutions. She will provide you with practical knowledge and step-by-step guidance to help you successfully coach your team, boost employee morale, facilitate effective communication, and drive higher performance.If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Workforce Planning By Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:37:45 GMT Webinar information current as of December 2, 2010 Bonus Material: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. In a period of uncertainty and high turnover, workforce planning is an important element of an organization's overall strategic plan. Being proactive in anticipating workforce needs helps to maximize organizational efficiencies and avoid unnecessary costs that commonly result from unanticipated change. Today's HR professionals must have a clear understanding of how to develop an effective workforce plan that will cultivate organization-wide efficiencies. Learn how to better prepare for HR related contingencies that could prevent an organization from reaching its strategic goals. Key Learning Objectives: Understand the relevance of linking the workforce plan to the organizational strategic plan Recognize the value of executive buy in to the success of the workforce plans Appreciate the need for preplanning Understand the importance of organization wide involvement in the development and maintenance of the workforce plan Understand how the workforce plan impacts the various functions of HR Appreciate and communicate the significance of ongoing measurement and revision Speaker Kathline Holmes, CHRP Kathline Holmes, President of Gailforce Resources is an engaging and dynamic speaker who has a passion for people and a talent for aligning people and processes to business goals. A Certified Human Resources Professional with HRM training from Cornell University, she serves on the BC Human Resources Management Association Advisory Council for the Southern Interior Region and contributes articles as an HR expert and mentor for HEART Business Journal for Women. With almost two decades of experience in management, career counselling and workshop development and facilitation, Kathline combines her vast experience, knowledge and skills to offer services that assist businesses to create a workforce with the characteristics and qualities required to drive their desired outcomes. She takes pride in providing up to date information to meet the human resources needs faced by business today. Format The following is reIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Top HR Trends for 2012 By Published On :: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 10:25:37 GMT For many people, trends are either for (1) the bean counters upstairs to find more reasons to slash our budgets or (2) the organizational leadership to find more reasons for us to do more with less. These perceptions could not be further from the truth. While the improper use of trends lends itself to the boring staff meeting and Death by PowerPoint full of meaningless statistics; trends in all actuality provide a window into the organizational external environment and provides a roadmap to the direction the organization should be headed. This direction could be to capitalize on organizational strengths, take advantage of short lived market opportunities, avoid situations that emphasize organizational weaknesses or to prepare for a potential crisis either financial or operationally. While the effective presentation of trends can provide critical environmental intelligence to the senior leadership; it is the integration of that intelligence into human resource (HR) plans, aligning the revised strategic and operational plans to the business model and aggressively implementing those plans that will provide organizations the critical edge over their competition. What are trends? How important are they? Why should we use them? How do I integrate trends into my HR plan? How do I align the changed plan into my firm’s business model/ What are the leading HR trends for 2012? How do I recognize and measure success if I use the trends in my planning efforts? While these questions may seem daunting, today’s HR professionals must have a clear understanding of how to effectively use HR trends as a critical management tool to update and improve their HR plan so that it effectively meets organizational needs based on the business model and implement an HR plan that effectively addresses the challenges and opportunities presenting by the HR trends in 2012 and provide an organization the flexibility, agility and nimbleness to retain its completive edge Learning Objectives: • Understand what trends are, their importance, their value as intelligence and as environmental tools • Understand the principles behind using HR trends as environmental intelligence and management tools. • How to develop and integrate metrics into the trend analysis and plan development process. How to recognize success. • Understand the leading HR trends for 2012. • Understand how to use HR trends as environmental intelligence and management tools and how to incorporate trends into HR operational and strategic planning efforts. This Webinar Includes: • PowerPoint presentation with slides The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer an IntIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Top 10 Employee Engagement Strategies By Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:22:48 GMT "I found the Employee Engagement Strategies session very beneficial. It reinforced my belief that although business strategies are important, the success of a company truly depends on the level of commitment the employees have towards the company. That commitment comes through engagement." - Darren Lukasiewich, Business Development Manager Webinar information current as of December 8, 2010 Bonus Material: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. This webinar will present the most current information on recommended strategies to enhance employee engagement within today's workplace. The webinar speaker will explore human resources strategies that can be implemented company wide and what it takes to support the implementation of these strategies. Especially how you can prepare managers to positively impact the implementation and the resulting employee engagement. In this webinar you will not only learn strategies but also specific tactics that can be implemented immediately to impact productivity and company results. Key Learning Objectives: Update your knowledge on current employee engagement research Learn ten key strategies for enhancing employee engagement Methods and tactics for implementing engagement strategies The human resources role in driving employee engagement The critical impact of managers when implementing engagement strategies Speaker Barbara Adams, Managing Director of HR Architects Barbara Adams is a senior business executive with 25+ years' experience within the human resources field. As Managing Director of HR architects, Barbara specializes in bringing a business approach to an organization's people practices. Applying a coaching style, she takes a creative yet structured approach to the implementation of human resources strategies and ideas; the design of people oriented workplace practices; and the development of people within these organizations. In presentations and projects, Barbara works to translate theIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Take your Career from Good to Great By Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:05:56 GMT "Wayne provided me with much food for thought, along with an personal action plan to build my network and get going on my next move!" - Allison Benson, HR Services Manager "Not only was this helpful and motivating in my HR role, I'll be sharing it with others in fields of: Political Communications, Construction Industry and Medical field. Impressive that the content is applicable to many career paths." - Cathy Shotton, HR Business Partner Webinar information current as of November 4, 2010 Bonus Material: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. It can be easy to become complacent with your current career opportunities, particularly when economic conditions suggest fewer opportunities for advancement exist. Take control of your career and realize your true potential regardless of external factors. In this webinar learn strategies for better managing your career and positioning yourself for more fulfilling opportunities. Capitalize on the chance to take your career from good to great. Key Learning Objectives: Recognize and define their skills, interests, and values Understand how their skills, interests, and values align with multiple career opportunities Identify the best ways to structure their career plans towards continual learning and progression Analyze their current career profiles and explore various career clusters and pathways Set achievable goals and make informed, fulfilling decisions about where they plan to be in the future Understand how personal ethics can affect business decisions Apply decision-making strategies to career choices Speaker Wayne Rawcliffe, Founder and President of Senga Consulting Inc. Wayne brings over 25 years of organizational effectiveness experience as a If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Introduction to Followership, Leadership and Team-Building: Alignment and Integration By Published On :: Thu, 10 May 2012 10:04:33 GMT This webinar introduces you to a relatively new social science paradigm, Followership. For many years followership was viewed as an appendage to leadership and in many business schools, the focus has been on leadership. Why? The answer is really very simple. Leadership has always been viewed as the foundation of organizational power and influence. Did you know that leaders really spend 20 to 30 percent of their time leading, and 70 to 80 percent of their time following, but that following has never been viewed as an essential activity? Most people have a rather negative perception of followers. Children’s games of Follower the Leader, automotive manufacturer Audi’s bold declaration of “Never Follow” and parent’s warning to their children if “”Johnny is going to jump off of a bridge, are you going to follow him? ; reinforce the negative societal perception of sheep –like followers who are easily influenced, molded and are of little worth. Like with leadership, there are specific and distinct followership styles and associated behavioral attributes that certainly have an effect on organizations and their performance. Leadership model’s like the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model, focuses on leadership style based on the follower or group maturity level. Though this particular model has much research to support the premises of the theory, the focus is still on leadership influence and power based on a follower maturity level, versus a behavioral interaction and follower influence on the leader. What you will learn during this webinar is the use of a behavioral based leadership model that focused on the development and power-sharing relationship with organizational followers that is essentially a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship where the leader and follower grow and learn from each other where leaders learn to become Transformational Leaders and followers learn to become what is termed Exemplary Followers. This will not be an attempt to conduct a comparative study of various leadership styles. The concepts behind Exemplary Followership and Transformational Leadership become essential in organizations that are focusing on becoming self-directed team based organizations. Unfortunately, organizations that bandy the team word around and say: We are going to be a team! Or We have a team based organization, when in reality; the teams are just miniature versions of the larger rigidly formal hierarchy of the larger organization. At that point, the team concept becomes a joke and sinks beneath the waves of failure. In order to successfully implement these concepts in your organization, major organizational cultural change will become necessary in order to adopt and integrate eIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Top 10 Mistakes in HR Management By Published On :: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 08:43:51 GMT "An excellent information tool that helped to shed some light on a difficult subject in today's business environment for individuals who might not know where to start."- Ryan Dejneha, Human Resources Administrator "The information provided during the webinar was useful and I will be able to integrate some best practices into our current succession planning process."- Tammy Stevenson, Human Resources Advisor Webinar information current as of March 30, 2010 HR practices are always on the front line and mistakes can put your organization at risk, not to mention impact your bottom line and jeopardize your department's credibility. This archived webinar will look at the top ten mistakes in HR, providing you with the tools you need to recognize them in advance and implement the appropriate mitigation strategies. Bonus: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer (Q&A) document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. Learn how to: Appreciate the importance of aligning and communicating individual and corporate goals Recognize the need for job descriptions and their usefulness in an integrated HR Strategy Appreciate the true consequences of retaining counterproductive employees Grasp the importance of employee recognition and the impact of neglecting to provide continual feedback Know why they need to define the "rules of engagement" for staff Learn how to deal with a management team that wants to cut your training budget Speaker: Timothy R. McConnell, B.A, M.P.A., SPHR, CMCTim McConnell is Managing Partner and a Senior HR Strategist with McConnell HR Consulting Inc. in Ottawa. He has over 25 years experience in Human Resources management, both as a Director of HR and as a senior HR consultant. Tim provides stratIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Terminations By Published On :: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 14:36:50 GMT "Very informative, direct and relevant information provided."- Nicole Tarkowski, HR Coordinator "The session provides a comprehensive overview of the considerations, activities and processes required to effectively navigate the complex topic of terminations."- Chris Perkins, Director Change Management Webinar information current as of October 6, 2009 In an unstable economy, employers are faced with some tough decisions surrounding layoffs and employee terminations. During this webinar, Jamie Knight of Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP will give you the tools you need to successfully determine, administer, and oversee the temporary or permanent reduction of your work-force. Jamie will walk you through tips on how to effectively communicate to your staff, ways to manage rumours and response reactions and how to ensure that the ‘survivors’ remain engaged and motivated. Key Learning Objectives: Improved decision-making about work-force reductions Understanding the importance of pre-determined policies and procedures for lay-offs and employment terminations The various types of work-force reductions and understanding the appropriate choice Legal and effective implementation of work-force reductions and follow-through Managing the fallout – the need for effective internal and external communication Recognizing the importance of keeping the remaining employees informed and engaged Speaker James G. KnightJamie Knight, a partner at Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP, represents management in all areas of employment and labour relations law, with particular experience in guiding employers through all stages of the dismissal process, including trial and appeals if litigation ensures. Jamie is a teacher and trainer, and advocates sound human resources practices in both union and non-union workplaces. His clients are in industries as diverse as manufacturing, technology, financial services, entertainment and construction. Jamie is an experienced litigator, in If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Resolving Employee Performance Issues By Published On :: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 15:02:36 GMT "Lauren Bernardi is an excellent speaker who presented a point of view that was believable with real life scenarios." - Jane Lockinger, Webinar Participant "The session was very informative. I was listening both as a supervisor and an employee. It reminded me that it is all about 'how' you relate to your employees or supervisor and that it is important to relate to them both negative and good things. We all like to hear we are doing a good job. I am grateful that I work in a place that does that." - Kim Rumble, Webinar Participant Bonus: An article on "Nine Steps to Effective Discipline", a copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer (Q&A) document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. Webinar information current as of November 19, 2009 To remain competitive in today’s economy, organizations must make the most effective use of limited resources. Doing so requires a well managed, performance driven workforce. Learn key strategies for driving your workforce towards successful job performance and in turn, improve your company’s future outlook. Key Learning Objectives: Be aware of the impact of recessionary times on employee performance Recognize the difference between performance issues and disciplinary problems and why it matters Understand how to enhance employee performance by setting goals and expectations, and providing meaningful feedback and support Recognize the importance of effective disciplinary measures in maintaining efficient operations Be capable of handling problem employees: learn how to determine the cause and correct the problem through performance improvement plans, progressive discipline and other management tools Speaker Lauren Bernardi Lauren has been practisinIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Quantifying HR By Published On :: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:29:10 GMT Webinar information current as of December 3, 2009 HR professionals are striving to become strategic partners; a key success factor is the ability to measure results. Join us as Kathline Holmes CHRP, walks you through best practice tools and techniques that are used to measure HR results. Guidance around HR Metrics, benchmarking and how to present these results successfully, in order to build buy in from the executive team, will also be covered. Bonus: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer (Q&A) document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. Key Learning Objectives: Understand why you should care about HR Metrics Look at common mistakes around developing and implementing Metrics Recognize the different types of metrics Tips on selecting metrics Get the tools you need to create your own dashboard Effective ways to communicate your results Speaker Kathline Holmes, CHRPKathline Holmes, President of Gailforce Resources is an engaging and dynamic speaker who has a passion for people and a talent for aligning people and processes to business goals. A Certified Human Resources Professional with HRM training from Cornell University, she serves on the BC Human Resources Management Association Advisory Council for the Southern Interior Region and contributes articles as an HR expert and mentor for HEART Business Journal for Women. With almost two decades of experience in management, career counselling and workshop development and facilitation, Kathline combines her vast experience, knowledge and skills to offer services that assist businesses to create a workforce with the characteristics and qualities required to drive their desired outcomes. She takes pride in providing up to date information to meet the human resources needs faced by business today. For more information, please visit Format The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer an Internet connection a sound card This archived webinar includes: PIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Master Negotiation Skills By Published On :: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:09:48 GMT "Very interesting - negotiating skills is something I never really learned about before, and it is nice to now have a sense that I can improve my skills."- Stacy Beaven, Webinar Participant "If the quality of one's communications are a main determinant of the quality of one's life, this webinar on negotiation is a must."- Paul Stratford, Webinar Participant Webinar information current as of October 15, 2009 Studies have shown that today’s professionals spend up to twenty-five percent of their time negotiating and resolving conflicts. Therefore, the success of these professionals and the success of their organizations rest heavily on developing effective negotiating skills. It's a whole new ball game today, as the old rules regarding negotiating have changed substantially since the world went into a global recession. Those who wait for an economic recovery will have lost out on significant opportunity. Learn to be proactive by better understanding the challenges that face us and how to deal with them effectively. Join speaker Brad McRae and enhance your negotiation skills from competency to mastery. During this webinar you will: Learn how to negotiate with increased confidence and professionalism Come to the table incredibly well prepared Understand where your negotiation style works for you and where it works against you Learn why negotiating during a recession is more difficult and how to find the hidden opportunities therein Learn how to carry out the negotiation process with the *Master Negotiator’s Preparation Form Bonus: A copy of the supporting paper prepared by Dr. Brad McRae along with the Master Negotiator's Preparation Form™ will be provided with this archived webinar. Speaker Dr. Brad McRae Dr. Brad McRae, CSP is Director of the Atlantic Leadership Development Institute and the author of Negotiating and Influencing Skills: The Art of Creating and Claiming ValueIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Leadership By Published On :: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 13:59:08 GMT "Brad McRae's use of stories to teach provided a real connection to the material provided." - Bernadette Welham, Director Human Resource Services Webinar information current as of October 22, 2009 What does it take to foster a culture of leadership? During this archived webinar Dr. Brad McRae, CSP will give you the tools you need to implement a strategic plan that encourages the growth and development of effective leaders. You will compare the traits of Managers vs. Leaders as well as the actions, skills and strategies that HR professionals need to foster within their organizations to optimize leadership. Key Learning Objectives: Use the Leadership/Management Grid to maximise both the leadership and management potential within your organization Apply effective leadership strategies with examples from contemporary Canadian leaders Understand how Master Leaders motivate themselves and their organization to levels beyond their highest expectations by developing ‘Tipping Point’ Goals Get the tools you need to create a culture of Leadership Excellence Bonus: A copy of the supporting paper prepared by Dr. Brad McRae along with the Leadership/Management Evaluation Form™ will be provided in this archived webinar. Speaker Dr. Brad McRae Dr. Brad McRae, CSP is Director of the Atlantic Leadership Development Institute and the author of The Seven Strategies of Master Leaders: Featuring Key Insights from 32 of Canada’s Top Leaders. Brad is also a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Leadership Best Practices Program. Brad has written seven other books including The Seven Strategies of Master Negotiators and The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters. He has presented in Canada and the US as well as in Australia, the Caribbean, Mexico, Africa and the UK. Brad is also the publisher and editor of The Atlantic Leadership Development Newsletter. Format The following is required to access the archived webinar: Flash Player installed in your computer an Internet connection a sound card This archived webinar will include: PowerPoint presentation with slides Speaker and facilitator voice-over presenting the slides and answering pre-If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Implementing Best Practices in Human Resources Management By Published On :: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:07:12 GMT "Mike and Alex did a fantastic job of presenting the information, it was extremely informative, well planned and easy to navigate through! Very satisfied"- Cheryl Petruk, HR Officer Bonus: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer (Q&A) document prepared by the speakers will be provided in this archived webinar. Webinar information current as of November 10, 2009 A discussion of best practices in human resources based upon leading research and the client-focused consulting experience of our session leaders. The program will focus on three best practice areas: Employee Engagement Change Management The competencies HR professionals need to lead the evolution of HR in their organization Key Learning Objectives: Identify and discuss 8 key drivers of employee engagement Develop employee engagement ideas, strategies and plans Develop and execute highly effective change management plans Explain the role of HR professionals in achieving organizational balance and optimization through implementation of best practice policies and programs Identify and discuss the competencies and skill sets required of HR professionals to develop aligned HR strategies and influence senior management Speakers Michael Bennett, CHRPMichael has almost 20 years Human Resources experience as a Leader, Generalist and Specialist and is a co-founder and Managing Director of ENGAGE Human Resources Solutions Inc. and EHRSearch. His experience prior to forming ENGAGE and EHRSearch spanned Financial Services, Manufacturing, Industrial Sales, Distribution and Executive Search. He has worked with all levels of management and employees during his professional career and has developed an enviable reputation as a Business Partner in identifying and implementing innovative and successful human resources strategies, solutions and programs. At ENGAGE, Michael has led projects in organizational design, change management, compensation, recruitment, employee feedback, reward & recognition and policy &If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - How to Become an Effective Problem Solver By Published On :: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 14:19:34 GMT "Today's session was extremely informative and useful in the workplace."- Kate Boyd, Webinar Participant "Today's session was great! I've read Mr. Hurson's book, Think Better, and this session provided a very helpful overview of how to put his methodolgy on problem solving into practice!"- Janice Parker, Webinar Participant Webinar information current as of June 18, 2009 In a difficult economic climate when organizations are forced to make the most of limited resources, innovative and productive thinking become important elements of a company’s success. The individual nature of each problem makes it a challenge to re-create a decision making process that has proven successful. There are, however, important strategic elements that cannot be overlooked when approaching a problem. This archived webinar will introduce you to a less subjective approach to problem solving that creates a solid framework for the execution of consistently sound business solutions. Learn how to: Understand a valuable approach to accurately defining and assessing the right problem to be solved Use an effective balance of creative and critical thinking skills in generating meaningful ideas Use the necessary tools needed to establish useful decision making criteria for any problem Understand the importance of considering all possible solutions and avoiding binary thinking patterns Be able to determine which ideas or courses of action should be considered for implementation, while remaining mindful of important resource requirements Speaker Tim HursonAuthor of “Think Better” (Mcgraw Hill, NY), named one of the Ten Best Business Books of 2008 by the Globe & Mail; Tim Hurson is an international pioneer in developing and presenting the principles of productive thinking. He has worked, lectured, and coached clients in 29 countries on six continents. He has spent over 30 years transforming products, workplaces and marketing programs. Now he helps to transform minds and companieIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Employer Branding for Tomorrow's Workplace By Published On :: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 10:45:19 GMT "I enjoyed the webinar as it had very useful and relevant data that can be applied to the workforce."- Lynia Vincent, Human Resources Manager "We are a health care company facing competition for highly qualified clinical employees in a labour market shortage. This webinar provided practical steps to identify and better communicate our unique employee value proposition. These steps are not only creating increased current employee engagement but will be key to our future growth."- Diane Leaker, Director Quality & Organizational Development Webinar information current as of June 11, 2009 There is compelling evidence that suggests that a strong workplace brand is associated with high levels of employee engagement, improved customer satisfaction which translates into better financial results. This archived webinar will identify what you can do today to engage and retain top level talent and develop and implement effective recruitment marketing strategies. You will be provided with techniques and tools to strengthen and manage your employer brand in order to retain and attract the right people to your organization. Emphasis will also be placed on communicating your employer brand across the generations. Learn how to: Understand the benefits of developing a strong employer brands Get the tools you need to stand out as a leading employer Position your brand to become an employer of choice Use your reinforced brand to retain your top level talent and to streamline recruitment to attract the ‘right’ people Best practice tips to align employees with the organizational goals supported by your brand Speaker Linda F. LoveLinda Love is Senior Director, Human Resources at The Insurance Institute. Her career includes 20 years of Human Resources experience in various industries including insurance (P&C and Life), pharmaceutical, service, hospital and not-for-profit. She is currently a part-time faculty member at York University who teaches 2nd and 3rd year human reIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Employee Retention Strategies in a Recovering Economy By Published On :: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:53:05 GMT "I found this webinar to be very informative and provided many specific examples and recommended actions for anyone to be able relate to our own workplaces and create actions for. I would highly recommend taking the time to participate in this webinar as it was time well spent!"- Jamie Grimoldby, Human Resources Manager "This session was very well structured, covers a wide range of topics related to employee retention strategies. It is recommended for everyone, not only the HR professionals."- Grozdenka Stantcheva, HR Generalist Webinar information current as of May 4, 2010 With reports of an improved economic climate on the horizon, organizations must start preparing for the changing job market. Employees who were forced to maintain or take lesser positions will start to explore the market looking for increased benefits, flexibility and compensation. Now is the time to re-evaluate your organization's retention strategy in order to remain a competitive leader in your field. Join us as we explore strategies for retaining top performers within your organization. Bonus - The following materials will be provided in this archived webinar: An article and handout on "10 Truths Your Employees Aren't Telling You: How Recognition Issues Are Costing You Turnover" Supporting paper Question and Answer (Q&A) document Key Learning Objectives: three simple questions that will help boost retention potential a retention check for identifying your retention challenges and what can be done about them ten truths to keeping top talent (from recruiting to recognition) recognition strategies that don't cost and actually work retention tools for leading staff in a way that makes them want to stay knowledge of best practices for a recovering economy Speaker: Pauline FIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Change Management By Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 10:39:45 GMT Webinar information current as of October 7, 2010 Bonus Material: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. In an increasingly fast paced business environment, change is inevitable. The ability of an organization to adapt to and manage change are critical factors in their capacity to succeed long term. Effective organizational planning, communication and employee involvement are all important elements of change management that HR professdionals must be aware of as they develop workforce strategies and proactively plan for the future. Join us for a closer look at best practices in change management and learn how to more effectively manage employees through periods of change and uncertainty. Key Learning Objectives: Gain a comprehensive scope of change management issues and the necessity for change management strategies Learn about developing the change management narrative and adapt the organization to the necessity for change Examine best practices and methodologies that work Learn how to build trust, get stakeholders input, buy-in and keep it Discover the positives of investing in change management processes; a sound organizational strategy Learn about building a change management culture which fosters collaboration and a climate of innovation and creativity Look at change management gone wrong – what not to do Learn about managing metrics and expectations effectively as well as setting accountability standards for the measurement of change Speaker Jim McKibbin Jim McKibbin is a management communications consultant who works with organizations to improve supervisory and peer relationships by training work leaders how to present value. As senior consultant with Brown Consulting Group in Toronto he also handles most of the firm’s executive search assignments. Jim provides consulting, facilitation, training and management services to clients as well as management coaching. He also delivers a number of specialized seminars in leadership, communications, negotiations, sales, and conflict resolution techniques. His understanding of organizational culture, in both union and non-union environments, is invaluabIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
arch Archived Webinar - Advanced HR Strategy By Published On :: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:31:05 GMT "The instructor was very thorough and knowledgeable about this HR topic. The information presented in this webinair will be a very effective tool in enchancing HR strategies for any size company in any type of industry." - Melanie Dillon, Webinar Participant Webinar information current as of June 3, 2010 Leverage your existing knowledge in the area of HR Strategy and join us as we take you a step further by exploring some of the complex issues around thex strategic alignment of your organization's goals and HR processes. Recognize the steps needed to transform HR from a 'business partner' to a 'business leader' by maximizing HR's contribution to organizational strategy and success. Key Learning Objectives: move past the basics and identify the factors that contribute to the strategic alignment of an organization's goals and HR decision making understand how to conceptualize a desired Strategic HR end state recognize the importance of linking HR Planning to competitive advantage create and implement an effective HR Strategy within your organization understand the importance of a leadership role for HR Bonus: A copy of the supporting paper and a complete Question and Answer document prepared by the speaker will be provided in this archived webinar. Speaker Timothy R. McConnell, B.A, M.P.A., SPHR, CMC Tim McConnell is Managing Partner and a Senior HR Strategist with McConnell HR Consulting Inc. in Ottawa. He has over 25 years experience in Human Resources management, both as a Director of HR and as a senior HR consultant. Tim provides strategic HR, Compensation and OD guidance to senior executives and clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He was an adjunct professor in the Advanced Program in HR Management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto from 2002 to 2007 and currently teaches in the same program at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. He is also a former Sessional Lecturer at Carleton University, teaching HR Management in the graduate School of Public Administration. Tim holds a B.A. in Political Science/Economics from McGill University, and a Masters degrIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
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