
Un été avec Jean d’Ormesson (4)

Ouvrons, cette fois, le livre C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde, roman que Jean d’Ormesson publié en 2010. On y trouve, comme toujours, des réflexions et des phrases magnifiques. Savourons-les cet été !

« J’ai beaucoup dormi. J’ai perdu beaucoup de temps. J’ai commis pas mal d’erreurs. Ce qu’il y avait de moins inutile sous le soleil, c’était de nous aimer les uns les autres. »

« Naître est toujours un bonheur. Il y a dans tout début une surprise et une attente qui seront peut-être déçues mais qui donnent au temps qui passe sa couleur et sa vigueur. »

« Nous sommes ...


Un été avec Jean d’Ormesson (5)

Voici quelques extraits délicieux et profonds de C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde, roman de Jean d’Ormesson. Histoire de savourer quelques instants hors du temps, cet été !

« Ceux qui découvrent détruisent le système qui le précède. Ceux qui inventent de détruisent pas les oeuvres qui les précèdent. »

« Le passé s’éclaire à mesure qu’il s’éloigne. Ce n’est qu’à l’extrême fin du monde qu’une partie au moins des secrets de ses débuts obscurs pourront être révélés. »

« Ce monde est inépuisable, il n’existe que deux voies pour tenter d’en rendre compte : l’art et la science. »

« La poésie est ...


Un été avec Jean d’Ormesson (6)

Tous les livres de Jean d’Ormesson doivent être lus et relus. L’auteur nous propose une littérature de vérité, d’empathie, de compréhension de ce que nous sommes. Voici quelques phrases picorées dans C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde.

« Chaque amoureux a dans l’amour le sentiment de posséder le monde entier à travers l’être aimé.

Toute la beauté de l’univers lui est enfin révélée. L’art et la littérature ne sont peut-être rien d’autre que la traduction sublimée d’une pulsion sexuelle. »

« Le monde inépuisable dont nous faisons partie, aucun ouvrage de génie, aucune théorie unifiée, aucune formule de ...


Cette espèce marine serait capable de... faire repousser des parties de son anatomie

Les pycnogonides, une espèce marine apparentée aux araignées, peuvent faire repousser des parties du corps après amputation, et pas seulement de simples membres, selon une étude publiée lundi, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles découvertes sur la régénération.

"Personne ne s'attendait à cela", a déclaré Gerhard Scholtz de la prestigieuse université Humboldt à Berlin, et l'un des auteurs principaux de cette étude parue dans la revue Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Nous avons été les premiers à démontrer que c'était possible", a-t-il ajouté. Il est connu qu'une multitude d'espèces d'arthropodes tels que les mille-pattes, les araignées ou d'autres insectes peuvent faire repousser une patte après l'avoir perdue.

"Les crabes peuvent même se débarrasser automatiquement de leurs membres s'ils sont attaqués", a déclaré Gerhard Scholtz, précisant: "ils les remplacent par un nouveau membre". Ce que les chercheurs ont découvert à travers leurs expériences avec ces minuscules créatures à huit pattes, est qu'elles sont capables de régénérer même d'autres parties du corps. Pour l'étude, ils ont amputé différents membres et parties postérieures du corps de 23 pycnogonides juvéniles et adultes, et ont observé les résultats.

Repousse d'un corps à partir de seulement quelques cellules

Aucune régénération de parties du corps n'a été constatée dans les spécimens adultes, mais certains étaient toujours en vie après deux ans. Les spécimens juvéniles, en revanche, ont connu une régénération complète ou quasi-complète des parties du corps manquantes, y compris l'intestin postérieur, l'anus, la musculature, et certaines parties d'organes génitaux.

A long terme, 90% des pycnogonides ont survécu, et 16 spécimens juvéniles ont effectué leur mue par la suite au moins une fois. La régénération postérieure a ainsi été constatée chez 14 des spécimens juvéniles tandis qu'aucun des spécimens adultes n'a mué ou ne s'est régénéré. Les capacités de régénération varient à travers le règne animal.

Les vers plats, par exemple, peuvent faire repousser leur corps à partir de seulement quelques cellules. Les vertébrés, dont les hommes, n'ont quasiment aucune capacité de régénération à l'exception de quelques espèces comme les lézards, qui peuvent faire repousser leurs queues.

Selon Gerhard Scholz, les résultats de l'étude ouvrent de nouvelles voies de recherche dans le domaine. "Une multitude d'espèces différentes peuvent être testées de cette manière", dit-il, ce qui pourrait permettre de comparer les mécanismes de régénération. "Au bout du compte, peut-être que les mécanismes que nous découvrons chez les arthropodes nous aiderons dans les traitements médicaux après la perte d'un membre, d'un doigt, etc... chez les humains", espère le chercheur.


Les faisans ne sont pas tous égaux face au renard

Les faisans ne sont pas tous égaux face au renard, les plus doués en termes de mémoire ayant le plus grand territoire et surtout les plus grandes chances de survie, selon une étude lundi.

En théorie, rien de nouveau, la taille du territoire de la plupart des animaux serait liée à ses capacités cognitives, ne serait-ce que pour se souvenir de ses limites. Mais cela reste difficile à prouver "parce qu'ils peuvent avoir d'autres raisons de se limiter à un petit territoire", par exemple s'ils y trouvent suffisamment de ressources, explique le biologiste de l'évolution Robert Heathcote, de l'Université de Bristol.

Pour en avoir le cœur net, une équipe de l'Université britannique d'Exeter, et d'universités néerlandaise et israéliennes, a mené une expérience grandeur nature dans une forêt du Devon, dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre.

Avant d'y être lâchés, 126 faisans élevés en captivité ont subi sur quelques semaines trois tests jaugeant leur capacités cognitives, et notamment deux types de mémoire spatiale.

La mémoire dite de travail, qui est de court terme, permet à un individu de se souvenir que s'il a trouvé un ver de terre à un endroit, il ne sert à rien d'y retourner cinq minutes plus tard. La deuxième, dite mémoire de référence spatiale, de plus long terme, permet au faisan de se souvenir d'un trajet même après plusieurs jours.

L'étude publiée dans Nature Ecology & Evolution établit que c'est cette mémoire de référence spatiale qui dicte la taille du territoire d'un faisan. Ce territoire, "qui est la zone où il passe l'essentiel de son temps, est aussi celui qu'il connaît le mieux", selon M. Heathcote. Son étendue va de moins de cent mètres de long et jusqu'à un kilomètre carré.

- Territoires de la mort -

En l'espace de six mois, les chercheurs ont enregistré la prédation de 45 faisans, tous sous les crocs de renards roux. Chaque volatile était équipé d'une minuscule balise d'une dizaine de grammes, conçue par les chercheurs israéliens, permettant sa localisation quasiment en temps réel.

"Ce qui a permis de savoir quand la trajectoire de la balise n'était plus celle du faisan, mais était devenue celui du renard", explique en souriant M. Heathcote à l'AFP. La déambulation prudente du volatile se muait, une fois saisi dans la mâchoire de son prédateur, en trajectoire rectiligne, rapide et lointaine du renard, vers un endroit où dévorer tranquillement sa proie.

Les faisans les plus susceptibles de terminer leur existence de cette manière étaient ceux ayant une piètre mémoire de référence spatiale. Leur fin était aussi beaucoup plus probable aux frontières de leur territoire. "La connaissance d'une zone aide le faisan à rester vivant", et inversement, selon le Dr Joah Madden, de l'Université d'Exeter, cité dans un communiqué.

Même dans les zones de chasse préférées des renards, que M. Heathcote a baptisé "territoires de la mort", les chances de survie d'un faisan dépendent avant tout de son expérience du terrain. Les plus habiles n'évitent pas la zone de la mort, mais "avec le temps ils peuvent apprendre quelles sont les voies les plus rapides et les plus sûres pour échapper à une attaque".

Pour les faisans qui échappent aux crocs, reste le risque de finir criblé de plomb par l'homme.


Le maire d'extrᅵme-droite de Perpignan s'est augmentᅵ de 17% juste aprᅵs son ᅵlection

C'est un classique. Juste aprï¿œs leur victoire, certains ï¿œlus locaux font voter une augmentation de leur salaire. Une dï¿œcision qui intervient au dï¿œbut de leur mandat, histoire que les ï¿œlecteurs aient le temps...


0 800 : le numï¿œro vert sur le covid rapporte gros et informe peu (certains tï¿œlï¿œopï¿œrateurs sont des intï¿œrimaires formï¿œs en 30 minutes)

Inquiet par le coronavirus ? Vous pouvez appeler le numï¿œro vert 0 800 130 000. C'est Emmanuel Macron lui-mï¿œme qui en a fait la promotion dans un tweet en avril 2020, en plein confinement. Ce 0 800 fait partie de la longue liste...


Virtual Computing Laboratories: A Case Study with Comparisons to Physical Computing Laboratories


Teaching High School Students Applied Logical Reasoning


Learning & Personality Types: A Case Study of a Software Design Course


Two-Dimensional Parson’s Puzzles: The Concept, Tools, and First Observations


Examining the Efficacy of Personal Response Devices in Army Training


A Comparison of Student Academic Performance with Traditional, Online, And Flipped Instructional Approaches in a C# Programming Course

Aim/Purpose: Compared student academic performance on specific course requirements in a C# programming course across three instructional approaches: traditional, online, and flipped. Background: Addressed the following research question: When compared to the online and traditional instructional approaches, does the flipped instructional approach have a greater impact on student academic performance with specific course requirements in a C# programming course? Methodology: Quantitative research design conducted over eight 16-week semesters among a total of 271 participants who were undergraduate students en-rolled in a C# programming course. Data collected were grades earned from specific course requirements and were analyzed with the nonparametric Kruskal Wallis H-Test using IBM SPSS Statistics, Version 23. Contribution: Provides empirical findings related to the impact that different instructional approaches have on student academic performance in a C# programming course. Also describes implications and recommendations for instructors of programming courses regarding instructional approaches that facilitate active learning, student engagement, and self-regulation. Findings: Resulted in four statistically significant findings, indicating that the online and flipped instructional approaches had a greater impact on student academic performance than the traditional approach. Recommendations for Practitioners: Implement instructional approaches such as online, flipped, or blended which foster active learning, student engagement, and self-regulation to increase student academic performance. Recommendation for Researchers: Build upon this study and others similar to it to include factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, and previous academic history. Impact on Society: Acknowledge the growing influence of technology on society as a whole. Higher education coursework and programs are evolving to encompass more digitally-based learning contexts, thus compelling faculty to utilize instructional approaches beyond the traditional, lecture-based approach. Future Research: Increase the number of participants in the flipped instructional approach to see if it has a greater impact on student academic performance. Include factors beyond student academic performance to include gender, age, ethnicity, and previous academic history.


COVID-19 Pandemic and the Use of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) Platforms: Lessons From a Nigerian University

Aim/Purpose: This study examines the use of the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) platform by undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, during the COVID-19 pandemic using the constructs of the UTAUT2 model. Five constructs of the UTAUT2 model were adopted to investigate the use of the ERT platform by undergraduates of the university. Background: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak disrupted academic activities in educational institutions, leading to an unprecedented school closure globally. In response to the pandemic, higher educational institutions adopted different initiatives aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted flow of their teaching and learning activities. However, there is little research on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates in Nigerian universities. Methodology: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 334 undergraduates at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, while a questionnaire was used to collect data from 271 students. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and regression analysis. Contribution: The study contributes to understanding ERT use in the educational institutions of Nigeria – Africa’s most populous country. Furthermore, the study adds to the existing body of knowledge on how the UTAUT2 Model could explain the use of information technologies in different settings. Findings: Findings revealed that there was a positive significant relationship between habit, hedonic motivation, price value, and social influence on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates. Hedonic motivation strongly predicted the use of ERT platforms by most undergraduates. Recommendations for Practitioners: As a provisional intervention in times of emergencies, the user interface, navigation, customization, and other aesthetic features of ERT platforms should be more appealing and enjoyable to ensure their optimum utilization by students. Recommendation for Researchers: More qualitative research is required on users’ satisfaction, concerns, and support systems for ERT platforms in educational institutions. Future studies could consider the use of ERT by students in different countries and contexts such as students participating in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and the English for Speakers of other languages (ESOL) programs. Impact on Society: As society faces increased uncertainties of the next global pandemic, this article reiterates the crucial roles of information technology in enriching teaching and learning activities in educational institutions. Future Research: Future research should focus on how different technology theories and models could explain the use of ERT platforms at different educational institutions in other geographical settings and contexts.


A Constructionist Approach to Learning Computational Thinking in Mathematics Lessons

Aim/Purpose: This study presents some activities that integrate computational thinking (CT) into mathematics lessons utilizing GeoGebra to promote constructionist learning. Background: CT activities in the Indonesian curriculum are dominated by worked examples with less plugged-mode activities that might hinder students from acquiring CT skills. Therefore, we developed mathematics and CT (math+CT) lessons to promote students’ constructionist key behaviors while learning. Methodology: The researchers utilized an educational design research (EDR) to guide the lesson’s development. The lesson featured 11 applets and 22 short questions developed in GeoGebra. To improve the lesson, it was sent to eight mathematics teachers and an expert in educational technology for feedback, and the lesson was improved accordingly. The improved lessons were then piloted with 17 students, during which the collaborating mathematics teachers taught the lessons. Data were collected through the students’ work on GeoGebra, screen recording when they approached the activities, and interviews. We used content analysis to analyze the qualitative data and presented descriptive statistics to quantitative data. Contribution: This study provided an example and insight into how CT can be enhanced in mathematics lessons in a constructionist manner. Findings: Students were active in learning mathematics and CT, especially when they were engaged in programming and debugging tasks. Recommendations for Practitioners: Educators are recommended to use familiar mathematics software such as GeoGebra to support students’ CT skills while learning mathematics. Additionally, our applets are better run on big-screen devices to optimize students’ CT programming and debugging skills. Moreover, it is recommended that students work collaboratively to benefit from peer feedback and discussion. Recommendation for Researchers: Collaboration with teachers will help researchers better understand the situation in the classroom and how the students will respond to the activities. Additionally, it is important to provide more time for students to get familiar with GeoGebra and start with fewer errors to debug. Future Research: Further research can explore more mathematics topics when integrating CT utilizing GeoGebra or other mathematics software or implement the lessons with a larger classroom size to provide a more generalizable result and deeper understanding.


A novel IoT-enabled portable, secure automatic self-lecture attendance system: design, development and comparison

This study focuses on the importance of monitoring student attendance in education and the challenges faced by educators in doing so. Existing methods for attendance tracking have drawbacks, including high costs, long processing times, and inaccuracies, while security and privacy concerns have often been overlooked. To address these issues, the authors present a novel internet of things (IoT)-based self-lecture attendance system (SLAS) that leverages smartphones and QR codes. This system effectively addresses security and privacy concerns while providing streamlined attendance tracking. It offers several advantages such as compact size, affordability, scalability, and flexible features for teachers and students. Empirical research conducted in a live lecture setting demonstrates the efficacy and precision of the SLAS system. The authors believe that their system will be valuable for educational institutions aiming to streamline attendance tracking while ensuring security and privacy.


Study on personalised recommendation method of English online learning resources based on improved collaborative filtering algorithm

In order to improve recommendation coverage, a personalised recommendation method for English online learning resources based on improved collaborative filtering algorithm is studied to enhance the comprehensiveness of personalised recommendation for learning resources. Use matrix decomposition to decompose the user English online learning resource rating matrix. Cluster low dimensional English online learning resources by improving the K-means clustering algorithm. Based on the clustering results, calculate the backfill value of English online learning resources and backfill the information matrix of low dimensional English online learning resources. Using an improved collaborative filtering algorithm to calculate the predicted score of learning resources, personalised recommendation of English online learning resources for users based on the predicted score. Experimental results have shown that this method can effectively backfill English online learning resources, and the resource backfilling effect is excellent, and it has a high recommendation coverage rate.


A personalised recommendation method for English teaching resources on MOOC platform based on data mining

In order to enhance the accuracy of teaching resource recommendation results and optimise user experience, a personalised recommendation method for English teaching resources on the MOOC platform based on data mining is proposed. First, the learner's evaluation of resources and resource attributes are abstracted into the same space, and resource tags are established using the Knowledge graph. Then, interest preference constraints are introduced to mine sequential patterns of user historical learning behaviour in the MOOC platform. Finally, a graph neural network is used to construct a recommendation model, which adjusts users' short-term and short-term interest parameters to achieve dynamic personalised teaching recommendation resources. The experimental results show that the accuracy and recall of the resource recommendation results of the research method are always higher than 0.9, the normalised sorting gain is always higher than 0.5.


Stock market response to mergers and acquisitions: comparison between China and India

This research delves into the wealth effect of shareholders from bidding firms created by mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in China and India, two of the world's most populous nations. The study reveals that on average, M&A deals create wealth for shareholders of the acquiring firms, as determined by abnormal percentage returns in a five-day event window. Regarding the further classification of acquiring firms based on industry, the abnormal percentage returns vary in different sectors in both countries. In China, shareholders benefit in seven out of ten industries, while in India, they gain in five out of nine industries. Moreover, the stock markets' responses vary depending on the type of M&A in each country. Cross-industry M&A deals in China generate higher gains for shareholders than within-industry deals, whereas, in India, within-industry M&A deals generate higher gains.


A Comparison of Learning and Teaching Styles – Self-Perception of IT Students


Introducing Instruction into a Personalised Learning Environment


Critical Thinking and Reasoning for Information Systems Students


Principals, Agents and Prisoners: An Economical Perspective on Information Systems Development Practice


Meta-Analysis of Clinical Cardiovascular Data towards Evidential Reasoning for Cardiovascular Life Cycle Management


Blended Proposal of Orientation Scientific Works by Comparison Face-to-Face and Online Processes


Prisoner’s Attitudes Toward Using Distance Education Whilst in Prisons in Saudi Arabia


A Comparison Study of Impact Factor in Web of Science and Scopus Databases for Engineering Education and Educational Technology Journals


Design and Implementation of an HCI course for MIS students – Some lessons

Courses on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) largely differ in the conception of the role of the course in the program, in the topics to be included, in emphases, in the instructional strategies that are employed, and more. This paper describes the design and implementation of a HCI course for students of the Management Information Systems department in our college. Students’ intermediate and final homework assignments were analyzed to provide feedback for the course design. Quantitative analysis showed high correlation between the quality of the requirement analysis performed by the students and the quality of the final interface prototype, and also that the quality of design alternatives that were considered by the students can be a good predictor for the quality of the overall interface design. Qualitative analysis of students’ submissions showed the need for practicing skills required in users’ studies, especially conducting interviews and observations. Implications from these and other findings are discussed.


Benefits of Employing a Personal Response System in a Decision Analysis Course

This paper describes the employment of a Personal Response System (PRS) during a Decision Analysis course for Management Information Systems (MIS) students. The description shows how the carefully designed PRS-based questions, the delivery, and the follow-up discussions; provided a context for eliciting and exercising central concepts of the course topics as well as central skills required for MIS majors. A sample of PRS-based questions is presented along with a description for each question of its purpose, the way it was delivered, the response rate, the responses and their frequencies, and the respective in-class discussion. Lessons from these findings are discussed.


Flipped Classroom: A Comparison Of Student Performance Using Instructional Videos And Podcasts Versus The Lecture-Based Model Of Instruction

The authors present the results of a study conducted at a comprehensive, urban, coeducational, land-grant university. A quasi-experimental design was chosen for this study to compare student performance in two different classroom environments, traditional versus flipped. The study spanned 3 years, beginning fall 2012 through spring 2015. The participants included 433 declared business majors who self-enrolled in several sections of the Management Information Systems course during the study. The results of the current study mirrored those of previous works as the instructional method impacted students’ final grade. Thus, reporting that the flipped classroom approach offers flexibility with no loss of performance when compared to traditional lecture-based environments.


Ransomware: A Research and a Personal Case Study of Dealing with this Nasty Malware

Aim/Purpose : Share research finding about ransomware, depict the ransomware work in a format that commonly used by researchers and practitioners and illustrate personal case experience in dealing with ransomware. Background: Author was hit with Ransomware, suffered a lot from it, and did a lot of research about this topic. Author wants to share findings in his research and his experience in dealing with the aftermath of being hit with ransomware. Methodology: Case study. Applying the literature review for a personal case study. Contribution: More knowledge and awareness about ransomware, how it attacks peoples’ computers, and how well informed users can be hit with this malware. Findings: Even advanced computer users can be hit and suffer from Ransomware attacks. Awareness is very helpful. In addition, this study drew in chart format what is termed “The Ransomware Process”, depicting in chart format the steps that ransomware hits users and collects ransom. Recommendations for Practitioners : Study reiterates other recommendations made for dealing with ransomware attacks but puts them in personal context for more effective awareness about this malware. Recommendation for Researchers: This study lays the foundation for additional research to find solutions to the ransomware problem. IT researchers are aware of chart representations to depict cycles (like SDLC). This paper puts the problem in similar representation to show the work of ransomware. Impact on Society: Society will be better informed about ransomware. Through combining research, illustrating personal experience, and graphically representing the work of ransomware, society at large will be better informed about the risk of this malware. Future Research: Research into solutions for this problem and how to apply them to personal cases.


From Ignorance Map to Informing PKM4E Framework: Personal Knowledge Management for Empowerment

Aim/Purpose: The proposed Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) for Empowerment (PKM4E) Framework expands on the notions of the Ignorance Map and Matrix to support the educational and informing concept of a PKM system-in-progress. Background: The accelerating information abundance is depleting the very attention our cognitive capabilities are able to master, contributing to widening individual and collective opportunity divides. Support is urgently needed to benefit Knowledge Workers irrespective of space (developed/developing countries), time (study or career phase), discipline (natural or social science), or role (student, professional, leader). Methodology: The Design Science Research (DSR) project conceptualizing the PKM System (PKMS) aims to support a scenario of a ‘Decentralizing KM Revolution’ giving more power and autonomy to individuals and self-organized groups. Contribution: The informing-science-related approach synthesizes and visualizes concepts related to ignorance and entropy, learning and innovation, chance discovery and abduction to inform diverse audiences and potential beneficiaries. Findings: see Recommendation for Researchers Recommendations for Practitioners: The PKM4E learning cycles and workflows apply ‘cumulative synthesis’, a concept which convincingly couples the activities of researchers and entrepreneurs and assists users to advance their capability endowments via applied learning. Recommendation for Researchers: In substituting document-centric with meme-based knowledge bases, the PKMS approach merges distinctive voluntarily shared knowledge objects/assets of diverse disciplines into a single unified digital knowledge repository and provides the means for advancing current metrics and reputation systems. Impact on Society: The PKMS features provide the means to tackle the widening opportunity divides by affording knowledge workers with continuous life-long support from trainee, student, novice, or mentee towards professional, expert, mentor, or leader. Future Research: After completing the test phase of the PKMS prototype, its transformation into a viable PKM system and cloud-based server based on a rapid development platform and a noSQL-database is estimated to take 12 months.


Place Determinants for the Personalization-Privacy Tradeoff among Students

Aim/Purpose: This exploratory study investigates the influential factors of users’ decisions in the dilemma of whether to agree to online personalization or to protect their online privacy. Background: Various factors related to online privacy and anonymity were considered, such as user’s privacy concern on the Web in general and particularly on social networks, user online privacy literacy, and field of study. Methodology: To this end, 155 students from different fields of study in the Israeli academia were administered closed-ended questionnaires. Findings: The multivariate linear regression analysis showed that as the participants’ privacy concern increases, they tend to prefer privacy protection over online personalization. In addition, there were significant differences between men and women, as men tended to favor privacy protection more than women did. Impact on Society: This research has social implications for the academia and general public as they show it is possible to influence the personalization-privacy tradeoff and encourage users to prefer privacy protection by raising their concern for the preservation of their online privacy. Furthermore, the users’ preference to protect their privacy even at the expense of their online malleability may lead to the reduction of online privacy-paradox behavior. Future Research: Since our results were based on students' self-perceptions, which might be biased, future work should apply qualitative analysis to explore additional types and influencing factors of online privacy behavior.


How Different Are Johnson and Wang? Documenting Discrepancies in the Records of Ethnic Scholars in Scopus

Aim/Purpose. This study captures and describes the discrepancies in the performance matrices of comparable Chinese and American scholars as recorded by Scopus. Background. The contributions of Chinese scholars to the global knowledge enterprise are increasing, whereas indexing bibliometric databases (e.g., Scopus) are not optimally designed to track their names and record their work precisely. Methodology. Coarsened exact matching was employed to construct two samples of comparable Chinese and American scholars in terms of gender, fields of work, educational backgrounds, experience, and workplace. Under 200 scholars, around a third being Chinese and the rest American scholars, were selected through this data construction method. Statistical tests, including logit regressions, Poisson regression, and fractional response models, were applied to both samples to measure and verify the discrepancies stored within their Scopus accounts. Contribution. This study complicates the theory of academic identity development, especially on the intellectual strand, as it shows ethnic scholars may face more errors in how their track records are stored and presented. This study also provides inputs for the discussion of algorithmic discrimination from the academic context and to the scientific community. Findings. This paper finds that Chinese scholars are more prone to imprecise records in Scopus (i.e., more duplicate accounts, a higher gap between the best-statistic accounts, and the total numbers of publications and citations) than their American counterparts. These findings are consistent across two samples and with different statistical tests. Recommendations for Practitioners. This paper suggests practitioners and administrators at research institutions treat scholars’ metrics presented in Scopus or other bibliometric databases with caution while evaluating ethnic scholars’ contributions. Recommendations for Researchers. Scholars and researchers are suggested to dedicate efforts to monitoring their accounts on indexing bibliometric platforms. Impact on Society. This paper raises awareness of the barriers that ethnic scholars face in participating in the scientific community and being recognized for their contributions. Future Research. Future research can be built on this paper by expanding the size of the analytical samples and extending similar analyses on comparable data harvested from other bibliometric platforms.


An Improved Assessment of Personality Traits in Software Engineering


A Guided Approach for Personalized Information Search and Visualization


A Comparison of International Information Security Regulations


Research Foci, Methodologies, and Theories Used in Addressing E-Government Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in Developing Countries

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the key research foci, methodologies, and theoretical perspectives adopted by researchers when studying E-government accessibility for persons with disabilities (PWDs), particularly in developing countries. The study aims to develop a conceptual framework for designing accessible E-government for PWDs in developing countries. Background: Studies on E-government accessibility for persons with disabilities in developing countries have been minimal. The few studies conducted until now have failed to integrate PWDs, a population already marginalized, into the digital society. Accessibility has been identified by researchers as a major hindrance to PWDs participating in E-government. It is imperative therefore to examine the manner in which researchers investigate and acquire knowledge about this phenomenon. Methodology : The study synthesizes literature from top IS journals following a systematic literature review approach. The data synthesis focuses on identifying key concepts relating to E-government accessibility for PWDs. Contribution: The study contributes to the field of E-government, with a focus on how E-government services can be made accessible to PWDs. The study calls on researchers to reflect on their epistemological and ontological paradigms when examining accessibility of E-government services in developing countries. Findings: The findings show that most researchers focus on the evaluation of E-government websites and predominantly adopt quantitative methods. The study also reveals that the use of technological determinism as a theoretical lens is high among researchers. Recommendations for Practitioners : The study recommends that E-government web developers and policy makers involve PWDs from design to evaluation in the development of E-government applications. Recommendation for Researchers: The study advocates the need to conduct studies on E-government accessibility by employing more qualitative and mixed approaches to gain in-depth and better understanding of the phenomenon. Impact on Society : This study creates greater awareness and points out inadequacies that society needs to address to make E-government more inclusive of and participatory for PWDs. Future Research: Further empirical work is required in order to refine the relevance and applicability of various constructs in EADM so as to arrive at a framework for addressing E-government accessibility for PWDs in developing countries.


Reasons for Poor Acceptance of Web-Based Learning using an LMS and VLE in Ghana

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the factors that affect the post implementation success of a web-based learning management system at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA). Background: UPSA implemented an LMS to blend Web-based learning environment with the traditional methods of education to enable working students to acquire education. Methodology: An explanatory sequential mixed method was adopted, under the pragmatic paradigm, to investigate the level of acceptance of web-based learning by students. The effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and other social factors were investigated. In all, 4500 final and third-year undergraduate students of UPSA made up the population. A sample size of 870 was used for this study. Contribution: This paper contributes to the body of knowledge by identifying the factors that hinder post-implementation of LMS at the tertiary level in Ghana and adds to the general literature available. Findings: The level of acceptance of LMS seems very low due to poor IT infrastructure, inadequate training, and the relevance of the system to quality lecture delivery. However, students’ intention to use LMS and the usefulness of LMS were perceived to be high, especially among students in higher levels. Recommendations for Practitioners: The authors recommend that IT infrastructure, especially reliable and fast internet connectivity, and adequate training should be provided. Recommendation for Researchers: Further research should be done to confirm if the provision of a more reliable internet system will boost students’ internet proficiency, which in turn will improve their utilisation of the LMS. Impact on Society: Help create awareness of schooling while pursuing a career and also improve interactions between students and lecturers. It will also improve enrolment and possibly reduce the cost of education in the long-run. Future Research: Researchers can look at the possibility of implementing total virtual learning systems at the tertiary level in Ghana.


The Effect of Personality Traits on Sales Performance: An Empirical Investigation to Test the Five-Factor Model (FFM) in Pakistan

Aim/Purpose: The present study investigates the relationship between the five-factor model (FFM) of personality traits and sales performance in Pakistan. Background: Personality is a well-researched area in which numerous studies have examined the correlation between personality traits and job performance. In this study, a positive effect between the various dimensions of the five-factor model (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and open to experience) and sales performance in Pakistan is investigated. Methodology: Pearson’s correlation values as well as analysis methodologies were employed to gather descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and use the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Cronbach’s alpha value helped determine the internal consistency of the group items. Questionnaires were distributed among 600 salespersons in various cities of Pakistan from April 2015 to January 2016. Subsequently, 510 questionnaires were acquired for the sample. Contribution: The current study contributes to the literature on personality traits and sales performance by applying empirical evidence from sales managers in three industries of Pakistan: pharmaceutical, insurance, and electronics. Findings: The results affirmed a positive effect of the five-factor model on sales performance among various industries in Pakistan. The effect of each sub-factor from the five-factor model was examined autonomously. There is a favorable benefit to sales managers in considering FFM when making hiring decisions. Impact on Society: FFM offers important insights into personality traits that work well within Pakistani sales industry structure. Future Research: A broader rendering of the effects of FFM on sales organizations in other geographical locations around Pakistan should be considered. Additionally, an extended study should be conducted to investigate the effects of FFM on female sales employees involving religious and cultural forces within that country.


Knowledge Management Orientation, Market Orientation, and SME’s Performance: A Lesson from Indonesia’s Creative Economy Sector

Aim/Purpose: Two research objectives were addressed in this study. The first objective was to determine the effect of knowledge management orientation behaviour on business performance, and the second objective was to investigate the mediating effect of market orientation in the relationship between knowledge management orientation behaviour and business performance. Background: In business strategic perspective, the idea of knowledge management has been discussed widely. However, there is a lack of study exploring the notion of knowledge management orientation especially in the perspective of Indonesia’s creative economy sector. Methodology: One hundred and thirty one participants were involved in this study. They were economy creative practitioners in Indonesia. Data were analysed by using Partial Least Squares. Contribution: Upon the completion of the research objectives, this study contributes to both theoretical and practical perspectives. From a theoretical standpoint, this study proposes a conceptual model explaining the relationship among knowledge management orientation behaviour, market orientation, and business performance in Indonesia’s creative economy sector. As this study found a significant effect of knowledge sharing in market orientation and market orientation in business performance, the study showed the mediation role of market orientation in the relationship between knowledge sharing and business performance. From a practical perspective, this study implies a guideline for business practitioners in enhancing business through the application of knowledge management orientation behaviour. Findings: The results show that organizing memory, knowledge absorption, and knowledge receptivity has a direct significant effect on business performance. However, in affecting business performance, knowledge sharing must be mediated by market orientation. Recommendations for Practitioners: Based on the results of the study, practitioners should enhance their behaviour in implementing knowledge management in terms of increasing business performance. In addition, it is suggested that business practitioners must be market driven, as market orientation was found to have an important role in affecting business performance. Recommendation for Researchers: Future researchers might integrate other constructs such as innovation, marketing capabilities, or organizational learning with this current conceptual model to have more comprehensive insight about the relationship between knowledge management orientation and business performance. Impact on Society: This study suggests that business practitioners must have knowledge management driven behaviour as well as market orientation to enhance the performance of their business. Future Research: Future research might add other variables to make the conceptual model more comprehensive and also replicate this study into different industrial settings.


Millennial Experience with Online Food Home Delivery: A Lesson from Indonesia

Aim/Purpose: To examine millennial satisfaction towards online food delivery services, including e-service quality, food quality, and perceived value as the determinants and behavioral intention as the consequence. Background: Among the generational cohorts, millennials are a demanding target group for many retailers, including restaurants. Despite many studies examining millennial behavior in the restaurant context, almost no research on millennial attitudes and behavior in the context of online food home delivery service can be found. Methodology: For this research, 332 millennials completed a self-administered survey in Indonesia. To assess the associations between satisfaction and its determinants and consequences, this study employs Partial Least Square modeling. Contribution: This research extends existing knowledge of millennial satisfaction toward online food delivery service by highlighting that food quality, e-service quality and perceived value are the main determinants of satisfaction for online food purchasing among millennials. Further, this study offers support for the spillover theory in the online food home delivery service from millennial perspective. Findings: This study uncovers the important direct dual influences of e-service quality and food quality on millennial satisfaction with online food delivery services. Further, this study notes that e-service and food quality also have an indirect influence on satisfaction via perceived value. Moreover, satisfied millennial customers are more likely to re-purchase, recommend to others, and re-purchase at an increased price. Recommendations for Practitioners: For small and medium restaurants, it is suggested that they need to focus solely on their core business of providing food. If they want to offer an e-service, they should develop strategic cooperation with one or more online service providers. Recommendation for Researchers: Millennials tend to repurchase, recommend, and be willing to pay more in the future extends the existing models that look at the associations among quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention. Thus, in online restaurant purchasing services, both e-service quality and food quality should be included in the future research models. Impact on Society: This study could help restaurant industries to increase their business performance and, indirectly, impact on society as a whole by providing high quality food, employment opportunities, and tax revenues. Future Research: Future researchers can reassess the model in different countries and/or with other generation cohorts as well as including other variables such as trust, image, involvement, as well as socio-demographic factors.


Multiple Models in Predicting Acquisitions in the Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Performance Comparison

Aim/Purpose: Acquisitions play a pivotal role in the growth strategy of a firm. Extensive resources and time are dedicated by a firm toward the identification of prospective acquisition candidates. The Indian manufacturing sector is currently experiencing significant growth, organically and inorganically, through acquisitions. The principal aim of this study is to explore models that can predict acquisitions and compare their performance in the Indian manufacturing sector. Background: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have been integral to a firm’s growth strategy. Over the years, academic research has investigated multiple models for predicting acquisitions. In the context of the Indian manufacturing industry, the research is limited to prediction models. This research paper explores three models, namely Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Multilayer Perceptron, to predict acquisitions. Methodology: The methodology includes defining the accounting variables to be used in the model which have been selected based on strong theoretical foundations. The Indian manufacturing industry was selected as the focus, specifically, data for firms listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) between 2010 and 2022 from the Prowess database. There were multiple techniques, such as data transformation and data scrubbing, that were used to mitigate bias and enhance the data reliability. The dataset was split into 70% training and 30% test data. The performance of the three models was compared using standard metrics. Contribution: The research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in multiple dimensions. First, a prediction model customized to the Indian manufacturing sector has been developed. Second, there are accounting variables identified specific to the Indian manufacturing sector. Third, the paper contributes to prediction modeling in the Indian manufacturing sector where there is limited research. Findings: The study found significant supporting evidence for four of the proposed hypotheses indicating that accounting variables can be used to predict acquisitions. It has been ascertained that statistically significant variables influence acquisition likelihood: Quick Ratio, Equity Turnover, Pretax Margin, and Total Sales. These variables are intrinsically linked with the theories of liquidity, growth-resource mismatch, profitability, and firm size. Furthermore, comparing performance metrics reveals that the Decision Tree model exhibits the highest accuracy rate of 62.3%, specificity rate of 66.4%, and the lowest false positive ratio of 33.6%. In contrast, the Multilayer Perceptron model exhibits the highest precision rate of 61.4% and recall rate of 64.3%. Recommendations for Practitioners: The study findings can help practitioners build custom prediction models for their firms. The model can be developed as a live reference model, which is continually updated based on a firm’s results. In addition, there is an opportunity for industry practitioners to establish a benchmark score that provides a reference for acquisitions. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can expand the scope of research by including additional classification modeling techniques. The data quality can be enhanced by cross-validation with other databases. Textual commentary about the target firms, including management and analyst quotes, provides additional insight that can enhance the predictive power of the models. Impact on Society: The research provides insights into leveraging emerging technologies to predict acquisitions. The theoretical basis and modeling attributes provide a foundation that can be further expanded to suit specific industries and firms. Future Research: There are opportunities to expand the scope of research in various dimensions by comparing acquisition prediction models across industries and cross-border and domestic acquisitions. Additionally, it is plausible to explore further research by incorporating non-financial data, such as management commentary, to augment the acquisition prediction model.


How Students’ Information Sensitivity, Privacy Trade-Offs, and Stages of Customer Journey Affect Consent to Utilize Personal Data

Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to increase our understanding of how the stages of the customer purchase journey, privacy trade-offs, and information sensitivity of different business service sectors affect consumers’ privacy concerns. Background: The study investigated young consumers’ willingness to provide consent to use their personal data at different phases of the customer journey. This study also examined their readiness to provide consent if they receive personal benefits, and how information sensitivity varied between different individuals and business sectors. Methodology: Data was collected by a quantitative survey (n=309) and analyzed with R using the Bayesian linear mixed effect modeling approach. The sample consisted of university students in Finland, who represented a group of young and digitally native consumers. The questionnaire was designed for this study and included constructs with primarily Likert-scale items. Contribution: The study contributed to data privacy and consent management research in information sensitivity, privacy trade-off, and the customer journey. The study underlined the need for a stronger user experience focus and contextuality. Findings: The results showed that readiness to disclose personal data varied at different phases of the customer journey as privacy concerns did not decrease in a linear fashion throughout the purchase process. Perceived benefits affected the willingness to provide consent for data usage, but concerned consumers would be less trade-off oriented. Self-benefit was the most relevant reason for sharing, while customization was the least. There is a connection between the information sensitivity of different business sector information and privacy concerns. No support for gender differences was found, but age affected benefits and business sector variables. Recommendations for Practitioners: The study recommends approaching consumers’ data privacy concerns from a customer journey perspective while trying to motivate consumers to share their personal data with relevant perceived benefits. The self-benefit was the most relevant benefit for willingness to provide consent, while customization was the least. Recommendation for Researchers: The study shows that individual preference for privacy was a major factor directly and via interaction for all three models. This study also showed that consumers’ subjective decision-making in privacy issues is both a situational and a contextual factor. Impact on Society: This study could encourage policymakers and societies to develop guidelines on how to develop privacy practices and consent management to be more user centric as individuals are increasingly concerned about their online privacy. Future Research: This study encourages examining consumers’ motivational factors to provide digital consent for companies with experimental research settings. This study also calls to explore perceived benefits in all age groups from the perspective of different information in various business sectors. This study shows that privacy concern is a contextual and situational factor.


Personalized Tourism Recommendations: Leveraging User Preferences and Trust Network

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a solution for personalized tourism recommendations that addresses information overload, data sparsity, and the cold-start problem. It focuses on enabling tourists to choose the most suitable tourism-related facilities, such as restaurants and hotels, that match their individual needs and preferences. Background: The tourism industry is experiencing a significant shift towards digitalization due to the increasing use of online platforms and the abundance of user data. Travelers now heavily rely on online resources to explore destinations and associated options like hotels, restaurants, attractions, transportation, and events. In this dynamic landscape, personalized recommendation systems play a crucial role in enhancing user experience and ensuring customer satisfaction. However, existing recommendation systems encounter major challenges in precisely understanding the complexities of user preferences within the tourism domain. Traditional approaches often rely solely on user ratings, neglecting the complex nature of travel choices. Data sparsity further complicates the issue, as users might have limited interactions with the system or incomplete preference profiles. This sparsity can hinder the effectiveness of these systems, leading to inaccurate or irrelevant recommendations. The cold-start problem presents another challenge, particularly with new users who lack a substantial interaction history within the system, thereby complicating the task of recommending relevant options. These limitations can greatly hinder the performance of recommendation systems and ultimately reduce user satisfaction with the overall experience. Methodology: The proposed User-based Multi-Criteria Trust-aware Collaborative Filtering (UMCTCF) approach exploits two key aspects to enhance both the accuracy and coverage of recommendations within tourism recommender systems: multi-criteria user preferences and implicit trust networks. Multi-criteria ratings capture the various factors that influence user preferences for specific tourism items, such as restaurants or hotels. These factors surpass a simple one-star rating and take into account the complex nature of travel choices. Implicit trust relationships refer to connections between users that are established through shared interests and past interactions without the need for explicit trust declarations. By integrating these elements, UMCTCF aims to provide more accurate and reliable recommendations, especially when data sparsity limits the ability to accurately predict user preferences, particularly for new users. Furthermore, the approach employs a switch hybridization scheme, which combines predictions from different components within UMCTCF. This scheme leads to a more robust recommendation strategy by leveraging diverse sources of information. Extensive experiments were conducted using real-world tourism datasets encompassing restaurants and hotels to evaluate the effectiveness of UMCTCF. The performance of UMCTCF was then compared against baseline methods to assess its prediction accuracy and coverage. Contribution: This study introduces a novel and effective recommendation approach, UMCTCF, which addresses the limitations of existing methods in personalized tourism recommendations by offering several key contributions. First, it transcends simple item preferences by incorporating multi-criteria user preferences. This allows UMCTCF to consider the various factors that users prioritize when making tourism decisions, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of user choices and, ultimately, more accurate recommendations. Second, UMCTCF leverages the collective wisdom of users by incorporating an implicit trust network into the recommendation process. By incorporating these trust relationships into the recommendation process, UMCTCF enhances its effectiveness, particularly in scenarios with data sparsity or new users with limited interaction history. Finally, UMCTCF demonstrates robustness towards data sparsity and the cold-start problem. This resilience in situations with limited data or incomplete user profiles makes UMCTCF particularly suitable for real-world applications in the tourism domain. Findings: The results consistently demonstrated UMCTCF’s superiority in key metrics, effectively addressing the challenges of data sparsity and new users while enhancing both prediction accuracy and coverage. In terms of prediction accuracy, UMCTCF yielded significantly more accurate predictions of user preferences for tourism items compared to baseline methods. Furthermore, UMCTCF achieved superior coverage compared to baseline methods, signifying its ability to recommend a wider range of tourism items, particularly for new users who might have limited interaction history within the system. This increased coverage has the potential to enhance user satisfaction by offering a more diverse and enriching set of recommendations. These findings collectively highlight the effectiveness of UMCTCF in addressing the challenges of personalized tourism recommendations, paving the way for improved user satisfaction and decision-making within the tourism domain. Recommendations for Practitioners: The proposed UMCTCF approach offers a potential opportunity for tourism recommendation systems, enabling practitioners to create solutions that prioritize the needs and preferences of users. By incorporating UMCTCF into online tourism platforms, tourists can utilize its capabilities to make well-informed decisions when selecting tourism-related facilities. Furthermore, UMCTCF’s robust design allows it to function effectively even in scenarios with data sparsity or new users with limited interaction history. This characteristic makes UMCTCF particularly valuable for real-world applications, especially in scenarios where these limitations are common obstacles. Recommendation for Researchers: The success of UMCTCF can open up new avenues in personalized recommendation research. One promising direction lies in exploring the integration of additional contextual information, such as temporal (time-based) or location-based information. By incorporating these elements, the model could be further improved, allowing for even more personalized recommendations. Furthermore, exploring the potential of UMCTCF in domains other than tourism has considerable significance. By exploring its effectiveness in other e-commerce domains, researchers can broaden the impact of UMCTCF and contribute to the advancement of personalized recommendation systems across various industries. Impact on Society: UMCTCF has the potential to make a positive impact on society in various ways. By delivering accurate and diverse recommendations that are tailored to individual user preferences, UMCTCF fosters a more positive and rewarding user experience with tourism recommendation systems. This can lead to increased user engagement with tourism platforms, ultimately enhancing overall satisfaction with travel planning. Furthermore, UMCTCF enables users to make more informed decisions through broader and more accurate recommendations, potentially reducing planning stress and leading to more fulfilling travel experiences. Future Research: Expanding upon the success of UMCTCF, future research activities can explore several promising paths. Enriching UMCTCF with various contextual data, such as spatial or location-based data, to enhance recommendation accuracy and relevance. Leveraging user-generated content, like reviews and social media posts, could provide deeper insights into user preferences and sentiments, improving personalization. Additionally, applying UMCTCF in various e-commerce domains beyond tourism, such as online shopping, entertainment, and healthcare, could yield valuable insights and enhance recommendation systems. Finally, exploring the integration of optimization algorithms could improve both recommendation accuracy and efficiency.


Learning-Based Models for Building User Profiles for Personalized Information Access

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the success of deep learning in building user profiles for personalized information access. Background: To better express document content and information during the matching phase of the information retrieval (IR) process, deep learning architectures could potentially offer a feasible and optimal alternative to user profile building for personalized information access. Methodology: This study uses deep learning-based models to deduce the domain of the document deemed implicitly relevant by a user that corresponds to their center of interest, and then used predicted domain by the best given architecture with user’s characteristics to predict other centers of interest. Contribution: This study contributes to the literature by considering the difference in vocabulary used to express document content and information needs. Users are integrated into all research phases in order to provide them with relevant information adapted to their context and their preferences meeting their precise needs. To better express document content and information during this phase, deep learning models are employed to learn complex representations of documents and queries. These models can capture hierarchical, sequential, or attention-based patterns in textual data. Findings: The results show that deep learning models were highly effective for building user profiles for personalized information access since they leveraged the power of neural networks in analyzing and understanding complex patterns in user behavior, preferences, and user interactions. Recommendations for Practitioners: Building effective user profiles for personalized information access is an ongoing process that requires a combination of technology, user engagement, and a commitment to privacy and security. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers involved in building user profiles for personalized information access play a crucial role in advancing the field and developing more innovative deep-based networks solutions by exploring novel data sources, such as biometric data, sentiment analysis, or physiological signals, to enhance user profiles. They can investigate the integration of multimodal data for a more comprehensive understanding of user preferences. Impact on Society: The proposed models can provide companies with an alternative and sophisticated recommendation system to foster progress in building user profiles by analyzing complex user behavior, preferences, and interactions, leading to more effective and dynamic content suggestions. Future Research: The development of user profile evolution models and their integration into a personalized information search system may be confronted with other problems such as the interpretability and transparency of the learning-based models. Developing interpretable machine learning techniques and visualization tools to explain how user profiles are constructed and used for personalized information access seems necessary to us as a future extension of our work.


Open the Windows of Communication: Promoting Interpersonal and Group Interactions Using Blogs in Higher Education


Comparison of Online Learning Behaviors in School vs. at Home in Terms of Age and Gender Based on Log File Analysis


Nurturing a Community of Practice through a Collaborative Design of Lesson Plans on a Wiki System


Aptness between Teaching Roles and Teaching Strategies in ICT-Integrated Science Lessons