
Extreme weather and global media / edited by Julia Leyda and Diane Negra


How to master nursing calculations : pass numeracy tests and make sense of drug dosage charts / Chris Tyreman ; adapted by Patricia Farrar

Tyreman, Chris


Chinese herbal formulas : treatment principles and composition strategies / Yifan Yang ; foreword by Jeremy Ross

Yang, Yifan


Discovering statistics using R / Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, Zoë Field

Field, Andy P


Linear algebra : theorems and applications / contributors: Francesco Aldo Costabile, Elizabetta Longo et al


Consuming kids [videorecording] : the commercialization of childhood / written and directed by Adriana Barbaro and Jeremy Earp ; produced by Adriana Barbaro


Brandchild : remarkable insights into the minds of today's global kids and their relationship with brands / Martin Lindstrom with Patricia B Seybold

Lindström, Martin, 1970-


JSON vs. XML: The battle for format supremacy may be wasted energy

Back in the late 90s, when standards were proprietary and communication protocols complicated, two data formats appeared on the horizon. The first was the extensible markup language, born as an extension of an existing markup language standard (XML), and designed (by an open committee) with the purpose of storing and defining documents and data through the optional use of a schema.  The other, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), born out of a programming language, was almost the exact opposite – a serialization format with requirements so simple they fit on the back of a business card. XML exploded in application development and communication platforms in the 2000s due in large part to the sheer demand for a human readable, vendor-neutral data format that was easy to read, write and share. As applications and platforms evolved and efficiency grew in priority, APIs evolved to become leaner, and JSON overtook XML as the preferred data interchange format among developers across many technology stacks.

JSON vs. XML: The battle for format supremacy may be wasted energy


Facebook Removes Fake Accounts

Facebook purged  583 million fake accounts in the first three months of 2018, demonstrating the amount of spam, violent content and hate speech that gets smeared across the social network.

complete article


Mozilla plans to remove RSS feed reader and Live Bookmarks support from Firefox

Mozillas current plan aims for a removal of both features in Firefox 63 or Firefox 64, out October or December 2018. The change won't affect the current Firefox 60 ESR version but the next Firefox ESR after Firefox 60 ESR won't support both features anymore as well.

We published an overview of Live Bookmarks in 2014, but Firefox supported the feature for much longer. Live Bookmarks allowed Firefox users to subscribe to a site's RSS feed so that new articles would be displayed in a bookmarks folder in the web browser.

complete article


Mozilla removes RSS feed support from Firefox

RSS feeds has had another nail in the coffin, as Mozilla has decided to stop supporting the technology in their Firefox browser.

According to Mozilla the feature has low usage, and removing it will mean fewer resources spent on securing and maintaining the feature.

complete article


How social networks are recruiting teenage extremists

In March, in the aftermath of the Christchurch shooting, I tried to distinguish between internet problems and platform problems. Internet problems arise from the existence of a free and open network that connects most of the world; platform problems arise from features native to the platform. The fact that anti-vaccination zealots can meet online is an internet problem; the fact that Facebook recommended that new mothers join anti-vaccination groups is a platform problem.

The recent rise in white supremacist violence around the world has given us fresh reason to ask which aspects of the problem belong to the entire internet, and which belong to our biggest social networks. It seems apparent that the internet is cultivating loose but potent networks of extremists. But what are the mechanics of this radicalization? And what role could platforms play in discouraging it?

complete article


Compliance by former Ministers of State with the requirements of the Prime Minister's Statement of Ministerial Standards / The Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Finance and Public Administration References Committee, author, issuing body


Fraud prevention in online digital advertising / Xingquan Zhu, Haicheng Tao, Zhiang Wu, Jie Cao, Kristopher Kalish, Jeremy Kayne

Online Resource


The strategic procurement practice guide: know-how, tools and techniques for global buyers / Ulrich Weigel, Marco Ruecker

Online Resource


[ASAP] Genetic Engineering-Facilitated Coassembly of Synthetic Bacterial Cells and Magnetic Nanoparticles for Efficient Heavy Metal Removal

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c04512


Remembering the 1857 uprising: Portraits of resistance

On the anniversary of the 1857 revolution, a look back at how that pivotal moment in Indian history lives on in literature


Feed gas exchange (startup/shutdown) effects on Pt/C cathode electrocatalysis and surface Pt-oxide behavior in polymer electrolyte fuel cells as revealed using in situ real-time XAFS and high-resolution STEM measurements

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22,9424-9437
DOI: 10.1039/C9CP06895C, Paper
Gabor Samjeské, Takuma Kaneko, Takao Gunji, Kotaro Higashi, Tomoya Uruga, Mizuki Tada, Yasuhiro Iwasawa
Feed gas exchange (startup/shutdown) effects on Pt/C electrocatalysis and surface Pt-oxide behavior in PEFC were investigated by in situ real-time XAFS, synchronized with CV, and high-resolution STEM for the first time.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Premelting of ice adsorbed on a rock surface

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9CP06836H, Paper
V. Esteso, S. Carretero-Palacios, L. G. MacDowell, Johannes Fiedler, D. F. Parsons, F. Spallek, H. Míguez, C. Persson, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, I. Brevik, M. Boström
Considering ice-premelting on a quartz rock surface (i.e. silica) we calculate the Lifshitz excess pressures in a four layer system with rock–ice–water–air.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


IL@CQD catalyzed active ester rearrangement for the detection and removal of cyanide ions

Analyst, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00361A, Paper
Monika Chaudhary, Meenakshi Verma, Pushap Raj, Kailash C. Jena, Narinder Singh
Recognition of cyanide ion with IL@CQDs catalyzed rearranged product.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Removing interference-based effects from infrared spectra – interference fringes re-revisited

Analyst, 2020, 145,3385-3394
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00062K, Paper
Thomas G. Mayerhöfer, Susanne Pahlow, Uwe Hübner, Jürgen Popp
Substantial refractive index mismatches between substrate and layers lead to undulating baselines and changes of band intensity, shape and position. For proper spectrum interpretation, all of these effects must be removed.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Quantitative toxicological study of dose-dependent arsenic-induced cells via synchrotron-based STXM and FTIR measurement

Analyst, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00346H, Paper
Huiqiang Liu, Junshan Xiu, Yunyan Liu, Bengyi Wang, Yanling Xue, Min Chen, Te Ji
Inorganic arsenic (iAs) is a well-known naturally occurring metalloid with abundant hazards in our environment, especially being a human carcinogen through arsenic contaminated drinking water. The iAs-related contamination is usually...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Theatre for Peacebuilding: The Role of Arts in Conflict Transformation in South Asia / by Nilanjana Premaratna

Online Resource


Environmental conflict and cooperation: premise, purpose, persuasion, and promise / James R. Lee

Dewey Library - JZ1324.L44 2020


A debate to remember: the US-India nuclear deal / Chaitanya Ravi

Dewey Library - JZ5675.R385 2018


Modern diplomacy in practice / written and edited by Robert Hutchings, Jeremi Suri

Online Resource


Globalization and regime change: lessons from the New Russia and the New Europe / edited by Robin Alison Remington and Robert K. Evanson

Dewey Library - JZ1318.G57916 2020


Visible and invisible whiteness: American white supremacy through the cinematic lens / Alice Mikal Craven

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.W45 C73 2018


The Muslim world in post - 9/11 American cinema: a critical study, 2001-2011 / Kerem Bayraktaroğlu

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.I697 B39 2018


Cultivating extreme art cinema: text, paratext and home video culture / Simon Hobbs

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.E96 H63 2018


The remarkable journey of Coyote Sunrise / Dan Gemeinhart

Gemeinhart, Dan, author


Pie in the Sky / Remy Lai

Lai, Remy, author, artist


WEBINAR: Extending Child Support Cooperation Requirements: The State Perspective


Learning Remotely in the Age of COVID-19: Lessons from Evidence and Concerns for Equity

The spread of COVID-19 has caused schools and districts across the country to shutter their doors. States, districts, and schools must suddenly and unexpectedly grapple with the new reality of providing a quality education to every student remotely.


Refining Your Remote Learning Strategies Using a Data-Driven Approach: The Evidence to Insights Coach

With school buildings closed by COVID-19, schools and districts across the country are rapidly (and sometimes frantically) transitioning to remote learning.


Oxyanion transport across lipid bilayers: direct measurements in large and giant unilamellar vesicles

Chem. Commun., 2020, 56,4910-4913
DOI: 10.1039/C9CC09888G, Communication
Krzysztof M. Bąk, Bartjan van Kolck, Krystyna Maslowska-Jarzyna, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Alexander Kros, Michał J. Chmielewski
A simple, carbazole-based dithioamide receptor transports a variety of biologically relevant anions through lipid bilayers, as shown by direct fluorescent assays in LUVs and GUVs.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


New essays on human understanding / G.W. Leibniz ; translated and edited by Peter Remnant and Jonathan Bennett

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1646-1716, author


Monadologies / edited by Jeremy Dunham and Pauline Phemister


La métaphysique de Plotin : suivi de, Henôsis et Ereignis : remarques sur une interprétation heideggérienne de l'Un plotinien / par Jean-Marc Narbonne

Narbonne, Jean-Marc, 1957- author


Queering representation: LGBTQ people and electoral politics in Canada / edited by Manon Tremblay

Dewey Library - HQ73.3.C2 Q44 2019


Me and white supremacy: combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor / Layla F. Saad, foreword by Robin DiAngelo

Online Resource


Antisocial: online extremists, techno-utopians, and the hijacking of the American conversation / Andrew Marantz

Dewey Library - HN90.R3 M343 2019


Waiting on retirement: aging and economic insecurity in low-wage work / Mary Gatta

Dewey Library - HQ1063.2.U6 G38 2019


With and without Galton: Vasilii Florinskii and the fate of eugenics in Russia / Nikolai Krementsov

Hayden Library - HQ751.F563 K74 2018


Healing from hate: how young men get into--and out of--violent extremism / Michael Kimmel

Dewey Library - HN49.R33 K56 2018


Growing up queer: kids and the remaking of LGBTQ identity / Mary Robertson

Hayden Library - HQ76.27.Y68 R63 2019


The path to gay rights: how activism and coming out changed public opinion / Jeremiah J. Garretson

Dewey Library - HQ76.8.U5 G3575 2018


Rethinking Britain: policy ideas for the many / edited by Sue Konzelmann, Susan Himmelweit, Jeremy Smith and John Weeks

Dewey Library - HN385.5.R48 2019


Spinoza on reason, passions, and the supreme good / Andrea Sangiacomo

Online Resource


Remnants of Hegel: remains of ontology, religion, and community / Félix Duque ; translated by Nicholas Walker

Hayden Library - B2948.D82613 2018