ant India's data centre plan in anticipation of tsunami of data in country By Published On :: 2020-02-03T08:52:38+05:30 With close to 450 million Internet users, India is already the largest market for companies like Facebook in terms of users. Full Article
ant Recent changes in plant life cycles caused by a changing climate By Published On :: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:08:28 GMT Changes in the timing of biological events in plants, such as flowering, observed in recent decades are in response to ongoing climate change, according to recent research from Spain. These results can be used to improve modelling of the effects of future climate change on plants and crops in the region. Full Article
ant BioScore tool assesses biodiversity impacts of biofuel plantations By Published On :: Mon, 17 May 2010 17:22:37 +0100 Researchers have developed a new cost-effective tool to assess the impact of policy on biodiversity at a European scale. The study used it to assess the policy of expanding woody biofuel plantations in the EU, which indicated that 28 per cent of wild species would be negatively affected and 10 per cent would experience beneficial effects. Full Article
ant One fifth of world's plants at risk of extinction By Published On :: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 13:38:54 GMT Over one fifth of all the world's plants are at risk of dying out, according to a recent report. Loss of habitats through converting natural areas to agricultural use is the largest threat to plants, affecting 33 per cent of plants assessed by this study. Full Article
ant Possible impact of climate change and fish farming on Atlantic salmon By Published On :: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 12:02:44 +0100 Urban planning policy has had a powerful influence on the amount of green space in cities, according to a recent UK study. It found that a change in planning policy in 2000 led to a decline in urban green space in nine cities between 2001 and 2006, although the amount of green space in all but one of the cities studied has increased overall since 1991. Full Article
ant Are threatened European plant species conserved in seed banks? By Published On :: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 11:14:19 +0100 A new European study has assessed whether seed banks are successfully conserving European plant species threatened by extinction. The findings indicate that threatened species are only partly conserved by seed banks, and that these facilities need to focus their future efforts on filling gaps in their collections. Full Article
ant Intensive farming methods affect birds and plants in Europe By Published On :: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 15:19:08 GMT Intensive farming methods have simplified landscapes across Europe, leading to a loss of biodiversity. A recent study has investigated the effects of intensive farming on plants, beetles and birds in Western European regions and found that plants and birds are particularly affected. Full Article
ant Fragmented forests and grasslands: plant sensitivity to habitat loss By Published On :: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 14:10:47 GMT A new study exploring the sensitivity of grassland and forest plants to decreasing habitat size and isolation in north-central Europe concludes that an irreversible shift in the most dominant plant species may already be underway in forests and grassland, where forests are more vulnerable than grasslands. Full Article
ant Habitat quality is better than quantity for species survival By Published On :: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 12:37:23 GMT A new study suggests that improving the quality of existing wildlife habitat is more important than creating new habitat, when attempting to counteract the negative effects of climate change on species survival. This suggests that resources would be better directed towards habitat rehabilitation and reforestation than building new habitat features. Full Article
ant Plant biodiversity boosts ecosystem services in drylands By Published On :: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:48:43 GMT Plant biodiversity is crucial to the functioning of natural ecosystems in drylands across the world, according to recent research. Preserving plant diversity will be particularly important for maintaining the quantity and quality of services provided by ecosystems found in drylands that are vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and desertification. Full Article
ant Reindeer are important in shaping Arctic plant communities By Published On :: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:59:38 +0100 Reindeer grazing and climate change both affect Arctic plant communities, according to new research. The study suggests that reindeer grazing management strategies could significantly influence the future Arctic landscape. Full Article
ant Extreme winter warming harms Arctic plant growth By Published On :: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:00:18 +0100 A new study has explored the effects of climate change on Arctic plants by simulating extreme winter warming events and measuring plant responses. The researchers found that considerable damage occurred to dwarf shrub species, in terms of shoot mortality, leaf and root growth. Full Article
ant Invasive alien plants threaten Antarctic biodiversity By Published On :: Thu, 3 May 2012 11:42:25 +0100 According to new research, several areas of the Antarctic are at considerable risk from the establishment of 'alien' plants accidentally carried by visitors to the region. The findings demonstrate that invasive species pose risks even in remote areas and that these risks are likely to increase as the climate changes. Full Article
ant Weeds important for restoring biodiversity in farmland environments By Published On :: Wed, 16 May 2012 11:17:15 +0100 The way in which agricultural land is managed can cause environmental changes that affect biodiversity and the services provided by ecosystems. A new study suggests agri-environmental schemes that focus on restoring common weeds, such as thistles, buttercups and clover, could have wide-ranging benefits as these plants appear to help stabilise the supportive links between different species found in farmlands. Full Article
ant Important polar ecosystem could be altered by climate change By Published On :: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:31:10 GMT Climate change could alter the species diversity of an important type of polar bacterial community, according to laboratory tests. At temperatures similar to those forecasted using current climate warming rates, researchers observed an increase in toxin-producing bacteria that could alter freshwater polar ecosystems. Full Article
ant Research stations in Antarctica could be affecting magnetic fields By Published On :: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:05:31 GMT A new aerial survey is the first to assess the possible impact of a research station in Antarctica on magnetic fields. Estimations indicated that the station generated a magnetic field that extends up to 650 metres from the station with a peak strength of 2800 nanotesla (nT) within 100 metres from the station on the ground. This may have implications for organisms in Antarctica that are negatively affected by magnetic fields but further research is needed to investigate this. Full Article
ant Choice of tree species and site can increase plant diversity in plantation forest By Published On :: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 11:41:39 GMT Careful choice of tree species and sites could transform plantations into refuges for woodland plant diversity, new research from Ireland suggests. Plantations of native species on or near historic woodland and those with adequate light levels below the tree canopy were found to support more plant species. Full Article
ant Old rural parks can provide important refuges for forest biodiversity By Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 12:00:47 +0100 Woodlands in the grounds of old manor houses or castles can provide high quality habitat for numerous forest species, a recent study from Estonia concludes. The researchers found that, compared to nearby forests, old rural park woodlands appeared to be better at supporting biodiversity. Full Article
ant Conservation efforts may be paying off for wild plants and insect pollinators By Published On :: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:32:36 +0100 Since the 1990s, rates of biodiversity loss of wild plants and their insect pollinators have slowed down in north-west Europe, according to a recent study. It is likely that conservation activities, such as agri-environmental schemes, have contributed to this improving situation. Full Article
ant Invasive hogweed plant???s impacts decrease over time By Published On :: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:42:04 GMT The damaging impacts of the invasive alien plant, the giant hogweed, decline over time, new research from the Czech Republic has concluded. Although this plant initially reduces the native species richness of the grasslands it colonises, the study found that numbers of native species increased again in sites that had been colonised by hogweed for 40 years or longer. Full Article
ant Loss of wild pollinators could substantially reduce soybean yields By Published On :: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Pollination by wild insects and honey bees improves soybean yield by 18%, new research has indicated. This equates to an extra 331.6 kg of seeds per hectare, boosting the value of the global crop by €12.74 billion. Encouraging insect pollination could therefore reduce the destruction of natural ecosystems to make way for soybean cultivation, the researchers say. Full Article
ant Sea turtle by catch: Atlantic at-risk areas located By Published On :: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Nine areas in the Atlantic where leatherback turtles are at higher risk of bycatch have been identified in a recent study. To help protect this important species less damaging fishing practices could be used in these areas, the study concludes, and some could be candidates for marine protected status. Full Article
ant Planting field margins with wildflowers give farmers a net profit By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT The pollination benefits of planting field margins with wildflowers can outweigh the costs of set-up and maintenance, a new study suggests. On US blueberry farms wildflower strips resulted in double the number of wild bees on adjacent crops and significantly increased yield, the researchers found. Full Article
ant Soil nitrogen increased through greater plant biodiversity By Published On :: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 9:23:19 GMT Increased plant biodiversity improves grassland soil quality by boosting its nitrogen levels, even in the absence of nitrogen-fixing plants, recent research has found. Previous research has shown that grasslands with higher biodiversity had higher levels of carbon and nitrogen. However, in the case of nitrogen it has been suggested that this was purely a result of increased numbers of nitrogen-fixing legumes, such as clover. This study was the first to show that, even without legumes, increased numbers of grassland species increased both carbon and nitrogen soil stocks. Full Article
ant Wild food is an important ecosystem service, study argues By Published On :: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 9:23:19 GMT Wild plants and animals consumed as food provide an important ecosystem service that deserves more policy attention, claims a recent study. To support their argument, the researchers gathered data which show the significance of wild food to European traditions, cultural identity and recreation. Full Article
ant Invasive species: monitoring system aims to protect vulnerable Antarctic By Published On :: Thu, 02 July 2015 9:23:19 GMT Better monitoring is needed to safeguard the Antarctic against threats posed by invasive alien species, according to a new study. The authors developed ‘the Antarctic Biological Invasions Indicator’ (ABII) to help generate data for tracking trends in alien invasions and the measures taken to prevent them. Full Article
ant The global spread of alien plants By Published On :: Thu, 24 September 2015 9:54:32 GMT Driven by trade, the spread of alien species is increasing worldwide. This study combined 60 years of trade data with that on biodiversity and climate to model the spread of plant species across 147 countries. The model predicts significant increases in plant invasions in the next 20 years, especially for emerging economies. The authors say trade legislation must consider biological invasion and focus on regions at high risk. Full Article
ant Wild plant conservation efforts could benefit farming and food security By Published On :: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:12:34 GMT Conservation of wild plants related to important crops requires more concerted efforts, according to a new study conducted in Scotland. The study makes recommendations for improving conservation within Scotland, as well as outlining a process that could help other countries to prioritise their wild plants. Full Article
ant Artificial light at night — the impact on plants and ecology By Published On :: Wed, 04 May 2016 12:34:56 GMT Artificial light — such as street lighting and passing car headlights — has an impact on plants. A new study suggests there could also be broader implications for the interactions of herbivores and pollinators. The study highlights that disrupting seasonal light cues with artificial light has far-reaching effects, including: mismatches in timing with herbivores; altering the development of agricultural crops; inhibiting flowering in wild species; decreasing periods of darkness necessary for plant repair from environmental pollutants; and causing barriers to nocturnal pollinator species. Full Article
ant Climate change threatens early-flowering plants due to lack of snow By Published On :: Thu, 09 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Among the ecological effects of climate change are changes to the timing of natural events, such as flowering. To understand why these phenological changes affect reproduction, this study manipulated conditions in a spring herb to prompt premature flowering. This exposed the flowers to frost, and resulting damage caused dramatic reductions in plant reproduction, suggesting that climate change may threaten plant survival. Full Article
ant Early warnings: climate change may force plant ranges to split, threatening genetic diversity By Published On :: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:01:15 GMT Signs that the ranges of sub-mountainous forest plants in France have contracted in response to global warming have been detected in a new study. This pattern is likely to induce a splitting of these species’ ranges across Europe under future climate change, which could have serious consequences for plant genetic diversity and the capacity of plant populations to adapt to warming climates, say the researchers. Full Article
ant Rising sea levels will cause irreversible changes to plant communities in a Welsh wetland By Published On :: Thu, 07 Jul 2016 09:12:34 GMT As global temperatures continue to warm, sea-levels are expected to rise, increasing the risk of saltwater inundating wetlands in low-lying coastal areas. A study in Wales, UK, describes how rising sea levels will result in a shift from a wetland rich in plant diversity to one dominated by saltwater and mud in 200 years’ time. Full Article
ant Analysis of farmers’ social networks identifies important stakeholders for biodiversity conservation By Published On :: Thur, 10 Nov 2016 9:23:19 GMT Stakeholder support is essential to the success of environmental policies. A recent study has identified stakeholders that can promote biodiversity in European agricultural landscapes. The researchers found farmers were the most influential group of stakeholders, as they make the final decisions on land use. In turn, farmers are influenced in their decisions by a number of actors whose influence is perceived differently on a local and regional level. Full Article
ant Ocean acidification — caused by climate change — likely to reduce the survival rate of Atlantic cod larvae By Published On :: Thur, 15 Dec 2016 9:23:19 GMT The impact of ocean acidification — caused by increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions dissolving in sea water — on Atlantic cod larvae has been assessed in a new study. The researchers estimate that, under scenarios which might be reached at the end of the century, ocean acidification could double the mortality rate of cod larvae, reducing replenishment of juvenile fish into cod fisheries to 24% of previous recruitment. Full Article
ant Solar park impacts on microclimate, plants and greenhouse gas emissions By Published On :: Thur, 15 Dec 2016 9:23:19 GMT A UK solar park has been found to change the local microclimate, reports recently published research. Moreover, the microclimate coupled with management activities had an impact on greenhouse gas emissions and plant-community diversity and productivity under the solar panels. The study’s authors say their research provides a starting point for considering how to improve solar-park design in order to deliver co-benefits for biodiversity and farming, and minimise any negative environmental effects. Full Article
ant Diverse plant communities improve soil structure and, therefore, ecosystem services By Published On :: Thur, 26 Jan 2017 9:23:19 GMT Plant diversity improves soil stability, the results of a greenhouse experiment and a long-term field study show. This study, which covered a range of different soil types, is one of the first to investigate the effects of plant diversity on soil structure, which is important for provision of ecosystem services, such as carbon storage and the mitigation of excessive run-off. The findings could help tackle the problem of soil degradation, the researchers suggest. Full Article
ant BirdLife International’s ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’ well covered by Natura 2000 in Europe but potential to extend network By Published On :: Thur, 23 Feb 2017 9:23:19 GMT The coverage of ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’ (IBAs) in relation to Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds in the EU has been assessed in a new study. Overall, 66% of the IBA network is covered by SPAs. SPAs were found to cover 23% of the distributions of 435 EU bird species as well as 25% of the distributions of mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Full Article
ant Wildflower planting supports a range of beneficial insects, not only bees By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT A study of wildflower planting within agri-environment schemes has demonstrated that the practice can support a diverse array of economically beneficial insect species, not just prominent pollinators such as wild bees and hoverflies. The study demonstrates the high conservation potential of wildflower planting within agricultural landscapes and the value of insects outside the traditional focus of conservation efforts. Full Article
ant More plants and less snow at high elevation in the French Alps By Published On :: Thur, 19 July 2018 11:07:19 GMT Satellite images taken over a 30-year period have shown that a French national park in the Alps has become greener with more vegetation, as snow cover disappears under a changing climate. These landscape changes have important implications for alpine biodiversity and ecosystem services, warn the scientists behind the study. Full Article
ant Unmanaged expansion of woody plant cover may threaten alpine flora, fauna and farmers, Spanish Pyrenees By Published On :: Thur, 20 June 2019 11:23:19 GMT Increases in woody plant and shrub cover render alpine livestock less efficient at using their landscape, finds a new study of the eastern Spanish Pyrenees. Changes in land use and climate will affect not only flora and fauna but also the futures of alpine farmers, says the study, placing them at a growing economic risk both throughout Europe and worldwide. Full Article
ant Cantabrian brown-bear population: how climate change may endanger its long-term conservation, Spain By Published On :: Thur, 20 June 2019 11:23:19 GMT The impacts of climate changes can force animal- and, over a longer time period, plant species to shift their range. Forests in temperate regions, such as north-western Spain, will be increasingly exposed to drought over the next few decades, which is likely to cause geographical changes in their distribution and make-up1. New patterns of plant occupancy or plant extinction have a bottom-up effect on animal species dependent on them, which can significantly impact on isolated or endangered populations of animals. This study sought to assess the potential impact of climate change on the brown-bear (Ursus arctos) population in the Cantabrian Mountains. Full Article
ant Are bacteria becoming more resistant after biocide exposure? By Published On :: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 13:03:10 GMT Researchers have raised concerns that an increase in the use of biocides could reduce their effectiveness and, in some cases, may lead to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Standard risk assessment methods are urgently needed for the use of biocides in real-life situations, according to the scientists. Full Article
ant How well do wastewater treatment plants remove pharmaceuticals? By Published On :: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 14:04:15 GMT A comprehensive analysis of pharmaceuticals in Spanish wastewater has indicated that they are widespread pollutants. The majority of pharmaceuticals present in incoming wastewater were still present in both treated water and in the river waters receiving the treated water. Full Article
ant Reducing trace pollutants in waste water with ozonation By Published On :: Thu, 20 May 2010 15:04:55 +0100 A new study from Austria shows that ozonation, a more advanced form of waste water treatment, may be required to further reduce levels of trace pollutants, called micropollutants, in addition to longer treatment times. Full Article
ant Biology as important as chemistry in assessing toxic mixtures By Published On :: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 11:14:55 +0100 Researchers have developed the first biology-based model to predict the sub-lethal effects of chemical mixtures on organisms. Sub-lethal effects do not cause death but can damage processes such as growth and reproduction. The model provided accurate predictions of the sub-lethal impacts of a chemical mixture on water fleas. Full Article
ant Protecting surface waters from combined effects of chemical contaminants By Published On :: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 11:18:02 +0100 Surface water is considered to be of good ecological quality if the Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) of contaminants in the water are not exceeded. However, new research suggests that even when each individual contaminant does not exceed its MPC, water quality may be compromised by the combined effects of contaminants. Full Article
ant Antibiotic cocktails harmful to freshwater bacteria By Published On :: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 13:32:33 GMT New research has indicated that, at its current levels in the environment, a commonly used antibiotic (chlortetracycline) is toxic to freshwater bacteria. Moreover, when combined with four other antibiotics, the collective effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects. Full Article
ant Analysis of greywater reuse considers pollutant management By Published On :: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:47:27 GMT Research into reuse of domestic 'greywater' (non-toilet wastewater) has found that typical treatment systems can significantly reduce overall water consumption. However, non-biodegradable micropollutants will continue to reach municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), unless a new disposal route is found for the greywater treatment sludge. Full Article
ant New method for assessing organic pollutant risks in surface waters By Published On :: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:50:49 +0100 A new approach to assessing the risk posed by 500 organic chemicals potentially found in the surface waters of river basins across Europe has been developed. It allows pollutants of concern, including emerging substances, to be identified and prioritised by Member States for monitoring and action as required by the Water Framework Directive. Full Article
ant New tools to predict toxicity of fire retardants By Published On :: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:49:53 +0100 Researchers have developed new tools to screen previously untested fire-retardant chemicals for potential toxicity. The tools – known as Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models – could allow regulatory decisions to be made in the absence of experimental data, saving time and money by prioritising risk assessments for the most hazardous substances. Full Article