
CTA Celebrates 40 Years of Rail Service to O’Hare International Airport

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is marking 40 years of rail service to O’Hare International Airport by inviting customers to take a ride back in time.


International Education Week reflects UCLA’s global reach

From Nov. 18–22, units across campus will host events highlighting global issues and international opportunities for students.


Rotman School Professor Appointed to Lead Research Initiatives at the International Centre for Pension Management

Toronto, ON – Mikhail (Mike) Simutin, an associate professor of finance at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, has been appointed the associate director of research for the International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM). In the new role he will drive ICPM’s research initiatives and strengthen the organization’s position as a global pension […]


Baruch College Team Successfully Defends its Title at the Rotman International Trading Competition

Toronto, ON – For the second year in row a team from the Master of Financial Engineering program at Baruch College in New York City has won the Rotman International Trading Competition. The 14th annual edition of one of the world’s preeminent trading competitions was hosted by the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management […]


How does water behave in space? U of T Engineering researchers aim to solve longstanding mystery - Experiment launched aboard SpaceX CSR-9 mission to International Space Station should deliver answers

Experiment launched aboard SpaceX CSR‑9 mission to International Space Station should deliver answersToronto, ON – U of T Engineering researchers are launching an experiment that aims to solve the longstanding myster of how water behaves in space. Their experiment will launch at 12:45 am on Monday, July 18 aboard SpaceX CRS‑9 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, headed […]


Thornapple Elementary News Archives - Forest Hills Public Schools


Saving sunshine for a rainy day: New catalyst offers efficient storage of alternative energies - Team led by U of T Engineering designs world’s most efficient catalyst for storing energy as hydrogen by splitting water molecules

Team led by U of T Engineering designs world’s most efficient catalyst for storing energy as hydrogen by splitting water moleculesToronto, ON — We can’t control when the wind blows and when the sun shines, so finding efficient ways to store energy from alternative sources remains an urgent research problem. Now, a group of researchers led […]


Scientists to provide update on the search for gravitational waves - International team of scientists to offer update on detection efforts, U of T collaborators to comment at live-viewing event

International team of scientists to offer update on detection efforts, U of T collaborators to comment at live-viewing eventToronto, ON– Media are invited to view a live webcast at the University of Toronto (U of T) as the National Science Foundation brings together scientists from Caltech, MIT, and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration this Thursday at […]


Panel discussion on technology, human rights, & international security in the 21st century

Toronto, ON — On Tuesday, February 2, at the Munk School of Global Affairs, please join us for a panel discussion on the intersection between digital technology, human rights and international security in the 21st century, featuring Ramzi Jaber, Timothy Quinn, Jake Hirsch Allen, and Dr. Taylor Owen. The roundtable will take place from 7:00PM […]


Researchers Uncover Extensive Twitter-based Cyber Espionage Campaign Targeting UAE Dissidents, Journalists

Toronto, ON – A new report from the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab reveals a sophisticated international cyber-espionage campaign targeting journalists and activists whose work concerns the United Arab Emirates. The campaign used elaborate ruses, including fake organizations and journalists, to engage targets online, then entice them to open malicious files and links containing malware capable […]


Understanding and Improving Governance, Accountability and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector - World Health Organization Launches Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector at University of To

World Health Organization Launches Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector at University of TorontoToronto, ON – The University of Toronto and the World Health Organization are proud to launch the WHO Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability and Transparency for the Pharmaceutical Sector with a policy workshop and celebration at the Leslie […]


Survey Provides Rare Insight into the Governance of Private Family Businesses

Toronto, ON – Family businesses, arguably the most important contributors to Canada’s economy, recognize the need for strong governance, but approach board oversight in a variety of ways depending on their size and stage of maturity. A survey conducted by the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and the Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness (CCBE) at […]


Canadian Gender and Good Governance Alliance Established to Advance Gender Diversity on Boards and Executive Positions

Toronto, ON –Seven of Canada’s most active and influential organizations dedicated to advancing good governance and gender equality in the workplace, including the Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, have come together to form the Canadian Gender and Good Governance Alliance (CGGGA). The new group aims to […]


Rotman MBAS Win International Private Equity Competition

Toronto, ON – For the second week in a row a team of Full Time MBA students from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management have won a prestigious international competition. On Saturday, the Rotman students won the Rotterdam School of Management Private Equity Competition in Amsterdam defeating teams from INSEAD, IESE and Georgetown University […]


Stephen Toope — international law scholar — named Director of U of T’s Munk School of Global Affairs

TORONTO, ON – Professor Stephen J. Toope, a noted international law scholar and university leader, has been named the new Director of the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs. “The Munk School has built a reputation around the world for its thoughtful and insightful examination of international issues,” said Toope. “I look forward […]


New report co-authored by International Human Rights Program says murderous violence against journalists in Honduras is on the rise

TORONTO, ON – Co-authored with PEN Canada and PEN International, report calls for Honduran government to end lethal violence against journalists and its climate of impunity, and for donor states such as the UK and Canada to work with Honduras on these issues Journalists who cover organized crime, government corruption and other sensitive issues are […]


Elton John AIDS Foundation supports the International Human Rights Program’s project investigating the negative impact of Canada’s policies on refugees with HIV

TORONTO, ON — The International Human Rights program (IHRP) has received a $75,000 grant from the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) to launch a project exposing the negative impact of Canada’s refugee policies on some of the world’s most vulnerable claimants—people with HIV or at-risk of HIV due to rampant violence, discrimination based on sexual […]

  • Health & Medicine
  • Law


Can peace and justice co-exist? “International Criminal Law at the Crossroads” with James Stewart, Deputy Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and Richard Dicker, Director of International Justice for Human Rights Watch

TORONTO, ON — Media are invited to attend “International Criminal Law at the Crossroads,” an intimate conversation with Canadian James Stewart, Deputy Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, together with Richard Dicker, Director of International Justice for Human Rights Watch. More than 10 years after the ICC began hearing cases, two of the world’s most prominent […]


Canada Should Implement Alternatives to Immigration Detention of Children, Family Separation - In recent years, hundreds of children have been housed in immigration detention with detrimental consequences for their mental health

In recent years, hundreds of children have been housed in immigration detention with detrimental consequences for their mental healthToronto, ON – Canada should urgently implement alternatives to detaining children rather than housing them in immigration detention facilities or separating them from their detained parents, the University of Toronto’s International Human Rights Program (IHRP) said in a […]


How Will the Covid-19 Crisis Reshape International Relations?

Which country is responding best to the global crisis, and is the era of globalization dead?


Moderna’s Co-Founder on the Sprint for a Covid-19 Vaccine

Moderna could seek government approval for its Covid-19 vaccine as early as November.


Before Using Internal Competition to Improve Employee Engagement, You Need to Answer These Questions

A little healthy competition is a good thing — under the right circumstances and with the right people. In many industries, internal competition has long been used to increase everything from productivity to profits. But what about using competition as part of your employee engagement strategy? Does pitting individual workers against each other really increase engagement across the board? While there are


The Hidden Costs of Hiring in Industrial Inspection: Time for a New Alternative

Finding new talent can be an extremely difficult process for any organization, in any industry.


White Paper: An Alternative to LVDTs = Lab Quality Linear Measurement Capabilities + Superior Industrial Gauging Performance

SMAC electric gage actuators provide gaging solutions with consistent, fast and precise control of the process.


Alternating Current Field Measurement Testing

First, a little history. The alternating current field measurement (ACFM) nondestructive testing technique was developed in the ‘80s to detect and estimate penetration depth of fatigue cracks in underwater welded tubular intersections of offshore oil platforms. 


ASTM International to Host November Symposium on Additive Manufactured Parts

The symposium will be held in conjunction with the November standards development meetings of the committee.


Alternative Alloy

According to the company, Ametek Specialty Metal Products (SMP) is set to fill the supply void created by Mitsubishi Electric Metecs Co., Ltd., which ceased production of copper alloys, including MX215 and MX96, in March 2015, with a line of high-performance Pfinodal copper alloys.


Five Quality Companies to Know: DIT-MCO International

Welcome to our ranking of perennial quality superstars. DIT-MCO International has been on our Leadership list for multiple years. Congratulations and keep up the good work.


Upgrading Your ISO Internal Audit Process

The ongoing challenge for many companies is how to upgrade or integrate internal audit knowledge/competence and maybe cross train auditors for all the auditing schemes that your company is currently registered to or may be planning on expanding.


Dorsey Metrology International, MPI Partner to Host Dutchess BOCES Students for MFG Day

Dorsey Metrology International and MPI, Poughkeepsie-based manufacturing companies, are partnering with Dutchess BOCES to host students for Manufacturing Day (MFG Day).


Takayuki Ito Elected President of The International Federation of Robotics

Jane Heffner appointed as vice president of IFR.


Ametek Acquires Virtek Vision International

Ametek, Inc. announced the acquisition of Virtek Vision International, a leading provider of advanced laser-based projection and inspection systems.


Eternal Riviera Paper

Eternal Riviera Paper by Kerry Hallam is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to pcs


Eternal Riviera Canvas

Eternal Riviera Canvas by Kerry Hallam is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to pcs


Eternal Soul Mates

Eternal Soul Mates by Lee Bogle is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition of 300 pcs


Eternal Soul Mates

Eternal Soul Mates by Lee Bogle is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition of 300 pcs


Eternal Promise

Eternal Promise by Lee Bogle is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition of 250 pcs


Dec 7 - CLaSIC2024: Centre for Language Studies International Conference 2024

National U of Singapore CLS (National University of Singapore Centre for Language Studies). December 7 (Sat), 9:00-19:00 in Singapore. Andy Kirkpatrick (Grifflth University, Australia), Dorothy M Chun (UC, Santa Barbara, USA), Sarah Mercer (University of Graz, Austria), Xiaoshi Li (Michigan State U, USA). Call for presentations closes April 30.


Dec 6 - CLaSIC2024: Centre for Language Studies International Conference 2024

National U of Singapore CLS (National University of Singapore Centre for Language Studies). December 6 (Fri), 9:00-19:00 in Singapore. Andy Kirkpatrick (Grifflth University, Australia), Dorothy M Chun (UC, Santa Barbara, USA), Sarah Mercer (University of Graz, Austria), Xiaoshi Li (Michigan State U, USA). Call for presentations closes April 30.


Dec 5 - CLaSIC2024: Centre for Language Studies International Conference 2024

National U of Singapore CLS (National University of Singapore Centre for Language Studies). December 5 (Thu), 9:00-19:00 in Singapore. Andy Kirkpatrick (Grifflth University, Australia), Dorothy M Chun (UC, Santa Barbara, USA), Sarah Mercer (University of Graz, Austria), Xiaoshi Li (Michigan State U, USA). Call for presentations closes April 30.


Nov 18 - JALT2024: 50th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning and Educational Materials Exhibition

JALT (The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching). November 18 (Mon), 9:00-16:00 in Shizuoka. Call for proposals ends March 10th, 2024.


Nov 17 - JALT2024: 50th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning and Educational Materials Exhibition

JALT (The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching). November 17 (Sun), 9:00-19:00 in Shizuoka. Call for proposals ends March 10th, 2024.


Nov 16 - JALT2024: 50th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning and Educational Materials Exhibition

JALT (The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching). November 16 (Sat), 9:00-19:00 in Shizuoka. Call for proposals ends March 10th, 2024.


CLaSIC2024: Centre for Language Studies International Conference 2024

National U of Singapore CLS (National University of Singapore Centre for Language Studies). December 5 (Thu) - 7 (Sat) 2024, at National University of Singapore.


JALT2024: 50th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning

JALT (The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching). November 15 (Fri) - 18 (Mon) 2024, at Shizuoka Convention and Arts Center (Granship) Shizuoka City.


LL10 - Developmental Internal Rotation - Femoral and Obturator Nerves

The tenth in our series on the lower limb is on Developmental Internal Rotation - Femoral and Obturator Nerves.
See our website for accompanying diagrams


Registration for the 2023 Greenbuild International Conference + Expo Now Open

Greenbuild 2023 will celebrate the U.S. Green Building Council’s 30th anniversary and newest version of LEED.