
How entrepreneurs can avoid perfectionism and become more effective

When misfortune and tragedy strike, it is wise to avoid the delusion of perfectionism. The belief that you...


The method entrepreneurs use to avoid catastrophic failures

Few things in life are as difficult as acknowledging mistakes, in particular those that we have made out of conviction. Choosing an unsuitable profession or...


Tips on how to Inform That you Have Too many Toxins with the Physique ?





     The last three decades revealed a new phenomenon in the field of English literature. More and more Indian, Chinese and African origin...


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar's Satsang matter - 10

An insight into the science of yoga

April 18,...


Stimulating entrepreneurial mindsets and behaviours in east German higher education: State of play and inspiring practices

As part of the OECD LEED project on university support for entrepreneurship in eastern Germany, undertaken in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Regional Development, this handbook presents highlights of results of a series of case studies and a university survey.


Korea leading in technologies that have potential for future growth, says OECD

Thanks to robust skills and investment in R&D, Korea is leading in the development of frontier technologies with potential to transform production processes, stimulate the entry of new firms, and the launch of ground-breaking products and applications, according to a new OECD report.


Avoid escalation and rely on dialogue to resolve excess capacity in the global steel industry

The OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría called on the governments of steel-producing economies to address the root causes of today’s steel crisis through multilateral approaches, and in particular through the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity.


Hungary deepens commitment to fight offshore tax avoidance and evasion

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomed today Hungary’s steps to strengthen international tax co-operation after it became the 61st signatory to the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.


A magyar gazdaság növekszik, de a képzettség, az üzleti beruházások és a jövedelmek javításához reformokra van szükség

A magyar gazdaság a jelentős exportnak és az erőteljes hazai keresletnek köszönhetően számottevően bővült az elmúlt években.


Taxation of household savings: Key findings for Hungary

This note presents marginal effective tax rates (METRs) that summarise the tax system’s impact on the incentives to make an additional investment in a particular type of savings. By comparing METRs on different types of household savings, we can gain insights into which assets or savings types receive the most favourable treatment from the tax system.


The Heavy Burden of Obesity: Key findings for France

Around one in five adults in France are obese. While this is below the OECD average, obesity still has a significant impact. The French live on average 2.3 years less due to overweight. Overweight accounts for 4.9% of health expenditure; and lowers labour market outputs by the equivalent of 671 thousand full time workers per year. Combined, this means that overweight reduces France’s GDP by 2.7%.


The Secretary-General of the OECD will be in Reykjavik, Iceland, on an Official Visit, 27 September 2013

Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, will travel to Reykjavik to meet with Mr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, Mr. Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Prime Minister, Mr. Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, and other members of the government.


Taxation of household savings: Key findings for Iceland

This note presents marginal effective tax rates (METRs) that summarise the tax system’s impact on the incentives to make an additional investment in a particular type of savings. By comparing METRs on different types of household savings, we can gain insights into which assets or savings types receive the most favourable treatment from the tax system.


Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Reykjavik on 15-16 September 2019

Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, will be in Reykjavik on 15-16 September 2019 to present the 2019 OECD Economic Survey of Iceland, alongside Mr. Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, and Ms. Lilja Alfredsdottir, Minister of Education, Science and Culture of Iceland.


The Heavy Burden of Obesity: Key findings for Italy

While the prevalence of obesity in Italy is lower than in most other countries, it still has significant consequences. Italians live on average 2.7 years less due to overweight. Overweight accounts for 9.0% of health expenditure, above the average for other countries. Labour market outputs are lower due to overweight by the equivalent of 571 thousand full time workers per year.


Improving Italy’s capital market will boost growth opportunities for Italian companies and savers

Italy’s structural reforms of recent years have improved the financial health of the corporate sector and contributed to a gradual economic recovery. However, the Italian economy still lags other large European economies. Improving the way capital markets function would help drive investment in the real economy, creating jobs and boosting productivity, according to a new OECD report.


Can we save our democracies from hackers?

The first generation of those born into the internet age is already joining the workforce and yet the internet still manages to disrupt. The phenomenon of fake news is one of the by-products of digital transformation and it is worth taking a look at what is new, and not so new, and how it fits in to the rest of what some are calling the “post-truth world”.


Pensions reforms have slowed in OECD countries but need to continue

Further reforms are needed across OECD countries to mitigate the impact of population ageing, increasing inequality among the elderly and the changing nature of work, according to a new OECD report. Pensions at a Glance 2017 says that public spending on pensions for the OECD as a whole has risen by about 1.5% of GDP since 2000. However, the projected pace of spending growth has slowed substantially.


2018 Roundtable on Insurance and Retirement Saving in Asia

25-26 April 2018, Tokyo - This event will bring together key stakeholders from the Asia Pacific region to discuss policy issues relevant to the sound development of insurance and private pensions markets.


The Application of Behavioural Insights to Financial Literacy and Investor Education Programmes and Initiatives

Behavioural insights have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of financial literacy and investor education initiatives. This IOSCO/OECD report explores the extent to which they are being used, reviews the available literature and presents various approaches for policy makers and practitioners to consider when seeking to change financial behaviour.


Improvements to pension systems have made them better placed to deliver pensions

Improvements in the design of pension systems over the last decade in OECD countries have made them more financially sustainable and governments should now focus on ensuring they provide people with an adequate retirement income, according to a new OECD report.


OECD and UNHCR call for scaling up integration policies in favour of refugees

The heads of the OECD and UNHCR, at a joint high-level Conference on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Paris today, have called on governments to scale up their efforts to help refugees integrate and contribute to the societies and economies of Europe.


How does having immigrant parents affect the outcomes of children in Europe?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates assesses the intergenerational transmission of the disadvantages encountered by migrants, in absolute and relative terms, and the conditions under which the native-born children of immigrants may be resilient in the face of the challenges of their parents’ generation. It summarises a recent OECD report (OECD, 2017) on this issue, funded by the European Commission.


Massive data gaps leave refugee, migrant and displaced children in danger and without access to basic services

Gaps in data covering refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and internally displaced populations are endangering the lives and well-being of millions of children on the move, warned five UN and partner agencies today.


Taxation of household savings: Key findings for Luxembourg

This note presents marginal effective tax rates (METRs) that summarise the tax system’s impact on the incentives to make an additional investment in a particular type of savings. By comparing METRs on different types of household savings, we can gain insights into which assets or savings types receive the most favourable treatment from the tax system.


World Environment Day: Greening household behaviour

Saving the environment falls into that category for many people, but the good news for the planet is that the OECD has identified a group of people who “believe that sacrifices will be necessary to solve environmental problems”.


New OECD report offers tips on how households can green their behaviour

People care for the environment, and a large majority state that they are willing to make compromises to green their lifestyle according to a new OECD survey of 12,000 households. However, the economic crisis has taken its toll, and the survey shows that the environment is slipping down on the list of people’s priorities.


International Conference on Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities, Tel Aviv

The Government of Israel and the OECD co-organised an international conference on "Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities: Policy, Economics, Environment, Regulation and Technologies" on 23 October 2013, in Tel Aviv.


Insight Blog - Wake up and save the coffee: Making development climate-resilient

A new OECD report describes what Ethiopia and Columbia are doing to sustain development in a changing climate.


Rising air pollution-related deaths taking heavy toll on society, OECD says

Air pollution is costing advanced economies plus China and India an estimated USD 3.5 trillion a year in premature deaths and ill health and the costs will rise without government action to limit vehicle emissions, a new OECD report says.


Can you have your green cake and eat it too? Environmental policies as an ingredient for economic growth - Insights Blog

In today’s hard times, policy-makers can find it difficult to sell their environmental policies. To many, these policies represent a burden on the economy.


If the tortoise can do it, anyone can: greening household behaviour - Insights Blog

Please join me in an ode to the giant tortoise, recently confirmed to be back from near extinction on the Galapagos Espanola Island after conservation work that began forty years ago. Whoever thought this waddly wild wonk would be a model for humans to improve environment through adept household behaviour?


Band-aids won’t save the polar bears: smarter climate adaptation needed - Insights Blog

The polar bear, floating mournfully away on an ice floe as his habitat melts around him, is perhaps one of the most well-travelled symbols of the impacts of climate change.


Circular logic: why we don’t have to destroy to develop - Insights Blog

When considering a by-product, can this material or waste be used in another industry or in another manufacturing process instead of putting it into the environment, moving “from waste to resources” as the OECD says?


Working Papers on greening household behaviour

Latest Environment Working Papers on greening household behaviour: overview of results from econometric analysis and policy implications; energy; food; transport; waste; and water.


Environment working papers on behavioural economics

This series is designed to make available to a wider readership selected studies on environmental issues prepared for use within the OECD. Two recent working papers: sustainable Consumption Dilemmas and Tender Instruments: Programme Participation and Impact in Australian Conservation Tenders, Grants and Volunteer Organisations.


Save our soil!

The year 2015 is the International Year of Soils. It is also the year the UN Millennium Development Goals launched in 2000 expire, and are to be replaced by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 goals and their 169 targets cover a vast range of issues, but care for the soil is the foundation of sustainability and is central to practically every SDG.


Let’s talk money: What will it take to save our planet? Insights Blog

OECD can work its hardest to raise awareness on the truths of climate change, but the world won’t see developments in green technology and infrastructure unless we have eager investors backing up investment and research and development in low-carbon technologies.


Saving every drop: How the OECD reduces its environmental footprint - Insights Blog

We could spend World Environment Day warning of the doom and gloom of future Earth, but considering how much we have done that already, that’s not going to get us very far as we approach this year’s COP21 in Paris. Instead, we are going to give you a taste on what we do here at the OECD headquarters to help save the environment, taking our own medicine on what we prescribe to governments.


"Ecological Footprint" leaving a trail at OECD

This project is unique in that it explores how national-level policies impact household behaviour. Topics include energy use, food consumption, personal transport choices, waste generation and recycling, and water consumption. Yet the project does not specifically discuss the term “ecological footprint,” and it retains a macro-policy focus, targeting governments interested in learning which policies to implement.


Decarbonising the global economy: The direction of travel after COP21 - Live video

The IEA is pleased to announce the second event in its new distinguished speaker series, Big IdEAs, which brings global leaders and decision makers to the IEA to share their views on a range of global issues. On Friday 29 January starting at 11h30, Professor Sir David King, the UK Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change, will speak on "Towards decarbonising the global economy".


Flabber-gassed by our noxious air: can electric vehicles save us? Insights Blog

Paris is a beautiful city but has an ugly problem with air pollution. Using 2 wheels to get to work, one becomes acutely aware of this insidious addiction to cars, and the “essence” of the problem, DIESEL.


Pollution havens? Energy prices are not key drivers of offshoring

New evidence on the effect of energy prices on outward FDI can provide some reassurance in light of concerns about Pollution Havens.


Navigating pathways to reform water policies in agriculture - Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers

This report offers a guide on potential reform pathways towards sustainable agriculture water use, based on a thorough review of selected past water and agriculture reforms and extensive consultation with policy experts.


Travel around the soil of Immense warriors in Rajasthan

Culture is another name of Rajasthan and famous for their festivals and traditional fairs. While you are exploring this state where golden sand dune desert exist. So the desert may offer a magical view of sandy vastness that spread miles...


What have we learned from attempts to introduce green-growth policies?

Long-term projections suggest that without policy changes, the continuation of business-as-usual economic growth and development will have serious impacts on natural resources and the ecosystem services on which human well-being depends.


New OECD report offers tips on how households can green their behaviour

People care for the environment, and a large majority state that they are willing to make compromises to green their lifestyle according to a new OECD survey of 12,000 households. However, the economic crisis has taken its toll, and the survey shows that the environment is slipping down on the list of people’s priorities.


A call for zero emissions from the World Economic Forum in Davos

OECD Secretary-General, Mr. Angel Gurría, gives his views in this blog from the World Economic Forum in Davos on the huge risk that carbon dioxide emissions pose to the economy and the environment.


Rising air pollution-related deaths taking heavy toll on society, OECD says

Air pollution is costing advanced economies plus China and India an estimated USD 3.5 trillion a year in premature deaths and ill health and the costs will rise without government action to limit vehicle emissions, a new OECD report says.