
Sequential and alternating RAFT single unit monomer insertion: model trimers as the guide for discrete oligomer synthesis

Polym. Chem., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00390E, Paper
Ruizhe Liu, Lei Zhang, Zixuan Huang, Jiangtao Xu
A complete set of model trimers and their synthetic kinetics are established to guide the synthesis of diverse sequence-defined polymers.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Metal-free polycycloaddition of aldehyde-activated internal diynes and diazides toward post-functionalizable poly(formyl-1,2,3-triazole)s

Polym. Chem., 2020, 11,3075-3083
DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00193G, Paper
Baixue Li, Anjun Qin, Ben Zhong Tang
A metal-free polycycloaddition of aldehyde-activated internal diynes and diazides was successfully established and post-functionalizable poly(formyl-1,2,3-triazole)s were readily produced.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Wet cells, dry cells, fuel cells [videorecording] : an introduction / producer/director, Bernard Motut ; script, Bernard Motut, John Davis


Photon international


Wind power and power politics : international perspectives / edited by Peter A. Strachan, David Toke & David Lal


Antiretroviral Treatment of Adult HIV Infection 2012 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel

Interview with Melanie A. Thompson, MD, and Paul A. Volberding, MD, authors of Antiretroviral Treatment of Adult HIV Infection 2012 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel. Summary Points:

  • Antiretroviral treatment is recommended and should be offered to all persons with HIV, regardless of CD4 cell count.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the design of an antiretroviral regimen for persons with concurrent conditions, such as viral hepatitis, opportunistic infections, and other medical diseases, because of the potential for drug interactions.
  • Monitoring of entry into and retention in HIV care, adherence to antiretroviral therapy, and quality of care indicators are recommended and should be used to increase care engagement and quality.


Genetically encoded light-up RNA aptamers and their applications for imaging and biosensing

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8,3382-3392
DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02668A, Review Article
Puchakayala Swetha, Ze Fan, Fenglin Wang, Jian-Hui Jiang
Light-up RNA aptamers and their applications in bioimaging and biosensing of small ligands and biomacromolecules are described.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Recent progress of SERS optical nanosensors for miRNA analysis

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0TB00280A, Review Article
Yudie Sun, lin shi, Lan Mi, Ruiyan Guo, Tao Li
This review focus on emerging applications of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) optical nanosensors for miRNA analysis, in which the key enhancement factors of SERS signal, i.e. SERS-active substrates, SERS nanoprobes...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Ternary hydrogels with tunable mechanical and self-healing properties based on the synergistic effects of multiple dynamic  bonds

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02885D, Paper
Kun Li, Jingxi Wang, Ping Li, Yubo Fan
Ternary hydrogels with tunable mechanical properties were prepared based on the synergistic effects of hydrogen bonds and imine bonds.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Br(e)aking the news : journalism, politics and new media / Janey Gordon, Paul Rowinski and Gavin Stewart (eds)


A dictionary of journalism / Tony Harcup

Harcup, Tony, author


The Oxford handbook of new audiovisual aesthetics / edited by John Richardson, Claudia Gorbman, Carol Vernallis


The Oxford handbook of sound and image in digital media / Carol Vernallis, Amy Herzog and John Richardson


Unruly media : YouTube, music video, and the new digital cinema / Carol Vernallis

Vernallis, Carol


The ethics of journalism : individual, institutional and cultural influences / edited by Wendy N. Wyatt


Online journalism : the essential guide / Steve Hill, Paul Lashmar

Hill, Steve, author


Sports journalism : a practical introduction / Phil Andrews

Andrews, Phil, author


News as it happens : an introduction to journalism / Stephen Lamble

Lamble, Stephen, author


Financial journalism through financial crises : the reporting of three boom and bust periods / Sophie Elizabeth Knowles

Knowles, Sophie Elizabeth, author


The violence of the image : photography and international conflict / edited by Liam Kennedy and Caitlin Patrick


Journalism & PR : unpacking 'spin', stereotypes & media myths / Jim Macnamara

Macnamara, Jim R


Ethics for digital journalists : emerging best practices / edited by Lawrie Zion and David Craig


Boundaries of journalism : professionalism, practices and participation / edited by Matt Carlson and Seth C. Lewis


News and politics : the rise of live and interpretive journalism / Stephen Cushion

Cushion, Stephen, author


Citizen journalism : global perspectives / edited by Stuart Allan and Einar Thorsen


Lessening Africa's 'otherness' in the Western media : towards a culturally responsive journalism / by Helene Maree Thomas

Thomas, Helene Maree, author


Advancing the story : journalism in a multimedia world / Debora Halpern Wenger, University of Mississippi, Deborah Potter, Newslab

Wenger, Debora Halpern


Radio journalism / John R. Bittner, Denise A. Bittner

Bittner, John R., 1943-


Journalism next : a practical guide to digital reporting and publishing / Mark Briggs ; with a foreword by Jennifer Preston

Briggs, Mark, 1969-


The solo video journalist : doing it all and doing it well in TV multimedia journalism / Matt Pearl

Pearl, Matt, author


Towards a praxis-based media and journalism research / edited by Leon Barkho


Gatewatching and news curation : journalism, social media, and the public sphere / Axel Bruns

Bruns, Axel, 1970- author


Report / The Senate, Select Committee on the Future of Public Interest Journalism

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on the Future of Public Interest Journalism, issuing body


What is sustainable journalism? : integrating the environmental, social, and economic challenges of journalism / edited by Peter Berglez, Ulrika Ollausson, and Mart Ots


Future journalism : where we are and where we're going / Sue Greenwood

Greenwood, Sue, author


The future of journalism : in an age of digital media and economic uncertainty / edited by Bob Franklin


Entrepreneurial journalism / edited by Kevin Rafter


The future of journalism : risks, threats and opportunities / edited by Stuart Allan [and eight others]

Future of Journalism Conference (2015 : Cardiff University),


Understanding journalism / Lynette Sheridan Burns, Benjamin J Matthews

Sheridan Burns, Lynette, author


Rethinking research methods in an age of digital journalism / edited by Michael Karlsson and Helle Sjøvaag


Advancing the story : quality journalism in a digital world / Debora Halpern Wenger (University of Mississippi), Deborah Potter (NewsLab (Founder))

Wenger, Debora Halpern, author


Essential evidence-based psychopharmacology / edited by Dan J. Stein, Bernard Lerer, Stephen M. Stahl


Drugs for the heart / Lionel H. Opie ; co-editor, Bernard J. Gersh ; foreword by Eugene Braunwald

Opie, Lionel H


Cannabis : medical aspects / Blair Henry, Arnav Agarwal, Edward Chow, Hatim A. Omar and Joav Merrick, editors


Detection of drugs and their metabolites in oral fluid / Robert M. White, Sr. (Retired from RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC; RMW Consulting, Inc., Naples, FL, USA), Christine M. Moore (Immunalysis Corporation (now a part of Abbott), Pomona,

White, Robert M., author


The megaflow manifesto : a publication of Nomads of the Time Streams, the International Michael Moorcock Appreciation Society


The Time centre times : the journal of the Guild of Temporal Adventurers, the official Michael Moorcock Society


Journal of science-fiction


Journal of the Chipping Warden Corybantic Society and Glee Club


Journal of the Henry James Appreciation Society