
Finnish supermarkets use 'happy hour' to fight food waste

After 9 p.m., shoppers snatch up heavily discounted foods that are close to expiry.


Philadelphia Wants to Join New York & Paris in the Park in The Sky Club

Paris has the Promenade plantée and New York has The High Line, parks created on top of once-abandoned railway tracks. Now plans are afoot in Philadelphia to transform the Reading Viaduct into what its designers are


Philadelphia taxes soda to raise money for schools and parks

The mayor has portrayed the controversial soda tax as a great source of revenue with which to do fabulous things for the city, rather than a benefit for public health.


Park Avenue Green is the largest Passive House building in North America

But Passive House is so expensive! How can you build housing for the homeless and low income families this way?


Remarkable hotel hosts guests in clear capsules suspended 400 ft. on mountain (Video)

Created for adventurers by adventurers, this unique hotel in Peru features three sleeping pods that guests must climb up to.


Kids can't play in these parks

Pesticides make lawns unplayable.


Breathtaking timelapse video shows the beating heart of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (video)

It was shot from "sea to summit" in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, one of the most dynamic landscapes on Earth.


Top 4 supermarket chains for sustainable seafood

Greenpeace's annual survey of national retailers' progress on sustainable seafood reveals the leaders and the losers.


Fish and chip shops in UK are serving endangered shark meat

A new study used DNA testing to reveal shark meat being sold under generic fish names.


Supermarket cuts emissions 53%, offsets rest

This is how to do climate action the right way.


What would a world without sharks be like?

At the rate we’re killing them, we may soon see it firsthand.


Scotland bans parking on sidewalks

One would think this would be obvious, that sidewalks are for people, not cars.


Fate of Dying Lake Sparks Clashes in NW Iran

Fresh demonstrations have broken out in Iran, where protesters who took to the streets last weekend in the country's northwestern provinces to demand protection for a dying lake were harshly


Let's stop calling the new headquarters for Apple, Facebook and Google "Green": Look at the parking ratios

You just have to look at the parking ratios to know they are environmental disaster areas.


Does the world need a glow-in-the-dark bike?

It's a nice idea, as long as it isn't sending the wrong message.


The Jill Stein Presidential Campaign Was Both a Dismal Failure and a Remarkable Win

Stein may have gotten only 0.3% of the national vote, but that's actually a huge increase over what Greens have gotten in the past two elections.


Photographer documents India's forgotten yet still remarkable water stepwells

These impressive feats of architecture and engineering are one of India's traditional methods of water conservation. Now threatened by disuse and a growing water crisis, one photojournalist is documenting them before they are forgotten.


The best, worst and shark-jumpingest shipping container architecture of 2017

There is a shipping container building revolution coming, but it won't look like a bunch of silly boxes.


Makers' markets are where you should do all your holiday shopping

Put your money directly into the hands that made the gift you're buying.


The Magnolia is an extra-wide 'park model' tiny house (Video)

Coming in at 425 square feet, this extra-wide, modernist tiny house actually feels quite roomy.


Why we need certified 'Quiet Parks'

"If you don't visit quiet, the quiet will disappear."


One Female Left: Wolves May Go Extinct in Michigan National Park

The last pack of wolves in a Michigan national park is near extinction. Should humans intervene?


Federal Food Aid Recipients Double Their Money at Local Farmers' Markets

The evaluation report three years after Double Up Food Bucks started giving incentives to SNAP (formerly food stamp) recipients


Crisis for electronics recycling as glass market collapses

Ian Urbina reports at The New York Times on the negative side effects the tech industries shift to flat screen technology has had on the market for recycling old television and computer monitor glass


If you want your city to replace parking spots with bike lanes, use perspective

One of the biggest challenges of making cities more bike friendly is that most of the road space is already "used up." Adding bike lanes means removing something. That's when a bit of perspective comes in handy.


Montreal supermarket opens huge organic rooftop garden

Talk about slashing food miles; 'fresh from the roof' is as local as it gets.


Flowchart: How To Find Real Food At The Supermarket

Darya Pino of Summer Tomato prepared this terrific flow chart to help navigate the supermarket.Marion Nestle of Food Politics liked it, noting:


'Making do' is more important than 'sparking joy'

Our focus should be on making things last and serve their purpose, not throwing them away.


Business park plans 15 MW, unsubsidized solar farm

As subsidy-free renewables proliferate, it will become harder to derail decarbonization.


Have Infographics Jumped The Shark? Episode 3

Megan McArdle at the Atlantic piles on the Infographic debate, " issuing a plea to bloggers to help stop this plague in its track."


Why 'South Park' doesn't understand climate change

The show gets a lot right about climate change, Al Gore and Manbearpig, but it misses something major about human nature.


Studio 804 creates smaller houses for a changing market

Dan Rockhill and his students keep pushing the building envelope.


Landmark study shows how to change the building sector from a major carbon emitter to a major carbon sink

When made from the right materials, buildings can be a solution, not a problem.


9 Best New Electric Scooters on the Market (Slideshow)

Electric vehicles have come a long way in the last few years, steadily gaining acceptance as a practical and sustainable form of transportation. This is especially true in cities, where most trips are short and space is at a premium.


Getting the Market to Tell the Truth

If the world is to move onto a sustainable path we need the market to tell the truth, through full cost pricing.


A new home in a dome by NRJA makes some remarkable claims

Domes are tough. Here is a design that tries to make them comfortable. Does it live up to its billing?


Why are transit riders who jump fares treated so much more harshly than drivers who steal parking spaces?

It's time for some fareness.


A remarkable video of the ever elusive snow leopard

Ever wonder what it would look like to be in the maw of a snow leopard? Wonder no more.


Red meat may be taxed in Denmark to fight climate change

Climate change has become an ethical issue in the eyes of the Danish Council for Ethics, which suggested last week that the government consider a tax on beef, and eventually all foods depending on climate impact.


6 mega-trends that marked the past decade

These are the ones that also had a green slant to them, making them special to TreeHugger's heart.


UK supermarket trials package-free groceries

Waitrose wants to see how serious shoppers are about bringing their own containers.


UK supermarket Tesco says it will ban products with excessive packaging

The company is ramping up pressure on suppliers to design less wasteful packaging.


Iceland marks lost glacier with a plaque

The ancient Ok glacier, a fraction of its former size and unable to move, was declared dead in 2014.


10 of the world’s most remarkable trees

From oldest to tallest to most sacred and more, we present a brief who's-who of arboreal heros.


How to practice 'forest bathing' in a park

The Japanese pursuit of shinrin-yoku uses trees and nature to heal oneself – here's how you can do it even in a park.


From Parentables: Bisphenol A Found In Canned Soup Marketed To Kids

A new study from the Breast Cancer Fund shows that BPA is found in canned foods marketed specifically to kids. This should be no surprise to TreeHugger readers; we have been talking about BPA lining cans for years. All


Sharks under attack: These animals are overfished and underprotected

An alarming case study in the North Atlantic bolsters Greenpeace's call for a Global Ocean Treaty.


Wintermarket Wonderland at the Seaport

Hundreds of people weathered the blizzard last Sunday to support New Amsterdam's Wintermarket in lower Manhattan. The New Amsterdam Market is not your


Spread your grocery dollars beyond the supermarket

It supports local business owners and gives you more local and seasonal options.


Paul Watson's Arrest Bringing New Focus to Costa Rica's Anti-Shark Finning Efforts

Two ships of shark fin poachers have been stopped in the past two weeks, influenced by renewed government focus on the issue due to Paul Watson's case in Germany.