
Katrina's Disaster Victims Face Social Security Issues

August 31, 2005 – As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) swings into high gear to provide disaster relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina, ACCESS has learned that the Social Security Administration has no procedures to help many of these same victims get back on their feet. The problem that many victims face is that they escaped with only the clothes on their backs; meaning that they have too little iformation for the Social Security Administration to reissue them Social Security Cards. This means that storm victims face a variety of problems that neither they, nor the Federal Government have ever even considered.


All US States Now Eligible for Free Credit Reports

September 1, 2005 – As of today, residents of every state are eligible to receive their credit reports free of charge from the credit repositories (Experian, Equifax and Trans Union). These free credit reports were mandated by Congress with the passage of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) in late 2003. Under the law, eligibility to receive free reports was phased in nationally, from west to east.


Boyajian Complaints Continue – What You Can Do If You Are Harassed by Them

September 2, 2005 – ACCESS continues to receive a number of complaints about Boyajian Law Offices and JBC. This firm is under investigation in at least 13 states, has lost its license to act as a collection agent in one other, and was recently turned down in its request for a collection license by the state of Connecticut. Consumers are obviously fed-up, but other than complaining to the FTC and their state attorney general, most have felt relatively helpless. Well, there may be something else that you can do.


Wondering Where Your Old Tax Refund Is? It May be Frozen by the IRS!

January 11, 2006 – If you are missing an old tax refund and wondering when it will show up, the answer may be “never”. That is because the IRS now uses software to identify possible cases of “refund fraud”. Unfortunately, the software appears to be error prone and tax payers are getting caught in the middle.


New Bankruptcy Law Not Having Intended Effect

January 17, 2006 – Three months ago today, the United States new bankruptcy law went into effect. The law was hailed by Congress and the banking industry as a way to crack down on “abuses” by dead-beats who ran up their bills with the intent of never paying them. But if the past three months are any indication, those so called dead-beats are few and far between.


PIONER, le FPS MMORPG et action, lance enfin son bêta test

Après une vidéo très détaillée de PIONER lors des événements non-E3 de cet été et une promesse d’ouverture de phases de tests qui n’arrivait toujours pas, on s’était finalement résigné en se disant avec humour « rendez-vous… en 2025 ». Finalement, on était peut-être mauvaise langue car les devs du studio GFAGAMES ont publié un […]


Retrouvez-nous jeudi 7 novembre à 20 h pour le NoScope #65 : Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6 et Kvark

Jeudi soir, le 7 novembre à 20 h, la rédaction de NoFrag enregistrera l’épisode #65 de NoScope. Attention au changement d’horaire, on commence une heure plus tôt pour éviter à Loulou de débuter à minuit. Au programme, comme d’habitude, on commencera par un petit tour d’horizon des news de ces dernières semaines, avec notamment le […]


La grosse mise à jour « Command and Control » pour Six Days in Fallujah arrive demain

La nouvelle mise à jour de Six Days in Fallujah, intitulée « Command and Control », sera disponible dès demain. Cette extension introduit une fonctionnalité très attendue : la possibilité pour les joueurs de mener des missions aux côtés de coéquipiers contrôlés par l’IA, que l’on peut désormais commander. Annoncé depuis un moment et reporté à plusieurs […]


NoScope #65 : Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6 et While We Wait Here

ANNONCE : compte tenu du peu d’écoutes sur Soundcloud et du fait que contrairement à Spotify et toutes les plateformes de podcast, l’hébergement n’est pas gratuit, nous envisageons d’arrêter la diffusion des NoScope sur Soundcloud. Manifestez-vous en commentaire si vous n’êtes pas d’accord. Jeudi dernier, la rédaction de NoFrag a enregistré l’épisode #65 de NoScope, […]


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl fait parler les armes un peu mollement

Hier, GSC Game World a partagé une petite vidéo de gameplay de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl pour nous parler des armes. Ils nous rappellent que la zone est dangereuse, et qu’il faudra trouver des armes pour se défendre. Il y aura plusieurs types de munitions, et on aura aussi la possibilité d’ajouter des accessoires, […]


Le bons plans NoFrag profitent du week-end prolongé pour regarder la télé

Lundi prochain, c’est le 11 novembre, et comme la majorité d’entre vous, les bons plans NoFrag du week-end ne travaillent pas. C’est l’occasion parfaite pour ralentir le rythme et de profiter d’un peu de temps libre. Vous n’y aviez pas encore pensé, mais vous voulez absolument une machine à popcorn. Elle ira très bien à […]


Tout le monde l’avait oublié, Nightingale vire la moitié de son staff

Sorti en accès anticipé en février dernier, Nightingale promettait un jeu de survie coopératif dans un univers original. En effet, on devait naviguer de monde en monde, dans un univers victorien avec des pouvoirs magiques. Si l’esthétique semblait pas mal en vidéo lors des présentations, il s’est avéré que le jeu n’était finalement pas si […]


Borderlands 4 prévu pour l’année fiscale 2026, Judas indéterminé, BioShock 4 oublié

C’est par le biais du compte X de KAMI que l’on a appris que Take-Two avait communiqué sur les dates de sorties prévisionnelles de ses futurs titres. Ce qui nous intéresse particulièrement ici, ce sont Borderlands 4 et Judas. Pendant la séance de questions/réponses de la conférence aux actionnaires du 6 novembre dernier, le CEO indique […]


Techtonica, le Satisfactory des biomes sous-terrains, a quitté son accès anticipé

Sorti depuis plus d’un an en accès anticipé, Techtonica, développé par le studio Fire Hose Games, est un jeu coopératif où vos compagnons et vous-même devrez explorer les profondeurs de la planète Calyx à l’aide d’outils variés et de machines automatisées. Le but est de récolter piller et d’exploiter de manière équitable à une échelle industrielle […]


Le wokisme a encore frappé : un personnage féminin dans la saison 1 d’Arena Breakout: Infinite

On ne va pas passer par quatre chemins, le compte officiel X d’Arena Breakout: Infinite a publié un post mercredi dernier pour annoncer une idée saugrenue qu’est l’intégration de personnages féminins dans le jeu. Déjà qu’EA Games et Patrick Söderlund avec son fameux « If you don’t like it, don’t buy it » avaient tenté […]


Les devs de ’83 ont cinq mois pour montrer ce qu’ils savent faire

Il y a quelques jours, Blue Dot Games, le studio qui a repris le développement de ’83, un jeu tactique au « réalisme accessible », initialement développé par AntiMatter Games, a annoncé qu’il accueillait son premier investisseur. Celui-ci, fan de Rising Storm 2 et bêta testeur sur ce nouveau projet, a considéré que le jeu avait assez […]


Focal Point, le chapitre 5 de Black Mesa: Blue Shift, sortira le 17 novembre

Cela fait quelques années que l’on suit l’ambitieux mod Black Mesa: Blue Shift, qui entreprend de refaire le standalone Half-Life: Blue Shift, sorti en 2001, avec le moteur de Black Mesa, lui-même un remake du légendaire Half-Life, mais en travaillant aussi bien sur l’aspect esthétique que sur le gameplay et le level design. C’est pourquoi […]

  • Mods
  • Black Mesa: Blue Shift


Le prologue de Project Borealis, le Half-Life 2: Episode 3 fan made sous Unreal 5, est disponible sur Steam

On vous en parlait en septembre dernier, Project Borealis: Prologue vient de sortir sur Steam. Il s’agit d’une courte démonstration des différentes mécaniques qui seront embarquées dans Project Borealis, un jeu développé par une armée de fans, prenant comme base les ébauches de script de Marc Laidlaw pour Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Pour faire patienter […]


Rogue Point : un nouveau FPS tactique coopératif, par les devs de Black Mesa

À l’approche des 20 ans d’Half-Life 2 (le 16 novembre), les actualités liées de près ou de loin à la licence semblent s’enchaîner : le prochain chapitre de Black Mesa: Blue Shift par-ci, Project Borealis par-là, et hier, l’annonce de Rogue Point, un nouveau jeu par Crowbar Collective, les développeurs de Black Mesa, le remake […]


Paradigm shift

What the word processor did for the written word and the digital camera for the photo/moving image, the podcast concept will (finally) do for the spoken word and music. Integration of these three constitutes a paradigm shift in communication and publishing.


Content as a Driving Force

Tod Maffin posted a 'Five Point Roadmap to Podcasting's Future'. Jake Ludington wrote an excellent and detailed follow-up. Their main focus is technology though, the means.. Two sentences in Jake's piece jump off the page: "Content is the one area technology cannot fix" and "At the core, we need better content". Absolutely. Better recording tools, smarter aggregators and api integration are


Feedburner introduces SmartCast

I'm using Feedburner for months now and haven't noticed a single glitch. That's a good omen for their latest innovation: SmartCast. By introducing SmartCast, Feedburner again stays ahead of the curve. It enables any feed publisher (RSS 1.0 and Atom included!) to create Podcasts: "If a publisher isn't able to create a feed that has the enclosure element, they can use our service and we'll turn it


Customised Podcasting for businesses and organizations

Customised Podcasting is an excellent information tool for businesses and organizations. Cerado.com started a Customised Podcast Service as a companion to their existing (Competitive Intelligence) briefing documents. More here.


Podcasting Suite: Comparing Tools, Formats and Protocols

The well orchestrated hype surrounding the 'arrival' of Odeo's podcasting suite raised many eyebrows. An all too familiar scenario from the bubble era seemed to make a chilling comeback: declaring a winner and throwing a mainstream media party before the game had even begun, what's more: before the 'player's' skills and qualities had even been closely identified and tested.Naturally, a negative


RSS Feed Knowledgebase

Common questions about RSS, feeds, syndication, namespaces, extensions, and podcasting. Feel free to send our webmasters any RSS questions and we will post the answers in the RSS knowledgebase.

RSS Feed Knowledgebase


Tools for Podcasting

Podcasting is increasing in popularity and, realizing that many are interested in providing audio content in a podcast, we have assembled a collection of tools that make creation, promotion and listening to podcasts a little easier.

Tools for Podcasting


Great Ideas for Blog Post Topics

26 Great Ideas for Blog Posts!
Blogs have increased in popularity because they provide a steady stream of new and unique content. The only issue presented by this quality of blogs is that it may become difficult for those who run blogs to think of interesting and novel posts. If you have jumped on the blogging bandwagon but suffer writer's block, do not panic: we have created a list of 26 ideas for blog posts.

1. Make it visual.
Include a photo or other graphic in a blog post to break up the text, attract your reader's interest, or help illustrate a point. Better yet, talk about the image you have included to further incorporate it into the post.

26 Great Ideas for Blog Posts!


RSS Filter

RSSFilter is a PHP script that filters the contents of an RSS feed. The filters can be defined by the publisher so that the resulting RSS feed contains only the information they want. RSSFilter uses rules to filter the items that are included from a feed in the resulting feed.

RSS Filter


Audio File Optimization

Optimize your audio files to increase their popularity, just as you would optimize a website. Audio search engines are becoming more advanced as audio files become more commonplace on the Internet. Here are some tips to optimize your audio offerings...

1. Optimize Landing Page

Create a landing page for the audio files. The landing page should explain the audio content and encourage subscriptions. Outline the steps the visitor should take in order to subscribe or listen to the audio file. Make an effort to interact with the visitor on the landing page, and make it as easy as possible for them to subscribe or listen to your podcast.

Audio File Optimization


Places to Get Ideas for Blog Posts

The best blogs and feeds are those that contain unique, fresh, compelling, content. So where do these prolific posters get their ideas? I talked to a handful of bloggers to determine where their inspiration originated for their content.

Not surprisingly, ideas for blog posts or RSS feed items originate or are influenced by other web content. The following are venues for finding your online muse:

1.Google News
Monitor Google News for keywords related to your industry. If you find a story you disagree with or wholeheartedly agree with write about it. Add your thoughts, and editorialize the content. This does not mean you should just repost Google news summaries. The value is not only in the news aggregation, but in the commentary that you provide. Tie news items to specific events, conditions, or the impact of specific news on the industry. Adding a view point or reference to a news article adds genuine value.

Places to Get Ideas for Blog Posts


Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter

Just as the second generation of search engines and directories evolved into niche topic specific portals we are seeing the same occur in the area of RSS feed directories and search engines. While some directories are admittedly more niche than others the trend is obvious.
Financial Industry
If you are in the finance industry you can monitor currency exchange rates, bank rates and track investments using RSS feeds. Financial institutions have found RSS to be an optimum way to communicate CD rates, interest rates, currency conversions, and even investors are using to monitor stocks. Use RSS to track currency conversions, stocks, bonds, bank rates and other financial related information.

Why Niche RSS Feeds


13 Tips to Maintaining an RSS Feed Subscriber Base

You have an RSS feed and you have worked hard to get the word out. According to your logs you have subscribers! Now the hard part: how to retain the subscribers to your RSS feed. Follow these simple steps to insure that your subscriber base will grow.

1. Original Content
A consistent stream of original content will do well to earn subscribers loyalty. The best RSS feeds provide content that is compelling and unique. Do not rehash existing content, look for a unique angle or spin if you wish to cover something that is hot in the blogosphere.

13 Tips to Maintaining an RSS Feed Subscriber Base


Podcasting for Business

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting for Business


Hallmarks of a Good Podcast

There are many, many things that separate a good podcast from all the rest. Here are a few to consider...
Recording Quality

The quality of the recording is probably the most critical component of a podcast. A good podcast is easy to understand, and should be recorded at a volume level that makes it easy for listeners to hear all that is said.

Sound Balance

Adding background music polishes a podcast, but be careful that the music does not overpower the primary content. The background music should be subtle and not distracting. Create a balance that does not compromise the quality of the recording. Also, be sure that the music is not the focal point of a podcast show, unless the topic is about the music -- the emphasis should be on the primary content, and not on the musical arrangements.

Hallmarks of a Good Podcast


Publicize Your RSS Feed

There is little argument from webmasters and publishers that RSS brings in traffic. So once you've made the leap and created a feed, how do you tell your visitors about the feed?

1. Submit Your RSS Feed to RSS Directories.
This will not only increase the number of sites linking to your website and increasing your link popularity, it will also increase the RSS feeds profile. A number of RSS search engines and RSS directories exist that allow you to freely submit RSS feeds. Feeds are generally categorized and grouped together by subject. Web surfers looking for RSS feeds about a specific subject will often search the RSS directories, to locate a feed that matches their specific criteria. Topic specific RSS feed and podcasting directories are also emerging. Choose a web feed's category carefully and only submit relevant feeds to topic specific directories.

Publicize Your RSS Feed


How to Add and Remove Files to RecordForAll

In this tutorial, we will be going over how to add and remove files from the list.

The first step is to run the program, so, find the icon on your desktop and double click on it.

If you're using the trial version, you'll see this prompt.

How to Add and Remove Files to RecordForAll


RSS Feed Security

RSS is growing at a lightening speed. What was once only known as a techie tool, RSS is becoming a tool that is continuously being used by the general population. Along with the good comes, the not so good. And while some have mentioned the emergence of RSS spam, where content publishers dynamically generate nonsensical feeds stuffed with keywords, the real concern relates to security. While an annoyance to the search engines, spam in RSS feeds pales in comparison to the possible security concerns that could be in RSS future.

RSS Feed Security


RSS Feed Innovation

RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a new way to broadcast corporate news and structured information. RSS offers a quick, easy corporate communication channel. The RSS contents are published as a feed and the feed's content keep customers, partners and journalists abreast of corporate news and information. The RSS feeds are read using a tool referred to as a news aggregator, or an RSS reader. The aggregator periodically checks to see if the RSS feed has been updated. As the feed is updated, new information will automatically appear in the RSS reader.

RSS Feed Innovation


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Set Your Podcast Up for Success

1. Plan Accordingly.
When making the decision and commitment to podcast, it is important to think beyond the moment. Before starting, think about the time the podcast production will take. How will podcasting fit into a current schedule? How frequently will you podcast?

Set Your Podcast Up for Success


What Can be Published Using RSS Feeds?

With all the vast amounts of information available on the web, it is becoming more and more difficult to sort through and find what you are looking for. RSS significantly lowers the signal-to-noise ratio. RSS has the unique ability to compile information and filter it, so you only see unique and relevant content. The information superhighway has become packed with content, and those familiar with technology are using RSS to filter the content, allowing them to drill down and access only the content they want, without having to wade through all the noise.

What Can be Published Using RSS Feeds?


Tips for Blogs

Tips for creating a blog.
There are no hard and fast rules on how to blog. Having said that, bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following some simple blog guidelines.

1.) Stay on topic.
Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won't care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.

Tips for Blogs


Pros and Cons of RSS Feeds

If you are struggling with the decision of whether to implement RSS feeds or not, consider the following pros and cons for webmasters who use RSS feeds as part of their content and communication plan...

Pros and Cons of RSS Feeds


The Rewards of Podcasting

Getting started with podcasting is a relatively inexpensive venture. The equipment and software required for podcasting is inexpensive for a business contemplating podcasting as a new marketing and communication adventure.

The Rewards of Podcasting


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


RSS Feed Filtering Script

RSSFilter is a PHP script that filters the contents of an RSS feed. The filters can be defined by the publisher so that the resulting RSS feed contains only the information they want. RSSFilter uses rules to filter the items that are included from a feed in the resulting feed.

RSS Filter


Etiquette for RSS Feeds

The arguments continue to rage over the ambiguities in the RSS specifications. But the fact is: RSS is here to stay, and the current defined RSS 2.0 specification is likely going to be as good as it is going to get.

Etiquette for RSS Feeds


Blog Tips for SEO

Blogs are the current rage, and many webmasters have blogs but fail to use their blog to it's full potential. Blogs provide a steady stream of fresh content, and if this content is written and managed properly, blogs have the ability to increase a website's ranking in the search engines.

1. Host Your Own Blog
In order to prosper from a blog, be sure to host it on your own domain. Hosting the blog on your own server will maximize the links to your website. Link popularity is one of the factors search engines use to rank websites. Resist the urge to use free hosting services, do not give away your link popularity!

Blog Tips for SEO


Audio File Optimization

Optimize your audio files to increase their popularity, just as you would optimize a website. Audio search engines are becoming more advanced as audio files become more commonplace on the Internet. Here are some tips to optimize your audio offerings...

1. Optimize Landing Page

Create a landing page for the audio files. The landing page should explain the audio content and encourage subscriptions. Outline the steps the visitor should take in order to subscribe or listen to the audio file. Make an effort to interact with the visitor on the landing page, and make it as easy as possible for them to subscribe or listen to your podcast.

Audio File Optimization


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses