
Mobile financial services are making headway in WAEMU

Electronic money, or e-money, emerged in the countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) following the adoption, in 2006, of a Central Bank Instruction establishing a flexible regulatory framework aimed at encouraging e-money business. The activity expanded in 2009 with the involvement of telecommunications operators in the provision of mobile telephone-based financial services, which increased the number of users and the volume of transactions.

A growing business

At the end of September 2015, 22 million people, or nearly a quarter of the people in the union, subscribed to financial services via mobile phone. Approximately 30 percent of those subscribers carried out at least one transaction per 90-day period.

Some 500 million transactions took place over the first nine months of 2015. The cumulative value of the transactions was 5 trillion CFA francs ($8.5 billion) by the end of September 2015, a growth of 142 percent from September 2014. Between September 2013 and September 2014, this value grew from CFA 1 trillion to CFA 2.068 trillion, an increase of 107 percent.

The mobile phone financial services distribution network followed a similar upward trend, rising from 93,621 points of services in 2014 to more than 132,658 at the end of September 2015.

Figure 1. Trends in the value of transactions

The socioeconomic environment in the union goes a long way to explaining the success of mobile telephone payment services. Indeed, this method of providing money transfer or payment services is particularly well suited to people who lack access to the mainstream banking system, and also affords non-bank institutions the opportunity to offer users non-cash money against cash deposits, which can then be used for a variety of financial transactions.

The growing involvement of telecommunications operators

The market is increasingly dominated by partnerships between banks and telecommunications operators, which represented 25 of the 33 licensed or authorized e-money issuers at the end of December 2015. In the framework of this model, known as the bank model, the bank has responsibility for issuing the e-money.

The other seven non-bank institutions, under the non-bank model, are authorized to issue electronic money as “Electronic Money Institutions” (EMIs) [1].

In WAEMU, e-money issuers are supported by a regulatory framework that was revised in 2015 to ensure increased security and quality of payment services backed by electronic money.

Figure 2. E-money issuers in WAEMU

Note: DFS denotes microfinance institutions.

A revised regulatory framework

With the expansion of mobile phone financial services and the growing involvement of telecommunications operators, the Central Bank has revised its regulatory framework with the aim of enhancing the security and quality of payment services backed by electronic money. The most salient improvements must focus on:

  • Increasing issuer accountability by clarifying users’ roles in partnerships with technical service providers. With this goal in mind, the activities of technical service providers have been restricted to technical processing or the distribution of e-money under the responsibility of the issuer. In addition, issuers are responsible for the integrity, reliability, security, confidentiality, and traceability of all transactions carried out by all of their distributors; Stimulating competition through transparent pricing with an obligation for issuers to publish their rates;

  • Specific requirements in terms of governance and internal and external audits for electronic money institutions, standards of integrity on the part of the management, professional secrecy and regular infrastructure audits;

  • Increased protection for bearers of electronic money, including keeping funds in dedicated accounts, requiring a constant equivalence between the amount of e-money and the balances in the dedicated accounts, and mandatory creation of a mechanism to take in and deal with complaints by bearers of electronic money;

  • Reinforcement of the supervisory mechanism by reducing deadlines for reporting on issuers’ activities to the Central Bank and adopting sanctions for violations of regulatory provisions.

Provision of mobile-phone-based financial services

Mobile-phone-based financial services provided in WAEMU include three categories of services, namely services involving the use of cash (banknotes and coins), e-money services, and so-called “second generation” services.

The first type of service essentially involves deposits of cash or refilling of electronic wallets, as well as withdrawals. This type of service represents 24 percent of user transactions. Cash deposits predominate; they allow customers to provision their electronic money accounts.

Seventy-six percent of the funds deposited into e-money accounts are used, above all, for purchases of telephone credit, payment of bills, person-to-person money transfers, and money transfers from individuals to businesses and from individuals to government agencies. The main payment services found in WAEMU pertain to payment of water or electricity bills, payment of satellite television subscriptions, and purchases of goods in supermarkets or fuel at service stations.

Payments of taxes or income taxes to government agencies and payments of micro-loan installments are also made through mobile phone financial services, but are much less common.

So-called “second generation” services, namely micro-insurance, micro-savings, and micro-credit, are currently emerging in WAEMU. Their development could be an opportunity to provide access to the banking system for the users of the services.

Finally, interoperability is just beginning to be implemented based on bilateral agreements between stakeholders, particularly with a view to offering cross-border payment services between member states of the union.


A review of the development of mobile phone financial services in WAEMU reveals some obstacles to the rapid development of this type of financial service within WAEMU. They include:

  • a low number of active users, due to the high cost of the services;
  • the fact that the services are not well known due to inadequate financial education;
  • the low rate of digitization of government agencies’ payment systems; and
  • insufficient partnerships between bank and non-bank issuers with a view to developing a more inclusive range of “second-generation” services.

In collaboration with all stakeholders, the Central Bank has developed a financial inclusion strategy to continuously improve, access to and use of diverse, tailored and affordable financial services. The implementation of these actions as described in the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) financial inclusion strategy should support the challenges mentioned above.

Read in French »

[1] EMI: any legal entity, other than a bank, financial payment institution, or decentralized financial system, that is authorized to issue payment instruments in the form of electronic money and whose business activities are restricted to electronic money issuing and distribution.


  • Tiémoko Meyliet Koné


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Income Inequality, Social Mobility, and the Decision to Drop Out Of High School

How “economic despair” affects high school graduation rates for America’s poorest students


Low-Income Boys in Higher Inequality Areas Drop Out of School More Often than Low-Income Boys in Lower Inequality Areas, Limiting Social Mobility, New Brookings Paper Finds
“Economic despair” may contribute if those at the bottom do not believe they have the ability to achieve middle class status

Greater income gaps between those at the bottom and middle of the income distribution lead low-income boys to drop out of high school more often than their counterparts in lower inequality areas, suggesting that there is an important link between income inequality and reduced rates of upward mobility, according to a new paper presented today at the Brookings Panel on Activity. The finding has implications for social policy, implying a need for interventions that focus on bolstering low-income adolescents' perceptions of what they could achieve in life.

In “Income Inequality, Social Mobility, and the Decision to Drop Out Of High School,” Brookings Nonresident Senior Fellow and University of Maryland economics professor Melissa S. Kearney and Wellesley economics professor Phillip B. Levine propose a channel through which income inequality might lead to less upward mobility—often assumed to be the case but not yet fully proven. The conventional thinking among economists is that income inequality provides incentives for individuals to invest more in order to achieve the higher income position in society, but Kearney and Levine observe that if low-income youth view middle-class life as out of reach, they might decide to invest less in their own economic future.

See an interactive map of inequality by state, plus more findings »

The authors focus on income inequality in the lower half of the income distribution, as measured by income gaps between the 10th and 50th percentiles of the income distribution rather than income gaps between the the top and bottom of the income distribution, which has been more of a focus in popular culture. They show this "lower-tail" inequality is more relevant to the lives of poor youth because the middle is a more realistic ambition. Furthermore, their research could reconcile a puzzle: social mobility does not appear to be falling, despite the rise in income inequality. But, as Kearney and Levine point out, U.S. income inequality has been rising because the top of the distribution has been pulling away from the middle, not because the bottom is falling farther behind the middle.

The authors look specifically at high school drop-out rates through a geographic lens, noting the link between highly variable rates of high school completion and income inequality across the country. One-quarter or more of those who start high school in the higher inequality states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, and the District Columbia fail to graduate in a four-year period, as compared to only around 10 percent in Vermont, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Nebraska—lower inequality states. Their econometric analysis goes on to show that low-income youth—boys in particular—are 4.1 percentage points more likely to drop out of high school by age 20 if they live in a high-inequality location relative to those who live in a low-inequality location.

Kearney and Levine examine a number of potential explanations for this link, including differences in educational inputs, poverty rates, demographic composition, and other factors. Ultimately, the evidence suggests that there is something specific about areas with greater income gaps that lead low-income boys there to drop out of school at higher rates than low-income boys elsewhere. The authors' research suggests that adolescents make educational decisions based on their perceived returns to investing in their educational development: a greater distance to climb to get to the middle of the income distribution could lead to a sense that economic success is unlikely—what they term “economic despair.”

"Income inequality can negatively affect the perceived returns to investment in education from the perspective of an economically disadvantaged adolescent,” they write. “Perceptions beget perceptions."

Digging into reasons students themselves give for dropping out, they find that low-income students from more unequal places are more likely to give up on their educational pursuits. Surprisingly, survey evidence shows that academic performance does not have as large an impact on low-income students in high inequality states: 51 percent of dropouts in the least unequal states reported that they dropped out because they were performing poorly, as compared to only 21 percent of students who dropped out in the most unequal states.

The finding suggests that economic despair could play an important role: if a student perceives a lower benefit to remaining in school, then he or she will choose to drop out at a lower threshold of academic difficulty. They also note that while the wage premium of completing high school should reduce the dropout rate, household income inequality has an offsetting negative effect.

The choice between staying in school and dropping out may reflect actual or perceived differences from the benefits of graduating. For instance, the authors note their past research showing that youth from low-income households who grow up in high lower-tail inequality states face lifetime incomes that are over 30 percent lower than similar children in lower inequality states. They also highlight other research showing that the overwhelming majority of 9th graders aspire to go to college, but by 11th grade, low-SES students are substantially less likely to expect they will enroll in college, even among those students with high test scores.

"There are important policy implications for what types of programs are needed to improve the economic trajectory of children from low-SES backgrounds," they write. "Successful interventions would focus on giving low income youth reasons to believe they have the opportunity to succeed. Such interventions could focus on expanded opportunities that would improve the actual return to staying in school, but they could also focus on improving perceptions by giving low-income students a reason to believe they can be the "college-going type." For example, interventions might take the form of mentoring programs that connect youth with successful adult mentors and school and community programs that focus on establishing high expectations and providing pathways to graduation. They could also take the form of early-childhood parenting programs that work with parents to create more nurturing home environments to build self-esteem and engender positive behaviors."

Read the full paper from Kearney and Levine here »




  • Melissa Kearney
  • Phillip Levine
Image Source: © Steve Dipaola / Reuters


Financial conditions and GDP growth-at-risk

Loose financial conditions that increase GDP growth in the near-term may come with a tradeoff for higher risks to future economic growth, according to a new paper from Brookings Senior Fellow Nellie Liang, and Tobias Adrian, Federico Grinberg, and Sheheryar Malik from the International Monetary Fund.  The authors study 11 advanced economies to develop a…



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What do automation and artificial intelligence mean for Africa?

During the last four decades, manufacturers all over the world have outsourced production to countries with lower labor costs. American, European, and Japanese firms moved a lot of their production to developing Asia and Latin America, first helping countries like Malaysia and Chile, then others like China and Mexico, and then others like Vietnam and…



New Report Details Rising Fiscal and Other Costs Associated with Missouri Development Trends

Missouri's population is spreading out, adding to the costs of providing services and infrastructure across the state, according to a new study released today by the Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy.

The 84-page study, Growth in the Heartland: Challenges and Opportunities for Missouri, reports that Missouri's population is quickly dispersing, with smaller metropolitan areas experiencing some of the state's fastest growth and residency in unincorporated areas on the rise. Though new residents and jobs fueled prosperity in the 1990s, the report finds that growth has slowed in the past year, and suggests that the state's highly decentralized development patterns could become troublesome as Missouri contends with a slowing economy and serious budget deficits.

Sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Growth in the Heartland provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date body of research and statistics yet assembled analyzing the direction, scope, and implications of development in Missouri. In addition to assessing the consequences of those trends for the state's fiscal health, economic competitiveness, and quality of life, the report addresses the potential role of state and local policy in shaping those trends in the future. Specific findings of the report conclude that:

  • Growth in the Columbia, Springfield, Joplin, and St. Joseph metropolitan areas strongly outpaced that of the Kansas City and St. Louis metropolitan areas in the 1990s. Altogether the four smaller areas captured fully one-quarter of the state's growth and doubled the growth rate of the Kansas City and St. Louis areas.

  • Population and job growth also moved beyond the smaller metro areas and towns into the state's vast unincorporated areas. Overall, residency in these often-outlying areas grew by 12.3 percent in the 1990s—a rate 50 percent faster than the 8.1 percent growth of towns and cities.

  • Most rural counties reversed decades of decline in the 1990s, with eight in ten rural counties experiencing population growth and nine in ten adding new jobs. By 2000, more rural citizens lived outside of cities and towns than in them, as more than 70 percent of new growth occurred in unincorporated areas.

"Missouri experienced tremendous gains during the last decade, but the decentralized nature of growth across the state poses significant fiscal challenges for the future," said Bruce Katz, vice president of Brookings and director of the policy center. "The challenge for Missouri is to give communities the tools, incentives, and opportunities to grow in more efficient and fiscally responsible ways."

The Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy is committed to shaping a new generation of policies that will help build strong neighborhoods, cities, and metropolitan regions. By informing the deliberations of state and federal policymakers with expert knowledge and practical experience, the center promotes integrated approaches and practical solutions to the challenges confronting metropolitan communities. Learn more at



Ferguson Incident and America’s Image in Africa: Social Media Weighs in on Race and Human Rights

The full story of the killing of Michael Brown, a young, black, unarmed man shot by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, is still unfolding—and the truth will not be known for some time. It is only after full investigations are completed that an objective evaluation of the incident can be made. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the killing of the young man was unfortunate and has generated a serious debate about race relations in America, and on the relations between police and the communities that they are supposed to protect. The riots and massive looting portrayed not only the extent of criminality in America’s inner cities, but also the economic marginalization of the minority communities.

Coming not long after the successful U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit held in Washington, the Ferguson incident and the follow-up demonstrations have been rather unfortunate in as far as how Africans view America—in a way questioning America’s standing as a protector of human rights. The hostility towards the United States in regard to its treatment of African-Americans has dominated social media with claims that the incident shows that America should not claim leadership when it comes to human rights. Such criticisms by many other countries, including Russia and China, are widespread.

I was particularly surprised by the comments in the Kenyan media coverage of this topic. Here are some statements on the topic by readers of the most popular paper there—the Daily Nation:

The US is a community fueled by hate. They claim not to be racist yet most of them are racist to the core including the black Americans. Yet they want to dictate and lecture us about human rights."

Still waiting for GOK [Government of Kenya] to issue travel advisory to the U.S."

(This is an apparent reference to the fact that the United States government issues travel advisories to countries like Kenya when such incidents occur and there are riots.)

Extra judicial killing. Let UN order an independent investigation & file handed to ICC (international Criminal Court) for prosecution of the culprits. US justice system is biased against its own black community."

(The U.S. and human rights organizations have been critical of many countries for extra-judicial killings and have called for the prosecution of government officials in Africa at the International Criminal Court for such actions.)

U.S. preaches democracy and good governance all over the world but lo and behold, Ferguson has exposed the preacher who cannot take care of business in his backyard."

Has the Kenyan ambassador issued a statement yet? The US must have a coalition government so as to end the violence. It will no longer be business as usual. We will have only necessary contact. Choices have consequences."

(This statement is in reference to the U.S. government’s actions following the 2007-2008 post-election violence in Kenya.)

In the USA, they give absolute rights to women, children and pets, the men are left on their own, owe [sic] un to you if you happen to be a young black man. You are as good as dead."

Scanning media in other African countries, the same kind of reactions are evident. While some opinions differ, the general sentiment expressed in social media is that the United States remains a divided country and thus lacks moral authority to “lecture” Africans on human rights and tribalism.

To an extent, these sentiments expressed by Africans are misguided and are largely a gross exaggeration of the character of American society. The views expressed in the media portray an American society that is totally divided across racial lines, which Africans often equate to tribalism on their own continent. They see the economic desperation of many African-Americans as a reflection of a society that has continued to deny a large section of its people opportunities for advancement. All these views, right or wrong, weaken America’s standing among Africans and undermine the country’s ability to influence policy on human rights and governance in the continent. Such incidents give solace to dictators that undertake gross violations of human rights through extrajudicial killings. Many Africans consider the U.S. judicial system to be discriminatory against black men. They also cite biases in many previous cases of police killings of black men. The Zimmerman case in Florida is commonly used in the African media as an example of such incidents where they feel justice did not prevail.

But American global leadership in the advancement of human rights and ensuring equal protection under the law—and also in opening up opportunities for all groups—remains critically important. Through fair and transparent adjudication of the Ferguson case, the U.S. will be in a position to demonstrate to the Africans and others who have been critical of the state of affairs in this country that the U.S. remains a country governed by the rule of law. Still, the issue of poverty among some communities gives the U.S. a bad name as a country where a large segment of the population is economically marginalized. As the U.S. encourages Africans to build united and inclusive societies, it should be cognizant of the fact that its voice will carry more weight and be respected if Africans see the same happening in United States.



Scaling up social enterprise innovations: Approaches and lessons

In 2015 the international community agreed on a set of ambitious sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the global society, to be achieved by 2030. One of the lessons that the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG s) has highlighted is the importance of a systematic approach to identify and sequence development interventions—policies, programs, and projects—to achieve such goals at a meaningful scale. The Chinese approach to development, which consists of identifying a problem and long-term goal, testing alternative solutions, and then implementing those that are promising in a sustained manner, learning and adapting as one proceeds—Deng Xiaoping’s “crossing the river by feeling the stones”—is an approach that holds promise for successful achievement of the SDGs.

Having observed the Chinese way, then World Bank Group President James Wolfensohn in 2004, together with the Chinese government, convened a major international conference in Shanghai on scaling up successful development interventions, and in 2005 the World Bank Group (WBG ) published the results of the conference, including an assessment of the Chinese approach. (Moreno-Dodson 2005). Some ten years later, the WBG once again is addressing the question of how to support scaling up of successful development interventions, at a time when the challenge and opportunity of scaling up have become a widely recognized issue for many development institutions and experts.

Since traditional private and public service providers frequently do not reach the poorest people in developing countries, social enterprises can play an important role in providing key services to those at the “base of the pyramid.”

In parallel with the recognition that scaling up matters, the development community is now also focusing on social enterprises (SEs), a new set of actors falling between the traditionally recognized public and private sectors. We adopt here the World Bank’s definition of “social enterprises” as a social-mission-led organization that provides sustainable services to Base of the Pyramid (BoP) populations. This is broadly in line with other existing definitions for the sector and reflects the World Bank’s primary interest in social enterprises as a mechanism for supporting service delivery for the poor. Although social enterprises can adopt various organizational forms—business, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and community-based organizations are all forms commonly adopted by social enterprises—they differ from private providers principally by combining three features: operating with a social purpose, adhering to business principles, and aiming for financial sustainability. Since traditional private and public service providers frequently do not reach the poorest people in developing countries, social enterprises can play an important role in providing key services to those at the “base of the pyramid.” (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Role of SE sector in public service provision

Social enterprises often start at the initiative of a visionary entrepreneur who sees a significant social need, whether in education, health, sanitation, or microfinance, and who responds by developing an innovative way to address the perceived need, usually by setting up an NGO, or a for-profit enterprise. Social enterprises and their innovations generally start small. When successful, they face an important challenge: how to expand their operations and innovations to meet the social need at a larger scale. 

Development partner organizations—donors, for short—have recognized the contribution that social enterprises can make to find and implement innovative ways to meet the social service needs of people at the base of the pyramid, and they have started to explore how they can support social enterprises in responding to these needs at a meaningful scale. 

The purpose of this paper is to present a menu of approaches for addressing the challenge of scaling up social enterprise innovations, based on a review of the literature on scaling up and on social enterprises. The paper does not aim to offer specific recommendations for entrepreneurs or blueprints and guidelines for the development agencies. The range of settings, problems, and solutions is too wide to permit that. Rather, the paper provides an overview of ways to think about and approach the scaling up of social enterprise innovations. Where possible, the paper also refers to specific tools that can be helpful in implementing the proposed approaches. 

Note that we talk about scaling up social enterprise innovations, not about social enterprises. This is because it is the innovations and how they are scaled up that matter. An innovation may be scaled up by the social enterprise where it originated, by handoff to a public agency for implementation at a larger scale, or by other private enterprises, small or large. 

This paper is structured in three parts: Part I presents a general approach to scaling up development interventions. This helps establish basic definitions and concepts. Part II considers approaches for the scaling up of social enterprise innovations. Part III provides a summary of the main conclusions and lessons from experience. A postscript draws out implications for external aid donors. Examples from actual practice are used to exemplify the approaches and are summarized in Annex boxes.





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Amidst unimpressive official jobs report for May, alternative measures make little difference

May’s jobs gains, released this morning, show that only 38,000 new jobs were added this May, down from an average of 178,000 over the first four months of the year, and the least new jobs added since September 2010.

This year’s monthly job gains and losses can indicate how the economy is doing once they are corrected to account for the pattern we already expect in a process called seasonal adjustment. The approach for this seasonal adjustment that is presently used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) puts very heavy weight on the current and last two years of data in assessing what are the typical patterns for each month.

In my paper “Unseasonal Seasonals?” I argue that a longer window should be used to estimate seasonal effects. I found that using a different seasonal filter, known as the 3x9 filter, produces better results and more accurate forecasts by emphasizing more years of data. The 3x9 filter spreads weight over the most recent six years in estimating seasonal patterns, which makes them more stable over time than in the current BLS seasonal adjustment method.

I calculate the month-over-month change in total nonfarm payrolls, seasonally adjusted by the 3x9 filter, for the most recent month. The corresponding data as published by the BLS are shown for comparison purposes. According to the alternative seasonal adjustment, the economy actually lost about 4,000 jobs in May (column Wright SA), compared to the official BLS total of 38,000 gained (column BLS Official).

In addition to seasonal effects, abnormal weather can also affect month-to-month fluctuations in job growth. In my paper “Weather-Adjusting Economic Data” I and my coauthor Michael Boldin implement a statistical methodology for adjusting employment data for the effects of deviations in weather from seasonal norms. This is distinct from seasonal adjustment, which only controls for the normal variation in weather across the year. We use several indicators of weather, including temperature and snowfall.

We calculate that weather in May had a negligible effect on employment, bringing up the total by only 4,000 jobs (column Weather Effect). Our weather-adjusted total, therefore, is 34,000 jobs added for May (column Boldin-Wright SWA). This is not surprising, given that weather in May was in line with seasonal norms.

Unfortunately, neither the alternative seasonal adjustment, nor the weather adjustment, makes todays jobs report any more hopeful. They make little difference and, if anything, make the picture more gloomy.

a. Applies a longer window estimate of seasonal effects (see Wright 2013).
b. Includes seasonal and weather adjustments, where seasonal adjustments are estimated using the BLS window specifications (see Boldin & Wright 2015). The incremental weather effect in the last column is the BLS official number less the SWA number.


  • Jonathan Wright
Image Source: © Toru Hanai / Reuters


How close is President Trump to his goal of record-setting judicial appointments?

President Trump threatened during an April 15 pandemic briefing to “adjourn both chambers of Congress” because the Senate’s pro forma sessions prevented his making recess appointments. The threat will go nowhere for constitutional and practical reasons, and he has not pressed it. The administration and Senate Republicans, though, remain committed to confirming as many judges…



Metropolitan Lens: America’s racial generation gap and the 2016 election

In the U.S., the older and younger generations look very different. While older Americans are predominantly white, young Americans, like millennials, have more varied racial backgrounds. These demographic chasms have political implications: white, older Americans tend to favor conservative politics and have overwhelmingly voted for Republican candidates in past elections; younger Americans, regardless of racial identity, tend to lean left and support broadening social support programs.

In a podcast segment, I explore how these racial and political divides between generations will, no doubt, impact this year’s presidential election and races in the future.

Listen to the full podcast here:


Image Source: © Kevin Lamarque / Reuters


How to ensure Africa has the financial resources to address COVID-19

As countries around the world fall into a recession due to the coronavirus, what effects will this economic downturn have on Africa? Brahima S. Coulibaly joins David Dollar to explain the economic strain from falling commodity prices, remittances, and tourism, and also the consequences of a recent G-20 decision to temporarily suspend debt service payments…



How the Spread of Smartphones will Open up New Ways of Improving Financial Inclusion

It’s easy to imagine a future in a decade or less when most people will have a smartphone. In our recent paper Pathways to Smarter Digital Financial Inclusion, we explore the benefits of extending financial services to the mass of lower-income people in developing countries who are currently dubious of the value that financial services can bring to them, distrustful of formal financial institutions, or uncomfortable with the treatment they expect to receive.

The report analyzes six inherent characteristics of smartphones that have the potential to change market dynamics relative to the status quo of simple mobile phones and cards. 

Customer-Facing Changes:

1. The graphical user interface.
2. The ability to attach a variety of peripheral devices to it (such as a card reader or a small printer issuing receipts).
3. The lower marginal cost of mobile data communications relative to traditional mobile channels (such as SMS or USSD).

Service Provider Changes:

4. Greater freedom to program services without requiring the acquiescence or active participation of the telco.
5. Greater flexibility to distribute service logic between the handset (apps) and the network (servers).
6. More opportunities to capture more customer data with which to enhance customer value and stickiness.

Taken together, these changes may lower the costs of designing for lower-income people dramatically, and the designs ought to take advantage of continuous feedback from users. This should give low-end customers a stronger sense of choice over the services that are relevant to them, and voice over how they wish to be served and treated.

Traditionally poor people have been invisible to service providers because so little was known about their preferences that it was not possible build a service proposition or business case around them. The paper describes three pathways that will allow providers to design services on smartphones that will enable an increasingly granular understanding of their customers. Each of the three pathways offers providers a different approach to discover what they need to know about prospective customers in order to begin engaging with them. 

Pathway One: Through Big Data

Providers will piece together information on potential low-income customers directly, by assembling available data from disparate sources (e.g. history of airtime top-ups and bill payment, activity on online social networks, neighborhood or village-level socio-demographic data, etc.) and by accelerating data acquisition cycles (e.g. inferring behavior from granting of small loans in rapid succession, administering selected psychometric questions, or conducting A/B tests with special offers). There is a growing number of data analytics companies that are applying big data in this way to benefit the poor.

Pathway Two: Through local Businesses

Smartphones will have a special impact on micro and small enterprises, which will see increasing business benefits from recording and transacting more of their business digitally. As their business data becomes more visible to financial institutions, local firms will increasingly channel financial services, and particularly credit, to their customers, employees, and suppliers. Financial institutions will backstop their credit, which in effect turns smaller businesses into front-line distribution partners into local communities.

Pathway Three: Through Socio-Financial Networks

Firms view individuals primarily as managers of a web of socio-financial relationships that may or may not allow them access to formal financial services. Beyond providing loans to “creditworthy” people, financial institutions can provide transactional engines, similar to the crowdfunding platforms that enable all people to locate potential funding sources within their existing social networks. A provider equipped with appropriate network analysis tools could then promote rather than displace people´s own funding relationships and activities. This would provide financial service firms valuable insight into how people manage their financial needs.

The pathways are intended as an exploration of how smartphones could support the development of a healthier and more inclusive digital financial service ecosystem, by addressing the two critical deficiencies of the current mass-market digital finance systems. Smartphones could enable stronger customer value propositions, leading to much higher levels of customer engagement, leading to more revelation of customer data and more robust business cases for the providers involved. Mobile technology could also lead to a broader diversity of players coming into the space, each playing to their specific interests and contributing their specific set of skills, but together delivering customer value through the right combination of collaboration and competition.


  • Ignacio Mas
  • David Porteous
Image Source: © CHRIS KEANE / Reuters


Taking Down the (Entry) Barriers to Digital Financial Inclusion

Recent reports have highlighted how mobile-based financial services are transforming banking and payments in Kenya, Bangladesh, and Peru, and all the hype about how they are about to explode everywhere else. For all of the promise that digital financial systems have for lowering costs and helping people all over the globe, it is unfortunate that their development is hampered by regulation that protects the interests of the largest providers. These regulations create significant barriers and raise the total costs to achieve universal financial inclusion.

It is indeed conceivable that purely digital financial transactions could be handled at vanishingly small unit costs, from anywhere. But the cost that won´t go away is that at the interface between the new digital payment system and the legacy payment system – hard cash. Cash in/cash out (CICO) points are like tollgates at the edge of the digital payments cloud.

Cash is Still King

Even in areas with flourishing mobile banking usage, people tend to cash in every time they want to make a mobile payment, and to cash out immediately and in full every time they receive digital money. Rather than displacing cash, digital platforms have made local cash ecosystems more efficient. Without full backward compatibility with cash, digital payment systems could not take root.

The bigger issue is not the size of the CICO toll, but the fact that small players cannot expect to have the transaction volume to sustain a widespread CICO network. The incumbent banks and telecommunications firms have built in competitive advantages. They can quickly form agreements with brick and mortar shops, attract users from the current customer base, threaten new entrants, and aggregate enough transactions to induce CICO outlets to maintain sufficient liquidity on hand.

Therefore, the competition in digital financial services will not be determined primarily by what happens within the digital payments market itself, but rather by what happens in the contiguous cash market. The power of digital services is their ability to transcend geography, and yet success in the digital payments space will go to whoever has the best physical CICO footprint.

Regulators treat the digital payments service and the CICO service as conjoined twins: each digital financial service provider must have its own base of contractually bound CICO outlets. When the two services are bundled it is not surprising that the tough economics of CICO —and, therefore, the incumbent— dominates.

A Two Market Regulatory Approach

In a recent paper, I argue it is necessary to split up these two markets, from a regulatory point of view. The market for effecting electronic payments (issuing payment instructions and debiting and crediting electronic accounts accordingly) is logically distinct from the market for exchanging two forms of money (hard cash versus electronic value).

Most regulators approve of stores receiving electronic money from customers in exchange for packs of rice on a store shelf. But, if that same electronic money was exchanged for cash then it would violate the law in many countries.

In the latter case, the store is presumed to be an agent of the customer’s financial service provider, and the store cannot offer the CICO service without an agency contract from that provider. But why? The cash that was offered was the store’s as is the account that would receive the electronic payment, and the transaction would have occurred entirely through a secure, real-time technology platform that banks offer all their clients.

A Regulatory Fix

Of course, purely financial transactions are usually held to higher consumer protection standards than normal commercial transactions. My proposal is not to deregulate CICO, but to create a new license type for CICO network managers. Holders of this license would carry certain consumer protection obligations (such as ensuring that tariffs are explicitly posted at all CICO outlets, and that they have a call center to handle any complaints that customers may have on individual CICO outlets) – entirely reasonable expectations for retailers, even if we normally don´t ask them of rice sellers.

But once you have a CICO license, then you could sign up any store you wanted and crucially, offer CICO services on the platform of any financial institution in which you have an account. In other words, you wouldn’t have to beg the incumbent to give you a special agent contract. All you would need to do is to open a normal customer account with them, which the incumbent couldn´t deny you.

This one little change would completely shift the competitive dynamics of digital financial services. Under the current direct agency model, incumbent firms have no incentive to make it easier for competitors to create CICO outlets. Whereas under the independent CICO network manager model, all licensed CICO networks would have the incentive to offer CICO services for all providers, no matter their size: with a full suite of available services, they will find it easier to sign up stores to work for them, and these stores will find it easier to convince more users to walk into their stores.

Incumbents would still be free to establish their own proprietary CICO networks, as today. But they would have to compete with independent CICO networks that are now able to aggregate business from all financial service providers, creating true competition.

All players could then claim a comparable physical presence as the incumbent. They would all benefit from the same branded competition between CICO networks. They could compete strictly on the basis of the quality of their digital financial services offering.

Unbundling the regulatory treatment of digital financial services would help competition reach every segment of the business; the current integrated model only serves the interests of the largest telecommunication companies and banks in the land.


  • Ignacio Mas
Image Source: © Noor Khamis / Reuters


The multi-stop journey to financial inclusion on digital rails

One of the foundational notions of digital financial services has been the distinction between payment rails and services running on the rails. This is a logical distinction to make, one easily understood by engineers who tend to think in terms of hierarchies (or stacks) of functionalities, capabilities, and protocols that need to be brought together. But this distinction makes less sense when it is taken to represent a logical temporal sequencing of those layers.

It is not too much of a caricature to portray the argument —and, alas, much common practice— like this: I’ll first build a state-of-the art digital payments platform, and then I’ll secure a great agent network to acquire customers and offer them cash services. Once I have mastered all that, then I’ll focus on bringing new services to delight more of my customers. The result is that research on customer preferences gets postponed, and product design projects are outsourced to external consultants who run innovation projects in a way that is disconnected from the rest of the business.

This mindset is understandable given limited organizational, financial and human resource capabilities. But the problem with such narrow sequencing is that all these elements reinforce each other. Without adequate services (a.k.a. customer proposition), the rails will not bed down (a.k.a. no business case for the provider or the agents). In businesses such as digital payments that exhibit strong network effects, it’s a race to reach a critical mass of users. You need to drive the entire stack to get there, as quickly as possible. Unless, you develop a killer app early on, as M-PESA seems to have done with the send money home use case in the Kenyan environment.

It is tough for any organization to advance on all these fronts simultaneously. Only superhero organizations can get this complex job done. I have argued in a previous post that the piece that needs to be parceled off is not the service creation but rather cash management: that can be handled by independently licensed organizations working at arms length from the digital rails-and-products providers.

What are payment rails?

Payment rails are a collection of capabilities that allow value to be passed around digitally. This could include sending money home, paying for a good or a bill, pushing money into my or someone else’s savings account, funding a withdrawal at an agent, or repaying a loan. The first set of capabilities relates to identity: being able to establish you are the rightful owner of the funds in your account, and to designate the intended recipient in a money transfer. The second set of capabilities relates to the accounting or ledger system: keeping track of balances held and owed, and authorizing transactions when there are sufficient funds per the account rules. The third set of capabilities relates to messaging: collecting the necessary transaction details from the payment initiator, conveying that information securely to the authorizing entity, and providing confirmations.

Only the third piece has been transformed by the rise of mobile phones: we now have an increasingly inclusive and ubiquitous real-time messaging fabric. Impressive as that is, this messaging capability is still linked to legacy approaches on identity and accounting. Which is why mobile money is still more an evolution than a revolution in the quest for financial inclusion.

The keepers of the accounts —traditionally, the banks— are, of course, the guardians of the system’s choke points. There is now recognition in financial inclusion circles that to expand access to finance it is not enough to proliferate the world with mobile phones and agents: you need to increase the number and type of account keepers, under the guise of mobile money operators, e-money issuers or payment banks. But that doesn’t change the fundamental dynamics, which is that there still are choke point guardians who need to be convinced that there is a business case in order to invest in marketing to poor people, that there are opportunities to innovate to meet their needs, and that perhaps all players can be better off if only they interoperated. A true transformation would be to open up these ledgers, so anyone can check the validity of any transaction and write them into the ledger.

That’s what crypto-currencies are after: decentralizing the accounting and transaction authorization piece, much in the same way as mobile phones have decentralized the transaction origination piece. Banks seek to protect the integrity of their accounting and authorizations systems —and hence their role as arbiters of financial transactions— by hiding them behind huge IT walls; crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Ripple do the opposite: they use sophisticated protocols to create a shared consensus for all to see and use.

The other set of capabilities in the digital rails, identity, is also still in the dark ages. Let me convince you of that through a personal experience. My wallet was stolen recently, and it contained my credit card. I can understand the bank wanting to know my name, but why is the bank announcing my name to the thief by printing it on the credit card, thereby making it easier for him to impersonate me? The reason is, of course, that the bank wants merchants to be able to cross check the name on the card with a piece of customer ID. But as you can imagine, my national ID got stolen along with my credit card, and because of that the thief knows not only my name but also my address. That was an issue because I also kept a key to my house in the wallet. None of this makes sense: why are these “trusted” institutions subverting my sense of personal security, not to mention privacy?

The problem is that the current financial regulatory framework is premised on a direct binding of every transaction to my full legal identity. As David Porteous and I argue in a recent paper, what we need is a more nuanced digital identity system that allows me to present different personas to different identity-requesting entities and choose precisely which attributes of myself get revealed in each case, while still allowing the authorities to trace the identity unequivocally back to me in case I break the law.

The much-celebrated success of mobile money has so far really only transformed one third (messaging) of one half (payment rails) of the financial inclusion agenda. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


  • Ignacio Mas
Image Source: © Noor Khamis / Reuters


Upcoming Brookings report and scorecard highlight pathways and progress toward financial inclusion

Editor’s Note: Brookings will hold an event and live webcast on Wednesday, August 26 to discuss the findings of the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion (FDIP) Report and Scorecard. Follow the conversation on Twitter using #FinancialInclusion 

Access to affordable, quality financial services is vital both for ensuring the financial well-being of individuals and for fostering broader economic development. Yet about 2 billion adults around the world still do not have formal financial accounts.

The Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP), launched within the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings, set out to answer three key questions:

  • Do country commitments make a difference in progress toward financial inclusion?
  • To what extent do mobile and other digital technologies advance financial inclusion?
  • What legal, policy, and regulatory approaches promote financial inclusion?

To answer these questions, the FDIP team spent the past year examining how governments, private sector entities, non-government organizations, and the general public across 21 diverse countries have worked together to advance access to and usage of formal financial services. This research informed the development of the 2015 Report and Scorecard — the first in a 3-year series of research on the topic.

For the 2015 Scorecard, FDIP researchers assessed 33 indicators across four dimensions of financial inclusion: Country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption of selected basic traditional and digital financial services.

The 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard provide detailed profiles of the financial inclusion landscape in 21 countries, focusing on mobile money and other digital financial services.

On August 26, the Center for Technology Innovation will discuss the findings of the 2015 Report and Scorecard and host a conversation about key trends, opportunities, and obstacles surrounding financial inclusion among authorities from the public and private sectors.

Register to attend the event in-person or by webcast, and join the conversation on Twitter at #FinancialInclusion.

Image Source: © Noor Khamis / Reuters


The 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report

The 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard evaluates access to and usage of affordable financial services across 21 geographically and economically diverse countries.

The FDIP Report and Scorecard seek to answer a set of fundamental questions about today’s global financial inclusion efforts, including: 1) Do country commitments make a difference in progress toward financial inclusion?; 2) To what extent do mobile and other digital technologies advance financial inclusion?; and 3) What legal, policy, and regulatory approaches promote financial inclusion?

John D. Villasenor, Darrell M. West, and Robin J. Lewis analyzed the financial inclusion landscape in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, and Zambia. Countries received scores and rankings based on 33 indicators spanning four dimensions: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption.

The authors’ analysis also provides several takeaways about how to best expand financial inclusion across the world:

  • Country commitment is fundamental.
  • The movement toward digital financial services will accelerate financial inclusion.
  • Geography generally matters less than policy, legal, and regulatory changes, although some regional trends in terms of financial services provision are evident.
  • Central banks, ministries of finance, ministries of communications, banks, nonbank financial providers, and mobile network operators play major roles in achieving greater financial inclusion.
  • Full financial inclusion cannot be achieved without addressing the financial inclusion gender gap.

This year’s Report and Scorecard is the first of a series of annual reports examining financial inclusion activities around the world.

View the full report and a full compendium of the country rankings here.





Measuring progress on financial and digital inclusion

Event Information

August 26, 2015
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Saul Room/Zilkha Lounge
Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036

Approximately two billion adults across the world lack access to formal financial services. To address this particular economic challenge, many developing countries have made significant efforts to expand access to and use of affordable financial services for the world’s poor. Financial inclusion can be achieved via traditional banking offerings, but also through digital financial services such as mobile money, among other innovative approaches.

The Brookings Financial and Digital Inclu­sion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard seeks to help answer a set of fundamental questions about today’s global financial inclusion efforts, including;

  1. Do country commitments make a difference in progress toward financial inclusion?
  2. To what extent do mobile and other digital technologies advance finan­cial inclusion?
  3. What legal, policy, and regulatory approaches promote financial inclusion? 

To answer these questions, Brookings experts John D. Villasenor, Darrell M. West, and Robin J. Lewis analyzed finan­cial inclusion in 21 geographically, economically, and politically diverse countries. This year’s report and scorecard is the first of a series of annual reports examining financial inclusion activities and assessing usage of financial services in selected countries around the world. 

On August 26, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings held a forum to launch the 2015 FDIP Report and discuss key research findings and recommendations. Financial inclusion experts from the public and private sectors also joined the discussion.

Join the conversation on Twitter at #FinancialInclusion and @BrookingsGov




Event Materials



CTI releases Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report

Editors Note: On August 23, the Center for Technology Innovation (CTI) released the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report and Scorecard. Brookings will hold an event and live webcast on Wednesday, August 26 to discuss the report’s findings. Follow the conversation on Twitter using #FinancialInclusion and submit comments on the report to

Around the world, some two billion adults lack access to an account at a formal financial institution. In order to shrink that number, many countries have made commitments to expanding financial services to the poor. These commitments include recognizing the importance of financial inclusion, developing an inclusion policy, and using data to measure progress toward inclusion goals. The Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) evaluates access to and usage of affordable financial services by underserved people across 21 countries. Of these countries, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, Rwanda and Uganda were the top scorers.

The 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard rank these countries based on four dimensions of financial inclusion: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption of traditional and digital financial services. The findings indicate that country commitments do matter for achieving financial inclusion. Some regional trends are present, such as the relatively higher amount of money stored on mobile accounts in Africa. Mobile technology accelerates financial inclusion in places that lack legacy financial institutions. Additionally, a gender gap persists in ownership of financial accounts that could be reversed with greater access to mobile money services. The 2015 Report and Scorecard are the first in a series of publications intended to provide policymakers, the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and the general public with information that can help improve financial inclusion in these countries and around the world.

 View the 2015 Brookings FDIP Report and Scorecard, watch the webcast of the live event, and send feedback on the report to

Image Source: © Patrick de Noirmont / Reuters


Financial inclusion panel highlights expanding services for the world’s unbanked

On August 26, the Brookings Institution hosted a panel discussion of the findings of the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report and Scorecard. Chief among the report’s findings was the rapid growth of financial products and services targeted at the world’s unbanked population.  Much of the growth stems from innovations in digital payments systems and non-bank financial services.  For example, systems like M-Pesa in Kenya allow customers to store money on their mobile phones and easily transfer it to other M-Pesa users.  Advancing financial inclusion will greatly benefit the two billion people worldwide that still lack access to any financial services.

The report itself ranks a set of 21 countries on four continents chosen for their efforts to promote financial inclusion.  The criteria used to score each country include country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption.  The results show that several pathways to financial inclusion exist, from mobile payments systems to so-called “branchless” banking services.  Places that lack traditional banks have seen financial inclusion driven by mobile operators, while others have experimented with third-party agent banking in areas that lack bank branches.   

The panel drew financial inclusion and mobile payments experts from the government, industry, and non-profit groups.  Each panelist touted the benefits of financial inclusion from their own perspective.  Women especially have much to gain from financial inclusion since they have historically faced the most obstacles to opening financial accounts.  In developing countries, a mobile payments system grants women greater privacy, control, and safety compared to cash payments.  Traceable digital payments also make it easier to combat corruption and money laundering.  Salaries paid to government employees and transfer payments to low-income households can be sent straight to a mobile payment account, eliminating opportunities for bribe seeking and theft. 

According to the panelists, financial inclusion can also drive economic growth in developing countries.  As financial services expand, they will also increase in sophistication, allowing customers to do more with their money.  For example, a payments record can be used to establish a credit history for loan applications, and digital savings accounts with interest can help customers protect their wealth against inflation.  These same systems can also be used to provide insurance coverage, reducing financial uncertainty for low-income populations.

The proliferation of financial services has many benefits, but it will also create policy challenges if regulations do not keep up with financial innovation.  Requiring several forms of identification to purchase a mobile phone or open a bank account presents an obstacle to low income and rural customers that live far away from government offices that issue identification. Broad coordination between telecom regulators, ID issuers, banking authorities, and other government agencies is often necessary for lowering barriers to accessing financial services.

It is telling that many countries included in the report are looking to other developing countries for policies to promote financial inclusion.  The scarcity of traditional banks combined with new methods of accessing financial services opens avenues to financial inclusion not seen in most developed countries. Established banking industries and the accompanying regulations leave fewer opportunities for financial innovation, but countries with large unbanked populations can start with a clean slate. Over the next two years, FDIP will continue to monitor and report on developments in financial inclusion around the world.

Send comments on the 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard and suggestions for future reporting to




Five key findings from the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report & Scorecard

Editor’s note: This post is part of a series on the Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project, which aims to measure access to and usage of financial services among individuals who have historically been disproportionately excluded from the formal financial system. To read the first annual FDIP report, learn more about the methodology, and watch the 2015 launch event, visit the 2015 Report and Scorecard webpage.

Convenient access to banking infrastructure is something many people around the world take for granted. Yet while the number of people outside the formal financial system has substantially decreased in recent years, 2 billion adults still do not have an account with a formal financial institution or mobile money provider.1

This means that significant opportunities remain to provide access to and promote use of affordable financial services that can help people manage their financial lives more safely and efficiently.

To learn more about how countries can facilitate greater financial inclusion among underserved groups, the Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) sought to answer the following questions: (1) Do country commitments make a difference in progress toward financial inclusion?; (2) To what extent do mobile and other digital technologies advance financial inclusion; and (3) What legal, policy, and regulatory approaches promote financial inclusion?

To address these questions, the FDIP team assessed 33 indicators of financial inclusion across 21 economically, geographically, and politically diverse countries that have all made recent commitments to advancing financial inclusion. Indicators fell within four key dimensions of financial inclusion: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory commitment, and adoption of selected traditional and digital financial services.

In an effort to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date understanding of the financial inclusion landscape possible, the FDIP team engaged with a wide range of experts — including financial inclusion authorities in the FDIP focus countries — and also consulted international non-governmental organization publications, government documents, news sources, and supply and demand-side data sets.

Our research led to 5 overarching findings.

  1. Country commitments matter.

    Not only did our 21 focus countries make commitments toward financial inclusion, but countries generally took these commitments seriously and made progress toward their goals. For example, the top five countries within the scorecard each completed at least one of their national-level financial inclusion targets. While correlation does not necessarily equal causation, our research supports findings by other financial inclusion experts that national-level country commitments are associated with greater financial inclusion progress. For example, the World Bank has noted that countries with national financial inclusion strategies have twice the average increase in the number of account holders as countries that do not have these strategies in place.

  2. The movement toward digital financial services will accelerate financial inclusion.

    Digital financial services can provide customers with greater security, privacy, and convenience than transacting via traditional “brick-and-mortar” banks. We predict that digital financial services such as mobile money will become increasingly prevalent across demographics, particularly as user-friendly smartphones become cheaper2 and more widespread.3

    Mobile money has already driven financial inclusion, particularly in countries where traditional banking infrastructure is limited. For example, mobile money offerings in Kenya (particularly the widely popular M-Pesa service) are credited with advancing financial inclusion: The Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) database found that the percentage of adults with a formal account in Kenya increased from about 42 percent in 2011 to about 75 percent in 2014, with around 58 percent of adults in Kenya having used mobile money within the preceding 12 months as of 2014.

  3. Geography generally matters less than policy, legal, and regulatory changes, although some regional trends in terms of financial services provision are evident.

    Regional trends include the widespread use of banking agents (sometimes known as correspondents)4 in Latin America, in which retail outlets and other third parties are able to offer some financial services on behalf of banks,5 and the prevalence of mobile money in sub-Saharan Africa. However, these regional trends aren’t absolute: For example, post office branches have served as popular financial access points in South Africa,6 and the GSMA’s “2014 State of the Industry” report found that the highest growth in the number of mobile money accounts between December 2013 and December 2014 was in Latin America. Overall, we found high-performing countries across multiple regions and using multiple approaches, demonstrating that there are diverse pathways to achieving greater financial inclusion.

  4. Central banks, ministries of finance, ministries of communications, banks, non-bank financial providers, and mobile network operators have major roles in achieving greater financial inclusion. These entities should closely coordinate with respect to policy, regulatory, and technological advances.

    With the roles of public and private sector entities within the financial sector becoming increasingly intertwined, coordination across sectors is critical to developing coherent and effective policies. Countries that performed strongly on the country commitment and regulatory environment components of the FDIP Scorecard generally demonstrated close coordination among public and private sector entities that informed the emergence of an enabling regulatory framework. For example, Tanzania’s National Financial Inclusion Framework7 promotes competition and innovation within the financial services sector by reflecting both public and private sector voices.8

  5. Full financial inclusion cannot be achieved without addressing the financial inclusion gender gap and accounting for diverse cultural contexts with respect to financial services.

    Persistent gender disparities in terms of access to and usage of formal financial services must be addressed in order to achieve financial inclusion. For example, Middle Eastern countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan have demonstrated a significant gap in formal account ownership between men and women. Guardianship and inheritance laws concerning account opening and property ownership present cultural and legal barriers that contribute to this gender gap.9

    Understanding diverse cultural contexts is also critical to advancing financial inclusion sustainably. In the Philippines, non-bank financial service providers such as pawn shops are popular venues for accessing financial services.10 Leveraging these providers as agents can therefore be a useful way to harness trust in these systems to increase financial inclusion.

To dive deeper into the report’s findings and compare country rankings, visit the FDIP interactive. We also welcome feedback about the 2015 Report and Scorecard at

1 Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer, and Peter Van Oudheusden, “The Global Findex Database 2014: Measuring Financial Inclusion around the World,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7255, April 2015, VI,

2 Claire Scharwatt, Arunjay Katakam, Jennifer Frydrych, Alix Murphy, and Nika Naghavi, “2014 State of the Industry: Mobile Financial Services for the Unbanked,” GSMA, 2015, p. 24,

3 GSMA Intelligence, “The Mobile Economy 2015,” 2015, pgs. 13-14,

4 Caitlin Sanford, “Do agents improve financial inclusion? Evidence from a national survey in Brazil,” Bankable Frontier Associates, November 2013, pg. 1,

5 Alliance for Financial Inclusion, “Discussion paper: Agent banking in Latin America,” 2012, pg. 3,

6 The National Treasury, South Africa and the AFI Financial Inclusion Data Working Group, “The Use of Financial Inclusion Data Country Case Study: South Africa – The Mzansi Story and Beyond,” January 2014,

7 Tanzania National Council for Financial Inclusion, “National Financial Inclusion Framework: A Public-Private Stakeholders’ Initiative (2014-2016),” 2013, pgs. 19-22,

8 Simone di Castri and Lara Gidvani, “Enabling Mobile Money Policies in Tanzania,” GSMA, February 2014,

9 Mayada El-Zoghbi, “Mind the Gap: women and Access to Finance,” Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, 13 May 2015,

10 Xavier Martin and Amarnath Samarapally, “The Philippines: Marshalling Data, Policy, and a Diverse Industry for Financial Inclusion,” FINclusion Lab by MIX, June 2014,




Advancing financial inclusion in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East

Editor’s Note: This blog post is part of a series on the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard, which were launched at a Brookings public event on August 26. Previous posts have highlighted five key findings from the 2015 FDIP Report and explored groundbreaking financial inclusion developments in India. Today’s post will compare financial inclusion outcomes and opportunities for growth across several Asian countries included in the 2015 Report and Scorecard.


Of the 21 countries ranked in the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard, no countries in Asia placed in the top 5 in the overall ranking. However, all of the FDIP Asian countries have demonstrated progress within at least one of the four dimensions of the 2015 Scorecard: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption of traditional and digital financial services.

This blog post will dive into a few of the obstacles and opportunities facing FDIP countries in central Asia, the Middle East, and southeast Asia as they move toward greater access to and usage of financial services among marginalized groups. We explore these countries in order of their overall score: Turkey (74 percent), Indonesia (70 percent), the Philippines (68 percent), Bangladesh (67 percent), Pakistan (65 percent), and Afghanistan (58 percent). You can also read our separate post on financial inclusion in India, available here.

Turkey: Clear economic advantages, but opportunities for enabling regulation and greater equity remain

Turkey is one of the few upper-middle income countries in the FDIP sample, ranking in the top 5 in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) measured in US dollars. Turkey’s fairly robust banking infrastructure contributed to its relatively strong adoption rates: As of 2013, the International Monetary Fund’s Financial Access Survey found that Turkey had about 20 bank branches per 100,000 adults (the 4th highest density rate among the 21 FDIP countries) and about 73 ATMs per 100,000 adults (the 2nd highest density rate among the FDIP countries).

According to the World Bank’s Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) database, about 57 percent of adults in Turkey had an account with a mobile money provider or formal financial institution as of 2014. Turkey’s performance on the adoption dimension of the 2015 Scorecard contributed to its tie with Colombia and Chile for 6th place on the overall scorecard.

With that said, Turkey received lower mobile capacity and regulatory environment scores, ranking 16th and 17th respectively. Although Turkey’s smartphone and mobile penetration levels are quite robust, a limited mobile money provider landscape, combined with a lack of regulatory clarity surrounding branchless banking regulations (particularly agent banking), constrained Turkey’s scores in those categories.

Nonetheless, there is promising news for Turkey’s financial inclusion environment. In 2015, Turkey assumed the G20 presidency and has renewed its focus on financial inclusion in association with this transition. Turkey’s 2014 financial inclusion strategy is one example of the country’s commitment to advancing inclusion.

To date, financial inclusion growth in Turkey has been limited, as evidenced by the results of the 2011 and 2014 Global Findex. However, if the country’s stated commitment translates into concrete initiatives moving forward, we can expect to see accelerated financial inclusion growth. This will be critical for facilitating access to and usage of quality financial services among the nearly 60 percent of women in Turkey without formal financial accounts. Reducing the approximately 25 percentage point gap in account ownership between men and women — one of the highest gender gaps among the 21 FDIP countries — should be a key priority for the country moving forward.

Indonesia: High mobile money potential, but enhanced awareness needed to drive adoption

Recent changes to Indonesia’s regulatory environment have facilitated a more enabling digital financial services ecosystem, although there is still room for improvement in terms of reducing supply-side barriers. Increasing mobile money awareness could help leverage Indonesia’s strong mobile capacity rates to increase access to and usage of formal financial services. However, moving from a heavily cash-based environment to greater use of digital financial services will take time: A 2014 InterMedia survey in Indonesia found that although 93 percent of bank account holders could access their accounts digitally, 73 percent preferred to access their accounts via an agent at a bank branch.

The differing mandates of Indonesia’s new financial services authority, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), which focuses on branchless banking (specifically agent banking) and Bank Indonesia, which focuses on electronic money regulation, may have created some confusion regarding the regulatory environment. Solidifying the country’s financial inclusion strategy and clarifying the roles of the various financial inclusion stakeholders could provide opportunities for greater coherence in terms of financial inclusion objectives.

OJK’s recent branchless banking regulations have led to several positive changes within the regulatory environment. For example, these regulations enabled financial service providers to appoint individuals and business entities as agents and to provide simplified customer due diligence requirements. The 2015 FDIP Report highlights in greater detail some possible improvements to the branchless banking and e-money regulations.

On the mobile capacity side, Indonesia tied for the second-highest score on the 2015 Scorecard. Indonesia is one of the few countries where mobile money platform interoperability has been implemented, allowing different mobile money services to “talk” to one another in real time. Indonesia also boasted the third-highest 3G network coverage by population among all the FDIP Asian countries, as well as the third-highest unique subscribership rate among these countries. However, only about 3 percent of adults were aware of mobile money as of fall 2014, according to the InterMedia survey.

In terms of adoption, the 2014 Global Findex found that women in Indonesia actually had slightly higher rates of account ownership than adults in general, although there is still significant room for growth across all adoption indicators. Given Indonesia’s strong mobile capacity ranking, increasing awareness of mobile money services could drive growth in the digital finance sector. Clarifying existing regulatory frameworks and removing some remaining restrictions regarding agent exclusivity and other agent criteria could further boost financial inclusion.

Philippines: Strong commitment, but geographic barriers have inhibited scale

The Philippines tied with Bangladesh to garner 15th place for adoption, which contributed to the country’s overall ranking (also 15th place). In both Bangladesh and the Philippines, about 31 percent of adults had an account with a mobile money provider or formal financial institution as of 2014. According to the 2014 Global Findex, the percentage of women with formal financial accounts was about 7 percentage points higher than the overall percentage of adults with accounts — a rarity among the 21 FDIP countries, which generally exhibit a “gender gap” in which women are less likely to have formal financial accounts than men.

The Philippines’ efforts to foster financial inclusion earned it the second-highest country commitment and regulatory environment rankings among the FDIP Asian countries. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Philippines’ central bank, has issued a number of circulars providing guidance regarding electronic money and allowing non-bank institutions to become e-money issuers. The BSP also has the distinction of being the first central bank in the world to create an office dedicated to financial inclusion. Most recently, the BSP launched a national financial inclusion strategy in July 2015.

On the mobile side, according to the GSMA Intelligence database, as of the end of the first quarter of 2015 the Philippines had the highest unique mobile subscribership rate among the FDIP Asian countries, as well as the second-highest rate of 3G network coverage by population among these countries.

In terms of mobile money, the Philippines is home to two of the earliest mobile financial services products, Smart’s Smart Money and Globe’s GCash. It also boasts the second-highest rate of mobile money accounts among adults in all the FDIP Asian countries, according to the 2014 Global Findex.

There is still significant room for improvement in adoption of traditional and digital financial services in the Philippines. The country’s geography has posed a challenge with respect to advancing access to financial services among the dispersed population. While the extent of banking infrastructure has improved over time, as of 2013 610 out of 1,634 cities and municipalities did not have a banking office, and financial access points remained concentrated in larger cities. Expanding agent locations and facilitating interoperability could enhance mobile money adoption, mitigating the consequences of these geographic barriers.  

Bangladesh: Rapid growth, but high unregistered use and low adoption overall

While Bangladesh performed strongly on the country commitment and mobile capacity dimensions of the 2015 FDIP Scorecard, it received one of the lowest adoption rankings among the FDIP Asian countries. According to the Global Findex, about 31 percent of adults age 15 and older had an account with a formal financial institution or mobile money provider as of 2014. Indicators pertaining to the country’s rates of formal saving, credit card use, and debit card use all received the lowest score.

Bangladesh has a robust mobile landscape, with fairly strong unique mobile subscription rates — as of the first quarter of 2015, it was tied with Indonesia for the third-highest unique mobile subscribership rates among the FDIP Asian countries, after the Philippines and Turkey. This mobile coverage is combined with a multiplicity of mobile money providers (although a 2014 InterMedia survey noted that nearly 90 percent of active mobile money customers used the bKash mobile money service).

Awareness of mobile money as a service in Bangladesh is very high, although understanding of the concept is less prevalent — in 2014, about 91 percent of respondents in an InterMedia survey were aware of at least one mobile money provider, although only about 36 percent were aware of mobile money as a general concept.

Unregistered use of mobile money accounts is high. While about 37 percent of adults had a mobile money account or bank account or both as of 2014, according to the InterMedia survey, only about 5 percent had registered mobile money accounts, while 4 percent had active, registered mobile money accounts (meaning an account that is registered and has been used in the previous 90 days).Transitioning to registered accounts will help enable individuals to connect with more extensive financial services, such as receipt of government payments.

Overall, adoption of mobile money and the expansion of agent locations have been increasingly rapid in Bangladesh — as of 2014 Bangladesh was one of the fastest growing markets in terms of total accounts globally. Over 60 percent of respondents in a 2013 InterMedia survey stated that they “fully” or “rather” trusted mobile money. Moving forward, increasing financial capability might help individuals feel more at ease registering their accounts and using them independently of an agent.

Pakistan: Public and private sector initiatives advance inclusion

Pakistan ranked 7th in terms of the percentage of adults with mobile money accounts among the 21 countries, achieving the highest percentage of all of the Asian FDIP countries. Yet there is significant room for growth — as of 2014, only about 6 percent of adults had a mobile money account.

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has clearly expressed its commitment to advancing financial inclusion, which earned the country a commitment score of 100 percent. The SBP developed Branchless Banking regulations in 2008, with revisions in 2011. These regulations were explicitly intended to promote financial inclusion. More recently, the country’s National Financial Inclusion Strategy was launched in May 2015. In terms of quantitative assessments of financial inclusion, the SBP tracks supply-side information on branchless banking in its quarterly newsletters.

Recent public and private sector initiatives may help advance mobile money adoption. For example, a re-verification initiative for SIM cards was mandated by the government and initiated earlier in 2015. Mobile network operators have been promoting registration of mobile money accounts since the biometric re-verification process is more intensive than the identification requirements needed to register a mobile money account.

Earlier, in September 2014, the EasyPaisa mobile money service decided to eliminate fees related to money transfers between Easypaisa account customers and cash-out transactions for a set period. As of April 2015, the number of person-to-person money transfers had increased by about 2500 percent.

Still, barriers to financial inclusion remain. A 2014 InterMedia survey noted that while distance was less of a barrier to registration than previously, distance did affect the frequency with which users engaged with mobile money services. Therefore, expanding access points could further facilitate use of mobile money. Increasing the number of registered accounts could also provide individuals with more opportunities to engage with financial services beyond basic transfers — the InterMedia survey found that as of 2014, about 8 percent of adults were over-the-counter mobile money users, while 0.3 percent were registered users.

Afghanistan: Commitment to improving infrastructure and adoption

Instability and systemic corruption in Afghanistan over the past several decades have damaged trust in formal financial services and limited the development of traditional banking infrastructure. In addition to having one of the lowest levels of GDP among the 21 FDIP countries, as of 2013 the Financial Access Survey found Afghanistan had the lowest reported density of commercial banks per 100,000 adults. Even among individuals who can access banks, adoption of formal accounts is constrained by a lack of trust in formal financial services.

On the mobile side, Afghanistan has fairly widespread 3G network coverage (over 80 percent of the population, according to the GSMA Intelligence database), which helped boost its mobile capacity ranking to 2nd place. However, Afghanistan received the lowest score possible for each of the 15 adoption indicators. According to the 2014 Global Findex, financial account ownership as of 2014 was at about 10 percent of adults, and financial account ownership among women was at only 4 percent. Tracking gender-disaggregated data at the national level could help the government better identify underserved populations and target financial solutions toward their needs.

The government has made an effort to promote financial inclusion and digital financial services. For example, Da Afghanistan Bank committed to the Alliance for Financial Inclusion in 2009, and the Republic of Afghanistan is a member of the Better Than Cash Alliance. In 2008, the Money Service Providers Regulation was issued, with amendments instituted a few years later pertaining to e-money. The Afghanistan Payments Systems, which is still being fully operationalized, aims to allow payment service providers such as mobile network operators to connect their mobile money systems.

While several mobile money options are available, adoption of these services is low. According to the 2014 Global Findex, about 0.3 percent of adults had a mobile money account. Implementing interoperability across platforms might help increase the utility of mobile money services for consumers, and as in Turkey, developing specific agent banking regulations could provide clarity to the sector and drive innovation.

By expanding financial access points, educating consumers about traditional and digital financial services, and monitoring providers to ensure consumer protection, Afghanistan’s regulatory entities and financial service providers may be able to better reach underserved populations and inculcate trust in formal financial services.


Image Source: © Romeo Ranoco / Reuters


Monitoring milestones: Financial inclusion progress among FDIP countries

Editor’s Note: This post is part of a series on the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard, which were launched at a Brookings public event in August. Previous posts have highlighted five key findings from the 2015 FDIP Report, explored financial inclusion developments in India, and examined the rankings for selected FDIP countries in Southeast and Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

The 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard were launched in August of this year and generally reflect data current through May 2015. Since the end of the data collection period for the report, countries have continued to push forward to greater financial inclusion, and international organizations have continued to assert the importance of financial inclusion as a mechanism for promoting individual well-being and macroeconomic development. Financial inclusion is a key component of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, signaling international commitment to advancing access to and use of quality financial products among the underserved.

We discussed one recent groundbreaking financial inclusion development in a previous post. To learn more about the approval of payments banks in India, read “Inclusion in India: Unpacking the 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard.”

Below are four other key developments among our 21-country sample since the end of the data collection period for the 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard. The list is in no way intended to be exhaustive, but rather to provide a snapshot illustrating how rapidly the financial inclusion landscape is evolving globally.   

1) The Philippines launched a national financial inclusion strategy.

In July 2015, the Philippines launched a national financial inclusion strategy (NFIS) and committed to drafting an Action Plan on Financial Inclusion. The Philippines’ NFIS identifies four areas central to promoting financial inclusion: “policy and regulation, financial education and consumer protection, advocacy programs, and data and measurement.”

 As discussed in the 2015 FDIP Report, national financial inclusion strategies often serve as a platform for identifying key priorities, clarifying the roles of key stakeholders, and setting measurable targets. These strategies can foster accountability and incentivize implementation of stated initiatives. While correlation does not necessarily equal causation, it is nonetheless interesting to note that, according to the World Bank, “[o]n average, there is a 10% increase in the percentage of adults with an account at a formal financial institution for countries  that launched an NFIS after 2007, whereas the increase is only 5% for those countries that have not launched an NFIS.”

2) Peru adopted a national financial inclusion strategy.

With support from the World Bank, Peru’s Multisectoral Financial Inclusion Commission established an NFIS that was adopted in July 2015 through a Supreme Decree issued by President Ollanta Humala Tasso. The strategy contains a goal to increase financial inclusion to 50 percent of adults by 2018. This is quite an ambitious target: As of 2014, the World Bank Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) database found that only 29 percent of adults in Peru had an account with a formal financial services provider. The NFIS also commits the country to facilitating access to a transaction account among at least 75 percent of adults by 2021.

Peru’s NFIS emphasizes the promotion of electronic payment systems, including electronic money, as well as improvements pertaining to consumer protection and education. Advancing access to both digital and traditional financial services should boost Peru’s adoption levels over time. As noted in the 2015 FDIP Report, while Peru’s national-level commitment to financial inclusion and regulatory environment for financial services are strong, adoption levels remain low (Peru ranked 15th on the adoption dimension of the 2015 Scorecard, the lowest ranking among the Latin American countries in our sample).

3) Colombia updated its quantifiable targets and released a financial inclusion survey.

The 2015 Maya Declaration Progress Report, published in late August 2015, highlights a number of quantifiable financial inclusion targets set by the Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público de Colombia (Colombia’s primary Maya Declaration signatory) relating to the percentage of adults with financial products and savings accounts. For example, the target for the percentage of adults with a financial product is now 76 percent by 2016, up from a target of 73.7 percent by 2015. The goal for the percentage of adults with an active savings account in 2016 is now 56.6 percent, up from a target of 54.2 percent by 2015. To learn more about concrete financial inclusion targets among other FDIP countries, read the 2015 Maya Declaration Progress Report.

In July, Banca de las Oportunidades, a key financial inclusion stakeholder in Colombia, presented the results of the country’s first demand-side survey specifically related to financial inclusion. As noted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, previous national-level surveys conducted by entities such as the Superintendencia Financiera and Asobancaria have identified supply- and demand-side indicators pertaining to various financial services. As discussed in the 2015 FDIP Report, national-level surveys that focus on access to and usage of financial services can help identify areas of greatest need and enable countries to better leverage their resources to promote adoption of quality financial services among marginalized populations.

4) Nigeria’s “super agent” network enables greater access to digital financial services.

In September 2015, telecommunications company Globacom launched a “super agent” network, Glo Xchange, which can access the mobile money services of any partner mobile money operator. The network has been launched in partnership with four banks. Globacom was given approval in 2014 to develop this network; since then, the company has been recruiting and training its agents. About 1,000 agents will initially be part of this system, with a goal to recruit 10,000 agents by September 2016. Expanding access points to financial services by building agent networks is hoped to boost adoption of digital financial services.

Despite having multiple mobile money operators (19 as of October 2015, according to the GSMA’s Mobile Money Deployment Tracker), Nigeria’s mobile money adoption levels have not reached the degree of success of some other countries in Africa: The Global Findex noted that less than 3 percent of adults in Nigeria had mobile money accounts in 2014, compared with over 30 percent in Tanzania and about 60 percent in Kenya. Nigeria’s primarily bank-led approach to financial services, which excludes mobile network operators from being licensed as mobile money operators, is one factor that may have constrained adoption of mobile money services to date. You can read more about Nigeria’s regulatory environment and financial services landscape in the 2015 FDIP Report.

We welcome your feedback regarding recent financial inclusion developments. Please send any links, questions, or comments to


Image Source: © Romeo Ranoco / Reuters


Financial inclusion in Latin America: Regulatory trends and market opportunities

Editor’s Note: This post is part of a series on the 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard, which were launched at a Brookings public event in August. Previous posts have highlighted regional findings from Southeast and Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, as well as selected financial inclusion milestones from FDIP countries. This post focuses on key financial inclusion achievements and challenges regarding the five Latin American FDIP countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.

Financial inclusion growth and opportunities in Latin America

With its well-developed banking infrastructure and growing mobile ecosystem, Latin America presents a unique set of opportunities and obstacles with respect to promoting greater financial inclusion. From 2011 to 2014, there was a 12 percentage point increase in the number of adults in Latin America and the Caribbean with formal financial accounts, according to the World Bank’s Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) database. As noted in the 2015 GSMA report “Mobile financial services in Latin America & the Caribbean,” in 2014 Latin America and the Caribbean saw the fastest growth of any region in terms of new registered mobile money accounts.

Moreover, these accounts are often used for more advanced transactions that go beyond simple transfers: As stated in a 2015 post published by the GSMA, “ecosystem transactions (transactions that involve third parties, e.g. bill payment, merchant payment or bulk payment) already make up 27% of transaction volumes in Latin America & the Caribbean.” In contrast, only 6 percent of transaction volumes over the same period were considered ecosystem transactions in East Africa, where mobile money has been most widely adopted and used.

Moving forward, facilitating greater adoption of a suite of digital financial services (e.g., savings) will be a vital component of promoting sustainable financial inclusion in the region. Recent regulatory changes in several Latin American countries designed to promote a greater diversity of service providers should propel financial inclusion growth, although a need for regulatory clarity persists in some places. Financial inclusion strengths and challenges germane to our five Latin American FDIP countries are explored below.

Brazil: Branchless banking leadership combined with dynamic mobile market

Brazil achieved the highest ranking of any Latin American country on the Brookings 2015 FDIP Scorecard, ranking 3rd overall with a score of 78 percent. Brazil’s economy is the largest in Latin America, with a GDP (in current US dollars) of about $2.3 trillion as of 2014; for comparison, Mexico, the Latin American country with the second largest economy, had a GDP of about $1.3 trillion within that same period.

Brazil received strong country commitment and mobile capacity scores (89 and 83 percent, respectively) in the 2015 FDIP Scorecard and earned the highest regulatory environment score among the Latin American FDIP countries, which also included Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. As noted in the 2015 FDIP Report, Brazil launched a National Partnership for Financial Inclusion in November 2011, which has supported the development of a number of enabling financial inclusion initiatives. In 2013, Law 12865 and associated regulations permitted non-banks to issue e-money as payments institutions. Brazil boasted the largest mobile market in Latin America as of 2014, with a unique subscribership rate of about 57 percent in 2015 (a lower unique subscribership rate than Chile’s by about 7 percentage points, but otherwise higher than that of any of the other Latin American FDIP countries).

Brazil received 4th place on the 2015 FDIP Scorecard for adoption of selected traditional and digital financial services. As with many other countries in Latin America, branchless banking (i.e., access to formal financial services beyond a traditional brick-and-mortar bank) through “agents” is popular in Brazil — as of 2014, Brazilian banks’ agent networks had a presence in all of the country’s approximately 6,000 municipalities, contributing to formal account growth. Chile was the only Latin American country that received a higher ranking for the adoption dimension, placing 2nd. In terms of account usage, government-to-person payments comprise a significant source of activity for formal accounts: The 2014 Global Findex report noted that among recipients of government payments in Brazil, 88 percent received their transfers directly into an account.

Yet according to the Global Findex, about 32 percent of Brazilian adults age 15 and older still do not have accounts with a formal financial institution or mobile money provider. As with the other Latin American countries in the FDIP sample, mobile money adoption in Brazil has remained low: Brazil received the lowest score (one out of three possible points) for all six mobile money indicators included in the 2015 FDIP Scorecard. However, given that as of 2014 Brazil had the fifth-largest global smartphone market in the world in terms of subscribers, a combination of growing smartphone penetration and an increasingly enabling regulatory environment should drive greater adoption of digital financial services in the future.

Chile: Opportunities for enhanced e-money regulatory clarity

Chile tied with Colombia and Turkey for 6th place on the overall 2015 FDIP Scorecard. Chile’s financial inclusion environment is characterized by a firm national commitment to financial inclusion (earning a country commitment score of 89 percent) but a less developed mobile money environment than the other Latin American FDIP countries. While Chile’s unique mobile subscribership rate and 3G network coverage rate by population are higher than and on par with other countries in the region, respectively, Chile’s mobile money offerings are limited. The lack of a robust mobile money market contributed to Chile’s mobile capacity score of 72 percent, the lowest score among the FDIP Latin American countries.

Chile’s regulatory environment score (67 percent) was also the lowest of the Latin American FDIP countries, primarily due to a lack of regulatory clarity surrounding digital financial services. Developing or clarifying regulations pertaining to electronic money in particular could potentially drive more engagement with the sector and advance the diversity of mobile money providers and offerings. Further, supporting the interoperability of digital and traditional financial services could enhance the utility of these products for customers.

Given that 37 percent of adults in Chile did not have an account with a formal financial provider as of 2014, there is also room for growth in terms of expanding financial inclusion. However, it should be noted that Chile earned the highest adoption ranking of any Latin American country featured in the 2015 FDIP Scorecard. While Chile’s adoption levels with respect to mobile money services were limited, adoption rates of other formal financial services were among the highest of the FDIP countries. Chile received three out of three possible points for all but one indicator (savings at a formal financial institution) related to traditional financial services. Chile’s performance on the adoption dimension of the scorecard contributed to its 6th place ranking overall.

While Chile’s mobile money adoption rates are low, use of other digital financial services is increasingly popular. For example, as noted in the “2015 Maya Declaration Progress Report,” since 2012 the number of CuentaRUT accounts (accounts that feature debit cards associated with a savings account provided by Chile’s BancoEstado) has increased by about 47 percent. As of 2014, there were over 7 million active CuentaRUT cards in Chile.

Colombia: Regulatory advancements coupled with sustained country commitment

As noted above, Colombia tied with Chile for 6th place on the overall 2015 FDIP Scorecard. Colombia has demonstrated strong commitment to financial inclusion, including through involvement in multinational organizations such as the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI). An example of Colombia’s national-level financial inclusion commitment is the 2006 establishment of Banca de las Oportunidades, an entity charged with fostering regulatory reforms conducive to financial inclusion. Another key player in the financial inclusion space is the Intersectoral Economic and Financial Education Committee, created in February 2014 under Decree 457.

In terms of the country’s regulatory environment, Law 1735 of 2014 permitted new institutions, called Sociedades Especializadas en Depósitos y Pagos Electrónicos, to offer mobile financial services. As part of the law, proportionate “know-your-customer” (KYC) requirements were also instituted for under-resourced customers in order to facilitate greater access to financial services among low-risk populations. In July 2015, Decree 1491 implemented Colombia’s financial inclusion law and highlighted the regulatory regime for the mobile money market. Colombia’s regulatory environment earned a score of 89 percent, ranking it 2nd among the Latin American FDIP countries in this dimension.

On the supply side, banking correspondents (also known as agents) have been utilized to extend financial access to underserved populations.  As of 2015, all of Colombia’s 1,102 municipalities had at least one financial access point, defined as bank branches, banking correspondents, and ATMs. Another innovative approach to branchless banking in Colombia is bank Davivienda’s initiative to use DaviPlata mobile wallet accounts to distribute government transfers to more than 900,000 recipients of welfare program “Familias en Accion.”

With respect to demand side figures, Colombia tied with Mexico for 7th place on the adoption dimension. As of 2014, about 38 percent of adults in Colombia had an account with a formal financial institution, and about 2 percent of adults were mobile money account holders. In terms of advancing future mobile money use, Colombia received the highest score of the Latin American countries on the mobile capacity dimension; thus, Colombia is well-positioned to advance access to and use of mobile money services in the future. Promoting usage of appropriate, quality financial services is critical, as dormancy rates have been identified as an obstacle to financial inclusion; about half of accounts in Colombia (including savings accounts, simplified accounts, and electronic deposits) were identified as dormant in 2014.

Mexico: Recent reforms may enhance competition and drive digital takeup

Mexico ranked 9th on the overall 2015 FDIP Scorecard, with adoption of traditional and digital financial services as its highest-ranked dimension. Among the Latin American FDIP countries, Mexico features the greatest parity in terms of formal financial account ownership rates among men and women, at about 39 percent each.  In terms of national-level commitment to financial inclusion, Mexico tied with Peru for the highest ranking among the Latin American countries. AFI’s Maya Declaration was signed at the 2011 Global Policy Forum held in Riviera Maya, Mexico, signaling Mexico’s public commitment to financial inclusion.

With respect to mobile capacity, as of the first quarter of 2015 Mexico’s unique subscribership rates were the lowest of the Latin American countries. Mexico tied with Chile and Brazil for 3G network coverage by population. In terms of mobile money, Mexico’s market is still developing; several providers were available as of May 2015, but the extent of offerings was somewhat limited. As noted in the GSMA’s “Mobile Economy: Latin America 2014” report, new telecommunications reforms recently passed in Mexico are expected to affect the mobile market and potentially increase competition among the telecommunications sector. This increased competition could in turn drive the development of a greater array of innovative, affordable mobile money products.

Regarding Mexico’s regulatory environment, the country has been lauded for its risk-based KYC requirements that enable underserved individuals to access low-value accounts without fulfilling the full array of traditional identification processes, which can sometimes be burdensome for under-resourced groups. Under Mexico’s four-tiered KYC system (introduced in 2011), “level one” (very low-risk) accounts feature monthly deposit limits and a maximum balance limit of about 400 dollars; accounts can be opened at a bank branch, banking agent, over the internet, or by telephone. Higher-tier accounts have more stringent KYC requirements. A 2015 AFI article noted that Mexico's banking and securities regulator, the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, indicated about 7.5 million new accounts were opened between August 2011 and September 2012, including over 4 million “level one” accounts.

Mexico tied with Colombia for 7th place on the adoption dimension of the 2015 FDIP Scorecard. About 39 percent of adults in Mexico held accounts with a formal financial institution as of 2014, while about 3 percent of adults held mobile money accounts. As with other countries in Latin America, debit card and credit card use were much higher than mobile money use as of 2014, although usage of both kinds of cards was lower in Mexico than in several other Latin American FDIP countries such as Brazil and Chile. Initiatives such as the Saldazo debit card, which enables customers to use a debit card associated with a savings account and does not require a minimum balance, have helped drive adoption of digital financial services in Mexico.

Peru: Enabling regulatory environment, but constrained adoption of financial services

Peru presents perhaps one of the most interesting paradoxes among the FDIP countries. While Peru’s regulatory environment has been consistently recognized as among the best in the world for enabling financial inclusion, adoption of formal financial services remains quite low. Peru received 17th place overall on the 2015 FDIP Scorecard, which can primarily be attributed to its low adoption score: Peru received a 15th place ranking on the adoption dimension, the lowest score among the Latin American FDIP countries. However, we anticipate that recent regulatory changes in Peru, coupled with increasing smartphone penetration rates (Peru’s 2014 adoption rates were about 12 percentage points below the Latin American average), will facilitate adoption of digital financial services and drive greater financial inclusion in the future.

With respect to the supply side aspect of financial inclusion, as of 2014 about 92 percent of Peru’s population lived in a district with access to financial services, according to the Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) del Peru. Nonetheless, demand side figures lag behind: The Global Findex found that only about 29 percent of adults had an account with a formal financial provider as of 2014. Peru received a “1” for two-thirds of the non-mobile money indicators on the adoption dimension of the 2015 FDIP Scorecard, and mobile money adoption was negligible. Moreover, as of 2014 there was a 14 percentage point disparity in financial account ownership between men and women, the highest financial inclusion “gender gap” among the Latin American FDIP countries.

However, given Peru’s strong national commitment to financial inclusion (reflected in Peru’s country commitment score of 94 percent) and legislative initiatives designed to promote an enabling regulatory environment, we fully anticipate that financial inclusion growth will accelerate in the future. For example, Peru recently finalized its national financial inclusion strategy, as discussed in our earlier post. Moreover, Peru has adopted laws and regulations that permit a greater diversity of players to enter the financial services market. Law 2998 of January 2013 allowed both banks and non-banks to issue e-money, and October 2013 regulations issued by the SBS enabled e-money issuers to follow a simplified account opening process. These initiatives should facilitate greater access to and usage of formal financial accounts in the future.

In terms of electronic payments specifically, diversifying the mobile money market and increasing unique subscribership could help facilitate greater adoption of mobile money services. Demand side factors, such as ensuring that services are a good fit for customers, are also critical — as evidenced by the fact that Mexico, which had comparable smartphone adoption rates to Peru and lower unique subscribership rates as of 2014, features significantly higher rates of mobile money adoption across all demographics than Peru. Peru is making a concerted effort to develop innovative electronic platforms — for example, the Peruvian Association of Banks (ASBANC) is working on the creation of an electronic money platform accessible by both financial institutions and telecommunications companies. Implementation of this interoperable platform is expected to promote further adoption of digital financial services.


Image Source: © Nacho Doce / Reuters


Fostering financial inclusion and financial integrity: Brookings roundtable readout

How can countries support innovative approaches to facilitating access to and usage of formal financial services among low-income and other marginalized groups while mitigating the risk of misuse within the financial sector?

As part of the Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP), the FDIP team recently hosted a roundtable to examine this central question. The objective of the roundtable was to identify and discuss salient challenges and opportunities for financial services providers, government entities, and consumers with respect to balancing anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) compliance — a critical component of financial integrity and stability — with inclusive financial access and growth.

We explore several key questions and themes that emerged from the roundtable below.

Do areas of synergy exist between financial inclusion and AML/CFT efforts?

  • AML/CFT requirements and financial inclusion have sometimes been perceived as being in tension with one another — for example, stringent “know your customer” (KYC) requirements associated with AML processes can restrict formal financial access among marginalized groups who are unable to fulfill the KYC documentation requirements. However, the objectives of AML/CFT (ensuring stability and integrity within the financial sector) and financial inclusion (providing access to and promoting usage of a broad range of appropriate, affordable financial services) can be mutually reinforcing.
  • By moving individuals from the shadow economy into the formal financial system, greater opportunities emerge for introducing underserved populations to a broad suite of formal financial services, and ensuring those services are accompanied by suitable consumer protections. Thus, financial inclusion, financial integrity, and financial stability can act as complementary objectives.
  • The 2012 Declaration of the Ministers and Representatives of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recognized financial exclusion as a money laundering and terrorist financing risk in approving FATF’s 2012-2020 Mandate. This mandate affirmed FATF’s 2011 guidance on AML and terrorist financing measures and financial inclusion, which stated that “[i]t is acknowledged at the same time that financial exclusion works against effective AML/CFT policies. Indeed the prevalence of a large informal, unregulated and undocumented economy negatively affects AML/CFT efforts and the integrity of the financial system. Informal, unregulated and undocumented financial services and a pervasive cash economy can generate significant money laundering and terrorist financing risks and negatively affect AML/CFT preventive, detection and investigation/prosecution efforts.”

What are key challenges and concerns with respect to balancing financial inclusion with financial integrity?

  • Awareness of financial inclusion issues is not universal among individuals who work in the regulatory, compliance, and law enforcement spheres of the financial ecosystem. Engagement among these groups is critical for promoting knowledge-sharing with respect to financial integrity and inclusion.
  • Although FATF and other standard-setting bodies (SSBs) have increasingly adopted recommendations favoring proportionate, risk-based approaches to AML/CFT (as evidenced by the 2013 FATF Guidance on Financial Inclusion), regulators often pursue more conservative approaches than SSB guidelines recommend. These conservative approaches may constrain access to and usage of formal financial services among marginalized groups.
  • Combating the potential use of low-value transfers within countries and across borders for terrorist financing purposes is a salient concern for the law enforcement community when considering proportionate AML/CFT approaches.

How does the digital component fit into these issues?

  • As its name suggests, FDIP is interested in exploring the evolving role of digital technology within the financial services ecosystem. As discussed in the 2015 FDIP Report, digitization of financial services can be more cost-effective for public and private sector providers to manage and safer for consumers than carrying or storing cash.
  • For example, a 2013 report found that the Mexican government saved about $1.3 billion annually by centralizing and digitizing payments for wages, pensions, and social transfers. A 2014 report by the World Bank Development Research Group, the Better Than Cash Alliance, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation highlighted several countries, including South Africa, where disbursing social transfers electronically cost significantly less than manual cash disbursement.
  • Digital financial services can also promote women’s economic empowerment, as these services are often more private and convenient to access than traveling to a “brick and mortar” financial service provider. Given that as of 2014 there was a 9 percentage point gap between the number of men and women with accounts in developing economies (with women disproportionately excluded from account ownership), facilitating access to formal financial services among the 42 percent of women globally who do not have an account will be a major factor in advancing financial inclusion.
  • With respect to financial integrity in particular, digital identification mechanisms such as biometric IDs can help lower access barriers to financial services while ensuring that providers have the information they need to promote security and stability in the financial ecosystem. In its June 2011 guidance, FATF recognized the use of non-documentary methods of identification verification — for example, a signed declaration from a community leader coupled with a photo taken by a mobile phone — for advancing access to formal financial services among underserved groups.
  • The Aadhaar initiative in India, which the FDIP team referenced in a previous post, is currently the largest biometric identification program in the world. The unique 12-digit ID enables individuals to meet KYC requirements and has been used as a financial account among those who do not have an account with a financial institution. Another innovative digital initiative is underway in Tanzania, where the government is working in concert with mobile carrier Tigo and UNICEF to provide birth certificates via mobile phones.

What are critical questions and areas of opportunity for fostering financial inclusion and integrity moving forward?

  • How can regulators and providers ensure sufficient privacy protections are in place for customers when advancing financial inclusion efforts, particularly through digital channels?
  • Through what mechanisms can government entities and non-government financial services providers best mitigate the risks of centralizing sensitive customer data?
  • Could an industry utility that facilitates a common solution to AML systems serve as a feasible solution for harmonizing standards?
  • What is the proper role of private solutions in the AML/CFT and financial inclusion spaces?
  • Could identification verification applications be developed using blockchain technology?
  • In what ways can social networks be leveraged with respect to digital identity initiatives and financial inclusion?


Image Source: © Jorge Cabrera / Reuters


Bridging the financial inclusion gender gap

While significant progress has been made in terms of facilitating greater access to and use of financial services among underserved populations, barriers to financial inclusion remain. The global dialogue surrounding the financial inclusion gender gap (referring to the disproportionate exclusion of women from access to and usage of formal financial services) has intensified as key stakeholders—including financial service providers, regulatory bodies, policymakers, civil society entities, and consumers—explore how best to engage prospective women customers in ways that meet the needs of both consumers and providers situated within different market contexts.

As part of the consultation process for the second annual Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) report and scorecard, to be published in late summer 2016, the FDIP team held a roundtable in March 2016 to facilitate dialogue and knowledge-sharing regarding the issue of gender disparities in access to and usage of formal financial services. The first FDIP report and scorecard, published in August 2015, are available here.

The roundtable provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the legal, policy, and cultural drivers of the gender gap, highlight examples of enabling approaches in countries that have made strides in reducing the gender gap, and identify action steps for governments, financial service providers, and consumers in terms of promoting greater equity within the financial landscape. Before diving into the key themes and action items explored at the roundtable, below is some background on the nature and implications of the gender gap.

What is the financial inclusion gender gap, and why does it matter?

From 2011 to 2014, the percentage of women in developing economies with formal financial accounts increased by 13 percentage points, according to the World Bank’s Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) database. In relative terms, these gains were comparable to those among men in developing economies during the same time period—but in absolute terms, there remains considerable room for growth, as half of women in developing economies still did not have formal financial accounts as of 2014.

While there is good reason to celebrate the tremendous gains made across the financial inclusion landscape in recent years, significant opportunity for expanding access to and usage of financial services among women remains. Globally, the financial inclusion gender gap remained at seven percentage points between 2011 and 2014, and in developing economies the gap was even higher, at nine percentage points.

The FDIP focus countries reflect this global trend. Of the 21 FDIP focus countries examined within the 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard, only four (Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, and South Africa) exhibited either gender parity or a greater percentage of women than men who reported using mobile money within the previous 12 months or holding an account at a bank or another type of financial institution.

The gender gap is of course not the only global disparity in terms of access to and usage of financial services—for example, rural and low-income populations are often underserved by formal financial service providers compared with their more urban and wealthier counterparts. (You can learn more about financial inclusion among these underserved groups across different economic, political, and geographic contexts in the 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard.) Indeed, in 2014 the gap between account ownership among the poorest 40 percent of households in developing economies and the richest 60 percent of households in developing economies was about five percentage points higher than the gender gap in developing economies.

However, as noted by the Global Findex, the global financial inclusion gender gap remained essentially static from 2011 to 2014, while the financial inclusion income gap was reduced by several percentage points. Additionally, the increase in ownership of formal accounts among the poorest 40 percent of households in developing economies was slightly higher proportionately than the increase in ownership of formal accounts among women in developing economies over the same period. In short, the gender gap is particularly noteworthy for its persistence over time and for the broad scope of the underserved population it represents.

Investing in women and girls should be a shared priority across public and private sector stakeholders given the economic and civic implications of female participation in the formal financial ecosystem. From a micro perspective, having convenient access to a suite of quality financial services enables women to invest in themselves, in their families, and in their communities by saving for the future, paying for educational and health expenses, putting money toward small businesses, and engaging in other productive financial activities. Participants at the roundtable noted that a less tangible—but no less valuable—outcome of facilitating access to and usage of formal financial services among women is the sense of empowerment many women feel when they are equipped with greater control of their finances.

For businesses, reaching an untapped segment of the market with products and services that individual customers find useful would augment providers’ revenue. From a macroeconomic perspective, women’s economic empowerment has increasingly been regarded as “contributing to sustained inclusive and equitable economic growth, and sustainable development,” as noted in a recent study by the Global Banking Alliance for Women in partnership with Data2X and the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank.

If women’s participation in the financial ecosystem is so advantageous, why hasn’t the gender gap improved?

A number of legal, policy, and cultural restrictions have constrained access to and usage of financial services among women. A few examples of these constraints are described below; additional information on access and usage barriers is available in the 2015 FDIP Report.

  • Legal, regulatory, and policy barriers: The World Bank Group’s Women, Business, and the Law project has examined data regarding legal and regulatory restrictions on entrepreneurship and employment among women since 2009. The project’s 2016 report found that about 90 percent of the 173 economies covered in the study had at least one law impeding women’s economic opportunities. For example, in some countries women are not permitted to open a bank account or are required to provide specific permission or additional documentation that is burdensome (or even impossible) to obtain. Restrictions on whether property is titled in a women’s name can also impede access to finance since titled land is often a preferred form of collateral among banks. Moreover, women are less likely than men to have the identification documents needed to open formal financial accounts. Among adults without an account at a financial institution as of 2014, 17 percent of women stated that a lack of necessary documentation was a barrier to their use of an account. Promoting a unique, universal identification system can facilitate access to formal labor markets and formal financial services.
  • Cultural barriers: One example of a cultural constraint on usage of financial services among women is that many women may be more comfortable utilizing formal financial services when they can interact with a female point of contact, which is often not a readily available option.  
  • Technological barriers: Digital financial services such as mobile money can help mitigate financial access barriers, in part by enabling women to more easily open accounts and to complete transactions through their phones without visiting a “brick and mortar” store. However, the gender gap in mobile phone ownership and usage must be addressed to fully take advantage of the benefits of digital financial services. The GSMA’s 2015 report noted that the most frequently cited barrier to mobile phone ownership and usage was cost, and cultural dynamics in which men prohibit women from owning or using a phone also contribute to the gap. Incongruous policies in some markets such as more stringent registration processes for SIMs and mobile money accounts than for bank accounts can also inhibit adoption of digital financial services.

What are examples of initiatives to facilitate greater financial inclusion among women?

Participants highlighted several examples of initiatives that were designed to promote women’s financial inclusion. For example, Diamond Bank in Nigeria and Women’s World Banking developed a savings product called a BETA account that could be opened over the phone with no minimum balance and no fees. The product was designed to be affordable and convenient for individuals engaging in frequent deposits, with agents visiting customers’ businesses to facilitate transactions. Other add-on products are being built around this basic product to provide more opportunities for individuals to use the financial services most useful to them. While the product was developed for women, it is available to both men and women.

Also in Nigeria, MasterCard and UN Women have partnered on an initiative that aims to educate women on the benefits of a national identification program and enroll half a million Nigerian women in this program so that they receive identification cards that include electronic payments functionality.

What can be done to advance gender equity within the financial ecosystem?

One of the central questions discussed during the roundtable was how to reconcile the sometimes diverging mandates of businesses, public sector actors, and the development community in order to foster a sustainable financial and economic ecosystem. In short, businesses must generate profits to be sustainable, while development community and public sector entities often focus on longer-term micro- and macro-economic growth and development. The challenge with these potentially competing time horizons is that initiatives involving a complex network of participants (such as those to cultivate women’s financial participation) may take time to scale. Moreover, some of the major factors contributing to the financial inclusion gender gap (such as lower financial literacy levels among women) will require a long-term approach to fully address.

The good news is that serving women customers ultimately meets the complementary objectives of benefiting providers by expanding their customer base and benefiting consumers by enabling them to use financial services to improve their lives and invest in their communities. Thus, leveraging data to present the business case to providers (see point 1 below) and promoting dialogue across public and private sector representatives (see point 2 below) will enable different players in the financial ecosystem to identify the best approaches to closing the gender gap in ways that are sustainable for consumers and providers.

While the list below is certainly not exhaustive, it highlights several pathways for promoting women’s financial inclusion.

  1. Generate data to better serve customers and attract providers: While we delineate the gender gap in terms of men and women, women (like all customer segments) are not monolithic. Thus, the intent of demand- and supply-side data collection should be to inform the development and delivery of a suite of products and services that target customer segments and to make a business case for offering those products and services. Many financial institutions have historically refrained from collecting data disaggregated by sex because doing so was perceived as discriminatory and/or ineffective given the issue of duplicability in reporting. Government leadership on collecting sex-disaggregated data can help ameliorate this issue. An in-depth look at the process of collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data is provided in the recent case study on Chile published by the Global Banking Alliance for Women, Data2X, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank.
  2. Promote inward and outward-facing stakeholder collaboration: Financial service providers and non-government entities active within the financial services landscape should find champions of women’s economic empowerment within their organizations to help build strategies for reaching women customers with appropriate products and services. Representatives from both the public and private sectors should work together to facilitate dialogue and collaboration across relevant stakeholders such as telecommunications providers, formal and informal financial institutions, public sector representatives, and consumers. This objective should be reflected in countries’ national financial inclusion strategies where possible.
  3. Engage in client-centric design: Providers should deploy relevant data to evaluate customers’ needs and reflect those needs in product design, provision, and promotion. By thinking about the customer experience of access and usage holistically, providers will have the potential to sustainably amplify adoption of financial services.
  4. Invest in financial education and financial capability among women and girls: Many women feel that they do not have enough money to hold an account with a formal financial institution, as evidenced by the 2014 Global Findex results noting that 57 percent of women without an account at a financial institution cited having insufficient funds as a barrier to account ownership. Financial inclusion stakeholders should aim to familiarize prospective female customers with appropriate, affordable financial services and promote sound financial behaviors that will help spur greater financial inclusion.
  5. Adapt anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism requirements to reflect perceived risks: Enabling risk-based “know your customer” (KYC) processes such as the tiered KYC approach applied in the Diamond Bank example above or in other countries such as Mexico reduces access barriers to formal financial accounts. For more information on KYC processes among different countries, please see the 2015 FDIP Report and Scorecard.
  6. Formalize informal financial entities as appropriate: According to the 2014 Global Findex, about 160 million unbanked adults in developing economies saved through informal savings clubs or a non-family member. Vetting and formalizing certain informal providers to ensure adequate consumer protection while preserving services that are familiar and accessible to customers could advance women’s financial inclusion.
  7. Leverage digital financial tools to facilitate greater access to and usage of formal financial services:
    • Digital platforms can help reduce disparities in access to identification documents. For example, an initiative in Tanzania allows health workers to deliver birth certificates using a mobile phone. Birth certificates facilitate access to healthcare, education, and other important government services, including government-to-person payments.
    • Digital financial services such as mobile money can provide greater privacy, convenience, and security to customers who have been disproportionately excluded from the formal financial system. For more information on developing enabling infrastructure and policy environments to support mobile money access and usage, please refer to the 2015 FDIP Report.
    • Using “big data” generated by and about consumers on digital platforms helps providers better evaluate the creditworthiness of individuals who may previously have been excluded from the formal financial system due to a lack of or minimal credit history. Since women often lack credit history, these innovative measures to assess credit risk and collateral issues can contribute to women’s economic empowerment by facilitating access to credit. As with all financial services, these “big data, small credit” propositions should be coupled with adequate consumer protection and privacy mechanisms.


Image Source: © Omar Sanadiki / Reuters


Upcoming Brookings report highlights global financial inclusion developments

Editor’s Note: Brookings will hold an event and live webcast on Thursday, August 4 to discuss the findings of the forthcoming 2016 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report. Follow the conversation on Twitter using #FinancialInclusion.

The 2016 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report, the second annual report produced by the FDIP team, assesses national commitment to and progress toward financial inclusion through traditional and digital mechanisms in 26 countries.  

As in the 2015 report, the FDIP team analyzed four key dimensions of financial inclusion: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption of formal financial services. The 2016 report amplifies the geographic diversity of the FDIP country sample by adding five new countries and features descriptions of the financial inclusion landscape in all 26 countries.

The 2016 FDIP Report finds that significant progress has been made toward advancing financial inclusion in many countries, and robust commitment to strengthening the digital financial services ecosystem is evident across diverse geographic, political, and economic contexts.

On August 4, the Center for Technology Innovation will discuss the key findings of the 2016 FDIP Report and host a conversation with public sector representatives about key trends, opportunities, and obstacles regarding financial inclusion in their respective countries and around the world.

Below we provide some context regarding the role of financial inclusion within the global drive for sustainable development.

What is financial inclusion?

The common themes that emerge from many definitions of financial inclusion are the ability to access formal financial services and to utilize those services in a way that promotes financial health.

For example, the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion defines financial inclusion as a “state in which everyone who can use them has access to a range of quality financial services at affordable prices, with convenience, dignity, and consumer protections, delivered by a range of providers in a stable, competitive market to financially capable clients.”

In short, financial inclusion in itself is not the end goal, but instead serves as a key mechanism for advancing the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. At the macroeconomic level, financial inclusion provides opportunities to advance economic growth, reduce income inequality, and combat poverty.

For the purposes of FDIP, we primarily focus on individuals’ access to and usage of affordable, secure, basic financial services and products, such as person-to-person payments and savings accounts. However, we also recognize the important role that more extensive financial services (e.g., microinsurance and microcredit) can play in enabling individuals to plan for the future and absorb financial shocks. Where possible, we highlight examples of a broad suite of financial services within the country profiles of the 2016 report.

To learn more about the 2016 FDIP Report, please register to attend the launch event in-person or watch the live webcast.

Image Source: © Supri Supri / Reuters


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Better Financial Security in Old Age? The Promise of Longevity Annuities

Event Information

November 6, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Falk Auditorium
Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036

Register for the Event

Longevity annuities—a financial innovation that provides protection against outliving your money late in life—have the potential to reshape the retirement security landscape. Typically bought at retirement, a longevity annuity offers a guaranteed stream of income beginning in ten or 20 years at a markedly lower cost than a conventional annuity that begins paying out immediately. Sales have grown rapidly and it will be even easier to purchase the annuities in the future given new Treasury regulations. While economists have touted the attractiveness of longevity annuities as a way to ensure the ability to maintain one’s living standards late in life, significant barriers to a robust market remain—including lack of consumer awareness, questions about product value, and employer concerns with taking on fiduciary responsibility by offering these products to their employees.

Can longevity annuities overcome these barriers to find widespread popularity among Americans retirees? On November 6, the Retirement Security Project hosted a panel of experts to discuss the potential for these products to contribute to the economic security of older Americans, in addition to policy reforms that could lead to greater take-up by retirement plan sponsors and consumers alike. Following a presentation by Katharine Abraham that laid out the issues, two panels of prominent experts added their insights on the promise and challenges of this burgeoning market.




Event Materials



Social Security coverage for state and local government workers: A reconsideration

Since it was created in 1935, Social Security has grown from covering about half of the work force to covering nearly all workers.  The largest remaining exempted group is a subset of state and local government workers (SLGWs).  As of 2008, Social Security did not cover about 27 percent of the 23.8 million SLGWs (Congressional Research Service 2011).  Non-coverage of SLGWs is concentrated in certain states scattered around the country and includes workers in a diverse set of jobs, ranging from administrators to custodial staff.  Some police and fire department employees are not covered.  About 40 percent of public school teachers are not covered by Social Security (Kan and Alderman 2014).    

Under current law, state and local governments that do not offer their own retirement plan must enroll their employees in Social Security.  But if it does offer a retirement plan, the state or local government can choose whether to enroll its workers in Social Security.  

This paper reviews and extends discussion on whether state and local government workers should face mandatory coverage in Social Security.[1]  Relative to earlier work, we focus on links between this issue and recent developments in state and local pensions.  Although some of the issues apply equally to both existing and newly hired SLGWs, it is most natural to focus on whether newly hired employees should be brought into Social Security.[2]  

The first thing to note about this topic is that it is purely a transitional issue.  If all SLGWs were already currently enrolled in Social Security, there would not be a serious discussion about whether they should be removed.  For example, there is no discussion of whether the existing three quarters of all SLGWs that are enrolled in Social Security should be removed from coverage.

Bringing state and local government workers into the system would allow Social Security to reach the goal of providing retirement security for all workers.  The effects on Social Security finances are mixed.  Bringing SLGWs into the system would also help shore up Social Security finances over the next few decades and, under common scoring methods, push the date of trust fund insolvency back by one year, but after that, the cost of increased benefit payments would offset those improvements. 

Mandatory coverage would also be fairer.  Other workers pay, via payroll taxes, the “legacy” costs associated with the creation of Social Security as a pay-as-you-go system.   Early generations of Social Security beneficiaries received far more in payouts than they contributed to the system and those net costs are now being paid by current and future generations.  There appears to be no convincing reason why certain state and local workers should be exempt from this societal obligation.  As a result of this fact and the short-term benefit to the program’s finances, most major proposals and commissions to reform Social Security and all commissions to shore up the long-term federal budget have included the idea of mandatory coverage of newly hired SLGWs.

While these issues are long-standing, recent developments concerning state and local pensions have raised the issue of mandatory coverage in a new light. Linking the funding status of state and local pension plans and the potential risk faced by those employees with the mandatory coverage question is a principal goal of this paper.  One factor is that many state and local government pension plans are facing significant underfunding of promised pension benefits.  In a few municipal bankruptcy cases, the reduction of promised benefits for both current employees and those who have already retired has been discussed.  The potential vulnerability of these benefits emphasizes the importance of Social Security coverage, and naturally invites a rethinking of whether newly hired SLGWs should be required to join the program.  On the other hand, the same pension funding problems imply that any policy that adds newly-hired workers to Social Security, and thus requires the state to pay its share of those contributions, would create added overall costs for state and local governments at a time when pension promises are already hard to meet.  The change might also divert a portion of existing employee or employer contributions to Social Security and away from the state pension program. 

We provide two key results linking state government pension funding status and SLGW coverage. First, we show that states with governmental pension plans that have greater levels of underfunding tend also to have a smaller proportion of SLGW workers that are covered by Social Security.  This tends to raise the retirement security risks faced by those workers and provides further fuel for mandatory coverage.  While one can debate whether future public pension commitments or future Social Security promises are more risky, a solution resulting in less of both is the worst possible outcome for the workers in question.  Second, we show that state pension benefit levels for career workers are somewhat compensatory, in that states with lower rates of Social Security coverage for SLGWs tend to have somewhat higher pension benefit levels.  The extent to which promised but underfunded benefits actually compensate for the higher risk to individual workers of non-Social Security coverage is an open question, though.  

Mandatory coverage of newly hired SLGWs could improve the security of their retirement benefits (by diversifying the sources of their retirement income), raise average benefit levels in many cases (even assuming significant changes in state and local government pensions in response to mandatory coverage), and would improve the quality of benefits received, including provisions for full inflation indexation, and dependent, survivor and disability benefits in Social Security that are superior to those in most state pension plans.  The ability to accrue and receive Social Security benefits would be particularly valuable for the many SLGWs who leave public service either without ever having been vested in a government pension or having been vested but not reaching the steep part of the benefit accrual path.  

Just as there is strong support for mandatory coverage in the Social Security community and literature, there is strong opposition to such a change in elements of the state and local government pension world.  The two groups that are most consistently and strongly opposed to mandatory coverage of newly hired SLGWs are the two parties most directly affected – state and local governments that do not already provide such coverage and their uncovered employees.  Opponents cite the higher cost to both employees and the state and local government for providing that coverage and the potential for losing currently promised pension benefits. They note that public pensions – unlike Social Security – can invest in risky assets and thus can provide better benefits at lower cost.  This, of course, is a best-case alternative as losses among those risky assets could also increase pressure on pension finances.

There is nothing inconsistent about the two sides of these arguments; one set tends to focus on benefits, the other on costs.  They can be, and probably are, all true simultaneously.  There is also a constitutional issue that used to hang over the whole debate – whether the federal government has the right to tax the states and local government units in their roles as employers – but that seems resolved at this point.

Section II of this paper discusses the history and current status of Social Security coverage for SLGWs.   Section III discusses mandatory coverage in the context of Social Security funding and the federal budget.  Section IV discusses the issues in the context of state and local budgets, existing pension plans, and the risks and benefits to employees of those governments.  Section V concludes.

[1] Earlier surveys of these issues provide excellent background.  See Government Accountability Office (1998), Munnell (2005), and Congressional Research Service (2011).

[2] A variety of related issues are beyond the scope of the paper, including in particular how best to close gaps between promised benefits and accruing assets in state and local pension plans and the level of those benefits.   

Note: A revised version of this paper is forthcoming in The Journal of Retirement.





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