
Vijesti :: Sigurno i bez pirotehnike u nadolazećim blagdanima

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Sigurno i bez pirotehnike u nadolazećim blagdanima
Postano: 12.11.2024. 13:22 (GMT 1) Kako bi još jednom pred nadolazeće blagdane, građanima poslali zajedničku poruku da je od izuzetnog značaja tijekom veselja i slavlja voditi računa o sigurnosti.

Zajednički možemo postići da nam nadolazeći blagdani budu mirni i spokojni. Suzdržite se od uporabe pirotehnike i na taj način kreirajte mirno i sigurno okruženje za vašu obitelj, prijatelje, susjede u vašem kvartu. Vodimo računa jedni o drugima posebno u vrijeme blagdana.

Iz policije podsjećaju da petarde i rakete nisu dio blagdanskog ozračja i njihovo neoprezno i nestručno rukovanje može izazvati teške posljedice. Pirotehnička sredstva nisu bezopasna, pogotovo kada su u dječjim rukama, i od njih mogu nastupiti teške tjelesne ozljede šaka, ruku, očiju i lica. Petarde uzrokovati požare, a njihova uporaba može biti itekako opasna u zatvorenim prostorima i na mjestima gdje se okuplja veći broj ljudi.

Kazne za one koji ne poštuju propise su dosta visoke.

Učinite svoju okolinu sigurnom, brinite za svoje susjede posebno starije životne dobi, kao i kućne ljubimce, kojima detonacije petardi nisu nimalo ugodne.

Foto: Pixabay.com/Ilustracija


Vijesti :: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija
Postano: 12.11.2024. 16:53 (GMT 1)
Proteklog vikenda održano je Prvenstvo Hrvatske za žene i muškarce U-23 u Vukovaru. Dizački klub Slavonija predstavljali su 12 natjecatelja i natjecateljica.

- Stipe Živalj (kategorija do 61 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Urban Dergez (kategorija do 73 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Teo Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Tin Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Leo Štivić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 8. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Ivan Gazdić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 5. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Sven Kroflin (kategorija do 96 kg) – 1.mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Ema Štivić (kategorija do 64 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu•
- Željka Milković (kategorija do 71 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Blanka Jurić (kategorija do 76 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Anastasija Sarkić (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Luna Varga (kategorija +87 kg) – 1. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu

Ovime je Dizački klub Slavonija kući nosio 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja. Osim pojedinačnog poretka, mogu se pohvaliti i ekipnim. Žene su odnijele 2. mjesto u ekipnom poretku, a muški 1. mjesto.

Čestitamo svim natjecateljima, posebno našim članovima. Neka nastave trenirati kao i dosad, predano i disciplinirano i rezultati će se pokazati sami, kažu iz kluba.

Tekst i foto: DK Slavonija


Vijesti :: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 12.11.2024. 20:15 (GMT 1) Mjesec prosinac, mjesec darivanja i druženja s dragim ljudima. S prosincom završavamo i još jednu uspješnu godinu, a zašto ju ne bi završili uz nama drage ljude.

Restoran Corner vas povodom toga poziva na božićno okupljanje. Idealna prilika da se opustite i uživate u ukusnoj hrani i veseloj atmosferi.

Božićni domjenak traje od 20:00 sati do dva sata iza ponoći.

Restoran Corner je pripremio i buffet menu:

- Roastbeef s Waldorf salatom, tostirana focaccia
- Winter Rolls, rolice od hrskavog tijesta punjene carskim mesom i kiselim kupusom s umakom od hrena
- Domaći kroketi punjeni pilećim prsima i sirom s curry makom
- Rižoto od cikle s dimljenim šaranom, orasima i sirom
- Domaći krumpir & sir s umakom od majoneze i tartufa
- Arančini

Glavno jelo:
- Zalogajna jela s roštilja
- Pork belly s rižom i coleslaw salatom
- Pileći odrezak punjen celerom, šunkom i sirom s njokima od bundeve u umaku od sira
- Pohani Šokački odrezak s pireom od krumpira
- Gulaš na Tikveški s lovačkom roladom
- Punjene lignje, parisienne krumpir s espumom od blitve

Turšija iz lokalnog OPG-a
- Šopska
Pečena paprika s uljem češnjaka i peršina
- Zelene salate
- Povrće sa žara na salatu s maslinovim uljem i tostiranim pinjolima

- Slatke domaće štrukle s malinama
- Štrudla s jabukama
- Torta od mrkve
- Božićni tiramisu

Piće (No limit):
od 20:00 do 02:00 sata
ŽESTOKA PIĆA I LIKERI: Dewars, Pelinkovac, Višnja, Šljivovica, Jagermeister, Gin
PIVO: Karlovačko pivo, Karlovačko crno, Karlovačko radler, Crni radler
VINA: Graševina Belje, Cabernet Sauvignon Belje, pjenušac La Belle Grand
VODA I SOKOVI: Jamnica, Jana, Coca cola, Fanta, Tonic, Pago Jabuka, Pago Naranča
KAVA: Instant kava (samoposluživanje)

Božićna interakcija:
- Foto kutak s božićnim motivima
- Svečano osvjetljenje i dekoracije

Cijena po osobi (za hranu i piće u neograničenim količinama) je 60 eura, a za sve informacije i rezervacije možete se javiti na broj: 091 250 00 24 ili putem e-mail adrese: uprava@corner-osijek.hr.

Kako do restorana Corner? Corner Osijek nalazi se u Osijeku u Velebitskoj ulici u gradskoj četvrti Jug II.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje Alasov pladanj za dvije osobe. Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

[klik za uvećanje]


Alg�rie : des livres chinois attirent l'attention des lecteurs lors du Salon international du livre d'Alger

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Inverted tables: an alternative to relational structures


The inverted table format can deliver fast and flexible query capabilities, but is not widely used. ADABAS is probably the most successful implementation, but how often do you see that nowadays? Following is a description of how to implement inverted structures within a relational database. All code run on Oracle Database 12c, release

Consider this table and a few rows, that describe the contents of my larder:

create table food(id number,capacity varchar2(10),container varchar2(10),item varchar2(10));
insert into food values(1,'large','bag','potatoes');
insert into food values(2,'small','box','carrots');
insert into food values(3,'medium','tin','peas');
insert into food values(4,'large','box','potatoes');
insert into food values(5,'small','tin','carrots');
insert into food values(6,'medium','bag','peas');
insert into food values(7,'large','tin','potatoes');
insert into food values(8,'small','bag','carrots');
insert into food values(9,'medium','box','peas');

The queries I run against the table might be "how many large boxes have I?" or "give me all the potatoes, I don't care about how they are packed". The idea is that I do not know in advance what columns I will be using in my predicate: it could be any combination. This is a common issue in a data warehouse.
So how do I index the table to satisfy any possible query? Two obvious possibilities:
First, build an index on each column, and the optimizer can perform an index_combine operation on whatever columns happen to be listed in the predicate. But that means indexing every column - and the table might have hundreds of columns. No way can I do that.
Second, build a concatenated index across all the columns: in effect, use an IOT. That will give me range scan access if any of the predicated columns are in the leading edge of the index key followed by filtering on the rest of the predicate. Or if the predicate does not include the leading column(s), I can get skip scan access and filter. But this is pretty useless, too: there will be wildly divergent performance depending on the predicate.
The answer is to invert the table:
create table inverted(colname varchar2(10),colvalue varchar2(10),id number);
insert into inverted select 'capacity',capacity,id from food;
insert into inverted select 'container',container,id from food;
insert into inverted select 'item',item,id from food;

Now just one index on each table can satisfy all queries:
create index food_i on food(id);
create index inverted_i on inverted(colname,colvalue);

To retrieve all the large boxes:
orclz> set autotrace on explain
orclz> select * from food where id in
  2  (select id from inverted where colname='capacity' and colvalue='large'
  3  intersect
  4  select id from inverted where colname='container' and colvalue='box');

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         4 large      box        potatoes

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1945359172

| Id  | Operation                                | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | C
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                         |            |     3 |   141 |
|   1 |  MERGE JOIN                              |            |     3 |   141 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID            | FOOD       |     9 |   306 |
|   3 |    INDEX FULL SCAN                       | FOOD_I     |     9 |       |
|*  4 |   SORT JOIN                              |            |     3 |    39 |
|   5 |    VIEW                                  | VW_NSO_1   |     3 |    39 |
|   6 |     INTERSECTION                         |            |       |       |
|   7 |      SORT UNIQUE                         |            |     3 |    81 |
|   8 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| INVERTED   |     3 |    81 |
|*  9 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | INVERTED_I |     3 |       |
|  10 |      SORT UNIQUE                         |            |     3 |    81 |
|  11 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| INVERTED   |     3 |    81 |
|* 12 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | INVERTED_I |     3 |       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   4 - access("ID"="ID")
   9 - access("COLNAME"='capacity' AND "COLVALUE"='large')
  12 - access("COLNAME"='container' AND "COLVALUE"='box')

   - dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)


Or all the potatoes:
orclz> select * from food where id in
  2  (select id from inverted where colname='item' and colvalue='potatoes');

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 large      bag        potatoes
         4 large      box        potatoes
         7 large      tin        potatoes

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 762525239

| Id  | Operation                              | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cos
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |            |     3 |   183 |
|   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                          |            |       |       |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                         |            |     3 |   183 |
|   3 |    SORT UNIQUE                         |            |     3 |    81 |
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| INVERTED   |     3 |    81 |
|*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | INVERTED_I |     3 |       |
|*  6 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN                    | FOOD_I     |     1 |       |
|   7 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID          | FOOD       |     1 |    34 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   5 - access("COLNAME"='item' AND "COLVALUE"='potatoes')
   6 - access("ID"="ID")

   - dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)
   - this is an adaptive plan


Of course, consideration needs to be given to handling more complex boolean expressions; maintaining the inversion is going to take resources; and a query generator has to construct the inversion code and re-write the queries. But In principle, this structure can deliver indexed access for unpredictable predicates of any number of any columns, with no separate filtering operation. Can you do that with a normalized star schema? I don't think so.
I hope this little thought experiment has stimulated the little grey cells, and made the point that relational structures are not always optimal for all problems.
John Watson
Oracle Certified Master DBA


Salmo Rattlin Hornet 4,5F

De Rattlin Hornet heeft net dat extraatje voor als de gewone Hornet niet overtuigend genoeg is, een ratel! De Hornet heeft zijn reputatie als hard werkende crankbait niet voor niets verdient! Miljoene Hornets zijn in gebruik bij vissers in verschillende landen en elke dag wordt er mee gevangen! Zo vervullen ze de droom van menig visser. Vanaf de introductie is dit een van de best-sellers geweest van Salmo.


Return of an SEO – Phönix aus der Asche 2.0

Eigentlich kaum zu glauben, wie lange ich hier nichts mehr geschrieben habe. Doch jetzt hat es mich wieder gepackt. Der alte Mann ist zurück an der Stelle, an der er sich früher über Seo und Gott und die Welt ausgetobt hat. Und es ist nicht so, dass ich nicht an anderer Stelle als Blogger oder ...

Weiterlesen ...

Der Beitrag Return of an SEO – Phönix aus der Asche 2.0 erschien zuerst auf SOS Seo Blog.


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Manager großer Börsenkonzerne verdienen so viel wie nie

Im Schnitt 2,65 Millionen Euro haben Vorstände von Deutschlands großen Börsenunternehmen 2023 verdient - so viel wie nie zuvor. Der mit Abstand bestbezahlte Manager führt den kriselnden VW-Konzern an.


Internet Scams: Don't Get Scammed this Holiday Season says FBI

Be wary of e-mails or text messages that indicate a problem or question regarding your financial accounts. Criminals will attempt to direct victims to click a link or call a number to update an account or correct a purported problem. The links may appear to lead you to legitimate websites, but they are not. Any personal information you share on them could be compromised. Internet Scams: Don't Get Scammed this Holiday Season says FBI


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U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

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Correction: U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+ 


IRS: Need Extra Time to Complete Your Tax Return? File for an Extension

Even though the tax filing deadline is later than usual this year – April 17 – many taxpayers may still need more time to file their tax return. If you need extra time, you can get an automatic six-month extension of time to file from the IRS...... IRS: Need Extra Time to Complete Your Tax Return? File for an Extension


Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014.

This exciting session of Grand Rounds focused on rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases. As our world increases in interconnectivity of both technology and people, the rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases becomes more important for disease treatment, control, and prevention.Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014. 


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The Unstoppable MLM Juggernaut

If you don't know anything about comic books,
Juggernaut is a character in Marvel Comic's X-Men and
he's basically invincible.

Once he get's moving there's nothing that can stop him.

He's a giant imposing character and basically anything
he wants he gets. I like that idea!

As a kid whenever he was a character in one the comic
episodes on TV I felt drawn to this character and even
more so today as I help pave the way to success for
network marketers online.

I'd like to think I'm a little like him.

Any problem that get's in my way I find a way to bust
through it and really that's all there is to success in
business and in your network marketing.

What I mean is, as a network marketer you have problems
that you are faced with the second you start your

-How to find people interested in your business

-How to present your business in a way that get's
people excited to jump on your bandwagon

-How to make it easy for others to do the same

And well . . .

If you can solve these problems you become something of
a network marketing Juggernaut yourself.

So I have a little bit of homework for you today . . .

Sit down and write out ever problem that you are having
in your business.

Set the piece of paper aside until tomorrow and then
come back and think of creative ways to solve those
unique problems you're faced with in your business.

Then next week set an action plan to implement your
solutions to your problems.

Then don't stop until each problem is solved.

What's going to happen when you do this?

Invariably you'll uncover more problems to overcome in
your business.

You'll take ownership of your business.

You'll take the first steps to becoming an entrepreneur
for your own situation.

And here's a hint . . .

An entrepreneur is nothing more than a person who
solves problem for a profit.

So in your brainstorming think of ways to profit in
your business every step of the way.

Do these things right and you'll be a Juggernaut in
your own right with hordes of folks chasing you down to
learn how to do what you do.

What if you could become an Internet network marketing
Juggernaut? What if nothing stop you from succeeding in
your network marketing efforts? What if you could have
hordes of people chasing you down to join your
business? ==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


Direct Internet Network Marketing

Today's message is on a topic I rarely see discussed
online, that being how to apply direct marketing
principles to your network marketing business.

To be fair, network marketing itself, does in fact
follow a direct marketing model, but not in the most
efficient way.

It's understandable why, in many highly successful
direct marketing businesses the phone is a key
component to creating results, but you don't see the
owner of the organization on the phone themselves,
rather they hire a phone room to do the dirty work.

When done properly it can be highly effective, but when
done improperly it can alienate your customers and give
them a bad impression of you and your business.

Just yesterday, which was Sunday, I was riding along in
the car with a friend when my phone rang. It turned out
to be a telemarketer who had pulled my name from the
list of customers of someone I had purchased an
information product from trying to solicit a seminar

I was wholly closed to this because it was Sunday and I
have better things to do than be sold a ticket to a
seminar that I had no interest in.

The phone is a very sensitive media and this should be
understood. Now, instead of looking favourably upon the
person I had purchased from I will forever hold a
negative vision of them because of this call.

So that's how telemarketing can be done wrong.

In network marketing you're taught to do 3 way calls,
which can be effective, but understand when you're
taught to do this without first being taught how to
generate your leads first you're basically being
reduced to a telemarketer.

Understand that the phone if you so choose to use it in
your business is only one piece of the puzzle and all
pieces must be present for optimum success.

It starts with lead generations. Where are you going to
find your prospective recruits? Online there are
several different ways to do this.

Next comes qualifying them. How are you going to get
them to raise their hand and show you that they are
interested in what you have? Are you going to use a
lead capture page or something else to have your leads
qualify themselves?

Next comes communication with your leads. How are you
going to constantly communicate with your leads so that
a trusting relationship is built? Are you going to use
email, teleseminars, personal phone follow up, or are
you going to do them all.

Finally we come to the offer. What are you going to
offer your prospects that they want and how are you
going to have them take action to get it? Will it be a
sales page that you use, direct mail?

In all this you have to understand that all parts of
the system must be congruent with each other. You can't
get traffic from people interested in health and sell
them personal development. It won't work optimally.

Further you can't have your leads opt into a lead
capture page for one thing and then in your email
follow up talk about something completely different.

It's all got to fit together.

And you've got to offer your prospects what they want.
So you have to know what they want. You can't guess at
this, because you don't know until you ask them.

It's like the game show "Family Feud" you don't get
points for giving the BEST answer you win by giving the
answer that most people polled said.

It's not about you, it's about them.

All these things must be in harmony for you to leverage
a direct marketing approach to network marketing most
effectively, it's not just getting some leads from a
leads company and calling them.

If you just do this you'll miss out on truly leveraging
what direct marketing should be for your network
marketing business, especially when we talk about the

What if you could grow a network marketing organization
of 6057 in less than 2 years and personally recruit 401
people without picking up the phone? Imagine how
different you life could be. Here's the first step to
making that happen. Go here now:
==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


The Duality Of Internet Network Marketing

(This is an extract from our newsletter - if you would
like to find out more check out the resource box)

It's a beautiful morning here in Washington DC. I woke
up and went out side and just sat there for a few
minutes to listen. There's a light breeze and just
hearing the rustling of the leaves as gentle wind blows
on them is a powerfully calming feeling.

As I sat there I thought about the Internet and how we
use it. As I watched the leaves blow from one direction
to the next an extremely important principle popped
into my mind. Something I've never thought about
directly, but just as that gentle wind blew the leaves
from direction so does this affect your business, maybe
without you even knowing about it.

This may be one of the most important emails that I
ever send to you. If you can understand what I am about
to say you'll understand the true fabric of both the
Internet and using the Internet to grow your network
marketing business.

Understand this . . .

Just as there are two sides to everything, a ying and
yang to say, so are there two sides to your internet
business and many make the mistake by not taking note
of this.

There are several things that you can do to generate
targeted traffic to your site and for each and every
single one of them there are about 50 guys with
products telling you and me how to do them the best.
That's fine and it's actually a good sign because it
means there truly is more than one way to skin a cat
with any given traffic generation technique, but unless
you realize what you're doing you can put a great deal
of undue stress on yourself.

I don't mean know what you're doing in terms of being
an expert in any of this stuff, I mean a goal, a vision
of what your business is going to look like one year
from now, and then 5 and 10 years from now.

Without this you can easily put yourself in a position
where you're doing far too much for little to no
appreciable result and a mind full of mixed emotions
and fear.

Quite a few of the people that email me fall into this
trap. (It's not their fault, it just happens to us a
people if we're not aware of what's going on in our
mind and let our emotions lead us.)

Their emails go something like this . . .

"John I've been doing xyz and I've generated some
traffic, but no one is buying anything I'm scared,
frustrated, and I think I'm going to quite."

What you think is what generally happens so when I read
these words I can literally see the little spark that
started their business start to flutter out.

Further . . .

Even putting things like this into writing is the wrong
idea because it creates and transmits the wrong mental
vibe for success, and mostly likely will send you on a
downward spiral towards a negative outlook on your
business. And if you're not positive about your
business you're on the way out.

It's reactionary in nature. Entrepreneurs don't react
they create.

And all this happens because most don't really know
what they are doing. They have a vague idea that they
want more money right now and they've found a business
with an opportunity to fulfill that, but they don't
think past it.

This happened to me when I began and it left me open to
self victimization. Anything that promised me money now
I bought

and subsequently failed.

Understand this about the internet . . .

There are things that you can do that are quick fixes
and others that will build a foundation so that your
business continues to grow for years to come.

I chose to do the later, after trying the other way.

The strategies and the mental focus differ

If you think I need to set up a PPC campaign so that I
can get people into my business today because I need
money right now then you'll most likely do the

You'll find the quickest and easiest way to put up a
vaguely targeted Google Adwords campaign and just throw
it out there to see what sticks.

Most of the stuff won't. And you'll say I generated
some traffic but nothing is happening.

On the other hand, if you think with a long term
perspective in mind on your business when you approach
your marketing, even with that same exact PPC campaign
you'll do things totally differently.

You'll say I want this campaign to still produce
targeted traffic a year from now and I don't want to
have to keep updating it all the time so let me make
sure when I do my research I do it thoroughly so I
won't have to do it again.

It will take longer to do, but the results are much
much better both in the short and long term.

Do you see what I'm saying here?

It's where you focus you mind in your marketing that
will dictate your results.

Think first of what you want and then create your
internet advertising campaign around that, and what you
want has to be more specific than just some targeted
traffic and some leads and some people in my business
so that I make money now.

Have a real defined end in mind before the game begins.

And don't think this faulty mindset is something that
only happens to us as marketers. It happens to owners
of network marketing companies that go out of business
in just a few short years and those guys launching
product after product just to see what we will buy.

These people also have a frantic "now now now" frame of

Think about the type of people and companies you are
dealing with just as much as yourself when doing your

Stay as far away from those with vaguely defined goals
and visions of what they want no matter if they are
your upline leader, company owner, or the guy you're
thinking about buying an eBook from.


Well remember how I said I was listening and watching
the leaves blow in the wind?

If you or you follow the advice of a person who only
thinks about right now well then you become just like
those leaves. You leave yourself open to whatever
weather blows you're way.

If you plan and set out only to do those things that
fit your plan you root yourself deep into the ground
like a sturdy oak tree that ain't moving.

Internet Network Marketing is about creating long term
stable wealth online, not vague ideas on how to get
rich quick only to be left broke. If you'd like to
learn the real secrets to creating a long term stable
online business that will allow you retire on here's
where to learn it live and in person:
==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


Some REAL Results In Internet Network Marketing . . .

(This is an extract from our newsletter - if you would
like to find out more check out the resource box)

The biggest problem I have with a lot of the stuff that
I see people selling to others online is that I
sometimes wonder if they are actually using the
information that they are peddling or if they are just
unloading it on the public.

If there is one thing that I will consistently be is
the biggest testimonial that Internet MLM Success works
and continues to work, so I want to share with you the
complete results of an advertising campaign that I
carried out recently in my OWN current Internet network
marketing efforts.

A few months ago I placed an ad online.

It was costly at $695.

It took about a month for the ad to run, but here are
the results . . .

The ad brought in 2818 unique views at a cost of $.25
cent per click (not so bad) . . .

It generated over 460 leads at $1.51 a lead.

Here's the IMPORTANT info . . .

From those leads I had a total of 48 people join my
team at a cost of 14.47 per new team member.

Of those 16 upgraded to a premium level in my company
on the front end, so that's an upgrade at $43.44.

All this while I was away at work.

That's what Internet network marketing is all about.

It's not about buying leads, it's about leverage.

It's about finding groups of people that are interested
in your product or service and then giving them the
opportunity see what you have to offer and THEN letting
the interested parties take action.

That way you never deal with anyone that isn't
motivated for success, and you're making the absolute
best use of your time as a marketer.

That's the way to do if you asked me . . .

What if you could guarantee you make money in your
business regardless of whether or not any joins your
==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


Gary Chew reviews "Barney's Version"

Barney Panofsky is a TV producer and thrice-married party dog whose life goes verkakte. From the book by Mordecai Richler, the movie is set in the same cynical Canadian milieu established in Richler's earlier opus, "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz". Starring Paul Giamatti, with Minnie Driver, Rosamund Pike and Dustin Hoffman. Now in limited release.


Leon Russell inducted into RnR HOF

On 3/14/2011, the Master of Space and Time was finally inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


Chew reviews "Born to Be Wild" in 3D

IMAX 3D documentary about animals whose destiny is to exist in the wild, narrated by Morgan Freeman. Opens wide on April 8.


'Captain Ben' Robert Jernigan passes

Robert Jernigan Jr. sadly informed us that his dad, who played Captain Ben on KTUL-TV, has passed away. More information in GroupBlog 330.


Saturn Room tiki bar coming to Brady District

In March, the Saturn Room will start as a cocktail lounge. Food will be introduced in 3 to 6 months. The bar will feature mid-century umbrella drinks such as Tequila Sunrise and Mai Tai, as well as "modern pyrotechnics."


Saturn Room tiki bar Grand Opening Friday

The Saturn Room Opening Night: April 10 starting at 4 pm. Address: 209 North Boulder Avenue in the Brady Arts District. Start your weekend with a Missionary's Downfall.


Pic: Phil and Carter on KOTV Kids Karnival, 1951

Phil Lassiter sent this promo photo of himself and Carter Brown, both around 12, playing and sining in this early live KOTV kiddie show.


TNP - Concerns with Store-Bought Supplements

Will your Parasite Cleansing, Colon Cleansing and Kidney Cleansing Work? This page contains advice on helping you make your parasite cleansing, colon cleansing and kidney cleansing experience simpler, less expensive and more effective.


British Maltese Biker Cross Journal

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Journal for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


Jesus Is My Happiness Journal

This Journal can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Journal

The Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Journal is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Ash Grey T-Shirt

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Ash Grey T-Shirt - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Baby Bib

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Baby Bib - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Baseball Jersey

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Baseball Jersey - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol BBQ Apron

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol BBQ Apron - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Beer Stein

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Beer Stein - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Button

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Button - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Coffee Cup

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Coffee Mug - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Dog T-Shirt

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Dog T-Shirt - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Fitted T-Shirt

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Fitted T-Shirt - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.